
  • If you are considering becoming an entrepreneur or want to take your business to the next level, don't miss this episode. Between AI, new technology, inflation, the economy, and all the crazy stuff in the outside world… it’s clear the rules of success have changed drastically from even just last year. And this has created a massive opportunity to accelerate ahead or fall way behind. Jill Esplin, who has worked with me for nearly 15 years, and I talk about what we are noticing in the industry and how to overcome inner and outer roadblocks. We also discuss how the game has changed and invite you to join us at a free event June 13--15 hosted by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi: www.christinehassler.com/game

  • In this episode, Christine helps Mariel navigate the complex feelings following a breakup that has left her struggling to move on. Despite ending the relationship almost a year ago, Mariel finds herself still emotionally entangled and unable to let go. Christine delves into the deeper issues stemming from Mariel’s childhood, particularly her relationship with her father, to uncover the root causes of her emotional struggle.

    Summary: Mariel ended a relationship due to her partner’s addiction issues, but she is finding it disproportionately difficult to move on. Christine explores the deeper emotional wounds from Mariel’s childhood, especially those related to her father, which may be contributing to her current emotional state. The conversation reveals the importance of addressing and healing childhood wounds to move forward in adult relationships.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    Is there something on your mind you can't let go of, whether it's a relationship or something else? Have you been in a relationship with someone who had many good qualities but one major deal breaker? Do you often project your feelings or handling of situations onto others? Do you truly believe you are worthy of the kind of love you desire?

    Guest Insights:

    Mariel feels confused about why she is struggling so much to move on from a relatively short relationship. The relationship ended due to her partner's addiction, a pattern familiar from her previous marriage. Despite setting boundaries and ending the relationship, Mariel finds herself still emotionally attached and missing her ex-partner. Mariel has a history of attracting men who cannot process their emotions healthily, reflecting unresolved issues with her father.

    Aha Moments:

    Christine points out the importance of addressing the deeper issues from Mariel’s childhood to move on. Mariel recognizes that her ex-partner’s addiction and avoidance are reminiscent of her father’s emotional unavailability and anger. Understanding that her struggle is more about her own unresolved issues than about the ex-partner helps Mariel see the situation more clearly.

    How to Get Over It and On With It:

    Identify and confront the truths about the past relationship to move on from the fantasy. Work on healing the father wound and improving self-worth. Focus on developing a nurturing relationship with the inner child to address unmet emotional needs. Prioritize self-love and boundaries to avoid falling into similar patterns in future relationships.


    Cozy Earth: Get 30% off your purchase at CozyEarth.com/overit using promo code "OVERIT." Enjoy comfortable and temperature-regulating bedding products designed with viscose from bamboo.

    Social Media Info:

    Follow Christine on Instagram @ChristineHassler Tweet your insights to Christine @ChristineHassler on Twitter Join us next week for another insightful episode where we help you get over it and on with the life you love.
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  • If you're feeling boxed in by your current path, maybe it's time to think about how your skills can open new doors—not just for others, but for yourself too. If you’ve ever thought about what it might be like to teach others what you know or create a business doing what you love, don’t miss this episode.

    Your skills can be the key to unlocking new doors, not just for others, but for you too.

    Tune in as my guest Dean Graziosi, New York Times bestselling author and esteemed entrepreneur, and I discuss what it takes to become an entrepreneur…how to overcome the fears and limiting beliefs and step into your legacy.

    Together, Dean and Tony Robbins are hosting a FREE 3-day workshop on June 13th - 15th called “The Game Has Changed” with some amazing special guests. In this 3 day event they are going to reveal for the first time their “2024 roadmap to more” in today’s crazy economy. More freedom, more time, more joy, more income… more whatever makes YOU happy.

    Go here to register: www.christinehassler.com/game

  • In this episode, Christine Hassler coaches Liv, who is experiencing a significant life transition and is unsure about her career and future. Liv has worked with children as a teacher, babysitter, and nanny, but now she feels the urge to explore other professional paths. She struggles with guilt over leaving her current line of work and fears the uncertainty of pursuing new opportunities.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    Are you feeling the urge to make a change or has a change been forced upon you? How did your upbringing shape your views on failure and success? Do you rely on your job as a safety net? What is your relationship with uncertainty, and are you willing to change your beliefs to improve it?

    Guest Insights:

    Liv is transitioning from a familiar career working with children to exploring new professional opportunities. She feels overwhelmed by the thought of leaving a job that she loves but also wants to pursue personal growth. Liv struggles with balancing her desire to serve others with her need for self-fulfillment. She feels a deep need for control and certainty, which stems from her upbringing, where failure had severe consequences. Liv's primary challenge is to reprogram her beliefs and embrace uncertainty as part of her growth.

    Aha Moments:

    Liv recognized that her current job should not be seen as a safety net but as a stepping stone to new opportunities. She identified the need to create a new relationship with uncertainty and develop an internal sense of safety. Liv realized that her belief that she cannot make money doing what she loves is a limiting belief that needs updating.

    How to Get Over It:

    Liv should focus on updating her limiting beliefs, such as "I can't make money doing what I love" to "People are interested in what I have to offer and it adds value to their lives." Embrace the belief that prioritizing her own growth is not selfish but essential for serving others more effectively. Take one step at a time and recognize that safety and certainty come from within, not from external jobs or situations. Engage in pattern interrupt techniques to shift from fear-based decisions to ones based on authenticity and alignment.


    Cozy Earth offers hypoallergenic, organic bamboo sheets that are breathable and comfortable. Use Promo Code “OVER IT" at cozyearth.com for 35% off

    Social Media Info:

    Follow Christine on Instagram @ChristineHassler Tweet your insights to Christine @ChristineHassler on Twitter Join us next week for another insightful episode where we help you get over it and on with the life you love.
  • Thais and Christine talk about what exactly "limerence" is and how it is different from the infatuation stage of a relationship. We go deep into what caused it and how we can get out of it. Thais Gibson has a Ph.D. and over 13 certifications in modalities such as CBT, NLP, somatic experiencing, internal family systems, and shadow work. She has nearly a decade of experience running a successful private practice. This diverse background has culminated in creating Gibson Integrated Attachment Theory™, an innovative framework uniting traditional attachment theory, developmental psychology insights, and potent subconscious reprogramming techniques that are woven throughout the course material within The Personal Development School, taught within our innovative coach training program and in her most recent book, Learning Love.

    You can get 25% off the price of enrollment at The Personal Development School (https://university.personaldevelopmentschool.com/) if you use the promo code christine25off

  • Welcome to Over It and On With It. I'm your host, Christine Hassler. For over a decade, I've been a life coach, speaker, and author. Each week, you'll hear me work directly with a caller as I coach them through a goal they want to accomplish or an obstacle they may be facing. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice as well as tangible actions you can apply to your own life. Now let's get on with the episode.


    In this episode, Christine speaks with Samantha, who is struggling with emotional attachments to two past romantic relationships she ended. Despite being the one to end both relationships, Samantha finds herself constantly thinking about her ex-partners, missing the companionship, and fantasizing about what could have been. Christine helps Samantha uncover the deeper emotional issues rooted in her childhood, specifically her relationship with her father, which have influenced her current difficulties in moving on from these relationships.

    Consider/Ask Yourself

    Are you ruminating or obsessing over past relationships? Do you have unresolved issues from childhood with your parents? Are you still hoping for one of your parents to change and give you what you always wanted?

    Guest Insights

    Samantha admits that her attachment to past relationships is a way to avoid feeling the actual pain of their endings. She acknowledges that fantasizing about what could have been is a way to distract herself from the hurt. She identifies with a fearful avoidant attachment style, which she believes is linked to her "father wound." Samantha describes her father as someone who was both absent and inconsistent, leading to a deep-seated fear of being alone and unlovable. Christine helps Samantha realize that she has been projecting her unmet childhood needs onto her romantic relationships. Samantha's fear of being alone stems from childhood experiences and a longing for her father's approval and love.

    Aha Moments

    Christine emphasizes that feeling the pain and moving through it is necessary to avoid repeating the same mistakes in future relationships. By not fully processing the pain, Samantha has been unable to move on. The concept of the "Christ year" at age 33 is significant for personal awakening and transformation. Samantha, being 33, is at a pivotal point where she can choose to either continue her old patterns or embrace deep healing and change. Christine advises Samantha to stop seeing her loneliness as a problem to fix but as a necessary phase to fully experience and understand. By doing this, Samantha can break the cycle of seeking relationships to fill the void left by her father.

    How to Get Over It

    Feel the Loneliness: Samantha is encouraged to fully feel her loneliness without trying to escape it through distractions or new relationships. This process will help her develop resilience and self-reliance. Inner Child Healing: Christine suggests that Samantha engage in inner child work to address the unresolved issues with her father. This can involve journaling, therapy, and self-reflection to give her inner child the love and validation she missed. Seek Professional Help: Working with a therapist, especially one trained in somatic therapy, can help Samantha stay connected to her body and process her emotions in a healthy way. Practical Exercises: Samantha should write down the truth about her past relationships, focusing on what didn’t work, to ground herself in reality and avoid idealizing her ex-partners. Additionally, she should ask herself how her thoughts make her feel and if she likes feeling that way, then consciously choose thoughts that lead to feelings of peace and freedom.


    Storyworth: Preserve precious memories and stories from your father or father figures for years to come. Save $10 on your first purchase when you visit storyworth.com/overit.

    Social Media Info:

    Follow Christine on Instagram @ChristineHassler Tweet your insights to Christine @ChristineHassler on Twitter Join us next week for another insightful episode where we help you get over it and on with the life you love.
  • If you are navigating any kind of change or are considering making a choice that feels authentic but you question how it will impact others, don't miss this episode. Life Coach, author and speaker Andrea Owen joins Christine to talk about identity shifts and making choices from our intuition, not our trauma. Andrea is creating a global impact in women’s empowerment with her books being translated into 19 languages and available in 23 countries.

    She helps high-achieving women maximize unshakeable confidence, master their mindset, and magnify their courage. You can learn more at andreaowen.com.

  • In this insightful episode of "Over It and On with It," host Christine Hasler explores a deeply resonant topic—navigating and resolving anger towards one's mother. Our guest, Sarah, shares her struggles with frequent negative interactions with her mother, which are often marred by impatience and rudeness, despite her mother's consistent kindness. This conversation delves into the root causes of Sarah's feelings, the broader implications of parental relationships, and practical steps for healing and self-nurturing.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    Do you have unresolved anger or resentment towards a parent that affects your current interactions?

    How have your childhood experiences shaped your emotional responses to your parents today?

    Are you able to meet your emotional needs independently, or do you find yourself seeking fulfillment from your parents?

    Guest Insights:

    Sarah recognizes her anger stems from past unmet needs during her childhood, exacerbated by her mother's inability to protect her from an abusive situation.

    The conversation reveals Sarah's desire for her mother to push back against her, reflecting her unresolved needs for assertiveness and protection.

    Aha Moments:

    Realizing the necessity of mourning the 'ideal' parent and accepting the limitations of what one's parents can provide.

    Understanding the importance of becoming the source of comfort and security that one sought from their parents.

    How to Get Over It:

    Embrace self-mothering by acknowledging and nurturing one's inner child.

    Implementing practical exercises like visualizations where Sarah comforts her

    younger self, promoting healing.

    Establishing boundaries and new emotional frameworks that do not rely on parental validation.


    Caraway Cookware: Non-toxic cookware that combines modern aesthetics with functionality. Special discounts available for listeners at carawayhome.com/overit.

    Social Media Info:

    Follow Christine on Instagram @ChristineHassler Tweet your insights to Christine @ChristineHassler on Twitter Join us next week for another insightful episode where we help you get over it and on with the life you love.
  • Some women are childfree by choice while others are childless due to circumstances, not choice. Lana Manikowski: Certified Life Coach, Keynote Speaker, Infertility Activist and Founder of “The Other's Day Brunch” is on a mission to show that infertile women can create the life of their dreams, even when it didn’t turn out as planned.

    When a 7-year fertility journey ended without a child - and donor egg & adoption wasn’t for her - Lana yearned for a community who could understand the loneliness, self judgment and grief around navigating a childless future. When she couldn’t find one, she established in 2021 by launching The “So Now What?” Podcast.

    In her coaching practice, Lana helps women navigate a life unexpected. Her 4-part coaching foundation helps guide women through the rediscovery of their purpose, meaning and joy, so they can build a future they truly love.

    Learn more here: https://lanamanikowski.com/

  • In this episode, Christine engages in a coaching call with Shelley, who is grappling with the ramifications of her fear of loss in her relationships. Through deep, introspective conversation, Christine helps Shelley uncover the ways in which her attempts to avoid loss may actually be precipitating the very outcomes she fears.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    Do you often find yourself sabotaging situations not intentionally, but as a protective measure?

    Are you hyper-vigilant in your relationships, constantly preparing for the worst?

    Can you recognize how your fear of loss might be contributing to the problems you experience in relationships?

    Guest Insights:

    Shelley shares her struggles as a highly sensitive person who takes things personally and tends to anticipate negative outcomes, even in positive situations.

    She realizes her need for control stems from a deep-seated fear of unexpected negative outcomes, which she tries to preempt by focusing on the negative possibilities.

    Aha Moments:

    Recognizing that preparing for the worst as a way of coping with fear can inadvertently bring about negative outcomes.

    Understanding that her protective behaviors, while meant to safeguard her from pain, are keeping her from experiencing deeper connections and joy in relationships.

    How to Get Over It:

    Embrace vulnerability by acknowledging and expressing fears without letting them dictate behaviors.

    Work on shifting focus from potential loss to the potential for joy and fulfillment in relationships.

    Consider therapy or coaching to address underlying fears and learn healthier coping mechanisms.

    Social Media Info:

    Follow Christine on Instagram @ChristineHassler Tweet your insights to Christine @ChristineHassler on Twitter Join us next week for another insightful episode where we help you get over it and on with the life you love.
  • Jade Luna is back on the show! He has been my astrologer for nearly a decade and gives us insight on what's been happening in the world and what we can expect. Jade has been one of the most successful Astrologers in the world and has maintained a high level practice for over 18 years. He is the first Westerner ever to reconstruct Jyotish (Hindu Astrology) into a Greco-Roman format. Jade has traveled extensively around the planet, lecturing and conducting workshops on Astrology and mysticism. He has traveled to India more than 30 times and spent a great deal of time with various teachers, Saints and Sadhu's in Asia. Jade consults with people privately. He usually presents a few seminars each year at various locations world wide.

  • In this episode of "Over It and On With It," Christine Hasler coaches Margaret, who struggles with moving forward in her career due to past health challenges and financial needs. Margaret has experienced a mix of burnout and inertia, pushing too hard and then not enough, as she tries to navigate a balanced approach to re-entering the workforce.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    Do you feel safe at home but anxious elsewhere?

    Have you experienced vulnerability followed by rejection, causing you to


    Do you find yourself pushing hard until you burn out, only to struggle to start

    again? Guest Insights:

    Margaret shares her ongoing battle with adrenal fatigue, anxiety, and the pressure of financial constraints.

    She expresses frustration with the cyclic nature of pushing herself too hard and then needing extensive recovery time.

    Her journey has included deep personal insights, yet she still faces the challenge of balancing work demands with personal health.

    Aha Moments:

    Realizing that her pattern of pushing and withdrawing relates to deeper, unresolved issues around safety and self-worth.

    Acknowledging the need for a deeper level of healing that isn’t about repeating past efforts but going deeper into her own emotional and psychological landscape.

    How to Get Over It and On With It:

    Embrace inner child work to address past traumas and current fears.

    Reevaluate her beliefs about work and productivity to find a sustainable way of

    engaging with her career.

    Seek environments and work that align more closely with her needs as sensitive and empathic person.


    Today's episode is sponsored by Caraway Cookware. Experience the joy of non-toxic, beautifully designed cookware. Visit: carawayhome.com/Christine for a special listener discount. Promo Code: Christine

    Social Media Info:

    Follow Christine on Instagram @ChristineHassler Tweet your insights to Christine @ChristineHassler on Twitter Join us next week for another insightful episode where we help you get over it and on with the life you love.
  • Turning her postpartum sleep deprivation into an opportunity to serve the millions of women who suffer in sleeplessness, Dr. Leigha Saunders is a naturopathic doctor turned sleep guru.

    With over a decade of experience, Leigha’s innovative approach to solving sleep struggles intertwines hormone health, nervous system regulation and what she calls a "soul-focused approach" to focus on the deeper reasons so many of us lie awake at night.

    You can learn more here: www.thesleepfix.com/christine

  • Welcome to episode 448 of "Over It and On With It." Today, our host, Christine Hassler, engages in a compelling conversation with Lynn, who seeks guidance on boosting her self-confidence. This episode dives deep into the roots of self-confidence, touching on childhood experiences, personal insecurities, and the journey towards radical self-acceptance.

    Guest Insights:

    Lynn discusses her challenges with confidence, particularly in her career as a travel advisor, where she struggles to promote herself effectively. She shares personal anecdotes about her upbringing, including the impact of her parents' divorce and the emotional unavailability of her father, which contributed to her confidence issues.

    Aha Moments:

    Lynn realizes that her lack of confidence stems significantly from not receiving adequate validation and encouragement during her childhood. Christine introduces the concept of "radical self-acceptance" and challenges Lynn to reflect on her internal judgments that might be hindering her confidence.

    How to Get Over It:

    Radical Self-Acceptance: Embrace every part of yourself without conditions to foster genuine confidence. Parenting Your Inner Child: Use the parenting skills you apply to your children to nurture and encourage your inner child. Action Steps: Engage in small, manageable acts that build confidence through real-life practice, such as regularly posting about her business.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    Do you struggle with confidence in specific areas of your life? How have your childhood experiences shaped your self-esteem? What does radical self-acceptance mean to you, and how can you practice it?


    Today's episode is sponsored by Caraway Cookware. Experience the joy of non-toxic, beautifully designed cookware. Visit: carawayhome.com/Christine for a special listener discount. Promo Code: Christine

    Social Media Info:

    Follow Christine on Instagram @ChristineHassler Tweet your insights to Christine @ChristineHassler on Twitter Join us next week for another insightful episode where we help you get over it and on with the life you love.
  • Making fear based decisions around money (or really anything in life) keeps you in a dysregulated state ... and further away from the abundance and freedom you crave when it comes to money. In this episode, I share a three-step process for making aligned, body-based, intuitive financial decisions. If you are craving a more relaxed relationship with money, my longtime friend Kate Northrup is housing a FREE 3-day workshop called WIDE RECEIVER to help you start healing your relationship with money step-by-step. Register here: katenorthrup.com/christine

  • Nedra Glover Tawwab is the author of the New York Times bestseller Set Boundaries, Find Peace. A licensed therapist and sought-after relationship expert, she has practiced relationship therapy for more than fifteen years. Tawwab has appeared as an expert on The Red Table Talk, The Breakfast Club, Good Morning America, and CBS This Morning, to name a few. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, The Guardian, and Vice, and has appeared on numerous podcasts, including Good Life Project, Sofia with an F, and Therapy for Black Girls. Tawwab runs a popular Instagram account where she shares practices, tools, and reflections for mental health and hosts weekly Q&As about boundaries and relationships. She lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with her family. For more information, see nedratawwab.com.

  • This coaching call is about breaking habitual patterns that are no longer needed. Today’s caller, Jenny, is having completely different reactions to different situations. She asks for guidance on how to be consistent in all areas of her life and change her attachment style. Christine discovers that it is not so much about her attachment styles but about the story she tells herself in different situations.

    [For show notes, go here: Christinehassler.com/episode447].

    For those of us who experienced a trauma, or when the worst happened or we got in trouble for something, a neural pathway in our minds created a belief that expecting something bad to happen at any moment prepares us for future traumas and the accompanying shock. The shock is what makes trauma stay in our bodies because when we think everything’s fine, and something happens, our system is surprised. It becomes an imprint in our psyche, subconscious, emotional body, and our nervous system. Neural nets create unconscious patterns. When we are triggered we are hijacked by our subconscious.

    As we grow and develop we have to update our survival strategies. So many of our survival strategies were formed when we were young. They are outdated. We have updated almost every other tool we use in our lives, yet we haven’t updated our survival strategies. When you have a habitual reaction to something, interrupt the pattern.

    If you have a situation where you are bracing, expecting the worst, or getting nervous, do whatever it takes to regulate your nervous system. Take deep breaths and pause to break the habit.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    Do you feel like you’re a different person in different situations?

    Are your reactions sometimes much bigger than a situation warrants?

    Do you often prepare yourself for the worst even though usually the worst doesn’t happen?

    As a kid, was there a part of you that felt like you were in trouble, and that you didn’t get things right?

    Jenny’s Question:

    Jenny would like guidance about why her reactions are different in different situations.

    Jenny’s Key Insights and Ahas:

    She feels she reacts differently to things at work, in relationships, and when with friends and family.

    Her relationship with her parents has changed since childhood.

    She often gets anxious at work and feels that she will be in trouble.

    She remembers getting in trouble with her father when she didn’t do something right.

    She wants validation and love from her father.

    She doesn’t feel good enough at work.

    How to Get Over It and On With It:

    When triggered, regulate her system by putting a hand on her heart and her belly and saying “I’m not in trouble. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

    Where is she telling herself she isn’t enough?

    Give herself compassion and commitment. Don’t give up!


    When you have a habitual reaction to something, interrupt the pattern and update your survival strategy.


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    Christine Hassler — Take a Coaching Assessment

    Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

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    Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

    @ChristinHassler on Twitter

    @ChristineHassler on Instagram

    @SacredUnionCouples on Instagram

    [email protected]

    [email protected] — For information on any of my services

    Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

    Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

  • Sara Szal Gottfried MD is a physician, researcher, author, and educator. She joins me to talk about her latest book: The Autoimmune Cure: Healing the Trauma and Other Triggers That Have Turned Your Body Against You. She graduated from Harvard Medical School and MIT, and completed residency at UCSF, but is more likely to prescribe a continuous glucose monitor and personalized nutrition plan than the latest pharmaceutical. Dr. Gottfried is a global keynote speaker and the author of four New York Times bestselling books about hormones, nutrition, and health. Her focus is at the interface of mental and physical health, N-of-1 trial design, personalized molecular profiling, use of wearables, and how to leverage these tools to improve health outcomes. Learn more at SaraGottfriedMD.com

  • This coaching call is about giving ourselves the love we deserve. Today’s caller, Nicole, is struggling to give the love and acceptance she gives to her child, to herself. She feels something is missing in her life because she didn’t receive love from her parents. Christine offers guidance on how she can change her story and start loving herself.

    [For show notes, go here: Christinehassler.com/episode446].

    Is it possible to give ourselves unconditional love 100% of the time? Is it possible to be loving to ourselves most of the time and catch ourselves when we are not?

    When we don't get the love we want, or need from our parents we can flip into the victim archetype easily. It is the subconscious way we try to get love for ourselves.

    The challenge with loving ourselves the way we love other people is so pervasive. There is an epidemic of people who don't feel that they are enough in some way. Whether the feeling came from inside our childhood home or outside of it, it reinforced that limiting belief.

    Love is our essence. It's naturally who we all are. But we move out of love and more into fear and judgment as we age. A practice we can do to be unconditionally loving to ourselves is to keep trying and keep showing up for ourselves. When we notice that we're not being loving to ourselves, when we're in judgment, fear, criticism, or shame, we can acknowledge it and bring ourselves back to love.

    Press your hand on your heart and say “I am loved.” Press your hand on your belly and say “I am safe.“

    Are you interested in meeting Christine at a live event in Austin? Go to ChristineHassler.com/LiveEvent answer a few questions and offer feedback about your interest in attending. The event will be introvert AND extrovert friendly.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    Did you feel unconditionally loved as a child, and if you didn't, are you sad and angry about it?

    Did you find it hard to give yourself the love you so easily give others, especially a child or a partner?

    Do you struggle with being kind to yourself?

    Do you wish that you could have had the childhood that other children have or that your children have?

    Nicole’s Question:

    Nicole is struggling to give the love and acceptance she gives to her child, to herself.

    Nicole’s Key Insights and Ahas:

    Her son is autistic.

    She gives her son an abundance of love and affection.

    She believes her son chose her.

    She feels sad.

    She was not given unconditional love as a child.

    She feels anger toward her parents for the love she didn’t get.

    She feels there is a big missing piece in her life.

    She has worked hard to not be a people pleaser and not to seek validation from others.

    She shares her mother’s love for nature with her son.

    She wants to nurture a spiritual relationship with her parents.

    How to Get Over It and On With It:

    Grieve and release feelings of rage or sadness.

    Embrace the love she is getting.

    Take the opportunity to parent herself as she parents her child.

    Feel gratitude in place of sadness.

    Step out of victim and into integration and application.


    Christine Hassler — Take a Coaching Assessment

    Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

    Christine on Facebook

    Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

    @ChristinHassler on Twitter

    @ChristineHassler on Instagram

    @SacredUnionCouples on Instagram

    [email protected]

    [email protected] — For information on any of my services

    Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

    Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

  • Brandy Gillmore is a researcher and mind-body healing expert who has been captivating audiences worldwide with her incredible ability to demonstrate radical healing using only the mind.

    Brandy's groundbreaking discoveries stemmed from her own debilitating injury. After an accident in 2003 left her disabled, in excruciating pain, and without hope of recovery, Brandy began searching for a cure. Through years of exploring every avenue for healing, Brandy eventually discovered obscure research that changed the course of her life and resulted in a complete recovery.

    Now, she is releasing her brand-new cutting-edge book, Master Your Mind and Energy to Heal Your Body, where she shares the hidden research that is the key to her success!