We discuss the New World vs. WoW player numbers, Season of Mastery updates and what our ideal TBC timeline would look like in a perfect Blizzard world.
Are Blizzard's latest announced wotlk changes good or bad? And we brought in Josh Corbett from Countdown to Classic to discuss his thoughts on dev behaviour, TBC on a whole and his thoughts going forward into WoTLK.
Blizzard gave only 1 week notice for P5, let's talk about it. Also world record speed leveller Tactics joins us to tell us about levelling and his new gold guide.
Blizzard messed up, then took their mistake back. Here's what they should have done instead (and we also talk about Riot's Arcane and the potential mmorpg implications)
We discuss the New World vs. WoW player numbers, Season of Mastery updates and what our ideal TBC timeline would look like in a perfect Blizzard world.