
  • In this episode of Priorities on Purpose, Melissa dives into a critical topic for 2024—setting boundaries. If you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or like you’re constantly juggling too much, this episode is for you. Melissa shares how establishing healthy boundaries can be life-changing, offering practical tips to protect your time, energy, and relationships.

    Drawing from her personal experiences, Melissa explores why so many women struggle to set boundaries and how that contributes to stress, anxiety, and burnout. She also touches on the impact boundaries can have on mental health, helping you to live more intentionally while reducing the need for constant crisis management.

    Key Takeaways:

    What boundaries are and why they’re essential in all areas of life—work, relationships, personal time, and health.How lacking boundaries contributes to anxiety, resentment, and burnout.Why setting boundaries helps reduce anxiety and creates space for better mental health.The importance of aligning your boundaries with your priorities and God's plan for your life.Real-life examples of how setting boundaries can improve your relationships and help you reclaim your energy.

    Whether you’ve never set boundaries before or you’re looking to fine-tune the ones you have, this episode will challenge and inspire you to take control of your life in 2024.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Boundaries by Dr. Henry CloudInterested in one-on-one support? Schedule a free consult with Melissa to get personalized help in setting boundaries and managing overwhelm by emailing her at [email protected].

    Interested in Working with a Life Coach?

    Ready for a breakthrough? Melissa offers a six-month coaching program with weekly one-on-one calls designed for personal growth and accountability. Say YES to yourself and unlock your potential with this transformative partnership!

    Find out more

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  • In this episode of Priorities on Purpose, Christian life coach Melissa Batt addresses women struggling with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed. Melissa shares powerful Bible verses and practical insights to help you break free from the cycle of merely surviving and start living with intention. She delves into how anxiety, stress, and unhealthy coping mechanisms impact your life and offers actionable guidance on reclaiming your time and energy to focus on what truly matters. Whether you’re dealing with emotional exhaustion or seeking a new perspective, this episode will guide you toward a more purposeful, God-centered life.

    Curious about Melissa's coaching style? She offers complimentary consultations to discuss how her services can align with your goals and support your journey.

    Coaching with Melissa involves a six-month commitment with weekly 1-on-1 calls for personal growth, accountability, and tangible results. Saying YES to yourself and this partnership could lead to a significant breakthrough!

    Learn more about working with Melissa: https://melissabatt.com/breakthrough-coaching

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  • In this episode of Priorities on Purpose, host and life coach Melissa Batt explores the concept of "survival mode"—a common coping mechanism during stressful or traumatic times. While survival mode can be crucial in emergencies, it often leads to unhealthy long-term habits when it becomes a default way of living. Melissa sheds light on how habits like excessive social media scrolling, binge-watching, overworking, and emotional eating serve as temporary distractions from deeper emotional issues.

    Melissa highlights the importance of recognizing these habits and adopting healthier strategies to manage stress and find true healing. By addressing these patterns, listeners can align more closely with the fulfilling life they are meant to lead.

    Feeling stuck in survival mode and ready to make a change? Melissa offers complimentary consultations to discuss how her coaching can support your transformation journey.

    Coaching with Melissa is a six-month commitment, including weekly 1-on-1 calls focused on personal growth, accountability, and actionable results. Saying YES to yourself and this partnership could be the key to a significant breakthrough!

    Learn more about working with Melissa:


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  • In "Priorities on Purpose," Melissa Batt, Christian Life Coach and podcast host shares her insights on living with intention and how coaching can help you achieve your goals, deepen your faith, or address life’s dissatisfaction.

    Melissa works with women to identify what's working and what isn't in their lives. Through detailed action plans and pre-scheduled weekly calls, she supports clients in making progress across their careers, personal relationships, and main priorities.

    Curious about her coaching style? Melissa offers complimentary consultations to help potential clients explore how her services can benefit them.

    Coaching with Melissa involves a six-month commitment, featuring weekly 1-on-1 calls focused on personal growth, accountability, and actionable results. Saying YES to yourself and this partnership could lead to a transformative breakthrough!

    To learn more, visit: https://melissabatt.com/breakthrough-coaching

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  • Is going back to church something you are feeling called to do? If so, this podcast episode will give you practical tips on finding a new church.

    I'm acknowledging all the elephants and sharing some of my own personal experiences about feeling as if attending church was pointless. I know it sounds harsh, but it appeared that most church attendees were going through the motions. I wanted no part of it until my friend convinced me to try one more time.

    Because of Natasha, I gave attending a local church one more chance and I'm grateful for her push. 

Watching online, settling for a podcast with your favorite preacher's messages... (Still love a good Steven Furtick message!) God wants more for you and that is what this podcast is all about!

    In this episode, you will be challenged to:

    Acknowledge personal fears, rejections, and past hurts that could have you self-protecting and avoiding
Recognize your need for local believers to pray and connect with
Stop living offended and instead use it as an opportunity for intentional conversations
Recognize when avoidance of what is uncomfortable gets in your way of spiritual growth
Trust in God's guidance and provision, remembering my favorite bible verse; Matthew 6:8: Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
Be courageous and take steps to go back to church, even if it's terrifying.
Reflect on any past church hurt, remembering that people hurt you, not God and that it's important not to put the church on a pedestal. The church is full of broken people who are in need of a Savior and help.
Research churches in your area, considering factors such as location, denomination, and community involvement, and pick three to try out.
Attend a church service or if you are really uncomfortable, start with a smaller step like a Trunk or Treat or special service churches offer throughout the year, keeping an open mind and heart.
Get involved in a church community by joining a small group, or ministry, or volunteering in an outreach program.
Reflect on any past experiences of rejection or abandonment and how they may be influencing your feelings about attending church
Remember that God is calling you back to the church not only for your own growth but also to be a part of a community of believers and serve others.Interested in One-on-One Life Coaching?

    Ready to say YES to yourself and start a new journey? Coaching with Melissa is a six-month commitment, featuring weekly one-on-one calls for personal growth, support, and practical steps that lead to real change.

    Find out more here: Breakthrough Coaching

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    We’d love to hear from you! Leave feedback for the show.

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  • Prepare for Battle: Conquer Resistance and Find Your Purpose

    Have you been going through the motions on autopilot, doing the same thing every day? Do you feel like there has to be more to life than the life you are living? Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, discontentment, or just feel completely 'blah' sometimes? Today on the podcast, we are talking about the three words I have been talking about since 2020. If you need a pep talk, this episode is for you and is sure to light a fire under your butt!

    Circle the wagon. It's a word God gave me and it is beneficial to all of us. You cannot hear this message enough, it is so important. It's a talk about preparing. There are things you can do today, starting right now. And honestly, through this journey, for myself, there's always more work to do because we're never going to arrive, right? At least, not on this side of heaven.

    Spiritual warfare is real. I don't talk about this to scare you. It's to prepare you. The attacks are going to come, but they don't have to hit as hard as they will if you don't get your stuff together. We must get ready. My mission is to help you live the life you were created for and to do it well, we must be prepared. If not, our lives will be full of distractions that derail us from the work God wants us to do.

    In this episode, we talk about:

    The importance of preparing for resistance and learning how to build resilience in the face of challenges to stay ahead of the curve and confidently navigate any obstacles that come your way.

    Overcoming shame and forgiving ourselves or others to be free

    Strengthening your marriage, family, health, and finances

    Eliminating noise & finding time to focus on main priorities as a mom, business owner, etc

    Embracing the journey of life and remembering that it's okay to lead/follow at different times. Focus on knowing where you want to go and taking intentional steps to get there.

    Pursuing peace and what that looks like as a Christian

    Circle the wagon. It's time to get your crap together. If you don't, who will?!!! Nobody. It is your responsibility. -Melissa Batt

    Proactive Strategies for SuccessYou have the ability to forecast potential challenges and develop strategies to alleviate them. Effective planning in key areas such as finances, career, and relationships safeguards our well-being and limits distractions.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Get the 12 weeks to success workshop worksheets AND a guide to help you navigate your life with purpose and help you circle the wagon. https://www.melissabatt.com/becoming-intentional

    Take action:

    Check out Ephesians Chapter 2, verses 14-21 in your Bible to read about finding peace and living with God.

    Consider joining a community or finding accountability partners who can support you and provide encouragement when things get tough.

    Take time to evaluate your priorities and make sure you're aligning your actions with what truly matters to you.

    Take action to pursue peace in your life. This may involve spending more time with God, creating better boundaries, or practicing self-care.

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

    Let's connect:





  • Stop worrying about what people think when things don't go as planned. This episode is all about mom life, pivots, fear, and Cara Pinder's children's book about the tooth fairy. It's also a great episode for those who have big dreams and want to achieve all the things.

    In this episode, Melissa hosts longtime friend and author of children's book, The Tooth Fairy's Stars, Cara Pinder. Melissa and Cara discuss the journey of embracing change, following one's calling, and overcoming the fear of judgment from others. Cara reflects on her path from being a hairdresser to direct seller to becoming a published author.

    When you know you've given it your all, you cannot ever be down on yourself. You didn't fail. If you gave it your all, you gave it your all. And I always say, do your best, give God the rest. He decides what He does with the outcome. Surrender. And trust. You don't have to carry that heavy burden. -Melissa Batt

    In this episode, you will be challenged to:

    Embrace your own journeys, recognizing that purpose often emerges from unexpected experiences.Invest in yourself by continuing to learn and growExpress gratitude for your accomplishments and remember to celebrate them before moving to the next thingRecognize that pursuing goals may require sacrifice, vulnerability and discomfort at times

    Connect with Cara:



    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

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  • If you are a woman who has been through hard things that have left you feeling angry, resentful, or struggling with unforgiveness, and you want to deepen your relationship with Jesus, check out this episode.

    Melissa Batt, the host of the podcast Priorities on Purpose, discusses five books that have significantly impacted her life and helped her live more intentionally. Each book has helped her in different ways, from improving her prayer life to learning to rest and put Jesus first in areas where she was holding onto anger & unforgiveness. She also mentions a bonus book, "Get Out of Your Head" by Jennie Allen, which deals with managing toxic thoughts. Melissa encourages her listeners to read these books if they are struggling with anxiety or feel themselves living on autopilot going through the motions.

    The books are:

    Fervent by Priscilla Shirer

    Becoming Brave by Tracey Mitchell

    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

    Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons

    Jesus Over Everything by Lisa Whittle.

    If you are interested in learning more about Everand (Scribd), the app she mentioned in the episode, you can try it free for 30 days with this link: https://www.scribd.com/gi/2rcn5u.

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

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  • Welcome to the replay of the first episode of Season 2 of Priorities on Purpose. In this episode, I shared all about my life transitions at the time and mental health updates: Relocating from Corbin, Kentucky, to a small town near Lexington and unexpected challenges from the move • Decision to change mental health medications during the move and how that affected me • How stillness and absence of internet access were uncomfortable for me • Turning to God with my struggles

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

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  • In this episode of Priorities On Purpose, Christian Life Coach and Faith Mentor, Melissa discusses the importance of loving oneself and one's neighbors, as commanded by Jesus in the Bible. She also encourages listeners to assess how well they are loving God and others and to journal about it for self-reflection. Melissa emphasizes that loving oneself is not about self-indulgence but about self-care and kindness. She also challenges listeners to love their neighbors, regardless of differences, and to remember that everyone has a purpose. She shares personal experiences of struggling to forgive and love those who have wronged her, and the realization that her actions could either help or hinder their relationship with God.

    Melissa concludes by urging listeners to step out of their comfort zones, as it can lead to personal and spiritual growth. Bible verses discussed (NIV translation): 

Matthew 22: 35-40 

Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And, the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

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  • In this episode of Priorities On Purpose, Melissa Batt, who is also a life coach, shares part of a masterclass teaching about the power of consistency when creating habits and working on goals. She also talks a lot about the power of attaching those habits and goals to what God's plan is for you. If you struggle with self-sabotage or feel like you are always failing when it comes to your goals, this episode will be helpful.

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call. Let's connect:https://www.instagram.com/melissabattofficial/ https://www.facebook.com/melissabattofficial/https://www.youtube.com/@prioritiesonpurposehttps://www.melissabatt.com

  • In this episode of Priorities On Purpose, Christian Life Coach and Faith Mentor, Melissa Batt discusses her journey toward sobriety and her intentional decision to say no to alcohol forever. She emphasizes that her experiences and convictions are not prescriptions for others, but are meant to be a conversation starter. Melissa talks about her convictions with alcohol, and prescription medication like Xanax, and Benadryl. She also shares specific examples of how her decision to say no to these things has benefitted her over the last few years.

    This is a great episode if you are ready to be intentional with your healing journey or know you have an addictive personality. For those who have lost a loved one, suffer from anxiety or depression, or have experienced trauma, consider this episode as a segue to ask yourself important questions related to grief and numbing your emotions to avoid feeling pain, sadness, anger, etc.

    If you are ready to heal instead of escape the pain, this episode will give you hope as Melissa shares how she has been able to move forward toward true healing from trauma and tough situations. Giving alcohol up has allowed her to feel all the feelings and process the pain fully instead of just numbing and avoiding it.

    She encourages listeners to seek God's guidance in their own lives and to trust in His wisdom.

    Disclaimer: Melissa is a Christian Life Coach, not a doctor or therapist. If you feel you have a problem abusing drugs or alcohol, please reach out to a professional.



    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

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  • In this episode of Priorities On Purpose, Life Coach, Melissa Batt discusses situational anxiety, particularly the kind that arises in the middle of the night or during times of conflict or chaos. She clarifies that she's not referring to diagnosed general anxiety disorder in this episode although she has been diagnosed and has experience with it.

    Melissa shares her personal experiences and offers advice on how to manage such anxiety. She suggests turning to worship music, reading the Bible, and praying. She also recommends reaching out to others for prayer support when you're unable to pray for yourself. She also advises against scary movies, true crime podcasts, and anything related to the occult or witchcraft. She also suggests being mindful of late-night eating habits.

    Melissa (who is also a faith mentor for women who want to grow their relationship with God) says one of the most powerful things you can do is identify what is worrying you and surrender it to God. Tough, she understands that it isn't always possible.

    Spotify playlist to worship your way through fear and anxiety: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1XIUE1dtRDBznXB3BYGjrF?si=c783d28b5aa24f66

    The playlist Melissa made for her grandma towards the end of her journey with cancer when the fear and anxiety were getting the best of her: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7o3IsTJxUivqtBuLqFfs0C?si=6218a3d3a2bd4ab5

    She couldn't find Jasmine Brady's song on Spotify to add to the playlist but it is one of her top recommendations when the anxiety and fear seem out of control. The words of the song will minister to your soul. Bookmark it. It's THAT good! https://soundcloud.com/jasminecbrady/speak-the-name-of-jesus

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

    Let's connect:





  • In this episode of Priorities on Purpose, host Melissa Batt discusses the importance of speaking up and the potential costs of doing so. She shares her personal journey from being a timid, insecure person to becoming more assertive and vocal, particularly in her direct sales career. Melissa also discusses the spiritual aspect of speaking up, emphasizing that it is a form of obedience to God. She warns against the dangers of staying silent, citing the "spiral of silence" theory, which suggests that people often remain silent when they fear the consequences of speaking up.

    Melissa, who is also a Christian Life Coach, also shares her experiences of speaking up about serious issues such as sexual abuse, and the importance of being prepared to face potential backlash or consequences. She reminds listeners that their identity should be rooted in God, not their actions or experiences.

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

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  • In this episode of Priorities On Purpose, Christian Life Coach and Faith Mentor, Melissa Batt discusses the importance of routines and healthy habits. She explains that routines allow us to operate on autopilot, freeing up brain capacity for other tasks. However, she warns against falling into bad habits, especially those picked up while living in survival mode. This is a great episode if you struggle with depression, ADHD, and/or anxiety, or have recently found yourself in a funk and are ready to climb your way out of living a life of exhaustion.

    Melissa emphasizes how the importance of creating healthy habits contribute to physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. She also acknowledges that life circumstances can disrupt routines and advises listeners to give themselves grace when they fall back into old habits. She also encourages listeners to identify a healthy habit they would like to create a routine for and consider what changes they can make to improve existing routines. This is a great goal to set and work on for the next 12-week challenge.

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

    Let's connect:





  • In this episode of Priorities On Purpose, Christian Life coach and Faith Mentor, Melissa Batt discusses the concept of having a kingdom mindset, which involves seeing things from God's point of view and focusing on what matters to Him.

    She shares personal experiences of conflict and forgiveness within her family, emphasizing the importance of not meddling in situations and allowing God to work in His own timing. Melissa encourages listeners to not get stressed when things don't go their way, be mindful of their decisions and to remember that God is aware of the situation and is working in it.

    She also stresses the importance of reading the Bible to understand God's perspective and to make decisions based on His teachings, not worldly things. Melissa also speaks of aligning hopes & dreams with a kingdom mentality and ensuring listeners that they can trust God with all of their emotions including grief, bitterness, and anger.

    Resource mentioned in this episode:

    7 Day Devotion on Having a Kingdom Mentality


    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

    Let's connect:





  • In this episode of Priorities on Purpose, Christian Life Coach, Melissa Batt discusses a lifelong insecurity. She shares how God used something she had always despised for the benefit of her dying grandmother. She now sees something she viewed as a weakness in a new light and is learning to love this part of herself.

    She challenges listeners to get honest with their insecurities and acknowledge them so they can no longer allow them to hold them back. She offers hope as she asks her audience to trust God has a purpose for it all. She also emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and dealing with emotional pain, rather than suppressing it.

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

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  • In this episode of Priorities On Purpose, Christian Life Coach, Melissa Batt discusses the importance of engaging with the older generation, often referred to as the silent generation.

    She was inspired by an Instagram reel about those who are living over the age of 75. Melissa emphasizes the importance of learning from their life experiences and encourages listeners to have meaningful conversations with them. Oftentimes, this demographic is isolated and feels invisible. She challenges herself and those listening to become more intentional and ask questions about their life lessons, achievements, and memories because they have value and important information to share. She ends the episode by urging listeners to have difficult conversations with those older who are important, including discussions about faith, conflict, and forgiveness.

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

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  • In this episode of Priorities on Purpose, host Melissa discusses her struggle with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the MTHFR gene mutation. She shares her journey of being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, despite having symptoms since childhood that was overlooked and considered daydreaming. Melissa explains how her ADHD symptoms, such as lack of focus, losing track of time, and forgetfulness, often manifested as anxiety. She also discusses the various medications she has tried, including Strattera, Adderall, and Vyvanse, and how they worked to manage her symptoms. Melissa also talks about the importance of diet, exercise, and sleep in managing ADHD. She also mentions the MTHFR gene mutation, which affects the body's ability to process folate, and how managing this mutation has helped her manage her ADHD symptoms. Melissa encourages listeners who may struggle with similar issues to confront them head-on and seek help from someone who is an expert in these areas.

    Helpful resources:




    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

    Let's connect:





  • In this episode of Priorities on Purpose, Christian Life Coach and Faith Mentor, Melissa Batt discusses the importance of loving as described in 1 Corinthians 13:4.

    She emphasizes that love should be patient, kind, not envious or boastful, not proud, not dishonoring others, not self-seeking, not easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs.

    She suggests that these characteristics should define our love for others. She also encourages listeners to replace the word "love" with their name in these verses as a self-assessment tool.

    Melissa also shares her struggles with keeping no record of wrongs in her marriage and other relationships. She also discusses her journey of learning to speak up and then learning to keep quiet when necessary. She encourages listeners to ask God for help in areas they struggle with, emphasizing that they don't have to do it on their own. The speaker also shares her experiences with overcoming fear and discomfort, such as flying alone. She concludes by asking listeners for feedback and topic suggestions for future episodes.

    Want to work with Melissa? Please email at [email protected] and set up a call.

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