
  • TRIGGER WARNING: This episode discusses topics related to sexual assault, which may be distressing for some listeners.

    In January 2024, the Ohio House of Representatives overrode the veto of a bill banning gender-affirming care. The bill “bans gender-affirming healthcare for minors, one of dozens of bills under debate this year that would restrict transgender rights across the U.S.” - Reuters

    This week, I’ve invited my friend and colleague, Gulnar Feerasta, to discuss this bill and its impacts on the LGBTQ+ community.

    Gulnar Feerasta is a Senior Atlantic Fellow, Yield Giving Awardee, LGBTQ+ health equity and social justice advocate, and the Managing Director of the LGBTQ+ Community Center of Greater Cleveland. She is a dedicated social worker with extensive experience in program development, implementation, and evaluation, grants management, organizational and community engagement, professional training, and education consulting. She is passionate about achieving positive outcomes for individuals and making a meaningful impact on communities.

    Gulnar excels in building lasting relationships within organizations and communities to enhance program objectives and deliverables. Her strong communication and collaboration skills enable her to lead and perform liaison activities effectively with key stakeholders, upper management, external support systems, and clients.

    Featured in this episode:

    Trans children not being allowed to participate in sports “Human based” instead of “gender-based” medical care How past trauma can influence medical checkups Medical Apartheid Hyper marginalization of trans-black women

    If you or someone you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, you can find help at the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC).

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

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  • June is Pride Month! And in honor of this, we want to highlight the various kinds of Gender Affirming Surgery and medical care.

    So what is Gender Affirming Surgery? Gender Affirming Surgery (GAS), also known as gender confirmation surgery or sex reassignment surgery, encompasses a variety of surgical procedures that some transgender and non-binary individuals may choose to undergo to align their physical appearance with their gender identity. These procedures can be broadly categorized into chest surgeries, genital surgeries, facial surgeries, and other body contouring procedures. Here's a more detailed breakdown:

    The primary aim of gender affirming surgery is to alleviate gender dysphoria, a condition where there is a significant incongruence between one's gender identity and their physical sex characteristics. These surgeries can have profound psychological and social benefits, improving quality of life and mental health for many individuals.

    Let’s find out more from Dr. Shubham Gupta, Chief of Reconstructive Urology at University Hospitals, Cleveland Medical Center.

    Dr. Shubham Gupta focuses his clinical practice on genitourinary reconstruction and cancer survivorship. His expertise includes the diagnosis and treatment of urethral stricture disease, Peyronie's disease, erectile dysfunction, and male urinary incontinence. He has a special interest and extensive experience in managing complex intra-abdominal strictures, fistulas, and radiation sequelae. Additionally, utilizing multi-disciplinary collaborative models, he provides advanced care to transgender patients, including gender-affirming surgery.

    Featured in this episode:

    Types of gender affirming surgery Sexuality and GAS The difference between transfeminine and transmasculine procedures The difference between sexual orientation and gender identity Not all transgender or non-binary individuals pursue surgery as part of their transition

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  • How do fitness and nutrition affect our midlife?

    This week, I am joined by a close friend, Michelle Stiff, a Women’s Health, Fitness & Metabolism Coach, teaching women how to reset their metabolism, shed stubborn inches, and regain confidence using a sustainable and flexible macro approach.

    Michelle shares her journey of struggling with the yo-yo diet cycle that affected her fertility. After suffering multiple miscarriages, she had to find a better way even when doctors couldn’t help her. Using a mind-body holistic approach, she was able to improve her health & now has two healthy boys. She then went on to found her company, Wellness Elevate and create her signature program, the Metabolic Momentum Method - so that other women don’t have to suffer.

    The Wellness Elevate team includes Transformational Nutrition Coaches and a Functional Diagnostic Practitioner who utilizes functional blood tests to identify each client's unique needs. Whether you're battling fat loss, managing hormones, or simply seeking better health & fitness, the WE team will tailor a customized plan that truly works for YOU.

    Featured in this episode:

    Perimenopause and hormone fluctuations Resistance training and building muscle for metabolism 80/20 principle with food Batching meals and getting creative Exercise for purpose instead of just weight loss

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

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  • What is preventive medicine?

    Join Dr. Rachel Pope in this enlightening episode of "Our Womanity" as she sits down with Dr. Zenobia Tayeb, an accomplished preventive and lifestyle medicine physician. Dr. Tayeb, a Cincinnati native, has an impressive academic and professional journey that spans biological sciences, science education, and extensive work in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

    With a passion for humanitarian work, Dr. Tayeb's medical missions to aid Syrian refugees sparked her desire to pursue a career in medicine. Currently, Dr. Tayeb is in her third and final year of training in Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, where she also serves as chief resident. She is simultaneously completing a second residency in Lifestyle Medicine and a master’s degree in public health, focusing on health promotion and disease prevention.

    In this episode, Dr. Tayeb shares her insights on the importance of preventive and lifestyle medicine, particularly for women. She discusses:

    Featured in this episode:

    Pillars of Preventative Health Unique approach to healthcare that emphasizes disease prevention Healthy living as the foundations for long-term wellness Vitamin D, Calcium and Magnesium supplements for optimal health Necessary Screenings

    Types of Magnesium and Magnesium Fact Sheet for Health Professionals.

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

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  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common health issue that affect millions of people each year. These infections can spread through any part of the urinary tract, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Recurrent UTIs are especially troublesome and are more common in post-menopausal women.

    In this episode of Our Womanity, I am joined by my colleague Female Pelvic Medicine Division Chief at University Hospitals, Cleveland, and Associate Professor of Urology and Reproductive Biology at School of Medicine, Dr. David Sheyn. We answer two questions submitted by our listeners about UTIs:

    Question 1: “I have been having recurring UTIs for the last 4 years and get about 6-8 a year. I just had a vaginal swab that shows the same bacteria in my urine. Could the bacteria be causing the UTIs without causing severe vaginal symptoms? I get dryness and mild itching at times but no obvious discharge so how do you treat in these situations?”

    Question 2: “How do I treat Aerobic Vaginitis? My doctors brush over it and don’t seem to know what to do. I get recurring UTIs and now I think they’re connected. I tried Metrogel (metronidazole) but Google tells me that it will not fight the bacteria. I also tried Boric acid for 14 days.”

    Featured in this episode:

    UTI causes and symptoms Antibiotics, vaginal estrogen, and other UTI treatments Pelvic floor hypertonicity Condoms, spermicides, and genetics can cause infections Drug resistant bacteria

    Are you 60 years of age or older? Help Univesirty Hospitals find a way to prevent infections in the blood. A clinical research study to evaluate an investigational vaccine in adults 60 years of age or older is now enrolling: https://en-us.embracevaccinestudy.com/

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

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  • In our new episode of Our Womanity podcast with Dr. Rachel Pope, we're privileged to host Dr. Fatu Forna, Co-Founder of The Mama-Pikin Foundation, dedicated to enhancing maternal health in  the US, Sierra Leone and around the world. Dr. Forna, a leading expert in obstetrics, gynecology, and epidemiology, has spearheaded groundbreaking initiatives globally. Her Cocoon Pregnancy Care Model, aimed at improving perinatal outcomes, has garnered widespread acclaim. Beyond her professional achievements, Dr. Forna is a passionate advocate for adolescent reproductive health, authoring essential resources and pioneering educational programs. She has served as Lead for Reproductive and Maternal Health for the World Health Organization in Sierra Leone, as a Medical Epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and as Chief of Women's Services and Physician Program Director for Perinatal Safety and Quality for Kaiser Permanente in Georgia (KPGA).

    Beyond her professional endeavors, Dr. Forna is a passionate advocate for the reproductive health of young women. She is the author of "From Your Doctor to You," a crucial resource empowering teenage girls with essential knowledge about their bodies, sexuality, and contraception. Additionally, Dr. Forna has pioneered educational initiatives like the “From your doctor to you: Puberty Party and Manhood/Womanhood Party” curriculum, aimed at fostering healthy conversations around puberty and sexuality.

    Dr. Forna's impact extends beyond borders, as she continues to inspire change through her engaging speaking engagements and media appearances. Her commitment to improving the health of women and children has earned her recognition, including features on CNN International.

    Join us as she shares her insights on maternal health, race, and the pursuit of equitable healthcare.

    Featured in this episode:

    Dr. Fatu Forna TikTok Cocoon Pregnancy Care Model Why Maternal Death is Increasing in the US Health Providers Recognizing the Problem Advice for Black Women About to Give Birth

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

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  • In this episode of Our Womanity, join host Dr. Rachel Pope as she delves into the intricacies of menopause with esteemed guest Dr. Deepali Kashyap. Dr. Kashyap, a board-certified gynecologist and menopause specialist, brings over 14 years of expertise in enhancing women's healthcare in Southern Nevada through her practice, Galleria Women's Health. Together, they explore the intersection of food, mindfulness, and medicine in managing menopause symptoms.

    Dr. Deepali Kashyap is a trailblazer in women's healthcare, dedicating her career to supporting women through the menopausal transition. As the founder of Galleria Women's Health, she has pioneered integrated healthcare tailored specifically to perimenopausal and menopausal women. Dr. Kashyap's passion for women's health shines through as she advocates for greater awareness and understanding of menopause and its implications for women's overall well-being.

    As women navigate the complexities of menopause, Dr. Deepali Kashyap's insights provide invaluable guidance on incorporating food, mindfulness, and medicine into their journey toward optimal health and well-being. Join us in embracing the menopausal transition with knowledge, empowerment, and compassion.

    Featured in this episode:

    Cortisol and how it affects menopausal women Progesterone for sleep Mindfulness before bed Exercise regimens that are fun Colorful food and a balanced diet for menopause

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  • Vulvodynia is a chronic pain condition characterized by discomfort, burning, or pain in the vulvar area (the entire vulva or only the vestibule)  without any obvious cause or visible abnormalities. The vulva refers to the external female genitalia, including the labia majora and minora and clitoris. The vestibule is the vaginal opening.

    Symptoms of vulvodynia can vary in intensity and may be constant or intermittent. The exact cause of vulvodynia is often unclear and may involve various factors such as nerve inflammation or sensitivity, hormonal changes, pelvic floor muscle involvement, or inflammation or infectious causes. It can also be associated with conditions like pelvic floor dysfunction or chronic yeast infections, although these are not always present.

    In this episode, we discuss Vulvodynia with Dr. Andrew T. Goldstein. A Clinical Professor at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Past-President of the ISSWSH, Dr. Goldstein will shed light on vulvodynia, an often misunderstood condition affecting women's sexual health.

    Featured in this episode:

    Vulvodynia Symptoms and Causes History of Vulvodynia When Sex Hurts: Understanding and Healing Pelvic Pain by Andrew Goldstein MD, Caroline Pukall PhD, Irwin Goldstein MD, Dr. Jill Krapf Vulvodynia Developed Diagnostics Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists


    The Centers For Vulvovaginal Disorders National Vulvodynia Association ISSWSH  International Pelvic Pain Society

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

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  • “There's no evidence that bioidentical hormones are safer than standard hormone therapy for menopause.” - Mayo Clinic Health

    So what are bioidenticals?

    In this episode, Dr. Rachel Pope is joined by experts Anna Myers, Urology Nurse Practitioner & Sex Counselor, and Jean Marino, Women's Health Nurse Practitioner, sexual health and menopause expert. Together they delve into the world of bioidentical hormones. Tune in as they demystify what bioidenticals really are, distinguish between compound hormones, and discuss the implications of the FDA's approach to prescribing estrogen. Discover how understanding these nuances can empower women to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Listen in for an enlightening conversation that sheds light on an important aspect of women's healthcare.

    Featured in this episode:

    Compound hormones Estrogen doses Bioidenticals are just hormones Preventing UTI with vaginal estrogen

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

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  • On the latest episode of Our Womanity with Dr, Rachel Pope we delve into the world of female sexual health with esteemed guest, Dr. Jill Krapf. A board-certified Obstetrician Gynecologist and Director of the Center for Vulvovaginal Disorders Florida, Dr. Krapf brings her expertise in female sexual pain and skin disorders to the forefront.

    In this enlightening conversation, Dr. Krapf shares insights on checking your vulva regularly, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness. She draws from her extensive research and publications on vulvodynia and vulvar lichen sclerosus, shedding light on conditions that often go unnoticed. Learn about the intersection of gynecology and sexual medicine as Dr. Krapf explores the value of cross-disciplinary knowledge.

    Discover more about Dr. Krapf's journey and her impactful contributions to the field, including her role as Associate Editor for Sexual Medicine and her involvement with the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) and the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease.

    Featured in this episode:

    "When Sex Hurts: Understand and Healing Pelvic Pain." Finding Lichen Sclerosus specialists Diagnosing Lichen Sclerosus Is Lichen Sclerosus an autoimmune disease Is itching a major symptom?

    Resource List:

    Lichen Sclerosus Support Network

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

    Looking for practical advice for women in their 60’s who want to become sexually active or want to improve their current sex life? Check out Sex in Your Sixties: Who says the fun has to stop? Written by a multidisciplinary group of health professionals who address issues such as pain with sex, low desire for sex, orgasm difficulties, your bladder and sex, same sex partners, vulvar skin conditions, trauma and more.

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  • Welcome to season 2 of Our Womanity! This season, we kick off with a fascinating conversation lined up, delving into the realm of Female Sexual Medicine with Dr. Sarah Cigna. Dr. Sarah Cigna (She/Her) is an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology with The George Washington University. Dr. Cigna is also the head of the Female Sexual Medicine Fellowship at George Washington University. And guess what? We have some exciting news to share – Dr. Pope’s hospital, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center is starting a Female Sex Med Fellowship, too!

    She is the current Director of the SAGA (Sexual Health and Gender Affirmation) Center and Director of the first Sexual Medicine Fellowship in the country for OBGYN physicians.

    She is active in the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH); she has served on the education committee for several years and will be taking over as the Education Chair this year. She is a Fellow of ISSWSH and runs a busy sexual medicine outpatient service, teaching medical students, residents, fellow clinicians and patients the wonders of sex medicine! She still enjoys birth work (delivering babies), and benign GYN surgery. She hopes to model the role of sexual medicine specialist in an academic setting for aspiring sex detectives.

    Featured in this episode:

    Female Sex Med Training for Providers Female Sex Medicine for Patients Vaginal rejuvenation and its nuances Gender reassignment When Sex Hurts: A Woman's Guide to Banishing Sexual Pain by Andrew Goldstein MD, Caroline Pukall Ph.D., Irwin Goldstein MD

    Resource List:

    ISSWSH The Sexual Medicine Research Team (SMRT) Herman & Wallace

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

    Looking for practical advice for women in their 60s who want to become sexually active or want to improve their current sex life? Check out Sex in Your Sixties: Who says the fun has to stop? Written by a multidisciplinary group of health professionals who address issues such as pain with sex, low desire for sex, orgasm difficulties, your bladder and sex, same sex partners, vulvar skin conditions, trauma and more.

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  • Midwives are compassionate and skilled healthcare professionals who play a crucial role in the journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond. They offer expert guidance and support not only during labor and delivery but also throughout the postpartum period, ensuring a holistic and nurturing experience for new mothers.

    During pregnancy, midwives work closely with expectant parents, providing prenatal care that includes monitoring the health of both the mother and baby, offering valuable information about childbirth options, and addressing any concerns or questions that may arise. This personalized care builds a strong foundation of trust and understanding.

    But the support doesn't stop at the moment of childbirth. Midwives are champions of postpartum care, recognizing that the weeks and months following delivery are equally vital. They offer a range of services tailored to the unique needs of each family:

    Emotional and Mental Health Support Breastfeeding Assistance Newborn Care Education Monitoring Physical Recovery Birth Control and Family Planning

    In this episode, Dr. Rachel Pope is joined by Nurse and Midwife, Samantha Buckholtz.  Samantha started her career in rural Northern California and is now located in Cleveland, Ohio. She is interested in communities of greatest need and is dedicated to promoting an equitable and accessible midwifery model of care. Samantha hopes to concentrate her efforts on sexual health, particularly among individuals with a history of trauma, as well as on gynecology and physiologic birth.

    Featured in this episode:

    The different kinds of Midwives How many postpartum check-ups are enough? Postpartum 5 days rule Getting in-house postpartum support Depression, the Baby Blues, and Mental Health Support Working Moms

    If you or any mothers you know are suffering in silence, get help at Postpartum International Support. Or please reach out to your healthcare provider, a family member, or a friend to get the support you need.

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    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

  • A Doula is a trained and experienced professional who provides emotional, physical, and informational support to individuals and their families during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. The word "Doula" comes from ancient Greek, meaning "a woman who serves."

    In this episode of Our Womanity, Dr. Rachel Pope is joined by Terria Saunders, a Perinatal Doula, founder of Beauty N Birthing and Mommy Meet Up. Terria is a wife and mother of four children two of which are a set of twins! She enjoys laughter, drives, cozy clothes, and supporting women through their motherhood journeys. Terria’s goal is for every mother to go into motherhood with as much education as possible regarding birth, and support during the process and after. She believes that “no mom should walk this journey alone.” Terria discusses the crucial role doulas play in prenatal care, including emotional support, education, and advocacy for mothers. She highlights the importance of building a strong rapport and trust between the doula, health care provider, and the expecting mother.

    Featured in this episode:

    What is a Doula? The benefits of having a doula during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. How a Doula differs from a midwife or other healthcare providers. The different roles Doulas play in the childbirth journey. How doulas can help mothers navigate medical interventions and communicate their preferences to healthcare providers.

    It's important to note that doulas do not provide medical care or perform clinical tasks like checking vital signs or delivering babies. Instead, they complement the care provided by healthcare professionals, such as obstetricians, midwives, and nurses, by focusing on the emotional and non-medical aspects of childbirth.

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  • Did you know that certain childbirth-related injuries can have a significant impact on women's lives? Let's talk about an important statistic that highlights the importance of addressing this issue.

    In the general population, the risk of experiencing a third or fourth-degree perineal injury (tear) during childbirth, which involves the rectum and the sphincter muscle, is approximately 6.7%. These injuries are some of the most feared and challenging to recover from.

    Here's the game-changer: If you've never encountered this type of injury during childbirth, your future pregnancy risk drops significantly to around 1.5%. However, for those who have experienced such injuries, the risk of incontinence or a lack of control over feces and gas can soar to a daunting 47%, compared to the average risk of 13% for women.

    Why does this matter? Because nobody should have to lose control over their bodily functions.

    Welcome to Our Womanity with Dr. Rachel Pope, the podcast series that empowers women with knowledge and insights on various aspects of their health and well-being.

    In this episode, we kick off our "Pregnant & Prepared: Navigating the Journey Ahead" series with a focus on birth injuries. Our guest, Dr. Anne Sammarco, is a highly regarded urogynecologist with extensive experience in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Sammarco specializes in providing comprehensive care to patients with pelvic floor disorders, offering surgical and conservative therapy options.

    Join us as we delve into what every expectant mother should know about birth injuries and how to navigate this crucial aspect of pregnancy and childbirth.

    Featured in this episode:

    Fecal matter and gas control Poor healing of birth injuries Postpartum check-ups Fistulas Anal sphincter tears

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    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

  • Fibroids, also known as uterine fibroids or leiomyomas, are noncancerous growths of the uterus (womb) that often appear during childbearing years. These growths are composed of muscle tissue and can vary in size, ranging from small, pea-sized nodules to large, round masses that can distort the shape and size of the uterus.

    In this episode of Our Womanity podcast, host Dr. Rachel Pope delves into the world of fibroids and their impact on the pelvic floor. Dr. Sharan Abdul Rahman, a renowned Gynecologist, owner of Today's Woman, and expert in women's health, joins us as a special guest to shed light on this common yet often misunderstood condition. Discover what fibroids are, their prevalence, and the potential symptoms they can cause.

    Dr. Rahman explains how fibroids can affect a woman’s life including heavy bleeding, and lead to pelvic pain and discomfort. Learn about various treatment options for fibroids, from conservative approaches to surgical interventions, and how they can alleviate problems. Gain insights into the importance of early diagnosis and a multidisciplinary approach to managing fibroids and their impact on women's well-being.

    Featured in this episode:

    Common Fibroid conditions, and causes Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment Impact on pregnancy

    Treatments for fibroids:

    OCP’s IUD Tranexamic acid Leuprolide Endometrial ablation Hysterectomy Ultrasound Surgical removal of the fibroid

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

    Want more from Our Womanity?

    Take the Vulva Quiz to see how well you know women's bodies.

    Looking for practical advice for women in their 60s who want to become sexually active or want to improve their current sex life? Check out Sex in Your Sixties: Who says the fun has to stop? Written by a multidisciplinary group of health professionals who address issues such as pain with sex, low desire for sex, orgasm difficulties, your bladder and sex, same-sex partners, vulvar skin conditions, trauma, and more.

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  • Pelvic floor physical therapy, also known as pelvic floor rehabilitation or pelvic physical therapy, is a specialized branch of physical therapy that focuses on the evaluation and treatment of the pelvic floor muscles and associated structures. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues located at the base of the pelvis that support various organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. These muscles play a crucial role in urinary and fecal continence, sexual function, and core stability.

    Pelvic floor physical therapy is typically performed by a specially trained physical therapist who has expertise in this area. The therapy is often used to address a wide range of conditions and issues, including:

    Pelvic Pain: Pelvic floor physical therapy can help with various types of pelvic pain, such as vulvodynia, dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse), and chronic pelvic pain. Incontinence: This therapy can be beneficial for individuals experiencing urinary incontinence (involuntary urine leakage) or fecal incontinence (involuntary bowel movement). Prenatal and Postpartum Care: Pelvic floor physical therapy can be an important component of prenatal and postpartum care, helping women prepare for childbirth and recover from childbirth-related issues, including perineal tears and episiotomies. Pelvic Organ Prolapse: It can assist in managing and improving symptoms associated with pelvic organ prolapse, where organs like the bladder, uterus, or rectum shift from their normal position and press against the vaginal wall. Sexual Dysfunction: Some forms of sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction or vaginismus, can benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy. Bowel Disorders: Pelvic floor therapy can be used to manage conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and constipation.

    In the episode, Dr. Rachel Pope is joined by Dr. Jessica Jenkins, Physical Therapist and Owner at Be Free PT: Setting people free by treating both mind and body for their orthopedic and pelvic floor issues. Dr. Jenkins discusses therapy that can include manual techniques (massage, stretching, and joint mobilization), exercises to strengthen or relax the pelvic floor muscles, biofeedback to improve awareness and control of these muscles, and education about lifestyle and behavioral changes.

    Featured in this episode:

    Wim Hof method Social media and pelvic floor exercises Internal Pelvic exams and consent The hip joint and the pelvic floor


    Jessica Jenkins Wim Hof Instructor Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

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  • This is our first video episode! Watch here!

    Do you look at your Vulva or do you cringe at the thought? Noticing any physical changes is actually vital to taking care of your female anatomy. The changes can help discover whether you need to check in with your OBGYN, women’s care provider, or primary care provider. Join Dr. Rachel Pope this week as she explores essential tips and information for maintaining your reproductive and urinary health with visuals of the vulva, pelvic floor and anatomy.

    Taking care of your female parts is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being.

    In this week’s episode, alongside Dr. Rachel Pope and her guidance in understanding the vulva, pelvis, and its components. We learn the importance of knowing your own body, regular check-ups, and lifestyle choices to ensure your reproductive and urinary systems stay in optimal condition. Discover the importance of self-awareness to promote a lifetime of wellness.

    Featured in this episode:

    What does your Vulva look like? The difference between the Vulva and the Vagina The importance of the pelvic floor Noticing visual changes and what they mean How menopause and pregnancy can affect your female anatomy

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

    Want more from Our Womanity?

    Take the Vulva Quiz to see how well you know women's bodies.

    Looking for practical advice for women in their 60s who want to become sexually active or want to improve their current sex life? Check out Sex in Your Sixties: Who says the fun has to stop? Written by a multidisciplinary group of health professionals who address issues such as pain with sex, low desire for sex, orgasm difficulties, your bladder and sex, same sex partners, vulvar skin conditions, trauma, and more.

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  • We are continuing with our "How to..." series by delving into the world of Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs). OCPs, commonly known as birth control pills or simply "the pill," are a form of hormonal contraception designed to prevent pregnancy. But that’s not the only thing OCPs are prescribed for.

    There are two primary types of OCPs:

    Combination Pills: These OCPs contain two key hormones—estrogen and progestin. Combination pills work by suppressing ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries), thickening cervical mucus to impede sperm movement, and altering the uterine lining to make it less receptive to a fertilized egg. Combination pills are available in various formulations, including monophasic (the same hormone dosage in each pill) and multiphasic (changing hormone dosages throughout the cycle). Progestin-Only Pills (Mini-Pills): As the name suggests, progestin-only pills contain only a synthetic form of the hormone progestin. These pills primarily work by thickening cervical mucus and altering the uterine lining, making it less suitable for implantation. Progestin-only pills are often recommended for women who cannot tolerate estrogen or have specific medical conditions that contraindicate estrogen use.

    In the episode, Dr. Rachel Pope is joined by Dr. Maria Shaker, an OB/GYN expert in Contraception Management, Family Planning, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery, Minority and Medically Vulnerable Populations, and Obesity in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is board-certified in Complex Family Planning. Together they discuss how to take OCPs not just for birth control but to also control bleeding or just not have a period. They are taken orally, typically on a daily basis, and contain synthetic hormones that mimic the effects of naturally occurring hormones in a woman's body.

    Featured in this episode:

    Combined OCPs Breakthrough bleeding Birth control isn’t just for birth control Escape Ovulation History of Birth Control Pills by Dr. Rachel Pope

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    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

  • Storks, “the birds and bees,” “the facts of life." Starting a conversation about sex with your kids can be challenging, but it's a crucial aspect of their development.

    In the episode, Dr. Rachel Pope is joined by Psychiatrist Dr. Elisabeth Gordon, Integrative Sexual Health Psychiatry and Sex Therapy - using a broad understanding of sexuality, from the anthropological and sociological through the psychological and medical, to support, treat, and educate about sexual health. Together they discuss when to begin the sex talk and the best methods to go about it.

    By maintaining open and honest communication with your kids, you can help them make informed decisions, build healthy relationships, and navigate the complexities of sexuality with confidence.

    Books for children on sex and body parts:

    It's not the stork! by Robie H. Harris Amazing You!: Getting Smart About Your Private Parts by Gail Saltz What's the Big Secret?: Talking about Sex with Girls and Boys by Laurie Krasny Brown and Marc Brown Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg Let's Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect by Jayneen Sanders What's Happening to My Body? Book for Boys/Girls by Lynda Madaras Sex, Puberty, and All That Stuff: A Guide to Growing Up by Jacqui Bailey

    AAP: The American Academy of Pediatrics offers these tips to help parents teach their children about body boundaries and safety.

    The International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH).

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  • Pee with the door open? Yes or no? That depends on your preferred level of intimacy, boundaries, and communication.

    This week, we introduce a refreshing dose of reality. It reminds us that every relationship has its ups and downs, its ebbs and flows. Yet, with a willingness to learn, communicate, and be vulnerable, couples can experience a fulfilling, passionate connection that stands the test of time.

    Dr. Rachel Pope is joined by Aleece Fosnight, Owner, Founder, PA-C at Fosnight Center for Sexual Health. This episode acts as a safe space where listeners can explore, question, and understand the intricacies of maintaining a passionate connection after a long term relationship or after the vows have been exchanged.

    Featured in this episode:

    Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel  Maintaining mystery What’s on your menu sexually? Keeping the “fire” burning The Gottman Institute relationship flashcards

    Submit your questions on anything and everything women's health-related and we will answer them in one of our episodes.

    Want more from Our Womanity?

    Take the Vulva Quiz to see how well you know women's bodies.

    Looking for practical advice for women in their 60s who want to become sexually active or want to improve their current sex life? Check out Sex in Your Sixties: Who says the fun has to stop? Written by a multidisciplinary group of health professionals who address issues such as pain with sex, low desire for sex, orgasm difficulties, your bladder and sex, same sex partners, vulvar skin conditions, trauma and more.

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