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    Our fundamental beliefs regarding God, Christ (as both fully divine and fully human) and our reconciliation with God through Christ, from ‘A Brief Synopsis of the Principles and Testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends’ (1913).

    Recording of the Zoom session where Henry Jason and Conrad Lindes of Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) discuss pages 7-9 from ohioyearlymeeting.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/OYMBriefSynopsis-for-web.pdf

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    The podcast begins with a question about a commentator’s interpretation given in a particular commentary on the word, “schism”. The commentator seemed to believe that the individuals who left John’s congregation may have been pushed out, rather than having left by their own decision. Henry responds that there is really nothing in 1 John that seems to indicate they were pushed out.

    Another question arises on the roots and perhaps deeper meanings of the Greek word for truth, “alithea”, prompting a brief word study of that word.

    Verse 7
    Henry begins the study of verse 7 with an examination of the frequent use in 1 John of the Greek word, “agape”, love. While the noun, “beloved” in the Greek is in the masculine form, it is inclusive, meaning unconditional, love to both men and women.

    The word “gnosko” (knows) means to have a deep experience with something. To know God is to have personally experienced Him at a deep level.

    In the Greek, these words, “ek tou”, mean “from”. In the early modern English (at the time of the writing of the KJV), the word, “of”, also meant, “from”. Thus, “everyone that loveth is born of God” was understood then and should be understood today as “is born from God”.

    Verse 10
    “ . . . and sent his Son to be the propitiation [Greek: hilasmos] for our sins. . . . ” The word propitiation in English is “atonement” and is perhaps easier understood as: “at oneness”. We can be made at one with God because of Christ’s sacrifice. A few other English words with the same root as atonement are: one, only, and alone. The New Testament makes it very clear that the atonement was not just for Christians (as some denominations wrongly believe), but for anyone in the world . . . “whosoever”. (John 3:15)

    Verse 12
    In the phrase, “No man hath seen God at any time”, the Greek word, “theaomai” (frequently translated only as “see”, or “seen”) has a much deeper meaning: it means “to perceive”, “to gaze upon intently”, or “to perceive something at a deeper level above and beyond that which is seen with the eye.” “He perceived much error within us” would be a synonymous meaning of the word, “theaomai.”

    The word, “perfected” (Greek: “teleioo”, in the phrase, “. . . his love is perfected in us” has a very different meaning than what the word, “perfect” means today: with no error. In the Greek, (and in the KJV), the word, perfect, means, “fully developed”, “mature”, “complete”, almost in the same sense as a fruit that has become totally juicy and ripe. Thus, spiritually, it means “be spiritually, fully developed”, The maturity varies with the individual and his unique giftedness. The growth to full development comes from Him, not through things we have striven to attain.

    Verse 13
    To abide (Greek: meno) is “stay”, “continue”, “remain”. We remain (abide) in Him, and He remains in us.

    The advice in our introduction is from the

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

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    Our fundamental beliefs regarding God, Christ (as both fully divine and fully human) and our reconciliation with God through Christ, from ‘A Brief Synopsis of the Principles and Testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends’ (1913).

    Recording of the Zoom session where Henry Jason and Conrad Lindes of Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) discuss pages 7-9 from ohioyearlymeeting.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/OYMBriefSynopsis-for-web.pdf

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    Show notes #09 1 John 4:2-6

    This wide-ranging podcast opens with a quick review of session eight concerning 1 John 4:2. The podcast then continues with a reexamination of 1 John 4:2-6, which is an additional exploration of biblical translation and interpretation.

    Interwoven through the rest of the podcast are points on the linguistic and grammatical structure of English in the King James Bible (KJV), contrasted with English today. For instance, the KJV use of a then grammatically correct expression “He is come”, would today be, “He has come.”

    Regarding 1 John 4:2, one of the basic understandings of early Friends (different from most other Christians) relates to the phrase Jesus Christ has come “in the flesh”. Most Christians see that verse referring to Jesus’ being physically in the world, “in the flesh.” However, early Friends understood that phrase “in the flesh” to mean that Jesus had come in our flesh . . . in the believer’s flesh. He was, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27)

    This session moves freely, between verses, as questions arise regarding individual verses. The notes below are largely presented in the order in which they come in the podcast:

    Verse 4
    “Nikaō” is translated “overcome, conquer”.

    Early Friends emphasized the concept of Christ being in the follower of Jesus, underscored in: “Greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world.”

    Verse 6
    “Alētheia”, (“truth”) is important in this verse, but should be “Truth” (with a capital “T”), a synonym for “messiah” / “Christ”.

    Verse 1
    “Pneuma” (Greek: breath/wind, i.e., “a moving current”, “movement”) can include these: “the spirit of satan”, “the spirit of the devil”, “the lying spirit”, or “the spirit of the world” (in the negative sense of “world/worldliness”.

    Verse 2
    “Spirit” is frequently capitalized in English when it is referring to God’s Spirit. Ancient Greek had only uppercase letters. Lower case letters were introduced only several centuries later.

    Verse 6
    “Planē” frequently translated “falsehood” in Greek has a basic meaning of “error”, “deceit', “delusion”, “lie" and “deception”.

    “Martus” means witness, and subsequently also martyr. Our English word, “martyr” is borrowed from it. We cannot gloss over the total commitment of the early church (and also of early Quakers) to be witnesses for Christ, even to the point of a painful, physical death as a martyr.

    The advice in our introduction is from page 30 of the Ohio Yearly Meeting's Book of Discipline.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    Introduction to, and historical context of, ‘A Brief Synopsis of the Principles and Testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends’, 1913. This first session of thirteen covers the minutes of adoption that constitute the approval of this work by the then seven conservative (Wilburite) yearly meetings in North America, as well as explaining the terminology that appears within those minutes.

    Recording of the Zoom session where Henry Jason and Conrad Lindes of Ohio Yearly
    Meeting (Conservative) discuss pages 1-6 from ohioyearlymeeting.org/wp-
    content/uploads/2021/10/OYMBriefSynopsis-for-web.pdf .

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    In this podcast on 1 John 3:11-4:6 , Henry does a great deal of looking at the Greek of this epistle, exploring both the original and variant meanings of the especially significant words. Many, but not all of those words are below.

    Chapter 3

    Verse 11

    Henry has mentioned in previous sessions, the meaning of these related Greek words,

    “angelia”: message“euangelion”: gospel /good news“epangelion”: promise“angelos”: messenger

    Verse 12
    “Dikaios”: upright/righteous. Often in the gospels, when it is used, it has the meaning “upright in God’s eyes.”

    Verse 13
    If we are doing what God says to do, frequently we will be hated by the world.

    Verse 14
    There are two basic Greek words which are translated into English as “life”:

    bios: Can mean livelihood/the way one earns money. zoe: Life in the sense of being alive, especially spiritual and eternal life.

    Verse 15
    The Greek word, “adelphos” (brother) is inclusive and includes both men and women. When the Greek refers specifically to women, it uses the word, “adelphe”. It was very unusual in the Roman world to call someone a brother, when they were not related. As a result, it became notable in the Roman world that Christians were so connected to each other that they called each other, “brother.”

    Verse 18
    As has been mentioned before, the term “dear children” is an endearing term.

    Verse 23
    The Greek word, “pisteuo”, (often frequently translated into English as “believe”) means “to trust/put one’s trust in something”.

    Chapter 4

    Verse 1
    The false prophets John mentions in this verse are likely those who “went out from us” (1 John 2:19) who, in all probability, were docetists (and likely the predecessors of the Gnostics). These people believed that Jesus was not both completely God and completely man, but instead, He was instead almost entirely God, but in a human covering that was a miniscule amount human.

    Verses 2-6
    One of the very different understandings of early Friends from most other believers relates to the phrase Jesus Christ has come “in the flesh” in 1 John 4;2. Most other believers see that verse referring to the historical Jesus as having come “in the flesh” into the world.

    However, early Friends understood that phrase (of 1 John 4:2) “in the flesh” to mean something very different: Jesus had come in our flesh . . . in the believer’s flesh, as Colossians 1:27 also says it, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

    Finally, there is a brief reading and discussion of 1 John 4:3-6 as Henry looks ahead to session #9.

    The Quote in our introduction is from Undaunted zeal: the letters of Margaret Fell. Edited by Elsa F. Glines. Richmond IN, Friends United Pr, 2003.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    In this podcast, Henry devotes most of his attention to 2:28-3:3, with the last several minutes devoted to some linguistic issues found in 1 John 3:4-10.

    1 John 2

    Verse 28

    The Greek word “ean” which is typically mis-translated as “when” in verse 28 is more correctly translated, “if ever”. The change to “if ever” enhances the other often mis-translated word (Greek: “parousia”), usually translated “coming”, should, instead be translated “presence”. Thus, the more correct interpretation of this verse would be: If ever He is being present to us [manifesting Himself in us], we should not shrink back at that presence, but live in it. There is a sweetness in His presence of which we need not be ashamed.

    1 John 3

    Verse 2

    The above word, “parousia” in this verse has a similar meaning as the word “coming” in verse 28. The Greek word, “phanerothe” (from phanerao) does not really mean “appeared.” Rather, a better translation of the word is “to make apparent/made obvious/manifested”. Thus, when paired with the Greek word, “ean”, the meaning becomes: if ever Christ makes Himself apparent in the follower of Jesus. The implication is not that we are waiting for a second physical coming of Christ, but rather, we are waiting for an inner realization that He is already within one, making Himself apparent.

    Verse 3

    Regarding the Greek word, “hagnos” instead of being translated “pure”, it has a more accurate meaning: of “holy” . . . being inwardly holy.

    Verse 4

    “Lawlessness”: For a Jew, the Law was everything. To talk about lawlessness was to disregard the Law of Moses.

    “Cardia”: “heart”. However, in the Greek, the word, “cardia” would today be understood as “conscience” in modern-day English. In the early 17th century, the words “consciousness” and “conscience” began to be separated, developing very different meanings.

    Verse 7

    “Dikaios”: means “righteous”, or “upright”.

    Verse 9

    “Sperma”: means “seed” or “semen”. Our English word, “sperm” is derived directly from the Greek.

    The quote in our introduction is from the Sixth Chapter of George Fox's Journal.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    Before going on to this passage in 1 John:26-28, Henry goes back to the previous session, #5 (1 John 2:25) to further discuss the Greek word “epangelia” which is Greek for “promise”. It is related to the Greek words “angelia”: message; “angelos”: messenger/angel; “euangelion”: good news/gospel.

    Next follows about a twenty-minute discussion from verse 25 of the concept of eternal life.

    Verses 27, 28

    “chrisma”: anointing. This Greek word means to rub/apply something onto a person. Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit because He had a special mission, i.e., that of messiah.

    “But you have been anointed by the Holy One . . . .” You too have Christ within you, so you too have His anointing within you. Early Quakers understood the truth that John was teaching: You have Christ within you and His anointing abides/remains/stays/continues within you. One doesn’t need anyone to teach you, the Inward Light of Christ is within you to teach and transform you, if you will let it.

    “Christos” is the Greek word meaning anointed, (the) Anointed One, (the) messiah in English. English “messiah" derives from the Greek “messias” which was borrowed from the Hebrew: māšīah.

    Verse 28

    Henry suggests what would be perhaps a more accurate translation of verse 28:

    “And now, dear children, remain in Him that if ever He is manifested/shows/appears Himself, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him and at His presence (Gk: Parousia).

    This word “parousia” is frequently mistranslated as “coming”, when it is much more accurately translated as “presence”. Thus, “presence” lends a much different sense to the sentence, (understood by early Christians, and again by the earliest Quakers) that the “parousia” of Christ is a spiritual presence in the present with the believer, not a coming at some time in the future. Live in His presence and light, and do not shrink from his presence in your life. There is a sweetness in His presence of which we need not be ashamed.

    At the first intimation of His presence in our lives, He will bring illumination to the things in our lives that need to be changed. However, as we abide in His continuing presence, the initial judgement (if we follow it and let Him work in our lives, and listen to and obey it), will increasingly become more of a comfort to the follower of Jesus as he proceeds on the path to God the Father.

    The quote in our introduction is from Chapter One of George Fox's Journal.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    Before going on to this passage in 1 John:18-27, Henry goes back to the previous session to further discuss the Greek word “kosmos”. In addition to the many meanings discussed in session #4, another one of the primary meanings of this word is one with a negative connotation: worldliness; a worldly way of acting, and that we should not be conformed to the world. Other meanings of kosmos : water, to adorn or beautify, orderliness, the sum total of everything in the world or universe, the sum total of all the creatures of the world, the earth/world, humanity in general, the system of human existence and its many aspects, the sum total collected aspect of an entity.

    Verse 18:

    “antichristos”: antichrist. The word has two meanings:

    Opposed to/opposite of Christ (the messiah, the anointed one); the antichrist is one who is opposed to the true Christ. In place of/instead of Christ. It can also be understood as someone or something that is looked upon as the true Christ, but instead is a false Christ.

    Verse 19:

    There had been a split in the churches with which John was associated. Those who left didn’t really belong among those who stayed. Perhaps those who left were docetists who heretically said that Jesus just seemed to be human, but He was not: The said that He was God with a human covering that only made him look like a human. But there are other places in Holy Scripture that show Jesus was both completely human, and completely God. Likely the docetists were the forerunners of the later gnostics.

    Verse 20:

    “chrisma”: anointing. This Greek word means to rub/put something into a person. Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit because He had a special mission: messiah. “But you have been anointed by the Holy One . . . .” You too have Christ within you, so you too have His anointing within you. Early Quakers understood the truth that Paul was teaching: You have Christ within you and His anointing within you.

    Verse 21 :

    “alethea”: truth. This is not just truth, but Truth with a capital T: the Spirit of Truth/the way to God/eternal Life/Christ in you. In the writings of early Friends Quakerism itself was quite often simply referred to as: Truth. At the beginning of the Quaker movement, to be called a Quaker by someone was a slur.

    Verse 24:

    “Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also.” The earlies Christians focused on “God is one.” There was no dividing of God into separate beings (as trinitarianism would later do.) The word, “trinity” would not be found in Christian authors until decades after John’s writing. It would finally be introduced and codified more than two centuries later in the early 4th Century in the Nicene Creed. Thus, because the word “trinity” is not found in Holy Scriptures, as Henry says, “Early Quakers were really pre-trinitarian”, rejecting the danger of leaning toward t

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    The notes from this podcast follow not so much a narrative as a more abbreviated (verse by verse) summation of selected, important comments from the podcast. The comments follow:

    Verse 12:

    “little children” in Greek is the plural form of the word “teknion". When addressing adults or a congregation, it is an endearing term of affection, and does not literally mean children who are young in age but rather the “spiritual children” of the writer.

    Verse 13:

    “. . . fathers . . . .” Greek: “pateres” (< patēr) is the grammatically masculine form translated “fathers”, but is inclusive, including fathers and mothers. An additional element of this word is that he is writing to those whose faith has become mature in Christ.

    “. . . have known . . . “ Greek: “egnōkate” (< ginōskō). The meaning of “know” is extremely significant because it means they (the men and women in the congregation) are not just acquainted with Jesus, but He is deeply known and experienced at the deepest spiritual level within them. Thus, they are mature in Christ.

    “. . . young men . . . .” Greek: “neaniskoi” (< neaniskos). Again, this grammatically masculine term in Greek is inclusive and speaks to both male and female young persons. An additional element in this word is that he is writing to those who even though they are young in their faith, they have remained true to God and have overcome the evil one, satan.

    Verse 14:

    “I write to you . . . .” is mistranslated twice in verse 14 because in the Greek it is clearly past tense: “I have written to you . . . .”

    “. . . and the word of God lives in you . . . .” The usage of “word” is not referring to the Holy Scriptures living in them, but to “. . . the real Word of God, Christ Jesus, who is in you . . . .”

    Verses 15-17

    “ . . . world . . . .” in Greek is “kosmos” which has various meanings. The neutral meaning is the one (from which we get our English word, “cosmos”) which means the world/universe and everything in it. In some verses in John it has the sense of worldliness, a materialistic focus on the material and social world and ways of acting, rather than on God and his Christ.

    Verse 16

    “. . . [desire of the] flesh . . . .” Greek: “sarkos” (<sarx) among other meanings can have a sense of the desire for things of the flesh: sexual desires, desire for riches, desire for things of the world. We can let love for the “fleshly” desires push out of our hearts and spirits the love both for and of the Father.

    The quote in our introduction is from Chapter IX of George Fox's Journal.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    #03 1 John 2:1-11

    When in 1 John 2:1, John refers to the recipients as “dear children”, the Greek word he uses for them is teknion, which here means one's “spiritual child.” In the context in which he is writing (to adults, not to literal children) there is no direct corollary in English. Thus, perhaps a close meaning in this context might be “dear students”, “dear followers.”

    In 2:1, John mentions that if one does sin, one has an advocate with the Father. The Greek word for advocate is “paraklētos” and literally means anyone who comes to one’s aid or help, a helper. Thus, it means someone who is called to be alongside one to plead with the Father on our behalf. The “paraklētos” is defined in 2:1 as Jesus, the righteous one who is the complete, final atoning sacrifice for our sins and is called to help us and plead our case before the Father.

    To walk as Christ walked (2:6) is to conduct oneself, or to behave in the same way as Christ walked/behaved/conducted Himself.

    It is again mentioned that it is important to remember the Holy Scriptures themselves, are never referred to as "the Word" within the Holy Scriptures. Only Christ Jesus is referred to as the Word in the Holy Scriptures. Early Friends referred to the Bible as the “Writings”, as the Scriptures, Holy Scriptures, or Scriptures of Truth. The practice of calling the Holy Scriptures “the Word of God” began in the Middle Ages, and greatly increased during the Reformation.

    Verse 2:7 uses the Greek word entolē, “commandment” which also means an order; something one is told to do.

    In both Greek and older English, the term “brother” (Gk: adelphos) is inclusive, meaning both male and female. Whereas, the feminine form for sister in Greek (adelphē) is exclusive and always (and only) refers to a female.

    The quote in our introduction is from George Fox's work titled SOME PRINCIPLES OF THE Elect People of God Who in Scorn are called QUAKERS, For all People throughout all Christendome to Read over, and thereby their own States to Consider. The reference is from Chapter X, Concerning Scriptures.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    #02 1 John 1:5-10

    In 1John 1:5-10, Henry makes specific mention of foundational vocabulary.
    These words are also foundational concepts in Quaker understanding. While
    some nuances are explored in the podcast, there are too many to mention here.
    Below are a few of the words/concepts that are discussed:

    “Message” (v. 5) “angelion” in Greek. “Light” (v. 5) is “phōs” in Greek which is the same root as in the English words photo, and photograph. God is Light, God is the spiritual illuminator, spiritual illumination. “Fellowship” (v. 6) in Greek is “koinōnia” - a sharing in something.“Walk” (v. 6) in Greek “peripateō” - to walk; also to behave, to conduct yourself.“Son” (v. 7): in Greek is “huios”.“Truth” (v. 8): in Greek is alētheia which also means “reality”.

    The quote in our introduction is from George Fox’s sermon on Firbank Fell in 1652 as reported in Chapter six of his Journal.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    The epistles in the Holy Scriptures are often letters from an author to someone
    else. However, In the case of the epistle 1 John, it is more of an essay, a
    treatise, a sermon or message that was sent out to early Christian believers. The
    name, “John” was common in the years of the early church, and it is possible that
    these three epistles (1 John, 2 John and 3 John) were not necessarily written by
    the apostle John, but by another prominent figure in the early church, John the
    elder, whose name was also John. However, it is clear that all three epistles
    (First, Second, and Third John) are all related in terms of how they perceive
    Christ and the language that is used in them, which is very similar to the
    language in which the Gospel according to John was written. The epistles
    appear to have been written in the 90’s A.D., at about the same time as the final
    version of the Gospel of John.

    For the first 1,400 years or so, the Holy Scriptures were not broken down into
    chapters and verses. When one examines 1 John, it is possible, however, to
    identify the main themes as they appear in the order in the epistle.

    One of those divisions is Walking in the Light

    Living as God’s children The Source of love and faithConclusionSupplements to the epistle (a kind of post script)A prayer for sinnersSummary of the letter.

    After his introduction to the epistle, Henry then goes on, with a focus on the
    original Greek, to examine the first four verses of Chapter 1 of First John. In
    those verses, John emphasizes the complete divinity of Jesus as the “Word”,
    (who in all ways was divine). John also proclaims the complete humanity of
    Jesus (who in all ways was completely human). This was an effort by John to
    combat the heretical attacks of those making Jesus mostly God, with only a
    superficial, outward covering of humanity, instead of recognizing the complete
    divinity and complete humanity of Jesus.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

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    The sour wine given to Jesus on the cross (15:36) may have been meant as a sedative to ease pain. As in our not too distant past, people could be given liquor to ease their pain.
    In 15:38, the curtain to the Holy of Holies in the temple being torn in two
    could symbolize there now was full access to God through the sacrifice of Jesus
    of Himself.
    15:39 is mistranslated. Both since there is no definite article (“the”) in the original
    Greek, and also since the centurion was almost certainly a Roman pagan who
    believed in many gods, the Greek should instead be translated, “Truly, this man
    is a son of a god.”
    Regarding Mark 15:40-41, women in patriarchal Judaism held a very low
    position. It was very unusual that Jesus, as a rabbi, included women as a
    significant part of his group of apostles and disciples.
    The color white worn by the young man (16:5) was a symbol of victory.
    There has been much discussion over the centuries concerning the ending of
    Mark 16:9-20. Those last 11 verses are not found in the oldest and most reliable
    manuscripts, making it appear that perhaps the last page of Mark’s Gospel was
    lost before it could be copied by others. The reason to think the last page may
    have been lost is because the last Greek word in 16:8 is the conjunction “for”
    (γάρ/”gar”). The problem is that in Greek, γάρ is a conjunction and appears never
    to be found as the last word in a sentence. Some of the more reliable earliest
    manuscripts just end at verse 8. So, some copyists felt a need to complete this
    Gospel’s missing ending.
    In addition, in the first century it was increasingly becoming the practice among
    Greeks to no longer write in scrolls, but to write on individual pages bound into
    “codices”, the forerunners of our books today. Thus, the grammatical abruptness
    of this ending in the Greek manuscripts seems to indicate that perhaps the last
    page of Mark’s Gospel was lost before it had a chance to be copied by other
    people. There are several other variations of endings to Mark, and they are
    discussed in the podcast.

    Greek Words

    Kanōn - a straight reed, used as a standard of measurement (English: the canon,canonical)15:39 centurion: “Truly this man was a son of a god.”Leukos adj. – white (symbolizing “victory”). Here, victory over death.Scroll – a roll of paper or parchment with writing on it.Codex (plural: codices) – the earliest form of books, first used in the first century,A.D.In 16:7 Peter is mentioned separately from the other disciples. (Recall that hehad renounced Jesus).In 16:8 Ephobounto gar. – “For they were afraid.”Phobeō (v.)– be afraid; have awesome respectGar (conjunction) – for (only occurs after the first word of a clause/sentence inGreek)In English the conjunction “for” is always the first word in a clause/sentence

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    At the time of Jesus, Palestine was a province of Rome, which held complete
    control over the area. Rome reserved the authority to put someone to death, so
    for a local government to put someone to death required Roman approval.
    The meeting of the Sanhedrin at night to try Jesus (14:53 and following) was
    highly irregular, and not a typical time for gathering.
    The term “Son of Man” (14:62) is drawn from Daniel and is literally, “Son of

    To tear one’s clothing (14:63) was the proper Jewish response when someone
    spoke blasphemy.

    The main reason the Jewish leaders were able to get Jesus crucified was
    because His alleged claim to be king of the Jews (in challenge to the Roman
    Emperor) made Him an insurrectionist and rebel, and thus worthy of crucifixion
    under Roman law.

    For Roman crucifixion, since the vertical piece of the cross was usually already
    installed at the place of crucifixion, the one to be crucified only carried the
    horizontal cross piece of the cross to the place of crucifixion, not both the
    horizontal and vertical pieces.

    In crucifixion, the nails were not driven through the palm (where there is almost
    no structure to hold the body to the cross), but the nails were driven through the
    bones of the wrist. The Greek word for hand (cheir) included any part of the arm,
    from the hand to the upper arm. Thus, one had to know the context of the usage
    in order to understand what specific part of the upper limb a Greek writer meant.
    Because the Romans wanted to completely shame and humiliate those who
    were being crucified, the crucified were stripped of all clothing and left to hang
    completely naked from the cross.

    The Greek word “lēistēs” often translated as “robber” in the Holy Scriptures could
    also mean insurrectionist or rebel. It is much more likely that Jesus was crucified
    between two insurrectionists, and He Himself also crucified insurrectionists.

    Greek Words

    Christos: anointed (The Hebrew word (mashiach) meant “anointed”, messiah.)Cheir: any part of the arm from the upper arm including the hand, thus hand orarm.Lēistēs: bandit or insurrectionist

    To listen to any or all of our Mark Bible study, use this link: https://ohioyearlymeeting.org/filterable-podcasts-list/ and click on Conservative Friends Bible Study of Mark.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

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    This episode is a reading of Chapter 2, The First Separation, 1821 – 1828. It covers the Ohio experience of the tragic Orthodox – Hicksite split in American Quakerism. It reports on some awkward moments of Quaker history. Learning about this era for the first time can be startling. Many of the actors did not behave in a way that one expects of either Quakers or Christians. The scenes described were not unique to Ohio Friends, as the great Orthodox-Hicksite split ravaged the entire Society of Friends in America. We can take this as a lesson of how easy it is to stray from the Light of Christ and that we should always keep our eye single unto Him.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    This episode is a reading of Chapter 1, The early History, 1775 to 1821. It covers the first Quaker immigrants into the Ohio territory and how they were able to establish a community of Friends there. It explains how indulged, preparative, monthly, quarterly Meetings were formed under the care of Baltimore Yearly Meeting and how eventually Ohio Yearly Meeting was established. It also describes how The Discipline was an integral part of this culture. Finally, it discusses the role of Ohio traveling ministers who played an important role in the Spiritual life of this yearly meeting as well as with Friends in the wider world.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    This episode marks the start of a reading of Eye of Faith, A History of Ohio Yearly Meeting Conservative. by William P. Taber Jr. Bill Taber grew up in Ohio Yearly Meeting, attended Earlham School of Religion, and authored several books. Thus, he was in a good position to write a book on the yearly meeting’s history. In a review of one of Taber’s books, Michael Birkel wrote …

    “Bill Taber was a much loved teacher, nurturer, and guide in the inward life. His ministries took various outward expressions, as a teacher in Friends schools, as a released minister among Conservative Friends in Ohio Yearly Meeting, and as a member of the faculty at the Quaker study center Pendle Hill. When Bill retired from Pendle Hill, he returned to Barnesville, where he established a center for retreats and carried on his ministries among Friends. Bill Taber opened the treasures of Quaker spirituality to a multitude of seekers through his speaking, his leadership of retreats and workshops, and his writing. “

    The episode covers the Author’s forward and introduction.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

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    Chapter 20, Session #32 (Part 4 of 4 parts)

    On advice, counsel and exhortation to those who have newly turned from darkness within, to the Light of Christ within themselves. Part 4 of Chapter 20 begins with a review and further discussion of where we left off in Part 3.

    In your holy “form” of meeting together, have your mind in that love, life, virtue and power of the Lord, in order to enjoy more and more of his presence. Though you have received an anointing from the Holy One, this will not lead you to abandon assembling with the Lord’s people to where they lie down in the green pasture of life where there is no spirit of dead “formality”. Your form of godliness will be accompanied with power, you who have received the ingrafted Word.

    The spirit of dead formality can assume a form of sound words and plainness, etc., and, under this disguise, effect much evil and deceive many. This evil spirit of deceit, hypocrisy and formality has done more mischief against the Truth than all open opposition and persecution could ever do. This is the way and work of the spirit of deceit. If he cannot prevail by direct opposition and persecution, he will use the words and profession of truth, and appear and work under that form. Thus, he causes many to conclude that Friends are just like others, and their way is just like other ways. We see evil among them even under the very form of godliness. This has caused many to take up a latitudinarian and relativistic spirit and say that all men are liars, and that all religion is a cheat. Those who once knew the way of the Lord and then gave way to the spirit of deceit, hypocrisy and formality are more abominable in the sight of the Lord than pagans or profane unbelievers. False brethren are most dangerous, and hypocrites are most odious in the sight of God and all good men.

    So, my dear Friends, this one thing I would have you establish as a foundation in your mind and fully understand that the spirit of satan working under the form of godliness is that which has been, is, and will in the form of godliness, be the greatest destroyer and opposer of the power of God. With dead formality and under the form of godliness, the destroying form of apostasy entered into early Christianity, and soon obscured the light of the glorious gospel. And the old adversary effected the apostasy by turning into a professor of Christianity which he could not bring to pass with bloody persecutions and open opposition. So, watch against him in his appearance not only in others but in yourself.

    The True Christian’s Faith and Experience Briefly Declared. The quote in our introduction was from Proposition XI of Robert Barclay's

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].

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    Chapter 20, Session #31 (Part 3 of 4 parts) pertaining to advice, counsel and exhortation to those who have newly turned from darkness within, to the Light of Christ within themselves. Part 3 of Chapter 20 begins with a review and further discussion of the previous paragraphs discussed in Part 2, and it goes on to discuss the next several paragraphs.

    Watch against the dead spirit of “formality”. See that your “form” of godliness is accompanied with Light, power, and virtue, since there can be a form without power. The spirit of forms captivated some in past ages and led them to reject the power. For if a spirit of forms/formality prevails even though a form of godliness is retained such as in a form of sound words, plainness and decency in clothing, excess in food and drink laid aside; respecting men’s social status; Truth and Light within professed in words, etc., yet, if your heart has gone astray; if you do not feel Life leading you, if you do not take up the daily inward cross to your own will, thoughts, emotions, and cravings, and mortify them, then you may be a mere “formalist” and your observing forms may become abominable in the sight of the Lord now, as it was among his once special people, the Jews, when He sent His prophet Isaiah to cry out against them, though they kept and observed a multitude of observances which were the very form of worship that He once commanded. But the spirit of dead formality corrupted them. The reason was not because these things were necessarily evil in themselves, but because the call of the Lord was not answered. When He spoke, they did not hear, but did evil. Yet at the same time they were performing the outward part of worship, and sat as His people and loved to hear the words of the Lord through the mouth of His prophet, but not to do them.

    Do not let this evil come near you in your holy form of godliness. Keep in the form of sound words, in the fear of God, in the inward cross to self (to ego), the sound words which you were moved to speak against the arrogant spirit of this world. Honor all men in the Lord. Be courteous and kindly affectionate to all, this being the spirit of the Lord and being the true nature of Christianity.

    Keep the holy form of plainness in apparel. Avoid excess in food and drink. Do not let the holy Spirit that led you there, depart from you. So, feel that power working in you to remove the root and ground from which wickedness arose, and to mortify that spirit that delighted in these things.


    The True Christian’s Faith and Experience Briefly Declared. The quote in our introduction was from Chapter II of George Fox's Journal.

    To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

    Any who might be interested in joining any of the Ohio Yearly Meeting Zoom online studies should check out the Online Study and Discussion Groups on our website. All are welcome!

    We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at [email protected].