
  • Today's journey is all about aligning to a path of least resistance. This is a journey where the universe effortlessly supports you on your way to your dreams, where things don't have to be so hard. ----------👉🏽 LIVE EVENTS:✨ LIVE WORKSHOPS: https://www.thisismariya.com/healing-circle✨ RECORDED WORKSHOPS: https://www.thisismariya.com/shop✨ WIN A FREE WORKSHOP: https://thisismariya.com/workshop-giveaway👉🏽 CLOSED COMMUNITY:✨ Join My Telegram channel for Exclusive Insights: https://t.me/thisismariyaofficial👉🏽 90+ FREE AND PREMIUM GUIDED MEDITATIONS:✨ YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/youtube-meditate✨ SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/spotify-meditate✨ APPLE PODCAST: https://bit.ly/apple-meditate👉🏽 MY BOOKS:✨ 72 KEYS TO MANIFESTATION: https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3✨ THE ROSE CODES: BOOK OF INITIATIONS https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA----------Do you feel like you're moving against the world instead of in unison with it? Do you feel like you have to fight so hard every single time you take action? Do you feel like the universe is not supporting you the way it should be on your journey to your dreams? I know this feeling, and I know how exhausting it can be. This is what it feels like to walk a path of resistance. If you would like to avoid the resistance of the system and the world around you, aligning to a path of least resistance may just be the medicine you need. This is a path where the universe is going to lift you up and carry you forward. Where you won't find roadblock after roadblock, and creating outcomes becomes easy. This is the path where things just happen for you, where you don't have to fight so hard, where you get lucky breaks, and when things take less time because there's so much momentum. If you are ready to walk this path as the creator being that you are, join me in this meditation, where we will release tension, connect deeply with your desired future, and embrace a path that’s not only possible but available to you right now. Join us on this journey to align with the path of least resistance and step into your most joyful, abundant life.#guidedmeditation #meditation #gowiththeflow

  • In today's meditation, we will be going on a journey to detox your mental, emotional, and energy body of all sub-optimal energy that you may be carrying with you.

    ----------👉🏽 LIVE EVENTS:✨ LIVE WORKSHOPS: https://www.thisismariya.com/healing-circle✨ RECORDED WORKSHOPS: https://www.thisismariya.com/shop✨ WIN A FREE WORKSHOP: https://thisismariya.com/workshop-giveaway👉🏽 CLOSED COMMUNITY:✨ Join My Telegram channel for Exclusive Insights: https://t.me/thisismariyaofficial👉🏽 90+ FREE AND PREMIUM GUIDED MEDITATIONS:✨ YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/youtube-meditate✨ SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/spotify-meditate✨ APPLE PODCAST: https://bit.ly/apple-meditate👉🏽 MY BOOKS:✨ 72 KEYS TO MANIFESTATION: https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3✨ THE ROSE CODES: BOOK OF INITIATIONS https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA----------

    Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges or just need a moment of calm, this meditation will guide you through a soothing process of cleansing and renewal. As we work through all your bodies, we will also energise and rejuvenate your chakras so that you may go forth into your day in your most optimal state. By the end, you'll feel lighter, more balanced and filled with positive energy so you can be the light you came here to be! Do this meditation anytime you need a rest and to re-energise your energy.

    #guidedmeditation #releasenegativeenery #meditation

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  • Today's guided meditation is a transmission to help you work through tough times and instantly raise your vibration. ----------👉🏽 LIVE EVENTS:✨ LIVE WORKSHOPS: https://www.thisismariya.com/healing-circle✨ RECORDED WORKSHOPS: https://www.thisismariya.com/shop✨ WIN A FREE WORKSHOP: https://thisismariya.com/workshop-giveaway👉🏽 CLOSED COMMUNITY:✨ Join My Telegram channel for Exclusive Insights: https://t.me/thisismariyaofficial👉🏽 90+ FREE AND PREMIUM GUIDED MEDITATIONS:✨ YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/youtube-meditate✨ SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/spotify-meditate✨ APPLE PODCAST: https://bit.ly/apple-meditate👉🏽 MY BOOKS:✨ 72 KEYS TO MANIFESTATION: https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3✨ THE ROSE CODES: BOOK OF INITIATIONS https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA----------It is easy to feel down by day-to-day life experiences; It may seem that certain things are unfair, that the world around you is harsh, and that certain people are less than friendly. You may feel misunderstood or taken advantage of. Sometimes, this world may seem scary, unjust, dark, and hopeless. This meditation will help you remember who you are - a divine being of light, a miracle connected to all that is, and a unique spark of consciousness that is deeper and greater than your human self. Use this meditation as a pick-me-up to help you through hard times or anytime you feel your vibration is becoming out of alignment. #guidedmeditation #meditation #raiseyourvibration

  • Today, I want to offer you a stress relief meditation, a journey that would make you feel instantly better in this hectic world..----------👉🏽 LIVE EVENTS:✨ LIVE WORKSHOPS: https://www.thisismariya.com/healing-circle✨ RECORDED WORKSHOPS: https://www.thisismariya.com/shop✨ WIN A FREE WORKSHOP: https://thisismariya.com/workshop-giveaway👉🏽 CLOSED COMMUNITY:✨ Join My Telegram channel for Exclusive Insights: https://t.me/thisismariyaofficial👉🏽 90+ FREE AND PREMIUM GUIDED MEDITATIONS:✨ YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/youtube-meditate✨ SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/spotify-meditate✨ APPLE PODCAST: https://bit.ly/apple-meditate👉🏽 MY BOOKS:✨ 72 KEYS TO MANIFESTATION: https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3✨ THE ROSE CODES: BOOK OF INITIATIONS https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA----------In this meditation, we will release all the stresses of the outside world and create space for you to find peace. You will release the pain within your body, anything not of light, and all the suboptimal energies that dwell within. By the end of this meditation, you will feel replenished and renewed, ready to face the day anew#guidedmeditation #stressreleasemeditation #releasenegativeenergy

  • In today's guided meditation, we will use color therapy to replenish and recharge your chakras and energy levels. ----------👉🏽 LIVE EVENTS:✨ LIVE WORKSHOPS: https://www.thisismariya.com/healing-circle✨ RECORDED WORKSHOPS: https://www.thisismariya.com/shop✨ WIN A FREE WORKSHOP: https://thisismariya.com/workshop-giveaway👉🏽 CLOSED COMMUNITY:✨ Join My Telegram channel for Exclusive Insights: https://t.me/thisismariyaofficial👉🏽 90+ FREE AND PREMIUM GUIDED MEDITATIONS:✨ YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/youtube-meditate✨ SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/spotify-meditate✨ APPLE PODCAST: https://bit.ly/apple-meditate👉🏽 MY BOOKS:✨ 72 KEYS TO MANIFESTATION: https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3✨ THE ROSE CODES: BOOK OF INITIATIONS https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA----------Color therapy is an incredibly effective and fast way for you to come into energetic alignment. Today, we will allow your body to pick the colours that it needs in order to optimise your healing journey. You can expect to be energised and replenished after this meditation, so you can go forth with the power and life force behind you that you need to thrive.#guidedmeditation #colortherapy #colourvisualization #colorguidedmeditation #colorhealing #healingwithcolors #chakrahealth

  • Join me in this guided meditation, where you will free yourself from negative energy to embody your infinite life force. ✨

    This is for you if you feel sluggish from the demands of daily life and if you are ready to leave all accumulated heavy energy behind, so you can tap into your abundant life force energy with ease.

    #guidedmeditation #negativeenergyremoval #negativeenergy

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3

    The Rose Codes: Book of Initiations https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA

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    LIVE EVENTS: https://www.thisismariya.com/healing-circle

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    TO SUPPORT MY WORK DONATE: https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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  • Today I wanted to offer you a journey to increase your feeling of safety, to make sure that you are feeling at home in your physical body, and that your personal world and your surroundings appear to you as friendly and safe.

    This meditation will allow your warrior to surrender to the Universe and connect him to the Source of the Universal Safety.

    #rootchakra #rootchakrahealing #rootchakrameditation

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3
    The Rose Codes: Book of Initiations https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA

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    LIVE EVENTS: https://www.thisismariya.com/healing-circle
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    TO SUPPORT MY WORK DONATE: https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation
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  • The meditation for today is called The Blanket of Self-Love. Self-love is very important, it is the stepping stone into loving another fully. This is a very beautiful and healing meditation. You will give love to every cell and every organ of your body.

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    Telegram for exclusive content that I don't post anywhere else https://t.me/thisismariyaofficial

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    Live events and Workshops https://www.thisismariya.com

  • Today I was going to offer you a journey into your inner child, your inner parent. We, each one of us, have an archetype or series of archetypes inside of us. An inner child is only one such archetype. I find that it is quite impossible to heal your inner child unless you address the aspect of your inner parent.

    Very often, our inner parent is absent or perhaps, being in some way neglectful of our inner child and therefore we're looking for that unconditional love, that unconditional acceptance from external figures such as our parents, but, it is very important for us to learn to parent ourselves first. This is not to say that your relationships with your parents are not important, because they are, but it also starts from within.

  • Today I wanted to offer you a journey that would enable you to see the perspective of another human being, a friend, a loved one, a family member, a co-worker, anyone who you would like to understand better. This is perfect for conflict resolution, also perfect if you're trying to understand the undercurrents of your relationship with someone.

    This practice will enable you to wear somebody else's shoes and see the world from their perspective for a few moments.

    #guidedmeditation #meditation #spirituality

    To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3
    The Rose Codes: Book of Initiations https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA

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    Healing the Witch Wound: https://bit.ly/healing-the-witch-wound-1
    Etheric Wings Activation: https://bit.ly/etheric-wings-activation
    Speaking and Living Your Truth: https://bit.ly/speaking-and-leaving-your-truth

  • Our journey for today is all about balancing the four elements within your body. When the four elements are present and operate in unison within your body, you experience optimal health, you experience true happiness and contentment, you experience bliss.

    It is a lot easier for you to face the world and whatever challenges may come your way. And so today we are going to align the four elements within, accepting each of the elements as our great teacher and our great guide.

    #guidedmeditation #alchemy #spirituality

    To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3
    The Rose Codes: Book of Initiations https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA

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    This is Mariya: https://spoti.fi/3AtKDG8
    Our Sacred Universe: https://spoti.fi/3xiwYD1

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    WEBSITE: https://www.thisismariya.com/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thisismariyaofficial
    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/thisismariyaofficial
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisismariyaofficial

  • Today, I have a very special journey for you. We are going to work on balancing your masculine and feminine polarities within. Balance is the ultimate truth. A balanced energetic ecosystem is a healthy ecosystem. When you are out of balance, you experience all manner of distortions, internal and external.

    Today, we are going to be bringing everything back into equilibrium, back to the perfect blueprint.

    #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #guidedmeditation

    To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3
    The Rose Codes: Book of Initiations https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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    This is Mariya: https://spoti.fi/3AtKDG8
    Our Sacred Universe: https://spoti.fi/3xiwYD1

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    WEBSITE: https://www.thisismariya.com/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thisismariyaofficial
    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/thisismariyaofficial
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisismariyaofficial

  • Today I wanted to offer you a deep reset and recalibration practice. We are going to be working with the energy of lava, or liquid fire. Liquid fire is one of the best elements to cleanse, to detox, to reset.

    This is going to be a spiritual hygiene practice that would enable you to let go of anything that doesn't serve you energetically in all of your bodies and move on to a bigger and better you.

    #guidedmeditation #cleanse #detox

    To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3
    The Rose Codes: Book of Initiations https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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    This is Mariya: https://spoti.fi/3AtKDG8
    Our Sacred Universe: https://spoti.fi/3xiwYD1

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    WEBSITE: https://www.thisismariya.com/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thisismariyaofficial
    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/thisismariyaofficial
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisismariyaofficial

  • Today we're going to be working on healing a heart wound created in you by one of your parents. Unfortunately, it is a very common type of wound on planet earth. It is also one of the foundational wounds that has most likely made you who you are.

    Please remember that you have selected both of your parents, it was not a random choice or decision, and no matter how you have been hurt by one or both of them, the type of wounding that they have inflicted on you has been the exact shape, size, and flavor that you wanted to experience in order to become who you have become.

    That being said, there comes a time in our earthly incarnations when we are ready to release and let that go. And so if you are ready to start healing your parental wound, this is the journey for you.

    #hearthealing #traumahealing #traumarelease

    To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3
    The Rose Codes: Book of Initiations https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    This is Mariya: https://spoti.fi/3AtKDG8
    Our Sacred Universe: https://spoti.fi/3xiwYD1

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    WEBSITE: https://www.thisismariya.com/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thisismariyaofficial
    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/thisismariyaofficial
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisismariyaofficial

  • Today we're going to be connecting with the North Star. The North Star is a guiding star. It is a star that helps you most align to your intended path. Find what it is that you are meant to be doing on this Earth, help guide you, help you in decision making.

    The North Star helps align you to your greatest good. It is a star of alignment, both individually and on the planetary level, so it's a planetary alignment star. Connecting to the North Star can become a practice in your life anytime you need to be present for decision making. When you want to make decisions that are in service to your best, brightest future, it can become a practice that you do on a regular basis.

    #lifepurpose #northstar #guidedmeditation

    To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3
    The Rose Codes: Book of Initiations https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA

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    This is Mariyaf: https://spoti.fi/3AtKDG8
    Our Sacred Universe: https://spoti.fi/3xiwYD1

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    WEBSITE: https://www.thisismariya.com/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thisismariyaofficial
    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/thisismariyaofficial
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisismariyaofficial

  • Today we're going to do a chakra alignment and activation meditation. I find that meditations like this are some of the best meditations in order to bring ourselves into our most optimal energetic state, they can be very effective as a tool, as a quick pick me up to help set us up for a better day and a much better week.

    Today, I'm going to be offering just one such exercise that you can do as frequently as you'd like.

    #chakras #chakrahealing #chakraalignment #guidedmeditation

    To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3
    The Rose Codes: Book of Initiations https://amzn.to/3Qt9WTA

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Conversations With My Higher Self: https://spoti.fi/3AtKDG8
    Our Sacred Universe: https://spoti.fi/3xiwYD1

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    WEBSITE: https://www.thisismariya.com/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thisismariyaofficial
    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/thisismariyaofficial
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisismariyaofficial

  • Today I wanted to offer you a womb healing practice. Our womb space is where we deposit a lot of our hurt, a lot of our pain, a lot of our suffering. I know usually when we think of the womb, we only think of women, but a womb space, or if you will, our sacral space is something that everyone has. And so I invite you, whoever you are to do a healing with me today.

    #wombhealing #sacralchakra #guidedmeditation

    To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Conversations With My Higher Self: https://spoti.fi/3AtKDG8
    Our Sacred Universe: https://spoti.fi/3xiwYD1

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    WEBSITE: https://www.thisismariya.com/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thisismariyaofficial
    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/thisismariyaofficial
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisismariyaofficial

  • Today I am going to offer you a journey to help ease your worry, any symptoms around anxiety or overwhelm you may be experiencing. All of these conditions are a byproduct of an excessive amount of heat or fire in your body.

    And so today I will offer you a reprieve from those raging fire energies, something that you can do when you are feeling taken over by those energies.

    #anxiety #anxietymeditation #anxietyrelief

    To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Conversations With My Higher Self: https://spoti.fi/3AtKDG8
    Our Sacred Universe: https://spoti.fi/3xiwYD1

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    WEBSITE: https://www.thisismariya.com/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thisismariyaofficial
    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/thisismariyaofficial
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisismariyaofficial

  • Today we're gonna be visiting the Sapphire Temple that would help us heal your throat Chakra. Today is going to be all about healing your communication, your expression, your center of truth, your center of karma, so that you could live a life feeling more on the path, feeling more liberated, feeling heard, feeling seen, and feeling like your truth matters.

    #throatchakrahealing #throatchakra #vishuddha

    To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Conversations With My Higher Self: https://spoti.fi/3AtKDG8
    Our Sacred Universe: https://spoti.fi/3xiwYD1

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    WEBSITE: https://www.thisismariya.com/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thisismariyaofficial
    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/thisismariyaofficial
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisismariyaofficial

  • Today, I have a color healing meditation for you. There are many ways to do color healing journeys. Today we're gonna do one with a help of the clouds, so this is going to be very light, fun and airy, but also healing meditation.

    #colortheraphy #energyhealing #guidedmeditation

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    72 Keys to Manifestation https://amzn.to/3nGAFg3

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    Conversations With My Higher Self: https://spoti.fi/3AtKDG8
    Our Sacred Universe: https://spoti.fi/3xiwYD1

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    WEBSITE: https://www.thisismariya.com/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thisismariyaoffical
    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/thisismariyaofficial
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisismariyaofficial