"Satisfaction" RevisitedJulia Roberts and Liam Neeson are mere supporting players in the 1988 dramedy Satisfaction. Originally created as a vehicle for Justine Bateman (of "Family Ties" fame), the film quickly stalled at the box office. Film critics didn't necessarily sing the praises of this tale of a cover band of misfits, either. But now, decades later, were we too hard on this summer romp? Will the musical numbers now have us yelling, "More cowbell"? And can Liam Neeson be any cuter? The Old Roommates hit the dance floor and give it all a revisit through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#JustineBateman #LiamNeeson #JuliaRoberts #DebbieHarry -
Angela Bassett plays Stella. And, well, Stella's got it all. Flawless beauty, a big job, a breathtaking house, and a smarty-pants son. All that's missing, alas, is a man. Back in 1998, fans of the Terry McMillan bestseller flooded theaters for the May-December romance. But now, decades later, was Stella's groove ever really gone in the first place? Why does Stella talk to herself so much? And do age differences really matter when both parties are fine as hellllllllll? The Old Roommates look for a shoulder to cry on and rewatch the rom com through a middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#AngelaBassett #TayeDiggs #WhoopiGoldberg #TerryMcMillan -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Mini Stonehenge. Knobs that go to eleven. And love pumps. Yes, 1984's This Is Spinal Tap was a true original. The Rob Reiner mockumentary doubled its budget at the box office and became a massive hit on VHS. But now, over forty years later, does the film still reach the comedic heights we remember so well? Are the songs bangers or busts? And how many dead drummers is too many? The Old Roommates "smell the glove" and give the cult classic a revisit through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#SpinalTap #ChristopherGuest #RobReiner #MichaelMcKean #HarryShearer -
Film Fact: Geena Davis made history by being the first actress say, "Suck my d*ck" in a major motion picture. Yes, Geena's then-husband Renny Harlin pulled out all the stops in an effort to make a tough-as-nails action hero out of the Oscar winner. Though the film made back more than its budget, it didn't quite blow up the box office or ignite critics' hearts. So, why is this one of co-host Brian's favorite movies? As is tradition, for Brian's birthday, Christina watched a flick she's never seen before. Is Brian still smitten with this "long kiss"? Did Christina like it at all? The Old Roommates buckle up for an explosive discussion of this 1996 epic action film. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#RennyHarlin #ShaneBlack #GeenaDavis #SamuelLJackson -
“Shakespeare in Love” RevisitedGwyneth Paltrow did drag and struck Oscar gold with her turn in 1998’s Shakespeare in Love. The John Madden film was a sexy rom com about a fictionalized love affair involving some guy named William Shakespeare. Oscar nominations and box office bucks followed. But now, decades later, was it all much ado about not much? Does all the lovey-dovey love scenes and endless poetry still affect our jaded hearts? And did this movie deserve to beat Saving Private Ryan for Best Picture? The Old Roommates grab their quills and give it all a rewatch through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#GwynethPaltrow #JosephFiennes #JudiDench #BenAffleck #WilliamShakespeare -
The cat. The bat. The bird. Yes, 1992’s Batman Returns was stuffed to the gills with iconic characters. Danny DeVito’s Penguin and Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman took center stage while Michael Keaton’s caped crusader basically drove around and posed a lot. Hardly mattered. Audiences flocked to see this sex-charged sequel. But now, decades later, is this dimly lit superhero hit too dark? Is the Penguin too gross? And is Catwoman too horny for this PG-13 flick? The Old Roommates throw on some black latex and revisit it all through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#TimBurton #MichaelKeaton #MichellePfeiffer #DannyDeVito #ChristoperWalken -
Martin Scorsese went full Hitchcock for the remake of the thriller, Cape Fear. Extreme closeups, ominous music, and unusual camera angles pulled the director into new waters back in 1991. And, much like DeNiro's Max Cady to a human cheek, audiences ate it up. But now, decades later, was this dark tale worth retelling? Did Nick Nolte's evidence-hiding lawyer deserve this torture? And does the film's bonkers "houseboat of horrors" final act sink this sick flick or elevate it to iconic status? The Old Roommates close all the blinds (a few times) and revisit it all through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#MartinScorsese #JessicaLange #RobertDeNiro #NickNolte #JulietteLewis -
"Is that hair gel?" Yes, the Farrelly brothers really laid the gags on thick (eww) in the 1998 smash, There's Something About Mary. Ben Stiller's Ted took on a murderous hitchhiker, a drug-fueled dog, and a devious Matt Dillon, all for the chance to win the heart of Cameron Diaz. But now, decades later, does this 2-hour rom-com succeed in explaining why? Would this comedy work without its grosser moments? And did the flick's treatment of characters with mental and physical challenges make our co-hosts cringe or cackle? The Old Roommates zip up and revisit it all through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#CameronDiaz #BenStiller #MattDillon #PeterFarrelly #BobbyFarrelly -
River Phoenix got an Oscar nomination for his role as Danny Pope, the son of two fugitives on the run from the FBI. Though it sounds like an action-packed thriller, Running on Empty was anything but. The film dealt with the hopes, heartaches, and fears of the Pope family, but audiences in 1988 turned a cold shoulder. Now, decades later, is it time for the Sidney Lumet sleeper to come out of the shadows? Was this Phoenix's finest hour? And couldn't the ending have been a li'l happier? The Old Roommates cut a slice of "Sam cake" and give it a rewatch through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#SidneyLumet #NaomiFoner #ChristineLahti #JuddHirsch #MarthaPlimpton #RiverPhoenix -
“You killed my cat!” Nope, 1989’s War of the Roses was not a movie for cat people. Or dog people. Or even newlyweds. No. The Danny DeVito-directed comedy divided audiences with its brutal takedown of marriage and divorce. Critics were more in sync, bestowing raves for the film’s leads: Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. But now, decades later, how does this “War” hold up when every deadly divorce now gets its own Netflix documentary? Are the lovey-dovey Romancing the Stoners still convincing in their most vicious scenes? And why is that foot job scene so disturbing? The Old Roommates grab a ladder and give it all a rewatch through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#TheWaroftheRoses #MichaelDouglas #KathleenTurner #DannyDeVito #WarrenAdler #MichaelJLeeson -
Spoiler Alert: No new episode – but tune in anyway for a sneak peek at what’s to come in 2025. Happy New Year to one and all!
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review! -
Johnny Depp played the titular role in Tim Burton’s timeless tale of isolation and acceptance. Edward Scissorhands, the character, was a naïve stranger, a robotic creation, and eventually … a cold-blooded killer? Yes, the tone of this quirky cult classic was all over the place and had a real downer of an ending. But now, decades later, are the film’s darkest moments the ones that shine brightest? Is Depp’s chemistry with then-IRL love, Winona Ryder, delightful or distracting? And does Edward have real anger management issues? The Old Roommates revisit all the magic and mayhem of this 1990’s fantasy through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#EdwardScissorhands #TimBurton #JohnnyDepp #WinonaRyder #DianneWiest -
Jessica Tandy won the Best Actress Oscar for her role as an elderly Jewish widow in 1989’s Driving Miss Daisy. Tandy and Morgan Freeman gave us a complicated decades-long friendship; a friendship challenged by bigotry, illiteracy, and Patti LuPone. The film would go on to win Best Picture of the year. But now, decades later, did this sorta-simple story deserve all its accolades? Is the character of Hoke, by its sheer existence, offensive? And what does it say about a late-80’s America when this flick is showered with awards and Spike Lee’s racially charged Do the Right Thing is ignored? The Old Roommates hit the Piggly Wiggly and revisit it all through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#DrivingMissDaisy #BruceBeresford #AlfredUhry #JessicaTandy #MorganFreeman #DanAykroyd #EstherRolle -
The iconic animated adventure that started it all, 1995’s Toy Story made nearly $400 million dollars at the box office and introduced Buzz and Woody to the world. Starring the voices of Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, and more, the movie covered a lot of ground for its Smurf-sized 81-minute running time. But now, in the cynical 2020’s, is the first Story the worst story? Can the film’s close calls and oh-so convenient twists survive the wrath of now-grownup fans nearly 30 years later? And, yikes, is Woody a jerk? The Old Roommates revisit all the computer-generated chaos through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#toystory #JohnLasseter #TomHanks #TimAllen -
Don’t [expletive] with the babysitter! The 1987 flick, Adventures in Babysitting, was an action-packed comedy filled with quotable quotes, car chases, and even a couple of f-bombs. A then 22-year-old Elizabeth Shue danced, ran, and sang the blues, launching the movie into cult-classic status. But now, decades later, does it all feel like a chore? Should Shue’s “Chris” have called it quits two hours earlier? And just how popular was that issue of Playboy magazine? The Old Roommates take their pop culture car into the shop and give the Chris Columbus debut a revisit through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#ChrisColumbus #DavidSimkins #ElizabethShue #AnthonyRapp -
Al Pacino won his first Academy Award for his role as Lt. Col. Frank Slade, a cranky, demanding, foul-mouthed guy who also happens to be blind. Oh yes, 1992’s Scent of a Woman had old Oscar in its sights (no pun intended). The grandstanding worked. Oodles of Oscar nominations and big bucks at the box office soon followed. But now, decades later, does this movie wear out its Thanksgiving welcome before we can say, “Hoo-ah”? Is Charlie (Chris O’Donnell) being noble or a nitwit in his efforts to protect his classmates? And why is this movie over two and a half hours long? The Old Roommates tango around these questions and more, all through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#ScentofaWoman #BoGoldman #MartinBrest #AlPacino #ChrisO’Donnell -
Oh oh oh-oh-oh … uh oh? This week, the Old Roommates revisit two music videos from the late-80’s Boston boy band, New Kids on the Block. Jordan, Donny, Danny, Joey and Jonathan made hit songs and broke young hearts in their heyday. But now, decades later, has nostalgia for bubble-gum pop officially burst? Who is “I’ll Be Loving You Forever” really about? And is “Step By Step” the best showcase of Kids’ individual talents? The Old Roommates hang tough and give the videos a rewatch through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#NKOTB #JordanKnight #DannyWood #JoeyMcIntyre #JonathanKnight #DonnieWahlberg -
Shazbot! Mork from Ork (Robin Williams) crash-landed in Colorado and into living rooms across the country. Yes, Mork & Mindy was an instant otherworldly hit thanks, in part, to its late-great leading man. But now, decades later, does the 70’s sitcom wear out its welcome before we can say “Nanu Nanu”? Does Mork’s method of learning seem more like an endless standup set? And why do the Old Roommates think Pam Dawber deserves an honorary Emmy Award? Brian and Christina take a seat, headfirst, and revisit the iconic TV comedy through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#MorkandMindy #RobinWilliams #PamDawber #GarryMarshall -
Our Election Day episode! Michael Douglas is President Andrew Shephard. A dad, a Democrat, and a widower smitten with a lobbyist. What could possibly go wrong? Back in 1995, little did. The Rob Reiner film was a modest hit, winning with both audiences and film critics. But now, decades later, where does this ficticious President’s agenda fit into our 24/7 news cycle? Is there any place for gun laws in a romantic comedy? And is Annette Bening’s character a pit bull or a pussycat? The Old Roommates head to the polls and revisit it all through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#TheAmericanPresident #RobReiner #AaronSorkin #MichaelDouglas #AnnetteBening #MichaelJFox #MartinSheen -
Jack Nicholson's Daryl van Horne was one hell of a guy. A self-described "horny little devil," he was powerful enough to seduce nearly any woman in Eastwick, and made others puke cherry pits. Yes, back in 1987, audiences fell under the spell of Nicholson - and Cher, Susan Sarandon, and Michelle Pfieffer as the titular witches. But now, decades later, is the supernatural tale funny enough, sexy enough, or scary enough to make a demonic dent? The Old Roommates work their magic and revisit all the mayhem through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on Instagram and YouTube @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#GeorgeMiller #JohnUpdike #Cher #SusanSarandon #MichellePfieffer #JackNicholson #VeronicaCartwright - Visa fler