
  • If you are ready to level up the fun you have with your family, today's episode is for you! I’m so excited to sit down with Paul Gowder, the visionary behind PowWows.com, a thriving online community dedicated to celebrating Native American arts and cultures. Paul shares his journey from building fun webpages in grad school to creating a vibrant online space where people connect and engage.

    Key Takeaways:

    Community Building Secrets: Discover how Paul balances community building with a full-time job and family life.Family Fun Goals: Hear about the delightful and ambitious travel goals Paul and his family set, including their love for Disney trips.Prioritizing Travel and Family Bonds: Tips on how to make travel a priority and create lasting memories while managing life's responsibilities.

    This conversation with Paul Gowder was a delight, and I hope it inspires you to set exciting goals, prioritize fun, and create lasting memories with your loved ones. Thank you for tuning in!

    Connect with Paul:



    Connect With Danielle:Website: PlanGoalPlanSocial Media: Follow us on Facebook, and LinkedInEmail: [email protected]

    Be bold, be balanced, and be well, friends.

  • In this episode, Danielle welcomes Annika Egglestone, a burnout prevention coach and international speaker, to discuss the pervasive issue of burnout. Annika shares her personal journey of shutting down her successful marketing agency due to severe burnout and the two-year recovery process that followed. Together, they explore the signs of burnout, the importance of rest, and strategies for reclaiming time, energy, and joy.

    Recognize the Early Signs of Burnout: Pay attention to subtle warning signs that your body and mind might be giving you, such as clumsiness, frequent forgetfulness, and feeling more exhausted after activities that should energize you.

    Combine Efficiency and Joy: Preventing burnout involves both streamlining your life and finding activities that genuinely bring you happiness.

    Give Yourself Permission to Rest: Taking time to rest and recover is crucial, even if it feels like you’re letting others down.

    Recognizing and addressing burnout early is essential for maintaining both your physical and mental well-being. By integrating small efficiencies, prioritizing joyful activities, and giving yourself permission to rest, you can sustain your energy and lead a more balanced, fulfilling life.

    Connect with Annika:

    Instagram & Tiktok: myjoyous.life

    Burnout Rescue: Free 5 Day program to slowing burnout & reclaiming your life https://myjoyous.life/burnout-rescue/

    Connect With Danielle:Website: PlanGoalPlanSocial Media: Follow us on Facebook, and LinkedInEmail: [email protected]

    Be bold, be balanced, and be well, friends.

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  • Feeling low energy? Get ready for an electrifying boost with Mark Struczewski, affectionately known as Mister Productivity. In this episode, we dive into Mark's inspiring journey from losing his corporate job to becoming a leading productivity coach with an ambitious mission to help 200 million executives conquer overwhelm by 2032. Mark shares his passion for productivity, going beyond to-do lists and calendar apps, emphasizing holistic well-being and the joy of living.

    HighlightsMindset Matters: Mark discusses how a positive and growth-oriented mindset is crucial for achieving productivity and overcoming challenges.Practical Tips: He shares actionable tips on managing time, prioritizing tasks, and staying focused throughout the day.Avoiding Pitfalls: Mark highlights common productivity mistakes, such as multitasking and procrastination, and provides strategies to avoid them.Action StepsAdopt a Positive Mindset: Start each day with a positive affirmation and focus on growth opportunities rather than obstacles.Prioritize Tasks: Use tools like to-do lists and planners to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.Schedule Tech-Free Breaks: Allocate specific times during the day to disconnect from all tech devices. Use this time to relax, take a walk, or engage in a non-digital activity to recharge your mind.Final Thoughts

    Productivity is not just about managing tasks but also about cultivating the right mindset and environment. Remember, small changes in your daily routine can lead to significant improvements in productivity and overall well-being.

    Connect with Mister Productivity, Mark Struczewski:

    The Mister Productivity Podcast

    https://www.linkedin.com/in/markstruczewski/ https://www.tiktok.com/@misterproductivity https://www.youtube.com/@MisterProductivity https://www.instagram.com/misterproductivity/

    Connect With Danielle:Website: PlanGoalPlanSocial Media: Follow us on Facebook, and LinkedInEmail: [email protected]

    Be bold, be balanced, and be well, friends.

  • If you're introspective, value-driven, and motivated to innovate change in your life, you’re in the right place. This episode is all about helping women tap into their potential by breaking through the barriers that hold them back. If you've been yearning for meaningful accomplishments that resonate deeply with your true self, this discussion is for you.

    In today’s episode, we delve into three significant barriers that often prevent women from achieving their goals: feeling invisible, feeling not enough, and feeling alone. Drawing from Dr. Claire Zammit’s extensive research and my own coaching experiences, we'll explore these barriers in depth and provide actionable steps to overcome them.

    Key Takeaways:Identify Your Barriers: Understand how the feelings of invisibility, inadequacy, and isolation can hinder your goal-setting and personal growth.Empower Your Self-Concept: Learn how to shift your self-concept and break free from societal and structural norms that limit your potential.Leverage Your Strengths: Recognize the incredible strengths within these barriers and learn to use them to your advantage.Action Steps for Growth: Gain practical tips and exercises to observe, intervene, and overcome these barriers in your own life.Action Steps:Reflect on Your Barriers: Take time to journal about which barriers resonate with you and how they might be intervening in your goal-setting process.Join the Bold and Balanced Mini Course: Free up 1-5 hours of your week with our 15-minute daily exercises designed to help you break through these barriers. Link to Bold Balanced WomenConnect with a Coach: Schedule a complimentary one-on-one coaching call to receive personalized support and guidance on your journey. Link to CalendarResources Mentioned:Bold and Balanced Mini Course: Text "BALANCED" to 319-264-3332 for more information and to sign up.Dr. Claire Zammit’s Research: Learn more about the patterns that prevent women from achieving their goals.One-on-One Coaching: Book a session to receive individualized coaching and support.Final Thoughts:

    I truly believe that within each of us lies the potential for a legacy of positive impact. By breaking through these barriers, we can activate our personal agency, be bold at work, and be present at home. Let’s harness our strengths, embrace our true selves, and create the change we wish to see in the world.

    Connect With Us:Website: PlanGoalPlanSocial Media: Follow us on Facebook, and LinkedInEmail: [email protected]

    Be bold, be balanced, and be well, friends.

  • Does the idea of being resilient or tenacious make you tired? Explore the delicate balance between grit and contentment in this thought-provoking episode. Discover how mindful planning can be your tool for achieving goals with gentle determination.

    Join us as we delve into practical tips for incorporating mindful planning into your daily routine. Learn how to embrace grit without shame and find endurance, passion, and mastery in your pursuit of a fulfilling life. Tune in to hear personal stories, reflections, and insights on parenting, ambition, and contentment.

    Key Takeaways:

    Reframing planning as personal development.Staying present and mindful during the planning process.Creating flexible frameworks for adaptive planning.The importance of regular reflections to maintain curiosity and growth mindset.

    Connect with Danielle:

    Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • https://boldbalancedwomen.com/

    In this transformational episode of the Plan Goal Plan podcast, your host Danielle McGeough shows you how to reverse engineer your goals using two very powerful words: "as if". This inspiring talk revolves around the concept of imagining your ideal self and taking actions as if you're already that person, to bring about significant positive changes in your life.

    The discussion dives deep into various elements that can help you manifest your future self, drawing insights from the works of Dr. Benjamin Hardy, James Clear, and others. Danielle also discusses the difference between technical and adaptive problems, offering a perspicuous view that goal setting is more a matter of adaptive problem-solving than mere technical problem-solving.

    Illustrating the idea of utopian performance in the field of theater, the episode teaches a lesson on the power of imagination in achieving your goals. Here, also learn how to draw strength from moments of your past self to fuel your future aspirations. Danielle leaves you with thought-provoking questions to ponder, aiming to help you dive into deeper self-realization, and actualize your full potential.

    Connect with Danielle:

    Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • In this episode of the Plan Goal Plan podcast, we join ex-IBM executive and transformational life strategist Allyson Ward for an insightful discussion on navigating life's transitional journeys. A fantastic testament to her personal resilience, Allyson shares lessons from her life on overcoming challenging circumstances and achieving meaningful personal growth and development. If you're searching to balance your professional and personal life while making purpose-driven decisions, this conversation is a must-listen!

    We explore the much-needed blend of goal-planning and living intentionally, discussing the impactful role technology plays in our everyday efficiency. From the benefits of purpose-driven actions to the ripple effects of our choices on our communities, Allyson gives you a fresh perspective on managing life dynamically. Special attention is also given to technological solutions like ChatGPT and Claude, highlighting how they can significantly streamline our routines and free up more time for meaningful engagements. Guided by Allison's experience of creating a custom GPT for her work, we learn how artificial intelligence can stimulate brainstorming, boost productivity, and aid in the actual implementation of ideas. The conversation provides unique insight into the intersection of technology and personal efficiency.

    Ready to embrace a transformative journey and learn how to navigate life's challenges efficiently? Tune in to this inspiring conversation with Allyson Ward to unlock your potential for mindful productivity and personal resilience.

    Connect with Allyson


    [email protected]

    Connect with Danielle:

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • Immerse yourself in this episode where we dive into the common struggle of balancing personal happiness and professional ambition. Featuring a candid interview with Dr. Anne Welsh, an esteemed psychologist, executive coach, and consultant, this episode explores the often unspoken battle over high-functioning anxiety, perceived failure, and the quest for fulfillment in today's fast-paced world.

    In this insightful conversation, we delve into the ambitious identity paradox and how it may hamper our journey towards achievement. We unpack the societal pressures of "having it all" and discover the importance of aligning our ambitions with our true selves. Understanding the overwhelming impact of external standards, we offer practical tips to reconnect with your individual needs and aspirations.

    Sharing her journey from Harvard to finding her ideal blend of teaching, research, and clinical work, Dr. Welsh provides a wealth of knowledge for high achievers, budding entrepreneurs, or anyone wrestling with high-functioning anxiety. Her journey emphasizes the strength in vulnerability and offers science-backed methods to nourish mental and emotional health, redefine success, and transition towards a more fulfilling life.

    It's a conversation filled with much-needed insights on establishing a sense of balance and contentment. The episode promises realistic solutions, from setting boundaries to deciphering our unique life goals, enabling viewers to thrive amid life's complexities. Discover techniques to foster healthy work-life integration and successfully navigate the dynamics of modern work and personal life. Tune in now!

    Connect with Dr. Anne Welsh



    Freebie: Webinar on how women can lead confidently and break free from perfectionism- www.drannewelsh.com/masterclass

    Connect with Danielle:

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • In this motivational episode of Plan and Goal Plan, we explore the often neglected concept of societal and personal expectations with the charismatic personal development expert, Cherylanne Skolnicki. This illuminating dialogue digs deep into the impact of perfectionism on our happiness and offers effective strategies to maintain balance and avoid burnout in our fast-paced lives.

    Our host, Danielle McGeough, facilitates a stimulating conversation about breaking free from the cycle of overachieving and transitioning into a more manageable lifestyle. A success story herself, Cherylanne Skolnicki provides practical advice for achieving a meaningful equilibrium between a fulfilling career, family life, and self-care.

    This episode offers valuable insights for those grappling with the challenge of high achievement and societal pressures. It encourages listeners to redefine their definition of success and reclaim their time, health, and peace of mind.

    The episode unfolds by addressing the influence of societal narratives on our choices, from exercise to academics, and the potential to breed burnout in our children. It advocates for a brave reset of our norms, arguing for a more balanced life rhythm.

    If you're seeking to connect with your innate desires or looking for inspiring tips to navigate the tempting buffet of life, this is a must-listen episode. After all, the key to "having it all" lies in what "all" means to you.

    Tune in to this thought-provoking and inspiring episode today and start your journey in redefining success.

    Connect with Cherylanne Skolnicki

    Podcast - Brilliant Balance


    IG @cskolnicki

    Connect with Danielle:

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • In this episode of the Plan Goal Plan podcast with Danielle McGeough, we explore the issue of worthiness. Many generous, skilled, and talented people suffer from feelings of unworthiness which leads to self-sabotage, suppression of ambitions, and persistent self-doubt in achieving personal and professional goals. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step towards breaking the barriers.

    Danielle McGeough, a professor, a mother, a planner addict, and a recovering overachiever, shares her insights drawn from the intersection of research, practice, and play. She reveals the common behavioral patterns that can indicate a sense of unworthiness, such as reluctance to set higher goals, chronic self-doubt, and intentional self-sabotage.

    McGeough also exposes traps like the comparison of personal progress with others, ignoring personal achievements, overcommitment, and seeking external validation. These false solutions only fuel the feelings of unworthiness and impede our growth.

    Through this podcast, McGeough guides the listeners on how to overcome these internal barriers and cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth. It encourages listeners to develop skills in value creation, learn to be deeply present with themselves, and master setting appropriate limits to tasks that do not inspire or connect us.

    For everyone seeking to break free from the shackles of unworthiness, McGeough concludes with a hopeful message, empowering listeners to reclaim their worth, achieve their goals, and enjoy deep satisfaction in their relationships. Empathy, presence, and acknowledging one's value could not only boost one's self-esteem but also enhance meaningful collaborations with others.

    Whether you're struggling with achieving your goals or just want to boost your self-esteem, this episode of Plan Goal Plan is bound to guide you on your path to feeling worthy of your dreams.

    Connect with Danielle:

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • Free From Busy Masterclass (Open Now!)

    Are you a high achiever who's feeling a little flat lately? Do you struggle to find the right work-life balance? Listen to this episode of Plan Goal Plan podcast for insights on escaping the common trap of overcommitment that many successful professionals fall into. Host Danielle McGeough explores the struggle of being overwhelmed with daily tasks, feeling guilty about personal time, and the constant stress of unmet goals.

    Discover the pitfalls of overcommitting yourself, failing to delegate, and sacrificing personal time in the pursuit of what seems like perfection. Learn how these strategies are actually counterproductive as they add to your stress rather than alleviate it. Dive into a discussion on the "Superwoman Syndrome"—the misguided belief that maximum personal and professional achievement requires an unbalanced, all-in effort.

    However, it's not all doom and gloom! Danielle suggests a solution and guides you towards a new approach: a women-centered method to planning and goal setting that respects both your professional ambition and personal life. Find out how focusing on well-being, rather than success can help you achieve a better work-life balance.

    This episode provides tools and strategies to help you deal with the challenges that come with being a high achiever and outlines a path leading to decreased stress and increased joy.

    If you’re ready to move from overwhelmed to overjoyed, listen now to start your journey towards a more balanced, purposeful life.

    Connect with Danielle:

    Break Free From Busy Masterclass (Open Now!)

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • Are you seeking to adopt consistent habits? Despite consuming several habit-formation resources like Charles Duhigg's Power of Habits, James Clear's Atomic Habits, or Tiny Habits by B.J. Fogg, consistency may still feel elusive. If this resonates with you, this episode discusses a concept called "empowered habits."

    Empowered habits is an innovative approach designed to redefine habit formation that fosters personal growth, deep connections, and authenticity. This method challenges the conventional understanding of habits, offering a more tailored approach that's grounded in individual values and emotional well-being.

    This episode also explores the difference between habits, practices, routines, and rituals, and illuminates how empowered habits bridge the gap between conventional habit formation and a more intuitive and authentic approach. Through a blend of research and practical exercises, the episode proposes ways to create habits that align with our intrinsic values, build community, and strengthen emotional resilience.

    Beyond that, it provides an overview of how empowering habit loops encourage creativity, account for our natural energy cycles, and respect the need for flexibility. Catered specifically for high-achieving women, the episode unpacks how these empowered habits can foster meaningful growth and a fulfilling lifestyle.

    Whether you're a professional, a planning enthusiast, or someone seeking personal growth and balance, this episode delivers unique insights and actionable steps to help transform your life. Get ready to feel energized, enlightened, and equipped to tackle your goals in an entirely new and empowering way.

    Connect with Danielle:

    Break Free From Busy Masterclass (Open Now!)

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • In this episode of Plan Goal Plan, we explore the idea of dull goals—that's right, the mundane and ordinary tasks that often form our daily routines. Have you ever looked at your to-do list and wondered if you're doing something wrong? Perhaps you feel societal pressure to be more exciting or adventurous. But what if we told you that there's beauty and immense value in these seemingly dull tasks?

    We celebrate anyone who feels they've become "dull" and provide techniques to embrace this state and see the creativity it fosters. Planning and goal setting need not add pressure to your life but can instead serve as a means to clarify purpose, reclaim time, and achieve goals playfully and lightly.

    In this episode, we break down all the ways dull goals can work to our advantage. They can be a form of mindfulness, a spur for personal growth, or even a foundation for more exciting pursuits. What's more, we explore how creativity can transform dull tasks into engaging projects, introducing an element of fun into the mundane, and how gamifying certain activities can also add an element of excitement and challenge to seemingly dull tasks.

    Join us, as we revel in the dull, and discover how it can lead to a life that's anything but. We'll also delve into how to distinguish between constructive dull goals and those that might be a sign you're doing something you don't want to do. Finally, we extend an invitation to embrace dullness, to rid yourself of societal pressures, and to find joy in the simplicity of daily life.

    So whether you are a planner addict, a professional, a mom, or a recovering overachiever, tune in to tap into the potential of the dull. Let's explore together how to make memories, do meaningful work, and live a life of balance and delight. Come and find value in simplicity and watch how it can transform your life.

    Connect with Danielle:

    Free VISION Goal Setting Workshop: Register here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • In this insightful episode, we delve into the complexities of caring for aging parents while maintaining personal and professional responsibilities. Our esteemed guest, Janice Goldmintz, a renowned figure in the field of gerontology and the founder of "Talk About Aging", enlightens us with her invaluable insights on managing these delicate transitions in life.

    From sharing her personal journey that commenced with her grandmother's nursing home experience to discussing how to turn caregiving challenges into opportunities for connection, Janice offers practical solutions based on her vast knowledge and expertise. Emphasizing the need for proactive measures-like financial planning, fostering relationships with healthcare professionals, and generating intergenerational dialogues-she guides listeners towards enriching the lives of both the caregivers and the elderly individuals.

    Driving home the importance of quality life for seniors, Janice navigates the stigmas and complexities surrounding aging, money, and health. She accentuates the need for early conversations and collective care leading to aging with dignity and joy. Not only does she shed light on caregiving roles but also handles the well-being of the caregivers through a balance between caregiving responsibilities and personal life.

    With the guidance of personal experiences, Janice unfolds insightful strategies for managing multiple responsibilities while emphasizing the critical role of planning. The episode discusses the positive implications of being prepared, both for expected and unforeseen situations. It stresses the necessity of accessing available support from specialized organizations and the tangible benefits such resources can offer.

    This introspective episode concludes with Janice offering practical tips on rallying support from family members, friends, and paid help, underscoring that you don't have to carry the caregiving burden alone. Aimed at offering a fresh perspective on aging and caregiving, this conversation will equip listeners with practical advice, professional insights, and empathetic understanding.

    Connect with Janice:

    [email protected]


    https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086971317389 Aging Parents site



    Connect with Danielle:

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • In this enlightening episode, we delve into the rarely addressed, yet crucial topic of the Mental Load of Motherhood. Joined by our special guest, Productivity Specialist and Certified Fair Play Method Facilitator - Valerie Recore, we bring to light the invisible weight carried by mothers across the globe. Every day, moms juggle multiple responsibilities in both their personal and professional lives, leading to a significant mental load - a compounding of unseen everyday tasks essential for families.

    We explore why this burden seldom falls on men, uncover the cultural and historical roots behind this pattern, and kickstart a conversation on how these trends can be shifted. Valerie shares her actionable advice on aligning family values, setting realistic household standards, and the importance of prioritizing self-care and communication. This episode is an empowering resource for working moms, and those seeking to advocate for them.

    Feeling overwhelmed by chaotic life schedules? We guide you to effective goal-setting strategies that are enjoyable, manageable, and yield real results. And more, we delve deep into a vital discussion about the mental load of motherhood with Valerie. Discover mothers' experiences with this unseen burden, its impact on relationships, and the importance of acknowledgment and resolution.

    We examine societal structures that lead to this mammoth 'mental load', primarily experienced by mothers, and delve into the importance of clear communication, evaluation of personal and family values, and the unsustainable practice of societal acceptance through a brave front. With candid discussions on balancing tasks, busting stereotypes, and recognizing values, we bring you practical advice on overcoming parental overwhelm, addressing cultural norms and prioritizing self-care amidst chaos.

    Join the conversation evaluating societal conditioning, breaking norms for happiness's sake, and dare to ask the hard questions. Are societal expectations driving you? Or are actions stemming from pure love and enjoyment? Understand what your actions reveal about your values. Tune in as we explore the challenging waters of parental overwhelm, shedding light on this largely silenced issue and discussing solutions that can make a positive impact. Be part of the change society urgently calls for.

    Connect with Valerie:

    Private podcast: https://strideproductivity.com/schoolpickup/




    Connect with Danielle:

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • Dive into this special episode of Plan Goal Plan as we welcome inspiring corporate leader, Victoria Pelletier. Known for her relentless drive and knack for pushing boundaries, Victoria reveals how to foster an environment that allows everyone to excel. As a successful author and prominent figure in the corporate leadership world, her journey from adversity to breaking down barriers is truly inspiring. Join us in this powerful narrative of a young executive, mother, and proud member of the LGBT community, who has redefined leadership.

    This episode delves into Victoria's unique philosophy of whole human leadership. This approach champions authenticity, vulnerability, and absolute faith in every individual's potential for a meaningful contribution. She elaborates on her unique approach to goal setting, highlighting the need for resilience, clarity, and radical candor. Listen in as Victoria's inspiring story motivates you to challenge your limitations, dream big, and pave the way for an environment fostering growth and productivity.

    Additionally, this episode casts light on Victoria's concept of "unstoppable" leadership and the intricate connection it shares with setting goals. She emphasizes the significance of personal philosophy and enduring resolve in overcoming obstacles and adversities. Victoria also explains her process of setting high-performing objectives for her team, underlining the critical role of clear expectations in building the foundation for organizational success.

    Further into the conversation, Victoria shed light on the relevance of resilience in navigating the constant changes in contemporary business environments. Amid shifting trends like hybrid work environments and tech innovations, adaptability and resilience have become increasingly valuable for maintaining focus, delivering with intention, and achieving success.

    The session rounds off with a crucial message for the audience, particularly for women who may limit their aspirations due to self-doubt or disheartening circumstances. Victoria urges everyone to set ambitious goals fearlessly and pursue them relentlessly. Join us in this revelatory episode, and redefine your vision of what's possible!

    Connect with Victoria:

    Website: https://victoria-pelletier.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriapelletier/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/PelletierV29

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victoria_pelletier_unstoppable/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Victoria.Pelletier.Speaker

    Medium: https://medium.com/@victoriapelletier

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/VictoriaPelletierNoExcuses

    YouTube Speaker Reel: https://youtu.be/na8LwVeWsmE

    Podcast Guests Profile: https://podcastguests.com/expert/victoriapelletier/

    Influence Unleashed Book - Amazon: https://a.co/d/6Ru2NKY

    Connect with Danielle:

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • In this episode, we dive into the world of planning and goal setting within a relationship. A well-known dilemma for many is how to get their partner to actively participate in the family's planning and goal setting. It can be a challenge, ensuring that the processes do not feel pressurized or critical, but rather collaborative. It's apparent that such shared planning is a key element in fostering connection in a shared life, thus making this discussion an important one.

    In this journey to establishing stronger partnerships, there will be a focus on effective strategies for joint planning. The objective here is to not only realize individual goals but collective aspirations as well. The episode poses a solution for those who may feel overwhelmed with the complexity of goal setting.

    We further delve into the need for the implementation of effective communication and mutual respect in ensuring that the planning process strengthen partnerships. An emphasis is given on how shared goals can help align individual wants, thus paving the way for a more fulfilling future.

    A commonly overlooked aspect of love and logistics is the effect of resentment on the well-being of both the individual and the relationship. We address the trepidation that women often have regarding the unequal distribution of household responsibilities, which often goes unnoticed leading to feelings of resentment. The episode stresses the need for clear communication, setting shared goals, and engaging in regular planning sessions as a team to overcome such issues.

    We wrap up with a look at how these strategies don't just help with life's logistics but also serve as tools for improving and strengthening relationships, creating opportunities for effective communication and ensuring a united approach towards a common future. This episode leaves you with strategies to seamlessly incorporate goal setting in your life, fostering an environment that encourages growth, learning, and joint achievement.

    Connect with Danielle:

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

    Episode Transcript

  • Join Danielle McGeough in the latest episode of the Plan Goal Plan podcast titled: "Embracing Vulnerability, Overcoming Doubt, and Building a Constructive Feedback System for Personal Growth." Danielle addresses the vulnerability of plunging into new ventures and handling the accompanying internal unrest and doubt. As a professor, mom, and recovering over-achiever, Danielle shares from her wealth of experience how to infuse ease into life by adopting a streamlined and playful approach to goal-setting and planning.

    In this episode, Danielle explores the concept of feedback during these moments of tenderness. Discover the psychological impacts of feedback and how your mindset shapes your response and absorption of feedback. She delves into the realms of constructive and destructive feedback and provides insights into managing solicited and unsolicited feedback, especially when battling vulnerability. She reflects on instances when she experienced both solicited and unsolicited advice and revisits how they influenced her journey. Draw invaluable lessons from her experience submitting an article to a journal and the thoughtful, motivating feedback she received in the wake of a seeming rejection.

    In a world where life runs at a fast pace, cultivating a sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence is key. Danielle illuminates the importance of these virtues while receiving feedback. Learn effective strategies to actively seek feedback that revs up your growth rather than stifle your enthusiasm. Understand how to filter feedback, sift through those that propel your growth and let go of the negatives. In moments of vulnerability, take pause, reflect, and strike a balance between feedback and your personal intuition, values, and goals.

    Tune in to learn how to approach giving and receiving feedback and use it as a powerful tool for personal and professional development. Navigate the interplay of fear, doubt, hope, and resilience as they usher in new opportunities for growth and discovery. Don't miss this profound exploration where Danielle gently guides you on a path to determination over doubt, boldly and brilliantly reaching your goals.

    Connect with Danielle:

    FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/

  • Do you ever find yourself swamped with tasks, feeling productive yet unfulfilled at the end of the day? In this episode, I dive deep into the urgency trap - that compelling drive to tackle tasks demanding immediate attention, often at the expense of more significant, impactful goals.

    This episode is not just about identifying the problem; it's about offering solutions. I explore why we fall into prioritizing urgent tasks over important ones and the long-term impacts of this habit. Through personal anecdotes, feedback from our community, and insights from experts, I unravel the complexities of task prioritization.

    I also share actionable strategies to escape this trap. From the enlightening story of the lumberjack and the blunt saw to practical tools like the Eisenhower Matrix and time blocking, I provide a roadmap to align your daily efforts with your core values and long-term objectives.

    Remember, it's not always about doing more; it's about doing what's meaningful. Let's embark on this journey together, towards a more productive, balanced, and fulfilling life. Let's do this, together!

    Connect with Danielle:

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    Email: [email protected]

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  • In this empowering episode, I delve into the often overlooked struggle of invisibility experienced by high achievers, particularly women. Despite their accomplishments, many find themselves fading into the background, their efforts unnoticed and their voices unheard.

    We explore the underlying dynamics of this phenomenon, shedding light on the challenges faced by women striving for recognition and value, both in the workplace and at home. Drawing from Dr. Claire Zammit's insightful work, we identify invisibility as a significant barrier, especially poignant for women of color and those in marginalized positions.

    But amidst these challenges lies an opportunity for growth and empowerment. Through introspection and intentional action, we can reclaim our visibility and worth. By nurturing self-awareness, expressing our needs confidently, and prioritizing self-care, we can break free from the shadows and emerge as beacons of inspiration.

    The journey to embracing visibility starts with recognizing our intrinsic value and acknowledging our worthiness independent of external validation. It's about advocating for ourselves, setting boundaries, and unapologetically pursuing our aspirations. Together, we can create a supportive community where every high-achieving woman feels seen, heard, and celebrated.

    Join us in this transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, let's illuminate the path to a future where all women confidently shine and thrive. Embrace your visibility, embrace your worth, and embrace the greatness within you.

    Connect with Danielle:

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/727411369068279

    Website: https://www.plangoalplan.com/