
  • Ashlee (she/her) is a lesbian woman who works as the Community Engagement Manager at Midsumma.

    In the final episode for this series, Ash discusses what it was like growing up as the daughter of arts practitioners and how this affected her coming out story. She speaks to the process of grieving your future and expectations that is entwined with coming out both for the individual and those receiving it. She also shares a little about her role at Midsumma, her hopes for the future and the ways that she is actively creating more safe spaces to be queer across Victoria.

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.

    Episode Credits

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas

    Episode Introduction: Kat Celikaite

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Salue” by Kai Engel

    “Brooks” by Kai Engel

    “Aesthetic Lofi Loop” by Seth Makes Sounds

    Seek Support

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available:

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chatBeyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chatSuicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Donna (she/her) is currently a singer in a band called The Lost Girls.

    In this episode, Donna shares a story about a time she visited Daylesford in 1981 to perform with a feminist band called Nice Girls Don't Spit. She shares about a negative experience she had then after a show and also reflects on a more recent tour to Daylesford and how far it has come to now be a very accepting rainbow community. This episode was recorded at the Victoria's Pride Street Party, so you may hear some of the festivities of the day in the background.

    Trigger Warnings: Dead animals, blood, hate crime

    If this content may be triggering for you, then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.

    Episode Credits

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas

    Episode Introduction: Bec Cooen

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    Seek Support

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
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  • Georgi (she/her) is a queer, cis-gender, endosex 33yr old who lives with a disability, loves labels and lives in Greater Shepparton.

    In this episode, Georgi shares what she loves about Shepparton and the work that she does supporting LGBTQIA+ young people in the community. Georgi is a passionate advocate, she discusses some small ways that she gives back to community by volunteering and practicing using neutral language. She is a strong believer that you can't be what you can't see, and so pride for Georgi is about living visibly to gift acceptance to others. Georgi also shares about her experience of having low vision and the best ways that people can support someone living with disability while respecting their autonomy.

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.

    Episode Credits

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas

    Episode Introduction: Deb Chumbley

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    Um Pepino by Orange Cat

    Seek Support

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available:

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • David (he/him) and Ka Chun/KC (he/him) are a gay couple who have been living in Shepparton, but are currently planning to move due to feeling unsafe in the community.

    In this episode, David and KC detail a horrific incident in which they were the subject of an unprovoked hate crime as they were preparing for a small family gathering. KC is a doctor and also outlines some of the ways that he has been discriminated against due to his race and sexuality. However, he is very passionate about serving community in rural healthcare, so the pair now face a difficult decision. David and KC were incredibly brave to share this story with us and we hope their vulnerability highlights some of the changes communities can and need to make to be more inclusive.

    Trigger Warnings: Homophobia, assault, racism, hate crime

    This episode is quite heavy, so discretion is advised. If anything in this episode is triggering for you, then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.

    Episode Credits

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas

    Episode Introduction: Deb Chumbley

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Drone background music” by Migfus20

    Di Breun by Architect

    “Salue” by Kai Engel

    “Aspirato” by Kai Engel

    Seek Support

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available:

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Ken (he/him) is a bisexual and polyamorous man who is an army veteran living in Benalla.

    In this episode, Ken shares his experience of growing up in Mansfield and some of his struggles with homophobia. After being publicly outed, Ken has chosen to use his infamy in the community for good by having his door open to anyone that needs a cup of tea and a chat. He prides himself on giving support without judgement and also loves to share his legendary cupcakes.

    Trigger Warnings: Coarse language, homophobia, mentions: suicide, drug use

    If this content may be triggering for you, then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.

    Episode Credits

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas

    Episode Introduction: Deb Chumbley

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    Seek Support

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available:

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chatBeyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chatSuicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Jenni (she/her) is a bus driver who has lived on Yorta Yorta country for most of her life and identifies as being bisexual, but a little more on the lesbian side of the spectrum.

    In this episode, Jenni discusses her journey of coming out later in life after choosing to follow heteronormative standards as a young person to protect her own safety. Unfortunately, Jenni had several gay friends that died by suicide and she shares how this affected her life and decisions. She also speaks about how Out in the Open Festival has helped her to find her pride and community for over a decade. Jenni shares her anticlimactic experience of coming out to her sons and how she has always been proud of them, but now they get to be proud of their mum too.

    Trigger Warnings: Suicide, abuse, homophobia, derogatory language

    If this content may be triggering for you, then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.

    Episode Credits

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas

    Episode Introduction: Deb Chumbley

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Plum Blossom” by Kokura Station

    Seek Support

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available:

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Leigh (he/him) is a gay man who has lived in Shepparton his whole life.

    In this episode, Leigh shares his story of coming out in the 70s and 80s and some of the backlash and hardships he then faced, including a sexual assault. Leigh discusses the difficult relationship that he had with his father and how this lead to him changing his name. Although he has faced many difficulties in his life, Leigh is very confident in himself and who he is and prefers to live in 'a can world, not a can't world'. He has also found solace in his faith and is now a community chaplain for the catholic church and speaks about the intersectionality of religion and homosexuality.

    Trigger Warnings: Coarse language, sexual assault, homophobia, negative family reactions to coming out

    This episode is quite heavy, so discretion is advised. If anything in this episode is triggering for you, then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.

    Episode Credits

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas

    Episode Introduction: Deb Chumbley

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Plum Blossom” by Kokura Station

    “Sage the Hunter” by Landsman Duets

    Seek Support

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available:

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/

    QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat

    Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat

    Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/

  • Drew (she/her) is a newly out queer person who is excited to be making the transition from 'super ally' to 'baby queer'.

    In this episode, Drew shares her experience of growing up in Shepparton and the ways that she has had to push back against shame and stigma with people who don't see the beauty in her town like she does. Drew is an incredible advocate and has been working with queer youth for several years. She shares what it has been like to be the straight person working in queer spaces, to now shifting those perceptions as she's coming to terms with her own queerness. Drew's coming out story is a very interesting and beautiful one and she speaks with such positivity and excitement about what the future holds.

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.

    Episode Credits

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas

    Episode Introduction: Deb Chumbley

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Etude 12 Taminy” by The Viscount

    “Sage the Hunter” by Landsman Duets

    Seek Support

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available:

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/

    QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat

    Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat

    Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/

  • Claire (she/they) is a transgender person who works as an oral health therapist in Wangaratta.​

    In this episode, Claire discusses her journey that has brought her to beginning her transition around a year ago. She speaks about how the support of her wife helped her to make the discovery and what it was like to engage with the health services in Wangaratta. Claire was also a part of the My Self: Portrait Series workshops at LINE Wangaratta and discusses with us her process and the artwork she has been creating. ​

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Allison Winters​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Dolly and Pad” by Piano Mover

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Kian (he/him) is a trans, gender fluid male who moved to Wangaratta around 3 years ago.​

    In this episode, Kian discusses how he has found community within Wangaratta, particularly at LINE (LGBTQIA+ in the North East). He shares that as a country boy, he found the city to be overwhelming, so having a safe space in a smaller town to connect is really important. Kian also uses an electric wheelchair and so reflects on the ways that regional towns can be both more and less accessible in different ways.

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Allison Winters​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    "Enter the Room” by Moon Juice

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Elena (she/they) is a gender queer person who lives in Wangaratta and works as a paramedic.​

    In this episode, Elena discusses what it was like for her growing up in Wangaratta and the way that a lot of her friendship group was kept in the closet due to bullying in high school. She then discusses some of the work she's been involved with at LINE Wangaratta and the way that she can see the next generation of LGBTQIA+ youth is having a different experience to hers. As a self-proclaimed semi-bogan, Elena is a delight to listen to and she shares some of the wonderful things about living in Wangaratta​

    Trigger Warnings: Homophobia/bullying​

    If this content may be triggering for you, then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Allison Winters​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Lo-fi music guitar (loop)” by Migfus20

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Pipa (they/them) & Rowan (she/they/he) are both young people who live in Wangaratta.​

    Pipa & Rowan both share some of their experiences and insights about being queer in a regional town. They are both quite softly spoken, but speak with a gentle wisdom about how they'd like things to continue to improve for young people in north-east Victoria. They share with us what they think are their own superpowers and what the word 'Pride' means to them. ​

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Allison Winters​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​

    QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​

    Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​

    Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/

  • Steph (they/them) is a 52 year old ambulance worker who lives just outside of Myrtleford.​

    In this episode, Steph shares with us what their experience has been like as a part of the 'My Self: Portrait Series' at LINE Wangaratta. They speak to the importance of having safe spaces, especially for shyer queer folk like themselves. Steph reflects on their life long journey towards pride and the way that having queer kids has helped them find acceptance for themselves. ​

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Allison Winters​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Ceinwen (they/them) is an Art Therapist that has been living in Wangaratta for around 6 years.​

    In this episode, Ceinwein speaks to the common experience of growing up regionally and then moving to the city as soon as possible to find community. They share their journey of moving back to Wangaratta and now building a community for young LGBTQIA+ people there. Ceinwen was the facilitator of the My Self: Portrait Series for the Regional Activation Program in 2023. They speak about how these workshops unfolded and the importance of meeting people where they are at. Ceinwen shares about how the creation of social events is often seen as a priority, but how a lot of folk are actually looking to feel more safe and accepted in their own lives and how this has shifted their work towards advocacy.​

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Allison Winters​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Sage the Hunter” by Landsman Duets

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Al (they/them) is a non-binary person who is the president and founder of LINE Wangaratta.​

    In this episode, Al discusses their journey of moving to Wangaratta with their family and after becoming a single parent, struggling to find community. They have then built LINE (LGBTQIA+ in the North East) Wangaratta from the ground up and speak about the importance of giving people a safe space to explore their identity. Al also speaks vulnerably about their relationship with pride and how that is an ongoing journey for them.​

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Allison Winters​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Kellie (she/her/they) is a 58 year old who identifies as nothing but a creative. ​

    In this episode, Kellie discusses her work as the Artistic Director of Off The Leash, an independent theatre company that champions new Australian work. She speaks about the importance of bringing relevant art and stories, particularly to regional audiences and the ways that this can gently change some of the social fabrics. Kellie speaks about her history growing up as a classical ballet dancer and shares how she feels her sexuality is the "least interesting thing about [her]". ​

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Danae Reid​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Dona Norem” by Kajubaa

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Nathan (he/him) is a gay man who grew up in the Latrobe Valley and now lives in Warragul after 6 years of being a flight attendant. ​

    In this episode, Nathan discusses what is was like for him growing up Gippsland, his love for travel and the power of choosing to blend in. Nathan is now married to his partner, Ian, who is currently working in Singapore, and together they are expecting two children to be born in May and August this year. Nathan shares about their journey through surrogacy and some of the barriers that exist for gay men wanting to have children in Australia. ​

    Trigger Warnings: Mental Health, Surrogacy​

    If this content may be triggering for you, then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Danae Reid​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Sage the Hunter” by Landsman Duets

    “Soli” by Kai Engel

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Charli (they/them) is a 17 year old queer and non-binary person who lives with chronic illness. ​

    Charli is an artist and, in this episode, they discuss their first exhibition which has been shown at the West Gippsland Arts Centre. They talk us through each of the 5 artworks they have created and the important life event or emotional state that it represents. Charli speaks from their experience of living with chronic illness and they have a wisdom well beyond their years. ​

    Trigger Warnings: Mental health & chronic illness​, mentions of suicide & eating disorders

    If this content may be triggering for you, then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Danae Reid​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Last Lights” by Landsman

    “Late Night Reading by Cold Case

    “Smoke” by Joseph McDade

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Kylie (she/her) is a queer ally who sits on the committee for Gippsland Pride Initiative.​

    In this episode, Kylie discusses the importance of advocacy and the ways she has made an impact through working with LGBTQIA+ youth and teaching gender studies at TAFE. Kylie also describes the difference she noticed when moving to Gippsland from the city and how something as simple as having bright red hair could cause discrimination. Kylie describes the difference between people who talk the talk and people who walk the walk with their allyship and her "slowly, slowly" approach to changing minds. ​

    There are no significant trigger warnings for this episode, but if you find anything distressing then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines listed at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Caitlin Grigsby​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Simple Melody by Speakeasy

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
  • Darcy (they/them) is a non-binary person who grew up in Sale and now lives 15 minutes down the road with their partner and daughter. ​

    In this episode, Darcy shares their journey of coming out both in terms of their sexuality and their gender identity and the effects this had on their relationships. They speak about how they experienced attraction to both males and females, but later discovered their attraction to men was more for their aesthetic. Darcy was also a part of a church community who have recently been accused of implementing conversion therapy practices. They share a little about this and some of the other bigotry they have faced when engaging with community. ​

    Trigger Warnings: Loss of family relationships, bigotry, conversion therapy​

    If this content may be triggering for you, then please seek support from a loved one or one of the helplines at the bottom of this description.

    This podcast is released every Tuesday and Friday and could not have been possible without the support of our local community partners, Midsumma and the Fairer Victoria portfolio of the Victorian State Government.​

    Episode Credits​

    Wayfinder, Interviewer & Editing : Helene Thomas​

    Episode Introduction: Caitlin Grigsby​

    Pridefinder Midsumma Team​

    Ashlee Hints: Community Engagement Manager​

    Bec Cooen: Project and Program Manager – Victoria's Pride​

    Danae Reid: Regional Community Engagement Coordinator​

    Felicity McIntosh: Marketing & Communications Manager​

    Martin Broadley: Programming Administrator​

    Want to know more about Pridefinder?​


    Want to know more about Helene Thomas & The Wayfinder?​


    Want to be a part of the Pridefinder Podcast?​

    We hope to continue collecting stories from regional LGBTQIA+ folk as part of the Pridefinder project each year.​

    If you’d like to have the Pridefinder visit your community, then please email engagement.coord@midsumma.org.au to register your interest!​

    Music Credits

    Intro/Outro “10c Coffee” by Clamshell

    “Salue” by Kai Engel

    “Idea” by Kai Engel

    “Dolly and Pad” by Piano Mover

    Seek Support​

    If this podcast has raised difficult feelings for you, there is always support available: ​

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ ​QLife (3pm-midnight) – 1800 184 527 | www.qlife.org.au/resources/chat ​Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 | www.beyondblue.org.au/support-service/chat ​Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 | www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/