Oilfield Talk Podcast will interview Oilfield Hands from all over the industry & world… who have stories on top of stories to tell about their time in the Oil Patch.
Give anyone in the Oil & Gas industry from Drilling to Production… Transportation to Service Industry!
Everyone has a story to tell about “that one time” or “you just wouldn’t believe this”… people telling their versions of stories (creative license allowed) or the way they remember it… fact or fiction I guarantee everyone will enjoy listening to “Oilfield Talk”!
Hopefully one interviewer will call his buddy down the street who will call another friend… only to have a large group of friends feeding off each other… telling lies… where the next story is crazier than the last… just trying to out do each other!
Amazing stories you just won’t believe… but never the less are probably (mostly) true!
Hope you will join us for an adventure into the Oil Patch where most people will never get the real story or “inside scoop”… unless you are part of the family.
Now… we are able to share those stories… re-live our days in the Oil Industry and share not only the history… but traditions and the crazy people we call family and places we call home… for half our lives.
Good hearted, family friendly stories… no negativity, trama or drama… stories everyone will be proud for their family to listen to… and hopefully, our family will better understand why we love the Oil Patch!