Sraith Padcrhaoltaí ina mbeidh aoi ag caint le hÓgie Ó Céilleachair gach seachtain. Rithfidh an chéad sraith ar feadh sé seachtaine le aoi nua gach seachtain.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Gaming in Hell is a podcast about online culture hosted by two guys who hate being called "gamers" despite the term being appropriate. The internet is hell and we're all living in it - but what made it this way? Through conversations with friends about gaming culture, social media and everything else that happens online, the show hopes to unpack what makes the internet so terrible, and possibly discover a way to enjoy things without being awful.
The Garden Log is an award winning podcast from Ben Dark, Head Gardener at an English country estate. Episodes begin with a review of events in the flowerbeds, meadows and woodland, before moving on to discuss horticultural matters more generally.
Ben is an ever-curious host who does not take himself, his job or gardening too seriously. A half-hour spent in his company is a half-hour spent far away from the myriad concerns of modern life. -
"Forty Minute Feuds is a new series that explores our favourite squabbles, scraps, and spats. Hosted by award winning comedian Davey Reilly, each episode will feature a guest discussing a feud of their choosing from pop culture, history, mythology, or even their local village."
Facebook: -
I Am Hear is a conversational podcast that focuses on the guest and their experiences with RPGs and the RPG community. It explores the unique stories of RPG community members and purposefully features members of the community marginalized by race, gender, sexuality, neurodivergence, and/or disability. I Am Hear aims to boost those folks and their stories. Every episode is someone's story. And every story is worth listening to. Season 3 coming Fall 2020.
Peter Greenberg is America's most recognized, honored, and respected front-line travel news journalist. Peter is Travel Editor for CBS News, appearing on CBS This Morning and The CBS Evening News, among other broadcast platforms.
Eye on Travel is a travel news show originating from a different location every week, featuring local experts sharing their favorite gems.
For more travel news you can use visit And follow Peter Greenberg for the latest travel news on social media:
Twitter: @PeterSGreenberg
Instagram: @PeterGreenberg -
Join Lewys Ball & Isla Loba every Thursday as they react to the latest social media trends, reality TV moments and celebrity culture. From TikTok drama to red carpet reactions, if it's happened this week, Pop Off has it covered!
Socials: @popoffpodcast -
there’s a non-stop inner monologue running wild in olivia neill’s mind and lucky for you, she has no filter. getting over heartbreak, hot takes and the complexities of living a life online… every wednesday and friday her musings, life advice and chaotic anecdotes are all yours. a spotify video exclusive.
What's the Craic? Craic is a beer community that champions independent Irish beer, and showcases the amazing talents of brewers all across the island of Ireland. We've been running a range of online and in-person events over the past few years, which have helped beer fans to connect with breweries, hear a bit about their story, and most importantly, taste some of their delicious brews.
We also have a social community platform where you can get involved in the beery chats, and keep up to date with events and general news from around the Irish beer scene.
The aim of the community is to provide a welcoming space where beer fans can chat, learn about beer, and connect with others. Join us to expand your beer knowledge, engage with our community of beer fans, and have a bit of craic while you’re at it!
The Craic Beer Community Podcast features a range of beery chats with guests from all around the Irish beer scene. We chat about everything from beer travel to homebrewing, and loads more in between.
Craic Beer Community Social Platform
The podcast is independently produced and entirely self-funded.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Meet the people behind the aviation business. Discover their passion, journeys and previous lives before flying became their world. Pieced together over a five year period, Jarlath Regan (creator of the award winning Irishman Abroad Podcast Network) has put together a collection of interviews with the best CEOs, business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators that will give you an insight into the people behind the planes like never before. With his trademark humour and insight, season 1 focuses on the Irish dominance of the business from multiple angles and perspectives. To contact the show simply email [email protected].
Flying Irishman is an Irishman Abroad Podcast. -
Mit dem Podcast: "Offener Treff: das Spiekerooger Lietz Update" wollen verschiedene Schüler*innen der Hermann Lietz Schule-Spiekeroog und der pädagogische Mitarbeiter Nils Windoffer das Internatsleben der Lietz an die Zuhörer*innen vermitteln. Die Lietz-Gemeinschaft ist ein besonderes Kennzeichen des Spiekerooger Internates, welches die Projektmitglieder nahbar schildern wollen. Schüler Eric Claußen, der die Idee für den Podcast hatte, interviewt in den verschiedenen Episoden besondere Institutionen und Persönlichkeiten der Schule zu ihrem Alltag auf der Lietz. Aus dem Offenen Treff, dem Herzen der Schule, wurde der Podcast geplant und veröffentlicht. Dieser lädt zum auditiven Erleben der Heimgemeinschaft ein. Spannende Geschichten warten darauf gehört zu werden. Wir nehmen euch mit in die Spiekerooger Welt, welche von Gemeinschaft, dem Leben auf einer Insel und Bildung geprägt ist. Wir hören uns!
Bei Fragen und Anmerkungen meldet euch unter: [email protected] -
Thomas Biagi, ex pilota, e Camilla Ronchi, autrice e conduttrice di molti Format TV di Motorsport, devono affrontare il percorso cittadino come se fosse una gara, portando a termine una serie di missioni lanciate dal computer di bordo. Potranno usare la macchina ma per risparmiare potranno decidere di spostarsi anche su altri mezzi (viaggio intermodale). Devono rispettare il codice della strada, e nello stesso tempo, ottimizzare al massimo le performance dell’auto, con l’obiettivo di consumare meno benzina possibile ma stare nei tempi della challenge. Aumentare la performance, diminuendo i consumi. Come riuscire ad avere un guida consapevole nel contesto cittadino. Il mito del pilota senza freno che fa i conti con una realtà nuova, quella del post pandemia e della crisi delle materie prime, fatta di attenzione alle emissioni, ai consumi e di trasporto intermodale.
Un podcast di Esso prodotto da Hypercast
Con Thomas Biagi e Camilla Ronchi
Autore: Max Cervelli
Supervisione testi: Matteo Strada
Direzione creativa: Raffaele Costantino
Registrazioni in studio: Giulia Macciocca
Editing e montaggio: Davide Chilese
Musiche originali: Maurizio Bilancioni
Project Manager: Giulia Macciocca
Coordinamento team autoriale: Matteo Strada -
Plutôt que de faire des vocaux privés pour raconter ma vie à mes copines je me suis dis que ça pourrait être intéressant de le faire sous forme de podcast. Ce podcast est une façon pour moi de raconter ma vie, des anecdotes ou ce qui me passe par la tête mais aussi de donner des conseils.
N'hésites pas à venir me donner ton avis, débattre avec moi ou juste à me donner des idées de sujet en dm sur instagram : lysthxa
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.