This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Futurama. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
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This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch took a break from videogames right after their break from the podcast... and decided to talk about a movie that they all hold near and dear to their hearts: 1995's Hackers. Phone Phreaking, worms, virus, cookie monster, rooftop pools- we go over all of it, and you are going to want to hear it! Get in here!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Alter Echo. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
This week Chump Slap and Poppascotch take a moment to look back on the history of the Grand Theft Auto series from top down mayhem all the way up to current GTA VI speculation. It's an action packed thrill ride where we talk about stuff from GTA we like from all the games. Really though, this was a great one so come hear us talk about it!
This week Chump Slap and Poppascotch decide to do a whole episode where they talk about nothing in particular so they could extend their vacation with minimal work involved. We still stand by the episode though because we are the most accurate podcast in the game. Come in and Listen!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch go over the top five games they've reviewed this year on the podcast! In the second part of The Best of 2024 they discuss the entries in the number 2 and number 1 slots. What could the top two of the year be? Well you better get on in here and listen to find out! Also, you're goddamn right I recycled this synopsis from a post made years ago. I don't care. I hope you like the episode because we work really hard on this podcast.
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch go over the top Five games they've reviewed this year on the podcast! In the first part of The Best of 2024 they discuss the entries in the #5, #4, and #3 slots so get on in here and see if your favorite episode made the cut! Yes I recycled this episode description from last year, but it's fine because no one reads these at all.
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch start their year end roundup discussing the favorite games they all played throughout 2024. It's a more casual laid back environment, so let's all be cool. Sorry if your favorite didn't make our lists... we can't play everything....Pics are weird on this post, right?
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Watch Dogs 2. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called 24: The Game. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Fear Effect. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
This week Chump Slap and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about Video Game development made by the greatest director to ever do it. David Cronenberg created a whole new subgenre of "Body Horror" and this is one movie that does not fall short on the gross factor. We heartily approve of the film eXistenZ and hope you'll drop on in and have a listen where two nerds fawn over a wild ass movie! Get in here!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch take time to celebrate a milestone because this is our 300TH EPISODE!!!! The fellas take a break and discuss the worst games they've reviewed in the last 299 Episodes! I can't believe we're still doing this.
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Siren. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
This week Dr. Syintist, Chump Slap, and Poppascotch watched a video game movie about a hidden gem called Deep Fear. It was good. Come hear us talk about it!
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