Это первый русскоязычный подкаст, полностью посвященный жизни трансгендерных людей в России!
Сейчас правительство принимает закон, запрещающий трансгендерный переход.
Мы убеждены, что то, как государство относится к уязвимым группам показывает, как оно будет относиться ко всем нам в будущем. Мы хотим, чтобы как можно меньше людей верили в риторику российского правительства.
Вы услышите истории Лёши и Эльмиры и вместе с ними пройдёте тот путь, который проходят многие трансгендерные люди в России. -
Space is becoming increasingly congested, contested and competed over. It has never been so easy – or so cheap – to launch a satellite into orbit. With space activity proliferating, its impact on national security has grown too: space assets are becoming vulnerable and space debris is becoming increasingly dangerous. War in Space is a series of interviews with experts in space and defence that will analyse the intersection of space and national security, unravelling the technical jargon that so often accompanies these discussions and explaining why space matters for our everyday lives and security.
The views or statements expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by RUSI employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the view of RUSI. -
Украинская журналистка Анна Филимонова и независимый российский журналист, редактор подкастов «Холода» Алексей Пономарев обсуждают, что происходит в Украине и России каждый день, пока идет война.
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A podcast about Asia, Asian America, and life during the Coronavirus pandemic, featuring Jay Caspian Kang. -
From healthcare, to unemployment insurance, to exercising the right to vote, the COVID-19 crisis has affected every part of American life. The rampant employment. The social unrest in American cities. It's pulled back the curtain on the policies that time and time again, have failed the people they were supposed to protect. But what's happening in our country is something much bigger than a pandemic. Something that's been in the works for a long, long time.
Made to Fail tells the stories of Americans in states across the country, and the ways in which our country has left our institutions gutted, corrupted, and unaccountable. As we confront an unprecedented era of economic uncertainty, amidst a health crisis and a national reckoning on race the question do we find a way out?
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Сегодня мы видим ситуацию складывания русской культуры и множества русских языков непривязанных к границам. На русском языке теперь говорит не только один большой народ, но и множества малых. Их русские языки насыщаются новыми реалиями и интонациями. Мы раскрываем это многоголосие русскоязычного мира.
Let's go out on a date every week while I put you up on game with what’s new, old, fun or fucked up in the world of sex, dating and life in general. Find how just how crazy being dickmitized or pussywhipped can make you. And let's clown the fuckery of Hollywood and politics. JUST REMEMBER ….. the title of this show is the disclaimer. This is a NON-GUIDE cause this podcast could HELP you with some shit, GET you into some shit or KEEP you from gettin' into some shit!! Are you ready for our first date?
A podcast where Tommy Calloway and Shawndra Russell (and guests) discuss the ramifications of the coronavirus and how we must establish a better way forward for Americans and humanity at large after the fallout of COVID-19.
Tommy Calloway is a long-time writer, musician, performer, director, sketch comedian, producer, DJ, and radio host.
Shawndra Russell is a business, travel and craft beer writer, author, digital marketing consultant and educator, and owns Mad Genius Studios, a small outdoor event venue located 15 minutes outside Asheville, NC.
Find out more info and read their blogs at -
Ordinary Girl - hosted by Courtney Raine & Kaley Shannon - is a weekly lifestyle podcast dedicated to delivering joy, relatability, & belly-laughs to young people everywhere. Every Friday, Courtney & Kaley share the jaw-dropping insanity they’re experiencing in LA as if you’re chattin' with them on a Covid-Safe beach watchin' a Malibu sunset (don't forget your iced-grande-cinnamon-dolce-Starbs). The honest & entertaining storytelling will leave you either in suspense or feeling completely understood (& hopefully a little less nuts).
The media is powered by primary sources. People who were there. People who saw it. People who lived it. Now with a camera in every pocket, phone footage is powering the press. From warzones to wildfires, every person is a cameraman filming one angle of a worldwide documentary. Source Material presents world events through the recordings of those who lived it. Cut out the host, cut out the reporter, and hear the Source Material for yourself.
Source Material is a multimedia project that takes you behind the headlines and straight to the source. It is also a video series. Watch on VICE Youtube for original episodes.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Hot Room is a podcast by The Hill Times, Canada's all-politics, all-the-time newspaper in the heart of Parliament Hill. We talk to politicians, experts, and other reporters about the biggest stories of the day.
Hot Room podcast theme music written and performed by Gavin Gardiner for The Hill Times. -
As the world debates what to do about the existential threat posed by climate change, Net Zero And Beyond looks for practical answers. Join Lord Browne, chairman of BeyondNetZero and former CEO of BP, as he meets experts from across society to explore cutting edge climate solutions in areas essential to human health, wealth, and happiness.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Η πρώτη φορά της Έλενας Ακρίτα στον κόσμο των Podcasts μέσα από το . Η ιδέα προέκυψε από την επιθυμία της να επικοινωνήσει με τους φίλους της και με έναν άλλο τρόπο. Θα μιλάει για τα πάντα: την πολιτική, την κοινωνία, όσα συμβαίνουν γύρω μας, όσα μας αγχώνουν, μας στεναχωρούν, μας εκνευρίζουν, αλλά και όσα μας κάνουν να χαμογελάμε, να νιώθουμε ζεστασιά, όσα μας ψυχαγωγούν. Για τα δικαιώματά μας ως πολίτες και για τρόπους και τρικ ώστε να γίνει καλύτερη έστω και λίγο η ζωή μας. Το βασικό μυστικό της ευτυχίας είναι να μοιράζεσαι.
Η ιστορία της συγκίνησε το πανελλήνιο και η δύναμή της έδωσε έμπνευση σε όσους αναμετρήθηκαν με μια μεγάλη δοκιμασία. Στον πρώτο κύκλο αυτού του podcast, η Ιωάννα Παλιοσπύρου φιλοξένησε πρόσωπα που έγιναν σύμβολα γενναιότητας και μετέτρεψαν μια τραυματική εμπειρία σε αφετηρία για μια νέα ζωή. Στον δεύτερο κύκλο συνομίλησε με ακτιβιστές που στέκονται στο πλευρό όσων χρειάζονται ενσυναίσθηση και αλληλεγγύη. Στον τρίτο κύκλο φιλοξενεί ειδικούς που απαντούν στις απορίες, στις προκλήσεις και τα διλήμματα που δυσκολεύουν τη ζωή, την ψυχική μας ισορροπία και την αρμονική συνύπαρξη με τους άλλους.
I’M SO POPULAR is an audio program from the end of the world by American drag queen in Japan, Zach Langley Chi Chi. Scream into the abyss, find another way: discussing with anyone and everyone homosexual beauty, art, culture, Madonna, Marxism, J-Pop, James Joyce, drag, death, all of it, none of it. What can be salvaged.