After a pause in their podcasting, Michelle and Jennifer get back together to talk about what creative life has been like over the last six months. One key idea that has emerged has been about letting go of the turmoil that sometimes surrounds us in our creative practice and how releasing this leaves more bandwidth for our artistry.
Artists and resources mentioned in this episode:
Creative Mullumbimby https://www.creativemullum.org.au/Ellen Ferrier https://www.ellenferrier.com/Suvira McDonald https://www.suviramcdonald.com/Christina Khumari https://www.khumari.com/You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
Mending & Tending: Art that works for Nature is a commissioned project by local artists Samantha Moss, Jess Poulsen and Shona Wilson currently happening in the Byron Shire. Each artist shares a deep connection and appreciation for the environment, as well as an established art practice working with nature and its precious resources. In today’s episode, Michelle speaks with Jess Poulsen and Shona Wilson about their art practice, their connection to nature and their intentions with the Mending & Tending project.
Ways to connect with our guests, Shona Wilson and Jess Poulsen:
https://www.shonawilson.com/https://www.instagram.com/shonawilsonartist/https://www.jesspoulsen.com/https://www.instagram.com/jesspoulsensculptureArtists and resources mentioned in this episode:
Sam Moss, the 3rd artist in the Mending and Tending Project https://www.instagram.com/fertile_earth/Andy Goldsworthy https://andygoldsworthystudio.com/ Lone Goat Gallery https://www.lonegoatgallery.com/exhibitions Byron Shire’s Inaugural Climate Conversations Project https://www.byron.nsw.gov.au/Services/Environment/Climate-change/Climate-Conversations Wildbnb Wildlife Habitat https://www.instagram.com/wildbnb_wildlife_habitat/Watershed Sculpture https://www.watershedsculpture.com/You can find your episode host at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Saknas det avsnitt?
After two months in the gallery, Michelle’s Ash, Mud & Tears exhibition has come down. In this episode, Michelle is joined by her exhibition collaborator, Jude White to discuss what’s emerged from the exhibition experience.
They discuss the impact of the exhibition on their art practice and the learnings about how to mount a great show and make it a success.
Artists and resources mentioned in this episode:
Ash, Mud & Tears exhibition - https://michellewalkerart.com/exhibitions/Northern Rivers Community Gallery - https://www.nrcgballina.com.au/v1/exhibitions/upcoming-exhibitions/763-may-2023-ash-and-mud-tearsRosalie Gascoigne - https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/collection/artists/gascoigne-rosalie/Ways to connect with guest, Jude White:
https://www.judewhite.com.au/https://www.instagram.com/judewhiteart/You can find your host at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Do you sometimes feel too tired to make art?
Do you ever struggle with managing energy levels in the ebb and flow of your creative practice?
If yes, then this episode is worth a listen. Michelle and Jennifer talk through the energy dips that can result from finally getting a big project across the line or just the life of a multi-hat wearing creative with many, many projects on the go.
The concept of activity cycles and embedded energy as well as the importance of pausing and acknowledging progress on a regular basis to maintain our energy levels are discussed. Michelle and Jennifer both share their approaches to recharging their batteries - e.g. avoiding energy draining behaviours, environments and people, taking more naps and be present to the preciousness of the moment.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Michelle's Ash, Mud & Tears exhibition - https://www.nrcgballina.com.au/v1/exhibitions/current-exhibitions/763-may-2023-ash-and-mud-tearsOpulence Infusion book by Jennifer - https://www.amazon.com/Opulence-Infusion-new-faith-currency/dp/1732273235You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
After months of intense work, Michelle Walker and her creative collaborator, Jude White have finished their artwork for the 'Ash, Mud & Tears' exhibition. In this episode, Jude joins Michelle and Jennifer to talk about the making of the work, the ideas behind the show and some early learnings from how it all came together.
In Ash, Mud & Tears, Michelle Walker & Jude White present an exhibition of artworks capturing the energies and turmoil in the aftermath of fires and floods in the Northern Rivers. Images of burnt trees, mud-stained houses and impacted landscapes are fragmented, scaled and remixed, depicting a time of great upheaval. Each artwork considers house our relationship to the landscape, and a sense of place and home can emerge during this time of recovery.
Ways to connect with our guest, Jude White:
https://www.judewhite.com.au/https://www.instagram.com/judewhiteart/Artists, links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Virginia Reid - https://www.byroncollege.org.au/tutor/194Northern Rivers Community Gallery website for the Ash, Mud & Tears exhibition - https://www.nrcgballina.com.au/v1/exhibitions/current-exhibitions/763-may-2023-ash-and-mud-tearsYou can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
On the equinox, Jennifer Ruth Russell released her 4th book, Opulence Infusion. In today episode, Michelle interviews Jennifer and finds out more about how the lessons and processes contained in the newest book serve artists in the practice of their craft.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
The Seven Sacred Flames book by Aurelia Louise JonesOpulence Infusion book by Jennifer - https://www.amazon.com/Opulence-Infusion-new-faith-currency/dp/1732273235Opulence CD by Jennifer - https://jenniferruthrussell.bandcamp.com/album/opulenceJennifer’s healing meditation - https://angelsofabundanceascensionacademy.com/You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
Do you ever think about how your daily choice of activities affects your life and what you want to ultimately achieve? It’s the automatic (sometimes) unconscious behaviours that we do repeatedly that's in focus today.
Jennifer and Michelle consider the things they do daily (or don’t do) to ensure they are strong, centered and able to give their greatest in the studio. What’s powerful about your daily habits is that they shape your life! You ARE what you do repeatedly - be they good or bad. This conversation will get you thinking about what you choose to do daily and invite you to bring more consciousness to those choices.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Opulence Infusion book by Jennifer - https://www.amazon.com/Opulence-Infusion-new-faith-currency/dp/1732273235You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
In this episode, Michelle and Jennifer welcome their dear friend and fellow ‘mastermind’ goddess, Lisa DePamphilis to the podcast. Through meeting (nearly) weekly for the past 7.5 years, the three women have grown an understanding about how to do this activity well.
Masterminds can be hugely beneficial for your life and creative practice… and they can be an energy drain.
In this episode you will hear some tips on how to find a group to join or encourage others to join yours, how to set your mastermind up and run it with great outcomes for all.
Ways to connect with our guest, Lisa DePamphilis –
Book your Complimentary Rise Up Call:
Artists, links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Think and Grow Rich book by Napoleon Hill https://www.amazon.com.au/Think-Grow-Rich-Landmark-Bestseller/dp/1585424331Otto Scharmer from the Presencing institute, Theory U and the Case Clinics (called the pomegranate and coaching circle process by Michelle, Jen & Lisa) https://www.u-school.org/case-clinicYou can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
If you have you ever struggled to believe that you CAN make good money from art, then this episode will be of interest. Michelle and her guest, American born contemporary artist Michele Luminato talk about the importance of mindset in our journey as artists making an income from our art. Michele brings a depth of experience from “corporate creative” and discusses the knowledge that she brought across from that part of her career, including the importance of uncovering your core interests, staying focused on where you want to take your art and why it’s crucial to continue taking risks.
Ways to connect with our guest, Michele Luminato:
On Instagram -
@micheleluminato@OriginArt__To join the Artist's Breakthrough Blueprint with Michele, go to: https://micheleluminato.art/breakthrough-blueprint-register.
Artists, links and resources mentioned in this episode:
The Blue Man Group - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Man_GroupMarie Forleo - https://www.marieforleo.com/You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
Have you ever pondered your creative identity and style? As artists, this is a key question.
Prompted by a quote from Cezanne: ‘The most seductive thing about art is the personality of the artist himself’, Michelle and her guest, Liz Ackerley, a mixed media abstract artist from the UK, discuss the pursuit of our creative identity in our work.
The questioning of our interests, focus and intent within our artwork is an important part of coming to understand our identity as an artist. The skill of noticing what you notice, the practice of journaling thoughts and ideas and being disciplined with the quantum of time spent absorbing other artists’ work on social media are some of the topics discussed in today’s episode.
Ways to connect with today's guest, Liz Ackerley:
lizackerleyart.comcom/lizackerleyartcom/lizackerleyfacebook.com/LizAckerleyArttwitter.com/LizAckerleyArtonline courses: https://lizackerley.podia.com/Artists, links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Rebecca Crowell’s The Messy Studio podcast – episode #167 'The Power of Intentions' https://messystudio.fireside.fm/167Cold Wax Academy - https://coldwaxacademy.com/You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
The old proverb from West African country of Burkina Faso: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together’ underlines the topic for today’s episode – creative collaborations. Jennifer and Michelle discuss the experiences they have had, why they believe them to offer value to artists and key areas to pay attention to, to ensure they are time well spent.
Artists, links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Jude White - https://www.judewhite.com.au/Trent Jansen & Johnny Nargoodah - https://gallerysallydancuthbert.com/artists/53-trent-jansen-and-johnny-nargoodah/overview/Pasek & Paul – Benj Pasek & Justin Paul - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasek_and_PaulBeautiful Chorus - https://www.beautifulchorus.com/You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
What happens to our creative practice when big changes occur in our lives? How does that affect how we see ourselves as artists? In this episode, Jennifer and Michelle reflect on the recent changes in their lives and how that’s affected their identities as artists and how this theme of change is part of the journey many artists experience in their lifetimes. Suleika Jaouad, a best selling author was diagnosed with lukemia at the age of 22 and has gone on to embrace her writing career with the release of her memoir ‘Between Two Kingdoms: The Story of a Life Interrupted’ and now writes the Isolation Journals that she shares with her community. Clarke Reynolds, a vision impaired artist who is currently having his first London exhibition of his brightly coloured braille dot art that tells the story of his journey.
Artists, links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Suleika JaouadClarke Reynolds’s first London exhibitionMichelle’s grandfather Edward (Ted) Blackmore’s book Adventure, Adversity and Achievement (2002)You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
Starting out the year with a focus on self-care is the topic of today’s episode. Jennifer and Michelle are joined by artist, yogi and Ayurvedic practitioner, Yolanda de Cuevas who takes listeners through an understanding of our natural rhythms as seen in the Ayurvedic practice. Managing our activities with the natural flow of energies throughout the day ( / year / our lives) can greatly help our health and wellbeing. Taking care of ourselves first, means we are more able to be alive to our creativity and give more in the world. Join the conversation with the beautiful wisdom Yolanda has to share.
Artists, links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Exploring New Places article from Michelle’s trip to south coast NSW - https://michellewalker.com.au/studionotes2/Plein Air Mark Making with Natural Earth Pigments video - https://youtu.be/Bu9qULi4w8kYolanda’s article on the Ayurvedic Clock - https://yogahealthcoaching.com/ayurvedic-clock-war-with-time/US based Cate Stillman who runs Yoga Healer Community https://yogahealthcoaching.com/Dr Claudia Welsh - https://drclaudiawelch.com/Episode #15 Reflect & Release: Harvesting the Gems Episode #16 Dream & Bloom: Welcoming in the new yearYou can contact our guest here:
You can get onto Yolanda's newsletter list by emailing her - ydecuevas@mac.comFollow Yolanda on Insta - @yolandadecuevasYou can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
At this time of year, many artists do an end-of-year review. One of the issues that can arise is the feeling of frustration and impatience with the speed at which we are achieving our goals and seeing the results we want. In this episode, Michelle, flying solo shares her thoughts about this issue and how to work through it. One of the ways she recommends to switch focus from any impatience is by joining one of the online art challenges that can ease you into the year and talks about several offered in January that might be of interest.
Artists, links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Episode #15 Reflect & Release: Harvesting the Gems & Episode #16 Dream & Bloom: Welcoming in the new yearSusan Yeate’s 30 Day Sketchbook ChallengeTara Leaver’s 21 Days in My Artworld challengeLindsay Jean Thomson’s The 100 Day ProjectYou can find your hosts here:
Michelle’s website | on Instagram | on YouTube
Jennifer’s website | on Patreon
When we are called to create, we are also called to believe that our creativity is supported in every way needed so we can bring it into the world. This is ‘the faith walk of an artist’. It means to walk ‘with a trusting heart’ in the world. This is the topic of today’s episode – Michelle and Jennifer talk about these concepts as well as what happens when we trust that we are called to do our creativity and bad things, like failure and bankruptcy happen? How can we pick ourselves up and carry on.
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Money Mojo for Artists 7-day Challenge - https://tinyurl.com/moneymojochallengeYou can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
What’s in a name? Inspired by a controversial quote from performance and visual artist, Yoko Ono about what defines an artist versus an artisan, Michelle and Jennifer talk through their views on these titles and how they have come to understand the context of controversy in art-making and the important process of finding one’s voice.
Artists, resources and links mentioned in this episode:
Money Mojo for Artists 7-day Challenge – michellewalker.com.au/moneyYoko Ono - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoko_OnoJohn Cage and his 4’33” - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4’33”Sleepify the silent album by American funk band Vulfpeck - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SleepifyYou can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
It can be truly exciting when someone wants to commission us as artists to create an artwork. Navigating what comes next, takes some business savvy and belief in your artistic skills. Managing the contracting process as well as undertaking the work and delivering a well-received final piece can be tricky if you don’t know about the pitfalls. In this episode, Michelle talks you through the steps she follows to undertake commission work so you maintain your sanity and enjoy the process along the way.
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:
Template for an Australian-based artist's commission agreement with a client: https://sprintlaw.com.au/articles/artist-commission-agreement/To be notified when the next Money Mojo for Artists Challenge is being run, go to: https://michellewalker.com.au/money-mojo-challenge-closed/You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
“Community hones us” is a quote from Jennifer that emerges as she and Michelle talk about how community plays important roles in each of creative lives. The formal and informal communities that support us in our growth artistically can take many forms, and it's up to each of us to find the balance between being in community and dancing out for quiet alone time in the studio.
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:
Spirit Art School https://angelsofabundanceascensionacademy.com/spirit-art-school/5D Naval Chakra meditation as part of Jennifer’s Morning Light Meditations - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/7fc3b1c3-3c5f-4283-8656-efe00b7bf6a5/episodes/a3368970-ef33-4cb1-8b41-9f0ad0405ff2/morning-light-meditations-5d-navel-chakraAlice Sheridan’s Connected Artist Club - https://alicesheridan.com/artists/You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
In this episode, Jennifer and Michelle talk about the concept of a creative's body of work and how they each go about it for their artistry – whether it’s for an exhibition or a new CD of music and songs – there are phases and tips for embarking, sustaining and finishing your project.
Resources and artists mentioned in this episode:
Whitney Freya's Creatively Fit Coach Training program Michelle’s book, 20,000 Brushstrokes – inspiring lessons for joyful living beyond heartbreak, loss and discontentJennifer’s new EP, I Am Golden – listen to clips here and how to access the whole album.You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
Having covered the planning and preparation phases of running an online challenge in Part 1 (Episode #27), Michelle and Jennifer dive into the delivery and follow up phases in this episode. From tips on how to manage all the daily activities and communications with your participants and focus on helping your people get the results they want, to closing the challenge and the follow up and reflection steps… it’s covered for you.
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:
Teleprompter 3 appMighty NetworksAlina Vincent – https://businesssuccessedge.com/ & https://www.facebook.com/BusinessSuccessEdge/You can find your hosts at these places:
Michelle’s website – www.michellewalkerart.com
Michelle on Instagram – www.instagram.com/michellewalkerart
Michelle on YouTube – www.youtube.com/c/michellewalkerart
Jennifer’s website – www.jenniferruthrussell.com
Jennifer on Patreon – www.patreon.com/JenniferandMichael
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