这里是『ONE DAY』,一场尝试用非虚构对抗时代焦虑的实验。
灵感来自于 Life in a day(浮生一日)纪录片,结尾女孩说:
July 24th, 2010. It's nearly midnight now, and I'm running out of time to make this. I worked all day long, It's Sat.,yeah,I know. The sad part is I've been working all day long, hoping for something amazing happens, something great, something to appreciate this day and be part of it, and to show the world that there's something great that can happen in your life, in everyone's life. But the truth is it's not always happen. And for me today, all day long, nothing really happened. I want people to know I'm here, I don't wanna this to exist. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that I'm a great person, because l don't think l am at all,I think l am just a normal girl, normal life, not interesting enough to know
anything about, but l want to be.And today, even though nothing great really happened, tonight l feel as something great happened.