
  • 085. Judy was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 12 years old and PCOS at 16 years old. Doctors told her she could never have children. She tried to have a baby in her 20’s but nothing happened. Judy believes it was a miracle to have a healthy baby at 37 years old and deliver at only 24-weeks of gestation. After a loss at 41, she never thought pregnancy would be an option again for her. Join us as Judy shares her pregnancy to her second baby at 46 and what she believes helped her get pregnant.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 084. Erica is a 42 year old single mom in Akron, Ohio with two boys, one ten years old and the other is seven weeks old during the recording of the show. She is a coordinator at a high school and also teaches teen girls about self-empowerment and self-esteem building. Erica’s journey to motherhood started when she was 33 years old. Join us as she shares her surprise baby after meeting a blast from the past.

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  • 083. Katie’s journey started when she was 34 when she had breast cancer and recently gotten back together with an ex-boyfriend. Knowing that chemotherapy was going to affect her fertility, she did one round of IVF and froze two embryos. Her boyfriend told her no matter what happened, he wanted her to have the embryos. Little did she know she would be denied access years later. Join us as Katie shares her story to motherhood with donor eggs.

    If you are just starting your journey to conception with donor eggs, I have a FREE guide that I promise will make the process that much more easy! It’s a 10 Q&A that will help you through the process from where to find a donor to how you should talk to you child about donor egg conception: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/donoreggguide

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  • 082. Jen lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband Dave and their three children: Alli, her 11 year-old daughter, Taylor, her 8 year old daughter, Dylan, her 8 month old son. Jen had her first two daughters at 29 and 33. She never felt her family was complete and wanted a third. After a year of trying, she looked at fertility treatment and was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. Her husband wasn’t willing to go use fertility treatment. It wouldn’t be until five years of trying until she got the surprise of her life. Join us as Jen shares her challenges to have her third baby and the anxiety she felt during her pregnancy.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 081. This is the second part of a two-part series where three ladies plus myself discuss the IVF process. Listen to Part I where we discuss our overall experiences. I’m pregnant in the second trimester at 43 with donor egg conception. We have returning guest from episode 50, Sonia. Sonia was pregnant at 44 with donor egg conception, also. Nisha is a returning guest from episode 56. She was pregnant at 43 with her first transfer of one embryo that led to her twin girls. Adriana is our first-time guest sharing her experience where IVF hasn’t worked. The goal of this show is to share our experiences of the IVF process, so you can be more confident if IVF is right for you.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 080. We have three guests on to discuss IVF. The goal of this show is to share our experiences, so you can be confident if IVF is right for you. We have returning guest, Sonia from episode 50. Sonia had a six-year IVF journey to her pregnancy at 44 with her daughter using donor eggs. Nisha is a returning guest from episode 56. Nisha had a two-year IVF journey to her pregnancy at 43 with her first transfer of one embryo that led to twin girls. Adriana is a first-time guest on her seventh year of her IVF journey. Her journey to motherhood continues. This is Part I where we discuss general IVF questions and their journey. Stay tuned for Part II next week as episode 81.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 079. On episode 79, Bridget is working mom living in Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband and her four ½ month old son. Bridget started dating her now husband when she was 38, and a month into their relationship found out she was pregnant. She was a little freaked out. Neither one of them had said ‘I love you’ yet, so she questioned how she was going to have a baby with him. Join us as Bridget shares her pregnancy struggles to almost starting the IVF process before she got naturally pregnant at 40 with her son.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 078. Melodie had waited a long time to meet someone but had never really wanted children, even in her thirties. She met her partner at 41 and started having an intense desire to have a child with him. She and her partner talked about having a baby. She was pregnant the first month they tried but lost it. She was pregnant two cycles afterwards and lost that one, too. She was depressed about the two losses, and then her partner told her he didn’t want a baby. She moved out, but they still dated. A year later, she was pregnant again and worried she would lose the pregnancy or her partner. Join us as Melodie shares her relationship challenges and her journey to motherhood at 45.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 077. Shirley is a mother of three in California who was pregnant at 20, 47 and 49. At 20, she lived with her parents, and her mother was very abusive. It was very traumatic how she got pregnant and moved out immediately. Her 32-year-old son saved her life. Shirley started dating her wife 12 years ago, and they talked about starting a family five years into their relationship. The doctor said her wife’s egg reserve at 36 was very low. Shirley told the clinic she planned to carry the baby using her wife’s eggs. The doctor said based on Shirley’s age, they only had a 50% chance. Shirley and her wife were willing to try with those odds. Join us as Shirley shares how she beat every odd with her two daughters.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 076. Sarah is a personal trainer living in Miami, Florida with her husband of twenty years and their three-month-old daughter. She wasn’t ready to have kids after she married at 28. At 38, Sarah thought about having a baby at the same time as her best friend, and questioned why she was so afraid of having a baby. After a year of trying, she saw a fertility doctor because she hadn’t gotten pregnant and her cycles were long and irregular. They told her she was ovulating too late in her cycle and would need medication to ovulate sooner, but it didn’t work. At 40, she had two egg retrievals and didn’t get any embryos. Join us as she shares her journey to her daughter with donors eggs.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 075. Tara grew up in a very small town in Massachusetts. She moved away to attend college at Northeastern in Boston. She moved out to Denver, Colorado almost 11 years ago when she was looking for a job after she completed her MBA. From an early age, Tara assumed she was going to have issues having children. Her mother and grandmother both went into menopause in their early 40’s. Every doctor told her she had a less than 10 % chance of conceiving naturally, so she didn’t see a reason to be on birth control. Her AMH was super low and her follicle count was also low. Join us as she shares her natural pregnancy at 40 and her journey to using donor eggs at 44.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 074. Claire is a mom of three from the UK. When her third child arrived at 43, she had three children under the age of four. Her third child is two years old during the recording of the show. When she was single, she didn’t know if she wanted kids, but she thinks it was meeting the right person that sparked that desire. Claire says it was an accident she got pregnant at 39, her pregnancy at 41 was planned, but at 43, she didn’t want to believe it even though all of the signs were there. Join us as she shares her journey from womb healing to her birth that was too quick for an epidural.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 073. Laura lives in Boston with her husband and their two children. In her mid 20's, all of her friends married one year. The following year she set out to make it a special year for her. She decided to train for a marathon. It changed everything in her life. She met her husband in her mid 30’s while training for the Boston Marathon. They married when she was 40 and wanted to start planning a family right away. Laura thought it might be hard to get pregnant even though people around her assumed it would be easy because she’s healthy and a runner. Join us as she shares her journey to using donor eggs that led to her son at 43 and the emotional experience to her daughter at 46. Today, Laura has turned her struggles to help other women with her fertility coaching practice.

    If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

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  • 072. Kezia never thought she would get married until she met James on Instagram. She immigrated from Canada with her daughter and their cats in 2021 to a small town in Pennsylvania. She and James had a courthouse wedding later that year. They knew they wanted to have a child together, and she was pregnant quickly. She lost it in the first trimester on her 40th birthday but never had a follow-up appointment. Her cycle didn’t return and her doctor suggested she was perimenopause. Join us as Kezia tells us how her cycle returned with the help of a great doctor, and how she became naturally pregnant at 41 even though her pregnancy came with challenges.

    If you are over 40, trying to conceive and would like more guided help to pregnancy if you are trying through IVF or through donor conception, I’d love to help you! I’m revamping the community with helpful tools all while being surround by others going through the journey. I had a good TTC experience and want give back, so be the first to know when it’s available by getting on the wait list. https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

    Get the full story, resources and more information about this episode: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/episode72/

  • 071. Orla was told by three doctors that she couldn’t have children. In December 2018, she had surgery for endometriosis and a septum uterus. The doctor surgically divided the septum which she was told would reduce the risk of miscarriage from 40% to 25%. Afterwards, her doctor said, “you have the tiniest ovaries I’ve ever seen. It would be a miracle if you released an egg.” After healing from surgery, she was pregnant on the first try. She believes it was because of that surgery she was able to get pregnant at 37 with her son. Join us as she shares her struggles of multiple baby loss to her stressful and emotional pregnancy and daughter at 41.

    If you are over 40, trying to conceive and would like guided help to pregnancy if you are trying through IVF or through donor conception, I’d love to help you! I’m revamping the community with helpful tools all while being surround by others going through the journey. I had a good TTC experience and want give back, so be the first to know when it’s available by getting on the wait list. https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

    Get the full story, resources and more information about this episode: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/episode71/

  • 070. Are you about to embark on the donor egg journey? We have four women on the show who have been through it to discuss your questions . We have returning guest Jake, from episode 45 sharing her journey with her first child when she was pregnant at 51. She used a known donor, her niece, Savanah who is also on to share her experience as an egg donor. Jake’s daughter is seven years old. Janice, from episode 68 shares her journey with her sixth child when she was pregnant at 46. Her baby was four months old during the recording of the show. Tara is a future guest sharing her journey at 44 with her second child. Her son is two years old. And your host Jamie Massey shares her short experience as she is pregnant at almost 43. Join us today, as we answer your questions about the donor egg process and more.

    If you are just starting your journey to conception with donor eggs, I have a FREE guide that I promise will make the process that much more easy! It’s a 10 Q&A that will help you through the process from where to find a donor to how you should talk to you child about donor egg conception: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/donoreggguide

    Get the full story, resources and more information about this episode: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/episode70/

  • 069. Newly single Carmen is a functional nutritionist in Vancouver, Canada who helps exhausted career-driven moms lose weight. Before she was even ready for kids, she watched a documentary called The Business of Being Born by Ricki Lake that planted a seed that would shape her future prenatal and birth care. She always wanted three kids, so after her son at 38, she wanted to try for a second at 40. She shares lots of nutritional tips that helped her get pregnant in one shot even though it wasn’t clear when she was ovulating. She also shares her text book home birth that her ex wasn’t exactly on board with despite being only five minutes from the hospital.

    If you are TTC, pregnant or postpartum over 40, come be surround by other women going through your same journey in 40.40 Society. Be supported, share your journey and have a voice in the conversation. https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

    Get the full story, resources and more information about this episode: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/episode69/

  • 068. Janice had five kids in her 20’s with a previous partner. She met her now fiancé at 39. Together, they had ten children but wanted a baby together. One reversed vasectomy and three IUI’s later, she wasn’t pregnant. Was the vasectomy the cause of not being able to get pregnant? She shares how using donor eggs was an easy choice and why this birth was the longest one of all. She was three months postpartum during the recording of the show.

    If you are TTC, pregnant, or postpartum over 40, come be surrounded by other women just like you in 40.40 Society. Be supported, share your journey and have a voice in the conversation. https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

    Get the full story, resources and more information about this episode: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/episode68/

  • 067. Kiersten was pregnant in her 20’s and 30’s with her four kids from a previous marriage. When she met the love of her life at 41, they joked about having a baby together. It was a joke that turned into serious discussions of putting it in God’s hands to decide. Kiersten shares how she prepared for pregnancy without really knowing it. When she got pregnant, she felt like the only pregnant 41-year-old in the world. Join us as she shares her pregnancy challenges to being induced with an amazing labor and delivery nurse. She and her husband have seven kids today. She was three months postpartum during the recording of the show.

    If you are trying to conceive, Over 40, come get guidance and be surround by other women just like you. Be supported, share your journey and have a voice in the conversation. https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

    Get the full story, resources and more information here: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/episode67/

  • 066. Jenn wanted three to four kids. After she got married at 20, she went on to have two babies in her 20’s. Two miscarriages followed which were devastating to her. She didn’t understand why she had losses after having two babies. She and her husband continued to try, but at 34 years old, the doctor told her she had little to not chance of having another baby. She was no longer ovulating. She eventually accepted it and moved on with her life. Join us today, as Jenn shares her shocking news of her pregnancy at 41. She needed time to process it before she even told her husband. How she was in the greatest shape of her life to an awesome pregnancy and a quick birth. She even shares how she planned the birth of her third baby on her grandmother’s birthday as a surprise for her dad.

    If you are TTC, pregnant or postpartum over 40, come be surround by other women going through your same journey in 40.40 Society. Be supported, share your journey and have a voice in the conversation. https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/waitlist

    Get the full story, resources and more information about this episode: https://over40fabulousandpregnant.com/episode66/