If a list were made of the greatest human beings who have ever lived, the Catholic saints would be at the top. Though historians often attempt to judge greatness from a subjective perspective, there must be objective criteria by which human greatness is judged. The only Being capable of establishing that criteria is God. The criteria that God has established are the virtues, as identified by Jesus and revealed by Him through the holy Gospels.
The goal of this podcast is to present each saint found on the Catholic liturgical calendar in such a way so as to identify the Godly virtues that place each one on that list. The Church has already confirmed the saints’ greatness and their heroic virtues. Importantly, God chose the men and women found in these pages, not only for greatness in their lifetimes, but also as models of holiness in ours. These men and women are gifts to you, given by God through the Church.
Each podecast reflection comes from the four-volume series Saints and Feasts of the Liturgical Year. These reflections can be read at our website for free: They are also available for purchase in eBook and paperback. -
Pastor Dave and Pastor Kelly discuss different topics weekly! Come listen as they work through what God is doing in the community of St. Matthews UMC in San Antonio Texas.
Spiritualità, filosofia, psicologia, meditazione, commenti ai Testi Sacri, Kabbalah, Yoga e tanti altri estratti tratti dalle conferenze del Maestro Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.
Risposte illuminanti nonché metodi concreti e pratici per affrontare le sfide quotidiane in un percorso che guiderà verso l’amore, la saggezza, la verità, l’armonia e la pienezza.
Edizioni Prosveta - -
Are you ready to take your green earth solar consciousness to the next level? This inspirational, motivational podcast includes spiritual insights, musical interludes, spoken word, and penetrating analysis of pivotal historic moments as delivered by High Priest Kwatamani, sacred ancestral soothsayer, soul seer and spiritual healer. We are talking about infusing a high-intensity higher-peace conscious communal nature of energy into your awareness so as to empower you brain, body and spirit. High Priest Kwatamani draws upon ancient Kemetic wisdom to reveal the hidden source of current modern day crisis while offering the time-tested and proven holistic living solution of divine social economic family community order as rooted in Maat.
Mettiti comoda che parliamo di soldi è il podcast della money coach Silvia Lanfranchi.
In ogni episodio troverai consigli per guadagnare bene dal tuo business online, accogliere i tuoi desideri, e fare finalmente pace con i tuoi soldi lavorando sul tuo money mindset.
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Il nostro scopo è presentare la “Buona Notizia” del Vangelo dell’amore, del perdono, della pace, della guarigione e della vita eterna che Dio offre liberamente nel Suo Figlio Gesù. Annunciamo che Cristo risorto è l’unica via, non solo per la salvezza dell’anima, ma anche per vivere serenamente qui in terra.
Abbonati: scuola Valentinista insegna pratiche antichissime, adattate all'uomo moderno. L'autrice Valentin-P-Elli-Iniziata ai Misteri Egizi- apre l'insegnamento delle 4 intelligenze, senza distinzione di genere. I poteri occulti del corpo umano per manifestarsi si devono prima conoscere. WhatsApp -Telegram 334 223 9007 email: radioalchimia @ Tieni accesa la tua Coscienza.