
  • For many people and dogs road tripping together is about as good as it gets. Whether you are thinking about taking your first trip and not sure where to start, or you take trips often but could use some fresh tips, this show is for you. I also share some personal experience successes and failures to help you skip the learning curve:-)

    Topics in this Episode
    0:15 My context with trips and the learning curve

    1:17 Tip One: Testing and Training BEFORE the Trip

    1:59 Rest Stop's/Service Areas

    3:06 Dog's that get car sick

    3:53 Teach how to get in and out of the car

    4:11 Dog's that bark at stuff in the car

    4:28 Seeking help with training

    4:48 Hotels and Lobby's

    5:32 Camping/Backpacking: tents, campfires, etc

    6:04 Tip Two: Pack Light

    8:17 What to pack your stuff in

    8:31 The dog essentials

    9:40 Day pack ready to go

    10:45 Tip Three: Enjoy the Journey

    10:50 Two kinds of trips

    11:35 Rest Stops vs Activity Stops

    11:45 How often should you stop?

    12:30 All about planning bonus stops

    14:12 Doing the research

    14:46 Dog Parks and Public Parks

    16:21 Trails

    17:11 Keeping your dog safe in the car

    Helpful Links and Resources:

    Pack-a-Paw for emerg

    a Happy With Dogs podcast

  • Our dog's love treats. We love giving them treats. Win-Win, right? Sometimes no. This episode is all about how to increase our dog's health AND still treat them to our hearts content.

    Topics in this episode:
    0:13 What you will get from this episode

    1:18 Pet Obesity

    2:27 Why we overfeed dogs

    3:24 Cultural shifts about "healthy" weight

    4:39 Happy Brain Chemicals

    4:59 When Food = Love

    5:26 Keeping them entertained

    6:31 Strategy 1: Everything counts

    8:05 Strategy 2: Using their normal diet as treats (maybe with some bling)

    8:56 Strategy 3: More treats for the price of one

    9:53 Strategy 4: Increase the quality of the treats

    Helpful Links and Resources:
    Ideal dog weight and calorie counter

    Silicone Treat Pouch

    Want to connect?
    Email me, I would love to hear from you:-): [email protected]

    a Happy With Dogs podcast

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

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  • This episode is all about getting a new perspective on the routines and rhythms we create when we live with pets. Learn how to leverage the power of changing routines to decrease stress while supporting you and your dog. The routines we have create the content of our lives and setting them up intentionally can have huge impact.

    Topics in this episode:
    0:13 One of the big benefits of living with dogs

    1:16 Avoiding extra stress and frustration

    1:48 Consistency vs Variety and the nervous system

    3:26 Decision Fatigue

    5:32 Plane, Pilot, Engineer

    6:31 Adaptation Energy

    8:18 How Emily Fletcher can change your life

    8:38 Meatloaf meltdowns

    10:07 Layered Stress Model

    11:32 A great question

    12:59 Biologically appropriate lifestyles in the modern day

    14:34 Clarity

    16:33 How to know it’s time for a routine change

    17:16 Real Trainer Example

    18:52 How to design a new routine

    20:59 Help when you are stumped

    Helpful Links and Resources:

    Is Your Dog Happy? Podcast Episode

    Canines Providing Assistance to Wounded Warriors

    Emily Fletcher on Adaptation Energy

    Emily Fletcher's Ziva Meditation Program

    Jay Jack talks about the Layered Stress Model on the Canine Paradigm

    Ali Abdaal's YouTube Channel

    American Medical Association on Decision Fatigue

    Want to connect?
    Email me, I would love to hear from you:-): [email protected]

    a Happy With Dogs podcast

  • What would you do if you suddenly realized your dog was lost? That is the question that drove me to seeking out better information than I could find from a quick google search. In this episode I share some detailed strategies of things you can do BEFORE you lose your dog, so that if it ever happens you don't waste time and energy trying to figure out a plan while under stress.

    Topics in this episode:
    0:12 Lost Dog's and why I needed more info
    1:02 Nelson Hodges Lost Dog Recovery Course
    1:45 Checklist in show notes
    2:11 Basics
    3:28 Background for advanced concepts
    5:00 Advanced Strategies 1: Leader
    10:32 Advanced Strategies 2: Team
    13:46 Advanced Strategies 3: Map
    14:29 Advanced Strategies 4: Equipment
    15:33 General lost dog timeline
    18:09 Nelson's Final Words of Hope

    Helpful Links and Resources:

    Lost Dog Preparedness Checklist

    Nelson Hodges and CHRI Institute

    Their Courses

    Want to connect?
    Email me, I would love to hear from you:-): [email protected]

    a Happy With Dogs podcast

  • In this episode we are talking about playing with dogs. I discuss how big this topic is and share some of the major concepts that totally changed how I see play. I introduce the predatory cycle, competitive and cooperative games, and how how games need goals, rules, and penalties, I also share some of my favorite people and companies who have influenced and inspired me.

    Topics in this episode:
    0:14 Why play is important and how it impacts your relationship with your dog

    1:07 Dog play is unique to each dog

    1:21 Best games for your dog

    2:00 More to play than meets the eye

    2:48 Play and the predatory cycle

    5:29 Competitive and Cooperative Games

    7:59 Games have goals, rules, and penalties

    9:48 Seek professional assistance for how to play with dogs who have demonstrated resource guarding, aggressive behaviors, or have a bite history

    10:11 Making games fun

    12:42 What to do now

    14:14 Amazing leaders in the dog play space worth checking out

    14:27 Dog's Playing for Life and Amy Sadler

    16:39 Ivan Balabanov

    18:18 Jay Jack

    Helpful Links and Resources:

    Dogs Playing for Life:

    Ivan Balabanov

    Jay Jack
    content warning, Jay has strong opinions and uses explicit language. I am a big fan of his messages, but he will not appeal to sensitive ears

    GRC Dog Sports

    If you liked this episode you will likely also dig this guide:
    How to make your dog happy
    You're One Week Guide to Good Vibes Furever

    Want to connect?
    Email me, I would love to hear from you:-): [email protected]

    a Happy With Dogs podcast

  • In this episode we talk about one of the FASTEST WAYS to get your dog to truly TRUST YOUR LEADERSHIP. If we neglect this area when connecting with our dogs we are MISSING A HUGE component that many DOG TRAINERS DON'T TALK ABOUT. Anything you are doing with your dog will be better and more effective when you understand how they are interpreting your energy. Learning how to do this well will not only change the game for your dog, it will CHANGE THE GAME for yourself and all the animals around you. . . including OTHER HUMANS:-)

    Topics in this episode:

    0:13 How managing energy is a skill, and how it impacts others

    1:10 Dogs observe us in more ways than I thought possible

    2:09 Personal Story-not my best moment

    3:26 Dogs looking to the messages our bodies/physiology are sending for guidance

    4:09 Personal Story-Dogs can call our bluff when we fake calm

    4:57 Feelings are for feeling, not repressing

    5:36 Physiology and Emotions

    6:31 Intro to Today's Tool to change internal state

    6:54 Personal Story, unconscious anxiety that you may relate to-that definitely impacts dog's

    8:29 Today's method detailed-1. Awareness, 2. Breath, 3.Plan

    Helpful Links and Resources:
    Interested in my next Introduction to Dog Fitness Course?
    Email me: [email protected]

    If you liked this episode you will likely also dig this guide:
    How to make your dog happy
    You're One Week Guide to Good Vibes Furever

    Want to connect?
    Email me, I would love to hear from you:-): [email protected]

    a Happy With Dogs podcast

  • Why would anyone do fitness for their dog?

    In this episode we talk about how INTENTIONAL MOVEMENT can help you and your dog live a LONG, HEALTHY, and HAPPY LIFE. We get into details about how dog fitness changes the physical structures in the body, and how "USE IT OR LOSE IT" applies to more things than we would like. Learn how modern dog and human lifestyles SERIOUSLY benefit from some different types of movement AND how to find the sweet spot.

    Topics in this episode:
    0:13 Why is dog fitness important
    1:06 My background in this topic: education and senior citizens
    1:43 How what you do now impacts the future
    2:11 Adaptation and how to trigger it
    2:41 Some specific adaptations from cardio
    3:50 Future plans to nerd out on fitness
    4:02 The Sweet Spot
    6:22 Use it or Lose it with examples
    7:39 Modern Day Life and Movement
    10:53 Do we prioritize dogs? ourselves? other options?
    11:13 What you can do now

    Helpful Links and Resources:
    Interested in my next Introduction to Dog Fitness Course?
    Email me: [email protected]

    If you liked this episode you will likely also dig this guide:
    How to make your dog happy
    You're One Week Guide to Good Vibes Furever

    Want to connect?
    Email me, I would love to hear from you:-): [email protected]

    a Happy With Dogs podcast

  • In this episode we are talking about how to know if your dog is happy and strategies you can use to uncover what truly lights them up. Learn how to use that info so that you can be your dog's superhero and help them live their best life.

    Topics in this episode:
    0:34 Defining "Happy" for dogs

    1:15 How do we know if our dog is Happy?

    2:23 When we aren't happy-expectations vs reality

    4:38 Why do different things appeal to different dogs?

    7:43 Helpful Guide in show notes explained

    8:00 First Exercise: Brainstorm

    8:12 Second Exercise: In house observations

    11:20 Third Exercise: Let your dog take you on a walk

    15:19 Putting it all together

    Helpful Links:

    PDF Guide: How to Make Your Dog Happy Video: How to Use a Long LineVideo: How to Play "Find It"

    Want to connect?
    Email me, I would love to hear from you:-): [email protected]

    a Happy With Dogs podcast