
  • "Dizziness needs a body to exist. But what a body is can be discussed. How can we recognise these embodiments and be aware of our dizziness?" María Auxiliadora Gálvez Pérez


    Looking at the world through the prism of dizziness creates a distinct perspective that allows for profound questions and observations concerning ourselves, the worlds we inhabit and their dynamics. Developing this PodArt as a co-creative artistic-research practice, we venture into different directions in the hope of learning how the dynamics of dizziness influence our being together and how to create generative ways of navigating dizziness together. Meeting us in this endeavour, we have the pleasure of conversing with a string of brilliant guests.

    With contributions by Gloria Benedikt, Katrin Bucher-Trantow, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, Davide Deriu, Tim Etchells, Karoline Feyertag, Dani Gal, María Auxiliadora Gálvez Pérez, David Grubbs, Ran Holtzmann, Anna Kim, Gal Kronenberg, Philippe-Alain Michaud, Dan Novy, Alice Pechriggl, Letizia Ragaglia, Evdokia Romanova, Grace Samboh, Katja Schechtner, Basak Senova, Ben Spatz, Trevor Paglen, Angelos Varvarousis, Ilan Volkov.

    "Fumbling & Tumbling" by Olga Neuwirth, performed by Anders Nyquist.

    "Dizziness is my Name" by Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond & Karoline Feyertag featuring Anders Nyquist.

    "Diamonds" by Alvin Lucier, performed by Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra, New World Records.


    Links: www.on-dizziness.com


    Directors: Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond & Sergio Edelsztein

    Assistance: Laura Brechmann

    Spatial Audio Mix: Florian Grond

    Recording and Vocals Support: Ethan Vincent

    Production: Jeanne Drach, OH WOW Podcasts

    Associate Producer: Livia Heiss


    Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond



    002_DIKEMAN - NOBLE - SERRIES - Obscure Fluctuations - 02 The Heart Strips Bare.wav, Bare.wav612324__thehorsevalse__loopop-superbooth-mega-contest-cosmic-wanderer-beat.wav, 234241__trebblofang__dare-26_dll_file7.flac, 491405__ienba__crowd-in-panic.wav, William_S._Burroughs_-_Love_your_enemies.mp3, AMB_Traven'1Mykhai.m4a, 360773__dnlburnett__ambience-outside-building-site-with-some-traffic.wav, File Under Toner - surf ace noise.mp3, 151210__wolfrfe__istanbul-harbour-sounds-near-galata-bridge.wav, 349455__insintesi__karlheinz-2.wav, 524698__brunoauzet__algerian-open-air-market.wav,


    Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts Vienna

    FWF – Austrian Science Funds (FWF PEEK AR598)

    Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Austria

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "Dizziness is a disturbed sense of relationship we have to space. In other words, environmental conditions can make us feel dizzy, which is very much related to the built environment and how we experience architecture and urban space." Davide Deriu


    This episode is all about keeping and losing balance in space. Keeping our bodily balance is a continuous somatic performance of which we become aware only in the event of a disturbance: the very moment we lose our bearings, stumble, or fall; that is, when the relation between the body and the surrounding world is changed in an unforeseeable and often undesirable way. What role does the (built) environment play in the ways we balance? What a joy to ponder Ben Spatz's thought on the physicality of dizziness, Davide Deriu's proposition of an "architecture of vertigo", to understand the process of somatic architect and designer Auxiliadora Galvez Perez, or to learn about Trevor Paglen's disrupted artistic space project. As we balance cautiously along our topic's high wire, we encounter Dani Gal's radio play "Vertiginous. Part I, Camilla."


    With contributions by Dan Novy, Ben Spatz, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, Davide Deriu, María Auxiliadora Gálvez Pérez, Katrin Bucher-Trantow, Trevor Paglen, Dani Gal.

    Radio Play Speakers: David Wurawa, Alexei Korolyov, Alix Martin, Ewa Placzyńska.

    "Vertiginous. Part I Camilla" by Dani Gal

    "Traven'1Mykhai" by Strukturator

    Links: www.on-dizziness.com


    Directors: Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond & Sergio Edelsztein

    Assistance: Laura Brechmann

    Spatial Audio Mix: Florian Grond

    Recording and Vocals Support: Ethan Vincent

    Production: Jeanne Drach, OH WOW Podcasts

    Associate Producer: Livia Heiss



    Hulton Archive, 1860



    Steve Marciano - Annexation.mp3, 320767__wittte__nyc-ambience.wav, 567375__szegvari__street-fantasy-thriller.wav, TR213_03_Lack.wav, Dan Ake - Sojurn in the Cirque.mp3, Steve Marciano - Communication Skills.mp3, FortyOne - Berserko Santa.mp3, 002_DIKEMAN - NOBLE - SERRIES - Obscure Fluctuations - 02 The Heart Strips Bare.wav, Steve Marciano - Die Zelle.mp3, 527749__brunoauzet__rue-rivoli-paris.wav, 614692__secondbody__glitched-oscillations-5-stutter.wav, 567375__szegvari__street-fantasy-thriller.wav, Natural Ambiance - Amusement Park (noisy, popcorn popping, crowds, rollercoasters).m4a, 253353__keina_espineira__modern-art-museums-the-macba.wav, 005_TR220_01_Taiyo No Maiso.wav, 57634__brennpunkt__13_schaukelvalparaiso.wav, 201178__phonoflora__bhagalpur-silk-weaving-handlloom.wav, 005_TR220_01_Taiyo No Maiso.wav, 218915__cusconauta__people-walking-along-tube-platform.wav, 614692__secondbody__glitched-oscillations-5-stutter.wav, 74242__benboncan__military-helicopter.wav, 590052__szegvari__morning-cloud-atmo-orchestral.wav, 647683__arpeggio1980__exhibition-gallery-preview-at-library-crowd-chatting.wav, 624391__multimediagigant__wavestate-thriller-5.wav, 467953__w1zy__am_radio_sounds.m4a, 609840__eminyildirim__space-drone-ambience-7-variation.wav, 218915__cusconauta__people-walking-along-tube-platform.wav, 506324__clacksberg__cosmic-minimal-music-fragment.wav, onlymp3.to - Free jazz Improvis Drone Dikeman Govaert Serries Trio @ White Noise Sessions 27 February 2015-L_ti5ojXtaU-256k-1655274667078.mp3


    Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts Vienna

    FWF – Austrian Science Funds (FWF PEEK AR598)

    Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Austria

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • "What does it mean to actually find oneself removed from an overbearing context, or find yourselves at a loss, or confused and dizzy and dislocated from the world that itself carries a certain order, but one that's apparently life-denying, devastating, and decimating? Dizziness can present a fruitful opening for a potentially generative togetherness and interdependence through dizziness as a rejection of the current order." Natasha Lennard

    "Dizziness is very helpful to understand that clarity is an illusion and fake most of the time. But it needs to be searched like wisdom: Clarity is a utopia." Alice Pechriggl


    This episode starts with the radio play "Vertiginous. Part II Abdallah" by Dani Gal. This beginning leads us to deliberate on dizziness's political and sociopolitical implications. Here, the dark or "ugly face of dizziness", as Angelos Varvarousis calls it, takes shape. What havoc can dizziness create in a society? How can we shift its potential to the generative and fertile? In search of a better understanding, we time-travel to specific political turning points of the 20th century with historian Ursula Prutsch, and to different geographies, from Austria to Argentia, Brazil, the USA, Korea, and Turkey - considering the liberatory and destructive dynamics of dizziness and the dizzying systems that we enforce and those that are enforced on us. 


    With contributions by Philippe Narval, Alice Pechriggl, Natascha Lennard, Angelos Varvarousis, Dan Novy, Basak Senova, Ursula Prutsch, Anna Kim, Evdokia Romanova, Yulia Strykovska.

    Radio Play Speakers: David Wurawa, Alexei Korolyov, Alix Martin, Ewa Placzyńska.

    "Vertiginous. Part II Abdallah" by Dani Gal

    "Palabra Santa" by Eduardo Roudnicky.


    Links: http://www.on-dizziness.com/



    Directors: Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond & Sergio Edelsztein

    Assistance: Laura Brechmann

    Spatial Audio Mix: Florian Grond

    Recording and Vocals Support: Ethan Vincent

    Production: Jeanne Drach, OH WOW Podcasts

    Associate Producer: Livia Heiss



    "Circulating Swing," used a therapeutic tool at the Lunatic Asylum, Cork, 1818



    0001_DIKEMAN - NOBLE - SERRIES - Obscure Fluctuations - 01 From Assent to Refusal.wav, 002_DIKEMAN - NOBLE - SERRIES - Obscure Fluctuations - 02 The Heart Strips Bare.wav, AMB_bernard_herrmann_vertigo_theme_-8082770199099796011^.wav, Take_20210812_19_01_crepuscule_chaud_libellules_(ACN-SN3D-3).wav,


    Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts Vienna

    FWF – Austrian Science Funds (FWF PEEK AR598)

    Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Austria

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We are uncovering more and more that the world is, in fact, a very dizzy place and that we are permanently in a state of dizziness. Anna Kim


    We know from the substantial body of psychological research that in the Western world, one particular group of people drawn to conspiracy have a problem with ambiguity and uncertainty, which I think is closely related to dizziness. Michael Butter


    Uncertainty, ways of control and oppression and modes of dis/obedience: Who is this “we” we create? Covering critical topics as diverse as conspiracy theories, propaganda, the impact of the pandemic in Brazil or Jakarta, the ongoing war in Ukraine, and the Climate Emergency, we try to grasp community and commonality, meandering through today’s world, weighing our options through the prism of dizziness with our brilliant guests’ insights.


    With contributions by Alice Pechriggl, Michael Butter, Ursula Prutsch, Dan Novy, Natascha Lennard, Evdokia Romanova, Ran Holtzmann, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, Grace Samboh, Anna Kim, Trevor Paglen, Ben Spatz, Katrin Bucher-Trantow.

    Untill the End by Tim Etchells.



    Directors: Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond & Sergio Edelsztein

    Assistance: Laura Brechmann

    Spatial Audio Mix: Florian Grond

    Recording and Vocals Support: Ethan Vincent

    Production: Jeanne Drach, OH WOW Podcasts



    Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond



    002_DIKEMAN - NOBLE - SERRIES - Obscure Fluctuations - 02 The Heart Strips Bare.wav, TR220_01_Taiyo No Maiso.wav, TR220_03_Kumo No Hikisaki.wav, arciv ev noise - sogepak.mp3, 614692__secondbody__glitched-oscillations-5-stutter.wav, TR220_02_Tsuki No Kanashimi.wav,


    Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts Vienna

    FWF – Austrian Science Funds (FWF PEEK AR598)

    Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Austria

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "The way out of the discourse, the exit, is a way to safety, a 'poros' which appears unexpectedly, which no one can be sure of finding, and which is itself always aporetic: a true miracle, an encounter with a dolphin in mid-ocean. But if we refuse to swim, if we stay where we are, we must abandon all hope of ever meeting a dolphin that might save us." Sarah Kofman

    Concluding our journey, we try to improve our spinning skills with Gloria Benedikt, find serenity in powerlifting with Dan Novy, become numerous with Natasha Lennard, stay on common ground with Grace Samboh, think in non-stereotypical forms of knowledge with Ben Spatz, discern fake clarity and total dizziness with Alice Pechriggl, support each other in liminal commons with Angelos Varvarousis, open up to indigenous and more-than-human worlds with Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, imagine different futures with Katja Schechtner, consider the meaning of love with Philippe Narval, and create lighthouses for ourselves and each other with Trevor Paglen.

    With contributions by Ran Holtzmann, Gloria Benedict, Dan Novy, Ben Spatz, Anna Kim, Alice Pechriggl, Angelos Varvarousis, Natascha Lennard, Philippe Narval, Grace Samboh, Gal Kronenberg, Letizia Ragaglia, Ursula Prutsch, Basak Senova, Tim Etchells, David Grubbs, Katja Schechtner, María Auxiliadora Gálvez Pérez, Trevor Paglen, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha.

    "Awarness Through Movement (Feldenkrais) lesson" by Sascha Krausneker


    Directors: Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond & Sergio Edelsztein

    Assistance: Laura Brechmann

    Spatial Audio Mix: Florian Grond

    Recording and Vocals Support: Ethan Vincent 

    Production: Jeanne Drach, OH WOW Podcasts

    Associate Producer: Livia Heiss




    005__inspectorj__glitching-vinyl-record-player-a.wav, 005_Zena.mp3, 386074__speakingmusic__champaign-pouring.wav, 392624__kenrt__champagne-cork.wav, 635863__wax_vibe__glitch-sci-fi-12wav.wav, 368652__grapelemon__musicbox.wav, 421852__inspectorj__crowd-screaming-a.wav, 10 Echo - As-salamu alaykum.mp3, 444325__gouldem__experimentl_digial_sound_17.wav, 667483__kevp888__voc_221216-2184-2_fr_frenchballetclass.wav, 619036__mrrap4food__crowd-cheer.mp3, Free jazz Improvis Drone Dikeman Govaert Serries Trio @ White Noise Sessions 27 February 2015.mp3, Obscure Fluctuatizans, John Dikeman, Steve Noble, Dirk Serries – Trost Records, Chinmoku wa ishikure ni yadoru bouryoku, Kawashima Makoto, Mochizuki Harutaka, Michel Henritzi – Trost Records, Paradiso Infernal – Trost Records, PARADISO INFERNAL, s/t – Trost Records.


    Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts Vienna 

    FWF – Austrian Science Funds, (FWF PEEK AR598)

    Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Austria

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Vertiginous by Dani Gal

    Part II Abdallah

    With the backdrop of The Second World War and the Algerian War for Independence, "Vertiginous," a two-part audio play, tells the story of Camilla Mayer and Abdallah Bebtaga, two circus acrobats whose life is entangled through their steep rise to glory and tragic fall.


    David Wurawa, Alexei Korolyov, Alix Martin, Ewa Placzyńska

    Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts Vienna

    FWF – Austrian Science Funds (FWF PEEK AR598)

    Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Austria

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Vertiginous by Dani Gal

    Part I Camilla

    With the backdrop of The Second World War and the Algerian War for Independence "Vertiginous," a two-part audio play tells the story of Camilla Mayer and Abdallah Bebtaga, two circus acrobats whose life is entangled through their steep rise to glory and tragic fall.


    David Wurawa, Alexei Korolyov, Alix Martin, Ewa Placzyńska

    Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts Vienna

    FWF – Austrian Science Funds (FWF PEEK AR598)

    Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Austria

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.