
  • This episode was originally recorded in July of 2016, shortly after Donald Trump became the Republican Party's presidential candidate. Little did we know at the time of this conversation, that in 5 short months, he would be the next president of the United States of America.

    [show-notes from episode 40] We talk to non-trump supporter Jack Hoey (the father) and Trump-Supporter, Kerry Haplin about how Trump pulled off the miracle of being a frontrunner in the presidential race, we discussed his chances at winning, and what major changes are in store for America with a Trump presidency. Is he trustworthy? Could he bring a deconstruction to the ineffective politics we all have trouble believing in? Is the potential value of a Trump presidency worth the risk that comes from having a loose canon in the Oval office? Our guests have some strong opinions on all these matters.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
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    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song, other Music by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Roc): Apple Music
    Other music: Derek Minor.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [This episode with Amy Alderman, Matt Oxley, Stoy Prioleau and Joey Svendsen was produced by Joey Svendsen]

    The host crew talk morals and parenting in the context of "Grand Theft Auto," a video game not allowed in the Svendsen household, in which the player goes around society committing egregious crimes for pure entertainment. Joey explains his disdain for the "Karen" label and believes it exposes some of the deeper roots of what's wrong with the current "judgmental state" of today's society. Lastly, the four discuss the deeper heart mechanics in communicating serious matters with people of opposing views and how patience and grace should be afforded to those who may not intend harm, taking into consideration their unknown backstories, difficult life-circumstances and/or harmful childhood upbringings.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song, other Music by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Roc): Apple Music
    Other music: Derek Minor, Mechanical River.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

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  • [This episode is produced by Joey Svendsen, having contributions from Ellen Mauro, Robbie Madison, Amy Alderman, Joey Svendsen, Jared Svendsen, Stoy Prioleau, and Michael Sweet, courtesy of Seacoast Podcast]

    Check out Robbie's single "Lost My Best Friend" / Spotify / Apple

    A lot is on the table for this one. From a discussion on the rapid transition of the 1980s glam metal scene, to a complete Seattle Grunge-takeover in the early 1990s, to a reading of journal entries about my (Joey) mental health crisis, this time 5 years ago. Listeners are also treated by hearing clips of the brand new single by our very own Robbie Madison called "I Lost My Friend," this song partly inspired by seeing his friend Joey (me) Svendsen walk through that very same mental health crisis 5 years ago.

    Lastly, Joey talks to Amy and his brother Jared about Ellen's interest in talking to a medium. Amy and Jared have stern warnings, encouraging her to abort this plan.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
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    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song, other Music by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Roc): Apple Music
    Other music: Derek Minor, Mechanical River.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [This episode is with hosts Stoy Prioleau, Joey Svendsen and "fam" to the show, Heather Zastrocky & Dick Alderman. Produced by Joey Svendsen]

    Joey is all "grandpa softy" on this one, wanting everyone to learn how to enjoy the great world of sports without the torture from losses, including some "cheesy mush" about how the real fun of sports, is in being a fan of "your team." Congrats to Joey on his newly found maturity. Amidst Joey's "freedom talk" to sports fans is "favorite athletes" and "most devastating losses" talk, a dissection of trash talking on and off the field, whether professional athletes are fair game to belittling critique and mockery, and whether it's fun to see the opposite fanbase in pain.

    Joey thinks cheerleading and professional wrestling are the same kind of sport, Heather reminds people why sports isn't "just a game," Dick shares why he had to give up Fantasy Football, Stoy sheds tears over Dusty Rhodes and thinks it's a sin not to be a fan of #23.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
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    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song, other Music by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Roc): Apple Music
    Other music: Derek Minor.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [This episode with Joey Svendsen, Amy Alderman, Hayne Griffin, Robbie Madison, and Stoy Prioleau, was produced by Joey Svendsen]

    The three videos discussed in this episode can be found here: video, video 2, video 3.

    Some deep sharing on this episode, Hayne talks about the anger he lives with and Robbie shares how as a child he was discouraged from being proud of anything. The five talk about standup comedians, Hayne likening them to modern-day prophets, highlighting their importance in society.

    Joey presents a couple of jokes he saw on instagram, one was a story by a comedian about a family member with down syndrome, the other was a black male mocking the voices and facial expressions of white college, female students. Can comedy go too far? Is every topic fair game to laugh at? Is there a "right way" to make fun of anything? Recently on a text feed amongst the podcast host team, Amy thought Hayne made a "fat joke" about her and even though he didn't, Amy shares why she wouldn't have objected.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song, other Music by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Roc): Apple Music
    Other music: Mechanical River, Derek Minor.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [This episode is produced by Hayne Griffen and hosted by Joey Svendsen, Hayne Griffen, Robbie Madison, and Matt Oxley]

    Robbie became a father [thrice] recently and the four reflect on parenting in the context of faith, Joey sharing seasons in which he didn't have the tools to guide his kids spiritually, given his own confusion and angst about the deeper things, at those points in his life. Joey also processes out loud a situation in which an adult with leadership position over one of his kids crossed major lines and asks his co-hosts for feedback on how he handled the situation. Peer mentoring in high gear!

    The three also talk appropriateness in regards to joking about some one's gayness, they offer Robbie moral support for his upcoming vasectomy and share what they believe to be backwards, the emphasis Christians put on a "sinners' prayer," when simultaneously putting very little focus on whether one has any fruit from living a gospel-centered life.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song, other Music by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Roc): Apple Music
    Other music: Mechanical River.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • Stoy Prioleau, one of the hosts of the show was asked to conduct the wedding ceremony of his son, Darion Prioleau and daughter-in-law, Jyree Savoy. A step in this greater process is sitting down for a 1 on 2 to get a feel for the current climate of his kids' relationship, assess their current expectations of a future together and offer any piece of advice or encouragement along the way. Well, the listenership gets to listen in because Stoy, Darion and Jyree agreed to "hit record."

    With some proper heckling that good dads are privileged to partake in, Stoy asks probing questions before communicating to them why he believes the relationship is built for longevity. Enjoy listening to beautiful humanity, a father and his loved ones discussing life, faith, commitment and love.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song, other Music by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Roc): Apple Music
    Other music: Mechanical River.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [This episode is produced by Stoy Prioleau and hosted by Joey Svendsen, Amy Alderman, Ellen Mauro, Liz Miller]

    Birthed out of the discussion in "episode 36: generation z people, trans people and those gay olympic ceremonies," in this episode, Joey shares how he posted some sentiments on that archaic social networking platform, Facebook, fairly certain the straight-forwardness of its message to fellow Christians in regards to Jesus' radical message of love. Numerous comments on the post however highlighted some very different takes on how a Christ-follower is to reflect the gospel. Joey, Amy, Liz and Ellen talk about here what seems to be two very opposing views amongst Christians about what "Christ's love" for the world should look like amongst the body of believers. As the four discuss, it seems that certain actions and words the hosts see as "peeing on the gospel" of radical love, many other christians see as "taking stands" for what is good and right.

    Joey's Facebook post reflected on the outrage by many christians on the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics. He expressed the potential delight it would be to see all Christians truly serving and loving how he personally believes Jesus is calling all Christians to love. It says the following: "I’ve made some of the biggest screw ups of all, so I totally understand the whole “he who is without sin cast the first stone” concept and how it plays out here. But man, it’s so hard to see the church miss the mark on the very basics of the Christian faith. TBH, I think it’s debatable whether this is Christian persecution in the first place, but wouldn’t it be so refreshing to see brothers & sisters all over the world actually loving their neighbors & not having such a short fuse with stuff that rubs them the wrong way? Is it fear? Have we not been perfected by love? HAHA, let’s bring those WWJD bracelets back."

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song, other Music by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
    Other music: Mechanical River.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [This episode was recorded on August 1st, produced by Joey Svendsen, with hosts Matt Oxley, Stoy Prioleau and Joey Svendsen]

    Today, Matt educates us on the real story behind the "trans athlete" female boxer and the three discuss the opening ceremony and how many churches have lost their damn minds in how they interact with culture. Also part of the discussion entails positivity and the tension of having good friends who truly care and not wanting to burden these friends with personal baggage. It wraps up with Matt and Stoy arguing on who had/has it better as youngsters, Generation X or the current Generation Z.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song and Intro Music: Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
    Other music: Derek Minor and Mechanical River.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • With newly added commentary, this is a re-airing of the first episode of Pastor With No Answers Podcast, “Can a Christian Be a Universalist?” (originally aired Oct 4th 2015). A question I was only dabbling in at the time, although was very optimistically suspicious, given what I’d already taken in of various books, including the Bible. Now, it’s hard for me to see it any other way. Just like many have faith in the Resurrection of Jesus, I have faith that all things truly will be redeemed and resurrected because of it. (Col 1:20)

    It feels like the Holy Spirit is showing more and more people that Jesus really is the image of the invisible and when He prayed “Father forgive, for they know not……,” we were also hearing the heart of the eternal Father.

    Love, Joey

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song and Intro Music: Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [Recorded on the evening of July 15 2024, in this episode: Joey Svendsen, Ellen Mauro, Matt Oxley, Stoy Prioleau]

    What does it say about the heart of a human being when one celebrates the demise of an enemy? Is that a deficiency of something one should be praying for God's help about, or is such a celebration ever celebration-worthy? The crew discuss their thoughts on the assassination attempt to Donald Trump, bat around some conspiratorial considerations surrounding the deal, and delve into deeper heart issues including their own when it comes to the suffering and demise of enemies.

    The top of the episode consists of catching up with Ellen (link to her TikTok), as it has been a while. She's still sober, still a Christian but is considering trying her luck with talking to the dead. She has some very serious motivation and reasons for this endeavor that she pinpoints for her co-hosts and the general listenership.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song and Intro Music: Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
    Closing and intro music by Derek Minor.
    Extra Music: Mechanical River

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [Recorded on the evening of May 15 2024, in this episode: Joey Svendsen, Hayne Griffin, Robbie Madison, Matt Oxley]

    With “Firefighter Hayne” present, the host crew discuss some pretty intense emergency situations that Hayne was also present at while working his vocation as a rescue worker. Somehow the discussion shifts to everyones' most fearful ways to die and whether the jumpers' acts on 9/11 were suicides, even though they were going to die regardless. Great fun!

    But don't fear, the conversation gets a bit more light-hearted. Given the recent Independence Day celebration and with a chaotic election season looming, christian nationalism, what Jesus would say to the American church, and whether “winning” has anything to do with the gospel, are some of the topics at hand on this one.

    The catalyst of the conversation = Joey’s son and some of his peers got a singing gig for a gathering of conservative Christians, their meeting centering around "winning the country back to God" and steering America's culture back in alignment with biblical values. All of this got Joey thinking about Jesus winning by losing (His death and resurrection); and whether Christians should be concerned whatsoever with winning their country back to God.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song and Intro Music: Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
    Closing and intro music by Derek Minor.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [in this episode: Joey Svendsen, Hayne Griffin, Jed Payne, Stoy Prioleau]

    British actor and comedian, Russell Brand, apparently converted to Christianity and this sort of thing makes Joey and Jed excited, while Hayne could not care any less than what he does about celebrities "joining the team." All three consider themselves Christians and thus discuss the possible intricacies that explain their vastly different reactions, Joey dissecting his reaction in the context of his belief in a universal salvation plan.

    Joey also plays A.I. voices of this episode’s co-hosts, Stoy, Jed and Hayne; the four discuss a few “A.I. questions," like, can AI “personalities” provide adequate intimacy and connection at least at a baseline level, to those who will opt for it over the more treacherous quest for real, human connection? And If A.I. manufactured child porn can leave children the hell out of the equation, should we consider this to be a possible solution to keeping kids safe from predators? Or is this no solution at all?

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song and Intro Music: Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
    Closing and intro music by Derek Minor.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • Joey discusses how he feels the church is still way too focussed on the "letter of the law," muddying the waters of love and holding the exact counterproductive beliefs the Apostle Paul warns against in his letter to the church in Galatia.

    If the church allowed Jesus' words to reign supreme and took serious His command to love, Christianity would cease from being "just another religion of do's and don't's" and be transformed back into a body known for a new way of life, sparked by a perfect love from a God of love who casts out all fear.

    Maybe tapping into the spirit of this God is what we base our unity on, inside and outside the church. Just maybe.

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    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Music: Robbie Madison's The Way that You Love.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [This Episode: Hosts, Hayne Griffin, Matt Oxley, Joey Svendsen and guest, John Pavlovitz]

    Any one want more courage and compassion when cruelty is trending? Can we get an amen or two? With guest and author John Pavlovitz, we navigate themes of judgment, emotional reactions, and the delicate balance of maintaining hope within societal systems. Together, we uncover the transformative power of breaking down preconceived notions through genuine human connection.

    Navigating social media's treacherous landscape, we delve into maintaining personal authenticity amidst contrasting communities and trending cruelty. Through insights from John's poignant book, "Worth Fighting For: Finding Courage and Compassion when Cruelty is Trending," we discuss strategies to remain compassionate and genuine, even when faced with pervasive negativity. The episode wraps up with a discussion on redemptive anger, political divisiveness, and the moral dilemmas in voting, culminating in a testament to resilience and advocating for justice in an often unresponsive political landscape. Join us for a heartfelt and thought-provoking exploration of hope, authenticity, and the quest for a more inclusive world.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song and Intro Music: Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
    Closing and intro music by Derek Minor.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [appearing on this episode: Joey Svendsen and guest, Amanda Udis-Kessler]

    Amanda Udis-Kessler PhD. wrote a book on ethics, Abundant Lives: A Progressive Christian Ethic of Flourishing. This book sets out to invite sociologically informed engagement in human well-being, based on Jesus’ command to love God and our neighbors. Talking through many facets of its content, Joey and Dr. Amanda discuss whether the resurrection of Jesus is an essential belief of Christian faith, if objective morality can exist without God and whether or not ignorance excuses one's actions from being immoral. And if ignorance isn't an excuse for humans, should other animal species also be considered immoral for the violence acted upon one another and other species [out of ignorance]?

    Amanda Udis-Kessler (PhD, sociology, Boston College; certificate, Iliff School of Theology) is the author of Queer Inclusion in the United Methodist Church (Routledge, 2008), Abundant Lives: A Progressive Christian Ethic of Flourishing (Pilgrim, 2024) and Cultural Processes of Inequality: A Sociological Perspective (Anthem, 2024). She has essays, chapters, and other materials in an additional 13 books. Amanda’s liturgical materials are available at several compilation websites in the US, UK, and Australia.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song and Intro Music: Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
    Closing and intro music by Derek Minor.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [On this episode: Zoë Roff, Amy Alderman, Joey Svendsen]

    *Special song tribute by Riggy Roc (Stoy Prioleau)

    This is Joey. On this episode, my co-host and friend Amy Alderman join Zoë Roff in paying tribute to her brother Zeth and reflecting on his passing away by suicide. We all four went to the same high school, know the same people; so for us, it was a meaningful glimpse back into an era of time we all shared, living in the same town at our most impressionable ages. That means something special to me, especially as I get older.

    Zeth's story, although uniquely beautiful and horrific, also represents the narrative of all humans; and most specifically the many who just like me, have experienced the havoc caused by the darkness of mental illness.

    So, cheers to one of the brightest and kindest out there, Zeth Davis.

    Special thanks to Stoy Prioleau (aka Riggy Rock) for the beautiful musical tribute)

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Closing song by Mechanical River

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [appearing on this episode: Joey Svendsen, Amy Alderman and guest, David Schirduan]

    David Schirduan grew up with a very similar faith-background as Joey's, but the biggest difference? David spent a part of his "youth group, high school days" in the youth group that Joey led almost 20 years ago.

    David creates literature for folks who enjoy role-playing games, many of these games along the same lines of Dungeons and Dragons. Growing up, both Joey and David were taught that these types of games belonged in the same category as tarot cards, ouija boards and other satanic tools that should be avoided due to the sorts of evil spirits they are likely connected to. David is still a practicing Christian and comes on the show to shed some light on Dungeons and Dragons and walk us through how role-playing games work, hoping to lessen the stigma and eliminate some unwarranted fears amongst the christian community.

    With co-host Amy Alderman providing staunch pushback, these two alongside Joey Svendsen, talk through the morals of dabbling in things that are seen by most Christians as evil that needs to be avoided. David walks Joey through a role-playing game scenario and explains how role-playing games can be used for beauty, connection and healthy creativity.

    Technical Grimoire - find all of David's stuff!

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song and Intro Music: Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
    Closing and intro music by Derek Minor.
    Other music by: Joel Hamilton

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [Contributors to this Episode: Matt Oxley, Hayne Griffen, Joey Svendsen,]

    Co-hosts Matt Oxley and Hayne Griffen share their stories of deconstruction, Matt all the way to unbelief and Hayne, into "belief territory" that most evangelicals would deem heresy. The two dig deep into Hayne's story including his upbringing and how he now parents his own kids. Matt laments on the lack of appreciation for the pain experienced by former Christians who have deconstructed out of the faith. They both share how seasons of anger was a part of their journeys.

    This podcast episode is courtesy of Matt Oxley's, The Great Deconstruction Podcast

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song and Intro Music: Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
    Closing and intro music by Derek Minor.

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction

  • [Contributors to this Episode: Joey Svendsen, Liz Miller, Stoy Prioleau, Matt Oxley]

    Stoy's cultural upbringing and mentoring (or lack of) instilled various perspectives about sex, marriage and success, that he'd later have to grow out of. Joey and Liz lament over inappropriate hip-hop lyrics, having sons who love hip-hop, and Matt exhorts Christians to repent from capitalism.

    Stoy also reminisces on middle school lingo amongst him and his black peers, throwing Joey into gleeful middle school nostalgia, remembering as kids hanging with Stoy and other black peers of Joey's.

    Get The B-Sides Feed
    Facebook Discussion Group here.
    E-mail the PWNA team here.

    Theme Song and Intro Music: Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
    Closing music by Derek Minor.
    Other music by Mechanical River

    Send a text to the crew (we may read these on air)

    Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the church world:

    Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast
    The Endurance Factor Podcast

    Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:
    Jed's Church & Other Drugs
    Matt's The Great Deconstruction