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    Tonight, we discuss finding like-minded people, vetting those individuals, and choosing leadership, and much more… as part of a series that we’re doing about Prepper Groups.

    Now as you know… there are lots of Prepper Survivalists and Homesteaders out there actively looking for, and seeking out, like-minded folks to join forces with. And that goes for us as well. We’re always on the hunt for other people and groups to get involved with. But it’s not easy. Not at all. In fact, I would say it straddles the fence between challenging and next to impossible. Especially for someone like me, who’s not very sociable, somewhat of an introvert, extremely curious but dangerously suspicious of others, before I even approach them. I’ve never been the type of person who offers his trust up-front. I am rigidly embedded, on the side that preaches… “Trust is Earned, Not Given”.

    And therein lies the Rub…

    Prepper Survivalists are inherently suspicious of others… especially those who are not like-minded. But how do we find out if a person or a group of people are Like-Minded, if we’re not willing or able to get ourselves out there and mingle, and interact, and network?

    Well, tonight we’ll try to tackle that challenge and others, like Vetting and Choosing Leadership.

    So… let’s get to it.

    Visit HoneyComb Holler on YouTube


    Please Visit Our Affiliate Links to Find Great Preparedness Products:

    No Man is an Island by John Donne Hard CoverThe Amish Survival Bible PaperbackThe First-Timers Urban Survival Guide PaperbackPrepper Community - A Group-Based Methodology PaperbackPrepper Survival Retreats PaperbackThe Survival Group Handbook PaperbackMAGS: The People Part of Prepping PaperbackBroke, Busted, and Still Surviving PaperbackBuilding a Mutual Assistance Group PaperbackPrepper Mutual Assistance Groups PaperbackPrepared Together MAGS PaperbackBAOFENG UV-5R 8w HAM Radio KitBAOFENG UV-5RM 10w HAM Radio KitThe BAOFENG Radio Bible Paperback

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    Tonight , Rhonda and Missy will introduce Annette from North Carolina to the show… She’s rockin the homesteading lifestyle and will no doubt be a Fan-Favorite-Regular on the Dirty Garden Hoes Show. Annette claims to be a noobie homesteader but don't let her fool you. She's very knowledgeable with chickens, how to raise them, and building coops and runs.

    You are listening to The Dirty Garden Hoes Show on TOPS Bunker Podcast.

    But, Don’t let the name fool ya. This exclusively all-female side of TOPS Bunker Podcast isn’t just about gardening. These girls are round-table-discussing everything from gardening tips to shooting sports… Home remedies to homesteading… Prepper gear, Survival, Self-Defense, and whatever the hell else they can think of within the Prepper Survivalist toolbox. And you too can be a part of it… as long as you possess two X Chromosomes… and yes of coarse I mean girls.

    This ain’t one of those… Men in Womens Sports moments… so for all yall guys out there… listen… Don’t Talk… And you’d be an idiot if you didn’t. Don’t be an idiot.

    If you want to be a guest on the show, or know a girl who would like to be on the show… Please give us shout. You can reach us by email at SHTF@ TOPSBunker.com

    Or contact Rhonda on the TOPS Bunker Facebook Group. To be a guest on the DGH show, You don’t have to be an expert of anything… just be a girl who’s interested in something within the Prepper Survivalist lifestyle.

    Novice or seasoned pro… we need you… Don’t be shy… Shout out to Rhonda and let her know…

    DGHS T-Shirts and Show Merch are coming soon.

    Let’s get to it.

    Visit HoneyComb Holler on YouTube


    Please Visit Our Affiliate Links to Find Great Composting Products:
    My Seeds Storage Kit
    Truper Garden Hoe 54" Carbon Steel
    Fiskars IsoCore Pickaxe
    VivoSun Grow Bags 5-Pack
    Garden Kneeler & Tool Holder
    Survival Garden Seed Collection
    Ultimate Heirloom Seed Vault 144

    Sawyer SP-120 Mini Water Filtration System
    BAOFENG Radio UV-5R 8W Ham Radio 2-Pack
    CV LIFE Tactical Ruck Back Pack 60L
    CV LIFE Tactical Hydration Back Pack

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    Tonight, we’ll be talking about Prepper Groups… What they are.. What to look for in a Prepper Group… How to Find Them, Vett Them, and Join Them… How they operate… and How they differ from Homesteaders and Off-Gridders and MAGs.

    We hear this all the time… How do I find like-minded people in my area…? How do I find a Prepper Group…?

    Well, we decided to turn this topic into a series because of how much information there is to discuss and absorb. So tonight, Jeremy and I will start that discussion and peel away some of the layers of this complex topic.

    So, Let’s get to it…

    Visit HoneyComb Holler on YouTube


    Please Visit Our Affiliate Links to Find Great Preparedness Products:

    Prepper Community - A Group-Based Methodology PaperbackPrepper Survival Retreats PaperbackThe Survival Group Handbook PaperbackMAGS: The People Part of Prepping PaperbackBroke, Busted, and Still Surviving PaperbackBuilding a Mutual Assistance Group PaperbackPrepper Mutual Assistance Groups PaperbackPrepared Together MAGS PaperbackBAOFENG UV-5R 8w HAM Radio KitBAOFENG UV-5RM 10w HAM Radio KitThe BAOFENG Radio Bible Paperback

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    Tonight… We’re talking with Brett Wallace about the importance of radio communications as a Prepper Survivalist. Brett will be talking with us tonight about the importance of Radio Communications not only as a powerful tool for the Modern-Day Prepper Survivalist and Homesteader, but for community preparedness as a whole, during emergency situations.

    My Prepper Brothers and Sisters…

    As Preppers, we’re told of the importance of stockpiling food, water, and essentials. We talk about bugging in and bugging out, self-defense and self-reliance, prepper pantries, prepper groups, and prepper backpacks to put on our prepper kids and prepper dogs. We talk about everything under the sun when it comes to survival and homesteading and the impending zombie apocalypse that will no doubt, have us all running for our lives and sending lead down range for that perfect undead headshot.

    But we never seem to discuss communications. Oh, we dabble in it from time to time, but how many of us actually have a good set of radios and the skills to use them so that we’re not just walking the walk, but talking the talk?

    That… all changes this year. Rhonda and I are not HAMS. We’re not Frequency Freaks like Jeremy and Buddy and Brett. We’re just normal preppers who know how to push the little button and say… Breaker-Breaker 1-9, she’s a big’ol flirt.

    But, we’re gonna learn a lot more this year, and we’re bringing y’all with us for the ride.

    North Carolina Disaster Relief Links:




    Visit HoneyComb Holler on YouTube


    Please Visit Our Affiliate Links to Find Great Preparedness Products:

    BAOFENG UV-5R 8w HAM Radio SetBAOFENG UV-5R 8w HAM RadioBAOFENG 5RH Pro 10w GPS HAMEmergency Weather RadioHAM Radio For Dummies 2nd Edition PaperbackBAOFENG Radio Bible Paperback

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    Tonight, Buddy, Jeremy, and myself… will be discussing why and how to start your gardening projects now, in Winter. Last Frost will be here soon. There's no time to wait. Sow those seeds.

    Visit HoneyComb Holler on YouTube


    Please Visit Our Affiliate Links to Find Great Preparedness Products:

    Grow Light - Full Spectrum 4'Grow Light - Full Spectrum 2'x2'VivoSun Heat Mat for Seedlings 10"x20"VivoSun Seed Tray Heat Mat ComboHaxNicks 20 Cell Rapid Root Trainer TraysVivoSun Grow Tent System 4'x2'Surge Protector Strip 1625W 8 Slot +USB12/3 HD SJTW Ext Cord w/3 Outlets 6'CordHappy Frog Organic Potting Soil 2 CFVivoSun Worm Farm 3-Layer Kit w/ToolsUncle Jims Red Wigglers Worms 500 Count LiveHeavy Duty Utility Shelf

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    Tonight, Buddy, Jeremy, and myself… will be discussing some of the preps, gear, and actions you’ll need to survive a Frigid Winter White-Out SHTF scenario that so many people find themselves in, every winter season.

    Visit HoneyComb Holler on YouTube


    Please Visit Our Affiliate Links to Find Great Preparedness Products:

    Kamik Mens Nations Plus Snow BootArctix Performance Tundra Winter CoatMuezna Lined Thermal Long JohnsTACVASEN Sherpa Lined Pull-Over ShirtCarhartt Winter GlovesArctix Snow PantsRussian Ushanka Winter Trapper HatBDH Emergency Ration Bars ChocolatePreppers Survival Bible Full Color BookPrepared4X Emergency Ponch 4-PackWoolly Mammoth Merino Wooql Survival BlanketArcturus Merino Wool Survival BlanketCarle Ebben Survival Pack CompleteEverlit Emergency Roadside Vehicle KitEmergency Glow Sticks Green 10 PackDeluxe Road Warrior Emergency Roadside KitORION Original Roadside Flare KitHEIGPAN Rechargeable LED Road FlaresLHKNL Headlamp Flashlight 1200 LumensSawyer SP-120 Mini Water Filtration SystemBAOFENG Radio UV-5R 8W Ham Radio 2-Pack

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    Tonight, we discuss the Trump Inauguration and what's in store for the US and the world. Let's Get To It.

    Grab some Trump 2024 merch below with our Affiliate Links. We really appreciate your support.

    Visit HoneyComb Holler on YouTube


    Please Visit Our Affiliate Links to Find Great Preparedness Products:
    TRUMP Inauguration T-Shirt
    TRUMP Girl "No Apologies" T-Shirt
    TRUMP 45 47 Full Color Flag T-Shirt
    TRUMP Racerback Womens Tank Top
    TRUMP "You Missed Bitch" T-Shirt
    TRUMP Camo Hat
    TRUMP Girls Pink Hat
    TRUMP 47 Hoodie
    TRUMPINATOR Collectible Bobble-Head
    TRUMP "A Shot For America" Shot Glasses
    TRUMP "Finally a President with Balls" Coffee Mug
    TRUMP Laser Engraved Whiskey Glass
    TRUMP 2024 American Flag Socks
    TRUMP Laser Engraved Key Chains
    TRUMP "God Guns Trump" 3x5 Flag
    LHKNL Headlamp Flashlight 1200 Lumens
    Sawyer SP-120 Mini Water Filtration System
    BAOFENG Radio UV-5R 8W Ham Radio 2-Pack

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    Tonight , TOPS Bunker Podcast brings you the debut episode of The Dirty Garden Hoes Show hosted by Rhonda & Missy. This new series will be aired once each month and will only feature female hosts and guests.

    What will they be talking about… Well, Im glad you asked.

    They’ll be talking about... whatever the hell they want… whatever the hell WAY they want…

    They will showcase preparedness topics brought to you from a woman’s point of view.

    Let’s get to it.

    Visit HoneyComb Holler on YouTube


    Please Visit Our Affiliate Links to Find Great Composting Products:
    My Seeds Storage Kit
    Truper Garden Hoe 54" Carbon Steel
    Fiskars IsoCore Pickaxe
    VivoSun Grow Bags 5-Pack
    Garden Kneeler & Tool Holder
    Survival Garden Seed Collection
    Ultimate Heirloom Seed Vault 144

    Sawyer SP-120 Mini Water Filtration System
    BAOFENG Radio UV-5R 8W Ham Radio 2-Pack
    CV LIFE Tactical Ruck Back Pack 60L
    CV LIFE Tactical Hydration Back Pack

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    Tonight we discuss the wildfires burning across vast areas of Los Angeles, threatening homes, businesses, and lives. The numbers are staggering… at the time of this recording… At least 10 lives have been lost… 153K people have been evacuated… 34K acres have been burnt to the ground between the Palisades and Eaton fires alone… more than 10k buildings are destroyed. And to make things even worse, a brand new fire in the San Fernando Valley has prompted even more evacuation orders.

    Beyond the headlines, there’s the real, human impact. The firefighters on the front lines, the families displaced, the first responders, and the volunteers working tirelessly to provide relief.

    Houses, vehicles, schools, municipal buildings, businesses, roads and bridges, farmland, infrastructure and communication… all gone in the affected areas. Officials say the damage is at least 8.5 billion dollars so far and that number will most likely double when this disaster is contained.

    Tonight, we’re gonna break down what’s happening in California and how we can prepare for wildfires, whether you’re in the direct path of one or not.

    We’ll cover the essentials: what you need in your wildfire emergency kit… how to create an evacuation plan… and what kind of protective gear can help you stay safe if you need to leave in a hurry.

    As always, Please check the show notes below for valuable info and links.

    Let’s get to it.

    Visit HoneyComb Holler on YouTube


    Please Visit Our Affiliate Links to Find Great Composting Products:
    Prepared Hero Emergency Fire Blanket
    Prepared Hero Fire Extinguisher 2-Pack
    Prepared Hero Flame Shield Personal Fire Cape
    Prepared Hero Survival Bivy
    FireProof Personal Escape Cloak
    KIDDE Quick Deploy Fire Escape Ladder 2-Story 13'
    KIDDE Quick Deploy Fire Escape Ladder 3-Story 25'
    LHKNL Headlamp Flashlight 1200 Lumens
    AirGearPro G-750 Full Face Respirator
    PD-100 Pro Full Face Respirator
    Sawyer SP-120 Mini Water Filtration System
    BAOFENG Radio UV-5R 8W Ham Radio 2-Pack
    CV LIFE Tactical Ruck Back Pack 60L
    CV LIFE Tactical Hydration Back Pack

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    Tonight, we’ll be talking about composting, which is probably one of the most important elements of your garden. You may think that you don’t have enough room to do any composting, but I would bet that you’re wrong. See, the bigger the garden, the bigger the compost area you’ll require, but that also works in reverse. Smaller gardens, even potted plants on the patio, need far less composted material. But they “all” need good compost.

    Some of you may already be composting… some, not at all. Maybe you’re doing it right… maybe you’re doing it wrong. Some of you may be buying composted materials from the store to use in your garden… not a very self-sustaining practice, but we’ve done it, so I get it.

    Let’s see if we can’t figure out this composting thing together. You’ll be surprised just how easy it can be, when done right, and how much better your plants will do, in the long run.

    So, grab your pitch forks, shovels, and rakes… cuz we’re heading out to the garden to get stanky.

    Visit HoneyComb Holler on YouTube


    Please Visit Our Affiliate Links to Find Great Composting Products:
    Vevor Compost Tumbler
    Vivosun Compost Tumbler
    MTB Compost Bin 36
    Exaco ECO 2000 Kitchen Compost Pail
    VERMI-FUTURE Worm Condo Compost Bin
    SQUEEZE Master XXL Compost Bin 190
    ReoTemp 36" Compost Thermometer
    Uncle Jims Worm Farm Red Wigglers 100ct
    Uncle Jims Worm Farm Red Wigglers 250ct
    Uncle Jims Worm Farm Red Wigglers 2000ct
    Uncle Jims Worm Farm Red Wigglers 5000ct
    Fox Farm Happy Frog Potting Soil 12qt
    Fox Farm Happy Frog Potting Soil 12qt 2-Pack
    Yamron 4 in 1 Digital Soil Meter
    Green Pig Composting Accelerator 30
    Composting For Dummies Paperback
    The Beginners Guide To Worm Farms & Vermicomposting
    Rebel Gardening: A Beginners Handbook To Organic Urban Gardening

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    Tonight, We do a round table style discussion about our individual goals and projects for 2025… Rhonda, Buddy, & Jeremy will join me one last time in 2024 to close out the year and bring in the new year. We’ll talk about what we’d like to see completed in the upcoming year and hopefully get you guys to start thinking about what goals you hope to accomplish in 2025.
    Let's Get To It...

    Gear to Explore: (click these affiliate links)
    We The People Belly Band Holster
    Urban Carry Holster
    Baofeng UV-5R 8W Ham Radio
    Sawyer Products SP129 Water Filtration System
    Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner
    BeeCastle Complete Bee Hive
    NutriChef Precision Vacuum Sealer
    MasonTops Fermentation Kit
    Urban Homesteading Book
    Potable Aqua Water Purification Tablets
    Sawyer Products SP103 MINI Water Filtration System
    Lifestraw Water Filtration
    Gerber Gear Truss 17 in 1 EDC Multi-Tool
    Gerber Gear Hinderer CLS Tactical Folding Knife
    Paracord Planet 550 Paracord
    Bayite 6" Survival Fire Steel Fire Starter
    UCO Stormproof Matches & Case
    FM 21-76 US Army Survival Manual
    Light My Fire Army Fire Steel
    Sofirn SC31 Pro 2000 Lumen Flashlight
    Dewalt DWHT10911 Spring Assist Folding Pocket Knife

    TOPS Bunker Website:

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    Tonight, we’ll be talking about Home Defense Firearms with Scotty from TX, who is a US Army Veteran, an NRA Instructor in Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun… an NRA certified Range Safety Officer. He’s been in Firearm sales for almost two decades and is at the top of his game.

    Home security is very important, especially as a Prepper. Maybe you can’t own or purchase firearms for whatever reason… that’s ok… we’ll touch on some legal less-lethal methods of protecting your kingdom.

    The Sound Quality of this episode is not the greatest. We we’re forced to use ZOOM, which may be one of the worst ways to record a podcast. Please bare with us on this one and I want to thank you all in advance.

    Alright… Lets get to it.

    Gear to Explore: (click these affiliate links)
    We The People Belly Band Holster
    Urban Carry Holster
    Baofeng UV-5R 8W Ham Radio
    Sawyer Products SP129 Water Filtration System
    Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner
    BeeCastle Complete Bee Hive
    NutriChef Precision Vacuum Sealer
    MasonTops Fermentation Kit
    Urban Homesteading Book
    Potable Aqua Water Purification Tablets
    Sawyer Products SP103 MINI Water Filtration System
    Lifestraw Water Filtration
    Gerber Gear Truss 17 in 1 EDC Multi-Tool
    Gerber Gear Hinderer CLS Tactical Folding Knife
    Paracord Planet 550 Paracord
    Bayite 6" Survival Fire Steel Fire Starter
    UCO Stormproof Matches & Case
    FM 21-76 US Army Survival Manual
    Light My Fire Army Fire Steel
    Sofirn SC31 Pro 2000 Lumen Flashlight
    Dewalt DWHT10911 Spring Assist Folding Pocket Knife

    TOPS Bunker Website:

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    On this episode Buddy and Keith talk with Robert (Bobby) Steagall about the Drones over NJ as well as Drone Technology and Electronic Warfare. A link to Bobby's Podcast... Blue Falcon Podcast, is below. Also, click our affiliate links below to shop for Drones For Preppers. Help out the show by clicking on those links and who knows... you may find a drone or drone gear that you just can't live without. My Drone has been a Force Multiplier for my Preps.

    Blue Falcon Podcast

    Explore Prepper Drones: (click these affiliate links)
    Holy Stone HS460
    Holy Stone HS360E
    Holy Stone HS900
    Holy Stone HS600
    DJI Mavic Air 2 Fly More Package (Keiths Personal Drone)
    DJI Mavic 3 Classic Pro Level
    DJI Mavic 3 Pro Flagship

    TOPS Bunker Website:

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    On this episode Rhonda, Jeremy, Buddy, and Keith discuss last minute Christmas Gifts for the Prepper Survivalist in your life. Most of the gift ideas from this episode and a few others that didn't get mentioned, will be down in the Show Notes as clickable links.

    Gear to Explore: (click these affiliate links)
    Baofeng UV-5R 8W Ham Radio
    Sawyer Products SP129 Water Filtration System
    Grayl GeoPress 24oz Water Purifyer Bottle
    Preppers Medical Handbook
    Blavor Solar Charger Powerbank
    Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner
    BeeCastle Complete Bee Hive
    NutriChef Precision Vacuum Sealer
    Reginary Cheese Cloth Set
    MasonTops Fermentation Kit
    Gerior Poultry Shears HD
    Urban Homesteading Book
    LHKNL Headlamp 1200 Lumens
    Potable Aqua Water Purification Tablets
    Sawyer Products SP103 MINI Water Filtration System
    Lifestraw Water Filtration
    Daves Killer Bread Oat-Rageous Honey Almond Bars
    Gerber Gear Truss 17 in 1 EDC Multi-Tool
    Gerber Gear Hinderer CLS Tactical Folding Knife
    Paracord Planet 550 Paracord
    Coast RL20R 1000Lumen Tri-Color Headlamp
    Bayite 6" Survival Fire Steel Fire Starter
    UCO Stormproof Matches & Case
    Frontier Tmbleweeds Firestart Kindling
    BIC Pocket Lighters Classic
    TC 3-21.76 Ranger Handbook Survival Guide
    FM 21-76 US Army Survival Manual
    Guerrilla's Guide To The Baofeng Radio
    How to Grow More Vegetables, Ninth Edition
    One Second After Series by William R. Forstchen
    Going Home Series by Angry American
    Sportsmans WH 5 Gallon Buckets
    Light My Fire Army Fire Steel
    Sofirn SC31 Pro 2000 Lumen Flashlight
    Dewalt DWHT10911 Spring Assist Folding Pocket Knife

    Medical Training & Kits

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    On this episode Jeremy, Buddy, and Keith discuss the differences and the mindsets of Bugging In and Bugging Out. Don't be unprepared when facing this critical decision. Let's get to it.

    Gear to Explore: (click these affiliate links to shop Survival Essentials)
    Small Loaded Bug-Out Bag
    Large Loaded Bug-Out Bag
    Premium Loaded Bug-Out Bag
    Lifestraw Water Filtration
    Light My Fire Army Fire Steel
    Evac Essentials Kit Small
    Emergency Radio NOAA Solar Hand Crank
    NoCry Pro Knee Pads
    Sofirn SC31 Pro 2000 Lumen Flashlight
    Dry Top 16x20 10mil Super Heavy Duty Tarp
    Sawyer Products SP103 MINI Water Filtration System
    Dewalt DWHT10911 Spring Assist Folding Pocket Knife

    TOPS Bunker Email:
    [email protected]

    TOPS Bunker Website:

    Honeycomb Holler

    TOPS Bunker Group

    Top Reads:
    Good Stress Bad Stress - Mastering the Art of Stress Resilience

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    On this episode Jeremy and Keith discuss Survival Gear and the Mindset of gear. It's time to Get You Prepper Survivalist Ass in Gear and we're here to help with that. Let's get to it.

    Gear to Explore: (click these affiliate links to shop)
    Light My Fire Army Fire Steel
    MTM Tactical Mag Case
    NoCry Pro Knee Pads
    GloryFire Universal Gun Cleaning Kit
    Sofirn SC31 Pro 2000 Lumen Flashlight
    Dry Top 16x20 10mil Super Heavy Duty Tarp
    Walkers Razor Slim Electronic Ear Muffs - Flag Bear Arms
    Walkers Razor Slim Electronic Ear Muffs - Black & Pink
    Sawyer Products SP103 MINI Water Filtration System
    Dewalt DWHT10911 Spring Assist Folding Pocket Knife

    TOPS Bunker Email:
    [email protected]

    TOPS Bunker Website:

    Honeycomb Holler

    TOPS Bunker Group

    Top Reads:
    Good Stress Bad Stress - Mastering the Art of Stress Resilience

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    On this episode Jeremy, Buddy, and Keith toss around tips, tricks, gear, and gadgets that we, As Preppers, need to be familiar with to survive Winter. Don't get left out in the cold without this Survival Knowledge. Let's get to it.

    TOPS Bunker Email:
    [email protected]

    TOPS Bunker Website:

    Honeycomb Holler

    TOPS Bunker Group

    Top Reads:
    Good Stress Bad Stress - Mastering the Art of Stress Resilience

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    On this episode, Buddy, Jeremy, and Keith are joined by our special guest Oklahoma State Legislator Jay Steagall to do a little Post-Election round table. We'll be dishing out tons of information on this episode, so don't miss it.

    Jay Steagall
    Cloverleaf Precision

    Honeycomb Holler

    TOPS Bunker Group

    Top Reads:
    Good Stress Bad Stress - Mastering the Art of Stress Resilience

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    On this episode, Buddy, Jeremy, and Keith are joined by our special guest Joe from Florida to discuss all things Election 2024. This will be an interesting show, so don't miss it.

    Honeycomb Holler

    TOPS Bunker Group

    Top Reads:
    Good Stress Bad Stress - Mastering the Art of Stress Resilience

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    On this episode, Rhonda, Jeremy, and myself are joined by our special guest tonight to tell scary stories and spread some halloween cheer to all of you. This is gonna be a fun episode. Don't miss this one.

    Please visit Amissa on her TikTok page:
    Swaggiest Swagster on TikTok

    Honeycomb Holler

    TOPS Bunker Group

    Top Reads:
    Good Stress Bad Stress - Mastering the Art of Stress Resilience

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