
  • Please join us as Sunny describes what her new life is like an expat in Portugal. In 2023, her family got rid of most of their belongings from a lifetime in the U.S. and moved to the Azores, an archipelago in the mid-Atlantic that is part of Portugal. The islands are characterized by gorgeous, dramatic landscapes, fishing villages, green pastures, and hedgerows of blue hydrangeas. It’s even more breathtaking than it sounds. The islands can be found right between New York and Portugal, about three hours either way. So, in this episode, Sunny tells us about her journey and what it’s like being an ex-pat on a beautiful little island. Is it the little slice of heaven that it seems? And what is it like being far away, as we, here in the U.S., cascade towards our election day with the hopes of maintaining our democracy. We will find out all this and more in this episode.

    Sunny's bio related to kink:
    Sunny began teaching about BDSM in 2010. Her area of expertise is the soft skills--which center around things like ethics, cultivating self-awareness, and strategies for effective communication. She received a FROST Certificate of Gratitude in 2020 honoring her service to the kink community, was voted XBIZ sexpert of the year in 2021, and Kinkly’s sex blogging superhero in 2017. Her alternative sexuality focused podcast American Sex was awarded the AASECT podcast award in 2020. Sunny also creates curriculum about BDSM for sexuality professionals. Some of her most recent projects include designing & teaching the BDSM unit for a well-known sex educator certification program plus a lesson for the Sexual Health Alliance’s Kink Informed Certification Program for therapists and other care professionals. Sunny’s first book, Customizable Kink: A Strategic Guide to Erotic Play is scheduled to be released in 2022.

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron
    Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron
    American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    Tiktok http://tiktok.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. Please know this episode has themes of sexual and emotional abuse and neglect. If you catch yourself becoming emotionally overwhelmed by this episode’s content, please get support. Call a friend, therapist, or an emotional support hotline, such as 988.

  • In this episode, the amazing death doula, Jane Whitlock, joins us. In the U.S., there is so much avoidance of understanding death and preparing for death, but if we lean in to learning and feeling, we can learn so much from dying and the death process including how to live, the mysteries and spiritual aspects of death, and how to die under the best circumstances possible for both us and our loved ones. Jane once said, “In circumstances in which death is not sudden, if we treated death as we treat birth, then death would not be a time of fear and anxiety but love, connection and a time to access our deepest emotions.” It can be such a better experience if we learn to manage our fear and grief. We also get into how to frame death for our own spiritual evolution, for instance Jane has stated, and I’m paraphrasing, “The soul should be in the driver’s seat with death is riding shot gun. The ego should be in the back seat” as a way to look at death through a Buddhist lens. We hope you join us for this fascinating episode of Open Deeply in which we face what is for many, a biggest fear.

    Jane's Bio: Jane Whitlock is an end of life doula, a passionate end of life educator and an arm chair astrologer. She believes that by holding the truth that we will die close, we will not only have a more meaningful life but a more meaningful death. She did a Ted talk in 2018 entitled, "What Death Taught Me About Life" which launched her into the field of death education. She is the co founder of the MN Death Collaborative an end of life resource for all facing death. In 2021 she co founded Full Circle Care, an end of life program at a skilled nursing facility. As a Gemini rising she is a talker so prepare yourselves!

    How to Find Jane:
    Website: http://www.deathdoulajane.com/
    Tedtalk: https://www.ted.com/talks/jane_whitlock_what_i_learned_about_life_from_death?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deathdoulajane/

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

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  • Have you noticed lately that everybody feels like they have ADHD? Do you really have it or is it simply all the doom scrolling that has you scattered? Well, today we have a guest that might help you take a step towards having that sorted out. Please welcome, Pam Shaffer, who specializes in ADHD, non-monogamy, and creative practices. She is the founder of Best Self Psych, a group of ENM, kink, and LGBTQ+ affirmative therapists and coaches. As a coach, herself, she offers sessions for high performing neurodivergent individuals who want to have more authentic, fulfilling relationships. In this episode, Pam explains what AuDHD is (a combo of autism and ADHD), how to recognize the symptoms, and how to cope with common struggles, such as rejection sensitivity. She shares some interesting personal stories of her journey being neurodivergent, both the joys and the struggles. Then we move on to talking about what it’s like to date someone who is neurodivergent and what it’s like to date when you, yourself, are neurodivergent. We even cover what it’s like to be a porn performer who is also neurodivergent. So please join us as we explore why human differences actually add color and fun to life and once again dare to Open Deeply.

    Pam's Bio:
    Pam Shaffer is a psychotherapist and coach, who specializes in ADHD, non-monogamy, and creative practices. She is the founder of Best Self Psych, a group of ENM, kink, and LGBTQ+ affirmative therapists and coaches .As a coach, herself, she offers sessions for high performing neurodivergent individuals who want to have more authentic, fulfilling relationships. She refers to herself as a compassionate guide that will help clients through the ups and downs of life with pragmatism and a bit of magic. She identifies as poly/ENM, kink, and LGBTQIA+ affirmative and she loves to help people who are experiencing difficulty in their relationships or feel stuck in their professional and creative lives. She has been quoted in Cosmo, Oprah Magazine, Forbes, BBC, Men’s Health Magazine, Women’s Health and many others for her expertise in sexuality, relationships and neurodiversity. Outside of therapy and coaching, she hosts her own podcast Why Not Both about how our multiple passions shape our identity and will be releasing music as Pearl Holly in the spring of 2024.

    How to find Pam Shaffer:
    @bestselfpsych on insta
    @pamshaffercreates on insta and tiktok
    Website is http://www.bestselfpsych.com

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • Please join us for episode fifty-one, with Ian Ferguson, expert trainer in the Erotic Blueprint Methodology and co-founder, along with his partner, Jaiya, of the Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc., a company educating clients to use Jaiya’s revolutionary Erotic Blueprint framework. In this episode, Ian tells the story of how the Erotic Blueprints were manifested as a byproduct of some of his and Jaiya’s endeavors to overcome relationship difficulties. He defines the five erotic blueprint types: sexual, kinky, sensual, shapeshifter and energetic. And then he gives examples about how two people who seemingly have non-compatible blueprint types can find ways to come together.

    Finally, we switch gears and discuss Ian’s recent diagnosis of prostate cancer which happened concurrently with Jaiya’s other platonic long-term partner, John, also having a life-threatening experience with cancer which of course has rocked the foundations of their family. However, you would be hard pressed to find a stronger, more loving family than theirs and perhaps that’s part of the reason they have already experienced some miracles. We hope you decide to check out this episode that often reveals that anything is possible.

    Ian's Bio:
    Ian Ferguson is the co-creator of The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ and co-founder of The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc., a company dedicated to Erotic Liberation for All.

    Our company mission is to realize a vision of global sexual wellness, putting an end to the perpetuation of sexual trauma, empowering every person to have the healthy relationships they desire and to claim the consensual and fulfilling pleasure they deserve.

    Ian, an internationally recognized speaker, has appeared on Netflix’s ‘Sex, Love and Goop,’ as well as top podcasts for Tony Robbins and on other media such as Good Morning America, VH1, Anderson Live and Details magazine.

    Ian is an Expert Trainer of the Erotic Blueprint™ Methodology and has helped to license over 300 Erotic Blueprint Coaches™ who now serve the global Blueprint community.

    How to find Ian along with other fun links:
    Main Free gift:
    Erotic Breakthrough Quiz:

    The Blueprint Breakthrough

    Erotic Breakthrough Quiz:






    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • Please join us for episode fifty in which Open Deeply’s co-host, who is a psychotherapist and a two-time cancer survivor, discloses the intertwined psychedelic journey and cancer journey that she experienced throughout 2023. The story begins with a psychedelic journey at a retreat center deep in jungles of Costa Rica that changes the trajectory of her life for close to a year. During her last psychedelic experience at the retreat center, her lung area felt like a concrete block. She tried to use all her somatic psychotherapy skills to move it through to no avail. She describes how she finally resolved her suffering and what happened once she returned home. She had learned from listening to countless stories of psychedelic journeys, that it’s not wise to ignore the medicine if it focuses on a body part. So, upon returning to L.A., she decided to get her lungs checked. Months later, the biopsy results revealed that she had a small tumor in her lung. The doctors kept asking, “How did you know to come in?” Strange but true. Now, most people describe cancer as a monster. We often here, “F*ck cancer!” But what if, in some cases, cancer has something to teach us. In Kate’s experience, she states that although having cancer both times was brutal, the lessons it has taught her keep coming. She describes it as more of a spiritual journey that has provided tremendous growth. And she has lived to tell us about it in this episode. So, join us, for another episode of Open Deeply, in which we will find out why so many cancer survivors ask the question, “Why did it take cancer to teach me how to live?”

    Kate's Bio:
    Kate Loree, LMFT, is a sex-positive licensed marriage and family therapist with a specialty in non-monogamous, kink, LGBTQ, and sex worker communities and the author of Open Deeply: A Guide to Building Conscious, Compassionate Open Relationships.
    In addition to her master’s in marriage and family therapy, she also has an MBA and is a registered art therapist (ATR). She is an EDSE certified sex educator and an EMDR certified therapist with additional training in the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) for the treatment of trauma. She has been practicing psychotherapy since 2003.
    She cohosts her own sex-positive podcast, Open Deeply, with Sunny Megatron, has been featured in Buzzfeed videos, and has been a guest on Playboy Radio and many podcasts, including Sex with Dr. Jess, American Sex, Sluts and Scholars, and Multiamory. She has written for Authority Magazine and Good Vibrations, been featured in Vice and Ms. Magazine, and is a frequent public speaker.
    For more information, please visit her on the web at KateLoree.com.

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • Please join us for episode 49 of Open Deeply with the legendary, Janet Hardy. Janet is most known for the Ethical Slut, but she is a prolific writer of over a dozen groundbreaking books. In this episode, she reads from her soon to be published book, Notes of an Aging Pervert. This novel is SO kind, vulnerable and honest regarding the uncomfortable subjects of aging and facing mortality. We’re all going to die, but we remain avoidant of the subject. Janet holds our hand and makes thinking about this topic way easier. Here is one excerpt from the book, ““I’ve come to think of my lifetime as a relatively brief vacation, and my body as resortwear — perhaps a nice sundress, or a pair of comfy shorts. Like all vacations, this one will feel like it’s over much too soon.” She also discusses family, love, relationships, and of course, k1nk including several kinky memories. One of the most captivating parts of the book is when she tells the story of being present for her father’s “good death” which is mystical, awe inspiring and beautiful. In addition, the paperback is filled with Janet’s original raw and lovable artwork of herself and loved ones. In this interview Janet discusses the vulnerability of including nude drawings of herself and why she decided to include them. The book has a certain comfy and comforting quality to it, despite the scary topics, that makes one want to grab a blanket and some hot cocoa and curl up while reading it. It’s a love gift. It’s a book that helped me sit in reverence for this iconic human that has blazed a trail for so many, including me, so that in turn, our own path might not be so hard. We hope you join us for this captivating episode as we discuss this amazing book.

    Janet's bio: Janet W. Hardy is the author or coauthor of more than a dozen groundbreaking books about relationships and sexuality, including The Ethical Slut, which has sold more than 300,000 copies to date.

    She spent the first three decades of her life believing that she was the only person in the world who got turned on by thinking about spanking. She wrote her first book, The Sexually Dominant Woman, to help create a world in which nobody else would ever be that clueless.

    Janet has traveled the world as a speaker and teacher on topics ranging from ethical multipartner relationships to erotic spanking and beyond. She has appeared in documentary films, television shows, and more podcasts and radio shows than she can count. She has narrated audio versions of many of her books, and looks forward to doing more.

    Janet spent a quarter century as editor-in-chief of Greenery Press, the firm she founded in 1992, which went on to publish dozens of books about alternative sexuality and relationships. While she has retired from being a publisher, she goes on writing, drawing, editing and educating about sexuality.

    Janet lives the life of a kinky poly queer genderbent geezer in Eugene, Oregon, with her spouse and a whole lot of pets.

    How to find Janet:
    Website: https://janetwhardyauthor.com/
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jhardyauthor
    X/Twitter janetwhardy
    IG: http://instagram.com/janetwhardy

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • Please join us for episode 48 of Open Deeply with the legendary kink expert, Midori, as we explore pleasure within BDSM. We start off the interview discussing her Women’s Dominance Weekend Intensive called Forte Femme in which her teachings go to the core of BDSM and even takes a step beyond kink to include profound truths about human sexuality and power that impact our daily lives. Then Midori goes on to stress the importance of finding out the tells our partner has within a BDSM scene that reveal whether or not they are happy. Our tells in the sub role are often easy to determine, but what about the Domme role? That’s way harder to define! Midori also goes over some of her pet peeves within BDSM and what ideas within BDSM that she might feel are bullshit or toxic. Finally, Midori tells us a out her performance art that is a delicious combination of her Japanese roots, BDSM, social commentary, and generally mind fuckery. This is an incredibly fun and thought-provoking episode, so we hope you join us as we once again, dare to Open Deeply.

    Midori's Bio:
    Trailblazing educator, artist, and irritant to banality, Midori teaches, coaches, and consults on alternative sexuality, BDSM, Shibari cultural competency, and joyful empowerment through thoughtful kink.

    Along with founding ForteFemme Women’s Intensive in 2004 and Rope Dojo in 2002,, Midori is known for having penned the first English instruction book on Shibari, “Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage” in 2001, paving the way for the popularity of rope today.
    She works closely coaching individuals as well as therapists and other helping professionals as Co-Director of Kink Informed Certification for Sexual Health Alliance.

    Midori's social media links:
    - www.PlanetMidori.com
    - www.patreon.com/planetmidori.com
    - Instagram @PlanetMidori www.instagram.com/planetmidori/
    - Twitter @PlanetMidori twitter.com/planetmidori
    - Coaching and Private Sexological Consultations: https://fhp-inc.com/contact/
    - Consent Dojo https://FHP-Inc.com/Consent-Dojo

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • In my personal life, my many of my dear friends are sex positive thought leaders. This is a group of incredibly sexy, powerful, sexually embodied humans who identify as women. Despite all of our strength and knowledge, many of us were completely blind-sided by menopause. Here are just a few symptoms: decrease clitoral sensitivity (oh, fuck no), brain fog (not okay), painful sex (not on my watch), rapid weight gain (some gained thirty pounds in a year), decreased libido, and a variety of weird and painful health issues that came on in rapid succession. But you can’t make a group of vibrant vagina and vulva owners go quietly into the shadows. F*ck that shit. So we went searching. And one of my finds was the wonderful, Dr Kelly Casperson. Dr. Kelly Casperson is a board-certified urologist with a specialty in menopause. In this episode, we break down myths about estrogen, discuss the long list of benefits that come from being on systemic estrogen, along with how to maintain sexual vitality after age fifty. Please join us as we break down the culture lie that woman past fifty should slowly fade into the wood work, while concurrently exposing that the truth, that we are wise, powerful, sexy and ready to open deeply into the gorgeous flowers that we are.

    Dr. Casperson's bio:
    Dr. Casperson is a board-certified practicing urologist interested in the power of the mind and science to change our views of sexuality. Her podcast called You Are Not Broken which consistently ranks in the top 10 in the Apple “sexuality” category in multiple countries. It has been nominated for an AASECT award for three years running.
    From that she has created online courses teaching women the fundamentals of their anatomy and physiology, discussing their limiting beliefs, and normalizing their normal female sexual function, to empower them to live their best love lives. Through the pursuit of a certification with the Life Coach School and the North American Menopause Society, she now combines her medical knowledge with mind-work to help women
    with surgical precision. An engaging and humorous storyteller, she is a nationally known speaker and is known for being approachable (like your big sister who is a doctor), making people comfortable with these
    often uncomfortable topics, and changing lives in the bedroom and out with her practical useful tips.
    Her book: “You Are Not Broken: Stop Should-ing All Over Your Sex Life” is out now on Amazon
    and Audible.

    How to find Dr. Casperson:

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • In this episode, Alex Belser, PhD joins us to discuss how psychedelics can help LGBTQIA+ people heal from bigotry and embracing their identity. After seeing him speak on stage at the Denver Psychedelic Science Convention on the topic of Queering Psychedelics, I knew we needed to have him on Open Deeply along with his co-presenter, Justin Natoli, who was our guest on episode 44. So much was discussed in this episode including how psychedelics can potentially help with the coming out process. And we didn’t shy away from the dark history of psychedelics. For instance, did you know that psychedelics have been used unethically in tandem with conversion therapy in attempt to rewire sexual orientation? Horrible, but true. And finally, we discussed what the kink and psychedelic communities can learn from one another. All this and more as once again we dare to Open Deeply.

    Bio: Alex Belser, PhD is a clinical scientist, author, and licensed psychologist with a focus on psychedelic research. At Yale University, he's a Co-Investigator for a study investigating psilocybin treatment for people with OCD. He has explored the potential of novel therapies using psilocybin, MDMA, ketamine, and DMT to help alleviate human suffering and treat specific indications, including depression, anxiety, addiction, and PTSD. His most recent book: EMBARK Psychedelic Therapy for Depression: A New Approach for the Whole Person, co-authored with Dr. Bill Brennan, will be published later this year by Oxford University Press. Dr. Belser has co-founded a number of leading psychedelic organizations, including the NYU Psychedelic Research Group in 2006; Nautilus Sanctuary, the first non-profit on the East Coast dedicated to psychedelic medicine; and Adelia Therapeutics, where he served as Chief Clinical Officer (CCO). He also served as CCO at Cybin, where he chaired the Scientific Advisory Board. His other main area of interest is mental health for LGBTQIA+ people—his last book is Queering Psychedelics: From Oppression to Liberation in Psychedelic Medicine. His work has been featured in the media, with coverage in the New York Times, the Atlantic, the New Yorker, The Guardian, Forbes, Rolling Stone Magazine, and in Michael Pollan's book, "How to Change Your Mind." Dr. Belser is a hatha and kundalini yoga teacher. He studied at Georgetown, Cambridge, Columbia, NYU, and Yale University. To learn more, you can check out his website at http://alexbelser.com or his practice website, https://www.centerforbreakthroughs.com/

    How to find Alex Belser, PhD:
    Website: https://www.centerforbreakthroughs.com/
    Facebook http://facebook.com/alexbelser
    Instagram http://instagram.com/alex.belser

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • In this episode, we explore a mind expanding alternate to the traditional binary of choosing either a monogamous or non-monogamous relationship. Non-monogamy was created in reaction to the confines on monogamy. However, isn't it time to break free from this binary? If either one of these choices works for you, then great! But for many relationships or people a fluid relationship that may shift from monogamy to non-monogamy depending on what suits all partners involved and their changing life circumstances may work better. A fluid relationship is not trapped within the confines of non-monogamy. Instead, a fluid relationship inherently has the full range of freedom to shift across the continuum, from extreme monogamy on one end to extreme non-monogamy on the other end, as life changes. Its arguable that such relationships have the greatest ability to adapt to emotions and needs, and thus the highest ability to survive over time. In this episode, we unpack the advantages and challenges of fluid relationships, when they are healthy or unhealthy, why couple privilege may be the biggest hurdle, and how fluid relationships differ from relationship anarchy. Please join us as we once again dare to open deeply.

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • In this eye-opening episode, Jason Natoli, JD, LMFT, and founder of the Queer Medicine Community, tells us about his amazing chapter within the book, Queering Psychedelics entitled, “How Psychedelics Can Guide the Transformative Journey of Polyamory”. He discusses how psychedelics can help with three primary struggles within polyamory: shame, past trauma, and difficulty transcending labels. Then, he explains that, based on his research, people who seek out monogamy or non-monogamy, do so to either 1) avoid discomfort and satisfy desires or 2) pursue a transformative journey. And according to Justin, “For those of us who walk the transformative path of polyamory, the Universe itself is our soul mate.” In this episode, he unpacks what he means by that along with reading to us his Queer Creation story that is so magical that it’s a wonder that we have gone this long without it. And so, we hope you join us for this delightful episode, as once again, we dare to open deeply.

    Justin's Bio:
    Justin Caleb Natoli, JD, LMFT (He/She/They) is a psychotherapist, Hakomi practitioner, retreat facilitator, and founder of the Queer Medicine Community. In their private practice in Los Angeles, Justin specializes in Depth and somatic psychotherapies, trauma, addiction, psychedelic integration, and working within kink, poly, and LGBTQIA+ communities. Outside of clinical work, Justin’s mission is to spread Queer medicine through writing, speaking, and facilitating workshops and other gatherings. They serve on the Chacruna Institute’s Women, Gender Diversity, and Sexual Minorities Working Group and contributed to Chacruna’s latest book, “Queering Psychedelics.” Justin received a JD with honors from the UCLA School of Law and a Master’s in Depth psychology from the Pacifica Graduate Institute. They received a certificate in psychedelic therapy and research from CIIS and are completing a three-year program in psychedelic and transpersonal therapy through the AWE Foundation.

    How to find Justin Natoli:
    Websites: JustinNatoli.com and Queermedicine.com
    Instagram: TherapyWithJustin and QueerMedicineCommunity
    For more info on Justin's Queer Psychedelic online group every other Friday, email Justin at [email protected].

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron
    American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • In this episode, relationship coach and co-host of the Multiamory podcast, Dedeker Winston joins us to discuss her new book, “Multiamory: Essential Tools for Modern Relationships” that she wrote along with co-authors Jase Lindgren and Emily Sotelo Matlack. Dedeker unpacks some fascinating key concepts in her book, like RADAR check ins and the Triforce of Communication, that will be game changers for your relationships. We also get into vulnerabilities as she explains that writing has been emotionally harder for her than nude modeling and why. Then, we shift gears as she elucidates how the combination of being a digital nomad and being non-monogamous has been especially epic for her. Side note: I have to say, her goat story got me incredibly envious. She tells us how jealousy has been her teacher, why she loves relationship anarchy, and finally, why she now endeavors to live a “f*ckless life”. Please join us for this detailed look into the non-monogamous mind of Dedeker Winston as we once again dare to Open Deeply.

    Dedeker Winston is an educator, relationship coach, and co-host of the Multiamory podcast, a research-backed relationship advice show that centers non-traditional relationships. She is the author of The Smart Girl's Guide to Polyamory, which I personally love, and the newly published Multiamory: Essential Tools for Modern Relationships.

    How to find Dedeker Winston:
    IG and twitter: @dedekerwinston
    Website: dedekerwinston.com

    How to find Sunny Megatron: Website: http://sunnymegatron.com Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk How to find Kate Loree: Website http://kateloree.com Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • This episode is part two with Goddess Amina (Amina Peterson). In this episode, we talk about everything from the politics of sex to psychedelics. Regarding sexual politics, Amina feels the best was to buck our patriarchal system is by offering and teaching something that is way better than anything patriarchy can ever offer…next level pleasure. With a gleam in her eye, Amina states, “This is how we fight patriarchy, by offering something way juicier, way more whole, way healthier, and way more appealing. Amina questions the hypocrisy in our culture related to sex and points out that, “We can sell a waterfall, but we can’t sell our own p*ssy.” She discusses rights related to sex work and delineates survival sex work versus empowered sex work.

    After this impassioned conversation, we switch gears and discuss Amina’s work with psychedelics. She offers San Pedro retreats outside of the United States. She likens San Pedro ceremonies to “getting a hug from the universe for ten hours.” She excitedly explains that she’s been learning from a shaman since 2021 and describes how her guests seem changed after these experiences.

    Finally, we close the interview discussing the importance of access and inclusion of Black and Brown people in the psychedelic movement including the necessity of having Black and Brown run retreat centers and clinics. We discuss the importance of amplifying the public awareness of sexual abuse that has been enacted by some shamans, mentors or facilitators upon some guests, students or patients who are experiencing a psychedelic journey. All of this drives home the point that profits should never be more important than people. We hope you join us for incredibly thought-provoking episode of Open Deeply.

    Amina Peterson's Bio: The Goddess Amina, otherwise known as Amina Peterson, is the founder of the Atlanta Institute of Tantra, a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing access to pleasure and tantric embodiment in communities of color. She is also the host of the Fix Your Sex Podcast. Her path began as a Sex Surrogate working with Dr. Dean Dauw in 1997. In 2004, she began practicing massage after completing a 500-hour program at the New Chicago School of Bodywork and Massage. That training opened her eyes to a variety of erotic healing modalities, including neo tantra and esalen. She is a graduate of the University of IL (B.A. Sociology), a Reiki Master, and a yoga instructor (Core Power & Tantra). Her resume highlights accolades that include a combined 20+ years of work in non-profit management, and a bodywork background that includes work as a birth doula, personal trainer, and fitness coach. Her extensive background in fitness and health has made her work especially focused on helping lovers heal their wounds related to body image, sexual abuse, self-esteem and identity. Amina Peterson's links: @atltantra on all social media Website: atltantra.com How to find Sunny Megatron: Website: http://sunnymegatron.com Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk How to find Kate Loree: Website http://kateloree.com Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • In this episode, the Goddess Amina tells us her story from running away at age fourteen to becoming the tantric powerhouse that she is today. She explains the import of somatic healing and expounds on her belief that your orgasm is expansive energy, a way to experience your higher self. And her goal is to guide you home to your body, where your magic lives. She teaches us about energy systems and their cultural appropriation. And she explains how clearing sexual shame, guilt and fear can heal our mind, body and spirit. Please join us for another magical episode of Open Deeply.

    Amina Peterson's Bio:
    The Goddess Amina, otherwise known as Amina Peterson, is the founder of the Atlanta Institute of Tantra, a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing access to pleasure and tantric embodiment in communities of color. She is also the host of the Fix Your Sex Podcast.
    Her path began as a Sex Surrogate working with Dr. Dean Dauw in 1997. In 2004, she began practicing massage after completing a 500 hour program at the New Chicago School of Bodywork and Massage. That training opened her eyes to a variety of erotic healing modalities, including neo tantra and esalen.
    She is a graduate of the University of IL (B.A. Sociology), a Reiki Master, and a yoga instructor (Core Power & Tantra). Her resume highlights accolades that include a combined 20+ years of work in non-profit management, and a bodywork background that includes work as a birth doula, personal trainer, and fitness coach.
    Her extensive background in fitness and health has made her work especially focused on helping lovers heal their wounds related to body image, sexual abuse, self-esteem and identity.

    Amina Peterson's links:
    @atltantra on all social media
    Website: atltantra.com

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron
    Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • Licensed psychotherapist, Dr. Cat Meyer, joins us to discuss her two areas of expertise, sex and psychedelics, while disclosing much about her own personal sexual journey, such as the time she first discovered her Dominant side while at BDSM party. However, her wild soul was not always so free. Cat’s childhood was mired with an eating disorder and sexual abuse. But quickly, she began to take her body back through yoga, somatic work and reiki in her early 20s. Then while getting her Ph.D., she discovered kink and tantra. Today, she is teaching courses on how all of this can blend together, such as her current kink and tantra class, to create epic relationships and an amazing sex life. In this episode, we discuss the power of trance states within bdsm scenes, tantra, and psychedelics. We also discuss how internal family systems psychotherapy can blend beautifully with psychedelic therapy to help people heal and grow. And in true Cat Meyer fashion, she starts the interview off by telling us the historic significance of pussy flashing as a way to control a crowd. Yes. You heard that right. And through out, she weaves myths and legends beautifully into her explanations of how we can grow both spiritually and sexually. Please join us for this incredibly sexy and intriguing episode as we once again dare to Open Deeply.

    Dr. Cat Meyer's Bio:
    Dr. Cat Meyer, PsyD, LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in sex, trauma, and ketamine-assisted therapy (KAP), author, yoga teacher, and international speaker dedicated to evolving the relationship we have surrounding sexuality and our bodies. Dr Cat is the founder of SexLoveYoga.com, an online platform integrating various schools of thought including science, tantra, yoga, psychedelic therapy, and psychology designed to help people create a deeply fulfilling, prosperous relational and sexual life. As an expert and published researcher on the topic of sexual health, Dr. Cat sees clients in her private practice office in Beverly Hills and leads workshops, lectures, and retreats internationally. Dr. Cat is the host of the podcasts Sex Love Psychedelics and Erotically Wasted, author of the book sexloveyoga, + co-founder of Un.done women’s sensual yoga experience.

    How to find Dr. Cat Meyer and media links:
    Free Guide Opt-in :
    Sex + Psychedelic Journey Ritual Curation

    Vetting Your Shaman or Practitioner in Sex + Psychedelics Guide

    Website and Social Media Links:
    Instagram: @SexLoveYoga
    Facebook: @SexLoveYogawithDrCat
    YouTube: SexLoveYoga

    sex love yoga Book Link on Amazon:

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron
    Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • In this episode, Megan Bhatia of Amory Podcast joins us to tell us about her two long term loves, husband Marty & partner Kyle. She unpacks the joys and challenges of open relating in polyamory and explains why polyamory is a spiritual journey. Of all the podcasts on non-monogamy, Amory podcast has the strongest heartbeat. It is by far, the most vulnerable. Over the years, Megan and her partners have literally processed through their most difficult poly moments for all to hear on her podcast. So as our guest, we dive into what she has learned over the years on her most vulnerable poly journey as she shares thoughts on lack, loss, self-care, compersion and joy. Please join us for another passionate plunge as once again, we dare to Open Deeply.

    Megan's Bio:
    Megan is the host of Amory podcast, where she and her two partners, Marty and Kyle, share vulnerably about their experience navigating polyamory. Viewing life through the lens of relating, Megan believes that there are endless ways to deepen our awareness when we see and understand the patterns of relating. She now works with people one-on-one and in groups to develop healthy, loving relationships in every category of life. After traveling with her twins and two partners to over 14 countries in the last 5 years, she now happily calls Costa Rica her home. She hosts Amory retreats for non-monogamous relationships and offers courses on self-love.

    How to find Megan Bhatia:
    Podcast: https://amorypodcast.com/tag/megan-bhatia/
    Self Love Journey Course: https://amorypodcast.com/product/self-love-journey-online-course/
    Facebook http://facebook.com/meganbhatia
    Instagram http://instagram.com/amorypodcast or http://instagram.com/thelovingchallenger
    YouTube Website: https://www.youtube.com/c/MeganBhatia/videos?app=desktop

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron
    Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • Rachel Krantz, the author of Open: An Uncensored Memoir of Love, Liberation, and Non-monogamy joins us as we continue the discussion from the previous episode about grooming in the kink scene. However, in this episode, we broaden the conversation by including non-monogamy and we deepen it by exploring Rachel’s first- hand experience with it. In the past, all three of us, Rachel, Sunny and myself, have been in kink and/or non-monogamous relationships that we came to realize had some toxic patterns of manipulation, grooming, gas lighting, etc. in them. Often such relationships are mixed with amazing highs that keep one hooked and brutal lows that leave one crushed. It is our hope that listeners who are currently in such relationships or healing from one might benefit from the insights in this episode. We start in the thick of it…that time when Rachel was immersed in such a relationship, including the strong emotional tidal pulls that are make such a relationship addictive, sexy, intoxicating, but deeply torturous. And then we can move to the first few years after getting free, followed by where Rachel finds herself now and finally, who she wants to become. Perhaps in doing so, the three of us can provide a road map, some coping tools, or at least some hope for someone who feels lost in this pattern within kink and/or non-monogamy. We hope that you join us for this vulnerable, bold and honest episode as once again, we dare to open deeply.

    Rachel's Bio:
    Rachel Krantz is the author of the reported memoir, OPEN: AN UNCENSORED MEMOIR OF LOVE, LIBERATION, AND NON-MONOGAMY, which is a 2023 Lambda Award finalist. She is the host of HELP EXISTING, a new podcast offering help on, well, existing!
    She is the namer of Bustle, and one of its three founding editors. At Bustle, she served as Senior Features Editor for three years, and Senior News Editor before that. She also worked at The Daily Beast as Homepage Editor, and at the nonprofit Mercy For Animals as Lead Writer.
    She’s the recipient of the Peabody Award, the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights International Radio Award, the Investigative Reporters and Editors Radio Award, and the Edward R. Murrow Award for her work as an investigative reporter with YR Media.
    She was the host of the Bustle podcast Honestly Though, a show about taboo topics recommended by The Guardian. Her work has been featured on New York Magazine’s The Cut, Vice, LitHub, Vox, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, NPR, The Daily Beast, Newsweek, High Times, Men’s Health, AFAR, USA Today, Buzzfeed Books, Publishers Weekly, Salon, Marie Claire, VegNews Magazine, and many other outlets.
    She is on the advisory board for Sentient Media and the board of directors of Our Hen House.

    How to find Rachel:
    Website: https://www.racheljkrantz.com/
    Facebook http://facebook.com/rachelkrantz
    Twitter http://twitter.com/rachelkrantz
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/rachelkrantz
    Podcast: https://www.racheljkrantz.com/help-existing-podcast

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron
    Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

  • Sometimes this podcast is about what BLOCKS us from opening deeply. When I heard Sunny's episode on American Sex about grooming within the kink scene, I knew that I wanted to be sure that Open Deeply listeners heard it as well. So we are reposting it here!. Adult grooming is often misunderstood — from what it looks like, to who is most vulnerable, what types of people groom, and why — most assume it can’t happen to them. The fact is, grooming comes in many forms and can happen in any type of relationship – including BDSM dynamics. And because kink often involves power imbalances, it can be especially difficult to recognize in this context.

    Whether you’re new to kink or a seasoned veteran, this episode will give you the tools to spot unhealthy power dynamics in BDSM and deconstruct preconceived notions of what manipulative abuse looks like, who can do it, and why. You’ll also learn:

    - The six stages of grooming as they apply to D/s dynamics
    - How to recognize coercive abuse in BDSM relationships
    - How pop culture kink stereotypes fuel grooming within BDSM
    - The end goal of the groomer’s behavior
    - How my breakable rules analysis can help you spot unhealthy kink & more

    Sunny's bio related to kink:
    Sunny began teaching about BDSM in 2010. Her area of expertise is the soft skills--which center around things like ethics, cultivating self-awareness, and strategies for effective communication. She received a FROST Certificate of Gratitude in 2020 honoring her service to the kink community, was voted XBIZ sexpert of the year in 2021, and Kinkly’s sex blogging superhero in 2017. Her alternative sexuality focused podcast American Sex was awarded the AASECT podcast award in 2020. Sunny also creates curriculum about BDSM for sexuality professionals. Some of her most recent projects include designing & teaching the BDSM unit for a well-known sex educator certification program plus a lesson for the Sexual Health Alliance’s Kink Informed Certification Program for therapists and other care professionals. Sunny’s first book, Customizable Kink: A Strategic Guide to Erotic Play is scheduled to be released in 2022.

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron
    Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron
    American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    Tiktok http://tiktok.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. Please know this episode has themes of sexual and emotional abuse and neglect. If you catch yourself becoming emotionally overwhelmed by this episode’s content, please get support. Call a friend, therapist, or an emotional support hotline, such as 988.

  • It’s time to transition to season three! In season one, the United States’ climate of suppression, led us to create a podcast designed to amplify voices that are often suppressed. We brought on the most impactful sex positive social justice leaders and icons that we know from many walks of life. Each guest got two episodes. The first is an intimate deep dive in which each guest tells their life story from traumatic struggle to purpose and power. The second episode is even more intimate as we interview guests regarding the previous episode. We were surprised to discover how similar each person’s struggle was despite each person being very different demographically. Despite season one having such profound heart, once that was revealed, it was time for season two. Season two is about love that gets pushed into the shadow; kinky love, non-monogamous love, neurodiverse love and love between two porn performers. These communities are often seen by the masses in a de-humanizing way and in an overly sexualized way. Focusing on love is one of the best was to humanize these amazing populations. We accomplished that! Now, we are ready for season three. Open Deeply has always been about striping away our social conditioning and shame (especially sexual shame). Anything that keeps us small, constricted and disconnected like a flower tight in the bud. This podcast is simultaneously, also about discovering our sexual truth, our authenticity, and anything that allows us to open deeply into our human potential. As Anais Nin says, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” In season three, we will continue to discuss sexual authenticity and anything that blocks sexual authenticity, but we will also branch out into other topics, like plant medicine and animism. Upcoming guests might speak on topics such as autoimmune diseases or naturopathy, any topic that might allow us to heal and reconnect to what really matters. Furthermore, we will continue to try to give you tools, so that you will feel strong enough to keep waking up into your full sexual, mind, body, and spirit potential. We hope that you will join us as we expand our process and continue to open deeply.

    How to find Sunny Megatron: Website: http://sunnymegatron.com Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree: Website http://kateloree.com Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft Instagram
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. If you catch yourself becoming emotionally overwhelmed by this episode’s content, please get support. Call a friend, therapist, or an emotional support hotline, such as the national emotional support hotline, 988.

  • Season two is about love that our culture pushes into the shadows and this episode is about love between two porn performers, Jetsetting Jasmine and King Noire. When we asked other porn performers what couple they felt are the best example of a healthy, amazing love, Jetsetting Jasmine and King Noire were always the reply. So often our culture projects bigoted, two-dimensional stereotypes onto porn performers. In contrast, this episode, which is all about their love, helps to humanize and get closer to the truth. When asked how our culture might love porn performers better, King said, “Just realize that we are humans.” That shouldn’t be a big ask, but in America, unfortunately, it is. Their epic love is just a part of this episode. In addition to being performers, Jasmine is a psychotherapist and King is a musician. Both of them have a heavy social justice focus. Over ten years ago, their fans, who were mostly Black and Brown people would ask, “Why aren’t we (Black and Brown people) shot well? Why aren’t we ever shown kissing? Why is it so bad.” And so, through their production company, Royal Fetish Films, King and Jasmine give their fans the corrective experience they have been asking for. This episode is not just about the relationship between to porn performers, but also their relationship with their fans and our culture. It’s an episode about breaking down bigotry and creating art and beauty through porn. We hope you join us for another episode of Open Deeply, where again, we feature amazing humans who are shifting culture towards a more open and loving world.

    Jet Setting Jasmine is a licensed clinical therapist with a strong emphasis on Intimacy Post Injury and Post Illness. She is co-owner, with partner King Noire, of the Award Winning, “Royal Fetish Films” and has over 20 years of experience as an adult entertainer, educator, and Master Fetish Trainer.

    King Noire is an accomplished writer, artist, MC and global activist using the proceeds of his album ‘Music Is My Weapon’ to build a school, fresh water well, and medical clinic in Guin-E Bissow, West Africa.

    How to find Jetsetting Jasmine and King Noire:
    Royal Fetish Films: https://royalfetishxxx.com/
    Jetsetting Jasmine's website: https://www.jsjlinks.com/
    King Noire's website: https://www.kingnoire.com/
    Royal Fetish Radio Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/royal-fetish-radio/id1633894650
    King's IG: http://instagram.com/therealkingnoire
    Jasmine's IG: http://instagram.com/jetsettingjasmine

    How to find Sunny Megatron:
    Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
    Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
    Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron
    Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
    Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk

    How to find Kate Loree:
    Website http://kateloree.com
    Facebook http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@opendeeplywithkateloree
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
    Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithKateLoree
    YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

    Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.