Overcome and Become
Australien · James Keddington
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Tune in to learn skills, systems, and tools to improve brain, physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. Tapping into decades of personal experience, formal training, and the school of life, James Keddington takes you on a journey to help you sustain a functional life, develop resiliency to overcome all the challenges life throws at you, and keep the ambition alive while working on becoming the person you know you are destined to be.
If human performance, health and wellness, and becoming your best self is important to you in your personal life, at work, and in other ambitious endeavors, this podcast is for you.
Better Me Nation helps individuals overcome the hard stuff in life, so they can focus on becoming their best selves. This is done through group and private health and wellness coaching.
Better Me Nation also works with growing the human performance capacity of their team members through education, executive consulting / retreats, and health coaching for employees.
James Keddington spent 20 years in marketing before taking a turn into the health and wellness world. The catalyst for this change was his own declining health and health challenges of his daughter. During these journeys, James discovered the world of Integrative Health and Nutrition, and subsequently went back to school and got an education from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and is now a certified Integrative Nutrition Coach.
Free Download: 10 Lifestyle protocols for improving every category of health. Click here.
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