MEDITATION instills the View of the Buddha Shakyamuni's broad and deep understanding of the nature of things into our experience. And it is far, far more than you think it is.
Lamas Yeshe and Zopa explore what meditation is, how it helps us bring view, balance, and wellbeing into our experience, and segue into everyday integration of the Buddha's teachings through the third point of this triad, Conduct.
Make a dana offeringPRAJNA FIRE is a United States 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by applicable law.
Learn more about the integrative dharma practice of listening, contemplating, and meditating from Prajna Rising, our online journal.
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
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Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
VIEW takes primary place in the Buddha Shakyamuni's path of spiritual practice. It encompasses the perspective, the belief systems, the worldview that knows who things are as we find them, and leads onward to liberation from samsara and buddhahood, the perfect and complete embodiment of our mind's true nature.
Lamas Yeshe and Zopa explore what view is, how it helps us navigate our lives with skill and grace, and lay the groundwork for exploring two important related elements, Meditation and Conduct.
Read When Bodhisattvas Break, Lama Yeshe's article on inspiration from the mighty bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara
Or watch Lama Zopa's live video comments from our weekly sangha practice https://bit.ly/InspirationDark
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Saknas det avsnitt?
PROMISE can be a loaded term, and yet it simultaneously proffers inspiration, fulfillment, and priceless opportunity.
Lamas Yeshe and Zopa explore how we can recruit the power of promise to fuel our longing to thrive in the best possible way, by fulfilling our true nature as buddhas.
Read When Bodhisattvas Break, Lama Yeshe's article on inspiration from the mighty bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara
Or watch Lama Zopa's live video comments from our weekly sangha practice https://bit.ly/InspirationDark
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
This month we replay Listen Contemplate Meditate, our first and still most popular episode, because we know from experience that we can never hear enough about the integrative dharma practice built on these three components.
More resources for the practice available at www.prajnafire.com/media
Lama Yeshe teaches about listening, contemplation, and meditation, the foundations of integrative practice; and you learn why the podcast is called Prajna Sparks. Tania Israel joins in for contemplation discussion, then Heather Stevenson sings a song with lyrics Tania wrote as part of her contemplative practice. Lama Zopa leads a guided practice on shamatha, tranquility meditation. Tibetan singing bowl interludes composed and performed by Shivnee Ratna.
00:27 Teaching by Lama Yeshe30:00 Conversation with Lama Yeshe and Tania Israel45:00 Song (to the tune of "Edelweiss" from The Sound of Music) : lyrics by Tania Israel, vocals by Heather Stevenson47:00 Meditation by Lama Zopa
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons (USA Mountain Time).
EMAIL US [email protected]
www.prajnafire.com/sparks@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and bluesky.social
Sing-a-long with us on Youtube
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com)Tania Israel (www.taniaisrael.com)Heather Stevenson (www.heatherstevenson.com)Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
BARDO refers to intervals, thresholds, or interludes between important things, during which time, transition feels momentous, and opportunities for practice abound...
SPARKS MOMENTS are brief dharma reflections on things of the day, including a guided meditation practice to encounter your experience of the topic directly
For more on post-election responses:
Read When Bodhisattvas Break, Lama Yeshe's article on inspiration from the mighty bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara
Or watch Lama Zopa's live video comments from our weekly sangha practice https://bit.ly/InspirationDark
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
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Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
The Two Truths in Unity is more than abstract Buddhist philosophy with no impact on our lives and hearts.
In this episode, Lamas Yeshe & Zopa present an integrated approach to engaging listening, contemplating, and meditating on the Two Truths of apparent and genuine reality in Unity.
They provide a few examples of realtime ways to engage that Unity so that it impacts our lives here and now. Their discussion is interspersed with resting meditaiton and meditative inquiry.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Lamas Yeshe & Zopa present Genuine Reality from the stance of reasoning, on its own, as a counterpart to our previous episode.
Hear what "genuine reality" means in the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Learn how to employ our powers of reasoning to connect with what is real based on our own inward experience.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
In a new twist, Lamas Yeshe & Zopa present Genuine Reality from the stance of contemplation and meditation first.
Hear how song and your own experience provide us with the raw material for exploring genuine reality, here and now.
Contemplation through song and follow a guided meditation to connect with what is true based on our own joy and inward experience.
FRIENDS: A Song of Those who are Full of Love but Free of Attachment
Friends are empty forms, like a water moon
To think of them as being truly real
Will only make your many sufferings increase
To know they’re empty forms, like a water moon
Will make illusion-like samadhi increase
Compassion free of clinging will increase
And non-referential view will also increase
And meditation that’s fixation-free
And conduct free of doer, deed increase
Of all the many marvels, this, by far the most marvelous!
Of all the many wonders, this, the most wonderful!
Translated and arranged by Jim Scott, Marpa House, England, August 1997. Translation copyright 2012, Jim ScottFind other song lyrics and accompanying audio tracks here:
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Beginning an exploration of how mind impacts our experience, Lamas Yeshe & Zopa describe how the Buddha's teachings describing apparent reality, one of two truths our mind's experience, and how an accurate understanding of it can facilitate a spacious opening of curiosity and presence in our lives.
Contemplate quotes about apparent reality and follow a guided meditation to connect with the interdependence of each and every moment of our inward experience.
For text of quotes used in the contemplation segment, visit https://www.ktgrinpoche.org/songs/verses-samadhi-illusion-texts-middle-way
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Rounding off this series on the Four Yogas of Mahamudra, Lamas Yeshe & Zopa describe how the Mahamudra attainments of one-pointedness, nonconceptuality, one taste, and nonmeditation can inform and guide our shamatha meditation practice here and now, whatever our level of experience.
View our latest newsletter at https://prajnafire.substack.com/p/embodying-mind?r=1i7u42Mahamudra, the signature practice of the Kagyu lineage, is known for its spare, direct, and swift approach. Yet this clarity and simplicity can bring new direction and vivacity to the seminal practice of shamatha, in which all Buddhist spiritual experience and realization is grounded.
Contemplate quotes about the Four Yogas and follow a guided meditation to connect with the essence of all experience, inseparable from experience and experiencer.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Exploring the mind in Mahamudra practice brings us increased intimacy with its qualities as we practice, experience, and realize the Four Yogas of Mahamudra.
Lamas Yeshe & Zopa describe the Yoga of One-Pointedness, the practice, meditative experience, and realization of wholness, unity, complementarity of all things in emptiness.
Contemplate a passage about One-Pointedness and follow a guided meditation to connect with the essence of all experience, inseparable from experience and experiencer.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Exploring the mind in Mahamudra practice brings us increased intimacy with its qualities as we practice, experience, and realize the Four Yogas of Mahamudra.
Lamas Yeshe & Zopa describe the Yoga of Nonmeditation, the practice, meditative experience, and realization of wholness, unity, complementarity of all things in emptiness.
Contemplate quotes about Nonmeditation and follow a guided meditation to connect with the essence of all experience, inseparable from experience and experiencer.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Exploring the mind in Mahamudra practice brings us increased intimacy with its qualities as we practice, experience, and realize the Four Yogas of Mahamudra.
Lamas Yeshe & Zopa describe the Yoga of One Taste, the practice, meditative experience, and realization of wholness, unity, complementarity of all things in emptiness.
Contemplate quotes about One Taste and follow a guided meditation to connect with the essence of all experience, inseparable from experience and experiencer.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
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@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Exploring the mind in Mahamudra practice brings us increased intimacy with its qualities. Lamas Yeshe & Zopa describe the nonconceptual character of mind, and its empty essence, as well as our thought, feeling, sensory and other experiences. Contemplate quotes about mind's nonconceptuality and follow a guided meditation to connect with raw sense impressions free of conceptual overlays.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
FIND US on the Prajna Fire website (https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks)
@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
On the cusp of the lunar new year, Lamas Yeshe & Zopa reflect on the hold of new-ness on the human psyche, reflected from nature around us, and how to harness the power of freshness in our practice at opportune, if arbitrary, moments in time.
To join in the recitation of the Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra for today's practice, click here for the beautiful translation by Ari Goldfield (plus a few Prajna Fire edits).
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
PUBLISHED ARTICLEShttps://www.prajnafire.com/media
Prajna Fire on Substack
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
FIND US on the Prajna Fire website (https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks)
@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
What is mind? Lamas Yeshe & Zopa unveil the tip of the iceberg that is the experiential exploration of this quintessential sphere of experience.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
FIND US on the Prajna Fire website (https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks)
@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Lamas Yeshe and Zopa invite everyone into the brave heart of courageous walking the world with powerful presence in troubling times.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Beginning November 2023, we are shifting to a once per month schedule. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
A Song of Awakening, by Lama Yeshe, in Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide https://www.prajnafire.com/post/a-song-of-awakening
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
FIND US on the Prajna Fire website (https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks)
@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Lamas Yeshe and Zopa invite everyone into the brave heart of courageous walking the world with powerful presence in troubling times.
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Beginning November 2023, we are shifting to a once per month schedule. Look for new episodes on the new moons.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
A Song of Awakening, by Lama Yeshe, in Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide https://www.prajnafire.com/post/a-song-of-awakening
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
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Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Lamas Yeshe and Zopa invite everyone into the loveliness of celebrating the Buddha Shakyamuni throughout the year in the practice of du chen - grand times, festivals, or quite simply, holidays at four points in the Tibetan calendar.
The Lamp Prayer recited during the meditation portion of this episode is available here including Tibetan pronunciation and English text. https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks-songs
This is the English text for ease of reference:
May the bowl of this lamp become equal to the outer ring ofthis world realm of the great Three Thousands. May its stem bethe size of the King of Mountains, Mt. Meru. May its oil fill thesurrounding oceans. In number, may a hundred million appearbefore each and every buddha. May its light dispel all the darkness of ignorance from the Peak of Existence to the IncessantHell and illumine all the Pure Realms of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions so they are clearly seen.OM VAJRA ALOKE AH HU¥Emaho!I offer this amazing, wonderful, bright lampTo the one thousand buddhas of this fortunate aeonThe lamas, yidams, dakinis, dharma protectors,And gatherings of deities in the mandalasOf all pure realms of the infinite ten directions.My parents in the fore, may every sentient beingIn this lifetime and all the places they take birthSee the pure realms of the perfect Buddhas directlyAnd then become inseparable from Amitabha.Out of the power of the truth of the Three JewelsAnd the deities of the Three Roots I've made this prayer.Please grant your blessings that it be quickly accomplished.TADYATHA PANCHANDRIYA AVA BODHANAYE SVAHAPRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Beginning November 2023, we are shifting to a once per month schedule. Look for new episodes on the new moon.
This episode drops at the start of the 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse in Santa Fe, NM, home of Prajna Sparks.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
Listen Contemplate Meditate, by Lama Yeshe, in Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide https://bit.ly/3ygFsus
Meditative Inquiry, by Lama Yeshe, in Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide https://bit.ly/3xRySck
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
FIND US on the Prajna Fire website (https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks)
@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
Lamas Yeshe and Zopa discuss the single phrase that encapsulates all of the Buddha's teachings: "tame the mind."
Teachings by Drupon Khenpo Lodro Namgyal mentioned in this episode occurred via Zoom online, October 13 to 15, 2023. Translation to English (by Lama Yeshe), as well as French, Mandrin, and Spanish available.
Use this link to register and attain access to recordings of Drupon Khenpo's teachings through January 2024. https://rigpedorjemontreal.org/en/un-seul-mot-des-instructions-essentielles-du-guru-en/
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Beginning November 2023, we are shifting to a once per month schedule. Look for new episodes on the new moon.
This episode drops at the start of the 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse in Santa Fe, NM, home of Prajna Sparks.
Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
Meet Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa, in Tricycle Magazine https://bit.ly/3xRySck
Listen Contemplate Meditate, by Lama Yeshe, in Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide https://bit.ly/3ygFsus
Meditative Inquiry, by Lama Yeshe, in Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide https://bit.ly/3xRySck
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (https://www.prajnafire.com/book-online)
Check us out in the media https://www.prajnafire.com/media
EMAIL US [email protected]
FIND US on the Prajna Fire website (https://www.prajnafire.com/sparks)
@prajnasparks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUzGmU7c4_TJdLhG9R8IDA/videos)
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa (www.prajnafire.com) IG: @karmayeshechodron @karmazopajigme
Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (www.shivgauree.com)
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