
  • Looking for a way to make Valentine's Day fun for your pet?  Petland Iowa City has some fantastic ideas on how to make Valentine's Day or any other special day of the year for that matter, extra special.  Listen on or read the description below for more great tips!

    Scavenger hunts are the best way to have so much fun, not to mention, cheap too! You can use some catnip, laser beams, treats, toys, and other great ideas for your pet.  This is great for dogs, cats, hamsters, bearded dragons, and more!   Some people even like to have some fun having dinner with their dogs.  Yeah, this sounds funny and is great for memory books.  Add a little kibble or their favorite treat to a plate at the table for the occasion and grab some clips.  Only do it once a year as a treat and for fun  Another fun idea is watching a movie with your pet.  Have a lovely snuggle with your pet and watch a favorite show.  You will both enjoy quality time together. Teach your pet a new trick!  Believe it or not, pets do like to be trained.  Find a new trick to work on and reward them for their efforts in training. How about a pet massage?  Oh yeah, pets LOVE massages too!  Offer a nice little pet massage to your fur-buddy and watch their enjoyment.

    For more great tips visit Petland Iowa City's website here.

    To visit our amazing pets or play with our paw-some pals, visit us today!

    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd.
    Iowa City, IA 52240

  • Do you have a new puppy or even an older dog that likes to chew on things in your household?  If you do, you're not alone!  Petland Iowa City is back with great tips and this time we're talking about pups that like to chew!  

    There are a number of reasons your puppy or dog might be chewing.  Most commonly it will fall into one of these two categories:  

    1.  Puppy Teething - Yep, puppies experience discomfort when they are losing their puppy teeth just like children.  

    2.  Anxiety Teething - Boredom is a big part factor when it comes to anxiety teething.  

    So, what can you do?  You want toys in your house that they can chew rather than the furniture or the rug.  These chews need to be really attractive and you'll want some soft & plush toys, different texture toys, and then you can get into the harder categories for stronger chewers like Nylabone or other Natural options for instance.  

    Let's say your dog is going through a particular-sized chew really fast, you will want to go up to the next size.  Check out this podcast for more tips on how to beat that battle of K9 "chewing" habits.  

    For more pet ownership tips, subscribe to our podcast channel for more valuable tips and tricks.  

    Check out our website for available pets, pet supplies & more:  https://www.petlandiowacity.com


    Visit Petland Iowa City for all your pet needs. Our pets can't wait to meet you!  

    Petland Iowa City 



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  • Looking for some helpful tips on how to properly potty train your puppy?  Petland Iowa City has three important tips to successfully potty train your pup.  Listen to this podcast for more details on each and check out some of our potty training tips below:  

    Step 1.  Puppies are denning animals, be sure to use a crate/kennel for your puppy.  Puppies will learn to keep their kennels nice and clean.  False walls can do the trick within the kennel to allow proper space for your pet depending on size.  Once you are ready to take your puppy out of the crate in the morning, lift them up out of the crate and take them directly outside.  

    Step 2.  While you're outside with your pet, make sure you are rewarding your pup for any business they do outside.  The key is to reward them immediately after they do their business.  Don't wait until they get back inside.  Incentivize the behavior you want to see from your pet instantly and your pet will quickly learn what they are doing correctly which ends with a yummy treat.  There are lots of pet treats out there you can choose from, or select a Lickety Stik liquid dog treat that pets go CRAZY for.  

    Step 3.  Use a stain and odor removal with an enzyme that decomposes the smell of any urine spots in carpet, furniture, tile, wood, etc to remove the marking your puppy makes    

    Step 4:  Patience!  While in the potty training process, ask yourself, "Is it better now than it was 2 weeks ago or a month ago?".

    **  Fun Fact: If you can keep your pet from having an accident in the house for three months (without incident), veterinarians say they've forgotten all about going to the bathroom in the house.

    Check out our newest selection of puppy arrivals here:  https://www.petlandiowacity.com/dogs-and-puppies-for-sale/  

    Visit Petland Iowa City for all your pet needs. Our pets can't wait to meet you!













  • The Australian Shepherd is a medium-sized super cuddly dog breed that contrary to its name was developed in the western part of the United States. ‘Aussie’ as commonly called came to be in the 19th century as a ranch dog bred to herd farm animals and livestock as a whole. Discover more about our Australian Shepherd puppies for sale below!  

    This dog breed is a natural hard worker and has the energy level to maneuver fleeing animals, however within the household, its energy has to deviate to activities like exercises and games, else they prove to be destructive.   


    This breed came to be around the Goldrush era as a herding dog for ranchers within the western US. The exact ancestral heritage of this breed isn’t precise per se. There are a lot of possible theories however, the Australian Shepherd likely has a collie as one of its ancestors.   

    This breed became popular after World War II. There were horse shows, rodeos and Disney movies that had one Australian Shepherd or the other. The crowd loved seeing athletic dogs and so the media promoted the Australian Shepherd.   However, it wasn’t until 1993 before this dog breed was AKC recognized. This is a dog breed that belongs to the herding category. Some modern-day Australian Shepherds are still used to herd livestock but they can be great companions as house pets.   


    This breed plays the dominant role pretty beautifully as they were developed to be assertive and firm when dealing with livestock. If a strong hand isn’t available at home, they will regain their dominant persona. This is one of the reasons why they aren’t so much of a recommended choice for first-time dog owners.   Just like other herding dogs in their niche, the Australian Shepherd is loyal to a fault. Their loyalty, however, doesn’t transcend to strangers as it only plays out with its owners. However, all of these qualities can be tweaked and adjusted during training especially when they’re still young. They are really loving dogs and are great for large families.


    The Australian Shepherd is a herding dog breed, meaning that it’s in their genetic disposition to run, play and live in open lands. This is why they don’t particularly thrive in apartment buildings. These dogs are very sensitive to their owners and they can survive diverse weather conditions, either hot, warm or cold.


    As expected, the Australian Shepherd has high exercise needs. You may need to take him walking, jogging or to the park every day as they can get destructive when they still have the energy to dispense. The intensity of their exercise is somewhat high and they’re very playful making them the perfect breed for kids and toddlers.   Dog sports like Frisbee or flyball will be their forte as they will excel without a doubt because it involves running and jumping. The Australian Shepherd is a very agile dog breed with a lot of energy too. Feel free to enroll your Aussie in dog competitions just for the fun of it, who knows you may just be taking home a trophy on their behalf. This breed is very smart and easy to train.


    The Australian Shepherd is a medium-sized dog breed that has a medium-length coating. This coating so happens to be water-resistant and ensures that your furry friend is warm and comfortable during rainstorms and snow days.   Their fur could either be straight or wavy and it lengthens around the neck and chest regions. This breed sheds all year round but heavily during the spring season. In terms of grooming, the Australian Shepherd’s coat needs to be brushed weekly to prevent matting.

    Petland Iowa City


    #miniaustralianshepherds #miniaussie

  • Petland Iowa City is back with great tips for grooming your dog at home.  We discuss some of the best brushes on the market (Furminator) along with some of the best dog shampoo and conditioners on the market (BIO-GROOM & Bobbi Panter).  Listen for more information on Petland Iowa City's favorite puppy perfumes/colognes in this clip and so much more!  

    Additional Tips For Bathing Your Pup:  

    If you own a pet, eventually you will have to bathe him. Dogs can be challenging to bathe, but cats can be near impossible. But all of them like to roll in stinky substances, hide in dirty places, or occasionally get a condition (fleas, maybe?) that requires putting them in water and soaping them thoroughly before rinsing them clean and toweling them dry. But the question remains, “How do I do that?”  

    Well, the answer is the same, whether you’re bathing a dog or a cat. Petland Iowa City will give you some tips that will help you make bath time as pleasant and effective as possible for either species. Here are the steps.  

    1.  Gather everything you need. You’ll need the right shampoo, but even baby shampoo has the wrong pH for your pet. Petland carries a wide variety of shampoos and conditioners. You also might want to get a bathing tool like a shampoo dispensing brush or a rubber curry comb. You’ll also need several towels, a slip-proof mat (or more towels), something to use to rinse the shampoo out (a cup will do but a sprayer hose is better), a mild eye ointment to prevent the sting of shampoo, and small cotton balls to keep water out of the ears.  

    2.  Put everything you’ll need near the tub or sink, block the drain with a steel-wool pad (to catch hair) and stopper, and fill with warm water before you bring a puppy or kitty into the bathroom. The sound of rushing water just adds to his anxiety if he doesn’t already love baths. (You may also want a bucket of water for rinsing your pet if the water running from the tap scares him.)  

    3.  Brush your animal thoroughly. Work out mats in his coat before you get him wet, or you may have to resort to scissors after his bath. If Fido or Fluffy fights you, don’t yell! A harsh voice only makes him more nervous. Have an extra person help you hold him in the water. Wet your pet by pouring water from the tub over his body. Emulsify the shampoo by rubbing it between your hands before you apply it to his wet coat. Then, massage it into his coat gently. If he loves being petted, this will be like a day at the spa to him.  

    4.  Open the stopper (but leave the steel wool inside) and let the water drain out. The steel wool will prevent your drain from clogging with hair. Dipping fresh water from the bucket or opening the tap (make sure the water is still warm), pour water over him as many times as necessary to completely rinse the shampoo from his coat. Leaving soap on him can cause itching and drying out the skin, leading to more problems. Throw one towel over his back and use another to dry his face, head, and feet. Then if he’s short-coated, rub him dry. If he has a long coat, gently squeeze the water out of his coat but don’t rub. Putting him in a wire crate to dry will prevent him from rolling and getting carpets wet and don’t—I repeat: DON’T—let him outside until he’s thoroughly dry. If you do, you’ll be right back in the bathroom in short order!   

    Petland Iowa City 


    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. Iowa City, IA 52240  






  • Brief History

    This dog breed originated from Germany and back then they were referred to as the badger dog. In essence, the ‘Dachs’ in Dachshund stands for badger while the ‘hund’ means dog. This dog breed can be traced to the 15th century and they came in different sizes.

    However, in the 18th and 19th centuries ‘Teckel’ as called in Germany was refined and elongated. The purpose of this was to create a dog that could fit into the burrows of a badger and lure him out or kill him.

    A lot of years went into this development and in the 1800s people started keeping Dachshunds as pets rather than hunting dogs.


    This dog breed is clever no doubt. It has a fearless trait as part of its hunting heritage, it is courageous, driven and can display traits of stubbornness. Dachshunds of this generation can be as cute and cuddly with their owners as they’re allowed to be.

    This dog breed is very entertaining especially when it chases its tail. However, with the diversity in the color of the coat, the personality of the dachshund differs. The wirehead breed has the terrier in its lineage which could be the source of its mischief.

    The longhairs are calmer than the Smooths which have a mix in personality. Dachshunds are naturally bold and fearless hence when getting a puppy, neglect any that displays timidity.


    This petite dog can thrive in an apartment setting. However, they have a low tolerance for cold weather as their fur is thin, but they can handle the heat. Any loving environment where the dachshund will have a good amount of exercise or walks is fine with this breed.

    They’re very sensitive breeds and love pleasing its owners. This dog breed is known to develop better in an environment with kids around as they’re very kid-friendly.


    This dog breed has an average need for exercise. They can be very playful especially around kids and their exercise needs are fair. Any exercise the dachshund partakes in needs to be of average intensity to avoid fatigue.

    They are natural hunters, hence they have a great potential for wanderlust and they will follow trails till they probably get missing. In essence, in terms of exercise, walks in the park, playing fetch or testing his perseverance could be great for the dog.

    When dachshunds get bored or are left unattended for hours at a stretch, they can eat and destroy anything within their reach.


    Maintaining this dog breed costs little to nothing. Yes, they do shed but no, not often and not in abundance. Their fur is short and shiny hence it requires regular brushing to keep their appearance. Bathing dachshunds should be done ceremoniously or when they reek of something.

    This breed doesn’t have the accompanying doggie smell and their oral hygiene is important as brushing should be done thrice weekly. When winter approaches, your dachshund will need a sweater when outdoors as they don’t do so well when exposed to cold.

    Contact Petland Iowa City today to learn more about the availability of our Dachshund puppies for sale. We look forward to helping you find your next family member. Our pet counselors can answer any questions you have about our Dachshund puppies.

    Petland Iowa City


    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. 

    Iowa City, IA 52240  









  • Petland Iowa City shares helpful tips to keep your pet warm in cooler temps & seasons:  

    1.  Monitor Nutrition - When Your Dog Is Shivering, They're Burning Calories 

    2.  Fight Off Dry Skin - Use A Dog Conditioner 

    3.  Add Extra Layers - Sweaters, Jackets & Paw Guard are Excellent Options.  

    If You Are Cold, Your Puppy Is Cold Too!  

    Your pup is a part of the family, and although he enjoys the beauty of nature and spending time outside, it is never recommended that a puppy “lives” outside. If you’re cold, your pup is too, and regardless of your pup’s breed, spending extended periods of time in frigid weather is not healthy or safe. Even if you were wearing a fur coat, you would not want to spend several hours outside in the cold, and your pup does not want to either.   

    Everything In Moderation  

    Let your fur-ever friend “enjoy” being outside. He loves to burn off extra energy and dash through the snow. And although this is healthy and safe for your pup, it needs to be allowed in moderation. Monitor him while outside, especially in frigid weather. Younger and healthy pups tend to handle these conditions much better than senior pups or pups who have medical issues. Certain breeds with thicker and or double-layered coats, such as Akitas, Bichon Frises, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepherds, tend to better handle cold weather than breeds with thinner coats French Bulldogs, Pomeranians, and Pugs. Regardless of the breed, all dogs will eventually get cold and need a warm shelter. Remember, the purpose of letting your puppy outside is so he can enjoy himself, have fun, and feel good!   

    Known Effects On Pups That Are Left Outside In The Cold  

    Like people, dogs can experience pain and severe medical conditions if left outside in cold weather. These conditions can begin as minor shivering and discomfort and extend all the way to death. It is very important to understand that your pup is a living being, and like a human, can only sustain freezing temperatures for a certain period of time. Below are known issues and symptoms that dogs experience when left outside in freezing weather. Knowing what to look for can save your pup’s life.   

    Shivering is a common initial symptom that takes place when a dog is too cold. His body naturally begins to shiver in an effort to stay warm. Although shivering will temporarily help him maintain his body temperature, it is not effective for more than a few minutes.   Moaning and howling take place due to discomfort. Essentially, your puppy is in pain from the cold weather, which is affecting his body. 

    Moaning and howling is his way of expressing it and asking for help. Never ignore these early signs as they can quickly lead to very serious issues.   Frostbite is a condition/injury to body tissues caused by exposure to extreme cold. This typically affects your dog’s nose, paws, and or ears and creates a painful burning sensation. If the affected area is not tended to, the condition can quickly escalate to much more severe health issues.   

    Hypothermia sets in upon the dog’s internal body temperature dropping below safe levels. This condition slows your dog’s heart rate and breathing down to very unsafe levels, which can lead to neurological problems. Your puppy’s kidney functions also rapidly begin to decrease during this health emergency. Essentially, your puppy is beginning to freeze to death. If not immediately treated, your dog can fall into a coma, which often leads to permanent health issues and even death.

    Help Your Pup Stay Warm!

    Puppy coats, jackets, and boots add an extra layer of insulation for your dog. Look for coats that offer a water-resistant outer layer and several layers of insulated inner material.


  • Poodles are very proud dogs. They are impressive as well. This breed is famous for its participation in many dog shows. They are the fashionistas of the dog world because of their iconic coats which come in different colors. This breed has won many best-in-show awards. However, behind the glam and spotlights, he is a very affectionate dog that loves to be around family, has an ancient history, and is very talented. They are not just beautiful and pleasing to the eyes, they are very intelligent, highly trainable, and impressively complete tasks assigned to them. Miniature poodles are petite and ooze luxury. They have all the qualities of a standard poodle but in a smaller form. They are however bigger than a toy poodle. Discover more about our Miniature Poodle puppies for sale below!

    Breed History

    Looking at the life of a miniature poodle today, the jewelry, the bright-colored coats, and the luxury they live in, one may be shocked that these pooches used to accompany hunters many years ago. They were developed in Germany but developed into their own distinct breed in the country of France.

    They were developed especially for waterfowl hunting. They are believed to be a hybrid of different water dogs from Europe. They are believed to be a result of crosses between Spanish, Russian, Hungarian, Portuguese, French, and German water dogs.

    There are also different theories that link its ancestry to different parts of the world like Africa and Asia. One thing however clear is that the Miniature Poodle is a very old breed. There are illustrations of this breed on Egyptian and Roman artifacts and tombs. Many believe Miniature Poodles came hundreds of years later after the Standard Poodles.


    They are intelligent, loyal, loving, and mischievous. Poodle enthusiasts describe them as having an air of distinction. Miniature Poodles have a daffy streak and love to play.

    They can however often get leery with strangers. They are shy and if not socialized with new people and animals at an early age, will grow up a little laid back.

    The Miniature Poodle is very protective of his family and is quick to bark whenever strangers approach your home. They are highly trainable and have high energy.


    Miniature Poodles require an environment of care and discipline. If they are spoilt and untrained, they’ll believe they are the alpha dog of the family and can get away with anything.

    They can be raised in apartment homes because of their small stature. You don’t need to build high fences fearing a Miniature Poodle might wander off. They love to be with their family so they don’t have the tendency of wandering off.


    Early socialization is critical to their development. Without this, they will get scared easily and be aggressive at strangers. Take your Miniature Poodle for walks of about an hour.

    Play games of fetch with them, they love tasks that challenge them mentally. They were working dogs historically, so it is no wonder that they want something to occupy their bodies and minds.


    The Miniature Poodle is a safe choice for people with allergies. They are a non-shedding breed and they have been found to give allergic people no reaction at all. Their coat comes in several colors. Their colors include blue, black, white, gray, silver, brown, cream, etc.

    They are high-maintenance dogs. Their beautiful coat can be trimmed, clipped, curled, and generally manipulated into different lovely shapes.  They require grooming every three to six weeks to keep their coat in good condition.

    They need to be bathed every three to six weeks. You can invite a professional groomer to help beautify your poodle but they’ll still need to be brushed daily.

    View our Available Puppies Today!

  • The Puggle is a cross between the Beagle and the Pug. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. Not all designer hybrids are 50% purebred to 50% purebred. It is very common for breeders to breed multi-generation crosses. The first Puggles ever bred were bred by a breeder named Wallace Havens.  Are you interested in purchasing a Puggle? Petland Iowa City has the puppy you are looking for. 

    Retrieve your furry friend now.  https://www.petlandiowacity.com/

    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. Iowa City, IA 52240  

    #petlandiowacity #puggle #puggles #pugglepuppy #pugglelove #pugglelover #pugglesarethebest

  • Here are my 3 Favorite things you must get for your cat:

    1]  Top Entry Litter Box - You might think your cat won't go in, but they will AND your dog won't!  Hands down the best litter box design.  Reduces tracking significantly.  Does your dog like eating the cat poop like its chocolate?  The top entry litter box prevents the dog from going in and getting a little morsel.

    2] Silica Power Mix - Ever wonder why we let our cats poop and pee in clay, then we allow them to walk through our house with muddy little paws!?  By switching to Power Mix you will get less tracking (especially with the top entry litter box), FAR less odor and you don't have to scoop the urine clumps!  Just try it and you will be a believer.  Oh did I say it's one of the cheapest litters as well?

    3] Yeow Catnip Banana - This is high potency catnip in a canvas toy.  Our cats just simply go nuts for these.  They last for months.  If they lose interest just roll the banana in your palms and your cat will act goofy for it all over again.

    You can get all 3 of these at our store plus a lot more!


    Petland Iowa City
    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. 

    Iowa City, IA 52240

  • The Basset Hound dog is a breed that  has a small stature and a long torso. They are a short-legged dog breed  and watching them run never gets old. They add joy in their owners’  lives and are great companions. Discover more about our Basset Hound puppies for sale below!

    This dog was originally bred to hunt  and retrieve smaller game like rabbits and is still serving the same  purpose in some world countries. They are scent hounds and can track a  lot of items based on their scent.

    They are very cute dogs and are  friendly with all they come across. This dog breed is very warm and  cuddly around children and they make great house pets too.


    The Basset Hound is mostly known as  the Hush Puppy dog, however, this breed offers way more than just  advertisements. This breed originated from the French as Basset is a  French word for ‘low’, which suffices considering the petite height of  the Basset Hound.

    It is believed that the Basset Hound  is a descendant of the St Hubert Hound which just so happens to be  related to the Bloodhounds of today. It is also believed that the Basset  Hound breed is a mutation of the Norman Staghounds, also a St Hubert  Hound descendant.


    This dog breed is too calm to ever  display any form of aggression. This is one breed that practically gets  along with everyone despite their species. From adults to children and  other animals too, they’re very laid back and great companions too.

    This dog may be small but they’re very  helpful and resourceful at home. They are always alert and for this,  they can be used as watchdogs, but their stature diminishes their  security abilities. The blood of the hound flows through the Basset  Hound and just like its relatives, it is reluctant with training.

    Also, as scent dogs they can be very  trail hungry hence they’re likely to go wandering whilst being led by  scent. They are dogs that are mostly on their good behavior and they are  good companions for kids.


    This dog breed adapts really well to  apartment settings. They are more sensitive to weather conditions than  other breeds because of their small stature. Getting your Basset Hound a  blanket during the winter and enough air conditioning during the hot  summers will definitely make them feel more comfortable.


    Their pocket-friendly size, tiny legs,  and feet make them really slow on the ground hence their exercise needs  aren’t in any way demanding. The Basset Hound is fun and as lively as  can be but they do not have a high energy level and as such  high-intensity exercise activities aren’t for this breed.


    Their smooth but short hair has a way  of repelling dirt and water. Their grooming is pretty simple. If  cleaning their ears occasionally, wiping the drool they leave, and  cleaning their facial wrinkles doesn’t sound like too much work, then  you may just groom the Basset Hound yourself.


    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. 

    Iowa City, IA 52240

  • Listen in to Doug and Ron as they discuss how dogs get rid of heat.  We will go through the cautions of dogs getting overheated and what you can do to keep them cool.

  • Flea and ticks are a potential risk throughout the entire year for the simple reason it is always above 65 F in your house (hopefully).  Fleas thrive in temperatures between 65 and 75 F.  If you had any issues last summer with fleas there are flea eggs under the skin of your dog right now waiting to hatch.  Here are some simple things you can do to protect your pet and your house from another flea infestation.

    1) It is good practice to continue your flea and tick prevention program throughout the entire year, especially if your found them last summer on your pet.

    2) If you do see fleas at anytime it is good practice to use Capstar or Capguard (Nitenpyram as the active ingredient).  Simply administer the capsule as directed and the walking fleas will start falling off dead within 30 minutes.  It helps you get in front of the issue and make sure step 1 is up to date.

    3) Are you seeing them in your house?  There are many products you can apply from powders to sprays to rid your house of fleas.  It's not comfortable nor desirable, which is why steps 1 and 2 are so important.  Make sure you have applied steps 1 and 2 if you do see any in your house.  Your pets are like little salt shaker of fleas and are spreading them throughout your house.

    These are some easy and cost effective steps to keep you, your pet and your house in check, even in winter.  NOTE: Cats are very sensitive to these products, so only use products on your cat that is approved for your cat.

  • By registrations, the Miniature Schnauzer is ranked as the 10th Most Popular Dog Breed in the world. This German hound is loved for its compact size and loyalty, especially amongst senior citizens. Discover more about our Miniature Schnauzer puppies for sale below!  

    Breed History  

    Miniature Schnauzers have their origins in 19th Century Germany where farmers crossbred the Affenpinscher, the Standard Schnauzer, Poodle, Pomeranian, and the Miniature Pinscher to create the spirited breed.   Their most dominant traits stem from the Schnauzer’s physique, and the Miniature Pinscher’s size and this fusion form the Zwergschnauzer which is German for Dwarf Schnauzer or Miniature Schnauzer.   These small dogs were bred to assist farmers by catching rats, guarding properties, and herding cattle. In 1924, four Miniature Schnauzers were imported into the US from Germany, and 84 years later in 2008, they were ranked as the 11th Most Popular Dog Breed in the country. Their wiry coats come in silver, black, pepper and salt or white colors.  


    Miniature Schnauzers are friendly, alert, and exceptionally territorial dogs. They only bond with strangers after their owners have cleared them as safe by interacting with them. They come highly recommended for elderly people and young children that are not rowdy.   They are obedient and loyal, never overaggressive, and need to be continuously occupied. They are spirited creatures and tend to keep themselves busy when they are bored by creating their own entertainment.    With early socialization, they are friendly towards other dogs and cats. They are excellent trackers and are easy to train. 


    Miniature Schnauzers acclimatize to changes in their environment and lifestyles of their owners very quickly; however, they do not tolerate being left alone. They don’t fuss when being taken from one place to another and they love boat rides.   They prefer moderate weather conditions.  They have an average propensity to roam but should be taught to obey commands that keep them in check.  


    They have an average exercise requirement of about forty-five minutes daily. Short strolls every day and much longer ones on the weekends are all it takes to keep a Miniature Schnauzer active and happy.


    Miniature Schnauzers have a low shedding rate. Their fur does not stick to furniture and clothes when brushed occasionally. They have a double coat – a wiry overcoat and a soft undercoat. They have a beard and mustache, which requires cleaning after every meal.

    They require advanced grooming to keep their great looks, which means a trip to the groomer is in order every 2-3 months.


    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. 

    Iowa City, IA 52240

    #petlandiowacity #minischnauzer #miniatureschnauzer #miniatureschnauzers #minischnauzerpuppy

  • Should you take your dog on a hike?

    That really depends. Where do you want to walk? Are dogs allowed on those trails? Do you have absolute control of your dog off lead, or do you plan to keep him on lead? Is he healthy enough to hike with you? Are you going with other hikers and their dogs, or just you two? These questions are important considerations when deciding when and where to take your dog hiking with you.

    Dogs love the outdoors. They notice everything, not only with their eyes, but with their whole bodies. Watch Fido, and you’ll see him sniff, move his ears, cock his head, wag his tail, raise his hackles, paw at things, maybe even dig. And if he finds something really, really stinky, watch out! Chances are, he’ll want to roll in it.

    Walking with your dog makes you much more aware of your environment, and so it should be. You’ll need to keep your eyes out for hazards that might affect not only you, but your dog as well. Don’t let him drink from puddles, ponds, or streams, because he can get leptospirosis or giardia. Both of these bacterial infections can make your four-legged buddy extremely sick. In many states, a dog in a pasture with livestock can legally be shot, just for being there, so keep Fido close at all times.

    Not everyone appreciates dogs, and you must be sure that your dog has good manners before exposing the world to him. Don’t let him approach anyone uninvited.

    Preparing for Your Hike

    Be sure your dog is wearing a sturdy collar with a proper license. Today it is easy to have your dog microchipped, and many veterinarians and shelters have scanners to read them. This will facilitate getting Fido back to you if he should get lost.

    You never know what you might run into on trails. Other dogs and animals are possible, so be sure your buddy is current on all his vaccines. Even if your state does not require rabies vaccine, if you are going to hike with him, it’s a good idea to vaccinate against rabies anyway.

    Watch for poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, etc. If you’re not sure what they look like, find out before you go. If in doubt, keep him out!

    Especially in areas where there is  a lot of undergrowth or high grass and weeds, your dog may pick up ticks and fleas. Ticks can carry Lyme disease, so if that’s a risk in your area, consider vaccinating Fido against it.

    Musts: Keep your dog close Clean up after him Bring plenty of clean water and a bowl Bring a spray bottle of water Be aware of trailside hazards Bring along a first aid kit, and check paws often
    Must Nots: Don’t let your dog run around loose Don’t let Fido enter private property (even through wire fences) Don’t let him drink any water but what you bring for him Don’t let your dog approach strangers Don’t let your dog bark excessively Don’t let him eat anything off the ground


    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. 

    Iowa City, IA 52240

  • The Cavapoo is a cross between the Cavalier King Charles and the Miniature Poodle. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. Not all of these designer hybrid dogs being bred are 50% purebred to 50% purebred. It is very common for breeders to breed multi-generation crosses. Note: some Cavapoo clubs are working towards making the Cavapoo a purebred dog by multi-generation crossing, while other breeders are sticking to the basic Poodle / Cavalier mix stating they wish to preserve the heterosis effect in the hybrid mix. 

    Overall the CavaPoos were bred to take the personality cuddly traits of the Cavalier and mixing them with the highly intelligent, non-shedding traits of the Miniature Poodle.  Together they are a smart cuddly companion!


    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. 

    Iowa City, IA 52240  


  • Many people have difficulty keeping their fish swimming.  Here are 3 easy steps to keeping them alive.

    Water Conditioner - Take the bad stuff out of the water with a water conditioner.  So, before you put water in the tank treat it with a water conditioner. Biological Boost - Put the good stuff into your water.  Fish can not survive in sterile water.  They need bacteria in the water to stay alive.  The bacteria helps maintain a healthy and stable environment for the fish.  So, add a biological booster to the water weekly and whenever you make ANY change to the tank. Heater - Fish have a lot of stress on them for various reasons, just like us.  By adding a heater to your tank you can relieve one stress by keeping temperatures where they like it and consistent.  Don't we like the same?  That's why we like our air conditioner in the summer and heater in the winter.  All of this controlled at a consistent temperature via our thermostat.

    Wasn't that easy!  There are more tricks of the trade that you can get by visiting Petland Iowa City and asking one of our Fish Counselors.

    An aquarium can be an exotic water world full of seldom seen natural treasures. Artistically painted fish, mystifying invertebrates and delicate plant life bring a special part of nature’s world into your home.

    At Petland Iowa City, we have a wide variety of Freshwater fish available. We have all of the supplies you need to set up and maintain a new tank and the expertise of knowledgeable fish counselors to guide you every step of the way.

    We carry 50+ varieties of fish and multiple varieties of plants. Our inventory fluctuates on a daily basis, so come by and see what we have. If we don’t have what you want, we will find it for you. We also carry all of the supplies you will need to take care of your fish’s…


    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. Iowa City, IA 52240 

    CALL US 319-351-2754 


  • Petland Iowa City is a responsible choice to buy a puppy. Not only do we comply with all local, state, and federal regulations including the USDA’s Animal Welfare Act, but we also go above and beyond such requirements. We provide a happy, healthy environment for our pets before they go home. Petland Iowa City uses spacious kennels maintained according to standards set by licensed professional veterinarians. A veterinarian examines every puppy before it arrives at our store, during its stay, and before it goes to its forever home. In addition, the potential customer can see the puppy’s health records prior to their purchase. All puppies are current on vaccinations & de-worming protocols. All puppies go home with $1,500 in accident & injury insurance coverage. A 14-day viral warranty is included. A three-year hereditary & congenital warranty is included. All puppies purchased get free vet exams with Gentle Heart Pet Clinic. All puppies purchased get one free month of pet health insurance offered by AKC. Thereafter, the customer can renew and keep pet health insurance. All puppies purchased get lifetime nail trimmings. Customers get lifetime in-store training for their puppy. Customers will receive spay/neuter certificate for their new puppy. All puppies are microchipped and registered in the national database for a lifetime. All puppies purchased come with a lifetime Amber-alert recovery system. All customers have the option to enroll in the Puppy-For-A-Lifetime Program. All puppies have the option to go home with a training kennel and training supplies. AKC or AKC Canine Program registration is included for all puppy purchases And more…


    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. Iowa City, IA 52240 

    CALL US 319-351-2754 


  • The Golden Retriever derives its ‘retriever’ name from its ability to retrieve shot game without any damage as a result of its soft mouth. It is a large-sized gun dog used in retrieving shot waterfowl during hunting and shooting parties. The Golden retriever tends to mature slowly and maintains its puppy-like personality even after it’s grown. Discover more about our Golden Retriever puppies for sale below!

    Breed History

    The Golden Retriever is believed to have originated from the Russian tracker dog which has now gone into extinction.

    It has its origin from Scotland, United Kingdom and originally bred in Scotland in the mid-19th century. As of then, wildfowl hunting was a quite popular sport amongst the Scottish elite.

    The retriever breeds as of then were inadequate in retrieving the games from both land and water and as a result, the best water spaniels as at then were crossed with existing retrievers which is how the Golden Retriever came to being.


    The Golden Retriever is best described as a kind, friendly and confident which is why it makes a really good family pet. It also has an eagerness to always please its family. In addition, it is a very active and fun-loving animal with a well-mannered temperament.


    This breed is well suited to rural environments and homes that have yards, it can also easily adapt to a cold environment because it possesses a lot of hair.

    Although it loves the outdoor life, it still remains a family dog that requires regular family interaction. The Golden Retriever can do well both indoor and outdoor if it is properly trained and stimulated.


    A Golden Retriever requires exercise at least twice a day in order to avoid boredom and hence destructiveness. Golden Retrievers in a working field will require more exercise than non-working Retrievers but on average, the Golden Retriever should be exercised for at least one hour twice a day.


    This breed requires regular baths and grooming, in order to prevent ear infection, it needs its ears cleaned regularly. With frequent grooming, the amount of hair shed by the Golden Retriever is minimized. However, excess shedding in the Golden Retriever is an indication of an underlying health issue.

    Contact us today to learn more about the availability of our Golden Retriever puppies for sale. We look forward to helping you find your next family member. Our pet counselors can answer any questions you have about our Golden Retriever puppies.

    Are you interested in purchasing a Golden Retriever? Petland Iowa City has the puppy you are looking for. Retrieve your furry friend now.  


    1851 Lower Muscatine Rd. Iowa City, IA 52240 CALL US 319-351-2754 #petlandiowacity

  • Campylobacter Infection Facts

    What is Campylobacter infection?

    Campylobacter infections are caused by Campylobacter bacteria. Campylobacter is one of the most common causes of diarrheal illness in the United States. CDC estimates the disease affects more than 1.3 million people every year.

    How do people get infected with Campylobacter?

    Common sources of Campylobacter are:

    raw or undercooked poultry, or food that touched raw or undercooked poultry or its juices raw (unpasteurized) milk contaminated water animals and animal poop (stool)

    What are the symptoms of Campylobacter infection?

    People with a Campylobacter infection usually have diarrhea (often bloody), fever, and abdominal cramps. They also may have nausea and vomiting. These symptoms usually start 2 to 5 days after contact with the bacteria and last about 1 week. Some infected people do not have any symptoms. People with weakened immune systems from medical conditions such as cancer or HIV/AIDS, or from treatments such as chemotherapy, may have more severe illness. Campylobacter occasionally spreads to their bloodstream and causes a life-threatening infection.

    How is Campylobacter infection diagnosed and treated?

    Campylobacter infection is diagnosed when a laboratory test detects Campylobacter bacteria in poop, body tissue, or fluids. Most people recover without specific treatment. Ill people should drink extra fluids while they have diarrhea. Antibiotics are needed only for people who are very ill or at high risk for severe disease, such as those with weakened immune systems.

    Is Campylobacter infection serious?

    Most people who get Campylobacter infection recover completely within a week, although their poop may contain campylobacter bacteria for several weeks. Campylobacter infection sometimes results in long-term health problems. Some studies have estimated that 5–20% of people develop irritable bowel syndrome for a limited time and 1–5% develop arthritis. About 1 in every 1,000 reported Campylobacter illnesses leads to Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). GBS begins within a few weeks after the diarrheal illness. It occurs when the infection triggers an immune system reaction that damages nerve tissue and causes paralysis. The paralysis usually lasts several weeks and often requires intensive medical care.


    Wash your hands.

    Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds during these times

    Before and after eating After touching pets and other animals After touching pet food and treats or their food and water containers After cleaning up urine (pee), stool (poop), or vomit After using the toilet After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing After touching raw foods of animal origin, e.g., meat and poultry

    Dry hands using a clean paper towel or air dry them. Do not dry hands on clothing.

    Eat and store your food safely.

    Always eat and drink in break areas away from places where animals roam or are caged and exercised. Keep food for people away from areas where pet food and treats are stored, and where animals roam or are caged and exercised.

    Play it safe with pets and their food.

    Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water right after handling any pet food Don’t let pets lick around your mouth, face, open wounds or areas with broken skin.

    Sources: Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, Mayo Clinic