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    Episode 1335:
    Kalen Bruce of Money Mini Blog dives into the pitfalls of poor time management, revealing how common habits like over-checking emails and indecisiveness hinder productivity and stress management. He offers practical strategies to overhaul your daily routine, enabling you to maximize efficiency and reclaim your schedule.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://moneyminiblog.com/productivity/bad-time-management
    Quotes to ponder:
    "People are running their lives at breakneck speed and don’t have the energy or perspective to see if there’s a different way of doing things."
    "It takes an average of 23 minutes for a person to fully regain focus after being distracted."
    "The average worker spends up to 6 weeks looking for documents that they already have!"
    Episode references:
    Overconnected: The Promise and Threat of the Internet: https://www.davidow.com/
    Busy by Tony Crabbe: https://www.tonycrabbe.com/
    Franklin-Covey videos: https://www.franklincovey.com/
    Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/
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    Episode 1334:
    Discover how Scott Young and Cal Newport refined their approach to career skill development in "A Subtle Mistake About How to Acquire Useful Career Skills." They initially overlooked the power of benchmark projects, which integrate real-world achievements into skill acquisition, leading to more tangible career advancements. This exploration of effective skill-building offers vital insights for anyone aiming to elevate their career.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.calnewport.com/blog/2019/11/15/a-subtle-mistake-about-how-to-acquire-useful-career-skills/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "A big part of our course is executing a skill-building project. The goal is to cultivate rare and valuable skills which form the foundation for a successful career."
    "The problem is that a lot of these projects didn’t generate spectacular results. Sure, the person might have felt good about deepening a skill, but these were rarely the projects that resulted in promotions, raises or transformations of a person’s work."
    "Good benchmark projects are often scarier than drill-down projects. 'Getting better at research' is a lot more comfortable a goal to set than, 'Get my work published in a Top-5 journal.'"
    Episode references:
    Deep Work: https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Work-Focused-Success-Distracted/dp/1455586692
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  • Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com.
    Episode 1333:
    Dive into the transformative journey of Julia Child as April Dykman of Get Rich Slowly.org distills ten invaluable career lessons from Child's time in France. This narrative is not just about cooking but an inspiring tale of self-investment, passion, and the power of persistence. Discover how Child's culinary path, characterized by dedication and innovative thinking, mirrors profound career growth strategies.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.getrichslowly.org/10-career-lessons-from-julia-child/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "My inability to communicate was hugely frustrating."
    "No dish, not even the humble scrambled egg, was too much trouble for him. I was delighted by Bugnard’s enthusiasm and thoughtfulness."
    "I had never taken anything so seriously in my life - husband and cat excepted - and I could hardly bear to be away from the kitchen."
    Episode references:
    My Life In France: https://www.amazon.com/My-Life-France-Julia-Child/dp/0307277690
    Mastering the Art of French Cooking: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Art-French-Cooking-Vol/dp/0375413405
    The French Chef (TV Show): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0163936/
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    Episode 1332:
    Stephen Warley's article, "Feeling Stuck? Stop Saying This," dives into the common yet restrictive phrase "supposed to." Warley argues that this phrase often stems from external pressures and expectations, limiting personal freedom and self-expression. He suggests embracing internal motivations to redefine personal and professional life, encouraging readers to choose paths aligned with their true desires rather than societal norms.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.lifeskillsthatmatter.com/blog/feeling-stuck-stop-this
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Even if they have the best of intentions, my wall immediately goes up. I’m deaf to whatever is said next."
    "When 'suppose to' is used in this context it is an implied obligation. It’s duty-bound. It’s a command. It’s an expectation. It eliminates choice. It’s a dead end."
    "Lifestyle design is all about aligning your purpose with your internal motivation."
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    Episode 1331:
    Leo Babauta's article, "An Intentional System for Working With Goals," invites us to rethink our relationship with goals, advocating for a more intentional and flexible approach. By treating goals not as fixed targets but as guides for the present moment, Babauta helps us navigate life with less pressure and more presence, making each step a conscious act of alignment with our deeper purpose.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://zenhabits.net/intentionality/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Goals, like any tool, can be used to bludgeon ourselves over the head with shame and guilt, or can be used with intention, as a way to consciously deepen our practice in life."
    "Imagine that you wanted to sail to a certain port - there are two ways that could go, depending on how you work with that goal."
    "When you do notice yourself attached to the fantasy of your goal, you practice loosening your grip on it, and focus instead on the present moment."
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    Episode 1330:
    Jillian Johnsrud inspires with her own tale of turning unexpected job loss into a cherished mini-retirement adventure in "Prepare for the Unexpected Mini-Retirement." Her journey from financial diligence to seizing life's fleeting moments demonstrates how strategic financial and emotional preparation can transform periods of uncertainty into enriching life experiences.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.jillianjohnsrud.com/mini-retirement-go-bag/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Gaps in employment are a perfect opportunity for an impromptu mini-retirement if you can find the right headspace."
    "Life can be unpredictably fragile and short. You just never know."
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    Episode 1329:
    James Altucher shares his tumultuous journey of attempting to quit his unfulfilling job amidst personal and professional turmoil. From unsuccessful novel writing to ignored proposals by major companies, and an enlightening interview at HBO, Altucher's story culminates in a transformative opportunity rooted in a serendipitous chess game that finally lets him say, "I quit."
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://jamesaltucher.com/blog/how-to-quit-your-job/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "I wanted to quit my job. I hated my boss. He always yelled at me. I hated my co-workers. They always yelled at me."
    "Finally one thing worked. One thing got me lucky. I bonded on some random thing with a decision maker. But in chess there is a saying, 'only the good players get lucky.'"
    Episode references:
    HBO: https://www.hbo.com/
    Lycos: https://www.lycos.com/
    Bryant Park Chess: https://bryantpark.org/activities/chess
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    Episode 1328:
    AJ Walton, in partnership with Tiny Buddha, explores the tumultuous yet enriching journey of pursuing one’s passion through personal anecdotes from his life in jazz music. Walton candidly shares how embracing challenges and staying committed to one's passion not only forges a path of professional growth but also personal insight and fulfillment.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/7-tips-pursuing-passion-even-if-you-feel-behind/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
    "Only you can decide whether you’re 'good enough' to do something. Everyone was a beginner once, and it’s better to start late than never."
    "When you’re at your lowest moment, you’re near a huge breakthrough - even if it’s not the one you expected."
    Episode references:
    Tiny Buddha's Inner Strength Journal: Creative Prompts and Challenges to Help You Get Through Anything: https://www.amazon.com/Tiny-Buddhas-Inner-Strength-Journal/dp/0806542233
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    Episode 1327:
    Mike Smerklo offers a contrarian viewpoint on entrepreneurship, cautioning against the allure of being your own boss without acknowledging the reality of the challenges involved. Through his venture capitalist lens, Smerklo highlights the mental, emotional, and logistical trials entrepreneurs face, arguing that not everyone should pursue this path without serious consideration.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.mikesmerklo.com/just-dont-do-it-five-reasons-not-to-become-an-entrepreneur/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Entrepreneurship is really, really hard and the ups and downs are almost impossible to quantify."
    "Nothing inspires me more and goodness knows we need it more than ever. However, I am exhausted with 'hacks', 'four-hour work weeks' or other content that glorify entrepreneurship as fun and easy."
    Episode references:
    Forbes article on entrepreneurial success and age: https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgedeeb/2015/04/16/does-age-matter-for-entrepreneurial-success/?sh=b0908d30f1c4
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    Episode 1326:
    Discover how Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan propose transforming your home into a sanctuary from work stress by adopting corporate positive culture tactics. Their insights, drawn from extensive happiness research and experience with Fortune 100 companies, offer practical strategies for nurturing a supportive and rejuvenating family environment.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://livehappy.com/work/4-ways-to-stop-work-stress-from-following-you-home/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Positive cultures are based on often unspoken rules that encourage habits that support high levels of well-being and success."
    "Social connection is one of the greatest predictors of long-term happiness, but we can’t create that with phones in our faces."
    "Research shows we make more positive memories if we get more sleep."
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    Episode 1325:
    Kevin Ha from Financial Panther dives into the critical decisions around managing your old 401k plans when changing jobs. He explores the importance of simplicity, the impact of administrative fees, Backdoor Roth eligibility, and any special characteristics of your old retirement plans. With practical insights and personal decisions, Kevin's guide is invaluable for anyone navigating their retirement savings amid career transitions.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://financialpanther.com/what-to-do-with-your-401k-when-you-change-jobs/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Simplicity is key when managing retirement accounts; consolidating funds can make it easier to track your savings."
    "Understanding administrative fees is crucial; they can erode your retirement savings, especially if you have multiple accounts with fixed fees."
    "The special characteristics of plans like the 457 can offer unique benefits, such as penalty-free withdrawals, which are worth considering before rolling over funds."
    Episode references:
    The Power of Now: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Now-Guide-Spiritual-Enlightenment/dp/1577314808
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    Episode 1324:
    Kevin Ha of Financial Panther shares invaluable insights on managing old 401k accounts after a job change. Drawing from his personal experiences with multiple job transitions, Kevin outlines practical options for your retirement savings, from leaving it as is to rolling it into a new plan or even converting to a Roth IRA. His expertise illuminates a path through the often confusing post-employment financial landscape, ensuring your retirement funds continue to grow.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://financialpanther.com/what-to-do-with-your-401k-when-you-change-jobs/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "When you’re working for your employer, there’s not a lot you can do. In general, it’s just put money in, look for low cost, index options, and sit back and relax."
    "Most people, when faced with all of these choices, do the same thing - nothing. But, we want to be making our choices actively."
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    Episode 1323:
    Amber Waugaman of AW Coach.co illuminates the untapped potential of coaching in leadership, revealing how it not only motivates and engages but also cultivates self-accountability, thereby enhancing overall performance and capability. She unfolds five essential strategies employed by top bosses to transform their approach, emphasizing the value of patience, open-mindedness, and the power of asking the right questions to foster a more innovative and self-reliant workforce.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://awcoach.co/5-coaching-strategies-of-top-bosses/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Coaching is extremely beneficial for two reasons: it is very engaging and motivating for others, and it creates self-accountability."
    "Top bosses create a safe space for the coachee to be open and exhibit vulnerability; they don’t take things personally because they recognize this isn’t about them."
    "Top bosses acting as a coach help the coachee expand their perspective - about themselves, about their perception, and about the situation/problem/issue."
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    Episode 1322:
    Chalene Johnson illuminates the essence of brand uniqueness in "How To Make Your Brand Stand Out," focusing on the amalgamation of one's personal traits and stories to create a standout brand. By addressing the challenges of brand differentiation in a saturated market, Johnson offers actionable insights on leveraging personality, communication style, and personal journey to distinguish your brand.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.chalenejohnson.com/make-your-brand-stand-out/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "The fact of the matter is, what makes you unique is a collection of the things that make you you. All stacked together."
    "For me, sense of humor. Absolutely a must. You don’t have to be funny but you have to get funny, know how to laugh at a good joke, and appreciate sarcasm - because I do."
    "Whether you: Overcame shyness, Found your voice, Survived childhood abuse, Came out of the closet, Or Got healthy. Whatever it is, you have a story that is unique."
    Episode references:
    The 131 Method: https://www.amazon.com/131-Method-Personalized-Nutrition-Metabolism/dp/1401956785
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    Episode 1321:
    Brian Tracy introduces a novel perspective on motivation and ambition in his article "Something For Nothing: Ambition," expanding on the traditional Theory X and Theory Y with his own Theory Z. Tracy explores the complexities of human motivation, proposing that individuals are motivated by a variety of factors beyond mere financial incentives, ultimately seeking freedom and fulfillment in their lives.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.briantracy.com/blog/general/something-for-nothing-ambition/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Theory X was defined as the idea that employees were basically lazy, and had to be continually motivated to do their jobs by using the 'carrot and stick' method of rewards and punishment."
    "Theory Y, which said that people are basically positive, desire to do a good job and will strive toward excellence in their work if the proper incentives exist."
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    Episode 1320:
    Samantha Joel's exploration of the parallels between professional and romantic breakups, showcased through Peggy's dilemma in Mad Men, offers profound insights into our relationships with work. Highlighting the pivotal role of satisfaction, investment, and quality of alternatives in making such life-changing decisions, Joel's article on Luvze.com provides a unique lens to view and evaluate our own professional commitments and possible transitions.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.luvze.com/breaking-up-with-your-job-mad-men-demonstrates-what-work-rel/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Research on commitment shows that the thought processes that affect these two decisions are really quite similar."
    "Satisfaction represents whether or not people are getting what they need from a particular relationship."
    "The three factors that best predict commitment to a romantic partner-satisfaction, investment, and quality of alternatives-also prove to be useful in predicting commitment to a company."
    Episode references:
    University of Utah: https://www.utah.edu/
    University of Toronto: https://www.utoronto.ca/
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    Episode 1319:
    Laura Stack, through her insightful article on The Productivity Pro, delves into the irreplaceable nature of time and offers practical strategies for its wise investment. Highlighting the importance of foundation-building, organization, physical improvement, refinements, prioritizing, and learning to let go, Stack provides a roadmap to enhancing productivity and making the most out of every moment.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://theproductivitypro.com/blog/2017/10/six-ways-to-invest-your-work-time-wisely/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "When you invest your time, you make a goal and a decision of something that you want to accomplish."
    "Money is a commodity; time is not."
    "Getting your priorities straight may be one of the toughest things any of us do, but it’s also one of the most rewarding in terms of time investment."
    Episode references:
    Thrive by Arianna Huffington: https://www.amazon.com/Thrive-Redefining-Success-Creating-Well-Being/dp/0804140863
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    Episode 1318:
    Carl Pullein emphasizes the significant shift from task-oriented productivity to outcome-focused efficiency in "Be Focused On Your Outcomes, Not Your Tasks." Pullein argues that true productivity isn't about ticking off a long list of tasks but rather about engaging in work that propels you towards your important goals and projects. This mindset change is pivotal for long-term success and satisfaction.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.carlpullein.com/blog/be-focused-on-your-outcomes-not-your-tasks/22/8/2018
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Don’t mistake movement for achievement. It’s easy to get faked out by being busy. The question is: Busy doing what?"
    "Becoming more productive is about doing work that matters so your measurable output increases."
    "The key to better productivity is to focus on the outcome you want, not the tasks that will get you there."
    Episode references:
    Rapid Planning Method, Life Planning with Fulfilling Results – Tony Robbins: https://store.tonyrobbins.com/products/the-time-of-your-life
    Achieve More in Less Time – The Time of Your Life by Tony Robbins: https://core.tonyrobbins.com/solution-finder/time-of-your-life-163EJ-1765BI.html
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    Episode 1317:
    Lisa Jeffs provides empowering advice on navigating workplace overwhelm in her article. Jeffs highlights the importance of open communication with your boss about workload and stress, offering strategies to effectively express feelings of being overwhelmed. She emphasizes the positive impact of seeking support, not just for personal well-being, but also for enhancing overall productivity and workplace happiness.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://lisajeffs.com/how-to-tell-your-boss-you-are-overwhelmed/
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Having support in the workplace is a great way to stay on top of your mental load and reduce feelings of overwhelm."
    "Your boss can’t be solely responsible for managing your workload. And if you don’t share your feelings, they won’t know what factors could be affecting your work."
    "You deserve to be happy in your workplace. Your boss can be a great resource in addressing concerns or barriers at work that are contributing to your feelings of overwhelm."
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    Episode 1316:
    Discover the transformative power of employee engagement in "Thriving Together" by Michael Levitt. Levitt explores how fostering a workplace culture of involvement and appreciation can lead to increased productivity, reduced burnout, and enhanced team performance, proving that employee engagement is a critical strategy for business success.
    Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.breakfastleadership.com/blog/thriving-together-why-employee-engagement-is-non-negotiable-for-business-success
    Quotes to ponder:
    "Employee engagement is when a person is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organization's reputation and interests."
    "Employees highly involved in their work are more productive and generate better output because they take personal responsibility for their work and are motivated to do well."
    "A dedicated employee with goals who feels fulfilled and engaged is less likely to quit."
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