DJ Willie Wonka is a Minneapolis based music producer and DJ for underground rap legend Prof. Willie grew up in Chicago before moving to Minneapolis to attend college at the U of M and earned a degree in Applied Economics. Once he started making beats in his dorm room using a stolen computer program from Limewire his life was never the same. After graduating he worked regular jobs including being a manager at Enterprise Rent a Car and was even a bill collector for a while. All throughout that time he never stopped making making music and chasing his dream to be a music producer.
One day an idea came to him that changed everything. He searched online and found a list of "Top 10 rappers in Minnesota" and sent them all his Soundcloud page through Twitter with all his beats for them to listen to. Prof liked what he heard and 6 months later their first collaboration song "President" released. It's been over a decade since then and Willie's role has evolved from producing songs once in a while to being Prof's full time DJ. Willie also contributes heavily to the creative direction for a lot of Prof's music videos, tour sets, social media content, and more.
In this episode we discuss his journey towards a full time career in music, becoming Prof's DJ by accident, favorite music producers, industry lessons he's learned, drinking habits on tour, hanging out with Redman, and much more.
Nate Vomhof is a Milwaukee based drone photographer/videographer who's also a full time pharmacist. Nate first picked up a camera when he spent 6 weeks on a Navajo reservation in New Mexico as part of his rotations as a pharmacist fresh out of school. His passion for capturing architecture and nature grew and after moving to Milwaukee hit a bit of a roadblock. He started to struggle with finding ways to capture the city in unique ways when so many other incredible photographers have shot all the same landmarks. His roommate had a drone, but was attaching a GoPro to it to get a different perspective. Once drones started coming out with their own cameras Nate knew he needed his own. In 2018 he got his first drone and the rest was history.
Since then Nate has become a Milwaukee celebrity with his photos/videos reaching millions of views through not just his Instagram (@natevomhof 25.6k followers) , but from all the major clients he has worked with including Top Chef, Harley Davidson, Visit Milwaukee, The Brewers, and many more.
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Dexter Patterson aka Wiscobirder is a professor at UW Madison and the co founder of the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin. Dexter has always loved nature and birds, but they really didn't become a focus in his life until 2010 when he saw a video of an osprey catching a fish and it blew his mind. Most people know Dexter as a bird enthusiast, but what a lot of people don't know is that he also played a major role in the Wisconsin hip hop scene long before he discovered his passion for birds.
In this episode we discuss dropping out of college, starting a rap crew, building a music scene, working factory jobs, getting laid off during the pandemic, going back to school as a parent working full time, becoming a professor, starting the BIPOC Wisconsin Birding Club with his academic advisor, writing his first book, diversity in the birding community, accessibility to green spaces, obscure bird facts, how to look at life, building a life based around your passions, and much more.
Ber is a independent music artist originally from Minnesota. Her parents had her in music programs from a young age and by the time she was in high school she was playing cover songs on her guitar at the open mic nights at the local Irish pub. After graduating she took a gap year and found herself in Norway learning about music, but also about life. Shortly after she was studying music at a university in the UK with dreams of becoming a songwriter. When her visa expired she decided to leave everything behind and move to Minneapolis and started writing songs while living in her uncle's basement. With her only friends in the music world being back in the UK, she spent most of her time writing songs with people over Zoom calls either early in the morning or late at night. It was one of those songs that ended up changing her life forever.
After her song Meant To Be that she wrote and recorded with her friend Charlie Oriain went viral on TikTok opportunities opened up for her in a big way. In fact, her first ever show was performing at the iconic SXSW festival in Austin, TX. Shortly after she was asked to open for Tom Odell for his "the monsters tour" and found herself performing for thousands of new fans every night.
Since then she has headlined her own tours around the world, but one thing hasn't changed. She's still just making music with her friends.
In this episode we discuss studying music in Europe, the Minnesota music scene, befriending her favorite band, exploring different genre's of music, finding ways to laugh through the pain, getting signed to a record label, touring the world performing music, the ebbs and flows of being a full time musician, performing a sold out show at First Ave, her friendship with fellow Minnesota music artist Landon Conrath and much more.
Aaron Mader aka Lazerbeak is a Minneapolis based music producer and the CEO of Doomtree Records . His music career spans a quarter of a century and has amounted to producing over 600 songs that are all available to stream on Spotify anywhere in the world.
Lazerbeak is mostly known as a hip hop music producer, but he actually got his start by playing the guitar as a kid. In fact his high school band was so successful that they got signed by a label and were touring before they even graduated. At that point, he thought he was going to be a rockstar.
Life happens though, and instead of being a rich and famous rockstar he found himself working at a movie theater and borrowing money from his mom to buy a beat machine from Guitar Center so that he could make rap music with his friends. Those friends eventually became Doomtree and changed the culture of hip hop music in the Midwest forever.
Lazerbeak has had a long career full of highs and lows, but still manages to make a living from music to this day. In this episode we discuss his experience making Lizzo's first album, forming Doomtree with his friends, working for free, producing a song for Doja Cat in 3 hours, making albums for each of his 3 kids, running a record label from his living room, delivering pizzas until he was 30, his new solo album that's coming this Spring, and much more.
Bryan Munar is a musical theatre actor who currently plays the role of Orpheus in the National Tour of Hadestown. We recorded this episode at The Pablo Center before their performance on Thursday, January 23rd.
Bryan was on the "regular" path for success in America. He graduated from college, moved to San Fransisco, and got a desk job making the most money he ever made in his life. The only problem was that it didn't make him happy. After a couple of years working at his desk he told me his "soul felt rotten" and that he knew something had to change. He began taking acting classes and got involved with his local theatre. As his skill progressed so did the opportunities that came his way.
Then one fateful day he got laid off from his job and the choice of where to take his life became clear. He got a job as a server at a sushi restaurant and worked his butt off pursuing his dream to become a full time actor. It took years of auditioning and being turned down before he was offered his current role of Orpheus on the National Tour of Hadestown, but he finally made his dreams come true.
In this episode we discuss the challenges of tour life, developing relationships with cast members, being real on social media, peanut M&Ms, personal and professional development, being an independent music artist, making music videos with friends, and much more.
Mitch Wachtendonk aka "mawdoods" is a mixed media artist based in Green Bay, Wisconsin known for his unique approach to creating art from recycled shoe boxes. This "Kixed Media" approach began with simple ink doodles on the tops of shoe boxes and has evolved into something that really has to be seen to be believed. Mitch has worked with huge companies including Spotify and Nike, but still spends the majority of his time creating work in his small studio after he gets home from his 9-5 day job.
In this episode we discuss the origins of his shoebox art, doing commission work for huge brands, inspiring kids to create, valuing your work, investing in your craft, loving what you do, learning how to become a pro, favorite sneakers, thinking outside the box, and much more.
Ike Wynter is a true environmentalist known for creating one of a kind art pieces exclusively using wood found on the side of the road and in dumpsters. Not only is all the wood he uses found, but he also doesn't paint, stain, or alter the color of the wood he uses in any way. Over the last year his art has been featured on NBC, CBS, The Today Show, and more. He's worked with the NHL, MLB, NBA, Crayola, the New York Stock Exchange, Mike Tyson, and countless others.
Ike has lived a very full life from touring the country with his band, to making dreams come true with the Dream Machine Foundation, to becoming a full time woodworking artist, and more. Despite how incredible his life looks like from the outside, he's battled with serious mental health struggles and speaks openly about his experience to help others feel less alone.
In this episode we discuss connecting with fans through music, meeting his heroes, building a multi million dollar junk removal business, dropping everything and moving to California for a dream job opportunity, battling depression, creating meaningful connections, making art with purpose, and much more.
Darnell "Speedy" Artis is an official member of the World Famous Harlem Globetrotters who wears the number 3. He's known as the "fastest man on Earth" for his incredible dribbling abilities, but is also revered for his amazing accuracy as a long range shooter. Darnell made the Globetrotters team right after he graduated from Gywnedd Mercy University in Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania. After a short stint playing professionally in Brazil, and leading the country in scoring I might add, he decided that he wanted to focus on his career as a Harlem Globetrotter.
Speedy has played 9 seasons with the Globetrotters and slowly worked his way up the ranks within the organization to his current place as a team leader, 3rd quarter showmen, court general, and PR representative. He even has his official jersey for sale at all their games as well as online.
In this episode we discuss his life as a Harlem Globetrotter, traveling to over 40 countries around the world to play basketball, inspiring kids, donating hundreds of turkeys for Thanksgiving in his community, his coaching business Underdawgs Basketball, creating Lonnie Young Summer League basketball in his hometown, learning how to be a sidekick, being ready for opportunities when they present themselves, responding to every DM he gets, and much more.
Tommy Vext is a platinum selling singer songwriter that first rose to fame for his iconic cover of the Cranberries mega hit song Zombie with his former band Bad Wolves. Tommy left the band in January of 2021 and has since toured internationally with the band Ill Nino and has also released 2 cover albums and 2 solo albums on his own. Tommy's life and career has had plenty of controversial moments, but you can't deny the fact that he has always stayed true to himself and helped countless people through both his music and his philanthropy.
In this episode we discuss sober living, becoming an independent artist, surrounding yourself with the right people, writing honest music, being vulnerable with others, overcoming adversity, giving back, and much more.
Grace Reiter is a content creator, actress, and comedian from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Grace was a guest on the show back in the Spring of 2022, but she had so much fun that she decided to come back for a round two.
A lot has happened since our first interview. She's acted in her first feature film, performed for Saturday Night Live, joined the team at American High, graced the red carpet with Chelsea Peretti, and much more. Still only 23 years old, she's just getting started...
Aaron Hoffman, aka "SonReal", is a Canadian rapper, singer, and songwriter. He took the music world by storm in 2013 when the music video for his song Everywhere We Go went viral on YouTube. His name became known internationally almost over night and within weeks he was signing a deal with a major record label in Los Angeles. The music video currently sits at over 44 million views, but his success certainly didn't stop there.
SonReal's earlier albums consisted mostly of rap songs, but as his career evolved so did his sound. In 2017 he released his first acoustic song "My Friend" which had initially underwhelming results across streaming platforms. However, as his career grew and he released more acoustic/folk music his audience continued to grow and to this day "My Friend" has become one of his biggest hits. Throughout his career SonReal has bent genres and released songs that could be considered, folk, rap, hip-hop, pop, and more.
Feeling the urge to write more rap music again, he created his first primarily rap album in years titled "All Things Aside" which released August 16th, 2024.
We first met and recorded an interview back in March of 2023. Since then we have both seen our careers grow and felt compelled to record this follow up interview the day after his show in St. Paul, Minnesota during his latest North American tour.
In this episode we discuss his latest album, performing on stage, writing new music, choosing to become an independent artist, collaborating with friends, staying true to your vision, not being too precious, connecting with fans, and much more.
Matt Ramage aka "that cross eyed Packers guy" is a content creator based in the Green Bay area. Matt went viral on Vine years ago and has consistently made content ever since growing his audience to hundreds of thousands across all the social media platforms. A lifelong Packers fan, he found his niche with fellow Green Bay fans when he started a Packers meme page. As fans started noticing, so did players like Tom Crabtree, Ha Ha Clinton Dix, Kenny Clark, Preston Smith, and more.
After connecting with Ha Ha Clinton Dix on Twitter he started making content with him online. Then, when Matt started his podcast, The Matt Ramage Show, Ha Ha Clinton Dix drove to Matt's house to be the first ever guest and record it in person. From there Matt's show and online presence continued to grow and so did his relationship with the team. Since then he's had about a dozen players on as guests, gotten sponsored by midwest brands including Kwik Trip, and even was the celebrity umpire for the Packers annual fundraiser softball game. Don't say anything about him nearly crying when Aaron Rodgers yelled at him for making the wrong call though!
In this episode we discuss favorite Packers moments, life lessons from players, getting signed to an agency, interviewing Charlie Berens, making clothes he actually wants to wear, getting roasted online, playing to your strengths, and much more.
Brooke Brighton is a tv meteorologist for Spectrum News Wisconsin & Kansas City. Brooke grew up in a suburb outside of Chicago with parents that both worked in tv media. Weather has been an interest of hers since staring up at the clouds as a child.She attended college at Ohio State University before finding internships at ABC 7 Chicago and NBC 4 Columbus. After she graduated she worked her way up from smaller roles in smaller markets to being one of the top meteorologists in the midwest on a major tv network station in Milwaukee.
In this episode we discuss what schooling/qualifications you need to become a meteorologist, being a first round draft pick, building a brand new station, moving to where the job is, working at 2am, handling weather emergencies, growing with social media, a quickly evolving industry, combatting misinformation, spreading positivity, and much more.
Jacob Paul Herring, more commonly known by his stage name BabyJake, is a music artist, writer, and producer based in Nashville, Tennessee. BabyJake's first big break came when his song Cigarettes on Patios released in the winter of 2019. Shortly after, he was signed to Republic Records was expected to be the next mainstream star. Just before he was supposed to go on his first major international tour, the pandemic hit and everything fell apart. His support from the record label fell away, he blew most of his money, he partied way too much, and got severely ill for almost 2 years.
BabyJake has since left Republic Records, and Los Angeles, to become an independent artist living and making music in Nashville. Over the last few years he has been steadily putting out new music and developing as both an artist and a person. His sound has went from indie rap, to pop, to 70's rock, to alternative rock and more.
His latest album titled Beautiful Blue Collar Boy is available to stream on all platforms. It showcases his diverse music styles and brings a raw emotion that stands out in today's music.
We recorded this interview backstage before his recent performance on Friday, October 25th at 7th St. Entry in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
In this episode we discuss how his music developed, healthy addictions, learning from past mistakes, how to grow a core fanbase, performing live, finding yourself, life goals, music industry misconceptions, new music, touring on a budget, and much more.
Dalton Hessel is a 2nd grade teacher, content creator, writer, podcaster, and "Up North" enthusiast based in the small town of Hayward, Wisconsin. Dalton grew up in Hayward before earning his teaching degree at UWEC. While he enjoyed his time in Eau Claire, he always knew he wanted to end up back in his hometown. Inspired by the popular sitcom Boy Meets World, Dalton wanted to become a real life Mr. Feeny.
He secured his first teaching job in the fall of 2019 and got to teach for about 5 months before the pandemic shut down everything. Dalton had to adapt, and with his computer skills became a leader among his teaching team as they adjusted to virtual learning.
Since then he has published 4 books, started his Northern Nerd brand, built an audience of over 100,000 followers across his social media platforms, got married, became a father, and more.
In this episode we discuss small town life, having boundaries, best places to camp, writing poetry, going viral, the responsibilities of teachers, organizing events, building community, juggling passions, and much more.
Khary is an independent music artist whose sound is a unique blend of alternative hip-hop and rock. After spending 5 years living and building his music career in Los Angeles he has recently moved back to his home state of Rhode Island.
Khary and his good friend Abhi the Nomad recently released a 6 song EP together titled Icarus. Abhi announced his farewell tour and Khary took to the road with him to travel the country and spread their music. We recorded this interview backstage before his performance at the Fine Line in Minneapolis on October 6th, 2024.
In this episode we discuss musical inspirations, getting back into skateboarding, his friendship with Abhi, performing for himself first, favorite anime shows, living in a recording studio, an upcoming full length album, his new EP with Abhi the Nomad, and much more.
Zane Statz is a multi talented artist based in Green Bay, WI. Most people have seen his work at, or around, the Packers stadium Lambeau Field. Many refer to him as the unofficial artist of the Green Bay Packers due to how much of his work so far has been dedicated to the Packers in one shape or another.
His first big project was a one day mural job when he painted the Packers Fence, a 70 feet wide by 6 feet tall fence located just across the street from Lambeau Field. Every year since he has repainted the fence with a new Packers design, but that's not all. So far he has painted custom cleats for a dozen of the Packers players that have been worn in nationally televised games, created a whole clothing line, painted dozens of other murals throughout the midwest, and more.
We recorded this episode outside in Zane's backyard, but unfortunately the sun chose to get right in our faces during parts of this interview. Still, we had a great time discussing how he came to Green Bay, his love of street art, other favorite artists of his, how to get hired for mural work, painting custom cleats, his experience on the Cripescast with Charlie Berens, using AI to schedule his time, painting a mural with 500 other people, and much more.
Dustin Nickerson is a stand up comedian, podcaster, and family man originally from Washington that now resides in San Diego, California. Dustin has steadily built a name for himself in the comedy world over the last handful of years and now travels the world performing nearly every weekend all year long. He was kind enough to let me record this episode with him in his hotel room during his recent trip to Appleton, Wisconsin.
In this interview we discuss juggling family life and travel, building a career "brick by brick", his favorite Nate Bargatze story, late night appearances, viral social media moments, his lifelong memory at Red Rocks, genres of stand up comedy, personal branding and more.
Wayne Hoffman is one of the most successful mind readers and illusionists in the world and also a good friend and past guest of the Passion Pod (Episode 42).
I first met Wayne when we recorded an interview in his home back in the winter of 2021. We immediately hit it off and still to this day his episode is one of my all time favorites. We since have kept in touch and remained friends. He recently was on a tour and performing in Wisconsin. He reached out to me to see how far away I was and if I wanted to get together and catch up. It was a little over a 3 hour drive to go see him, but we were able to make it work and decided it would be a good excuse to record a follow up episode while we were at it. I highly recommend listening to our first interview as we reference quite a bit during this one.
In this interview we discuss his new tv show he's pitching, his newfound love of motivational speaking, the benefits of traveling the world, collecting no's, impactful mindset shifts, finding mentors, getting out of your own way, and much more.
When I say on this show that I end up becoming friends with a lot of the guests I really do mean it and you can see it in this interview.
Thanks for watching!
- Visa fler