Date ruim não é para ser apenas vivido, mas para ser compartilhado! Quando um de nós tem um date ruim, todos passamos vergonha juntos - e com os famosos não é diferente. Fala a verdade, você precisava de um podcast para fazer seu boy lixo da semana passada parecer um príncipe. Ou tipo isso. Posso Mandar Áudio?, novos episódios toda quarta-feira, disponível grátis no gshow, globoplay e todas as plataformas de áudio.
It’s so hard to find couple friends. And then when you do they, like, want to hang out. Problem solved! Let Jenna Kim Jones and her husband #AL be your virtual couple friends. JKJ and #AL are the married couple friends you really want to see but, like, you’re also kind of tired and maybe we can do it another time? They get you. And you get them. Listen to them talk about nonsense, play games, and ramble on about life. They’ll never talk politics and best of all, they’ll never ask you to babysit their kids so they can go on date night.
Oh my God, they’re back again. Stevie Wynne Levine (Good Mythical Morning with Rhett & Link) and her high school best friend, Neagheen Homaifar, haven’t been friends for over fifteen years. Can they rekindle their best friendship through a weekly podcast? Some things never change, and some things do.
Yael Bar tur, secular sinner, and Chaya Leah Sufrin, pious Haredi, ask each other the hard questions, from Torah to Tinder -
A podcast about looking for love in a digital age.
Getting ghosted, getting catfished, receiving endless d*** pics… These are just a few of the topics covered by co-hosts Jinah Kim and Daniel Yi. With the help of their guests, Jinah and Daniel work to find the light at the end of the dating app tunnel.
Online dating is a convenient way to go on romantic adventures, find potential partners, and sometimes even get married. Thanks to the internet, you do not have to go on blind dates just to meet new love. All you have to do is swipe on your phone. But no matter how easy it is to use dating apps, it is not a quick process. Many profiles you come across online are weird, getting ghosted seems pretty normal, the risk of being catfished is always up in the air, and there is the constant problem of receiving indecent pictures. Don’t you hate that you have to kiss so many frogs before finding your beloved prince or princess?
This podcast helps you look for and find love in today’s digital age. I Hate Dating Apps explores the vicious cycle of online dating and how to successfully get out of it. Every episode dissects the toxic side of dating applications that must be addressed and the best ways to fix how you behave in them. This is for singles looking for the right partner, the divorcee seeking to reignite their romantic side, the widowed searching for a new connection, and anyone who wants to embark on a journey of love in a time of screens and phones.
Tune in to conversations that delve into the exciting, intricate, and complicated world of online dating. Learn how to make the most out of it and what it takes to experience a fulfilling romantic adventure. Find out how to navigate its vast and seemingly endless ocean of people to meet, which can be captivating or overwhelming.
If you assume that it is easy to find the one with so many signed up on these sites, think again. Fake profiles and online trolls are lurking around each swipe you make, all ready to ghost, catfish, or even scam the next person. Discover how to stay away from them and not be duped by their false attractiveness.
The show also highlights different dating experiences that happen within the applications themselves as well as in the real world. Hear funny stories of people messing up when communicating online, enlightening anecdotes of failed dates, and successful connections bringing two people together like a fairy tale. These lessons are like gold! They'll help you dodge the bullets, spot the clues, and stay one step ahead.
Of course, the podcast also guides you through an inner journey to fully understand how you present and show up when pursuing dates online. Find out what you may be doing wrong that pushes people away from you and the potential red flags your dating profiles are exhibiting. Perhaps you come across as if you are a fake profile or a weird person online – time to change this wrong perception once and for all! This is your chance to review your so-called dating strategies and improve your chances of meeting the right person for you.
Hosting the podcast is Jinah Kim. She is the founder of WorldWise Productions, where she helps individuals and organizations achieve their goals by crafting compelling and professionally made videos. Jinah brings to the podcast her outstanding communication skills as a long-time TV news correspondent and anchor. A divorced, hot mom, she brings her own life experience and observations, being in the dating app pool. Join her in these exciting yet informative discussions about love, dating, online culture, and everything in between. Expect every conversation to be engaging and interesting with Jinah at the helm.
Online dating is like diving deep and swimming into the ocean. You will find different kinds of fish, but finding the same species cannot be accomplished overnight. At some point, you may even find yourself caught in between those who could harm and devour you. If this is the horrible reality of dating in the digital world, you have to arm yourself with the right knowledge. Jinah is here to be your guiding light in the darkness of the sea. Be sure not to miss a single episode and learn how to make your dating experiences on the internet not a time of disappointment but a story of genuine romance. No more hookups, ghosting, catfishing, or falling for fake profiles!
Listen to I Hate Dating Apps at -
Um podcast sobre tudo o que você queria saber sobre feminismo, mas tinha medo de perguntar.
Uma produção B9, apresentado por Júlia Rabello e Tatá Lopes.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
O que os melhores psicanalistas do país têm a dizer sobre remédios, maternidade, depressão, síndrome do impostor e fetiches estranhos? No podcast "Meu Inconsciente Coletivo”, a escritora e colunista da Folha, Tati Bernardi, abre ao público alguns temas recorrentes em suas sessões de terapia. Nos episódios, as neuroses da paciente são as mesmas, mas o analista muda a cada sessão. O "Meu Inconsciente Coletivo" está nos principais agregadores de podcast e tem novos episódios todas as sextas.
Pô, Cristina! Todas as quartas-feiras os lindos, meigos e migos Leo Dalledone, Maicon Santini e Neusa (aNellysando) se reúnem para comentar assuntos bafos, filosofar, rir e zoar. Um programa livre, leve e solto, todinho feito pra você se divertir!! Segue a gente nas redes sociais @PoCristinaPod no Twitter, Face e Instagram.
Imagina só a seguinte situação:
Quatro amigos e colegas de profissão se encontram uma vez por semana pra botarem o assunto em dia e comentarem os fatos recentes mais bizarros da internet. Em meio a brincadeiras, algumas provocações e muita opinião sem nenhum embasamento, surgem personagens inusitados para completar a insanidade. O papo é sempre caótico e passa de 1 hora (com alguns acréscimos, né...).
Agora imagina se gravassem tudo? Pois é... O Podcast Pod-C é justamente isso! Então, que tal se juntar a esse bando de desmiolados (e seus personagens) para um bate-papo sem-noção toda semana? E aí, Pod-C? -
O Rádiofobia é um programa de humor, música e entrevistas que traz o melhor clima do rádio ao vivo para o mundo podcastal!
Criado pelo radialista Leo Lopes, o programa busca inspiração nos bons tempos do rádio e no humor dos anos 80 para entrevistar humoristas, artistas, personalidades da internet e profissionais de dublagem, assim como falar sobre assuntos variados com amigos da podosfera! -