
  • 41: Nightmares Made Dreams Come True ft. LuciHey welcome back to another episode of the Pabs Pod today I sit down with my pal Luci aka General Lucifer. A multi-media artist with a dark name but beautiful art, we cover how he started, what his family thinks of his name & how he came up with it. Luci grew up having night terrors and was able to channel those visions into his craft. Now he creates from his mind and makes amazing pieces that are shown in shows all over Chicago. Most recently he was March in our Chicago Creatives Calendar and before that I mean the General at Kenny & Berny's Ghoul Night Out. We bond over our love for clothes and the feeling you get when you got that shit on, not to mention the compliments & admiration from peers. Alot of religion talk on this episode but it was a nice understanding as well as inspiration for future artist that don't care what others think of them. thank you for watching & listening this podcast was brought to you by PabsPrints with the help of Anthony Alanis our new head editor, you can follow the shop and our brand @pabsprints everywhere @psachicago and stop by our store sometime thursday - sunday 12-5PM keep making pigs fly!

  • Ep.40: Catching My Breath// in this episode I sit down with Myself my favorite person in the world! I shot this during an open day at the shop we had 30 minutes left till closing but I really wanted to have a conversation with myself where I could appreciate how far I have come and look at how much further I can take it. Thank you for listening, shopping or even just coming by to say hi! PSA Chicago 2515 W North Ave.

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  • On this episode I sit down with Ambercita a local visionary who’s been making a name for herself in Chicago . Ambers work ethic & photo/video work have made her stand out in the art scene as well as having one of the most popping spaces in Chicago to visit. Ambercita’s studio has grown into a hub for creatives and her space is a great place to get inspired.

    Most recently she was featured in Modern Notoriety’s “Through the Lens” as well as my 2025 Calendar Show where she is featured for the month of “May”. Coincidently she is also a Taurus I don’t know many but I’m hoping she can be my first Taurus friend, we are similar in the way we brand our business & making sure our values align with our content.

    In this episode we cover her background from school to early life, moving to Chicago, what inspired her to start documenting, the hardships that come with being a full time artist & the exciting things she has coming up.

    A lot of gems in this episode the best way to hear it all is to listen all the way through you can follow @ambercita everywhere and her various business accounts. There is video to this dropping tomorrow on our YouTube @ pabsprints and check out our website pabsprints for all the latest drops.

    Thank you for listening & remember to keep making pigs fly!

  • On this episode of the Pabs Pod I sit down with one of the most energetic, creative, unique artists in the world. She goes by Megmakesstainedglass MSG for short! I met Meg through the art community she has been at many shows where I’ve displayed at and always stands out with her Stained Glass Art. Recently she was commissioned by the United Center to make a piece for Jelly Roll, she just wrapped up her holiday market which was a blast, finished 90+ commission pieces for people and has some huge collaborations on the way.

    We talk about her early career as a chef and why she chose glass as her craft. Becoming an entrepreneur and living off of her art. Her goals for the next couple years and the importance of investing in yourself. There’s so many gems in this episode the best way to hear them all is to listen all the way through! Thank you for listening & watching on YouTube! You can find the Pabs pod @pabspod & @pabsprints everywhere. Follow @megmakesstainedglass everywhere to stay up to date on all of Meg’s drops.

    Thank you for listening & remember to keep making pigs fly!

    Oink oink

  • On this episode we sit down with Stephanie the founder of Ruidosa, Amoxtli Book Club, and Tonantszn. Aside from being a dope artist she is an engineer, event curator and all around creative person. I met Stephanie at an event along time ago and being in the same area we just always had mutual respect for one another.

    There’s so much to learn about Steph in this episode the best way to hear it all is to listen all the way through. From her partying days to how she found her community and is now living a more intentional life this episode has a little bit of everything for do everyone.

    Thank you again for listening, you can watch the full episode on my YouTube @pabsprints and you can follow Steph and her collective @stephxni_ @ruidosa.artcollective & @amoxtli_club

    Remember to keep making pigs fly!

  • Special guest: @bernygotit

    Video Editor/ Creator of the bernbot, collector, director, connecter the man helps so many people. A wiz at setting systems in place for success. co hosted the Ghouls Night Out with our mutual Kenny. Berny met me at El Cerdito Que Volo he bought one of the featured pieces and has been helping me out ever since. He works with aproduction company, Holy Cow Productions, to make these amazing promotional content, he works for Jugernaut and all while balancing helping with the family business. thank you for listening, alot of gems in this episode the best way to listen to them all is by listening all the way through! follow bern and his bots @bernbot @berngotit and you can see this episode on our youtube! @pabsprints everything!

  • Hello! Welcome back to another episode of the PDP it's been a long time since we dropped but for good reason. We are officially moved into our store and after all the madness of opening it up, we found some time to get back to editing. This episode is from back in August where we sat down with one of the coolest rappers in the area, EDDIE YUMA, fresh from his Miami trip. We talk about how his trip went, what he wants to improve on moving forward. How we met, the people that brought us together and what got him into creating music. The best way to catch all the gems is to listen all the way through you can follow eddie and his music @eddie_yuma and stay tuned for his new music and visuals. You can see video of these pods on my Youtube @pabsprints everywhere and now in person at our store PSA CHICAGO! thank you for supporting and spreading the pod it's been a blast! Have a great day and remember to keep making pigs fly!

  • Welcome back to the PDP the show with tough questions and even tougher guests! On today's episode I sit down with Izzy Ace a local artist/musician with a lot to say! He's been rapping his ass off for a long time and dropping dope merch to compliment the music. From South Deering, Chicago Izzy has made a name for himself through his bars and block shaking music. We get into his upbringing, family, how he got into music, going away for college, his influences his growth as an artist, South Side Silhouette and so much more. The best way to find out what we talked about is to listen all the way through! Make sure to follow Izzy @izzyace_ to stay up to date on all his events, merch drops and new music. follow this pod @pabspod on instagram and @pabsprints on youtube to watch full video episodes. thank you for your support! Remember to keep making pigs fly!

  • On today's episode we sit down with Emmanuel Cabrera aka Manny the owner of Gente Fina & Midwest Cargo Equipment, aside from his cargo business he has been making a name for himself for his clothing brand. I learned a lot about the brand from the homie Esteban who helped manny out for his New York Fashion week but then I find out Manny is also from the same area that I grew up in. We talk early beginnings, failing businesses, his proposal, how he started his other business and so much more. Manny has grown his brand organically and is able to tell his story through it so that's something I admire, I learned so much and I know any listener especially artists/designers can take away alot from this episode. The best way to hear it all is to listen all the way through. You can follow manny at @midwest.manny and follow his brand @gentefinachi to stay up to date on all his drops and releases.

    Thank you! Keep making pigs fly.

  • It finally happened! I sat down with @naveenissleepy someone that everyone has been telling me to have a conversation with! Naveen and I are very similar in that we design clothes, art and help our friends out when we can, our brands align in that we mix nostalgia and pop culture. Latley he has been going so crazy with Polywrl and freelancing it was an awesome learning more about him. One big difference between us is that Naveen started off as a producer, making beats for his friends that slowly transitioned into cover arts and now designing for some big names in our city. He is also friends with the members of T5 if you haven't listened to that episode please go back it's the funniest one i've had yet! Theres so much I already knew about him because I am a fan of his work but so much more he taught me about himself the best way to hear it all is to listen all the way through! Thank you for supporting the pod make sure you support Naveen follow his accounts @naveensissleepy and @polywrl to be up to date on all his drops! have a great day keep making pigs fly!

  • On this episode I sit down with 3/4 owners of Layer Chicago a local vintage resell store that has been making a big name for themselves reselling vintage clothing, furniture, art and so much more.

    I recently met the guys after Esteban (@escofits) head stylist and selfless soul, introduced us, gave me a behind the scenes look at their store and we scheduled a day in the distant future to record.

    The day came and I learned so much about how they started the companies they left behind to form this new collective and how their store name came about.

    These 3 guys are the face of the store while Adam the one not on the podcast is the genius behind everything ( look forward to meeting him too!) I love how charismatic every one is and they have their own distinct styles, the store itself is amazing right on north avenue by one of the busiest areas in the city no wonder it's a success.

    You can tell they love what they do especially since they're waking up at 3am some days to do it! I learned alot about vintage lingo and how to work with others in this episode there is alot of gems the best way to hear them all is to listen all the way through!

    Thank you for sticking around make sure to comment or give us a 5 star rating! Keep making pigs fly!

  • Welcome back! Fedz aka Fernando an artist here in Chicago came through and we have our first long format conversation on live on the podcast. Fedz and I have always bumped into each other at events but it was never enough time to truly get to know one another, after this conversation our friendship definitely grew.

    I found out that we’re in the same industry not just as artist but signage! He talks about how he’s ready to leave his day job to pursue artistry full time, when he’s not painting murals he’s learning a new medium at the moment he is a tattoo apprentice. Soon he will master this too! We talk about his upbringing, going to Mexico to live with his grandparents, his journey from LA to Chicago and how he got his name.

    As a child fedz would sculpt toys and figures out of mud, that slowly turned into actual sculptures and his love for art began. I learned so much about him and myself we are happy to have him and welcome him back anytime! A lot of gems buried in this episode the best way to hear them all is to listen all the way through thank you for supporting the pod and telling all your pals about us!

    Follow Fernando @fedzart and you can support the pod by giving us 5 stars and following @pabspod ! Thank you keep making pigs fly!

  • We're back! with another amazing episode today I'm joined by Iliana Mendoza a local Creative • Artist • Author • Curator • Explorer! I met Iliana through the brand she's supported my previous drops and even encouraged me to drop more beanies. This year we have been seeing eachother at events more and more, we talk about her company Co Create. The origins and how she works with her partner. Her personal artbrand @im.orginals and how she also feels she wants to rebrand. Iliana is one of the few that really knows what "Palpable" is and see's the vision I have for it, we talk about fashion, art, flower, family, travel and so much more. The only real way to know it all is to listen all the way through! Thank you for your support and sharing these episodes, I really love having a community to speak to and that listens. You can check out ilianas work at @i.m.originals check out her company @cocreate.chicago and her personal page @ilianamendoza13 stay tuned for the next event I will be part of the August 17th one and also look forward to working with Iliana alot more! Thank youu remeber to keep making pigs fly! - Pabs



  • This episode of the PDP (@pabspod) was filmed in Bogota, Colombia my hometown, I invited my artist friend @matcreativo to join me in our airbnb and shoot the shits!

    Disclaimer: this episode will have subtitles on youtube!*

    We had a great time I got to practice my Spanish a lot, and learned so much about Mat. From his upbringing to his dog Broly, our influences in anime, cartoons and how we put it into our art. I like to think of Mat of the version of me in Colombia lol he's a muralist, graphic designer, curates events where he puts on other artist (sound familiar?) But he also dedicates alot more time into graffiti and spray painting which I admire. I learn about "la ley del duende" his most recent event and the saying itself that comes from Colombia, we learn about his favorite method of creating, where he see's himself in 5 years, getting arrested, where his name came from and so much more!

    the only way to know it all is to listen all the way through thank you so much for your support, thank you MAT and keep listening/ watching on youtube im excited to meet so many more artists.

    Have a great day Make Pigs Fly!

  • "Behind every great man is an even greater woman" we sit down with Simon & Cece the owners of FINDERZ KEEPERZ, a resell company that sources and provides quality vintage garments.

    Not too long ago they launched their curated gallery experience company "This Is Our Canvas".

    My lovely "FIANCE" joins us on this episode giving us double date vibes, we get into how we all met; Very randomly at another pop up and Pablo was serving up Taco Sublime, Simon & Cece have always been super welcoming and have taught us so much.

    We learn where their company came about and how it is really their love story, through shared experiences they find and sell pieces that played an essential part of becoming who they are.

    Managing parenting and being business owners is tough we learn how they do it and how important it is to pray in this life. This episode reminded me why I love doing podcast's I'm able to learn so much about these creatives and the real passion behind their work.

    thank you for listening, watching on YouTube and most importantly sharing with your pals! follow Simon & Cece @finderz_keeperz_chi make sure to be on the lookout for @thisisourcanvas.gallery next event and you can shop with them at B Collective!

    follow me at @pabsprints shop at pabsprints.com and remember to MAKE PIGS FLY!!!

  • Welcome back! I caught Nikko aka AliSix at a very pivotable part of his life fresh off a Mexico trip and right before his Japan trip, we sat down and I learned a lot about the multimedia artist. You know his character Richie the Raccoon but latley he has introduced a new character "King" his Tiger we get into the development of him.

    All the mural work he has been doing for small businesses and even bigger companies like Warner Bros. We talk about the importance of "showing face" and interacting with other artists, this could lead to being invited to be in future shows, but creating sick art is key! Nikko has been one of the most consistent artists in the city but he talks about how sometimes he feels like he's running in circles, getting out of the country has helped him stay inspired and get out of his comfort zone.

    We talk about his graffiti background and how he transitioned to more character/ mural work, his encounters with the police and the best way to go about tagging now. You can tell Nikko has a passion for super hero's and cartoons, we talk about his biggest inspirations that even influence how he dresses now.

    There's so much we cover in this episode thank you for listening all the way through you can follow his art: https://www.instagram.com/ali_six_/ and check out his website: https://www.ali-six.com/ he constantly drops new items & merch so stay tuned!

    You can follow me: https://www.instagram.com/pabsprints/ new things coming very soon!

    have a beautiful day, make pigs fly!

  • On this episode I sit down with a fellow Chicago creative he is the founder of Forem Creatives, an illustrator, videographer, father and so much more. Edwin aka @itsmilkbreath has been throwing events in Chicago for some time now, I really got to know him a little better during covid I remember him coming out and helping Yues and I while everyone was painting boarded up businesses. Since then Milk Breath has been busy providing for his daughter and making amazing art I had him featured on the 2021 Creative Calendar and he's been putting together a documentary that will hopefully come out next year. We cover alot in this episode, origin stories, fatherhood, graffit and gallery culture, getting arrested, what makes a great event, hispanic parents not believing in depression, it gets real! thank you so much Edwin for taking the time to speak with me and thank you for listening/ sharing the pod I hope to sit down with all the creatives in Chicago at some point. You can watch video of this pod on my youtube and follow @itsmilkbreath to stay up to date with all the new events and art that is coming out.

    Thank you! have a great day remember to make pigs fly!

  • On this episode of the PDP I sit down with some of the funniest comedians in the world! Rami, Younis & Momo are 3/5ths of the comedy group Terminal 5, Chicago comics that have been making a name for themselves, putting on their own shows and bringing people joy for a couple years now. I've been a fan ever since I saw them do stand up and it's really a full circle moment to be able to have them on my podcast.

    The night after recording this my face was so sore from laughing so much but what stood out to me the most was how genuine and kind these guys are, they do this for the right reasons and it shows. Even through the trolling and flaming you can tell how much love they radiate and anyone who goes to their events will feel that energy.

    Rami speaks on his latest hour (that i got to witness and it's amazing) what inspired it from his early days in theatre to what's happening in Palestine now.
    Younis recently moved to LA pursing comedy doing freelance work he is able to use his editing skills to pay rent but also to practice his sets even more.
    Momo has his own show that he produces "Make Me Laugh" which showcases other comedians and does alot of the editing as well. Even though they're all hilarious you can tell how serious they are about their craft and the hard work is paying off. This podcast at it's core is about Art and comedy is one of the hardest art forms in my opinion but they do it so effortlessly.

    Terminal 5 just had a show for new year but they're constanly doing more shows through out the year I know Rami just annoucned a couple dates check out his instagram to find him in a City near you and you can look forward to their 5 year anniversary show in August where I will definitely be attending.

    This is the longest podcast I have ever done but it went so quick and there's still so much more i wanted to talk about either way i'm sure we will have them on again if they aren't too "Hollywood" disclaimer: the audio cut off for a bit so we used camera audio but it comes back

    thank you guys for listening you can check out my clothing/art at pabsprints.com make sure to go watch video of this on my youtube and most importantly subscribe to everything so you're up to date on all things PABS. Have a great day and remember to MAKE PIGS FLY!

  • we sit down with Fabio aka DJ P Boy a rising DJ out of Mcallen, Texas and Auroras cousin. First real time having a long format conversation with him but it was a great time this is his 2nd time being on a podcast usually behind his DJ board he can let the music do the talking but i'm really glad we got to see another side of Fabio. Fabio was born in Chicago and moved at a young age he tells us a little about his upbringing, wanting to be a soccer player but due to an ATV accident he found an interest in DJ'ing. Fabio recently completed school at Point Blank Los Angeles where he learned the in's and out's of the music business.

    After this conversation I realized how determined DJ P Boy is to make his dream reality, he has been working gigs consistently from weddings to silent headphone club events having to adjust accordingly to peoples requests and still create his own sound. One of his goals is to DJ in Chicago and I have no doubt it will happen real soon.

    Thank you DJ PBOY for taking the time to do this podcast and my lovely co-host for making this happen and explaining the concept of this pod so effortlessly.

    We appreciate you listening, subscribing and watching our videos on youtube, make sure to follow Fabio @djp_boy11 and support him along his DJ Career

    see you next week! Keep proving them wrong!

  • This episode of the Pabs Pod we're blessed by the super talented Yeus, she's a multi media artist, youth advocate, content creator, photographer and so much more. She dabbles in any form of art and has made a name for her self in Chicago for her bright colors and warped fonts, we talk about her upbringing hitting the streets to tag, repurposing furniture that people donated and selling it back to them after she made it cool, how we met and how much we have in common. Yeus really is a fan of quality art even though she doesn't show her face much once you see her work you know it's her, I'm grateful to be able to sit down with her and learn more. Watch the full youtube video to see the woman behind all the great pieces and follow her as we go into 2024 she has alot more art to show us! @yueskeyluna