Even natives sometimes forget New York City is made up of five boroughs, four of them islands. And as much as the waters which surround it are treasured for their iconic beauty, the raging sea was no friend to many neighborhoods when Hurricane Sandy arrived on the night of October 29, 2012. Communities closest to the water were hit the hardest. Over the next few weeks Pets In the City will take listeners on an audio tour of some of these neighborhoods and talk to people who have come forward to help thousands of pets—and their families—made homeless and hungry by the storm.
Today we travel to Far Rockaway, a peninsula just off of the borough of Queens which was not only devastated by the storm when it hit land, but endured the physical destruction and electric blackouts it left behind. Our guides are Zina Skachinsky, executive director of the Allied Rockaway Foundation for Animal Recreation and Fitness (“ARF-ARF”) and Jeff Moratti who has been going door-to-door to help pets and their families meet a number of challenges in the wake of the storm. We hope generous “Pets In The City” listeners will help them continue their efforts with a tax-deductible donation to their cause.
Questions or Comments? Send them to: diane@petliferadio.com.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Shelter from the Storm- Everyday Angels Help New York City Pets and Families Weather the Damage of Hurricane Sandy with Diane West var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'}; -
When we’re enjoying the day-to-day fun and friendship our pets, thoughts of a time they will no longer be with us are far from our minds. Unfortunately, it is a sad truth that there will be a day when we have to say goodbye to these special friends, often long before we are ready to let them go. Many pet owners who have already experienced the loss of a beloved pet know it is often a time when sadness and loneliness swirl into one big cloud which can be difficult to discuss--even if, like radio personality Maria Milito, you happen to have millions of people willing to listen.
Ms. Milito, affectionately known by many as "The Voice of Classic Rock" in the New York tri-state area on Q104.3, and a frequent host on NY1 News, speaks of her own journey of pet love and loss in her debut book, Clarice and Friends: How They Helped Mend the Hole in My Heart, and shares some of the many heartfelt sentiments she received from listeners who helped her through this difficult journey.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - With A Little Help From Her Friends: How New York Radio Personality Maria Milito Dealt With The Loss of A Very Special Pug with Diane West -
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Long Island, New York resident Olivia Bouler, wise beyond her eleven years, decided to take action. She began drawing birds and selling them to help in the efforts to clean up the devastating spill and begin the long process of rehabilitating the wildlife in the area. She posted her efforts on Facebook, and what followed next was something neither she nor her family could have ever anticipated. To date, Olivia’s efforts have raised some $200,000 and garnered numerous animal and environmental awards. Her speech at the ASPCA Humane Awards luncheon in October 2010-- where she shared the stage with the likes of Sam Simon, co-creator of "The Simpsons", brought the house down.Pets In the City spoke with the young and multi-talented Islip resident earlier this year when she had just gotten word that her book, "Olivia’s Birds" would be published by Sterling Publishing. Listen and find out how to receive a free, personalized, signed copy of the book, Olivia’s Birds!
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - On A Wing and a Prayer: How A Young Girl from Long Island Helped The Gulf Oil Spill Birds with Diane West -
While we’re starting to hear some glimmers of good news about the economy, the fact of the matter is there are still plenty of us who are struggling to make ends meet. For some, the ends simply won’t meet, and many of these families include four-footed members who go hungry, too. That’s when people like Susan Kaufman, a New York-based attorney and president of The Animal Relief Fund ("ARF" for short) take a seemingly simple idea -- create a pet-food pantry for needy families -- and run with it.
Now, through a partnership with The Yorkville Common Pantry on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, Ms. Kaufman’s idea has turned not only into a way for struggling families to feed all the members of their family, but an unlikely outreach tool as well. We spoke to Ms. Kaufman earlier this year about her mission, but even with the spring and summer upon us, hunger knows no time limit. Come listen as she talks about the evolution of an idea into a lifeline, and find out how you or your neighbors in New York can access this wonderful program if you’re having a tough time. Don’t be shy -- we’re all in this together.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - The Belly of the Beast with Diane West -
Out of a city where some 500,000 dogs call home is a not-so-secret subculture of women who call themselves “Doggie Moms.” But these aren’t just any doggies, and these aren’t just any moms. These mainly pocket-sized pooches wouldn’t be caught playing dead in anything but the latest fashions, and neither would their doting ‘moms.’
“Pets In the City” host Diane West spoke with three of the five moms featured in the six-part series: Erika (mom to Cubby and Ginger); Grace (mom to Portia and Rosie) and Karen (mom to Eli). At the time of the interview, none of the ‘moms’ had seen the show yet, so this interview promises to be extra-fun as the women tell us who the ‘diva’ of the show was, who the ‘mellow’ one was, and which one of the “Moms’ they would like to date. Tune in on Wednesday night to see if you agree with their answers!
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Oh, Mother! Doggie Moms of New York and The Not-So-Secret Lives of Three Women with Diane West -
For many, the circus brings back fond memories of lions, tigers and other exotic animals performing incredible feats of entertainment. But in recent years, the ability of some circuses to properly care for such large beasts has come into question, and this renewed scrutiny has not been limited to the United States.
Actress, animal advocate (and native New Yorker) Jorja Fox, who plays the popular character Sara Sidle on the mega-hit series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, spoke with "Pets In the City" host Diane West about Ms. Fox’s work on behalf of 25 lions and other circus animals which she, Bob Barker, and other celebrities helped fly from Bolivia to the USA through Animal Defenders International and "Operation Lion Ark." Listen to the incredible journey of the lions on this ongoing rescue-and-relocation project as well as some juicy clues about what it’s like to work on the set of CSI, the traits Ms. Fox shares with her character Sara, and Ms. Fox’s thoughts about the long-distance TV marriage between Sara and Gil Grissom (actor William Petersen). Will Grissom return to the CSI lab in Las Vegas? Tune in to see what "Sara" says!
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Fox Saves Lions: CSI’s Jorja Fox And Other Celebrities Investigate The Scene of Criminal Treatment of Bolivian Circus Lions And Keep ‘Operation Lion Ark’ Afloat with Diane West -
Finding good adoptive homes for healthy homeless animals is a daunting task that many good people throughout New York devote their lives to. But finding adoptive homes for homeless animals with special needs is even more of a challenge. Often, the medical costs of rehabilitating an abused or neglected animal is prohibitive, leaving cash-strapped animal rescue agencies to make heartbreaking choices.
New York socialite and fashion designer Tinsley Mortimer, who has been described as "one of the most photographed socialites in New York", is hoping some of her celebu-shine will spill over onto American Humane’s "Second Chance" fund.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Tinsley Mortimer Shares Fashion and Compassion with the American Humane Association with Diane West -
On Sunday, November 7th, some 45,000 dedicated people will embark on a 26.2 mile journey through New York City’s five boroughs to participate in the 41st annual New York City Marathon. And behind every runner is a story that propels them to the finish line, from personal challenge to something beyond themselves. For financial executive Brayden Mathews, it’s all for the animals. As in years past, Mr. Mathews is using his marathon run to raise money for animal causes close to his heart. This year the lucky beneficiaries are Mighty Mutts and Ollie’s Place. So download this week’s episode to your iPod, get up, and get motivated!
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Marathon Man Hoofs It for Homeless Pets with Diane West -
Well, as the song says, ‘it’s all over but the crying.’ The national mid-term elections are over, and they panned out pretty much as predicted. But often lost in the frenzy of the national political stage are important statewide elections, which, in many cases this year, were happening at the same time. New York State’s political stage, for example, has been a literal circus for the past two years-- from the 2008 resignation of Governor Eliot Spitzer following a sex scandal (his former ‘madam’ later ran against him for his seat) to the 2009 Albany shut-down lead by former State Senator Hiram Monserrate of Queens (who faced felony assault charges for hitting his girlfriend.) Top all that with a gubernatorial race and all 212 state legislative seats up for grabs this year, and you’ve got the makings of a made-for-tv movie.
Pets In the City spoke with newly-reelected Assemblyman Joseph Lentol, who has represented North Brooklyn in the State Assembly since 1972. Having seen pretty much everything in h almost 40 years in politics, we sat down with him on the eve of the election to get his take on the state of New York politics as well as the rest of the United States. Widely known as one of the New York City’s leading ‘pet friendly lawmakers’, Assemblyman Lentol also spoke about important animal-related issues he’s working on.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Brooklyn Assemblyman Joseph Lentol on Politics, Pets, and Albany Pandemonium with Diane West -
For many children, dressing up, going door to door and yelling 'trick or treat!' until the pillow sack is filled to the brim with candy is one of the highlights of year. But for kids who are battling serious illnesses, like the guests at Ronald McDonald House on East 73rd Street in Manhattan, Halloween is one of those rare days when they can put their illness to the side and concentrate on the important business of being a kid.
"Pets In the City" spoke with Chaplain Cherilyn Frei, director of family support at Ronald Mc Donald House New York City, as she was preparing for a special Halloween celebration with the kids and the therapy dogs that frequent RMD House, including many dogs that have retired from life in the purebred dog show ring. This year, the kids and the dogs will be having a 'mini-parade' up First Avenue from 73rd Street to 80th Street--come out and cheer them on! Tune in to this week's show to find out more, including Chaplain Frei's thoughts on why some healthcare and other facilities may use purebred therapy dogs versus mixed-breed therapy dogs--all of which, she says, are equally wonderful.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Ronald McDonald House In New York City: Therapy Dogs, Kids Are Lovin' It with Diane West -
Love them or hate them, pigeons are a part of New York City’s ever-changing urban landscape. No matter what the season, this resilient bird can be found in flocks far and wide—from your local park to the tops of the most opulent buildings. And while these birds are not universally loved by all New Yorkers (‘rats with wings’ is one of the milder terms used for them) many New Yorkers were shocked and angered when allegations that some of their boids may have been kidnapped off of city streets and sold for pigeon ‘hunts’ in rural Pennsylvania.
At least one group, S.H.A.R.K. ("Showing Animals Respect and Kindness") is taking on the pigeon shooters. In this week’s episode of ‘Pets In the City’, we interview Stu Chaifetz, an activist with S.H.A.R.K. Listen in for a rather incredible tale of alleged political intrigue, corruption, and animal cruelty in Berks County, Pennsylvania.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Birds In a Barrel -- Where Did NYC’s Pigeon’s Go with Diane West -
Legend had it that the blind minstrel of old, Homer, chronicled the adventures of the Trojan War, where Greek soldiers cleverly hid themselves from sight and successfully breached the walls of the great city of Troy. Flash forward several thousand years later to present day to another blind Homer--a cat--whose story in Gwen Cooper’s aptly titled Homer’s Odyssey is itself a tale of a fight by one small, abandoned feline to find his place in one woman’s reluctant heart and how anyone can find bravery, even in darkness.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Homer’s Odyssey -- A ‘Tail’ For Modern Times with Diane West -
Emmy and OBIE-award winning actress Peggy McCay, perhaps best known for her role as Caroline Brady, the fiercely-protective matriarch of the Brady clan on Days of Our Lives, is just as protective of animals. Whether off or on stage (don't dare come on to the Days of Our Lives set wearing fur, by the way) animals are never far from her heart or her life. Pets In the City spoke with Ms. McCay about her proud New York City roots, the horrific encounter which prompted her to become a strong voice against the use of animals in medical research, and even some behind-the-scenes secrets to working with animals on film that will make you 'howl' with laughter. McCay's next role will be that of a mysterious circus-type performer, Zelda Panay, on the next episode of the hit mystery/drama 'Cold Case', this Sunday night, February 21st, on CBS. (Don't worry, it's a "humans-only" circus!) Check the link below for the airtime in your region.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - "Days of Our Lives" Star Peggy McCay Fills Her Own 'Days' On Behalf of Animals with Diane West -
While New York may be the greatest city in the world, many Texans will tell you their state is the biggest in the USA: both in size (save for Alaska) and in heart. One special Texas trio ‘Pets In the City’ met with on a recent cold winter’s day might just prove the boast.
Luke Robinson, a big man with two big dogs, set out from Austin, Texas several months ago on foot with one goal in mind-- to walk all the way to Boston in the name of bringing attention to canine cancer research. And boy howdy, have they succeeded. We caught up with Luke and his two beautiful Great Pyrenees Mountain Dogs, Hudson and Murphy, on Manhattan’s Upper East Side to talk more about their unusual pilgramage and the special dog who started it all. Along their 2,000-plus mile journey, Robinson collected an eclectic backpack full of snapshots of small and big-town life. (Think Garrison Keillor’s Prarie Home Companion in the age of Twitter.) Listen in as we caught up with Luke and ‘the boys’ to talk about where they came from, where they’ve been, and what they hope their journey will accomplish.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - A Journey of 2000-Plus Miles: Luke Robinson and "His Boys" with Diane West -
In the spring of last year, residents of tens of thousands of New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) apartments received a chilling memo: comply with NYCHA’s revised policies about dogs and cats in their homes or face eviction.While many dogs who are already registered will be grand fathered in, and certain other exceptions exist, the underlying message was clear-- residents would no longer be allowed to adopt dogs over 25 pounds, and no new Pit Bull, Rottweiler, or Doberman Pinchers (or mixes thereof) would be allowed.The extended deadline to comply with the new rules-- January 31st-- is now here, and the ASPCA and other animal agencies in the city are bracing for the fallout. Specifically, residents with dogs weighing over 40 pounds who did not register them with the Housing Authority are most at risk for being impacted by this rule. Lawyer Debora Bresch, senior director of government relations for the ASPCA in New York spoke with ‘Pets In the City’ about their ongoing efforts to hopefully stop a slew of dog surrenders into an already overcrowded shelter system.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Shelters Brace for Influx of Surrendered Dogs As January 31st Housing Deadline Looms with Diane West -
We all know New York is the center of the universe for all things exciting, and cat shows are no exception. In this segment we take you through the Westchester Cat Show which took place recently in White Plains, New York. Come with us on an exciting auditory tour where we talk with famous Nora the Piano Playing Cat (as translated by her press agent and human caretaker, Betsy Alexander). Heck, we even sit in on a Cat Fashion Show (I kid you not.)We’ll also talk to experts like Carole Wilbourn, one of the nation’s only certified cat therapists and author of The Complete Guide to Understanding Your Cat, who gives some tips on how to keep kitty from going crazy during the holiday chaos. Also give a listen to representative of the Elmsford Animal Shelter and a very special cat named ZuZu who could really use a home for Christmas.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Cat Shows Sizzle In New York! with Diane West -
On September 13th, New Yorkers cheered on some 25,000 runners and walkers in the annual Susan G. Komen "Race for the Cure" in Central Park to raise awareness and funding in the continued fight against breast cancer in women and in a growing number of men. But lounging on couches and chairs throughout the country was another, even larger group of unlikely supporters -- those four-footed furballs we call cats. Since May of this year, Purina Cat Chow’s "Connected for the Cau" campaign has highlighted the special bond between people with breast cancer and their cats, and how these usually self-centered creatures are very much a part of the healing process for many facing this challenge. The campaign runs through October and has many fun ways any cat lover can donate to the cause, such as posting a photo of their cat on the site’s mosaic.Pets In the City spoke with one of these tremendous individuals, New Yorker Lara Pilla and her cat, "Mingo", and how Mingo -- in Lara’s words "gives her ‘little gifts’ throughout the day to help her on her journey to recovery". This interview will leave you inspired to find joy and laughter in every day.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Pink Pussycats Take a Swipe At Breast Cancer with Diane West -
There are relatively few songs in the world that bring a knowing smile to your face in the first few notes, and Ian Anderson of legendary band Jethro Tull has written and performed more than a few of them.From the gallows humor of ‘Aqualung’ to the urgent, demanding cords of "Locomotive Breath" Ian has sometimes been referred to as the ‘mad minstrel’ with a unique mix of hard rock, epic-poem lyrics, and, of course, the flute. Probably one of the few-- if only--bands that can described as ‘Renaissance Rock’, Jethro Tull has been playing nonstop, worldwide, for over 40 years, with Ian still at the helm.Pets In the City spoke to Ian just a couple of weeks before his trip back to the ‘colonies’ this fall, where he will be playing a mix of classic Tull favorites as well as some of his solo works.It turns out that not only does Ian love music, but cats as well. And we mean really loves them, both domestic and wild, devoting efforts to the conservation of some of these beasts in their natural habitats. You’re going to download this interview, featuring both Jethro Tull and solo Ian Anderson song classics mixed throughout, right on your playlist. Get ready, New Yorkers-- he’ll be at the Beacon Theater live on October 13th.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Ready To Pounce -- Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull with Diane West -
Mad Juana (sometimes used in literary circles as shorthand for “Juana the Mad”, the rather passionate daughter of Spain’s King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella I) is hard to describe. Rock, gypsy, punk, hypnotic, are just some of the adjectives that comes to mind. One can just as easily imagine them providing a haunting soundtrack to one of the “Kill Bill” movies or performing spirited, joyful dance music at a gypsy-esque festival. Karmen Guy, the sultry voice of Mad Juana, relishes in the idea of the band’s elusive description. Their many, diverse fans dig their sound, and that’s good enough for them. World travelers, the band’s hearts are never far away from The Tijuana River Valley Animal Rescue, an independent, small, grass roots animal rescue group founded in 2005 dedicated to rescuing stray and abandoned dogs in the Tijuana River Valley, on the U.S. side of the border, as well as rescuing and rehabilitating abused, neglected and problematic horses and off track thoroughbreds. City Pound caught up with Karmen while the band set up camp in New York to talk about music, animals, and her veggie-powered car.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Mad for Animals -- Mad Juana with Diane West -
The case of a kitten being put in a 500-degree oven and left to die in a Bronx, New York apartment last month left people throughout New York and the country outraged and asking one question: why would a pair of teenage girls do such a horrible thing under the guise of a 'prank'? For that matter, why do some people do cruel things to animals at all?This week, Pets In the City asks Officer Joe Pentangelo, assistant director of humane law enforcement at the ASPCA and frequent face on the popular Animal Planet show, Animal Precinct, this question and more. Officer Pentangelo, one of the first on the scene of the horrible crime involving Tiger LIlly the kitten and her teenage tormentors, gives us his personal insights and updates on the case, tips on how to spot signs of an animal in an abusive situation, and how to report it suspected cruelty to animals. He'll also tell us about the changing legal protections afforded to animals who are victims of cruelty and the penalties against those who do it.
More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Crusaders Against Cruelty: New York City's Animals Have The Law On Their Side with Diane West - Visa fler