
  • Why the Trading Tortoise Always Wins the Race

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    #549: Why the Trading Tortoise Always Wins the Race
    In this video:
    00:29 – We’re halfway through the year.
    00:45 – Most people rush into trading too quickly.
    01:30 – The Hare and the Tortoise.
    02:36 – The rise of Prop firms and the pitfalls.
    03:39 – Making mistakes.
    04:10 – View my 17 minute Masterclass & book a call with us.
    04:30 - Blueberry Markets as a Forex Broker.
    04:47 – Comments, Like & Subscribe.
    Today, I'm going to talk about why the trading tortoise always wins the race. The slow and steady approach is the way that you are going to become a profitable long term forex trader. Let's get into that more right now.
    Hey there traders is Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach for video and podcast number 549.
    We’re halfway through the year.
    Middle of winter here in New Zealand in June and we're already halfway through the year. But on a cracking day like this, I had to get outside to make the video today. One the enjoyments of trading and working from home. So in terms of trading.
    Most people rush into trading too quickly.
    Obviously everybody wants to be profitable. When people get into trading, they generally want to get into it pretty quick. Bit of a hiss and a roar.
    I had an email just last night from someone that said, Hey Andrew, I'm ready to give up on trading. We can go in for three months and it's just not working. I'm going to close my account. And I wrote back to him and said, Look, my your absolute brand new, complete novice beginner, three months, you know, nothing at three months. And so I explained to him that, you know, if you're going to take this trading business seriously, you can't be like all up and down like that.
    You can't be hot and cold like that. It's, you know, and that's where it comes back to the title said about, you know, the tortoise wins the race.
    The Hare and the Tortoise.   
    You remember the story about the hare and the tortoise probably learned it as a kid. You know how you know, everybody wants to be the hare. They all want to run off and get done really quick.
    No effort, you know, no background work and trading's exactly the same. And I say all the time, this guy last night was a classic example. Absolutely classic example. You know, three months. I know it all and it's not working and it's the market's fault. No, it's your fault. And the reality is that, you know, you do need to take that slow, steady tortoise approach, because if you're going to do this, like I've been doing this 20 years and it took me four years to get anywhere.
    So I can promise I understand the frustrations of being a few months into it and it's not working, but also someone that's been around for probably longer than anybody else, you know, or listen to or view. I can tell you the approach that's going to work properly long term. So that would be my advice. The slow, steady approach.
    The rise of Prop firms and the pitfalls.
    The reason or one of the reasons is that as well, a lot of people want to get into prop firms these days, which is absolutely fantastic. And I'm going to be putting out some information very shortly about how we can help you to get into prop firms. I think for the right person, they're an absolute fantastic way of making substantial gains from your trading.
    But again, if you're out there being the hare trying to rush into a prop firm after a week, if you're out there taking like silly risks, trying to pass the prop firm, it's not going to work. And ultimately the aim of trading is not to lose capital, it's to preserve funds, whether it's your own money. And it hurts when it's your own money, when it goes wrong.
    If it's a prop firm, it's their money.

  • What is the Green Cross Code of Trading?


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    #548: What is the Green Cross Code of Trading?
    In this video:
    00:24 – Learning to cross the road safely.
    00:43 – The rules of the Green Cross Code.
    01:02 – Live Webinar with my clients.  
    01:26 – The Green Cross Code of Trading.
    03:12 – My 17 minutes Masterclass and Book a Call.
    03:33 – Blueberry Markets as a Forex Broker.
    04:09 – Comments, Like & Subscribe.

    Today, I'm going to teach you all about the Green Cross Code of Trading. Let’s get into that and more right now.

    Hi there, Forex Traders! Andrew Mitchem here at The Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 548.

    Learning to cross the road safely.

    Do you remember when you were a kid? You were learning at school to cross the road? Or if you're riding a bike, they taught you how to stop a crossing and then cross the road safely.

    It's something I never forgotten. And as a kid walking around towns or riding your bike, it kept you safe.

    The rules of the Green Cross Code.

    What they taught you is, number one, look all around. Number two, look to the right. Then look to the left. And then look to the right. And if it was safe and clear, then cross. And it was a very simple but effective way. And here we are, some sort of 45, 50 years later, I still remember very well.

    Live Webinar with my clients.  

    Now, the funny story was that last night I was holding a live 2 hour webinar with my client. We took five trades live on the session and when we were looking at trades, I actually said, Look, you need to look right, then left. And it brought me back to my childhood. I thought Green Cross Code

    And in trading it's really important that one, you keep things simple, but also you do look right and left. Let me explain.

    The Green Cross Code of Trading.

    Overall, we look at the chart. We look at the pattern where the pattern is within the chart. Is there room to move? Is it in the right place? All those type of things.

    So first of all, we had our candle pattern. We were taking a sell trade yesterday and then I look to the right. The reason I looked to the right was the candle itself have bounce at a round number. So that's our first or second thing. First of all, we look overall, then we go right. Then we went left and we took the chart and we said, where this price at best, which was the round number to the right.

    When we went to the left, we saw that some candles prior the price and who had also passed at exactly that level. And when it bounced and hit that level, it then dropped. So now the price to come back up to that same level, we look right, saw the right number left, saw the previous resistance and bounce level.

    There’s our overall view. Look right, look left. We then look right again when it came to actually looking for our entry and our stop loss and our profit target levels. Are there any other significant levels in the way? Can we have the pivot point to help us? Do we have any round numbers to protect our stop loss or making sure added our profit target on the sell trade before any round numbers?

    So think of your trading as you would walking across the road or learning to do that. Or if you've got kids, how to teach them to do it safely. Obviously on a road, it keeps us safe. If you do it in trading, it keeps you safe, but in a different way. It helps you to have high probability trades and it helps you to keep on the right side of the market.

    More often than not. So think about the green cross code. Look overall, look right, left, look right again. And that will massively help you in your trading.

    My 17 minutes Masterclass and Book a Call.

    Elsewhere. If you've not been on my masterclass session,

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  • How To Start Out as A Forex Trader

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    #547: How To Start Out as A Forex Trader
    In this video:
    00:22 – Do you want to start trading?
    00:44 – Trading Forex – The Basics.
    01:30 – Choosing a Forex Broker.  
    01:56 – Forex Education.
    02:23 – Your Trading Plan
    02:50 – Start on a Demo Account.
    03:12 – Technical or Fundamental Trading.
    04:08 – Trading and Travelling.
    04:44 – Blueberry Markets.
    05:00 – My 1 Hour Masterclass and Book a Call.
    05:34 – Comment, Like & Subscribe.

    How do you start as a forex trader? I'm going to cover that topic and more for you over the next few minutes. So let's get started.

    Hi everybody! Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach.

    Do you want to start trading?

    So you're interested in diving into the world of forex trading. Now whether you're looking to supplement your income or to embark on a new career, starting out as a forex trader can be both very exciting and also challenging. And in this video and podcast, I'm going to walk you through the essential steps that you need to get started on the right foot.

    Trading Forex – The Basics.

    Now, first, let's cover the basics. Forex trading or foreign exchange is a global market for trading currencies. It operates 24 hours a day, five days a week, and it's the largest financial market in the world.

    Now, unlike other markets like stock markets, which are based in specific locations like New York or London, the Forex market happens over the counter, which means that basically transactions are conducted directly between parties, usually through an online platform.

    And to start trading, you need to have a reliable internet connection. Obviously, a computer, laptop or mobile device and just somewhere that you can sort of focus on trading somewhere quiet, you can focus on trading.

    Choosing a Forex Broker.  

    Next, you need to choose a forex broker and look for one that's regulated and has high quality rankings as well. Competitive spreads and uses platform such as Metatrader 4 or Metatrader 5.

    I'll put a link on this page to a list of brokers who I use and suggest that you consider because that's going to massively help shortcut the list for you.

    Forex Education.

    Now, education is also key to being a successful trader. You've got to learn the basics. The fundamentals of forex trading. Understand how currency pairs work, such as the majors like the EUR/USD and GBP/USD and then get into more like the minors like the AUD/NZD or EUR/GBP.

    And you got to familiar eyes yourself with you know what pips are leverage margin. All those type of phrases which right now may not be familiar to you.

    Your Trading Plan

    Next you need to develop a trading plan, and a solid trading plan should outline your financial goals, your risk tolerance, specific strategies that you plan to use. You need to decide how much capital you're willing to invest and of course, never risk more than you can afford to lose.

    So a good rule of thumb that I use is I risk only half of 1% of my trading account on a single trade.

    Start on a Demo Account.

    And before trading the real money, of course, you should practice using a demo account. And most brokers offer a demo account to basically simulate real trading conditions. But it's not real money. Now, use this opportunity to test your trading plan and your strategy and get comfortable with the trading platform without having that risk of losing real money.

    Technical or Fundamental Trading.

    Understanding market analysis is also crucial. There's two types of analysis. There's technical and fundamental. Technical analysis means looking at charts, using indicators, etc. to predict movements. Whereas fundamental analysis,

  • I’m Not a Fan of Trading AI or Bots

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    #546: I’m Not a Fan of Trading AI or Bots
    In this video:
    00:27 – Everyone is talking about AI and Bots.
    01:10 – All Bots seem to fail.
    01:30 – Knowing I can read a chart with high probability.  
    02:49 – Limitations of using trading bots.
    03:19 – You don’t need to spend all day trading.
    04:48 – Our 15th Birthday sale.
    05:28 – Trade through Blueberry Markets.

     I'm not a fan of trading AI or trading bots. Let me tell you why. Let's get into that and more right now.

    Hey, the forex traders, Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 546.

    Everyone is talking about AI and Bots.

    Now something maybe a tiny bit controversial. Everybody's talking about, you know, AI and how it can help in life and in trading and trading bots and expert advisors and all these type of things. And look, it's been there for years and years.

    When I started trading, there was tradestation. You could create programs that would automatically trade for you. And then Metatrader came along and people had expert advisors, which would magically for $97 going to solve all your trading problems and trade for you. If you look back on Forex Factory, on different forums, etc., you're always finding people out there who are creating these these robots that are going to do all these wonderful things.

    All Bots seem to fail.

    Have you ever noticed that they all fail? Like, I've never ever in my 20 years of trading seen one that works consistently well. Sure, they'll all have good times, but almost sure they're going to have bad times as well. So the reliability of them, first of all, is not great.

    Knowing I can read a chart with high probability.  

    But to me there's more important things than that. As a trader, as a manual trader. There is nothing better than that knowledge, that satisfaction of knowing that I can look at a chart today, next week, next year, in ten years time, and with high probability and high certainty, predict what's likely to happen. Now, if I get the trade wrong, I get it wrong and I lose a small known set amount of my account.

    But if I get the trade right, it's going to make two, three, four, five times my risk. And having that knowledge and that ability to look at different markets because who knows what's going to be out there in the future. If we were talking, say, like five or ten years ago, certainly ten years ago, we wouldn't have been able to trade cryptos, we wouldn't have been able to trade indices and commodities and metals on forex platforms.

    So things evolve, things change. And I'm certainly not against that when I'm saying I'm not into A.I. or bots. But what I am saying, if you have that knowledge up here, that mental knowledge, ability, satisfaction to make those decisions, that is so much better than just relying on someone's $97 a month bot.

    Limitations of using trading bots.

    The other thing is, is if you buy this bot and it does really well, what happens if you no longer have access to it or what happens if it no longer works? And how do you know that? Because without that knowledge and that skill of understanding how that bot works, you have no way of monitoring it on improving it, on changing it, on anything to do with it. And so to me, that manual skill is still absolutely crucial.

    You don’t need to spend all day trading.

    And if you're out there, like sitting there thinking, well, that's all well and good, Andrew but I'm too busy and I don't want to spend hours and hours and hours on a chart and on a computer, nor do I. I trade 30 minutes a day and I try 15 minutes in my morning, 15 minutes at nighttime. To me, trading is about doing this, getting outside, enjoying the outside, being very focused and very skilled when it's happening, when it's trading time and relaxing, enjoying things,

  • I Don’t Know Where to Place my Stop Loss

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    #545: I Don’t Know Where to Place my Stop Loss
    In this video:
    00:27 – Where should I place my stop loss?
    01:18 – This is what most people do – and it’s wrong.
    02:44 – Use support and resistance levels. 
    03:20 – Always look at round numbers.
    04:22 – How big is your stop loss?
    06:14 – Attend my Masterclass, Prop Firm webinar and book a call with us.                       
    06:37 – Trade through Blueberry Markets.

    Andrew. I don't know where to put my stop loss. Can you please help me? If that sounds like you. Listen up. I've got some great information for you. Let's get into it right now.

    Hey there, traders! This is Andrew Mitchem here with video and podcast number 545.

    Where should I place my stop loss?

    Now, I don't know where to place my stop loss. It's a question and a comment that I get all of the time. And it must be something that frustrates so many people because they just don't know where to put their stop loss. Why to put it at a certain level? And so it creates confusion, frustration, and inevitably leads to losing trades and therefore overall a losing trading performance.

    Now, unfortunately, most people out there just don't know where to put their stop loss because they don't understand the market or they don't understand what is happening at that time. They don't realize there's a difference between different currency pairs in terms of the amount of movement or different time frame charts or different times of the day, volatility at the time. All these things make a big difference and it's something that you need to consider when placing a stop loss.

    This is what most people do – and it’s wrong.

    Now, unfortunately, most people out there who learned to trade through, let's say, watching some YouTube videos or a few forum sites, they unfortunately make the common mistake of putting their stop loss X number of pips away from the entry price.

    Why they do that? Well, that's what most people tell you you should do. It makes it easier, I suppose. You go, I'm putting this stop loss at 20 pips away. Well, what on earth this 20 pips mean? It's completely and utterly irrelevant. You know, 20 pips if you're trading the EUR/CHF is massively different to 20 pips if you're trading the EUR/NZD as an example.

    You know, one doesn't move hardly anything. Daily range of maybe, you know, 40 pips, the other one moves a lot. Average daily range of 100, 150 200 pips is vastly different. It also depends on what time frame you're trading, what time frame chart you are trading, because you know that will determine how big a movement is likely to happen at that time in the next timeframe candle.

    Use support and resistance levels. 

    You know, because sometimes the market's very quiet. Other times it's moving a lot. Obviously, if you're trading on, let's say, a 4, 6, 8, 12 hour, Daily, you know, it's going to be a lot bigger candle than if you're trading on a 15 minute chart, for example. And so you have to take this into account also.

    Now, you also need to take into account and things that we do is a support and resistance level is a pivot point in a previous swing, high swing lows and making sure you're using as many factors as you can to put your stop loss behind that level. So if you're taking a buy trade, for example, you want to put your stop loss below several factors of safety to give yourself the best chance that the market may fall back towards your stop loss, but it's not going to take you out.

    And then it changes and goes up into your anticipated direction and you get a profitable trade.

    Always look at round numbers.

  • View my Monthly & Weekly Chart Trades


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    #544: View my Monthly & Weekly Chart Trades
    In this video:
    00:33 – Great feedback about our latest videos.
    00:58 – A look at my MN1 and W1 chart trades.
    05:00 – GER40 Index trade.  
    07:23 – Trade through Blueberry Markets.
    07:46 – Attend my Masterclass, Prop Firm webinar and book a call with us.    
    08:40 – Email me directly, like, share and subscribe.

    In this week's video and podcast, I'm going to share with you two trades that I've taken, one on the monthly chart, one on the weekly chart. One's a reversal, one's a continuation, one's a forex trade, one's a non forex market. Let's get into that and share those trades right now.

    Hey there, traders! It's Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach for video and podcast number 544.

    Great feedback about our latest videos.

    Loving the feedback that we're getting regarding the changes that we've made here and by showing you trades and just helping people to understand what the market's doing and to understand how we trade here in Forex Trading Coach don't forget we always promote very low risk per trade high reward to risk and the strategy works across all timeframe, charts and all different markets.

    A look at my MN1 and W1 chart trades.

    Now today's a great example of that. I'm going to run through two trades for you, the NZD/USD on a monthly chart and the German 40 index on a weekly chart. So let's jump straight onto the charts here and you can see the two trades on the cover, the first one here is a monthly chart trade that's just hit the profit target this week.

    This is the NZD/USD Monthly chart. So going back here, this is the monthly chart. So this is the candle here that closed in February for the January candle sets January of 2024. And we decided to take the trade heading into the first February when the January candle closed. And you can see in here my trade was not actually filled until the 20th because I take limit orders.

    So I'm looking to take a sell trade after this candle has closed, but I'm only looking at taking the sell trade If the price first retrace is now, I don't need to be sitting there waiting for 20 days for the price to retrace. On the 1st of February, I put my orders in. If within the first candle in this case, the one month the price retrace is to my entry level.

    Fantastic and then takes me on a sell limit looking for the price to then fall. Now you can see in here that the market opened on this candle at 0.6110 and my entry level was 0.6162, so some 52 pips higher. And you can see that the price pull back up here got me filled as my entry level and the stop loss was fine.

    It remained in the market and then the price fell away. By the end of February we were into some good profit. You can see the advantage of entering back up here using limit orders. By the close of the month we were already up 92 pips roughly. And then what happened going into the month of March? The price then came back up, tested that same level.

    Notice how it stopped at the same level. We're still safe. And by the completion of March, we then ended up being around about 188 pips up and then the profit target was hit down here on the 15th of March, 15th of April, just a few days ago at 0.5905. So a few things to notice there. One were at before the right number of 0.5900, but also using the way that we trade with our entry and exit levels, we had a great profit target.

    Now if you look at rough numbers, looking at the without calculating these exact but there's roughly our entry level, our stop loss was at 0.6222, which is in a roundabout here and that was 60 pips, 65 pips and our profit target was in 0.5, which was then in around about there, 257 pips.

  • See my H6 Chart Trades in Action

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    #543: See my H6 Chart Trades in Action
    In this video:
    00:27 – Trades that I’ve taken on the H6 charts this week.
    01:02 – Why I traded the STOXX50 Index.
    02:25 – Sell trade on the USD/MXN. 
    03:09 – EUR/MZN H6 trade makes profit.
    04:41 – Last trade on the GBP/CAD.
    05:29 – Low risk and high Reward:Risk trades.
    06:50 – Trade through Blueberry Markets.
    07:08 – Attend my Masterclass, Prop Firm webinar and book a call with us.   

    Today, I'm going to share with you some six hour chart trades that we've taken just this week, some winning trades and some losing trades. Let's get into that and more right now.

    Hi there, Traders! It's Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 543.

    Trades that I’ve taken on the H6 charts this week.

    I want to share with you some trades that I've taken just this week on six hour chart trades across different markets and different forex pairs. I'm going to explain why I've taken these trades and to give you an understanding of how we trade.

    Now just to let you know also that when we trade at the Forex Trading Coach, our charts are a little bit different to this. I have some candle identifier software, pivot points, divergence, etc. on top. But what I've done for the purpose of this video podcast, I've stripped everything and so you can just see the actual candle patterns and the price.

    Why I traded the STOXX50 Index.

    So let's start here with the STOXX50, which is a European index. So we also trade non forex markets if the pattern show. And so you can see my trade in here. This is a six hour chart trade. It was taken on the completion of this candle here. And if you look at the first two results down here, you can see that one just got stopped out and the other went down to the profit target.

    So what is it we're looking at here? Well, first of all, we have a lovely downtrend in play and then a reversal, By the way, we took this trade, is a buy trade last week. But this pulled back beautifully. And then we saw the continuation pattern heading down in a nice trend line break up through here at this candle closed below that trend line break we had a nice “n” shape that we look for and we actually bounced off a middle bollinger band.

    We had a few other things adding to the trade but you can see in here my two entry levels and this mentioned the first position just got stopped out, the second position. Then price fell beautifully. So our profit target, which by the way, was before the 5000 level and before us swing low. So that was the at the first trade there.

    Now we take multiple trades throughout each day and each week on our membership site and on my forum site. And so these trades were all posted there.

    Sell trade on the USD/MXN. 

    The next trade I want to share with you is the next one down here. You can see the sell trade on the USD/MXN. And this trade just got stopped out on the completion of this candle. The price went down and I ended up closing the trade early. You can see there's a couple losing trades there and I got out of that trade in plenty of time after a loss, a small loss, a control loss of one position, small loss on the other.

    But overall, my logic for the trade was we were in a downtrend pullback and then we had this continuation pattern here looking for this to down. So a small loss taken there.

    EUR/MZN H6 trade makes profit.

    However, the next trade was taken at exactly the same time is on the EUR/MXN and that's in here. And you can see we had a very similar pattern but probably a stronger pattern there.

    Overall, we were in this big downtrend, nice pullback, and then we got the confirmation to go short.

  • I’ll Show You My Trades & Why We Took Them

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    #542: I’ll Show You My Trades & Why We Took Them
    In this video:
    00:32 – Sharing my screen and showing you my trades.
    01:05 – Trades taken this week on D1 charts.
    04:12 – Copying trades to other accounts and prop firms.
    04:43 – EUR/CHF D1 trade.
    06:11 – 3x H12 chart trades taken.
    08:24 – How we trade and teach our clients.
    10:29 – Trade through Blueberry Markets.
    10:42 – Attend my Masterclass, Prop Firm webinar and book a call with us.

    In this week's video and podcast, I'm going to share with you some trades that we have posted on our membership site and our forum site and take in ourselves this week so we can show you how we operate, how we trade and how we have great results. Let's get into that a more right now.

    Hey there, Traders! Andrew Mitchem here at Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 542.

    Sharing my screen and showing you my trades.

    Something a little bit different this week. I've had multiple requests asking for me to share my screen and to show you some of the trades that we take. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. This week. So if you're listening on a podcast, apologize, but this is definitely going to be more of a visual video.

    So if you're on a podcast, maybe you can go and look at your charts whilst listening to the podcast or after and see some of the trades. But I will be descriptive in the trades set up. So let's get into this straight away.

    Trades taken this week on D1 charts.

    So this week we've had a very short week due to the Easter break. But what I want to share with you are just some trades that I have taken myself on our membership site and our forum site.

    So let's share with you here. This is going back to Wednesday, the 3rd of April. And you're seeing here I've got some trades on the EUR/CHF and the AUD/JPY. I want to cover those two to start with. These are taking on the daily charts. These are taken in advance of the market moving. And you can see all the reasons we put there, the entry and exit levels, etc. So I'll take that off and I'll just go back to the actual chart and share with you what it is we are looking at.

    So this is the Aussie yen in here that we took on the close of the Tuesday candle going into Wednesday, which was the 3rd of April 2024. You can see the two trades I've taken down here and you can see the results. But more importantly, I want to explain why we took rates. And if I take the chart out slightly, you can see that overall the AUD/JPY has been this is going back to like the end of December of last year, has been overall in quite an uptrend.

    And so when we saw this pattern here now obviously on my own charts, I have extra lines, indicators, etc., Candle Identifier, Bollinger Bands, etc. like that? But for the purpose of this video of stripped all that off to make it a little bit cleaner for you to see. And also if I put my exact levels on that, I would be looking at today, which is Friday the 5th of April, those levels wouldn't be relevant for this candle back here.

    However, what we saw overall was that bigger picture uptrend, as I mentioned. And then we saw this nice pullback here. And notice after this big pullback on the 22nd, we then had quite a few indecision candles and then we had the change around here. So this is quite a significant area that we see the price pull back to.

    Then we get our bullish candle on the Tuesday, which is the first full day after some shorter days throughout the Easter break through here. So we took it buy trade. And on our daily trade suggestions, you can drink bitcoin, you can see in here we had a buy trade at 98.64. To bear in mind we post these on the completion of this candle.

  • How to make Hundreds or Thousands of Dollars per Trade

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    #541: How to make Hundreds or Thousands of Dollars per Trade
    In this video:
    00:26 – How anyone can make hundreds or thousands of dollars per trade.
    00:59 – Trade with the trend.
    01:38 – Reversals and Continuation candle patterns.
    02:11 – AUD/CHF H12 chart hits profit.
    03:20 – Use Prop Firms to scale up your gains.
    04:08 – AUD/CAD D1 trade hits the profit target in 5 hours.
    04:45 – You cannot take every Continuation pattern as a new trade.
    06:46 – Trade through Blueberry Markets.
    07:38 – Attend my Masterclass, Prop Firm webinar and book a call with us.

    Today, I'm going to show you how you can make hundreds, if not thousands of dollars per trade in just a matter of a few minutes per day. Let's get into that and more right now.

    Hey there, traders! It's Andrew Mitchem here, the owner of the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 541.

    How anyone can make hundreds or thousands of dollars per trade.

    So today I want to share with you how you, anybody it doesn't matter where you live in the world can make hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on a single trade. That takes you just minutes per day of chart time to see and to take.

    It's a really exciting opportunity that Forex offers. And the important thing for me is as a trader, I like to have high probability trades. You see, it's not so much by how many trades you take. It's about the quality of the trades.

    Trade with the trend.

    Now you've probably, if you've been trading for any length of time, heard the phrase about trading with the trend and it's a fairly logical phrase and expression because it makes sense, doesn't it?

    If the market's in a big uptrend that you should be taking buy trades. However, it's not quite as easy as that. And the trouble is a lot of people see a big trend and then they go, it's in an uptrend. I'm going to take it buy trade. And of course the market hits a high, turns around and stops and they take a loss.

    That is the danger that most people are reactionary and only see it's an uptrend after it's already done and completed and it's back to then turn back the other way.

    Reversals and Continuation candle patterns.

    For me as a trader, I trade two different patterns. I trade reversal patterns, which does mean selling at the top of an uptrend. But my favorite and preferred pattern is a Continuation Pattern.

    Now, I'm going to give you two examples from just this week of continuation patterns. So you can go and have a look at your charts. If you're watching, YouTube will probably put these on screen so you can see them. Obviously, if you're on a podcast, then you just have to go and find them on your charts. But two trades to give great examples of what I mean by continuation patterns, both profitable trades for us this week.

    AUD/CHF H12 chart hits profit.

    The first is a 12 hour chart trade on the AUD/CHF. If you go and have a look at the AUD/CHF from the 18th of March 2024, look at the 00:00 candle. So it's the completion of that candle, which means that the day starts at 5 p.m. New York time, but it means that that candle then closes at 5 a.m. New York time.

    So have a look at the charts. The 00:00 Opening Candle, The AUD/CHF 12 Hour chart 18th of March 2024. Go and have a look at that pattern and hopefully we'll get that screenshot put on here so you can see if you're viewing the video. We took a buy trade there. What happened? The market moved up, it pulled back, we waited for it to pull back and then we waited for a confirmation signal to go long again, trading in the main direction.

    But after that pullback and as you can see, we took a really good trade there. And even on a small account,

  • How to Survive a Financial Crisis

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    #540: How to Survive a Financial Crisis
    In this video:
    00:24 – How do we survive the next financial crisis.
    00:57 – Increase income, decrease expenses and save more.
    02:55 – What are my thoughts?
    03:36 – You need to change your mindset.
    03:58 – Plan and prepare.
    04:54 – Upskill yourself today in preparation.
    06:31 – Forex offers so may more benefits.
    06:51 – Live webinar with trades and my account is at +2% gain for the week to date.
    07:57 – Trading with a prop firm.
    09:02 – Give yourself 6-12 months to learn how to trade properly.
    10:00 – Trade through Blueberry Markets.
    10:06 – Attend my Masterclass, Prop Firm webinar and book a call with us.      

    Today I'm going to talk about how you can plan for, prepare for and get through the next financial crisis. Let's talk about that and more right now.

    Hey there, traders! It's Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 540.

    How do we survive the next financial crisis.

    Now, I ask people to give me some topics to talk about, things that will be helpful for you. And one of the main topics those come up is how do we survive the next almost certainly coming financial crisis? So to start and to prepare for this, what I've done is had a look on the Internet and I want to talk about what they suggest and then my thoughts after that.

    First of all, I have to let you know that what I'm about to say is not financial advice. It's purely my own thoughts and opinions, which may or may not work for you.

    Increase income, decrease expenses and save more.

    So did some research online, typed in how to survive a financial crisis. Upcoming standard answers of #1 increase your income, #2 decrease your expenses and #3 increase your savings. Quick overview on those.

    Increasing your income. How are you going to do that? Well, you probably going to if you're in a corporate job, work harder and up the ladder, which means less time at home, etc. like that. More stress. You may be working more hours in your current job. Not a great outcome either. Or you might be going there for a second or third job. Again, not a great outcome. So there's better ways you can do that.

    Number two, and decreasing your expenses is something that most people can do. From my own point of view, we like to be completely self-sufficient here. I say we're about maybe 80-90% self-sufficient in what we eat at home, and we choose to do that. We choose to grow our own food as much as possible with our own, you know, the fruit, vegetables, meat, etc. like that.

    Everything we try to do is our own choice for health reason and enjoyable reason of actually growing and eating our own food. We know what we're eating and less reliant on the system, on the supermarkets and the crazy inflated prices out there. So that may or may not be something you could do as an example.

    The third one to increase your savings. Not very practical for most people around the world, giving the cost of living just as an example, we've had interest rates come off here. Just last week, for me personally, at 2.79, they wanted it to float it at eight point something or fix it at seven point something. Just massive expenses going up there for everybody. A cost of living, a cost of groceries, food, as we've mentioned.

    Your fuel, your rate, your taxes. You know, everything goes up and up the whole inflation. So saving more for most people was not really a practical outcome there. So Bense what the Internet says

    What are my thoughts?

    These are now my thoughts of what you potentially could do because for me surviving or anything financial, a lot of it comes down to your mindset, your thoughts, your emotions.

  • Forex Trading's Preflight Check: Building Your Plan

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    #539:Forex Trading's Preflight Check: Building Your Plan
    In this video:
    00:34 – Heading off for a flight and carrying out my checks.
    02:01 – You need a trading plan.
    03:00 – Put in the time to ensure a good outcome with your trading.
    03:45 – The market does not have even trading conditions.
    04:42 – Trade through Blueberry Markets.
    05:06 – Attend my Masterclass, Prop Firm webinar and book a call with us.

    Today, I'm going to discuss the importance of learning to plan properly, planning your training, See now exactly what you're doing, whether you're flying a helicopter like behind me here, or if you're trading the forex market, you have to plan properly. Otherwise, you plan to fail. Let's get into that a more right that.

    Hey there, Traders! Andrew here, at the Forex Trading Coach, a video and podcast number 539.

    Heading off for a flight and carrying out my checks.

    As you can see, I'm out at the hanger. I'm heading off tomorrow morning. Quite early on a flight, quite a long flight, probably about a three and a half hour return flight. And so as a result of that, I'm spending some time here today when there's no pressure and I'm going through my entire preflight and doing all my checks.

    I've got my my flight plans here. I've got my airports where I'm going to inside here. I've covered everything I need to know in terms of the cockpit. I've got a huge manual here. It's about 800 pages that's just specific to this machine. And on that, I have to know all that. Of course, long before today. But you know, you've got to keep updated on that.

    I've been through the machine here. I've checked through and, you know, engines and oils and up on the rotor blades there. I've checked everything. All my preflight checks and the tail here, everything is checked. My fuels good is clean. It's all on board. I know exactly what I've got. I know where I'm going. I know my radio calls.

    I'm discharging my headsets up. So that's ready. I've got a spare batteries. I've got my iPad. I've got my phone. I've got everything I need to know to do the flight properly, safely, and, you know, to get a good outcome and enjoyable experience for everybody on board and to know what's going to you know, we're going to get there safely and just have a great day.

    You need a trading plan.

    So me doing this is no different to me trading. You know, I've got my plan and this is what I want to stress to you, that I just see so many people that don't have a plan, don't know what they're doing. You wouldn't believe the number of emails that I get saying, Look, I've been trading for six months and I go back and I go, Great, Well, you've obviously got a problem because you're contacting me.

    So. So what are you doing? And they go, I'm just putting on, you know, one lot on this trade and I'm trading, you know, different times of the day. They trading. They don't know what they're trading. They see something all that, let's say a daily chart that's telling a buy on an hourly chart. They're saying sell. They don't know what to do.

    There's no light, there's no money management, there's no risk management. There's no no, no strategy at all. They don't know why they're doing what they're doing. They just know they want to trade forex. And because they're probably seen it's really good and seen something on YouTube or somewhere.

    Put in the time to ensure a good outcome with your trading.

    And that becomes the problem is that people don't put enough preparation time into learning the skill that they want to be good at.

    And you know, it's like anything is like flying this thing. There is nothing that beats flying.

  • 7 Points to Help Develop Your Own Trading Plan

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    #538: 7 Points to Help Develop Your Own Trading Plan
    In this video:
    00:25 – 7 points to help develop your own trading plan.
    00:36 – #1 Your personality.
    01:15 – #2 What type of trading do you like?
    02:16 – #3 What are your goals?
    02:55 – #4 Risk management.
    03:51 – #5 Know your strategy.
    05:16 – #6 Demo, live or a prop firm?
    05:50 – #7 Journal and record your trades.
    07:10 – Attend my Forex Masterclass.
    07:19 – Prop firm Masterclass.
    07:40 – Book a call to chat with us.
    07:52 – Blueberry Markets.

    Today. I'm going to give you some helpful tips and information to help you to develop your own trading plan as a forex trader. Let's get into that and more. Right now.

    Hey there, Traders! Andrew here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 538.

    7 points to help develop your own trading plan.

    Today is all about developing a trading plan that's going to work for you. I'm going to give you seven points. That's going to be something that if you put this together. Massively help you.

    #1 Your personality.

    Let's start with point number one. So first of all, you have to understand yourself. What type of person are you? What personality do you have? What what makes you tick? You know what you like as a trader. Now, I find that naturally most people, when they start trading and I did exactly the same almost 20 years ago myself. They tend to navigate through to the shorter timeframe charts, the one minute, five minute, 15 minute chart.

    Some people think that's the where the most opportunities are, where the most money is to be made, and that's why people do that. And then they realize that probably doesn't work quite as well as they thought it might do. And then they start to look at something a little bit longer timeframe charts.

    #2 What type of trading do you like?

    So figure out where you are on your trading journey and what type of trader you are. Are you someone that likes to watch the news? I'm someone that likes to watch the charts. Are you a fundamental or technical trader? And then what you need to do there is work out the trading style and that will become, you know, in the cooperation of both of those two. Possibly it could be, you know, looking at the longer timeframe charts, this sort of more medium timeframe or the shorter timeframe.

    So look at what works for you. If you're out there, you know, you've got family, you've got travel to do, you've got work to do, you've got music, sport, whatever it might be, you might go, Well, you know what the reality is? I only want to look at my charts maybe just once a day or a couple of times a day or just a few times a week.

    Therefore you're going to have to go to those longer timeframe charts. You may go, Well, you know, I've got a couple of hours. I can look at the European session or the US session a few days a week, and therefore I might look at say, the 30 minute, the one hour, the four hour timeframe charts or blend whatever works for you.

    #3 What are your goals?

    The next thing you need to do is define your goals, your personal goals, your financial goals, the time goals as well. Don't forget, time is really important. You know, it's all well and good to write down. Say I'm going to make 10% every month and I'm going to do this and I want to do that. But also is you got to realize that to do this successfully and properly, it's got to work around what your time restrictions are. Everybody has time restrictions. We all have 24 hours in a day. It's what you do within that day that counts. So how much of that time per day or per week do you want to dedicate to learning or trading or studying charts or watching news events?

  • The Realities of Learning How to Trade

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    #537: The Realities of Learning How to Trade
    In this video:
    00:26 – A trading reality check.
    01:00 – Do you want it now or can you wait?
    01:41 – Adults are no better than children at wanting instant gratification.
    02:23 – How much can I make?
    03:23 – Doing the hard work first.
    04:33 – Not everything will go in your favour.
    05:09 – Don’t knock someone who’s trying to help you.
    06:00 – We can help you if you would like to trade well.
    06:26 – Book a call with us.
    06:38 – Blueberry Markets.
    Today, I'm going to talk about the realities of learning how to trade properly and why it's probably not quite as easy as you think it might be. Let's talk about that and more right now.
    Hey there, Traders! Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 537.
    A trading reality check.
    Now today it's a bit of reality check. And it's kind of like not being grumpy day, but just wanted to keep things real. I've had just a few interactions with people over the last week or so that just got me kind of beating my head against the wall. One was a client and the other is not a client, and it just makes me realize that there's so many people out there that are not real with their trading.
    Do you want it now or can you wait?
    Now, you may have heard about the experiment. I don't know who did it. It was quite some number of years ago where they got a bunch of kids, put them in a room, and they said to them they put like a sweet or lolly chocolate and in front of them and said, You can have one right now. But if you wait, you know, 15 minutes, we'll give you three.
    And of course, most of the kids go, I'm just going to take the one that they can't comprehend. You know, if you just wait for a little bit longer, you'll get three times the amount for just a little bit of, you know, dedication. And that was a kid's experiment.
    Adults are no better than children at wanting instant gratification
    Now, I think the same logic, unfortunately, applies to so many adults today as well, now that whether it's me, show my age or what, I don't know, but whether it's, you know, an instant gratification thing, whether it's a cell phone thing, an Internet thing, a Netflix thing, you know, another thing, everything just seems to be instant.
    And people unfortunately don't seem to be able to. A lot of people anyway, don't seem to be able to. And accept the realities of hard work, dedication and a bit of time, commitment and effort. And also not an instant answer, an instant fix.
    How much can I make?
    Now, I want to talk about that because I think that you've got to get your head around that if you're going to give yourself a realistic chance of being a successful fighter because everybody wants to know how much am I going to make, how long is it going to take me, how much do I need to my account?
    How many prop firms do I need? All these? How to what's the answer? And without actually figuring out that they need to actually study and listen to people that have done this before and not only ask questions, but when someone gives you an answer in their best interest is to help you listen to that answer and possibly accept it.
    And I find that people struggle to do that. And maybe it's because it's not the answer that they want or it's not the quick fix solution. It's not the you're going to become a multimillionaire next week solution. It's and that kind of thing. I just I struggle with, I suppose, because I suppose I'm about a year away.
    Doing the hard work first.
    You know, you did the hard work moving to New Zealand with a couple of suitcases to the other side, the world, you know, with no Internet back then and no cell phones and, you know,

  • Should You Trade Only the Major Forex Pairs?

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    #536: Should You Trade Only the Major Forex Pairs?
    In this video:
    00:32 – Should I trade just the Major FX pairs?
    01:34 – Don’t limit your options.
    03:08 – Trades on Minor and Exotic pairs this week.
    04:00 – Be careful with Sell trades and widening spreads.
    05:10 – Attend my Masterclass and book a call with us.
    05:22 – Webinar with The5ers.
    05:38 – Blueberry Markets.       

    Is it best to trade the major forex pairs only, or is it best to trade the exotic pest? It's a question that I get asked quite often, and this week I've got some great examples of why I trade both. Let's get into it a more right now.

    Hey there, Forex Traders! This is Andrew Mitchem here. The Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 536.

    Should I trade just the Major FX pairs?

    So as more and more platforms and more brokers offer more currency pairs, the question becomes, should I just focus on the major currency pairs? And there are obvious advantages to that. Pretty much the main ones would be spreads are generally tighter, you generally find the gaps and you generally find there's more people trading it. So the volume, liquidity, etc. is better.

    Therefore the moves are generally more flowing, more consistent. It also means, if you like, trading the shorter time frame charts that you or like trading quite often with frequency, you'll find that you'll find the spreads been so much tighter means that you can take trades on shorter time frames and more often and you're not paying, you know, massive spreads in the big movements just to get to break even. So there are certainly some advantages to trading just the major pairs.

    Don’t limit your options.

    Now, some of the disadvantages would be this one, it completely limit your options. So to me as a trader who's looking for sudden like couple of patterns, why limit your options? It's like, why limit the markets? This week I've taken trades on the Nasdaq and the S&P and we've taken trades on the JPN225

    So why limit to just, you know, the forex pairs? That's my thought. If the system the strategy worked on other markets as well. Last week you'd have heard me talking about a corn trade that I took, you know, which quite often take metal trades. We take crypto trade. So I don't think you should limit yourself if you find that your strategy worked on those other markets.

    Likewise, the downside were trading and focusing just purely on the main major forex pairs is that you tend to find they pretty much get dominated by the US dollar. So for instance the EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, the NZD/USD, USD/JPY, the USD/CHF and you know the old US dominant. And of course there are other, you know, sort of major pairs as well, but you tend to find that the US and you know and the yen kind of dominate those major pairs and you can find that from time to time there will be some quite dull price action. And we've already seen that for parts of this year. So far we've you seeing some quite dull price action on some of the major pairs.

    Trades on Minor and Exotic pairs this week.

    So moving on to the exotics and the minor pairs, just this week I've taken trades on the NZD/CAD, the NZD/SGD, the USD/ZAR, the SGD/JPY and the CHF/SGD.

    So I've taken profitable trades on those. Now my prop firm account you'd have heard me mention last week was, you know, continuing to go well this week. So far we've still got all of one or Friday still to go. I'm at 1.9% with 0.25% risk trade. So for me, if you can average that sort of one and a half to two and a half percent per week on a prop firm with incredibly low drawdown, you only need a few weeks and you passed your next firm challenge.

    So for me,

  • What’s a Sensible Amount of Risk to Take per Trade

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    #535: What’s a Sensible Amount of Risk to Take per Trade
    In this video:
    00:26 – Preserving capital.
    00:40 – Control your emotions.
    01:31 – Have a low and known risk per trade.
    02:20 – Most people suggest a 3-5% risk per trade.
    03:40 – A +2% gain for the week.
    04:38 – Attend my Masterclass and book a call with us.
    04:57 –Trade through Blueberry Markets.
    What's the sensible amount of risk the issue should take for each trade that you place as a forex trader? Let's talk about that important subject and more right now.
    Hey there, traders! Andrew Mitchem here, the owner of the Forex Trading Coach video and podcast number 535.
    Preserving capital.
    Today I want to talk about risk preserving capital, keeping your drawdowns low. And it all comes back to how much should you place on a trade in order to be a successful trader.
    Control your emotions.
    You see, for me in trading, there's two things you have to control. One's up here, the head ones in his heart. You have to keep those emotions under control. And you can do that quite easily by controlling your risk, because the fear and the greed always come into the trading as self doubt. But then greed when it comes to making money. Risk management is absolutely crucial. And unfortunate, far too many people don't know that and they don't know how to control that and they don't know how to implement that practically on day by day basis into their trading.
    You see, I think there's a lot of people out there that just don't know how much risk they're placing on a trade that is place to trade. And they got I've got a 20 pip stop loss and I'm going to put one lot on it or 0.1 lots. Because that's just what they think they should do. That is not how you trade.
    Have a low and known risk per trade.
    For me, the best way of trading is to have a known and low risk on every single trade. So you go into a trade and it doesn't matter what the currency pair is or even what the market is. I've taken a trade on Corn this week, you know, and it doesn't matter where it's corn on a weekly chart or the EUR/USD on a four hour chart, it doesn't matter.
    Every single trade has the same risk. It's known and it's low. So you have to adjust your position. Size according to a stop loss needs to be in order to calculate that. And it's very easy. And I have a free lot size calculator that does all that for you. But by doing that it means that every single trade that I take has the same risk, and by doing that, I can control my emotions and I can control my drawdowns.
    Most people suggest a 3-5% risk per trade.
    Now, you have a search out there online, and you'll find that most people will tell you to risk somewhere between about a 3 to 5% risk per trade. I think that's utterly crazy. You know, you have, let's say four trades go wrong and you're instantly 20% down on your account. Now, you need a lot of good trades to go right to make that 20% up just to get to break even. Now, that in itself is not a good way to trade.
    For me personally, I risk half of 1% per trade. So my four trades go wrong. I'm now 2% down. When I'm trading on a prop firm, I risk half of that again. So I risk only 0.25% risk per trade. In other words, if four trades go wrong, I'm now 1% down.
    That is within the rules, the criteria of a prop firm. It means I can have multiple trades all go wrong in a row, which is incredibly unlikely to happen. But let's say it did before I get anywhere near the maximum drawdown at most prop firms, which is somewhere between so maybe 5% or 6%, that will never happen if you're trading such a low risk per trade.
    So it's really important that you preserve capital.

  • The One Secret to Becoming a Successful Trader

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    #534: The One Secret to Becoming a Successful Trader
    In this video:
    00:26 – What’s the one secret to becoming a successful trader?
    00:47 – 8x Monthly chart trades for February.
    02:24 – Benefits of trading the Monthly charts.
    03:05 – Also we’ve posted 5x D1 trades and 2x H12 trades.
    03:46 – A live 2 hour webinar with our clients.
    04:09 – Trading the longer time frame charts is also more enjoyable.
    05:36 – Most newer traders want to be scalpers.
    06:19 – Blueberry Markets
    06:31 – Join my 1 hour Masterclass https://theforextradingcoach.com/forex-training-masterclass/     

    I've got asked this week what would be the one secret I would give to someone who is looking to become a successful trader? Let me share that with you and more right now.

    He there, Traders! Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 534.

    What’s the one secret to becoming a successful trader?

    So this week I got asked on a webinar by someone who's looking to trade, and they said, Hey, Andrew, if you could keep one secret in trading to help me to become successful, what would that be? And to me, it's quite simple. It's looking at the longer timeframe charts. And today's a perfect example.

    8x Monthly chart trades for February.

    So I'm making this video on Thursday, the 1st of February day earlier than normal. And the reason I'm doing that is because I've just taken the February monthly chart trades. And on our membership site we identified and I've placed eight trades on the monthly charts. So based on the January candle close taken at the beginning of February, and with those trades because the longer timeframe charts, they have many advantages.

    One, you don't have to be that your charts at the exact time that they you know the new day opens or the new candle opens and you've got hours, days, maybe even longer. And especially the way that we trade with using limit orders or retracement orders as well. It also means that not only are those candle patterns higher quality because they contain more information, more data.

    When you think about it, they contain the whole month months worth of price action. So when you get a high quality set up are all showing in the right positive chart, it's going to have a higher probability chance of working. Today, most of those trades, those eight trades have taken a continuation trades. So they are continuing the main longer term trend.

    But after a recent pullback over like, you know, let's say October, November, December, January and they're they're ready to then head up or down again in the overall bigger picture. So that again, adds more weight, more credibility, more probability to the trades.

    Benefits of trading the Monthly charts.

    On top of that, because that monthly chart trades the rewards, the risks are even better as well.

    Spreads becomes almost like completely insignificant. And so with the trades that we've taken, they all range between the 3 to 1 is the smallest reward to risk. So let's imagine if you're risking, let's say half of 1%, one and a half percent is the smallest gain I'm going to make on a profitable trade. But the the biggest gain is a 6 to 1 trade.

    So that means half a cent risk means I'm making a 3% gain. If that trades hits its for profit target and so they all range between 3 to 1 to 6 to 1 On those eight trades I've taken.

    Also we’ve posted 5x D1 trades and 2x H12 trades.

    Not only that is today, I've also taken five trades on the daily charts that have all been published on our membership site for our clients to follow.

    But we also put 2 12 hour chart trades on that. So you've got the eight monthlies, the five daylies it's 13. 2 on the 12 hour chart.

  • Trading Full Time in 30 Minutes a Day

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    #532: Trading Full Time in 30 Minutes a Day
    In this video:
    00:31 – At the beach and trading just twice a day.
    01:04 – 2 trades taken on the D1 charts and 1x H8 and 1x H12 trade.
    02:10 – Look at the charts twice a day.
    02:46 – A 3% gain from Wednesday’s D1 trades.
    05:18 – View my Masterclass.
    05:30 – Book a call with us.
    05:39 – Blueberry Markets.

    In today's video and podcast, I'm going to explain why I much prefer trading the longer timeframe charts. Looking at my charts a couple of times a day and being able to enjoy life. So let's talk about that more right now.
    Hey, the traders, Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 533. Something a little bit different today.
    At the beach and trading just twice a day.
    I'm at the beach. This is called Rabbit Island, just out of Nelson. Now, way back there somewhere, my daughter and her friends on their horses going for a ride. Why am I telling you this? Well. Because that's the beauty of trading. The longer timeframe charts. You know, I don't need to be sat at home right now, sitting on my computer, just glued to say, like five minute charts, 15 minute charts, just waiting for something to happen, almost forcing something to happen. Because that's when I'm ready.
    2 trades taken on the D1 charts and 1x H8 and 1x H12 trade.
    Instead, I took two trades today on the daily charts. I took a sell on the Pound/Franc and I sell on the US/Franc and I'll take in a buy trade on the Pound/New Zealand and a buy trade on the Euro/New Zealand on the 8 and 12 hour charts.
    So four trades, they took me maybe 15 minutes all up earlier today at the 5 p.m. New York change of day to look at my charts, put the trades on after six because that's when the spreads drop. I'm using limit orders anyway, so it doesn't matter where you live in the world or what your time schedule is, you can take those trades and that then frees me up for the rest of the day.
    I'm going to have a look at later tonight my time, which is then 5 a.m. New York time, and at that time I'll scan through the 12 hours, the 6 hours, maybe the 4 or the 2It has nothing happening on the higher timeframe charts, but most days we tend to stick to the 6 and 12 hour charts. Why? Well, because there's plenty of opportunities there.
    Look at the charts twice a day.
    And so what that means is by looking at my charts just twice a day, I can come and do things like this. I'm probably spending half an hour, absolute max chart time. I know the pattern, so I'm looking for the currency pairs. Well, I'd look at strength and weakness, but if the currency pair is showing the setup to me, it doesn't really matter what the pair is.
    Just because I live here in beautiful New Zealand does not mean I wouldn't need to trade the New Zealand dollar. I'll trade whatever showing the set ups as mentioned today. Pound/Franc, US/Franc both selling those two on the daily charts.
    A 3% gain from Wednesday’s D1 trades.
    Yesterday I took a Euro/New Zealand Daily chart trade and I took the Hong Kong 50 index and the China H index.
    Quite unusual, but that was the market or those were the markets that were showing the setups. And guess what? The set worked. We had our retracement all this filled up beautifully and by the time I woke up this morning at the both trades to pull back, there were buy trades. Both traders said pull back got filled absolutely perfectly.
    And then turned around going up to the profit target. Absolutely perfectly. So we got those trades, absolutely pinpoint, accurate and made some fantastic returns on those. They were about I think there are 2.8 to 1 return. I think one might have been 3 to 1 return. And so a small risk, you know,

  • Making 2024 The Year You Become a Successful Forex Trader

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    #532: Making 2024 The Year You Become a Successful Forex Trader
    In this video:
    00:26 – Why you need to make this year your trading year.
    01:28 – Australian employment figures crash.
    02:09 – Give yourself plenty of time and seek help.
    03:33 – Joining a community and start on a demo account.
    04:32 – Start with the basics.
    05:18 – Trade through Blueberry Markets.
    05:35 – Attend my Masterclass and book a call with us.
    How are you going to ensure that 2024 is the year that you become a successful and profitable trader? Let's talk about that and more. Right now,
    Hey there, Traders! Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 532.
    Why you need to make this year your trading year.
    It is all about 2024. How are you going to make this year, the year that you become a successful trader with no doubts at all?
    This is the year for you to do it. How are you going to do that? Well, have a look around the world and I'm going to show you why you need to do it first. You know, you have a look at what's happening around the world with cost of everything, inflation rates. You know, look at how much it costs to book a flight.
    Look at how much good quality food cost these days and how many people are out there. Cannot afford good meat, good vegetables. And so therefore, they're living on really poor, low nutritious food because that's all they can afford and sugary drinks and things like that. You know, it's everywhere. Look around your town. How many shops in your local town do you see either closed or boarded up, you know, going out of business and people can't afford to pay staff. People aren't going to restaurants.
    Australian employment figures crash.
    There's all these kind of issues going on out there and, you know, look at just yesterday from Australia, across the ditch in Australia, their monthly employment figures, they were expected to have 15,000 jobs created. That result came out as -65,000 jobs. So look at the job losses going on around the world.
    So put all that together and everything else that's happened over the last few years and the craziness that's going on in the world.
    And, you know, you realize you're kind of on your own. You're fighting for yourself. So event doesn't give you motivation to go. You know, this year I'm going to learn how to trade. Then I can't help you.
    Give yourself plenty of time and seek help.
    So let's start sensibly. Let's give ourselves time. While it's not absolutely critical, you see, when I get people come to me and they go, Andrew, I want to give up my job, you know, in two months time, and I want to become a full time trader or I've got, you know, like $500 and I want to make, you know, like $10,000 a month type of thing.
    You know, I get these crazy questions all the time. You know, those people aren't real. Now, the important thing is, is with anything that you're learning to do is to seek help from people that are successful in that field and also to start slow. Don't rush. Do the groundwork properly. If you've ever done any form of painting inside your house, let's say the preparation is the boring but important work putting the paint on at the end, the last coat of paint, which makes it all look nice and shiny.
    Yeah, that's the easy bit, but unless you do the preparation first, the rest of it is going to fail. So trading is exactly the same. So while we're not under this and, you know, massive pressure of needing to have to make money today, you know, for most people around the world, the world's still surviving just while we're at that stage. Use this kind of lower pressure time and say to yourself, I'm going to dedicate this year to learning how to do this properly.

  • 2023 Trading Year Review

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    #531: 2023 Trading Year Review
    In this video:
    00:30 – A summary of 2023.
    01:27 – More traders using MT5.
    02:24 – Prop firm trading.
    03:13 – Clients in 104 Countries.
    03:40 – Have a great Christmas.
    04:07 – View our on-demand Masterclass webinar.
    04:48 – Blueberry Markets and book a call with us.
    05:04 – Looking forward to trading in 2024.
    05:18 – Consider joining us now so you can learn the strategy while the market is quiet.

    As we come towards the end of 2023. Just wanted to make a bit of a summary video of what we've experienced this year. I wish you all fantastic Christmas and an awesome 2024 ahead. Let's get into that and more right now.

    Hey there, Traders! Andrew here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 531.

    A summary of 2023.

    Outside in the beautiful New Zealand summertime here and just a couple of weeks to go before Christmas.

    I hope you're looking forward to that. Just wanted to give you a bit of a summary of 2023 of how things have gone here at the Forex Trading Coach. We have just had another awesome year, some excellent results, all right. Across various timeframe charts and our daily trade suggestions have been profitable yet again every year since we started it in 2010, they've been profitable with just half a percent risk on your trades.

    Copying what we do just once a day, literally 5 minutes of work, we're probably going to end the year about a 30%, 3-0% gain just off that one time frame chart. And then you add on to that all the other time frame charts, we look at. Trades we take on our forum site, trades we take on our live webinars, trades that our clients take themselves and you can see that yet again, we've had another really, really good year.

    More traders using MT5.

    A more and more people changing across to Metatrader 5 from MT4. More timeframes readily built in which is making life easier, just gives more trading options. And of course MT5 has a lot more markets such as the indices, the cryptos, the metals, commodities, etc. built in, which just gives us more and more trading opportunities because all we're doing really is looking for the high quality trading pattern. The actual market that we're trading is less important, it's more the pattern.

    And have we got some stop loss protection? We've got room to move our profit target. Is it a reversal or is it a continuation, etc.? So again, more markets, more timeframes equals more opportunities to pick high quality trades and then not be kind of where people have that so feeling they should be forced to take a trade. This may be a big quality. No need to do that now because we have so many more trading options.

    Prop firm trading.

    And so prop firms. Another thing you'd have heard me talking about prop firms all year more and more and my clients are just doing really well from prop firms. It's a bit of a game changer in all honesty. And if you get a good prop firm, make sure that you have a prop firm that does not have a time limit on when you can make that 10% gain and those prop firms that do have a time limit I'd personally stay away from.

    And it's why that we look at FX2Funding. It's why we look at The5%ers those kind of people that have been around for some time. They know what they're doing, there good quality companies and there's no time restriction on making the gain. You know, whether you make it in a week, you make it in two or three months, it shouldn't matter. It's all about keeping within that low drawdown criteria, so that’s the prop firms.

    Clients in 104 Countries.

    We now have clients in 104 countries and as time goes on. We are 15 years old next year at the Forex Trading Coach, our communities, it grows and grows and just gets better and better....

  • An Interview with The 5%ers Prop Firm

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    Visit The5%ers Website. Click here!
    #530: An Interview with The 5%ers Prop Firm
    In this video:
    00:27 – There’s a lot of interest in prop firms right now.
    01:37 – What makes a trader a successful prop firm trader.
    03:50 – You must be able to trade first. 
    04:58 – Different account types with The 5%ers.
    05:38 – What’s the payout performance ratio?
    07:00 – What makes The 5%ers a better prop firm?
    09:48 – Our clients have success with The 5%ers.
    12:00 – Prop firms can remove emotions from your trading. 
    13:37 – Contacting The 5%ers.

    Andrew Mitchem
    Hi! Everybody. Andrew here at the Forex Trading Coach, welcome along to this week's weekly video and podcast. Something different for you this week. I am joined by Saul who's the manager of the firm called the 5%ers. Welcome along.

    Saul Lokier
    Yeah, thank you, Andrew. Thanks for having me.

    There’s a lot of interest in prop firms right now.

    Andrew Mitchem
    Awesome to have you here! Yeah. Look, we’re getting a lot of people interested in prop firms. Now, I know you guys have been around since 2016, and I can see on your website, which is probably one of the oldest prop firms around. Could you just give everybody a bit of an overview of what you do, what a prop firm is for those who don't know and how traders can take advantage of using a prop from.

    Saul Lokier
    Yeah, good start. So basically we are recruiting. We're looking for traders, retail traders to get evaluated by us, you know, through our challenges, through our evaluation programs. And once they complete those challenges to come and start managing our capital. So you might be familiar with the old prop firms in which, you know, you have a few amount of traders managing very large amount of accounts of money.

    Andrew Mitchem

    Saul Lokier
    So we're doing something similar. But instead of giving, you know, billions of dollars for management to a few traders, we have many, many traders. We have literally thousands of traders managing relatively small accounts. So so that's the idea.

    What makes a trader a successful prop firm trader

    Andrew Mitchem
    Yeah. Nice. And over those that time, what have you found is the right type of person to be more successful. Like, is it a trading style? Is it a money management thing? Is a mindset thing. What in general would sort of make the more successful person?

    Saul Lokier
    It's the view that you answer me because, you know, back in the day before started managing the company, I, I used to spend a lot of time talking to our traders and talking to our higher funded traders. And I started doing a little bit of research what this traders had in common, because, you know, I saw some of them use indicators and some of the used some of them used to live in Australia and some of them live in the US.

    Saul Lokier
    So I wanted to understand what they were doing, you know, the same way. And amazing is very simple things that arbitrated and start doing. But these traders really do it. Okay, so the first thing is these traders master what they do. These traders know the strategies inside out. So I could ask them. “Andrew, what’s a poor quality set up for you?” and they could tell me I could ask them, when shouldn't you be trading?

    Saul Lokier
    And they could answer. So they knew all the rules, all the, you know, all the parameters over the strategy, everything. And so so they really instead of jumping from a strategy to strategy or system to system, they really must, you know, what they did. So that's number one.

    Saul Lokier
    The second is they they keep track. They really you know, they backtested, they they they journal what they do the journal these sales, they they journal their trades and they you know,