
  • Real person fanfiction may be among the most controversial fanfiction topics, but if RPF didn't exist then we wouldn't have Our Flag Means Death! So let's dive in and find out why RPF enjoyers enjoy RPF so much! Ringa, Laura, Jasper and Bel all delve into the RPF controversy while discussing what RPF says about creativity, fandom and celebrity.

    Fic recs? Fic recs!













    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday April 5th at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

  • David Jenkins’ Bluesky Christmas/Valentine’s Day episode is now complete. What did we learn and what are our reactions?

    Con O’Neill and other OFMD cast members read explicit fanfic during a charity event. How long will it take for us to recover?

    And the fandom has raised a gazillion dollars for trans kids during the craft auction. 

    These headlines and more on today’s Gay Pirate New Hour from the Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast!

    A video of this live show is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK_xrWIRp6I

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday April 5th at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

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  • Bel C is back on the Our Flag Means Fanfiction podcast with another narrated fic for your listening pleasure. This time the vibes are Steddy Hands.

    In this post-season 2 fic, Izzy convalesces from the bullet wound, and Ed blames Stede for Izzy getting shot and gives him the silent treatment. Stede then comes up with a plan to bring harmony back to the inn.

    This is Dual Temptation by Sunspeckfreckle. Read the fic on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52612222?view_adult=true

    Reminder: You are welcome to send in your own narrations of your favorite fanfics. Just get the author’s permission first and email the audio file to [email protected].

    Want more narrations of Our Flag Means Death fics? Check out the podfic database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dBUd6JdqCNF41FV18BAc564udYERfS6DtTz2vt5CNMA/edit?pli=1#gid=2083680243

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday Mar. 1, 2025 at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

    Don't miss our other podcast: Haunted Hollywood Hour! https://linktr.ee/HauntedHollywoodHour

  • Con O’Neill, Vico Ortz, Kristian Nairn and Samba Schutte read fanfiction by Ringa Sunn and Tessa as part of the Momentus Event: “Izzy Into Me”. What pandora’s box of parasocial feelings and pearl-clutching discourse have they wrought through the fandom?

    On today’s Gay Pirate Debrief from the Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast, we discuss Con and Vico's intense interaction, Samba's amazing Stede voice, and what it's like to write fanfic that actually gets read by the cast.

    Here's a link to the Momentus event video: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/15F5bDre-O6R5GWGY6u9lfJpannTTdY4v

    Be sure to check out Ringa's fanfiction: https://archiveofourown.org/users/spookyscarygenderfuck/pseuds/spookyscarygenderfuck

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday March 1 at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

  • Today we’re talking about the most sensitive member of the crew. The huggy squishy guy. It’s the Fang (aka Kevin) episode! And Fang is played by the legendary David Fane!

    On the pod this week, we have Bel C, Kelly, and Rue!

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday Feb. 8th at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

  • We’re getting more of Daddy Jenkins Bluesky fic. Where is it going and what does it mean?

    Rhys Darby is doing all the things right now — is he entering his famous era?

    And Con O’Neill is giving us words of encouragement. What are his Valentines Day plans for his fans?

    These headlines and more on today’s Gay Pirate New Hour from the Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast!

    A video of this live show is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DleIrZlAYC4

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday Mar. 1st at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

  • Today we’re talking about a dynamic that inspires a lot of feelings… none of them in the Bible. This is the Sprizzy episode, and we’re talking about Lucius Spriggs and Israel Hands—together, sexually.

    On the pod this week is Tessa, Bel C, and Rue.

    The photo for this week's episode comes from Aaron Epstein's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aaronepstein/

    Fic recs? Fic recs!

    The Silk Coat by StedeBunnettThat Thing We Do by MaggieMay Midnight Dances, Midnight Partners by meratrishoslee

    Dangerously Cute by Erovaik

    A Squareknot for a Round Hole by unopposablethumbs

    Anything You Can Do.... by StedeBunnett

    Adrift Without You by Blackforestfire

    I'm (Not) Just a Notch in Your Bedpost, You're (Not) Just a Line in a Song by Ennaess 

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday Feb. 1st at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

  • For our minisode this week we’ve got 1 very tender fic and two smutty fics sent in by three brave and talented podfic narrators: PilotPirate, Cheesecake3 and BelC.

    The fics? The fics!

    Cold Feet by remreader

    Read by PilotPiratePods

    Be sure to check out PilotPiratePods on ao3 and PilotPirate on Soundcloud

    AO3 podfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55922362

    SoundCloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/pt5zRNCS4aukbUA29

    AO3 text: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54352249

    Goldfish by ColbaltAugust

    Read by cheesecake3

    AO3 Podfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/61342963

    AO3 text: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55301974

    Do It For Me by seam_ripper99

    Read by Bel C https://www.instagram.com/bel.la.saltimbanque

    AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58913038

    Reminder: You are welcome to send in your own narrations of your favorite fanfics. Just get the author’s permission first and email the audio file to [email protected].

    Want more narrations of Our Flag Means Death fics? Check out the podfic database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dBUd6JdqCNF41FV18BAc564udYERfS6DtTz2vt5CNMA/edit?pli=1#gid=2083680243

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday Feb. 1, 2025 at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

    Don't miss our other podcast: Haunted Hollywood Hour! https://linktr.ee/HauntedHollywoodHour

  • Today we’re talking about everyone’s favorite Pirate Queen—Zheng Yi Sao played by Ruibo Qian. On the pod this week is Randy Roy (aka bongbingbong on AO3), Molly (aka smurfsm00 on bsky), and Kelly (aka enjoytheparty on bsky).

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday Feb. 1st at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    Fic recs? Fic Recs!

    Zheng centric ficlets by bongbingbong https://archiveofourown.org/works/54400324/chapters/137795971

    Cardboard pirates by bongbingbong https://archive.transformativeworks.org/works/56199601

    Tragicallynerdy https://archiveofourown.org/users/tragicallynerdy/pseuds/tragicallynerdy/works?fandom_id=72534322

    Oluwandesorange https://archive.transformativeworks.org/users/oluwandesorange/pseuds/oluwandesorange

    Well, Nobody's Perfect by zuckerbaby_1 https://archiveofourown.org/works/54522346/chapters/138137467

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

  • David Jenkins is posting hearts and unicorns and sharing his own Our Flag Means Death fanfiction on bluesky. What does it mean? 

    Vico is part of a daily gay podcast.

    And Rhys Darby is up to something — something I tell you!

    These headlines and more ahead on the GAY PIRATE NEWS HOUR from The Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast.

    A video of this live show is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsPBcCo0e9o

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday Feb. 8th at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

  • What is it about Stede (Rhys Darby) and Izzy's (Con O'Neill) dynamic that is just so delicious? We're talking Stizzy on this week's episode with Ringa Sunn, Albus, and Tessa. It's also our 50th episode! Celebrate with us!

    Fic recs? Fic recs!

    A second chance at first mate by StedeBunnet - https://archiveofourown.org/series/3863857

    When You Were Young by Wednesdays_child - https://archiveofourown.org/works/60978937/chapters/155778430

    When it takes hold by krill collins - https://archiveofourown.org/works/52032013/chapters/131584258

    give me your leather, take from me my lace by anirondack - https://archiveofourown.org/works/41644605

    Longing for Home (It's You) by ewelinakl and piratejamming - https://archiveofourown.org/works/54995143/chapters/139416541#workskin

    I hope you die (I hope we both die) by StedeBunnett - https://archiveofourown.org/works/50589718/chapters/127795627

    in the wake of tales by zythepsary - https://archiveofourown.org/works/48273232/chapters/121742161

    Nothing Fades Like the Light by unpleasantdiversions - https://archiveofourown.org/works/39212142/chapters/98109888

    The fics Ringa references in the game :

    Pleas by DictionaryWrites - https://archiveofourown.org/works/38856156

    how the damage gets done by lovedhands, multifandomhomo - https://archiveofourown.org/works/51320557

    Lay All Your Love on Me by trinityofone - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40920417


    have some composure by 

  • Big episode! Members of the cast and crew of Our Flag Means Death have sent in holiday greetings for the fandom! Find out which cast and crew members delivered the goods!


    Which crew member gives the best presents? Who is most likely to hang mistletoe in every door? And will Izzy participate in winter holiday festivities??? This and much more, ahead on a very special holiday episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction!

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday Jan. 4, 2025 at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

  • Today on the podcast, Andrea (https://bsky.app/profile/pajarito-botones.bsky.social), who co-hosted Gay Pirate News Hour with me on Dec 7th, has sent in her narration of the first two chapters of Up, Down, Turn Around by Shearwater.

    Leave Shearwater a comment and a kudos:

    "Up, Down, Turn Around": https://archiveofourown.org/works/43672797/chapters/109819575

    This is Andrea’s first ever podfic narration so let’s be sure to give her plenty of encouragement and support! 

    Up, Down, Turn Around is part of Shearwater’s Temptation ’Verse. It’s a modern AU where Ed is an artist and Stede is a bookseller. Those leaving comments on this fic love how Ed’s midlife crisis and ADHD brain are rendered. I think you’ll love what Andrea has done with this one.

    Before we get into this fic, quick reminder that you are welcome to send in your own narrations of your favorite fanfics. Just get the author’s permission first and email the audio file to [email protected].

    Want more narrations of Our Flag Means Death fics? Check out the podfic database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dBUd6JdqCNF41FV18BAc564udYERfS6DtTz2vt5CNMA/edit?pli=1#gid=2083680243

    Also be sure to check out this week’s Haunted Hollywood Hour. Friday’s episode covers an actual UFO abduction that happened in the 1950s in Tujunga Canyon near Los Angeles. The main people involved were all lesbians so that’s why this incident isn’t talked about much in UFO lore. But I give you all the details from this out-of-print book on the subject, so you don’t want to miss it. 

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday Jan. 4, 2025 at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

    Don't miss our other podcast: Haunted Hollywood Hour! https://linktr.ee/HauntedHollywoodHour

  • Rhys Darby is singing about season 3 and fanning the flames of our clownery. What has he been saying and what does it mean?

    The great BlueSky migration has commenced with most of the OFMD cast and crew joining the platform. What does this new realm have in store?

    And David Jenkins is up to something — something I tell you!

    These headlines and SPECIAL APPEARANCES FROM CON O'NEILL and NATHAN FOAD on the GAY PIRATE NEWS HOUR from The Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast.

    Watch the video version of this episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T76adZlRl98

    Fic recs? Fic Recs!

    Spun Sugar by Deniz_B https://archiveofourown.org/works/51226813

    Try imagining a place (where its always safe and warm) by No_Illusions https://archiveofourown.org/works/50819554

    Taking it slow by profdanglais https://archiveofourown.org/works/51556339

    Temptation ’Verse by shearwater https://archiveofourown.org/series/3270133

    Beneath the surface by Marbled Wings https://archiveofourown.org/works/57741673

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday Jan. 4, 2025 at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

  • Today we’re talking with Molly, Dahlia and Tessa about crime, criminals and outsiders; and how nefarious law-breakers actually have a positive impact on society — especially when they’re sabotaging authoritarian regimes.

    Subscribe to Dahlia's Substack: https://substack.com/@stripperbot

    Read Dahlia's amazing writing: https://substack.com/home/post/p-149583417

    Buy Timothy Snyder's books: https://timothysnyder.org/books

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday December 7th at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

    Don't miss our other podcast: Haunted Hollywood Hour! https://linktr.ee/HauntedHollywoodHour

    Fic recs? Fic recs!

    had we lived by nasiri


    not pickles by smallest church


  • We’re back with another delicious podfic from Baby Kraken! This week, they’re narrating 'Teenage Dirtbag' and the sequel, 'We Are Golden,' by oatmilktruther. These fics are adorable modern AU stories that feature Ed and Stede as teenagers. I think you’ll love the voices in these as well as the story!

    Before you leave, give them a comment and a kudos!

    'Teenage Dirtbag' by oatmilktruther


    'We Are Golden' by oatmilktruther


    And the podfics by Baby_Kraken:



    Want more narrations of Our Flag Means Death fics? Check out the podfic database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dBUd6JdqCNF41FV18BAc564udYERfS6DtTz2vt5CNMA/edit?pli=1#gid=2083680243


    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday December 7th at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

    Don't miss our other podcast: Haunted Hollywood Hour! https://linktr.ee/HauntedHollywoodHour

  • This is an oral history of #asstonight! We give you the full history and reaction of the Our Flag Means Death fandom finding out Alex J. Sherman's sweet cheeks were gonna be on the show. We also share other bits of fandom lore that we didn't cover in episode 11 — the fandom lore episode!

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday December 7th at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

    Don't miss our other podcast: Haunted Hollywood Hour! https://linktr.ee/HauntedHollywoodHour

    Fic recs? Fic recs!

    in the end, I'd do it all again by sugarybowl, wishingonalightningbolt


    Home Beside The Sea by Alex51324


    Crawling by Crad


  • This is a rerun of our July 20, 2024 (Parable of the Sower Day!) episode on How the Fandom Can Defeat Fascism.... because.... well... everything in this country is an absolute shit show thanks to this last election, and we need to start thinking about what we can do to fight all this.

    Check out the show notes below for resourcesEnjoy the odd mixture of incorrect predictions, chaos, good ideas and general dystopia in "How the Fandom Can Defeat Fascism" from the Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast.


    The Our Flag Means Death fandom has done amazing things with organizing and collective action. This week, Carly, Tessa, and Chloe discuss how OFMD fans can defeat the global rise in fascism. It’s a big task, but we’re up for it! Over the next hour, we cover 15 easy steps to get you started. 

    Here's a document of resources: https://tinyurl.com/fightfascismhere

    Fic recs? Fic recs! 

    push my buttons, get me started by wishingonalightningbolt


    Many flags, so much death by Yayvid_Jenkins


    Fascism-defeating recs:

    Why I love shoplifting


    The Death of Stalin


    Howard Zinn - A People’s History of the United States


    Octavia Butler - Parable of the Sower


    The Family


    David Harvey - A Brief History of Neoliberalism


    Timothy Snyder - Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century


    Maintenance Phase Podcast: The Wellness to QAnon Pipeline


    Trust Me Podcast


    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram:...

  • In an alternate universe Season 2 ended with Stede calling Ed Babe…

    David Jenkins said “ season 3 would be about how challenging it is to keep a relationship together”... what does that mean for Season 3 possibilities

    And Rhys Darby is up to something — something I tell you!

    These headlines and more ahead on the GAY PIRATE NEWS HOUR from The Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast.

    ***Audio disclaimer - (Carly here) during the last 3rd of the show my microphone disconnected from my laptop and that's why my sound toward the end of this episode is not great.***

    A video of this live show is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puVgfboiblM

    Follow our channel so you get immediate notifications whenever we go live: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFlagMeansFanfiction

    Our next Gay Pirate News Hour will be Saturday December 7th at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern.

    For memes and Our Flag related hilarity follow the podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourflagmeansfanfiction/

  • Carly Heath and Tanya Dickson are launching a new podcast covering all the paranormal stories set in and around Hollywood! Don't worry, Our Flag Means Fanfiction isn't going anywhere, we just have something extra for your entertainment pleasure. Keep listening to enjoy a preview of our first episode.

    The first five episodes of Haunted Hollywood Hour will be dropping on Halloween, Oct. 31, 2024. So be sure to subscribe to Haunted Hollywood Hour wherever you get your podcasts to listen to all five episodes and everything that drops in the future:

    Haunted Hollywood Hour on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1bcvpgO6ZwPPqUPwRwTqZc

    Haunted Hollywood Hour on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/haunted-hollywood-hour/id1776368225

    Haunted Hollywood Hour on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/ITEM_NAME/dp/B0DL39JHXV/

    Follow Haunted Hollywood Hour on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/hauntedhollywoodhourpodcast/