Today, I want to talk about construction projects from a holistic birds-eye view because the reality is that construction projects are hard, and I don’t think I talk enough about the fact that they are challenging and sometimes can come with a steep learning curve.
I know there are more designers than not on construction projects, and I see designers every day diving in, determined to figure it out as they go. That’s who we are - we make things work. And while I know that resourcefulness is incredible and gets us so far in our business, it does have limitations and so today, I want to break this down in order to lift up our industry and set ourselves apart while we’re managing construction projects
Join the waitlist for my course here: https://www.reneedevignierdesign.com/construction-management-interior-designers
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/missing-support-for-designers-managing-construction
If you're ready to take your business to the next level, today's episode is for you! I am so excited to have my friend Katie Decker-Erickson on today's episode!
Katie began her career in commercial color consulting as a part-time passion project in 2007. Color Works, has grown into a multi-million dollar commercial design company, currently operating in over 20 states nationwide, with a fully remote team of more than a dozen individuals. Katie is known for her business acumen (having grown her interior design firm 1500% in a single year).
As a business coach for interior designers, she knows firsthand what it takes to build a thriving, sustainable business while staying true to your creative vision. With nearly 20 years in the industry and a Master’s degree in Business Administration, Katie is actively in the trenches—elevating her own firm while helping other designers master the business of design through her coaching.
In her podcast, "Success by Design: Mastering the Business of Interior Design" she helps interior designers bridge the gap between creativity and entrepreneurship. Katie shares real-world insights, actionable strategies, and candid conversations to help you streamline your operations, increase profitability, and build a business that works for you—not the other way around.
She has a passion for teaching others (with 18 years teaching graduate & undergraduate university courses), devotion to her two young daughters, and commitment to women’s empowerment both personally and professionally.
Today, we’re diving into when and how to scale your business, the power of process-driven success, and why agility is your greatest asset as an entrepreneur. Enjoy!Mentioned in this episode: Rules of the Red Rubber Ball: Find and Sustain Your Life's Work
Find out more about Katie here:
Check out her free resources here: https://successbydesign.coach/free-resources
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/business-of-design-power-of-process
Saknas det avsnitt?
Today, we are bringing back a listener favorite from Season 5, Episode 177. Charging What You're Worth in Interior Design
We talked about the difference is between a hobby and a profession and how it can simply be boiled down to making money. So many designers undervalue their services and have anxiety about marking up procurements on construction projects, and this was a top downloaded episode, so I wanted to bring it back for all of those who may have missed it and as a refresher for those that did hear it!
After listening to today’s episode, I hope it gives you some new insight and inspiration, as well as hopefully a few actionable steps you can start taking today. Don’t wait to change your money mindset issues and boost your security, knowing your value and worth in ways that you can start charging for immediately!
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/listener-favorite-charging-your-worth
If you have been looking for that one perfect solution in your business - that one right way to be successful in your business, then today’s episode is for you!
Today, I want to dispel the myth that there is only one right way, one successful way of running your projects and your business when that just isn’t the case and how flexibility is the key to success!
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/flexibility-is-key-to-success
If you’re finding your designs are constantly being questioned or dismissed, then today’s episode is for you!
On any given day, interior designs have a lot to keep track of. Most of us are self-employed so we are not just working in our business, we’re working on our business. So today, I want to tackle something that will truly set you apart but is so often overlooked because we are so overwhelmed with everything else. But I want to highlight how important this is to add to our ever-growing to-do list because it will absolutely improve not just the success of your projects but the success of your business.
Miscommunication and power struggles on job sites can sabotage your designs. In today’s episode, we break down why trades and designers often clash—and how to earn respect, avoid costly mistakes, and strengthen collaboration.
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/why-designers-struggle-with-trades
I am honored to host LuAnn Nigara today to talk all about leadership in our industry, the struggles and the underlying reasons why stepping into leadership is so critical for the health and profitability of our business.
LuAnn Nigara is a celebrated media personality, keynote speaker and seasoned entrepreneur. Recognized as the “go-to” keynote speaker for leaders and entrepreneurs to launch their life and get out of their own way, she always delivers a dynamic presentation. In her third business launch, LuAnn Nigara Inc., she provides business resources for entrepreneurs through live events and LuAnn University. LuAnn has published three books, is a sought-after columnist and has captured international attention for her weekly podcasts "Window Treatments for Profit" and “A Well-Designed Business®” which has more than 1000 episodes and 9 million downloads.
Luann’s experience and wealth of knowledge as a window treatment professional, working with designers day in and day out she knows our strengths, our weaknesses and our biggest struggles.
She always brings the wisdom, the tough love, and the straight talk that we need to hear! Leadership isn’t just about managing projects. It’s about owning your role, setting the tone, and building a business that truly thrives.
Download LuAnn's free quiz here: https://luannnigara.com/quiz/
You can find out more about LuAnn here:
https://www.instagram.com/luannnigara, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgRScT16XD_jq_NqsPPawDA, https://www.facebook.com/groups/luannnigaraandfriends/
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/luann-nigara
Today I want to talk about a critical component to your success of every construction project that you may not be thinking of because it doesn’t take the form of a process, tip, or trick on a physical job site - and that is the value of a support network. One that you can lean on, transparently ask the questions you’re afraid to ask, but most importantly, one that truly understands this crazy ass niche inside our industry.
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/power-of-support-network
If you think back to last year’s worst project I know in a nanosecond you’d be able to tell me all about it, detail what went wrong, how much sleep you lost, the increased stress you went through, and likely profitability. I do understand that, and looking back on those projects are important, but today I want to talk about something we don’t analyze from previous years, and that is our wins. Focusing on our wins is so much more important than only looking at the projects that went wrong, and today I want to explain why this change in focus can propel your success for 2025.
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/grow-your-business-in-2025
Planning your year is more than just filling your calendar—it’s about aligning projects with your business goals, avoiding burnout, and staying intentional. In today's episode, I also share with you how to recognize subtle "pink flags" in projects before they turn into major red flags, and why trusting your instincts can save you time, money, and stress. Plus, learn how to set boundaries, create flexibility in your schedule, and build a strategy that works for you in 2025 and beyond.
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/planning-your-projects -
Today, I am excited to welcome my guest, Rick Campos! Rick Campos is a former interior designer turned podcast host, business coach, and advocate for the interior design community. After years of running his own design business and working with industry professionals, Rick launched Design Biz Survival Guide, a podcast and platform that empowers designers with insights, strategies, and confidence to grow profitable businesses. With his background in leadership, community building, and expertise in the business side of design, today, Rick is sharing his practical advice to help interior designers lead with confidence, connect with peers, and embrace the unique challenges of the design industry.
Find out more about Rick by visiting his website here:
www.designbizsurvivalguide.com or follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/designbizsurvivalguide/
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/real-talk-with-rick-campos
I’ve just returned from a family ski trip, and it was everything I needed. Vacations aren’t just about getting away; it’s about breathing and recharging, allowing you to come back stronger. Now that I’m home, I’m diving head first into 2025, so I want to kick off this new year’s episode with a topic that’s deeply personal to me, and that is defining success on your own terms. You CAN build a business that is meaningful, aligned, and truly works for YOU.
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/defining-success-on-your-own-terms
Today is all about reflection. I’m going to be looking back on 2024, celebrating some wins, lots of lessons learned, and appreciating the growth along the way as well as what the design community has meant to me this year, why I’m so inspired by the changes I see in our industry and what I’m looking forward to in 2025.
Find out more about my course, The Interior Designer's Guide to Construction Management at: https://www.reneedevignierdesign.com/renovation-management-interior-designers
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/reflect-recharge-plan-for-2025
It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this time of year. We’ve got the holidays, year-end, projects in the works, and marketing for new projects. There are all sorts of things coming this time of year, and it’s really hard to take a step back and realize that you are not serving yourself, your clients, or your projects by getting caught up in that chaos.
As a whole, designers tend to be people pleasers, and while that serves us in so many ways, it can also hold us back. It can absolutely take time away from our lives, drain our energy, and it can definitely cost us money. Those are all things that we need to avoid to run healthy, profitable businesses that we love. So today, we are diving into how interior designers can thrive through the holidays!Find out more about my course, The Interior Designer's Guide to Construction Management at: https://www.reneedevignierdesign.com/renovation-management-interior-designers
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/how-interior-designers-thrive-through-the-holidays
Today, we are tackling a topic that is so incredibly critical to the success of your project and, frankly, the success of your future projects, and that is the hidden costs of poor communication.
I think designers overlook this because they think they’re already great at communicating. This is what we do. We talk with our clients. We share our design. We explain our visions. Yes, yes and yes. But what I want to drive home is the power communication has on a project, both for good and for bad.
This is where I see a lot of projects fall apart because someone missed a detail, didn’t follow up, or assumed everyone was on the same page.
Miscommunication can be extremely subtle and often not intentional. But it can have an impact on everything.Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/costs-of-poor-communication
Find out more about my course The Interior Designer's Guide to Construction Management at: https://www.reneedevignierdesign.com/renovation-management-interior-designers
Last week, I hosted a webinar titled Respected & Profitable, which has sparked such incredible conversations about how being respectful and respected on a project greatly impacts your profitability that I wanted to share with each of you! I also share how to approach negative comments you may hear with curiosity instead of judgment and how the client, contractor, and you, the designer, work together as equals.
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/curiosity-over-judgment
If you've ever wondered if local marketing could make or break your business today’s episode is for you!
Today, my guest, Nancy Ganzekaufer, shares valuable insights on marketing your interior design business both locally and online, reveals surprising industry statistics you might not know, and explains how to build a thriving business while enjoying a balanced and fulfilling personal life.
Nancy Ganzekaufer is a sought-after Business and Life Coach, Body Language Trainer, Speaker, and Author. Previously named one of New York's top coaches, Nancy specializes in coaching interior designers with a focus on marketing and sales strategies, helping them maximize their profitability while identifying and serving their ideal clients with confidence.
Nancy guides her clients to develop the most straightforward path to higher profitability, visibility, and scalability through confident decision making, efficient systems development, and effective communication. She enjoys rolling up her sleeves and helping her interior design clients tackle the tough challenges in life and work, transforming them into happier, healthier, focused professionals.
With her no-nonsense coaching style, Nancy has empowered thousands to know and charge their worth and position themselves in their market with authority and authenticity.
Grab Nancy's free resources for Interior Designers here: https://nancyganzekaufer.com/free-resources-for-interior-designers/
Find out more about Nancy and all of her social media links here: https://nancyganzekaufer.com/
Join her Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/interiordesignbusinessforum
Sign up for my upcoming webinar on Thursday, December 5th at 12:30 pm EST / 9:30 am PST >>>https://www.reneedevignierdesign.com/respect-webinar
Today, we’re covering a topic that most designers struggle with, including myself, and that is talking with your client’s about their budgets and having a clear conversation so that everybody's on the same page, right from the beginning.
Sign up for my weekly newsletter here: https://www.reneedevignierdesign.com/from-the-jobsite
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/budget-conversations-that-lead-to-success
Ready you’re ready or not, we’re heading into the holiday season! Although the dates don’t change, this time of year tends to sneak up on me, and I’m sure a lot of you as well. But it’s also a time that makes me think of connection and appreciation. And that may immediately make you think of family and friends, and it should. But the connection and appreciation also ties back to the way we work as interior designers. And that’s what I want to talk about today - how you can head into the holidays with a plan to build upon your connections, show your appreciation, and set yourself up for success, not only with the projects you’re on right now but for future projects coming your way.
Sign up for my weekly newsletter here: https://www.reneedevignierdesign.com/from-the-jobsite
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/building-relationships-boosting-profits -
Today, I’m excited to share my conversation with Meredith Huck. Meredith is the owner and principal designer of House of Huck and a member of my course, Interior Designer’s Guide to Construction Management. House of Huck is a full-service Interior Design firm located in Coastal Connecticut. Their homes are the essence of coastal casual—textured accents, inviting spaces, high-end finishes and timeless furnishings. Their goal is to curate a tranquil and welcoming environment into their client's homes while not sacrificing the beauty within, just as the coast does for us.
I often talk about the members of my course and how valuable our conversations are. So, I wanted to share that type of conversation with each of you.
Meredith and I cover so many different topics in today’s episode, including profitability and how we gauge our profitability. Spoiler alert: it’s not always in dollars and cents! She’s also passionate about running an efficient and organized design business. Bringing her previous career in business forward into her design practice using repeatable processes that benefit not only her but also every project she’s working on.
You can find out more about Meredith and follow her here:
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/design-processes-personal-freedom
No one’s mind is more blown than mine that this is my 200th episode! This podcast started out as a Covid adventure, and if you had asked me at the time, would I be 200 episodes in? I honestly would have laughed at you if you’d told me that I would have started a podcast, first of all, and secondly, that I’d still be doing it 200 episodes later.
So many of you are new listeners, so I wanted to reintroduce myself today, who I am, why I am here talking about construction management, and why I think it’s so important for each of you. And to all of you who haven't been along for the ride, I can’t thank you enough. It’s because of all of you, your DMs, emails, and encouragement, that I am 200 episodes in with no end in sight!
Sign up for my weekly newsletter here: https://www.reneedevignierdesign.com/from-the-jobsite
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/200-episodes - Visa fler