A difficult aspect of the job is the poor understanding of the public of what we do in EMS, and the poor understanding that our non-EMS friends and family have of what we do
Those of us in EMS can understand each other better, we have seen the same tragedy and struggled with the same difficulties that are so hard to articulate
What does retirement look like from a career paramedic in EMS?
Casey struggles with this, it’s hard to think about not caring for patients anymore. The closer he gets to retirement, the more it looks a little less clear what that looks like exactly
Eddie isn’t planning retirement soon so he can help provide for his kids. He does have retirement investments and fire benefits
Advice for newbies in EMS:
If you are seeing warning signs of burnout, get counseling immediately. Don’t write it off or try to ignore it as normal
Eddie would not have tried to fight the warning signs of PTSD, he would have sought help much sooner
He did struggle with suicidal thoughts for a period of time – counseling was the solution. Sleep deprivation was a major factor in these thoughts for him
He had a breaking point where he felt ready to end his life – a counselor called him back at 2am and got him in quickly to talk and this helped him significantly. And he now feels the best he has mentally – it doesn’t control him anymore
Casey talks about how few make paramedicine a career, it’s a tough job and it has changed over his career, he recommends finding the fun. Learn new things. Self-reflection goes a long way
Recognize when you need to switch to a different place, organization or company as a paramedic
Casey: “I feel bad, because I don’t feel bad”
We all feel different and respond differently to the things we see - you don’t choose the things that affect you
Don’t be afraid to say something to your coworkers if you see something wrong, even though it’s hard and confrontational – this helped me significantly when a partner called me out early in my EMT career
We’ve lost people in EMS through the years, this is devastating. We share life with our partners and get to know them really well
When Eddie was feeling similar thoughts of suicide to our coworkers that committed suicide, it was a huge eye opener for him to see the grief of their loss
Bad calls can haunt you; we have all seen it in others and ourselves
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
I tell those EMT’s that want to go to PA school or further education to just skip paramedic school. Go to paramedic school if you want to be a paramedic
“I’m not doing it for the pay, I’m doing it because I love it.”
Being a paramedic puts you in a unique position to save someone’s life in the span of 5 minutes
Eddie took calls personally. He gave every call his everything
Sometimes the patients survive despite all the odds being against them and some die despite all the odds being in their favor
We have to remember to respect the patients that may not have earned it because it speaks more about who we are than who they are
We will always have patients that treat us poorly, but it is more about rising above and detaching
We have the privilege of taking care of people on their worst days
Eddie talks about how EMS caused him to mature quickly
You will always have to deal with Karens in emergency medicine, you must rise above their bad behavior
Patients deserve our professionalism and respect even when they may not have earned it
Eddie talks about the difference between being in the field as a paramedic and in the ED
Eddie talks about how important it is to treat your patient as a human and not be a robot but be a human yourself
We need to build rapport and trust with our patient in order for them to accept our plan of care
Often the concern is different than the chief complaint
We talk about how certain tasks become second nature and allow you to converse with patients simultaneously
Humor can really help improve your patients’ care if you can read the room accurately
You don’t have to be an extrovert to be successful in EMS
We talk about how, working in emergency medicine, it can really take all the social energy you have
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Saknas det avsnitt?
We talk about the immense responsibility and stress of being a paramedic and the stress difference I’ve noticed moving to ER PA
Casey talks about RSI and how it still causes his palms to sweat
We should have a healthy respect for high level skills
As paramedics we can tend to focus too much on a complicated task and neglect the overall picture of what is happening with the patient, a good partner can really help avoid this
It can be really challenging with a partner that is not watching your back adequately and needs to be micromanaged
A good EMT anticipates the paramedics’ needs
Good BLS will lead to good ALS care
You have to trust yourself as a paramedic before you can trust your partner
The further you progress in medicine; you tend to stop advertising that you are in medicine
Sometimes the mistakes or the hard calls are easier to recall than the good calls or the victories
Casey talks about a rough pediatric call when he was a new paramedic
Fortunately, the really hard calls are few and far between
Eddie feels like the bad calls are how EMS has damaged him. He struggles to remember the good calls, or the calls where he felt like he did a perfect job
He lives with regret where he feels like he could have done better as well as the tragic calls and feels like this gets worse with time
Sometimes ignoring the trauma for years on end really ends up affecting you when you are older
The jokes can be a cover for how you really feel
But as a paramedic you have to detach and be above the fray, getting stuck in the same emotions as everyone else will not allow you to effectively do your job
Eddie talks about an incredibly tragic case he ran that always haunts him
Once you start getting into the mentality of BSI scene safe, you tend to start practicing that in all areas of life. You get used to always making sure you are safe
We talk about private ambulance and the difference between retirement and disability benefits from fire service
It’s really hard to switch from being a paramedic to another career after a certain period of time
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Best online EKG course you can finish in less than 4 hours:
Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS4 Category 1 CME credits - Fundamentals through advanced interpretation
Welcome our new panel Eddie and Casey, two very experienced paramedics
27 and 48 years in the field
Casey talks about AI potential in the field and a study he was involved in. Will AI help us or improve patient care? Will humans be needed at all?
Can AI replicate your gestalt?
Is our gestalt worth trusting normally anyway?Why do we see so many paramedics using the career as a steppingstone to other careers, I certainly viewed it this way when I was a paramedic
Eddie talks about starting in EMS because he knew it was the right thing to do. It feels like that is getting lost due to the softening of medicine. Becoming a paramedic was harder, the barrier to entry was harder. Have we lost our pride in this being a career rather than a job?
I remember having a lot of accountability from my peers when I was a new paramedic. I had some level of fear that I would be criticized by other crews and physicians if I didn’t perform well
Is part of the difference a lack of feedback from peers and physicians?
Has EMS gotten too soft?
Casey wonders if we are not putting enough emphasis on accountability to our peers because of fear of offending people
We talk about how much fear there used to be of the medical directors. But the environment has changed positively in a lot of ways as we learn and grow from mistakes more than getting punished for them
We talk about being a new EMT, being cocky
Where are the people that want to stay as a paramedic as a career? Not everyone is cut out to make it a long-term career
Some people get stuck in EMS, Eddie and Casey were more intentional about choosing it as their life
For some people it’s a job, for some it’s a life
How we present ourselves to the patient is important, we have limited time to make an impression and gain their trust
EMS has had periods where different services have just needed “butts in seats” and maybe this led to decreased expectations
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Whatever your beliefs regarding God or lack of a God as you work in emergency medicine, I hope this episode will uplift and encourage you
Laurie likes to reflect on the one patient she was there to help during the day. Or the one patient she was there to interact with
It is important to reflect on your highs, your lows and even things that made you laugh
Where is that line of caring for people and balancing your own family and priorities?
Jesus said the poor you will have with you always. You will never be able to fix every problem. We can’t take on a God complex. We have to check on ourselves to know when we are giving too much of ourselves
Daniel raises a point in his book, that the fruits of the Spirit are produced by you going through difficult situations with difficult people
Overcoming difficult things can make us better if we allow it to and we can be a light to those around us
Every day is not “I am blessed and highly favored”, there are some days where you feel bright and full and others where everything is difficult
Jesus knows that the pain of getting well is sometimes greater than the pain of staying stuck
Is emergency medicine your purpose?
Eric talks about the blessing it is to directly impact another person, but it is not his life’s mission. His identity is not an ER physician, it is a child of God
Laurie overall agrees but she stresses that she is called to be an ER PA. It’s the expression of the skills God has given her
I think I am somewhere in between the two of them, I definitely feel called to work in the ED but don’t want it to be my whole identity either
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Whatever your beliefs regarding God or lack of a God as you work in emergency medicine, I hope this episode will uplift and encourage you
Daniel talks about how the most anxious person in the room gets the most attention, but we should strive to be the non-anxious presence in the room. The non-anxious presence rebukes and resets the system
Daniel talks about how the people of God should strive to be like Jesus on the boat when he slept during the storm and say “Peace, be still” to the chaos
Remember how we treat people reflects who we are
Emotional whiplash occurs as a pastor or as an emergency medical professional
Daniel has gone from dedicating a newborn baby to helping a patient pass peacefully
Habits to hit the reset button:
I like to walk to patient rooms rather than speed walking. This allows me to take a deep breath, practice mindfulness and reset myself to approach the encounter wellSlow is smooth, smooth is fast
Try to smile
Engage with the patients that fill your cup and appreciate your care, talk with that staff member that is kind and happy
Daniel talks about breath prayers: “Come Lord Jesus”, “help me Lord,” “Lord I need you here” “Come Holy Spirit”
Daniel talks about how we help with anxiety. When he sees people in his office at church or in the hospital, they are often anxious just like our patients
He says one way he combats anxiety is asking the person’s full name. What does your middle name mean? Is that a family name? He quickly digs into the details about a person’s life, and this can cause the anxiety to diminish. It shows interest in the person
The greatest sound to a person is the sound of their own name
Often the patients chief concern is not the same as their chief complaint
In order to give to others, you have to have a full cup first, then what overflows is what you have available for others
How do we unburden ourselves of the things we take on at work?
Eric can compartmentalize
Laurie talks with her spouse to digest the things that happen during the day
Personally, sometimes I want to talk about my day and other times I don’t want to talk at all about my day
Daniel talks about how to avoid “taking home the hitchhikers.” We often see sad stories in our line of work and we can’t allow this to negatively impact our close relationships
Daniel jumps on his trampoline, screams into a pillow or goes to a steam room and gives the burdens over to the Lord. He also doesn’t shield his life from his family. He shares the difficult things
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Whatever your beliefs regarding God or lack of a God as you work in emergency medicine, I hope this episode will uplift and encourage you
New panel! Welcome Pastor Daniel Grothe, ER Physician Eric and ER PA Laurie
Daniel talks about the life of a pastor, which isn’t exactly as we all might assume. He talks about being a brand new, young pastor and how he responded to the home after the suicide of a 16-year-old boy
One of his first calls as the pastor on-call was the death of a 7-month-old boy
His experience, being a young pastor, not fully trained in how to handle the most difficult of scenarios, but jumping in anyway is not dissimilar to being a new EMT or paramedic
He’s not worrying about the medicine aspects like we do but his frequency of dealing with death and dying is very similar to my experience
He talks about how we come into peoples lives where they are and try to bring healing to them, and this can be costly for us as well
The ratios of doing the big things like weddings and sermons to the dealing with death and dying is not what you might expect as a pastor, a large portion of time is spent walking through the valley of the shadow of death with others
Laurie talks about an ER she used to work at and the amount of trauma they saw that was often not survivable
I recount the cardiac arrest of a 4-year-old I ran years ago and how this caused me to wrestle with God
Daniel talks about the times he has wrestled with God. Including the time New Life Church had an active shooter on campus that killed two young girls
Christians often want to see things like the stories in the book of Acts, miracles. But Acts takes place in 5 cities over 40 years. So, Daniel says, stick around a place for 40 years and you will see all of those things happen while also attending funerals and seeing death
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Daniel looks at what we do as working on this side of eternity to participate with God to be God’s representative to those that are suffering
We all get into the field to help others, but this can get lost in the tasks we have to do during the day
We have to remember that our actions and how we treat patients, regardless of complaint can demonstrate God’s love
Burnout comradery is a problem when we all get in a feedback cycle of complaining about the day and the patients. It might feel good in the moment, but it leads to burnout
“That smelly homeless person that just puked on my shoes is made in the image of God”
We can choose to be the peace and calm in every scenario
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Kevin Hazzard
Author of A Thousand Naked Strangers and American Sirens (you can find these on Amazon or wherever books are sold). You can find Kevin Hazzard at KevinHazzard.com
Kevin talks about the story Jesus told of the good Samaritan as really the first example of EMS. Jesus tells this story in response to a lawyer asking him how to obtain eternal life. A man was attacked on the road and left for dead. Many people that society perceives as “good” pass by this man but a Samaritan took the time to stop, dress his wounds and takes him somewhere to put a roof over his head and allow him to heal
Kevin talks about how society has never put sustained efforts into saving people outside of the hospital until the 60’s
The white paper published in the 60’s indicated that you were more likely to survive a gunshot wound in the Vietnam war than in the streets of the United States because you would have someone trained in first aid at your side
There was significant emphasis on intubation for early paramedics. This was a skill very important to the early physicians because they knew the life saving potential
We talk about the evolution of intubation and how emphasis seems to be changing and the important of still training on this skill because it can be very difficult and high stress
I think it is important to increase training rather than remove a skill set from paramedics
We talk about video options for intubation and the potential future of training
The first paramedics in American Sirens were black men that served their community called “The Hill”
Pittsburgh in the 1960’s was a very difficult city for African Americans. Jobs were not available. They were told they had no value. Then Freedom House ambulance gave them a purpose designed by the father of CPR himself, Peter Safar
Going from not worthy of anything to being trusted with paramedicine at the highest level for your own neighbors, your own community
The first call they run is in the aftermath of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination
Peter Safar, the father of CPR and an anesthesiologist, designed the early ambulances in a configuration that is still used today, a captains chair because he wanted good access to the airway
Their first medical director, Nancy Caroline, wrote the foundational EMT education text book
The great tragedy is no one can really tell you about Freedom House ambulance until now, the story was intentionally buried and forgotten
“This need to be corrected,” Kevin Hazzard tells the important story
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Kevin Hazzard
Author of A Thousand Naked Strangers and American Sirens (you can find these on Amazon or wherever books are sold). You can find Kevin Hazzard at KevinHazzard.com
What does Kevin miss about EMS?
He misses the partnerships and the chaos you went through together.
The memories he has are both good and bad from his time in EMS, the failures and the mistakes but also the victories
We get into Kevin’s newest book American Sirens
We talk about the difficulties in controlling and bringing order to a chaotic scene and how this is a skill that has to be developed over time
Kevin tells a story about a call with a panic attack and how this may be normal for us but for the patient experiencing the symptoms, it may be a real unique and scary scenario
Kevin’s “large” partner would take control of the scene that was out of control by pushing the biggest dude up against a wall and then everyone else would back down
Even without size on your side you have to present external confidence on scenes
A situation that, by definition, is out of control, must be controlled
Even those scenes that are not out of control, you still need to convince grandpa that you will take great care of grandma and you understand how important she is
We talk about the story of John in American Sirens and how EMS gave him purpose and how EMS gave us purpose as well
John was a black man that grew up in a segregated city, extreme poverty, his mother died of alcoholism and his father ultimately had to give him up to an orphanage. But John didn’t give up and he saw the respect and dignity that was given the earliest paramedics at Freedom House ambulance, even as black men, and worked his way into practicing paramedicine at the highest level
This was a time that, in the city of Pittsburgh, if you had a medical emergency, it was handled by two cops
Kevin does a great job of articulating Johns full circle in the book. He goes from orderly, the lowest of the lows in the hospital, to practicing paramedicine at the highest level, intubation, and bringing in critical patients into the same hospital ED
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Kevin Hazzard
Author of A Thousand Naked Strangers and American Sirens (you can find these on Amazon or wherever books are sold). You can find Kevin Hazzard at KevinHazzard.com
We talk about the difference of caring for someone dying in their home vs the hospital bed
There is something more intimate about dealing with death in a home, where the person had lived
In a lot of way this is harder to deal with in a patient’s home than my role in the ER as a PA, where I have more resources to manage the family dynamics
Kevin talks about how the crew emphasized the fighting component of the job when he did his early EMT ride-a-longs. We talk about fighting patients and how a lot of times this can be avoided. It comes down to your relationship with the patient and how you present yourself. Many fights are unavoidable, but some are inevitable
Kevin talks about being more tourist than devoted to learning early in his career. About how a partner helped make him a true believer
Our partners make such a huge difference, they can show us how the job is or is not supposed to be done
“You should wake up every day excited to be here and learn the medicine”
There’s no mystical force we tap into, it’s about learning the medicine. It’s you and another human being with a few tools at your disposal
Appreciate the incredible opportunity you have to be there
Kevin talks about his stent as a paragod and how this came to an end
“Hubris comes before the fall”
Kevin talks about an embarrassing moment that ended his paragod phase when he brought in a cardiac arrest with lividity
Humbling experiences will occur and end that paragod phase, hopefully you learn from your mistakes
We talk about moving on from EMS and how the options are really limited for a paramedic looking to progress. There is no natural movement upward
Kevin talks about the struggle of identifying with a profession like paramedicine or being a firefighter and how this can make it difficult to move on, even when you should
It was hard for him to move on when being a paramedic was such a big part of who he was and was the motivating factor behind writing A Thousand Naked Strangers
Support the show
Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Kevin Hazzard
Author of A Thousand Naked Strangers and American Sirens (you can find these on Amazon or wherever books are sold). You can find Kevin Hazzard at KevinHazzard.com
Paramedic from 2004-2013 for Grady hospital in Atlanta
He talks about the self-doubt he had in the writing process and how he wasn’t sure anyone would relate to his stories
However, the specific details he describes are super relatable for those of us with experience in EMS
Kevin talks about the writing process, getting book deals and his work on Hollywood films/movies
He talks about how he got a lot of “no’s” before he found a literary agent and a publisher
His motivation for writing was to tell the journey of who he was at the beginning of his career in EMS and who he had became
Expect that you will get a lot of no’s and a lot of failure until you get the right agent. Find an agent that sees your vision that you can build a relationship with
A Thousand Naked Strangers was published in 2016
Kevin wrote one of the best accounts of the EMT school experience I have ever read
Imposter syndrome seems to be a newer term but is a feeling we all have, especially in EMT school this is a common experience
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Don’t make your career your entire personality, extra shifts will affect you over time. Sometimes the extra money is not worth the burnout
The culture is shifting from working a ton to a better work life balance
Your family will remember that extra shift you worked far longer than your employer
Get off on time
Control the variables you can control that give you higher chance of getting off on time
Leave work at work
Burnout can be short term or long term, acute or chronic
If you cannot take care of yourself, you cannot take care of others well
Strive to live a healthy lifestyle
Don’t let your relationships falter because you are too busy
Don’t take those patients that are terrible to you personally. We are seeing patients on the worst day of their lives
The environment we work in is one of the most challenging out there
Learn what burnout looks like for you individually
Schedule time to relax and spend time with friends
Have a system for overcoming burnout, maybe therapy, maybe exercise
You have to manage and recognize compassion fatigue to avoid taking out your stress on other people that don’t deserve it
Don’t wear things as a badge of honor that are not good things: like not drinking water all shift
Avoid the bad habits that allow a short-term benefit for a long-term detriment
Selflessness is a big part of who we are, but this can be a point of damage if you don’t take care of yourself
Understand that we are all working as a team. You have to understand your role and work efficiently within that role
Lucas talks about a very personal experience with EMS, law enforcement and the ER. He realized that anyone of these people could have been the last to see his son alive. And we are that for other people many times. We are a tribe.
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Batching work applies with nurses too. Do multiples things when you enter the room, so you don’t have to go in and out many times
Ben talks about efficiency in the field being important due to the limited time and resources
As providers we must get comfortable with saying “I don’t know”
In medicine in general we don’t know everything, nor can we diagnose everything. Especially true in emergency medicine
Chest pain is a great example. We don’t get a clear answer or diagnose most of the time
We must be careful what we tell patients is going on when there is not a clear answer. Specific diagnoses will follow patient for a long time
Ben talks about some struggles new EMT and paramedics have and how the scope of a paramedic is still poorly understood, they often hear “I didn’t know you could do that?”
Teaching the EMT and paramedic students the context of the “why” behind treatments and not just the skills themselves
The difference between magic and medicine is we can trouble shoot and analyze medicine, we know why it works and if it doesn’t there is usually an explanation
Keep your mind open and learn from others. You can usually find someone that has a similar style as you, but you can also learn a ton from those who practice different from you
Ask a lot of questions, grow your confidence gradually
You need to master the more mundane tasks before moving to the exciting in some circumstances
Charge nurses need to help develop their team and communicate well
Be a mentor and correct people in a non-public setting, grow people instead of getting rid of them if they are struggling
Find a mentor or multiple mentors when you are new and when you have some experience, mentor people
You must be constantly teaching newer people and learning from more experienced people in medicine
You can make or break someone’s medical experience when they are new to the field
Cultures can be developed by the poor attitudes of a few crews or staff
You have to guard against the bias that those that are burned out can bring
Constructive criticism can come from even those that are not nice or not tactful if you can be open enough to take the feedback
You can learn from anyone, even those lower on the perceived hierarchy
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
New panel! Lucas (ER physician), Kendra (Charge RN, NP student), Ben (paramedic and educator)
Kendra talks about her advice for new charge RN’s
Have some ER experience first. She says it was difficult starting as a charge when she was so new to ER. Have a good set foundation.
You need to be able to have difficult conversations with people in a tactful way to address problems
Getting to know the providers on a more personal level also allows you to better counteract interpersonal conflicts
Lucas talks about how a good charge nurse is a problem solver. He doesn’t view himself as the captain of the ship as an ER physician. He views the charge nurse as the problem solver and it’s their job to make sure every patient is managed in the department
The progression from EMT to paramedic is a similar advancement as RN to charge RN. Thinking outside the box instead of just task-oriented work
Paramedics must learn to allocate resources appropriately rather than do the tasks themselves
Simulation based training has help new paramedics learn to lead calls and see the time it takes for tasks to get completed
Paramedics do tend to have chips on their shoulders, a lot of this has to do with the difficulty of the job and how it is fairly new by comparison and the history of EMS is often us trying to prove ourselves
Lucas discusses efficiency tips in the ED
Chart with the same basic structure regardless of the chief complaint
The physical exam can be very basic and general with a very detailed focused physical exam based on the complaint
Sometimes documenting a physical exam that is too thorough can bite you later when you have to answer why you did a cranial nerve exam on an abdominal pain patient
Document what was done and do what you document
More is not always better
Document twice as much as you think you need to on the relevant components
When you are new as a physician or APP you should be ordering more and documenting more
Try to batch tasks. When you get up go see multiple patients rather than one at a time
It’s better to do the right tests rather than use a shot gun approach every time
You should be able to answer what you are looking for with a given test
On most patients, you should be able to form a plan after getting the HPI and physical exam
We should seek to avoid stacking orders, sometimes it’s inevitable when unexpected results pop up
Stacking orders reall
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
(4) Lori Hodges, MA, CCP, PMP | LinkedIn
Shaking In The Forest: Finding Light in the Darkness: Hodges, Lori R.: 9798888244005: Amazon.com: Books
Debriefing helps to learn from a big crisis and then move on without continuing to judge yourself and your mistakes
We all make mistakes, getting stuck in the mindset of constantly reviewing what you could have done differently and dwelling on it is not helpful long term and can impact your next patient if you are distracted
It’s okay to not be okay and seek help for the things you are struggling with. We need to talk more about this in EMS
We see things that humans are not meant to see. We must be intentional about healing from the trauma
We all develop positive and negative coping mechanisms. We need to be aware of these
Dark humor is one of these strategies we commonly use
Lori talks about the hypervigilance she developed growing up with her father as an alcoholic. She picks up on subtle cues that others might miss as a result
It is important to take concerns from other emergency providers seriously, especially if they are spending more time with the patient. It’s important to build that trust with those around you
Finding the balance between compassion and carrying another’s burden is difficult
It’s also important to be able to teach others in emergencies by allowing them to make the decisions themselves but also being there to catch them
Lori talks about how she trains new emergency managers by allowing them to do hard things while being there to support them
Lori talks about how sometimes allowing people to learn from their mistakes instead of just firing them makes for better managers
Allowing people to admit their mistakes makes for a better environment where everyone is improving instead of being afraid to admit their errors
Collateral beauty is the light in the darkness, that must be
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
(4) Lori Hodges, MA, CCP, PMP | LinkedIn
Shaking In The Forest: Finding Light in the Darkness: Hodges, Lori R.: 9798888244005: Amazon.com: Books
Lori Hodges, is the author of Shaking in the Forest, Finding Light in the Darkness. She is a former paramedic and firefighter in Colorado and currently works as an emergency manager, recently working on hurricane Milton in Florida.
She talks about trusting your paramedic intuition on scenes and gives a vivid example of how trusting herself on a scene, despite others adamant that there were no other victims on scene, found another ejection victim of a motor vehicle accident
We talk about some of the unexplainable experiences we have as paramedics and how many of us have these similar stories
Lori talks about a feeling she would get the morning of a shift where she would know that a patient would die before it would actually happen and how the feeling would resolve after running the call
I always try to take the patient more seriously when the EMS crews have been concerned enough to put on the defibrillation pads
An important rule in EMS is no running and no yelling. We must be the calm. Lori talks about how this is even more important as an emergency manager. As leaders, we are watched and people take their cues from us. They will tend to mirror our behavior
We have to detach to make sure we take everything in and not get stuck doing one specific task
It is hard to be the one that stands back and doesn’t do the skills as a new paramedic, but it helps you take in the whole picture
Lori dealt with addiction and it’s affects while working at a detox center. She also dealt with it personally in her relationship with her father. She had to learn to set up boundaries with him
Our partners and fellow EMS coworkers are fighting their own battles, remember to have grace for people. Sometimes how they come across is not how they intend
EMS challenges
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Kelly Grayson is a very experienced paramedic, educator, speaker and author that serves the EMS community.
You can follow him here:
(10) Kelly Grayson (@AmboDriver) / X
(20+) Facebook
You can find his books on Amazon
Amazon.com: On Scene: More Stories of Life, Death and Everything In Between (A Paramedic's Stories of Life, Death and Everything In Between Book 2) eBook : Grayson, Steven "Kelly" : Kindle Store
En Route: A Paramedic's Stories of Life, Death and Everything In Between: Grayson, Steven Kelly: 9781537770819: Amazon.com: Books
How to compartmentalize and do our job without losing our humanity. This is a balance we are all trying to find
Kelly talks about how he had to detach in order to quickly triage on a scene and how this is necessary to do the job a lot of times
Joy and pain are different sides of the same coin; if you insulate from one you deny the enjoyment of the other
If you don’t let the failure to resuscitate a pediatric patient bother you, how can you feel the joy of delivering a baby?
Often we are spending more time with the lowest of society rather than on our own health and well-being
You have to be able to step away from EMS and leave work at work. But we all know this is very difficult. You need to share your feelings with your family. Holding it all inside is not helpful
Kelly talks about how this lack of communication cost him a
Support the show
Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Kelly Grayson is a very experienced paramedic, educator, speaker and author that serves the EMS community.
You can follow him here:
(10) Kelly Grayson (@AmboDriver) / X
(20+) Facebook
You can find his books on Amazon
Amazon.com: On Scene: More Stories of Life, Death and Everything In Between (A Paramedic's Stories of Life, Death and Everything In Between Book 2) eBook : Grayson, Steven "Kelly" : Kindle Store
En Route: A Paramedic's Stories of Life, Death and Everything In Between: Grayson, Steven Kelly: 9781537770819: Amazon.com: Books
Kelly talks about how he was cocky for many years when he first started as a paramedic. Paramedics often go one of two routes: God’s gift to paramedicine or bringing their text books around in fear every day
Kelly re published En route and On Scene the way he meant to release them in the first place in 2023
A lot of us go through the “God’s gift to paramedicine” phase of our career when we are overly-confident when we are new
Kelly tells a moving story about an elderly woman and how not everyone wants to be saved
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Nick talks about a difficult RSI intubation and his struggle to overcome the feeling that he didn’t do his best
We talk about how intubation success was such a critical point as a paramedic that everyone would have judged you on in the past
We talk about the direct laryngoscopy vs the new video techniques
Advice for the newbies:
Brent: You’re going to struggle with burnout. You need to recognize it early. Prepare for that possibility.Nick: The things that affect you are different for everyone. Certain things you think may not affect you will actually become a problem for you later. You can’t choose the things that you will struggle with. Always treat the patient well and don’t blame them for the problem they are having. It is not all about you. Treat people with respect and give them options. Let them save face.
Mark: Recognize that your happiness is up to you. Don’t expect the company or organization to give you your happiness or your wellbeing. If you see yourself getting less happy, you don’t owe the organization anything. You make the decisions that affect your life. We can’t blame the environment we choose. Make a change if you need to.
The mountain will always be the mountain. We have better gear than we did before but that doesn’t make the challenge itself that much easier. EMS is tough field and that will always be the case
Knowing when to step away is also important
Nick’s metaphor: Event horizons are the edge of a black hole. If you were in space and you passed into an event horizon you probably wouldn’t even notice. But from the outside, you would just appear to disappear. Event horizons appear in our careers as well. You may not really understand you are at that point of terminal burnout but looking back you might be able to pinpoint that point of no return that you crossed.
Where is the event horizon on a call? That point of no return where the outcome is assured.
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
Nick talks about a difficult traffic accident and how something that seems like not a big deal but actually affected him – we can’t choose the things that affect us
Is there something protective in the fire or law enforcement world that helps with longevity? Is it the wider variety of calls?
EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) is a form of psychotherapy that Nick had some great results from utilizing and highly recommends to those strugglingWorking together as a tribe is a key aspect of a functional scene. Everyone has their roles, their strengths and they complement each other
When things would go bad, Nick would take all the responsibility on himself but share the successes with everyone
Nick talks about an officer that was vulnerable enough to go into the details about a difficult call where he ended up struggling for his life and how this inspired him to get some help and talk about past trauma as well
It is important to recognize your need for help before it becomes a big problem
Our experience on the panel leads us to believe that we are more likely to respond in anger as men in EMS – maybe that prevents us from seeking help sooner
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Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.
1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition
Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.
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