
  • In this second part of a 2-part series from last week’s show, host Dr. Lia talks with Dr. Erica Greenberg about some of the surprising research looking at the association between autoimmune and inflammatory conditions and higher rates of OCD. Dr. Greenberg discusses the neuroscience around OCD from genetic to environmental factors, and the puzzling overlap of symptoms in disorders like Tourette's and OCD.  She stresses the crucial need for interdisciplinary research to shed further light on these intricate associations. 

    You’ll get insights into why certain treatments are recommended with caution and why controversy still remains around PANDAS and the desperate need for collaboration and comprehensive research to truly understand these complex conditions. You’ll also hear about the role of stress-induced inflammatory responses and how they render some individuals more susceptible to immune-related dysfunctions, shedding light on the significant impact of environmental factors like lead exposure on basal ganglia circuitry. Dr. Lia’s conversation with Dr. Greenberg reveals the interconnected nature of disorders such as OCD, Tourette syndrome, and other neuropsychiatric ailments, underscoring the necessity for further research. 

    Conversations like these illuminate the path forward, emphasizing that the key to understanding and treating these conditions lies in collaborative research efforts across various disciplines.


    [01:46 -12:40]  Understanding PANDAS and PANS Origins and Symptoms

    PANDAS is specifically linked to post-infectious streptococcal etiology.PANDAS involves the sudden onset of tics and/or OCD.PANS shares a similar characteristic of sudden, rapid onset of a complex of symptoms.Importance of understanding the specific triggers and symptoms associated with both PANDAS and PANS.

    [12:41 - 23:32] Understanding the Clinical Outcomes of PANS/PANDAS Treatment  

    Sudden onset of symptoms such as tics, OCD, and separation anxiety is notable in these conditions.Some children experience complete recovery back to baseline after antibiotic treatment within a week.There is ongoing research into the different potential clinical courses following a PANS/PANDAS diagnosis.Emphasis on the importance of recognizing and understanding the diverse range of clinical outcomes.

    [23:33 - 35:37]   Genetic and Environmental Influences on OCD and Tourette Syndrome

    Studies show significant associations between OCD, Tourette syndrome, and increased rates of throat infections.Research indicates higher odds ratios of developing OCD and Tourette in youth with infection histories.A dose-response relationship exists between strep infections and OCD/Tourette symptom severity.Studies find higher rates of autoimmune disorders in individuals with OCD and Tourette and their family members.

    [35:38 - 48:00]  Key Information and Challenges Surrounding PANS and PANDAS

    Need for more thoughtful, nuanced, safe, appropriate information for parents.There's evidence that PANS and PANDAS have a more negative impact on families compared to typical OCDOCD and Tourette syndrome develop slowly, while PANS and PANDAS show abrupt changes.Families face significant trauma, especially when providers dismiss their concerns.

    [48:01 - 55:17]  Closing segment Takeaways

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    Erica Greenberg, MD PANDA AND PANS Presentation Swipe Files

  • How do mental compulsions, such as intrusive sexual thoughts and reassurance-seeking behaviors, manifest in children with OCD?

    What are some common co-occurring conditions with OCD in children, and how do they complicate diagnosis and treatment?

    These questions are answered in this week's episode of Pediatric Meltdown, where Lia sits down with child psychiatry expert Dr. Erica Greenberg to unravel the complexities of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children. Dr. Greenberg shares her journey into child psychiatry and sheds light on the diagnostic criteria for OCD, the common and individual themes that kids with this condition struggle with, and the impact OCD has on their lives. Erica explains the common categories like contamination and intrusive thoughts and dispels myths regarding the treatment and prognosis of pediatric OCD.  By discussing various treatment strategies, from exposure response prevention therapy to medication options, this episode underscores the importance of comprehensive care. For parents and caregivers, recognizing the early signs and seeking appropriate treatment can make all the difference in a child's developmental journey. Curious about an unconventional strategy that’s making waves in OCD treatment? This episode is the ultimate guide!

         [03:22 -18:14]  OCD Symptoms in Children: Key Diagnostic Criteria and Common Presentations

    To diagnose OCD, a child must have obsessions and/or compulsions, which are often both present.Obsessions are unwanted, repetitive, intrusive ideas, thoughts, images, or urges that cause significant distress.Compulsions are behaviors, either mental or physical, performed to get rid of the distress caused by obsessions.Examples of mental compulsions include body checking and repetitive counting to alleviate intrusive thoughts.

    [18:15 - 28:13] Impact of OCD on Daily Life and Family Dynamics  

    OCD can consume significant time daily, impacting children’s social and developmental trajectories.Children may miss social cues or avoid activities due to obsessions, leading to social withdrawal and alienation.Constant reassurance seeking from peers can alienate children, exacerbating their fears of social rejection.OCD affects families, often leading to strained relationships and the need for family involvement in therapy.

    [28:14 - 37:32]   Medication Treatment for Pediatric OCD: Key Insights

    SSRIs are the main medication used to treat OCD in children, with common choices including fluoxetine, sertraline, and escitalopram.Studies show that most of the beneficial effects of SSRIs can be observed within the first 2 to 4 weeks of treatment.Higher doses of SSRIs may be necessary for some children, but it's important to monitor for any side effects, especially activation symptoms in younger kids.The combination of fluvoxamine and clomipramine may be beneficial, though fluvoxamine is not inherently superior to other SSRIs for OCD treatment.

    [37:33 - 55:37]  The Relationship Between Tourette Syndrome and OCD in Children

    Tourette syndrome involves at least two motor tics and one vocal tic for a duration of at least a year, which can overlap significantly with OCD symptoms.Tics are suggestible and can be simple (e.g., shoulder shrug) or complex (e.g., more deliberate movements or sounds), making them sometimes hard to distinguish from OCD compulsions.Up to 85% of individuals with Tourette syndrome have a co-occurring condition, with OCD being a common comorbidity.The presence of tics often signals the need to monitor for other conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, mood dysregulation, and sensory...
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  • How can primary care providers and pediatricians play a role in educating families and children about the importance of sleep and identifying sleep issues early on? 

    Join Dr. Lia and her guest, Sleep expert, Dr. Jess Shatkin have the answers to that question and many more! This episode delves into various aspects of pediatric sleep health, from exploring pediatric sleep medications to offering practical tips on establishing solid sleep hygiene for kids. Understanding the intricate relationship between children's sleep disorders and their mental health is crucial for providing comprehensive care to children and adolescents. Dr. Jess's insights into the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI) highlight effective treatment strategies that emphasize long-term well-being over quick fixes. By incorporating sleep education, implementing evidence-based approaches like CBTI, and advocating for holistic health practices, we can pave the way for a brighter, more well-rested future for our youth. Join us in unraveling the mysteries of pediatric sleep problems and mental health, and discover the transformative power of a good night's rest!

    [03:13 -13:50]  Understanding Pediatric Insomnia and Its Prevalence

    Insomnia is identified as the most common pediatric sleep problem.Highlighted the essential nature of sleep for both kids and adults.Emphasis on the importance of routine for improving sleep in children.Discussion emphasizes the various factors impacting sleep quality and quantity.

    [13:51 - 29:50] Pediatric Sleep Hygiene and Its Limitations  

    Sleep hygiene is frequently discussed as an essential component of managing sleep problems.The data supporting the effectiveness of sleep hygiene on its own is not promising.Integrating sleep hygiene with CBTI can lead to better outcomes for children.It’s crucial to combine different strategies to effectively manage pediatric sleep problems.

    [29:51 - 38:21]  Finding a Therapist for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI)

    It can be challenging to find professionals specializing in CBTI.Resources for locating CBTI therapists may be limited.Workshops on CBTI are conducted at annual conventions.Preparing through sleep education is crucial for effective CBTI..

    [38:22 - 58:42]  Addressing Sleep Problems in Children with Psychiatric Disorders

    Children often present with sleep issues when treated for other conditions like ADHD or depression.Sleep problems are common among these pediatric patients, even if not the primary reason for consultation.Many children are already deeply entrenched in sleep medication routines before they receive specialized care.CBTI techniques in treatment routines for children suffering from psychiatric disorders is suggested.

    [58:43 - 1:08:20]  Closing segment Takeaways

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    His website:Dr. Jess P. Shatkin - Home (drjesspshatkin.com)

    Host of About Our Kids on Doctor Radio SiriusXM 110

    FB: Facebook 

    X (Twitter) @‌DrJessPShatkin                             ...

  • Summary: 

    In this special episode of Pediatric Meltdown where Dr. Lia shares personal insights and heartfelt reflections on the journey of parenting adult children and stepping into the joyous role of a grandparent. As Lia celebrates her birthday, she takes a moment to delve into the complexities and rewards of these intergenerational family relationships. Grandparenting tips are sprinkled throughout the episode, offering valuable advice to listeners who are navigating similar life stages. She emphasizes the importance of balancing advice and support for adult children, noting how her preferred approach is to offer help only when asked. Lia draws from one of her favorite books, "Walking on Eggshells, Parenting Your Adult Child," which underscores the wisdom of refraining from unsolicited advice and simply being present when needed. 

    This approach, she finds, is essential to maintaining healthy and respectful relationships with adult children. She candidly admits to having been a helicopter parent at times, but stresses that letting children face challenges and failures is crucial for their growth and independence. Lia's reflections eloquently capture the essence of parenting adult children by acknowledging that each generation might do things differently but with the same core love and intent. In essence, her stories remind listeners that letting go is part of the process, and it is often the hardest, yet most rewarding part of parenting adult children.

    Her reflections serve as a gentle reminder of the importance of savoring these precious intergenerational family relationships and the joy they bring, a fitting contemplation as she marks another year of her life's journey.

    Bullet points of key topics 

    Reflections on Parenting and Grandparenting and the Impact on Mental HealthParenting Adult Children and advice from her favorite  book.Respecting children’s different parenting methods.

    Calls to action:

    Click Here for your BBW WorkbookClick here for your Freebie #1Click here for your Freebie #2Book a Discovery Call Here
  • Are you a pediatric care provider feeling overwhelmed by complex mental health cases? Discover a solution that’s transforming pediatric care in Michigan and beyond! In the latest episode of Pediatric Meltdown, Alyssa Wealty and Dr. Nasuh Malas teach us about the MC3 program (Michigan Child Collaborative Care) and how it’s making waves by providing tools like the Clinical Pearls educational series, that’s proving to be a lifeline for primary care providers who are grappling with mental health issues in young patients. From leveraging expert consultations to utilizing targeted educational resources, and handling cases of anxiety, aggression, or substance use, this episode is a gold mine for those on the front lines of pediatric health care. At the center of MC3’s offerings is the power of connection and education. Like addressing urgent mental health needs in pediatric settings or providing accessible educational tools like the Clinical Pearls video series. No matter where you are in your healthcare journey, the MC3 resources offer concise, expert-driven advice that can dramatically improve your care strategies. Interested in enhancing your clinical skills with quick, impactful lessons? Get your pen and paper ready.  This episode is packed with information.

    PRO Tip: These resources aren't limited to healthcare professionals; parents and educators can gain insights too! 


    [03:47 -09:04]  Integrating Mental Health Education in Primary Care

    Designed to deliver concise insights on common pediatric mental health conditions for primary care providers.The program's educational component underscores the importance of mental health knowledge in primary care.Enhances primary care providers' ability to diagnose and manage pediatric mental health.Program grows to support schools and perinatal care providers for integrated mental health.

    [09:05- 21:28]  Clinical Pearls Series - A Resource for Pediatric Mental Health Education

    "Clinical Pearls" features key learning videos on fundamental mental health topics.The series includes a resource list and self-assessment for provider education.It enriches learning with extra materials alongside the main videos.The series is accessible globally, benefiting clinicians in Michigan and worldwide.

    [19:18 -29:30]  Advancing Primary Care through Educational Support and Teleconsultation

    Primary care providers get guidance on conducting thorough evaluations with fellow mental health professionals.Feedback from participants in the MC3 program informs the creation of  practice-enhancing content.Merging mental health and primary care responds  to the need for increased support in managing pediatric cases.The MC3 teleconsultation service  outreach includes critical care points,like emergency rooms and schools.

    [29:31 - 33:11]  Closing segment Takeaway

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    MC3:  https://mc3michigan.org MC3 Clinical Pearls:  https://mc3michigan.org/clinical-pearls-video-series/

    Other episodes you may like:

    For all episodes, go to Episodes - Pediatric Meltdown

    Ep #139 School Based Health:  Literally Meeting Kids Where They Are!

    Ep #128 Trauma and Resilience: “Connect Before You...

  • Tune into this week’s episode where we sit down with the Dr. Nancy Rappaport, who shares her groundbreaking approach to comprehending and managing children’s behaviors, including anxiety-related and oppositional tendencies as well as the theory of why stepping back as a parent and allowing your children to encounter and navigate challenges by themselves is crucial for their development. Dr. Rappaport provides an in-depth look at how structured environments and small rituals can significantly improve how children cope with everyday stresses and transitions. From addressing the influences of trauma to understanding normal age-appropriate curiosity, Dr. Rappaport provides a balanced perspective on navigating sensitive topics. She emphasizes the necessity of not misinterpreting behavioral cues, as they can vary significantly depending on a child’s personal experiences and challenges. Are you ready to learn how to respond playfully and effectively to children’s complicated behaviors? Tune in to gain unique strategies that could not only revolutionize your approach to parenting but alter how you perceive and interact with childhood behaviors forever!


    [03:13 -19:31]  Understanding and Managing Anxiety-Related Behaviors in Children

    Discussion on how unstructured times, transitions, social demands, and unexpected changes can trigger anxiety-related behaviors in children.Emphasis on the importance of creating structured environments during typically unstructured times to provide stability for anxious children.Introduction of tools like emotional thermometers and comfort boxes to help children manage their anxiety.Strategies for preparing anxious children for impending changes to reduce stress and behavioral issues.

    [19:31 - 32:18]  Addressing Oppositional Behaviors in Children  

    Exploration of the antecedents to oppositional behaviors, including environmental triggers and emotional distress.The use of encouragement cards, affirmations, and undirected play to positively influence children's behaviors.Importance of understanding the meaning behind behavior as a form of communication rather than simply reacting to the behavior itself.Psychological insights revealing that a third of children who completed suicide had shown oppositional behaviors. 

    [32:19 - 46:04]   Strategies for Building Rapport with Withdrawn Children

    Not making assumptions about withdrawn behaviors, as these can vary drastically between children.Insights into how parents' personal characteristics can influence their perception of a child's withdrawn behavior.Methods for engaging withdrawn children in communication and activities at a pace comfortable for the child.Highlighting the reasons behind withdrawn behavior, including possible underlying health issues or past traumas.

    [46:05 - 50:06]  Effective Use and Concerns of Medications in Managing Child Behavior

    The use of stimulant medication and its effects on participation in regular classroom activities and field trips.Overprescription of antipsychotic medications for behavior management and the ensuing need for skill-building and robust support systems.Contrast between the child psychiatrists and pediatricians to behavior management and the synergies of their collaboration.The value of pediatricians in the ongoing health and wellness journey of children, especially aligned with psychiatric insights.

    [50:07 - 57:37]  Closing segment Takeaways

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    Her website: 

  • In this episode of Pediatric Meltdown, we dive into the complexities of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) and how the DSM-5's new classification aims to solve the puzzle of childhood bipolar misdiagnosis by distinguishing DMDD from other behavioral disorders like conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. Join host Dr. Lia Gaggino and child psychiatry expert Dr. Gabrielle Carlson as they explore the intricate challenges of diagnosing and treating irritability and outbursts in children.  This episode is essential for anyone struggling to understand or manage aggressive behavior in children, providing a roadmap to better interventions and outcomes. You’ll find that today’s discussion with Dr. Gabrielle will bring some much-needed clarity to the often-misunderstood world of Conduct Disorder. 


    [03:21-05:54] Understanding Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)

    Concerns of overdiagnosis of bipolar disorder in children as per changes in DSM-5.Discusses the need for a "diagnostic home" for children exhibiting chronic irritability and frequent outbursts.Differentiates DMDD from bipolar disorder, highlighting less episodic mood change and more persistent irritability.Discusses using medical and psychiatric collaborative approaches for accurate diagnosis.

    [05:55 - 18:49]  Diagnostic Challenges in Pediatric Psychiatry  

    Explores the complexity of diagnosing behavioral disorders in children, stressing the influence of parental worries.Differences between conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder in the context of purposeful aggression and core outbursts.Highlights how the underestimation of trauma impacts behavioral assessments.descriptive codes to assist in more accurate diagnosing, particularly in children with overlapping symptoms.

    [18:50 - 33:15]  The Role of Environmental Factors and Parental Involvement

    Discussion on the triggers and antecedents in aggressive behavior management in pediatric patients.Examines the impact of environmental factors, especially in relation to ADHD and pediatric bipolar disorder.Highlights parental involvement as crucial in the management and treatment of behavioral issues.The challenges of finding effective medication for aggression treating irritability specifically in relation to autism.

    [33:16 - 4613]  Resources and Treatment Approaches in Child Psychiatry

    Details on Gabrielle's routine evaluation process including her developed rating scale ‘emo eye’.The utility of the ACAP (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) Resource Center resources for clinicians and families. [ACAP Resource Center](https://www.aacap.org)Talks about the necessity of evidence-backed treatment options and FDA approvals for therapy tools.Covers the importance of educating parents using resources such as medication guides available through ACAP.

    [46:14 - 55:23]  Closing segment Takeaway

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    AACAP Outbursts, Irriitability, and Emotional Dysregulation Resource Center:


    AACAP Parent’s Medication Guide: 

  • Are you navigating the complex world of psychiatric medication management in primary care? Look no further! In this episode of Pediatric Meltdown Dr. Lia talks frankly about the hesitancy of pediatric clinicians to prescribe psychotropic medications as one of the biggest barriers to providing mental health care in pediatric settings.  While she acknowledges that pediatricians are not child psychiatrists, Dr. Lia believes that pediatricians have the skills to address common mental health disorders including ADHD, anxiety and depression, and to do it well.  She emphasizes the need to be mindful of suicide risk and to screen regularly for suicidal ideation, especially in patients with mental health disorders.  And, always consider trauma when assessing for mental health and behavior concerns.  When it comes to prescribing medications, get comfortable with a few SSRI’s and both stimulant and non-stimulant ADHD treatments, and before switching from one psychotropic to another, she advises maximizing dosing titration while simultaneously monitoring for side effects.  Remember that in your role as a primary care provider, you have an incredible opportunity to impact the stability and quality of life for children facing mental health struggles.  For more tips, expert advice and in-depth knowledge, don't hesitate to explore all of the resources available at pediatricmeltdown.com. Know better, do better!


    [01:26 -03:50] Understanding the Role of Medication

    Primary care providers don't need to be psychiatrists but should be equipped to prescribe SSRIs.Familiarize yourself with a few SSRIs such as fluoxetine, escitalopram, and sertraline and understand their characteristics. It’s vital to maximize doses carefully before switching between medications and to be aware of side effects.

    [03:51 - 06:18]  Navigating ADHD Medication Challenges  

    Not all cases of ADHD are straightforward; comorbid conditions can complicate diagnosis and treatment.Stimulant medications can quickly indicate effectiveness; doses should be carefully adjusted based on response.Monitoring for side effects such as appetite loss, weight changes, and sleep disturbances is necessary.

    [06:19 - 10:44]  Managing Complex Cases and Atypicals

    Always explore the possibility of trauma influencing behavioral symptoms, as it can mimic various conditions.Exercise caution when inheriting a patient on multiple medications; consult specialists rather than abruptly stopping treatment.Monitor physical health markers when prescribing Atypicals like hemoglobin A1C, lipids, and prolactin levels, considering adjunctive treatments like Metformin.

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    Episode #44 with Dr. Jeffrey Strawn.   Anxiety Disorders in Children:  Treatment Options https://pediatricmeltdown.com/44-anxiety-disorders-in-children-treatment-pearls/

    Episode #37 with Dr. Lisa Horowitz.  Screening For Suicide Risk Using the Ask Suicide Screening Questions Tool


    Episode #132 with Dr. Brooks Keeshin. Psychopharmacology:  Considerations Before Prescribing

  • Hey, Healthcare Heroes, are you neglecting this critical aspect of your life?" In this episode of Pediatric Meltdown, host Dr. Lia Gaggino, teams up with the renowned psychologist Dr. Karen Doll to discuss the mental health strategies essential for every healthcare worker.  This conversation is a game-changer as they talk about the systemic neglect that is pushing healthcare professionals to the brink, and the institutional changes urgently needed to address this perilous oversight. The impact of psychological fitness on both our personal and professional lives can no longer be an afterthought. Empowering medical professionals to not just survive, but thrive, is a cause we are passionate about here at Pediatric Meltdown. As we navigate the complex world of pediatric care, it's essential to remember that taking small steps towards improving our mental health can lead to significant changes in how we thrive at work. Are you ready to take those crucial steps to transform your daily routine into a journey to mental resilience with transformative effects on your professional and personal life? Don't leave your well-being to chance—discover the simple yet powerful techniques that can lead you to thrive.


    [02:33 -16:05] Understanding the Mental Health Continuum

    The significance of shifting from surviving to flourishing in the healthcare industry is stressed.Psychological fitness and well-being are recognized as essential for personal and professional success.navigating patient mental health concerns within the constraints of a busy healthcare practice.the lack of slack in the healthcare system, putting additional pressure on practitioners.

    [16:06 - 24:45]  Strategies for Promoting Well-Being in the Healthcare Industry  

    Implementing strategies to manage work-related stress to prevent burnout.Enhancing mental health and resilience through psychological fitness.The importance of institutional changes and individual practices for healthier work environments.Balancing life for healthcare professionals by managing energy and encouraging flexible work schedules.

    [24:46 - 33:51]  Combating Healthcare Burnout

    Caregivers need to evaluate their own mental health to determine the most effective resilience-building strategies AI tools must reduce administrative work and boost job satisfaction to better patient outcomesEmphasizing the importance of feeling valued and having an impact on patients' lives.Positive effects of cultivating calm and stability through mindfulness, meditation, and exercise are discussed.

    [33:52 - 42:57] Empowering Healthcare Professionals

    Fostering a sense of community and purpose as key to longevity and well-beingFlexibility Is crucial for future workspaces; organizations risk losing talent if they don't adapt.Science-based mental exercises for enhancing mental health beyond standard wellness strategies are explored.Healthcare professionals can promote agency by seeking collective support and managing energy and focus.

    [42:58 - 49:16]  Closing segment Takeaway

    You can contact Karen

    Instagram:  @‌buildpsychologicalfitness

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/karendecesaredoll/

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    Karen Doll Licensed...

  • Are you unwittingly overlooking a silent epidemic affecting newborns right under your nose? This game-changing episode of Pediatric Meltdown will redefine everything you thought you knew about molding young minds. We delve deep into the world of FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) and the critical need for timely screening at newborn visits. Hosted by Dr. Lia Gaggino, we dive into the transformative world of the oft-missed signs of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and the life-altering implications they hold. Uncover the resources every parent and pediatrician should have at their fingertips, the surprising truth about the plasticity of the brain, and the lifeline that support groups offer to families navigating this challenging journey. It’s clear that understanding and addressing ND PAE requires ongoing effort and awareness. The valuable insights shared in this episode are bolstered by the wealth of resources and guidance provided by organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Through Pediatric Meltdown, we aim to bring this critical information to the forefront, equipping practitioners and families with the know-how to usher in positive change. 

    Tune in to hear how this episode promises to reveal a groundbreaking approach recommended by the AAP that could turn the tide in the ongoing battle against pediatric mental health challenges. Don't miss out – your next step in pediatric care innovation could be just one listen away!


    [05:30-12:44]  Understanding FASD and Its Impact

    Definition and prevalence of FASD, including the sobering statistic that it affects 1 in 40 children.Prenatal alcohol exposure significantly affects the brain, especially the hippocampus and amygdala, causing developmental challenges.A look at the physical features associated with FAS, highlighting the preventability of this condition.Recognizing FASD early is crucial for intervention and leveraging the brain's adaptability for better outcomes with help.

    [12:45-22:14] Screening and Prevention Strategies   

    The necessity of nonjudgmental surveillance questions at newborn visits to screen for ND PAE.discussing alcohol use with patients before and during pregnancy to avoid guilt and stigma affecting truthful disclosure.The roles of obstetricians and pediatricians in fostering ongoing dialogues about the risks of alcohol consumption.Prevention measures and education for adolescents and women of fertility age, aiming to mitigate the prevalence of FASD.

    [22:15-34:09] Resources for Clinicians and Parents

    Information on available resources from AAP, NOFAS, CDC, and NIMH for diagnosis and parental support.Recommendations for referring to developmental behavioral pediatricians or child psychiatry access programs.The utility of early intervention services for children with suspected ND PAE.Advocation for parent support groups as a means of providing guidance and comfort

    [34:10 - 50:48] Medications and Interventions

    Discussion on medications used for FASD, with particular emphasis on ADHD and mood-stabilizing medications.The debated effectiveness of non-stimulant medications like alpha agonists for children with ND PAE.Tips on prescribing medications appropriately, with support from programs like ECHO.Insights into the specific challenges faced by children with FASD, including attention to detail issues and difficulty with self-soothing.

    [50:49 - 59:11]  Closing segment Takeaway

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    AAP Toolkit:

  • Think teen pregnancy rates are an unsolvable crisis? Think again! In this episode you’ll hear about the plummeting teen pregnancy statistics with the insight of pediatric veteran Dr. Pat Flanagan. With rates dropping a staggering 70% since the '90s, we unravel the intricate web of education, contraception, and internet resources that made this decline possible. Host, Dr. Lia Gaggino and Dr. Pat Flanagan, dive deep into the transformative power of integrated behavioral health within pediatric practice. It's evident that when we support early relational care and address social determinants of health, we can make a significant positive impact on the youngest members of our society. By providing teen moms and parents with the necessary resources, from social workers to family specialists, we foster resilience and pave the way for a healthier next generation. Don't miss out on the heartening stories of change and progress. Brace yourself for an all-inclusive conversation on the strategies that are shaping a new generation of informed, empowered young individuals–This episode serves as a beacon of hope - prepare yourself to be spurred into action.

    [07:58 -12:44] Pediatric Behavioral Health Integration Strategies

    Importance of identifying and addressing challenges before they become diagnosable conditions.Screen for depression, anxiety, substance use, and social-emotional issues in teens and children.Prioritizing toddlers' and preschoolers' social-emotional development for improved outcomes.Recognizing the significance of maternal depression and its impact on pediatric care.

    [12:45 - 18:22]  Learning from Young Mothers: Lessons in Resilience and Capacity 

    Describes the inspirational aspect of watching young parents overcome challenges.Paints a picture of the young mothers' journey from uncertainty to empowerment through their children.Talks about the ability of young mothers to persevere despite difficult circumstances.Reflects on the capacity of these mothers to manage their responsibilities and find happiness.s introduced.

    [18:23 - 27:52] Funding and Sustainability of Pediatric Behavioral Health Services

    Mental health care in pediatric practices relies on a hybrid funding model.Billable diagnosis like substance use and mental health issues only fund a fraction of services.Pediatric practices face more billing limitations compared to adult settings.Funding issues aside, integrated behavioral health is crucial for comprehensive pediatric care.sitive outcomes.

    [27:53 - 37:32] Integrated Behavioral Health Strategies in Pediatric Care

    Integrated behavioral health is crucial, with an emphasis on prevention and early intervention.Funding for integrated care is a common struggle, underscoring the need for sustainable models.Major hospitals can back social workers despite hurdles.The AMA's series on integrated behavioral health is an informative tool.

    [37:33 - 44:04]  Closing segment Takeaway

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    Care Transformation Collaborative – Rhode Island (CTC-RI) https://ctc-ri.org

    DULCE – Developmental Understanding and Legal Collaboration for Everyone https://cssp.org/our-work/project/dulce/

    AAP Mental Health Practice Tools and Resources: 

  • Step into a world of innovation and growth as we delve into a special episode of Pediatric Meltdown, featuring our host, Dr. Lia Gaggino. The seasoned primary care pediatrician takes the helm as she embarks on a new direction in her endeavors to enhance pediatric mental health care. In this solo episode, she shares insights and challenges listeners to join her in a transformative journey.  She’ll ask you to embrace the call to action as she reveals her upcoming projects designed to revolutionize pediatric mental health care. Let this solo episode serve as a rallying cry for pediatric clinicians to rise to the challenges of children's mental health. From insightful discussions with experts to the exciting new limited series podcast and companion workbook, she's shaping the future of pediatric mental health care and empowering clinicians to take their practices to the next level.  So, I ask you…. are you ready to level up your practice and be part of this transformative journey?


    [00:01:24] Challenges in Pediatric Mental Health

    Increasing demands on children's mental healthImpact of social determinants of healthRise of complex emotional issues such as cuttingEffects of social media on children's mental health

    [01:25 - 04:43]  Professional Growth and Mastery  

    Importance of continuous learning and professional growthOvercoming challenges in adolescent mental healthEvolution of mental health treatment approachesUsing integrated behavioral health for improved patient care

    [04:44 - 10:23]  New Projects Announcement

    Introduction to the limited series podcast: "Pediatric Mental Health: Building Better Workflows"Details about the companion workbook accompanying the podcastOpportunity for a 1 on 1 deep dive consultationSign-up for a discovery call to discuss pain points and strategies

    [10:24 - 12:41]  Closing Remarks and Podcast Information 

    Contact information for feedback and ideas for future podcastsWebsite and social media links to stay connectedGratitude for listeners and encouragement to share the episodeSpecial thanks to podcast contributors

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    Lia’s Website:


    Other episodes you may like:


    180. Social Media and Kids: The Big Picture

    176. ACES and the Power of Positive Relationships

    172. Burnout Prevention: A 15-Minute Game Changer

    Key quotes for Twitter:

    "My first presentation was called mad, bad, and sad girls, and I should have thrown in glad because so many girls are happy too."... Dr. Lia Gaggino on challenges in adolescent mental health

    "And for those of us who have been doing this work for a long time, mental health has always been an issue. But it seems like now more than ever, the kids and their families need us." … Dr. Lia Gaggino on mental health crisis in youth


    Pediatric Meltdown was listed as a Top 20 Pediatric Podcast on FeedSpot.

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  • Think health inequity doesn't affect you? Think again! This week's Pediatric Meltdown podcast tackles a topic that's more relevant than ever in today's diverse society. Host Dr. Lia Gaggino is joined by Dr. Julie Linton, a champion of health equity and a leading voice on child immigrant welfare. together, they will unravel the complex web of health care challenges for children of immigrant families. It's clear that Dr. Linton’s compassion and education are key in addressing the challenges faced by children in immigrant families. Her expertise underscores the importance of understanding the various aspects of immigration, from DACA to Temporary Protected Status, and how these legal designations impact access to healthcare. Tackling everything from the intricacies of asylum to the vital role of Federally Qualified Health Centers, we're reminded that every child deserves the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background.  Above all, the episode drives home the need for building workflows that support our diverse pediatric population with empathy and respect. Are you ready to become an advocate for change? 

    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn more by subscribing to the "Pediatric Mental Health Building Better Workflows Podcast" – because your next step in making a difference is just one listen away.

      [06:25 -13:54] Systems and Advocacy for Young Newcomers

    Highlights the wide-ranging complexities of immigration across the U.S., not just southern border issues.Underlines the importance of robust data for grasping immigrant children demographics and needs.Recommends utilizing the Casey Foundation's Kids Count data center for local immigrant family insights.Accentuates the imperative of compassionate healthcare and the duty of providers to aid and champion immigrant families.

    [13:55 -23:29]  Food Assistance and Support Programs  

    Emphasizing the need to address basic necessities such as food for well-being.Considering the direct link between health and access to adequate nutrition.State-specific resources and support systems designed to assist in food provision.Acknowledging the unequal availability of resources and the value of local insights for securing food aid.

    [23:30 - 29:40]   Legal Challenges in Mixed-Status Families

    Eligibility for food aid programs can vary widely based on a family's immigration status.The array of immigrant statuses affects the types of assistance open to children and families.In areas with different funding, medical-legal partnerships are pivotal in providing necessary legal aid at no cost.Legal aid limitations signify systemic hurdles impacting children's health rights.

    [29:41 - 45:25] Healthcare Access for Immigrant Children

    Highlights the barriers immigrant families face in accessing healthcare and insurance coverage.Emphasizes the critical need for compassionate care specifically catered to the needs of immigrant families.Outlines resources available to assist uninsured and mixed-status families in obtaining healthcare services.Addresses the vital role of healthcare practitioners in advocating for policies that support the health of immigrant children.

    [45:26 - 53:58]  Closing segment Takeaway

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    AAP Policy Statement, Providing Care for Children in Immigrant Families:  

  • Think you know the secrets to pediatric mental health care?  Well, this week’s episode will make you think again! Your host, Dr. Lia Gaggino, will dive deep into the nuanced world of cultural sensitivity in pediatric healthcare with the inspiring psychiatrist, Dr. Farah Abbasi. As an advocate for minorities and newcomers, Dr. Abbasi unpacks the layers of health disparities and speaks to the heart of cultural competency. Learn how to navigate the complex tapestry of identities you encounter in your practice and why understanding each child's background is crucial for effective treatment. By revealing her journey as an immigrant healthcare professional, and the challenges that come with assimilating into American culture, Dr. Abbasi highlights the significant need for a more inclusive and culturally nuanced approach to patient care. As we prepare for the launch of a new limited series podcast focused on revolutionizing mental health delivery, this dialogue with Dr. Abbasi is like obtaining a key to unlock the potential of culturally responsive care that honors the diversity of the young souls we serve. Get ready to unravel the secrets to cultivating a truly inclusive healthcare environment – your blueprint to becoming the healthcare provider of the future is just one click away!


    [00:33 -10:54] Understanding Cultural Competence in Pediatric Mental Health Care

    Respect and responsiveness to the whole person are highlighted as central to the concept of cultural competence.A major challenge is how healthcare providers can develop cultural competence in their practice.Cultural competence is more than just an understanding; it's about respecting and responding to every aspect of a patient’s identity.There is a need for healthcare workers to recognize and address health disparities that stem from a lack of cultural competence.

    [10:55 - 18:42]  Cultural Humility in Pediatric Mental Health Care  

    Acknowledging that parenting beliefs and values can differ significantly, even within the same country.The importance of understanding that cultural norms may vary widely among families.Cultural humility involves checking one's biases and preconceptions at the door.Recognizing that not every family seeks the traditional 'American Dream' and may have different aspirations.

    [18:43 - 25:07]  Enhancing Healthcare Inclusivity for Diverse Patient Backgrounds

    It’s important that healthcare professionals approach each patient with an open mind and a respectful attitude towards the patient's entirety.The effect of spirituality and faith on the healing and recovery process of patients.Don’t assume a universal approach to parenting and healthcare that might not align with the cultural practices of all patients.There are complexities and challenges faced by immigrants as they navigate a new healthcare system and the need for provider awareness.

    [25:08 - 38:24] The Impact of Cultural Competence on Health Outcomes

    Check your implicit bias and cultural blind spots in creating disparities in health outcomes.Healthcare providers need to consider patients' complete cultural identity, including ethnic, religious, and immigration status.Practical advice on how respect for cultural practices, like dietary preferences and religious beliefs, can improve patient experiences.There is a need for connection and recognition of diverse cultural beliefs within healthcare, especially highlighted by global challenges such as pandemics.

    [38:25 - 43:27]  Closing segment Takeaway

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  • Are Your Kids Being Left Behind in the Literacy Race? Find Out How Equitable Access to Reading Can Change the Game! Every child deserves a fair start in life, but the stark reality is that not every youngster is on an even playing field when it comes to early literacy. In this week's episode of Pediatric Meltdown, we dive into the revolutionary work of Reach Out and Read, a program determined to break down barriers and bring equitable access to reading materials to children across the nation. It's clear that the mission of Reach Out and Read reaches far beyond the pages of the books they distribute. Their dedication to fostering early literacy development and relational health within communities—especially those that are under-resourced and underserved—speaks volumes about their commitment to societal change. Lia’s discussion with Marty has highlighted the integrative approach of the program, merging healthcare visits with moments that fortify the bonds between parents and children. It is a poignant reminder that access to books is not a luxury, but a fundamental right that nurtures the mind and the heart. In a world where disparities define the future of so many young lives, Reach Out and Read serves as a beacon of hope, guiding families towards a horizon where every child's potential can be reached. Let's stand with them, as they turn the page on illiteracy and inequity, ensuring that no child is left behind in the vital narrative of their own education.   

    [03:20 -07:38]Reach Out and Read's Mission and Expansion

    Aims to provide equitable access to children's books, focusing on underserved communitiesGoal to reach 50% of all children under 5 in the United States by 2030Over 8 million books distributed, reflecting the diversity of served communitiesSpecial efforts for non-English speaking and rural areas to access healthcare and educational materials.

    [07:39 - 19:51]  The Role of Healthcare Providers in Early Literacy  

    Approximately 35,000 trained clinicians including pediatricians, family doctors, and nurse practitionersClinicians aid in bonding and developmental processes through well child visits.Marty underscores the organic growth due to passionate healthcare providersTraining and opportunities for involvement available via the website and state affiliates.

    [19:52 -31:23]  Overcoming Challenges in Children's Literacy and Development

    Emphasis on meeting specific community needs with a multi-pronged approach.Discusses book banning and the necessity for diverse books appropriate for age 5 and under.Use of TikTok series by pediatricians to provide educational materials in various languages.Evidence indicating a positive effect on early brain development and preparing for school.

    [31:24 - 42:09]  Positive Impact and Future Goals of Reach Out and Read

    Focus on building meaningful parent-child moments and strengthening relationshipsPotential research partnership with Columbia University's School of PediatricsProgram adjusts to support relational health and positive childhood experiencesAddresses health equity and contributes to lifting children out of poverty by empowering parents

    [42:10 - 47:44]  Closing segment Takeaway

    You can reach Marty Martinez

    Facebook: @reachoutandread

    X (formerly Twitter): @reachoutandread


  • Are you worried about your kids' social media use? In this episode of Pediatric Meltdown, Dr. Lia Gaggino weighs in with her insights, thoughts and suggestions. From tackling the prevalence of smartphones among teens to navigating the digital world as a non-digital native, she presents practical strategies for parents and pediatric professionals. By being curious, nonjudgmental, and seeking to understand our children’s digital experiences, we can build trust and open lines of communication. Together, let's work towards creating a safer digital environment for the kids. Take a listen for more insightful content, and let's empower each other to make a positive difference in the digital world!


    [01:34 -04:15] Navigating the Digital Landscape: Children's Online Behavior and Risks

    Emphasizes the need for adults to understand and engage with what kids are doing online.Explores the potential risks of social media use, including mental health implications.Advocates for awareness and strategies to address sensitive topics like sexting.

    [04:16 - 07:01]  Literacy and Responsible Behavior: Educating the Youth

    Suggesting that kids show the cool and positive aspects of their digital life to adults to bridge understanding.Discussing the impact of social media on the mental well-being of children as a public health concern.Promoting the idea that parents and caregivers should be role models for responsible digital behavior.

    [07:02 - 09:57]  Social Media Education and Resources for Family Safety

    Social media can support educational and collaborative learning activities for children.Online educational materials offer valuable, easily accessible information tools.Resources are available to help families support children with ADHD through educational content.

    [09:58 - 12:59] Navigating Digital Parenting Challenges

    Recognize the necessity for parents to engage with their kids about their online activities.Highlight the risk of normalizing mindless scrolling and unnecessary screen time.Stress the significance of setting a good example by avoiding phones during family interactions

    You can reach Dr. Gaggino

    Facebook:  Facebook

    Instagram:  @pediatricmeltdown

    Website: PediatricMeltdown.com 


    Other episodes you may like:


    Ep 182. Social Media Dangers: Protecting and Educating Youth

    Ep 181. Social Media: Guidance for Youth and Families


    MC3 Clinical Pearls Video Series


    National Network...

  • Do you know what lurks behind every click and scroll in your child's digital playground?? Join host, Dr. Lia Gaggino and guest expert Dr. Ashvin Sood as they expose the alarming rise of cyberbullying among children. Where a simple 'like' can shape a child's self-worth, and a 'share' might lead to a spiral of anxiety. They’ll talk about the fine line between connection and addiction in the age of snaps, tweets, and likes, and find out how you can help your child navigate this complex landscape. Listen in as they do a deep dive into the intersection of social media and youth mental health, it's clear that there is a delicate balance between connection and caution. The concept of an electronic contract represents a pivotal step in managing our teens' screen time and setting clear boundaries. By facilitating an open dialogue and setting mutually agreed upon parameters, both parent and child can navigate the digital landscape with a shared understanding of what is acceptable online behavior. Make sure to catch Dr. Ashvin’s top strategies for harm reduction that every parent needs to know – it could be the conversation that changes everything for you and your teen.  

    [00:33 -10:26] Social Media's Influence on Youth Mental Health

    Discusses the pervasive nature of social media and its role in the formation of adolescent identity.Features the developmental and psychological needs shaping youth identity within online platforms.Highlights possible mental health risks for children and teens from more online presence.Notes how social media shapes young individuals' self-identity through creative outlets.

    [10:27 - 19:04]  Strategies for Safe Social Media Usage  

    Addressing delicate issues calls for tact to maintain open communication with youth.The dialogue about harm reduction should focus on safety and informed decision-making rather than abstinence.Creating a space where teenagers can talk openly about their experiences and questions regarding sex is crucial.These talks prepare teens to responsibly handle risks linked to sexual behavior.

    [19:05 - 28:55]   Impact of Cyberbullying on Teen Mental Health

    Discussed intense scenarios of cyberbullying leading to suicides among teenagers.Analyzed a common form of cyberbullying: exclusion and group message targeting.Considered the emotional toll on a teen waiting for peers' responses in a group chat.Addressed the silent suffering and anticipation for social validation.

    [28:56 - 40:34]  Managing the landscape of Mental Health in the Digital Age

    The child's online behaviors and the context of their chats were analyzed.Specific concerns were picked out for discussion to address potential mental health issues.The discussion offered strategies to lessen social media's harmful effects.Specialized tools for assessing children's social media use in psychiatry were featured.

    [40:35 - 46:19]  Closing segment Takeaway

    You can reach Dr. Ashvin Sood

    akingControlz TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@takingcontrolz?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

    PsychChild: https://www.psychchild.com/

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    AACAP Screen Media Resource Center

  • Are your kids glued to their screens? Discover the shocking effects of unlimited social media!  Pediatric Meltdown is giving a wake-up call to parents navigating the treacherous waters of their children's online presence. This is the second installment of our series on social media and your children.  Host Dr. Lia Gaggino and guest expert Dr. Jane Harness tackle the urgent matter of social media safety, sharing eye-opening insights and actionable advice.  Jane's experience in child and adolescent psychiatry shines a light on not only setting digital boundaries but equipping our kids with the skills to surf the web with wisdom. This collaborative approach is not just about setting boundaries, but about building bridges between parents and children in the digital age. This episode will leave you with key insights on the vulnerabilities of the developing brain and social media. The conversation underscores the subtleties of cyberbullying and its potential grave consequences, reiterating the need for open, honest discussions to forge a safer digital landscape for our younger generation. From the importance of parents modeling healthy media use to leveraging reputable sources for combating misinformation, the discussion covers critical territories in a parent's finding their way through the social media maze. Remember that your approach to discussing media use with your children could change everything—it’s time to find out the cyber secret your kids might not even realize they're hiding.


    [00:33 -12:21]  Impact of Social Media Use on Youth Mental Health

    Different types of social media platforms can have varying effects on the mental health of young people.Social media use may contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem among youth.The constant exposure to curated and idealized representations of others' lives on social media can negatively impact youth mental health.Cyberbullying and online harassment are significant risks associated with social media use, leading to adverse psychological outcomes.

    [12:22- 22:55] Understanding the Impact of Social Media on Youth  

    Kids have a good understanding of social media use and its effects on them.Social media can be addictive and lead to loss of control if not used responsibly.Unhealthy content consumption can have negative consequences on mental and emotional well-being.Research shows that children are aware of the potential pitfalls of social media, including cyberbullying.

    [22:56 -40:21]  Insights from Text-Based Study on Youth Perspectives

    Consider the importance of authenticity when using social media platformsDiscuss the potential consequences of oversharing personal information onlineExplore the impact of social media on mental health and well-being from a youth perspectiveProvide resources and guidance for new users to navigate social media safely and responsibly

    [40:22 - 52:05]  Strategies for Managing Social Media Use and Mental Health Impact

    Setting shared goals to redirect focus away from excessive social media useAcknowledging the importance of communication with friends and finding alternative ways to connectImplementing limits and boundaries to ensure a healthy balance between online and offline activitiesRecognizing the role of limits in creating a sense of safety for youth

    [52:06 - 58:40]  Closing segment Takeaway

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    Here is the MyVoice study "Youth Insight About Social Media Effects on...
  • Are social media algorithms secretly manipulating what your kids see online? Pediatric Meltdown brings you an exclusive conversation with Dr. Jenny Radesky, where she sheds light on the alarming influence of social media algorithms on children's online experiences. Host Dr. Lia Gaggino and Dr. Radesky unravel the complexities of kids' tech use, from the dangers of unmonitored content to the pivotal role of parents in fostering digital literacy. Dr. Radesky presents compelling evidence about how digital platforms shape children's online experiences while advocating for greater parental awareness and legislative action. She  highlights the urgent need for a healthier social media environment for kids and emphasized the significance of ongoing, open conversations about technology with children. Join us for an eye-opening exploration of social media's effects on youth mental health and the actionable steps we can take to create a safer online environment for kids.


    [00:33 -12:40]  Social Media's Role in Childhood Well-being and Online Safety Standards

    The role of social media in shaping the health and development of children.Consideration of social media design in terms of children's requirements and interests.Acknowledgment of a need for universal best practices for social media platforms regarding youth.Mention of a recent report highlighting the importance of social media guidelines to protect youth mental health

    [12:41- 23:23]  Social Media's Role in Youth Mental Health Concerns  

    Discussed the significant conversation happening around social media's impact on mental well-being.Addressing the narrative that social media contributes to depression and anxiety among users.Strategies to adjust settings and alter feeds to foster a more positive social media experience.Highlighted the potential negative influence of dominant narratives widely accepted about social media.

    [23:24 -33:47] Enhancing Online Safety for Children Through Legislation and Parental Involvement

    Discusses laws aimed at regulating children's content and data collectionHighlights the importance of digital literacy and parental oversight for child safety online.Explores the conflict between content regulation and free speech principles in the U.S.Details the AAP's efforts to enhance children's online privacy and protection.

    [33:48 - 41:52] Legislative Momentum for Children's Digital Safety

    Potential legislative progress for child online safety laws, including COSA and updated COPPA regulations.Explores public concern and political attention on social media's impact on children.Highlights the uncertainty surrounding the enactment of new laws focused on children's digital privacy and safety.Highlights broad support for legislative efforts addressing social media company concerns.

    [41:53 - 42:57]  Closing segment Takeaway

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    www.aap.org/socialmedia (Center of Excellence website)

    www.healthychildren.org/mediaplan (Family Media Plan tool)

    American Psychological Association Health Advisory on Social Media Use in Adolescence (apa.org)

  • Did you know that 1 in 3 young people in the US have experienced or survived dating abuse? In a candid and crucial conversation on Pediatric Meltdown, host Dr. Lia Gaggino is joined by guest Dr. Lenore Jarvis to tackle the sensitive issue of adolescent relationship abuse (ARA). From identifying red flags to discussing prevention strategies and resources, this eye-opening episode provides essential insights for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals working with adolescents. Dr. Jarvis will take a deep-dive into the different types of ARA, the power dynamics at play, and the impact of abuse on mental and physical health will highlight the importance of documentation, trauma-informed care, and healing-centered engagement, emphasizing the holistic experience of addressing trauma. With the imperative need for universal screening and education, and the complexities of navigating disclosures and mandatory reporting, our episode provided essential guidance for healthcare professionals. This episode is another example of Dr. Gaggino’s never ending dedication to unravel critical issues affecting pediatric care, empowering clinicians to make a positive impact on the lives of young people.


    [00:33 -15:23] Understanding the Impact of Adolescent Relationship Abuse (ARA) on Teen Health

    Adolescents experiencing ARA are at an increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs).Victims of adolescent relationship abuse may suffer from mental health issues, including depression.There is a notable link between ARA and suicidality in teenagers, potentially leading to life-threatening situations.Adolescent relationship abuse often leads to increased school dropout rates, affecting education

    [15:24 - 27:55]  Strategies for Healthcare Professionals to Support Teens in Abusive Relationships 

    ARA strategies must respect a teen's comfort and safety in sharing, not always certain in a clinic.Adolescents' confidentiality is vital, needing careful management by healthcare workers.Feelings of isolation and shame can deter teens from seeking help or revealing abuse.Offering ARA resources during visits offers consistent support, regardless of disclosure.

    [27:56 - 42:08] Effective Approaches to Adolescent Relationship Abuse Disclosure

    Providers encourage teens to report abuse by discussing common issues.Healthcare pros must immediately validate a teen's ARA disclosure.Careful measures protect intimate violence reports in patient records.Keeping the abuser from patient files is vital to the teen's safety and privacy.

    [43:09 - 55:59] Implementing Early Educational Strategies for Healthy Relationships

    Elementary education focuses on identifying traits of positive and negative friendships.Teaching young kids about good relationship dynamics prepares them for future romantic talks.Talks on healthy romance in adolescence build on earlier friend relationship lessons.Early healthy relationship education equips children to handle teen romantic challenges.

    [56:00 - 01:07:08]  Closing segment Takeaway

    Links to resources mentioned on the show

    Healing Centered Engagement: 

    The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement

    Local Resources

    State Coalitions: