
  • Let’s imagine that it's the first day of the year and you feel the pull to create big, bad, hairy, audacious goals. The problem is looking at what you want to accomplish reminds you of what you didn't actually accomplish last year. But don't worry, statistics show that you're not alone. We are not alone. Everyone has grand ambitions as the clock strikes midnight on 12/31. On December 31, right, the gyms are packed the first few weeks of January and by February, those same gyms are running membership retention specials to try to recoup the windfall that they had in January. And they've already lost all of that progress. So what can you do, supermom, to change your outlook and your chances of success and the New Year?

    I say this every year, but I start my New Year routine way back in November and December and I’m here to invite you to join me in the process for yourself! We’ll be kicking off the New Year New Mom Challenge very soon so be sure to register, for free, by going to https://www.crunchysupermom.com/newyearchallenge

    Together we will go through the four main steps for a fresh start over the course of 5 days. It doesn’t matter when you start this process, it doesn’t have to be on or around January 1st. It can be any time.

    In the New Year New Mom Challenge - we are going to be establishing the foundation of your system--because it is my system or systems that have kept me successful throughout my life. Anytime I talk to a mom who's just struggling, if you're struggling, look at your system, if you don't have one, that's why you're here. That's why you're here in the Crunchy supermom community because that's what we do together-- we create systems. There are many opportunities for you to steal my system and try it out. It will probably teach you how a good system can work but eventually, it won’t quite work for you because the key to a good system is that it needs to fit you and your life.

    What can you do, SuperMom to change your outlook and your chances of success in the new year?
  • What is Guaranteed?

    Strategy #4 is Money. Employment has never been guaranteed. Job volatility has always been around. There are times when our economy does well and then there are times when it does poorly. When we’re in a good place, you make money, pay bills, and make tiny bits of progress toward their big financial goals. But it’s never perfect nor will it ever. Do you have a plan for when things change drastically?

    Right now we're seeing a lot of problems in the job industry. There's job loss or job furlough with people not sure if they're going to have a job in the future.

    And then there's job vulnerability, because many jobs are at risk of being shut down or canceled. All kinds of companies and institutions are struggling to promise a paycheck for their employees because they don't know what the future holds.

    Virtual is the New Normal

    It's really neat that some institutions like our schools have been able to move to a virtual setting. That's also dangerous because it requires fewer people to run something digitally, right? It's good for the education of the kids, but bad for the educators and other people that are involved in it. Think about the people that run the school, like the janitorial staff, the cafeteria staff, and all those other people. If you're not there in person, they don't really have a job. So there's a lot of vulnerability in jobs right now.

    Working Until Retirement

    There's also a lot of overworked employees right now, like police officers, medical and health care professionals, and even some of the restaurant staff like the ones that do the delivery services like InstaCart, UberEats.

    I’m sure they’re overworked. I'm also sure they're happy because finding a job and finding steady income right now can be really challenging. We were already told that if we haven't figured out a way to make money in our sleep, that we're going to end up working until we die. D.I.E. And that's actually very true.


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  • There Is No "Right" Time to Follow Your Dreams

    I know. It's kind of a sad reality check right there to hear that, but it's the truth. There's always going to be another reason why your goals are going to need to take the backseat.

    There's going to be another baby (that happened to me - our third baby was a total surprise). There's going to be toddlerhood, you're going to have a spirited child, one of your children will be more difficult than the other. There's going to be sports when they get older. There's gonna be childhood activities. That activity list gets so long, even when we say no to everything. We're spending a lot of time traveling, doing things, paying for things, buying her the right outfit for the things, making sure clothes fit... (oh my gosh, don't even get me started on shopping for three girls).

    Get the Guide to Getting Shit Done - FREE - Here.

  • Sit down, make a plan for the future and change your mindset.

    Do you currently believe that you are resilient? Do you currently see yourself as a supermom? Why don't you believe that you can homeschool and work from home?Why don’t you believe you can deal with whatever is about to come your way?Why do you believe that? Have you not gone through worse stuff?

    Get the Super Mom's Guide to Getting Shit Done, Free, here.
  • How Modernization Has Changed Life

    When you have constant access to the internet, that means you can constantly work and that also means that your employer can constantly contact you and expect a really quick response.

    The problem with that is that you're working more and probably getting paid the same. You're not able to create the true American dream that you want, because you might have your white picket fence and you might have your fully loaded SUV, but you're working so much to pay for those things. It's awful when you're a salary worker because you get paid the same no matter how many hours you work, and sometimes you have to work until the job gets done. Which is the case in our household for my husband. It's a salaried job.

    Do we ever have the time to use our money to impact the world in a way that makes us feel good?

    ==>> Read more on the blog

    ==>> Get the Super Mom's Guide to Getting Sh¡t Done

  • Join me in a small group coaching program for the school year - Productively Present Parenting™ Homeschool Life Support Edition https://www.crunchysupermom.com/productively-present-parenting-homeschool

    Read more here https://www.crunchysupermom.com/blog/shift-focus-1

    Get my Top Working Mom Productivity tools here https://www.crunchysupermom.com/ppe-homeschool-live-talk-registration

  • For a super-fast boost to your antioxidant systems that promote and enhance genes that will assist in efficient detoxification (specifically Phase 2 detoxification), just sign up here.

    You’ll get a video that explains more and you’ll get the Biohacker’s Detox with Crunchy Super Mom complete list and personalized action plan for supporting your body’s detox pathways naturally.

  • In this episode we're going to spend some time talking about marriage. It's not a topic I cover often because marriage is one of those tricky subjects that none of us are really experts in. And however, I have a friend named Cindy Maxwell, who's on this episode with me today and I want to have her share her wisdom because she was the one who pointed me in the direction of a book called love and respect. By Dr. Emerson Eggeret. I hope I said his name correctly. So I just want to tell you a little bit about Cindy. She has been a you've been married for 17 years. And then you have she has six kids and she's been homeschooling them for seven years and she's like she's a Crunchy SuperMom Sarah Harding run a babywearing group.

    The reason I reached out to Cindy is that I really believe that when a husband and wife are having, you know, issues, going and talking to your friends seems like the logical first step, but it's actually not I feel like you need to have permission of your spouse to really talk to someone about marital issues.

  • Creating a Dream Business

    Creating Crunchy Super Mom fulfilled my every dream and it also allows me to use my gifts in ways that truly blesses other moms. This type of opportunity isn't for every mom and that's why I'm so excited about the second opportunity that found me during one of the hardest seasons of my life.

    Anything can happen if you are open to it. And I truly believe that I can mentor anyone who is willing and driven. I'd love to chat with you about it. Click here to book a call with me. Or get your FREE More than Just a Mom Action Plan.

    Moms Who Do It All

    Now 18 months ago I had way too much going on. I was sick, my husband was deploying, I was running this Crunchy Supermom business, homeschooling, doing some contract work to create enough income to cover my student loans and of course- volunteering to help breastfeeding moms, launch a local food co op, coaching basketball and I’m sure I’m leaving off some other stuff...

    I couldn’t tell you then why I was doing all those things. Most of it made me stressed out and unhappy but looking back- I know now I was looking for a way to feel like I was contributing to the greater good...to making an impact on the lives of others.

  • SuperMom is real.

    You are SuperMom.

    I am SuperMom.

    Let me tell you just one SuperMom story…

    After months of being unable to get out of the house and weeks of being unable to get out of bed due to the onset of severe vertigo after the birth of our third child in 2014, I was resentful.

    Prior to the onset of my affliction, I had all the perfect systems and routines in place in our lives. A bout with vestibular neuritis left me unable to maintain my normal life--and that meant SuperMom had died. During my struggle there were many days where I wasn’t able to carry my 5-month-old from the bedroom to the nursery, standing upright long enough to play with my kids outside made me sick and I couldn’t get the rest I needed because my room wouldn’t stop spinning day after day, night after night. A condition that should have lasted a few days, maybe a week or two at most, plagued me for months and left me with permanent damage that continued to impact my life for years. As the condition persisted and the reality that this was the new normal for me set in, my inner voice turned on me.

    It said: SuperMom is dead.
  • There are a lot of ways to get through life but not all of them are ideal. The words mom and overwhelm are so connected that being overwhelmed is just an expectation. It is considered normal. Overwhelm isn't a feeling we should experience persistently as we navigate life. If you are overwhelmed and you know you don't want to exist in such a negative state as you go through your life as a mom, then you are in good company. Crunchy SuperMom has built a community of like-minded moms who just don't believe the image of SuperMom that society tries to paint.

    STEP 1: Define What SuperMom means to you
    Scrub your eyes, ears, and mind of those negative thoughts that tell you to hang up your cape. Hanging up your cape will result in only one thing: more overwhelm! If you don't do the dishes, who will? If you don't juggle kid events and nutritious meals for your family, who will? How does hanging up your cape help you achieve any of your goals? It doesn't! Define what SuperMom means to you without allowing any outside influences to alter your vision.

  • There are so many ways to get a fresh start, but a few things that have always been part of my ending/beginning a new routine ritual include ending the time period with a grocery spending freeze, a money leak scavenger hunt, Inbox purge, and a lot of planning and goal-setting exercises.

    Read more about the tips here:

    Get the worksheet for applying this to your life here:

  • Where do you start? Find the resources for your state here. https://www.crunchysupermom.com/blog/homeschool

    What do you teach?
    I don't recommend buying all the curricula (that's plural for curriculum). Just start simple. Get my beginning tips here.

    What about socialization?
    Think you could never homeschool your kids?
    What about working from home and homeschooling?
    Listen, mama, I've got you covered.

  • Environment

    Natural minded moms know this, but might not know how this works for weight


    Simple tip: sit down while you eat. No distractions.


    Simple tip: Increase the peace, harmony, trust, and love in your life. Reduce fear, defeat, hate, mistrust, and bitterness.


    Simple tip: Lower your stress levels.
    - Stress increases the physiologic need for specific micronutrients.


    Simple tip: Sleep
    - when someone is short on sleep, they eat an average of 385 more calories in a dayFree 5-day email series: Jumpstart into Refreshing Sleep and Rest
    - Sign up: http://www.thewholeyou.care/refreshing-sleep-and-rest/

    Instagram: @esthery.rn
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/thewholeyounurse

  • With a clear plan of action, your responsibility is to take those action steps every day. I say this a lot on the Crunchy SuperMom show- it is more painful to skip a step than it is to power through and do the step today. An example: I had the flu worse than I’d ever had the flu before- so I had the choice one morning- throw a rock solid frozen whole chicken into the instant pot--which was above the refrigerator...and you know how painful it is to change the position of your head when it is pounding...so I could grab it- go downstairs and pull a chicken from the depths of my deep freeze and turn it on for dinner OR I could not do that and have nothing to feed my not sick kids later in the day when I would surely feel worse. So I help my SuperMoms get into the mindset of not putting off until later what they can do right now...because the discomfort later will always be worse than the discomfort of doing it now.

    Get help at www.crunchysupermom.com/latest
    or learn more about my meal planning resources http://bit.ly/csmmealresources

  • I never felt like I was failing at motherhood until my third pregnancy was followed by a debilitating chronic illness the same year my husband spent his career traveling, leaving me to solo-parent all three of our kids.


    And really that just meant that I accepted my struggle as my reality...something I could not change.
    After 5 months I finally saw a fork in the road:
    Continue barely surviving and enduring tremendous guilt over all the moments I was missing.
    Do something!
    I was declared “recovered” because I could stand up and move around. I could see straight enough to leave the house but not quite well enough to drive. One day, a woman, not yet a mom, came by my house for her produce delivery and she said- "how do you do it all with this condition you have?"

    And another, a mom this time, said, "You know, God is trying to get your attention. You need to listen!"
    And she was right. All the years I had been listening and serving moms in my community. I got asked all the time, "How do you do it all and won’t you show me how?" And I did. So what was I missing this time?
    But in that moment, all I felt was cheated and angry.
    So I took pen to paper (and by that, I mean, I wrote a blog.) I set it all out for moms to see. This is what it takes for me to “do it all.” And I addressed it to them all - the “wannabe SuperMoms”.
    I’ll admit, my heart wasn’t right when I shared it all that night. But what came next, was all part of God’s plan.


  • Finding time in the day to “do it all” is something of a skill and has absolutely nothing to do with luck or even having the right amount of things on your proverbial plate. This skill is something that you absolutely can develop, especially through the SuperMom Academy.

    Get Meal Plans, Cleaning Routines, and Personal Guidance for your Mom Life

    Click here to get a reminder for Episode 032.

    Why do this?

    Easy: knowing that all you have to do is ONE thing for 20 minutes and then you get a 5 min break is motivating.

    Old way: stare at a pile of laundry and dread doing it.

    New way: set a timer for 20 min and fold laundry ONLY until the timer goes off.

    Results: Magically, the entire pile gets finished in 20 min. I don’t know about you but normally a mountain of laundry takes me an hour or more. Not with the focus of the timer! It’s best to use an app to help you track your time. Read about some of my recommended (and not recommended) apps in the blog post that accompanies episode 032.

  • Cooking from scratch and eating a healthy diet is often overwhelming and time-consuming. It can also be quite expensive. However, Brianne Pugh of Rebel Health shares how she balances it all despite her more than full-time work schedule as a nurse and a functional nutritionist plus she's a mom of three kids.

    Get Simple Meal Plan Tips for Busy Moms
    Brianne's simple meal plan guide is FREE for you here.

    Brianne is also offering a special opportunity for SuperMoms! Get a 15 min discovery call to discuss nutrition concerns and tips for addressing your meal planning issues or going over your individual nutrition needs.

    Get Mega Nutrition Advice + Professional Meal Planning Help
    My 2 visit package includes 2 weeks of recipes and meal templates, plus we address dietary concerns, goals, and make a plan to get the family on board. Which as you know can be the trickiest part.

    Rebel Health's Meal Plans Kept Simple
    Don't let meal planning overwhelm you or bust your budget. Take our free help and read more about Brianne's simple meal planning. It's stupid easy and stupid simple.

    Here are her 5 Tips for Making Meal Planning and Prep Successful

    Living Well Naturally with Rebel Health + Crunchy SuperMom

    Who doesn't love coffee? Don't most moms? The problem with coffee is that no matter how many health benefits you receive from it (supposedly and depending on which study you read and the source of your coffee), there is still the potential for an energy crash once it wears off. No mom needs that. Brianne and I are both major coffee lovers but we've discovered a clean energy drink that's actually beneficial to your health. There is no addiction and no crash. In fact, I personally reduced my coffee intake to 4 ounces or less and not every single day! I've been drinking coffee since I was 8 (yes really) so this is a very big deal. Learn more about our biohacking group here.

  • How many of you all have ever looked at other moms and thought, “well, she looks perfect so of course, she can get everything done and still have time to be the best mom!" If you have, you’re not alone. It is easy to judge by what we see on the outside and assume the success another mom has isn’t something we can have for ourselves. And the story behind why Sarah started Crunchy Super Mom really began with a huge struggle that is similar to any struggle moms overcome.

    I wasn’t always productive and confident in my role as a mom and the manager of my home. See, in 2014, my husband’s career left me to solo parent our children. Shortly after the birth of my third child, a life-changing health crisis altered my reality completely. I spent months with 24/7 nausea and dizziness and I was definitely not able to enjoy every precious moment with my little ones. It felt like my disorder was completely robbing me of life.

    But after months of getting nowhere with this new condition, I was at the bottom - and somehow I had this moment of clarity I realized my struggle really wasn’t that unique. I was giving it too much power. Moms everywhere go through all sorts of things every day. I was convinced that since struggling isn’t unique then there has to be something we can all do to get out of any situation that isn’t our ideal. I realized that it would make all the difference if I just shifted my view of the situation. I’m not talking about saying some affirmations or getting pumped up and motivated… I’m talking about taking one small, step. forward.
    Despite my persistent illness, I decided to just take a step and it actually worked. I mean- I was still unable to carry my baby around the house because of my condition and my husband was still gone but I had this new mindset and this one step pushed me forward anyway. I had goals after I became a stay-at-home mom instead of a career woman- and once I applied this new approach I was able to have a tidy home, cook from scratch, homeschool my kids, and still have a little time for myself even with my health challenges.

    While this episode doesn’t have the traditional PowerPlan that you have gotten used to, we still want to invite you to subscribe to the show and connect with us here. Or read more on the blog here.

  • We want to help you realize that you can make memories and establish traditions that will help your family stay close no matter how old your kids are. Traditions are so important for families and especially children. Research is showing that traditions help build resilience in children. Often traditions revolve around the seasons of the year, but they don’t have to just be seasonal or related to a holiday. You can create daily or weekly traditions like the ones we mentioned on the show. On our PowerPlan for this show, we will be focusing on seasonal traditions, but we encourage you to take it a step further if you can and start a daily or even a weekly tradition. The point is really to be intentional and set up things that your family can look forward to together.

    Don’t ever miss a PowerPlan! Sign up to receive our free PowerPlans so you can get all of the valuable resources and notes that we talk about during our shows.

    Have you already been getting our PowerPlans but still want more? You get our full missions, plus your own mom life coaches when you join the SuperMom Academy.

    We also want to offer you the support of a free community that can give you even more tips. Join us in the Crunchy Super Mom Community Group to get more of your questions answered.

    Make sure to subscribe to our show if you found this helpful and leave us a comment or review so other moms like you can be sure to find us.

    We love hearing from you all and also learning about the kinds of things that we can help you all with. So make sure you get in touch!