
  • In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Dr. Cristina Sarmiento discusses a qualitative study exploring experiences of young adults with cerebral palsy and their caregivers with transition to adult care. She describes the major barriers and facilitators to transition, challenges and opportunities related to conducting the study, implications for practice, and next steps from this work.

    Cristina Sarmiento, MD
    Assistant Professor
    University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

    Emily J. Goodwin, MD
    Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics
    University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine
    Pediatrician, General Academic Pediatrics Beacon Program
    Children’s Mercy Kansas City

    Initial publication date: March 10, 2025.

    Sarmiento CA, Wyrwa JM, Glaros C, Holliman BD, Brenner LA. Experiences of young adults with cerebral palsy in pediatric care transitioning to adult care. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2025 Jan;67(1):99-110. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.15907. Epub 2024 Mar 24. PMID: 38523396.‌


    Clinicians across healthcare professions, advocates, researchers, and patients/families are all encouraged to engage and provide feedback! You can recommend an article for discussion using this form: forms.gle/Bdxb86Sw5qq1uFhW6

    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open-access thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Sarmiento, C, Goodwin EJ. Let’s Talk about Transition: Experiences of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy and their Caregivers. 3/2025. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast.

  • In this World Shared Practice Forum podcast, Dr. Jeffrey Burns converses with experts Drs. Akash Deep, James Squires, and Barbara Wildhaber about pediatric acute liver failure and the intricacies of deciding when a child is unsuitable for liver transplantation. Discussing insights from their 2024 Lancet Child Health and Adolescent Health paper, they emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in evaluating clinical, biochemical, psychosocial, and ethical factors. The conversation highlights challenges with exclusion criteria, risks associated with severe multi-organ failure, and the necessity of balancing technical feasibility with overall patient prognosis, while also addressing the ethical implications of organ allocation.

    - Identify key clinical and biochemical factors in evaluating pediatric liver transplant suitability
    - Discuss the ethical and logistical considerations impacting transplant decisions in critically ill children with liver failure
    - Summarize multidisciplinary approaches for determining when a child may be unsuitable for a liver transplant

    Akash Deep, MD, FRCPCH
    Director - Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
    and Staff Governor
    King's College Hospital, London
    Professor in Paediatric Critical Care
    King's College London

    James Squires, MD, MS
    Associate Professor, Pediatrician
    UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh

    Barbara Wildhaber, MD
    University Hospitals of Geneva
    Chief Physician
    Child and Adolescent Surgery
    Swiss Pediatric Liver Center

    Jeffery Burns, MD, MPH
    Emeritus Chief
    Division of Critical Care Medicine
    Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
    Boston Children's Hospital
    Professor of Anesthesia
    Harvard Medical School

    Initial publication date: February 25, 2025.

    Deep A, Alexander EC, Brierley J, Damian M, Gupta A, McLin V, Sarma MS, Squires JE, Wildhaber BE. Paediatric acute liver failure: a multidisciplinary perspective on when a critically ill child is unsuitable for liver transplantation. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2024 Dec;8(12):921-932. doi: 10.1016/S2352-4642(24)00255-4.


    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open-access thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Deep A, Squires J, Wildhaber BE, Burns JP. Transplant Challenges in Pediatric Liver Failure. 02/2025. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/transplant-challenges-in-pediatric-liver-failure-by-a-deep-et-al-openpediatrics.

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  • In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Ms. Pearce and Dr. Synnes discuss a series of patient-oriented research studies aimed at partnering with parents in reimagining meaningful outcomes for premature infants. They describe the inclusion of parents on the study team, recruitment of parent participants, lessons and challenges while conducting the study, messages for other researchers and parents, and the next steps from this work.

    Rebecca Pearce, B. Ed, MSc
    Vice Principal
    Villa Maria High School
    Parent Partner
    CHU Sainte-Justine and Canadian Premature Babies Foundation‌

    Anne Synnes, MDCM, MHSc
    Clinical Professor, Neonatologist
    University of British Columbia
    British Columbia's Women's Hospital and British Columbia's Children's Hospital Research Institute

    Kilby Mann, MD
    Assistant Professor
    Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
    Children's Hospital Colorado

    Initial publication date: February 10, 2025.

    Pearce R, Synnes A, Lam MM, Richter LL, Bacchini F, Jones M, Luu TM, Janvier A; PARENTS’ VOICE NETWORK. Partnering With Parents to Change Measurement and Reporting of Preterm Birth Outcomes. Pediatrics. 2024 Nov 1;154(5):e2024067093. doi: 10.1542/peds.2024-067093. PMID: 39354888.

    Haslam MD, Lisonkova S, Creighton D, Church P, Yang J, Shah PS, Joseph KS, Synnes A; Canadian Neonatal Network and the Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network. Severe Neurodevelopmental Impairment in Neonates Born Preterm: Impact of Varying Definitions in a Canadian Cohort. J Pediatr. 2018 Jun;197:75-81.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2017.12.020. Epub 2018 Feb 3. PMID: 29398054.


    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open-access thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Pearce R, Synnes A, Mann K. Focus on Abilities: Parent-Identified Outcomes of Preterm Infants. 2/2025. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/focus-on-abilities-parent-identified-outcomes-of-preterm-infants

  • In this World Shared Practice Forum podcast, Dr. Dennis Daniel discusses pediatric extracorporeal life support (ECLS) with experts Drs. Peta Alexander and Ryan Barbaro. They explore the differences between pediatric and adult extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR), highlighting differing causes of cardiac arrest and the interpretation of recently published studies. The discussion also covers supply chain issues affecting ECMO availability, the importance of standardized, evidence-based practices to identifying ECMO-associated complications, and opportunities for future research into ECMO use and outcomes.

    - Identify the key differences between pediatric and adult extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR), focusing on technical challenges and typical causes of cardiac arrest
    - Discuss the challenges facing standardization of pediatric ECMO care, including supply chain issues and approaches to capturing and classifying ECMO-associated complications
    - Describe areas of need and opportunity for future research in pediatric ECMO

    Peta Alexander, MBBS, FRACP, FCICM
    Senior Associate Cardiologist
    Director of ECMO Program
    Boston Children’s Hospital
    Associate Professor in Pediatrics
    Harvard Medical School

    Ryan Barbaro, MD, MSc
    Service Chief of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
    Director of Pediatric ECMO
    C.S. Mott Children's Hospital
    Clinical Associate Professor in Pediatric Critical Care
    University of Michigan

    Dennis Daniel, MD
    ECMO Medical Director, Medical-Surgical ICU
    Associate Director, OPENPediatrics
    Boston Children’s Hospital

    Initial publication date: January 27, 2025.

    - Alexander PMA, Di Nardo M, Combes A, et al. Definitions of adverse events associated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in children: results of n international Delphi process from the ECMO-CENTRAL ARC. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2024;8(10):773-780. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39299748/

    - UK collaborative randomised trial of neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. UK Collaborative ECMO Trail Group. Lancet. 1996;348(9020):75-82. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8676720/

    - Biomarkers of Brain Injury in Critically-Ill Children on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMOhttps://reporter.nih.gov/project-details/10545733

    - TITRE - Trial of Indication-based Transfusion of Red Blood Cells in ECMO, https://www.childrenshospital.org/clinical-trials/nct05405426

    - ASCEND study: https://chear.org/our-research/projects/ascend-ards-children-and-ecmo-initiation-strategies-impact-neuro-development


    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access, thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Alexander PMA, Barbaro RP, Daniel D. Updates in Pediatric ECMO: Challenges and Opportunities. 01/2025. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/updates-in-pediatric-ecmo-challenges-and-opportunities-by-p-alexander-r-barbaro-openpediatrics.

  • In this Nursing World Shared Practice Forum podcast, Dr. Felesia Bowen, president-elect of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP), discusses the evolving role of nurse practitioners (NPs) in healthcare, and emphasizes the importance of NPs in health promotion and policy. She highlights the need for a national standardized scope of practice for NPs and advocates for increased diversity in the nursing workforce to address health and educational disparities.

    - Describe the nurse practitioner's role within healthcare
    - Explain how current legislative and regulatory issues in the United States impact the nurse practitioner role
    - Discuss NAPNAP’s plan to support health equity and expand global partnerships
    - Describe ways to diversify and support the nursing workforce to reduce health disparities

    Felesia Bowen, PhD, DNP, PPCNP-BC, FADLN, FAAN
    President-elect of NAPNAP, 2024-2027
    Professor and Associate Dean for Access and Engagement
    University of Alabama at Birmingham

    Julia McSweeney, MSN, RN, CPNP
    Senior Director of Advanced Nursing Practice
    Boston Children’s Hospital

    January 20, 2025.


    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user.For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Bowen FR, Marcley S, DeGrazia M, McSweeney JE. The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Healthcare and Policy 01/2025. OPENPediatrics. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/the-role-of-nurse-practitioners-in-healthcare-and-policy-by-f-bowen-openpediatrics.

  • In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Dr. Kathleen C. Thomas discusses a cross-sectional study of associations between neighborhood context with psychotropic polypharmacy and psychotherapy among children with high-needs for medical or psychiatric care. She describes the inclusion of parent advisors on the study team, the inclusion of children with medical complexity in the study population, key insights including the importance of non-medical supports, and the next steps from this work.

    Kathleen C. Thomas, PhD, MPH
    Professor and Vice Chair of Research and Graduate Education
    Division of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy
    Eshelman School of Pharmacy
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    Kristina Malik, MD
    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,
    University of Colorado School of Medicine
    Medical Director, KidStreet
    Pediatrician, Special Care Clinic,
    Children's Hospital Colorado

    Initial publication date: January 13, 2025.

    Thomas KC, Annis IE, deJong NA, Christian RB, Davis SA, Hughes PM, Prichard BA, Prichard JR, Allen PS, Gettinger JS, Morris DN, Eaker KB. Association Between Neighborhood Context and Psychotropic Polypharmacy Use Among High-Need Children. Psychiatr Serv. 2024 Sep 11:appips20230639. doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.20230639. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39257315.


    Clinicians across healthcare professions, advocates, researchers, and patients/families are all encouraged to engage and provide feedback! You can recommend an article for discussion using this form: forms.gle/Bdxb86Sw5qq1uFhW6

    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Thomas KC, Malik KE. Where You Live Matters: Psychotropic Polypharmacy and Psychotherapy in Children with High-Needs‌. 01/2025. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/where-you-live-matters-psychotropic-polypharmacy-and-psychotherapy-in-children-with-high-needs.

  • In this podcast, the viewer will learn the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and management of neonatal jaundice.
    Direct links to chapters:
    0:00 Chapter 1: Introduction
    3:33 Chapter 2: Bilirubin Metabolism
    5:41 Chapter 3: Pathophysiology
    8:36 Chapter 4: History and Physical Exam
    10:40 Chapter 5: Diagnostic Testing
    12:29 Chapter 6: Management

    Initial publication: January 10, 2019.

    A multilingual transcript is available for this video, thanks to the generous support of our community members who volunteered their time to translate our content. Learn more about our OPENPediatrics translation campaign here: https://www.openpediatrics.org/content-translation

    Please visit: www.openpediatrics.org

    OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children's Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user.

    For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

  • In this video, the viewer will learn the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation of croup, and how to diagnose and care for affected children.

    Initial publication: August 6, 2018.

    A multilingual transcript is available for this video, thanks to the generous support of our community members who volunteered their time to translate our content. Learn more about our OPENPediatrics translation campaign here: https://www.openpediatrics.org/content-translation

    Please visit: www.openpediatrics.org

    OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children's Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user.

    For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Please note: OPENPediatrics does not support nor control any related videos in the sidebar, these are placed by Youtube. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Drs. Marcella Luercio and Bianca Quiñones-Pérez discuss a qualitative study of barriers to communication perceived by Spanish-speaking families with children with medical complexity admitted to the hospital. They describe the importance of multilingual representation in research, individual and systems-level changes to improve communication with families who speak languages other than English, and next steps from this work.

    Marcella Luercio, MD
    Pediatric Hospitalist
    Boston Children's Hospital

    Bianca Quiñones-Pérez, MD
    Pediatric Hospitalist, Complex Care Services,
    Boston Children's Hospital
    Instructor of Pediatrics,
    Harvard Medical School

    Kathleen Huth, MD, MMSc
    Pediatrician, Complex Care Service, Division of General Pediatrics
    Boston Children's Hospital
    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
    Harvard Medical School

    Initial publication date: December 9, 2024.

    Luercio M, Quiñones-Pérez B, Castellanos A, Ngo T, Elder B, Blaine K, Haskell H, Lopez K, Luff D, Mallick N, Mercer AN, Williams DN, Baird JD, Khan A. Communicating With Spanish-Speaking Families of Hospitalized Children With Medical Complexity. Hosp Pediatr. 2024 Aug 1;14(8):612-621. doi: 10.1542/hpeds.2023-007700. PMID: 39069815.

    Ames SG, Delaney RK, Houtrow AJ, Delgado-Corcoran C, Alvey J, Watt MH, Murphy N. Perceived Disability-Based Discrimination in Health Care for Children With Medical Complexity. Pediatrics. 2023 Jul 1;152(1):e2022060975. doi: 10.1542/peds.2022-060975. PMID: 37357731.

    Khan A, Baird J, Kelly MM, Blaine K, Chieco D, Haskell H, Lopez K, Ngo T, Mercer A, Quiñones-Pérez B, Schuster MA, Singer SJ, Viswanath K, Landrigan CP, Williams D, Luff D. Family Safety Reporting in Medically Complex Children: Parent, Staff, and Leader Perspectives. Pediatrics. 2022 Jun 1;149(6):e2021053913. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-053913. PMID: 35615941; PMCID: PMC11088436.

    Nelson K, Huth K. Choice and Voice: Family Perspectives on Decision-making for Children with Medical Complexity. 8/2024. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast. https://youtu.be/WN5u0T4UnEU, https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/choice-and-voice-family-perspectives-on-decision-making-for-children-with-medical-complexity

    Ragavan MI, Méndez DD, Caballero TM. Promoting Language Justice for Children With Medical Complexity and Their Families: An Urgent Call to Action. Hosp Pediatr. 2024 Aug 1;14(8):e358-e361. doi: 10.1542/hpeds.2024-007792. PMID: 39069818; PMCID: PMC11287058.

    "Strategies for Working Effectively With Interpreters", a free course on OPENPediatrics.org

    English: https://cdn.bfldr.com/D6LGWP8S/at/phv45ptj67wp4c8j876qhvt/120924_CCJCP__Bridging_the_Communication_Gap__The_Role_of_Language_in_Complex_Care.pdf?format=pdf


    Clinicians across healthcare professions, advocates, researchers, and patients/families are all encouraged to engage and provide feedback! You can recommend an article for discussion using this form: forms.gle/Bdxb86Sw5qq1uFhW6

    Luercio M, Quiñones-Pérez B, Huth K. Bridging the Communication Gap: The Role of Language in Complex Care. 12/2024. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/bridging-the-communication-gap-the-role-of-language-in-complex-care.

  • In this World Shared Practice Forum podcast, Dr. Mark Peters discusses the Oxy-PICU trial, published in The Lancet in January 2024, which compared conservative to liberal oxygenation targets in critically ill children. The study highlighted the importance of pragmatic trial design and the need for larger trials to confirm these findings.

    -Discuss the background driving the investigation of oxygenation in critically ill children
    -Summarize the study design of the Oxy-PICU Trial
    -Present the outcomes and challenges of the Oxy-PICU Trial
    -Identify the key characteristics of pragmatic trial design and the implication of pragmatic trial results

    Mark Peters, MBChB, MRCP, FFICM, FRCPCH, PhD
    Professor of Paediatric Intensive Care
    NIHR Senior Investigator
    UCL Great Ormond St Institute of Child Health
    Hon. Consultant Paediatric Intensivist
    Paediatric Intensive Care Unit and
    Children’s Acute Transport Service
    Great Ormond St Hospital

    Jeffrey Burns, MD, MPH
    Emeritus Chief
    Division of Critical Care Medicine
    Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
    Boston Children's Hospital
    Professor of Anesthesia
    Harvard Medical School

    Initial publication date: November 26, 2024.

    Peters MJ, Gould DW, Ray S, et al. Conservative versus liberal oxygenation targets in critically ill children (Oxy-PICU): a UK multicentre, open, parallel-group, randomised clinical trial [published correction appears in Lancet. 2024 Jan 27;403(10424):354. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00100-4]. Lancet. 2024;403(10424):355-364. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38048787/

    Fan E, Del Sorbo L, Goligher EC, et al. An Official American Thoracic Society/European Society of Intensive Care Medicine/Society of Critical Care Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline: Mechanical Ventilation in Adult Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome [published correction appears in Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017 Jun 1;195(11):1540. doi: 10.1164/rccm.19511erratum]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017;195(9):1253-1263. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28459336/

    Peters MJ, Ramnarayan P. Randomized Trials to Reduce Clinical Uncertainty: Gold Standard or Fool's Gold? Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2024;25(8):775-777. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39101806/

    Darnell R, Brown A, Laing E, et al. Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate a Permissive Blood Pressure Target Versus Usual Care in Critically Ill Children with Hypotension (PRESSURE). Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2024;25(7):629-637. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38629915/

    Taccone FS, Rynkowski Bittencourt C, Møller K, et al. Restrictive vs Liberal Transfusion Strategy in Patients With Acute Brain Injury: The TRAIN Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA.Published online October 09, 2024. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39382241/

    Jones GAL, Eaton S, Orford M, et al. Randomization to a Liberal Versus Conservative Oxygenation Target: Redox Responses in Critically Ill Children. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2023;24(3):e137-e146. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36728001/

    UK-ROX: https://www.icnarc.org/research-studies/uk-rox/
    MegaROX: https://www.anzics.org/current-active-endorsed-research/mega-rox/
    ICU-ROX: https://www.thebottomline.org.uk/summaries/icm/icu-rox/


    Peters MJ, Burns JP. Less is More: Oxygenation Targets in Critically Ill Children. 11/2024. OPENPediatrics. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/less-is-more-oxygenation-targets-in-critically-ill-children-by-m-peters-openpediatrics.

  • In this new Nursing World Shared Practice Forum podcast, Dr. Sharon Tucker reviews the foundations of Evidence-Based Practice and why it is important to nursing science. She discusses her body of work focusing on building evidence, implementing evidence into practice, and using frameworks that support Implementation Science. She explains how Implementation Science and Quality Improvement Science are related and how they can work together to improve nursing care.

    - Explain the three elements that comprise evidence-based practice
    - Discuss reasons for gaps between translating evidence into practice
    - Explain Implementation Science
    - Discuss similarities and differences between Quality Improvement and Implementation Science

    Sharon Tucker, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, NC-BC, EBP-C, FNAP, FAAN
    Professor and Chair of the Department of Nursing Practice
    College of Nursing
    University of Central Florida

    Debra Lajoie, PhD, JD, MSN, RN, LNC, Nursing
    Director of Nursing Research for Surgical Programs
    Nurse Scientist Surgical Programs
    Boston Children's Hospital

    Initial publication date: November 18, 2024.


    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user.For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Tucker SJ, Marcley S, DeGrazia M, Lajoie D. Evidence-Based Practice and Implementation Science in Nursing. 11/2024. OPENPediatrics. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/evidence-based-practice-and-implementation-science-in-nursing-by-s-tucker-openpediatrics.

  • In this special Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, co-hosts Drs. Kilby Mann and Kristie Malik interview presenters of posters and oral abstracts relevant to the care of children with medical complexity at the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) 78th Annual Meeting in Quebec City, Canada that took place October 23rd-26th 2024. Speakers describe the implications of their study findings, messages for patients and families, and priority areas for research that they hope can be investigated further by the complex care community in the coming years.SPEAKERSTori Bahr, MDMedPeds Complex Care PhysicianSection Chief of PediatricsGillette Children's, St. Paul, MinnesotaLaura Brunton, PT, PhD Associate Professor School of Physical Therapy Western University, London, OntarioCaitlin Cassidy, MDAssociate ProfessorDepartments of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and PediatricsWestern University, London, OntarioAdam Rosenbloom, MD, MPHComplex Care PediatricianDell Children's Medical CenterUniversity of Texas at Austin, Dell Medical SchoolCristina Sarmiento, MDAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, ColoradoJulie Stutzbach, PT, DPT, PhDAssistant Professor School of Rehabilitative and Health SciencesRegis University, Denver, ColoradoHOSTSKristina Malik, MDAssistant Professor of Pediatrics,University of Colorado School of MedicineMedical Director, KidStreetPediatrician, Special Care Clinic,Children's Hospital ColoradoKilby Mann, MDAssistant ProfessorPediatric Rehabilitation MedicineChildren's Hospital ColoradoDATEInitial publication date: November 11, 2024. ARTICLES AND ADDITIONAL REFERENCES• American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM), https://www.aacpdm.org/• AACPDM Complex Care Committee (https://www.aacpdm.org/about-us/committees/complex-care)• Houtrow AJ, Hurwitz MB. A dearth of disability-related competencies in Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education's Milestones 2.0. PM R. 2024 Aug 23. doi: 10.1002/pmrj.13257. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39177053.• Fehlings D, Agnew B, Gimeno H, Harvey A, Himmelmann K, Lin JP, Mink JW, Monbaliu E, Rice J, Bohn E, Falck-Ytter Y. Pharmacological and neurosurgical management of cerebral palsy and dystonia: Clinical practice guideline update. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2024 Sep;66(9):1133-1147. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.15921. Epub 2024 Apr 19. PMID: 38640091.• AACPDM Care Pathway Dystonia in Cerebral Palsy, https://www.aacpdm.org/publications/care-pathways/dystonia-in-cerebral-palsyTRANSCRIPThttps://cdn.bfldr.com/D6LGWP8S/as/p9pj6g7sxn5kjmmgps5wnk4/111124_-_Complex_Care_at_the_American_Academy_for_Cerebral_Palsy_and_Developmental_Medicine_Annual_MeetingClinicians across healthcare professions, advocates, researchers, and patients/families are all encouraged to engage and provide feedback! You can recommend an article for discussion using this form: forms.gle/Bdxb86Sw5qq1uFhW6CITATIONMalik K, Bahr T, Brunton L, Cassidy C, Rosenbloom A, Sarmiento C, Stuzbach J, Mann K. Complex Care at the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Annual Meeting. 11/2024. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast.. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/complex-care-at-the-aacpdm-2024.

  • In this World Shared Practice Forum podcast, we discuss the Pediatric Sepsis Data CoLaboratory (Sepsis CoLab), an international open data-sharing network to address pediatric sepsis mortality and morbidity. Drs. Kissoon, Ansermino, and Akech discuss the challenges related to the collection and sharing of data in a global context, the latest advancements in sepsis research and treatment, and how they believe this work will drive better patient outcomes.

    - Recognize the role of the Sepsis CoLab in global sepsis care
    - Describe the challenges and strategies for data sharing in healthcare
    - Summarize the importance of standardized data collection in sepsis research
    - Discuss some specific examples of how data can be used to support initiatives to improve the care of children with sepsis

    Niranjan "Tex" Kissoon, MBBS, FRCP(C), MCCM, FACPE
    Professor, Department of Pediatrics,
    University of British Columbia,
    Investigator, BCCH Research Institute
    President, Global Sepsis Alliance
    Institute for Global Health
    BC Children's Hospital and BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre

    Mark Ansermino, MBBCh
    University of British Columbia
    Executive Medical Director for Global Health
    BC Children's Hospital

    Samuel Akech, MD,
    Consultant Pediatrician & Epidemiologist
    KEMRI-Wellcome Trust

    Initial publication date: October 21, 2024.

    Sepsis CoLab: https://wfpiccs.org/pediatric-sepsis-colab/

    Pediatric Sepsis CoLab Membership Application: https://rc.bcchr.ca/redcap/surveys/?s=EDCYL7AC79

    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user.For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Kissoon NT, Ansermino JM, Akech S, Wolkbrink TA. Improving Sepsis Care: A Data-Driven Approach. 10/2024. OPENPediatrics. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/improving-sepsis-care-a-data-driven-approach-openpediatrics.

  • In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Dr. Renee Turchi discusses an intervention study to improve emergency preparedness for families with children and youth with special health care needs. She describes the multiple community partners involved in intervention development, key insights gained while conducting the study, and next steps from this work.

    Renee M. Turchi, MD, MPH, FAAP
    Professor and Chair of Pediatrics,
    Pediatrician in Chief
    St. Christopher's Hospital for Children

    Emily Goodwin, MD
    Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics,
    University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine
    Pediatrician, General Academic Pediatrics Beacon Program,
    Children’s Mercy Kansas City

    Initial publication date: October 7, 2024.

    Griffin JS, Hipper TJ, Chernak E, Berhane Z, Davis RK, Popek L, Kurapati P, Kim J, Turchi RM. A Virtual Home Preparedness Intervention Centered on Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs. Acad Pediatr. 2024 Jun 10:S1876-2859(24)00167-0. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2024.06.002. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38866363. https://www.academicpedsjnl.net/article/S1876-2859(24)00167-0/fulltext

    Hipper TJ, Davis R, Massey PM, Turchi RM, Lubell KM, Pechta LE, Rose DA, Wolkin A, Briseño L, Franks JL, Chernak E. The Disaster Information Needs of Families of Children with Special Healthcare Needs: A Scoping Review. Health Secur. 2018 May/Jun;16(3):178-192. doi: 10.1089/hs.2018.0007. Epub 2018 Jun 8. PMID: 29883200; PMCID: PMC11015856. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29883200/


    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user.For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Turchi RM, Goodwin EJ. Preparing for Emergencies: Planning and Partnerships with Families. 10/2024. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/preparing-for-emergencies-planning-and-partnerships-with-families.

  • In this World Shared Practice Forum Podcast, Drs. Adrienne Randolph and Aaron Bodansky explore the groundbreaking research findings that uncover the pathophysiological mechanism behind multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). These findings shed light on the characteristic immune response of patients who develop MIS-C, and provide insight into the development of post-infectious auto-immune disease phenotypes.

    - Describe the pathophysiology of MIS-C, including the clinical features and molecular immune response
    - Describe the immune dysregulation that results in MIS-C, including the role of autoantibodies and T-cell responses
    - Identify the potential connections between SARS-CoV-2 infection and the development of autoimmune responses
    - Recognize the implications of the study findings for other related conditions such as long COVID and sepsis

    Adrienne Randolph, MD, MSc
    Senior Associate in Critical Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
    Boston Children's Hospital
    Professor of Anaesthesia and Pediatrics
    Harvard Medical School

    Aaron Bodansky, MD
    Assistant Professor
    Pediatric Critical Care
    University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine

    Initial publication: September 24, 2024.

    Bodansky A, Mettelman RC, Sabatino JJ Jr, et al. Molecular mimicry in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. Nature. 2024;632(8025):622-629. doi:10.1038/s41586-024-07722-4.

    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user.For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Randolph AG, Bodansky A, Burns JP. Unveiling MIS-C's Immune Response: Molecular Mimicry. 09/2024. OPENPediatrics. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/unveiling-mis-cs-immune-response-molecular-mimicry-by-a-randolph-and-a-bodansky-openpediatrics

  • In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Ms. de Pins and Dr. Lin discuss a quality improvement initiative to standardize post-visit written communication in a multidisciplinary clinic. They describe stakeholder involvement in defining project goals, effective interventions to reduce the use of medical jargon in after-visit summaries, and next steps from this work.

    Agathe de Pins, BSc, MSc
    Medical Student
    Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

    Elaine Lin, MD
    Co-Director, Cerebral Palsy and Spasticity Center
    Pediatrician, Complex Care Service,
    Boston Children's Hospital

    Kristina Malik, MD
    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,
    University of Colorado School of Medicine
    Medical Director, KidStreet
    Pediatrician, Special Care Clinic,
    Children's Hospital Colorado

    Initial publication: September 9, 2024.

    de Pins AM, Adu-Amankwah D, Shadman KA, Hess SM, Elaiho CR, Butler LR, Ranade SC, Shah BJ, Fields R, Lin EP. A Quality Improvement Project to Improve After-visit Summary Patient Instructions in a Pediatric Multidisciplinary Neuromuscular Program. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2024 Jul 10;9(4):e743. doi: 10.1097/pq9.0000000000000743. PMID: 38993270; PMCID: PMC11236396.

    Gidengil C, Parast L, Burkhart Q, Brown J, Elliott MN, Lion KC, McGlynn EA, Schneider EC, Mangione-Smith R. Development and Implementation of the Family Experiences With Coordination of Care Survey Quality Measures. Acad Pediatr. 2017 Nov-Dec;17(8):863-870. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2017.03.012. Epub 2017 Mar 31. PMID: 28373108.

    Hess SM, Adu-Amankwah D, Elaiho CR, Butler LR, Ranade SC, Shah BJ, Shadman K, Fields R, Lin EP. Qualitative feedback from caregivers in a multidisciplinary pediatric neuromuscular clinic. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 2024;17(2):237-246. doi: 10.3233/PRM-230011. PMID: 38427510; PMCID: PMC11306999.


    Clinicians across healthcare professions, advocates, researchers, and patients/families are all encouraged to engage and provide feedback! You can recommend an article for discussion using this form: forms.gle/Bdxb86Sw5qq1uFhW6

    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user.For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    de Pins AM, Lin EP, Malik K. Drop the Jargon: Improving Written Communication to Families After Multidisciplinary Care. 9/2024. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/drop-the-jargon-improving-written-communication-to-families-after-multidisciplinary-care

  • This podcast discusses anesthetic considerations for patients with unrepaired tetralogy of Fallot who are undergoing non-cardiac surgeries.

    Upon listening to this podcast, learners will be able to:
    - Explain preoperative considerations
    - Provide an anesthetic management plan
    - Describe specific non-cardiac surgical procedures and the considerations that need to be addressed when performing them
    - Anticipate the postoperative considerations

    Annette Schure, MD
    Senior Associate in Cardiac Anesthesia
    Boston Children's Hospital
    Assistant Professor of Anesthesia
    Harvard Medical School

    Christian Refakis, MD
    Clinical Fellow
    Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine,
    Boston Children's Hospital

    Robert Soohey
    Medical Student
    Tufts University School Of Medicine

    Initial publication: September 4, 2024.

    Please visit: www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Refakis C, Marcley S, Soohey R, Marques B, Wolbrink TA, Schure AY. Anesthesia for Non-Cardiac Surgeries: Unrepaired TOF. 09/2024. OPENPediatrics. Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/anesthesia-for-non-cardiac-surgeries-unrepaired-tof-openpediatrics.

  • In this World Shared Practice Forum Podcast, experts from three large pediatric hospitals discuss their collaborative care models designed to optimize care for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant. This global panel reviews the history, structure, and current state of these models, and offers insight into how clinicians can develop and improve their own collaborative care models.

    - Identify the importance of collaborative care models for hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients
    - Discuss the status of current care models in three pediatric stem cell transplant programs
    - Apply insights on how clinicians develop collaborative care models and steps that can be taken to make ongoing improvements

    Asya Agulnik, MD, MPH
    Associate Member, St. Jude Faculty
    Director, Global Critical Care Program
    Director, Euro Regional Program
    St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

    Indira Jayakumar, MD
    Lead Pediatric Intensivist
    Apollo Specialty Cancer Hospitals
    Co Convenor- IAP Transplant Critical Care,
    Chairman- Pediatric wing, ECMO Society of India
    Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

    Leslie Lehmann, MD
    Attending Physician, Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Center
    Boston Children's Hospital/Dana Farber Cancer Institute
    Associate Professor of Pediatrics
    Harvard Medical School

    Revathi Raj, MBBS, DCH, PLAB, MRCP, FRCPath
    Senior Consultant
    Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology and Blood and Marrow Transplantation
    Apollo Hospitals
    Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

    Adrienne Randolph, MD, MSc
    Senior Associate in Critical Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
    Boston Children's Hospital
    Professor of Anaesthesia and Pediatrics
    Harvard Medical School

    Aimee C. Talleur, MD
    Assistant Member, Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
    Fellowship Director, BMTCT Fellowship Program
    St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

    Initial publication: August 26, 2024.

    • Zinter MS, McArthur J, Duncan C, et al. Candidacy for Extracorporeal Life Support in Children After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A Position Paper From the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators Network’s Hematopoietic Cell Transplant and Cancer Immunotherapy Subgroup. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022;23(3):205-213. doi:10.1097/PCC.0000000000002865 (13:04)
    • St. Jude Global Critical Care program, https://global.stjude.org/en-us/programs/transversal-programs/critical-care.html, Email: [email protected] (25:49)

    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org

    OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Agulnik A, Jayakumar I, Lehmann L, Raj R, Randolph AG, Talleur AC, Wolbrink TA. Collaborative Care Models to Optimize Care of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients. 08/2024. OPENPediatrics. Podcast https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/collaborative-care-models-to-optimize-care-of-hsct-patients-by-t-wolbrink-et-al-openpediatrics.

  • In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Dr. Kate Nelson discusses a qualitative study exploring decision-making skills developed by family caregivers of children with medical complexity. She describes the impact of contextual factors and relationships within care teams on decision-making, family partnership in research, and the next steps from this work.

    Kate Nelson, MD, PhD
    Staff Pediatrician, Paediatric Advanced Care Team
    The Hospital for Sick Children
    SickKids Research Institute
    Assistant Professor
    University of Toronto

    Kathleen Huth, MD, MMSc
    Pediatrician, Complex Care Service, Division of General Pediatrics
    Boston Children's Hospital
    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
    Harvard Medical School

    Initial publication date: August 5, 2024.

    Journal Club Article
    Finlay M, Chakravarti V, Buchanan F, Dewan T, Adams S, Mahant S, Nicholas D, Widger K, McGuire KM, Nelson KE. Learning to Trust Yourself: Decision-Making Skills Among Parents of Children With Medical Complexity. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2024 May 28:S0885-3924(24)00792-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2024.05.023. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38810951.


    Clinicians across healthcare professions, advocates, researchers, and patients/families are all encouraged to engage and provide feedback! You can recommend an article for discussion using this form: https://forms.gle/Bdxb86Sw5qq1uFhW6

    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user.For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Nelson K, Huth K. Choice and Voice: Family Perspectives on Decision-making for Children with Medical Complexity. 8/2024. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/choice-and-voice-family-perspectives-on-decision-making-for-children-with-medical-complexity

  • This podcast discusses the preoperative, operative, and postoperative considerations for patients undergoing tonsillectomy, including anatomy and pathophysiology, preoperative evaluation, anesthetic management, operative approach, and postoperative care.

    Upon listening to this podcast, learners will be able to:
    • Explain the anatomy and pathophysiology
    • Describe key considerations for the preoperative anesthetic evaluation and intraoperative anesthetic management plan
    • Review common operative approaches
    • Discuss postoperative considerations

    Haley Moulton, BA
    Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

    Eelam Adil, MD, MBA, FAAP
    Department of Otolaryngology and Communication Enhancement
    Boston Children's Hospital
    Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology
    Harvard Medical School

    Ashish Ankola, MD
    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
    Texas Children's Hospital

    Sonya Mathews
    Pre-Medical Student

    Jue Wang, MD
    Associate in Perioperative Anesthesia
    Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
    Boston Children's Hospital

    Initial publication date: July 10, 2024

    Please visit: http://www.openpediatrics.org OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email: [email protected]

    Moulton H, Adil E, Ankola A, Mathews S, Wang JT, Marcley S, McFee AM, Wolbrink TA. Tonsillectomy. 07/2024. OPENPediatrics. Podcast. https://soundcloud.com/openpediatrics/tonsillectomy-openpediatrics