Join Sam and Liana in our SEASON FINALE where we are talking all about imposter syndrome. The girls are diving into defining imposter syndrome, where does it come from, what it looks like, and what to do about it. These licensed therapists will provide tools and skills to reframe your mindset in order to believe in yourself and your abilities.
Liana and Sam finish the episode reminding listeners where y'all can find them and how YOU can work with them.
Follow our instagram: @Onthursdayswethrive -
The weather is getting warmer and the shorts are getting shorter.. It's that time of year again. For many, summer time is exciting and relaxing, but for others, summer time is stressful and uncomfortable for many reasons. Join Liana on this solo episode where she breaks down and normalizes the stress around shopping for summer clothes, how the warmer weather immediately impacts our body image and impulse to go on the next diet. Throughout the chat, Liana brings realness around why clothing sizes are BS and how to limit obsessive thoughts about dieting and negative thoughts about our bodies. Nothing this harmful should be living rent free in your head! Which is why Liana provides tangible tools, podcast and book recommendations, that will help you to begin to make peace with our bodies and food, so we can ACTUALLY enjoy summer without so much stress! I mean.. Who actually enjoys wearing uncomfortable short denim shorts anyway?
Follow us on IG! @onthursdayswethrive Email us: Thursdays@goodingwellness.com -
Saknas det avsnitt?
This week, Sam and Liana are joined by Eli Weinstein, LCSW, who is a licensed therapist specializing in relationships with self and others. Eli is here to break down why it is so difficult to accept ourselves, why we are so hard on ourselves, and ways to begin to understand ourselves. Throughout the conversation, Eli explains what it actually means to be “ready for a relationship.” We wrap up with dissecting the process of how we evolve in relationships and how to remain true to ourselves in the journey.
Learn more about Eli here!: https://www.eliweinsteinlcsw.com/
Follow us on IG! @Onthursdayswethrive
Email us requests, questions, and suggestions: Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
This week, Liana and Sam are joined by Beth Miller, LCSW, who is a certified life coach, energy healer, spiritual counselor, and meditation healer. She is also the owner and clinical director of Positive Energy Holistic Counseling & Institute. Beth is here to help us break down the meaning of manifestation, how we all have the capability to do it, and how much our mindset truly impacts our outlook on the world. Throughout the conversation, Beth explains a simple step-by-step approach to begin manifesting the sh*t we want, and she clarifies how trusting ourselves is intertwined into successful manifestation. She also shares that healing anxiety from a holistic approach may give us the boost we need. We wrap up with sharing ways we can transition from a negative mindset into a more rational and adaptive headspace.
Follow us on IG! @OnThursdaysWeThrive
Email us: Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
Learn more about Beth and her services: Positive Energy Counseling Center - Bayport, NY (positivecounselingli.com)
“You’re so addicted to your phone!” Has anyone ever said this to you? Well, you’re not alone. In our society today, it has become so normalized to be attached to our phones through avoidance of awkward social interactions, keeping up with the latest news or details about other’s lives, toxic comparisons, or a way in which we feel we are relaxing but actually aren’t. Why do we do this?. To help us out with this, we have invited Michael DzwilLicensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) to explain more.
Michael explains why we resort to our phones when feeling bored or anxious through statistical findings and evidence based research. Michael also brings awareness to the long term negative effects of technology attachment along with the latest ‘trends’ regarding individuals and technology and why it could be a concern. Don’t worry, because Michael leaves us with helpful ways to break this negative habit and some tips for parents and clinicians working with adolescents struggling with this as well!
So, join the girls in their conversation with Michael, as they help you attain the necessary tools to incorporate healthier habits into your life, and not feel as dependent on your phone or technology.
Follow us on IG! @OnThursdaysWeThrive
Email us! Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
Learn more about Newport Healthcare Here! -
What’s harder than establishing your career and finding an apartment? Making new friends as an adult! Today the girls are joined by Sarah Sasson, the host of “It’s Fine I’m Fine” podcast which has helped normalize emotional expression and reduce the stigma around mental health. Sarah is known for her ability to be authentic and candid as she shares her own mental health journey on her podcast. In this episode, Sarah discusses how her friendships have fluctuated over the recent years and how her work through therapy has helped her combat anxiety around these changes. Sarah provides personal insight into how she has been working toward acceptance around changes in her friendships, and how she has been killing the game at making new friends as a 27 year old. We promise that when you listen to this conversation, you will feel less alone!
Follow us on IG!: @OnThursdaysWeThrive
Email us! Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
Listen to "It's Fine I'm Fine" podcast!
Do you ever feel like you want to think outside of the box when it comes to self care and mental health? Well tune in.. because today the girls invited Bianca Posa, LMHC and owner/founder of Modern Wellness in Lynbrook, NY. Bianca shares about her journey to become a reiki healer, sound bath practitioner, and the varying ways we can connect mind and body outside of the therapy room. This is called Holistic Psychotherapy, and we are here for it! We know, we know… what exactly is energy work? And is it legit? Guess you’ll have to tune in to find out! Follow us on IG: @OnThursdaysWeThrive Email us! thursdays@goodingwellness.com Learn more about Modern Wellness https://www.modernwellnessli.com/
“You really expect breathing to heal my issues and calm me down? that’ll never work”. “Mindfulness is too hard and I can’t stop my anxiety. I'm not some monk”. Sound familiar?
Do you ACTUALLY know what mindfulness is? Most of us have a distorted perception of mindfulness and the effectiveness of meditation/ simple breath work. To help Liana and Sam out with relaying this information and to break the stigma, the girls welcome Psychologists Barbara and Anthony from Koru Mindfulness LI, to explain their work and educational courses that help to spread awareness on the benefits of mindfulness.
They go over the definition of mindfulness and ways it can have an extremely positive impact on our mental health #anxiety. Barbara and Anthony even guide us through a brief mindfulness practice for you all to try as you tune in! Join this crew in learning more about various mindfulness strategies and what Koru has to offer so you too, can continue this mindfulness journey.
Follow us on IG: @onthursdayswethrive
Email us!: Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
To learn more about Koru Mindfulness LI, head to https://korumindfulnessli.com/
The girls are back to continue the discussion of attachment styles, except this time to discuss Disorganized and Secure attachment. The overall goal is to be able to attain a secure attachment both individually and within dating and our relationships. Liana and Sam assist us in understanding the specific commitment it takes to work toward having a secure attachment. What helps remove extreme fear of rejection? Working on self esteem, commitment, and communication. Let the girls guide you there! Follow us on IG! @OnThursdaysWethrive Email us your questions and suggestions! Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
In today’s solo episode Sam and Liana introduce attachment styles and briefly touch on how these theories develop from childhood. Specifically, the girls dive into Anxious and Avoidant attachment and how it may present within our current relationships-Aka there are reasons behind being a stage 5 clinger. The girls share which of your specific behaviors might be deemed as anxious or avoidant attachment. Don’t worry, the girls don’t just leave ya hangin, they provide us with ways to improve emotional connection for these specific attachment styles in order to enhance your relationships and individual well being. Follow us on IG: @OnThursdaysWeThrive and Email us! Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
Once a cheater always a cheater? This week, Sam and Liana are joined by Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Lisa Current, to discuss a few of these common beliefs around infidelity. Lisa shares the 11 different types of infidelity, the several ways cheating can manifest, she informs us that couples CAN come back after infidelity, and HOW this is possible. Lisa gives us an inside look at how she works with couples to rebuild trust and create a new path in their relationship... IF they both commit to the process. We promise, you will leave this episode with a new perspective around regaining trust, infidelity, red flags, and couples counseling.
Follow us on IG: @Onthursdayswethrive
Email us! : thursdays@goodingwellness.com
To learn more about Lisa, head to https://www.goodingwellness.com/lisa-current
“Medication will numb me”. “ I can’t take that stuff; I will lose my job”. “Everyone will view me as weak”. Ever felt this way or heard this from people around you? Ever feel like you are unable to take care of yourself properly or fully explore options of mental health due to your career? Well then this is the episode for you.
Join Sam and Liana as they bring a taboo topic to the surface. The girls discuss the ways in which we can be dismissive, scared, avoidant, unknowledgeable on the idea of going to therapy and/or taking medication for our mental health. In this episode, the girls work to bring awareness and share accurate information in order to break the stigma of medication and mental health despite your workplace.
Not only do they share their own views, but they share their interviews with people from various professions who reflect on their personal views and experiences on taking care of their mental health, and how their workplace will support or discourage them to do so. Liana and Sam leave you with how to set boundaries at work, recognize red flags for a toxic work environment, and tools to take care of yourself. Follow us on IG: @onthursdayswethrive -
Are you for or against marijuana? There’s a common debate against if marijuana aids in decreasing anxiety symptoms. The girls are joined with Steve Chassman, LCSW CASAC from LICADD to discuss evidence based information regarding effectiveness in THC for anxiety. Steve also discusses the various reasons many will utilize other substances for ways to cope with their mental health symptoms. Join in as the girls ask Steve questions related to legalizing marijuana, reasons for dependence, and ways THC can be both helpful and unhelpful for us and our mental health.
Instagram: @OnThursdaysWeThrive
Email: Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
Learn more about Long Island Council for Alcoholism and Drug Dependence at:
https://www.licadd.org/ -
We are back with Monica Wells, LMHC, to continue our discussion on young adults with ADHD, and how they can successfully “adult!” Liana, Sam, and Monica provide tangible tools for both the young person and their families to best navigate a new lifestyle whether it be at college, getting a job, or moving out on their own. Monica leaves our listeners with helpful FREE resources to enhance our knowledge around the ADHD population. Lucky for us, she lets us in on her new, exciting support group for young people struggling with social anxiety. (Because who doesn’t need that?!)
Instagram: @OnThursdaysWeThrive
Email: Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
How many people think that only kids can be diagnosed with ADHD? Sam and Liana interview ADHD and neurodivergence specialist, Monica Wells, LMHC, to spread awareness on ADHD, differences/similarities between anxiety and ADHD, and how it can manifest in young adults. She explains the difficulties she sees young adults endure when navigating school, work, and relationships with their diagnoses. Don't worry, if you or someone you know has ADHD, successfully adulting is possible!]
Instagram: @OnThursdaysWeThrive
Email: Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
Learn more about Monica and her growing practice!
Becoming or hoping to become a new parent is filled with high expectations, excitement, and many of those hyping you up or warning you of the sleepless nights you may have, and the best ways to prepare for the bundle of joy that’s about to change your life! What about the things we don’t discuss and people don’t warn us about?.. is this change in mood normal? Am I a bad parent because I feel like I can’t handle this? Did I make a mistake? Perinatal mood disorders is the unspoken truth and what most keep to themselves in fear of shame and judgement.
Liana and Sam bring this taboo topic to the surface to break the stigma and normalize these feelings and fears of pre, during and post birth. The girls are joined by Tanairy Fernandez, Licensed Mental Health Counselor who specializes in Perinatal Mood disorders. She shares her experience in working with new mothers and couples through these hardships. Tanairy expresses ways in which we can prevent these mood disorders and warning signs to look out for along the way. She assists us in identifying resources and how to treat these mood disorders as they become present. The girls aim to bring this topic into awareness to educate, validate, and assist those struggling or in fear of struggling through such cases. Check out Tanairy and her therapy practice! https://balancemhc.com/. To get more information or book a session, head on down to LongIslandTeletherapy.com and Goodingwellness.com To find us on social media you can follow us on Instagram on: @onthursdayswethrive Send us your questions and requests via email at : thursdays@goodingwellness.com -
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to get sober as a young person? Have you ever wondered whether your alcohol or drug use was “just having fun,” or something to be concerned about? Liana and Sam are joined by Mike Mechow who not only specializes in working with the addiction population at Seafield outpatient, but he is 12 years sober himself. Mike shares honestly and openly about his story of how he got sober at the age of 29, the legal, familial, and mental struggles he endured during this time, and how he has maintained a strong program of recovery which includes helping others and continuing to better himself one day at a time. This conversation is extremely powerful and helps portray the message that addiction does not discriminate. So, grab your tissues and notepad, as we learn, grow, and thrive together.
To get more information or book a session, head on down to LongIslandTeletherapy.com and Goodingwellness.com To find us on social media you can follow us on Instagram on: @onthursdayswethrive Send us your questions and requests via email at : thursdays@goodingwellness.com -
Have you been sticking to that New Years resolution? Did you know that most people fall off their resolutions by January 11th?.. YEP, January 11th!! Setting unrealistic goals and extremely high expectations may not be the answer to attain our goals … but why?
Sam and Liana are back at it for their third season with the tea on all things mental health! In this episode, the girls discuss the stigma around New Years resolutions and the difficulties faced during this time of year. Liana and Sam dive even deeper into defining motivation and being disciplined. They help assist us in understanding ways to make goal setting attainable to fit our individual needs.
PLOT TWIST, You cannot shame or belittle yourself into changing a behavior!
To get more information or book a session, head on down to LongIslandTeletherapy.com and Goodingwellness.com
To find us on social media you can follow us on Instagram on: @onthursdayswethrive
Send us your questions and requests via email at : thursdays@goodingwellness.com -
That's right! Another amazing season in the books. But don't worry, Sam & Liana already have exciting plans for season 3! But before we go.. the girls sit down right in time for the holiday season to discuss common holiday stressors and specific tools to get through the festivities jolly AF. Liana and Sam role-play helpful boundaries you can set with frustrating family members and ways to find your support system even if it IS outside our blood relatives. The ladies finish this episode with a rapid fire, sharing their personal favorite holiday traditions!
Follow on IG: @OnThursdaysWeThrive
Email us: Thursdays@goodingwellness.com
Book a session with us! www.longislandteletherapy.com
“If i knew that when I was younger, things would have been different” - is something you may find yourself Saying after overcoming a major obstacle or reflecting back on your past.
Join Liana and Sam as they welcome back Gordon Gooding, LCSW, to discuss what it means to have signs of imposter syndrome and where it can stem from. Listen as they each reflect back on lessons learned over the years and what they would have told their younger selves. Gordon, Liana, and Sam leave you with a different perspective on how we can view the past in a more compassionate way, and how to become proud of our growth while also looking at the future. @OnThursdaysWeThrive email us!: Thursdays@goodingwellness.com - Visa fler