During this talk, Peter describes his favorite etymology of the word dukkha. He then talks at length about the concepts of duality and non-duality, described as a progression from the simple action of intending to monitor the sensations that occur while breathing to a realization that there is no enduring/autonomous self, and the direct realization […]
This talk provided by April reviews how skillful insights from Buddhist teachings as realized through dedicated meditation practice supports a healthy level of self-respect and self-compassion. The talk is followed by comments from those participating in the meeting. Here are the notes prepared for this talk: Non-Self – What’s Self-Love Got to Do with It
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One meeting each month is intended to provide an opportunity for those attending to ask Peter questions about Buddhist concepts and meditation practice. He has been studying and practicing Buddhism for over 40 years, and enjoys the dialogue involved in these discussions. Among the topics discussed during this talk are the importance of intentions that […]
During this talk, Allie Vaknin reviewed the three elements of Dukkha–embodied suffering, the suffering the mind creates, and the suffering due to the unpredictability of change. Her description is accompanied by various comments regarding current sociopolitical stresses described by those participating in the meeting.
This talk focuses on the importance of intentions, which are present in every moment of consciousness, either wholesome or unwholesome. The ability to quickly and accurately note the formative function of intentions just as a moment of self-organization occurs is a key skill to cultivate on the path to Awakening. The concept of karma basically […]
During this talk, April describes the neurological and psychological research supporting the Buddhist concept of anatta, non-self, and how the flexibility provided by non-self facilitates the development of Right Action, supporting a virtuous lifestyle. Her review includes questions and comments from those participating in the meeting. This document provides references to the research that April […]
During this talk, Lili reviews contemporary psychological and neurological understandings about habit formation and how Buddhist concepts and practices support the ability to be mindful of, investigate, and alter unwholesome thoughts and actions that are habitual while reinforcing more wholesome habits. Her comments were followed by questions posed by those participating in the meeting. Here […]
Each month Peter provides an opportunity for participants in the meeting to ask questions about Buddhist doctrine and meditation practice. During this talk, Peter and others provided suggestions in response to an inquiry that focused on how to cultivate and maintain a regular daily meditation practice. Another question focused on how to discern the difference […]
At the core of consumerism we find the “three poisons” that causes suffering–greed, hatred and delusion. During this talk, Peter provides some background information about the history and adverse sociocultural and ecological effects of contemporary consumerism, emphasizing that, although we have all benefited from modern production and distribution technologies, we are persistently conditioned to want […]