Prayer should be fun. It should not be ritualistic. Prayer is a conversation with our heavenly Father, who loves us. Just like we enjoy having long talks with our friends or earthly parents, we can have an even greater enjoyment in our relationship with God.
Jesus is different than every other religion. Every other religion's principles could exist without their founders, but Christianity could not exist without Jesus. Christianity is not simply a doctrine; it is a person. It is more than rules; it is a marriage with Jesus that changes us from the inside out.
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Our battle is not won by fighting in our own flesh and blood strength but by fighting the enemy in God's strength. Even though we are fighting in God's strength, it is still OUR struggle. It is OUR warfare, and we must learn how to fight and overcome the enemy. If we don't know we are fighting with principalities and powers, we are already losing. Until the power of Satan is broken, there are different strongholds over individuals, homes, churches, communities, regions, and nations. According to 2 Corinthians 10:5, it is OUR job to pull down strongholds that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God.
Self-pity is a magnet that draws bad things to you. It keeps you immobile, always looking inward and rarely toward God. When God didn’t approve of Cain’s offering, he got into self-pity instead of asking God where he was wrong. He continued down the road of self-pity and then self-destruction.
Are you recognizing the generational curses in your life and family line? Many believers do not see their problems as generational curses. They do not realize that God has given them the authority to break curses that have been passed down. The good news is that God has redeemed us from the curse and wants to move us into His blessings.
When we let offense set in our hearts, it can become deadly. How you handle opportunities to be offended will determine whether you grow or not spiritually. Offense can trip us up, cause us to stumble, and ultimately entice us into sin. Offense is something we need to get rid of completely. Ask the Lord if there is any area where you have been offended, and then repent to the Lord until you feel that area is cleared up.
Do you really believe that God is for you? What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? -Romans 8:31-32. God is not a man that He should lie. His Words are true, but we have a choice to either take God's Words to heart or the enemy's.
It is so very important for us to know the character of God. Do you know how your heavenly Father acts? Do you know God's character well enough to know when someone says something wrong about Him? When we blame or get disappointed with God for things that are coming from the enemy, we open a door that is very hard to close. But thankfully, now we are under a better covenant where we can see the true character of God and shut the doors open to the enemy.
It is so very important for us to know the character of God. Do you know how your heavenly Father acts? Do you know God's character well enough to know when someone says something wrong about Him? When we blame or get disappointed with God for things that are coming from the enemy, we open a door that is very hard to close. But thankfully, now we are under a better covenant where we can see the true character of God and shut the doors open to the enemy.
It is so very important for us to know the character of God. Do you know how your heavenly Father acts? Do you know God's character well enough to know when someone says something wrong about Him? When we blame or get disappointed with God for things that are coming from the enemy, we open a door that is very hard to close. But thankfully, now we are under a better covenant where we can see the true character of God and shut the doors open to the enemy.
No matter the attack, don't stop on what God has assigned you to build. God will do the heavy lifting if we submit to Him and His plan. But it is important to remember that even God's plans come under attack from the enemy. There are attitudes (the enemy) and actions (from people) that will come against us when we begin God's work. We must stay on the wall and keep building!
Gift-giving has been a Christmas tradition since the wise men brought gifts to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Every gift and everything we find in the Word has a physical and a spiritual application.
We are being programmed consciously and unconsciously by culture and media to believe we are victims. The enemy wants to classify you as a victim. It is part of his plan to destroy us, but God never created victims. He created overcomers.
God wants to speak to us. He is working to develop a deep knowing in us, but when we look at and take in the wrong things, we miss His voice. There is no limit to what God would show us, but we limit ourselves by how much we receive from Him. We are the deciding vote on whether we take in God's light or the darkness.
People often think they cannot hear God's voice because they are looking to hear an audible voice. But God speaks in a different way than we are accustomed to in the natural. John 10 says that we know His voice. Developing a sense of "knowing" is the key to truly hearing God's voice.
Are you taking time to make your thanksgiving personal to God? It is easy to go through the motions and give thanks, but in His Word, God instructs us to give thanks to God. One of the most valuable things we can give God is our thanksgiving, it is a way we can give back to God what He has given us.
Do you know our Thanksgiving Heritage in America? Jamestown and Plymouth were both early settlements. One town was only after gold and greed, and they paid the price. The other was sent on a mission by God and considered Him in everything they did. God blessed them every step of the way.
How do you tell the difference between the flesh and demons? Flesh is self or self-will. When we reason away following God's Word or elevate our opinions above His Word, that is flesh. Did you know the deeds of the flesh amount to idol worship? Colossians 3:5 says, "Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry." We must learn to cut off the flesh; it attracts the demonic realm to our lives.
In the Old Testament, circumcision was physical, but in the New Testament, God circumcises our hearts. Our flesh is anything that thinks or acts independently from God. Even though we are born again, we can still choose to live in the flesh. It's not until we have the flesh cut away that we can love God fully with all of our heart, mind, and strength.
Many believers are unknowingly involved in witchcraft, but God is calling us out of witchcraft and idolatry. Being ignorant of what God's Word says about the occult is not an excuse we must partner with God to root out all occult practices from our lives.
- Visa fler