
  • Sunset Boulevard is considered to be one of the best movies of all time. But it was almost an abject failure. What ended up being a saving grace to the creators Billy Wilder and Charles Bracket was going directly to their viewers and hearing their feedback. And in their case…it was brutal. But going straight to their customers was their saving grace—and it might be yours too.

    Today’s guest, Ruben Harris, is the CEO of Career Karma, and he knows the secret to great CX is engaging directly with customers. In this episode, he’ll share how Career Karma is revolutionizing people’s lives, building trust with users, prioritizing customer input, and much more.


    “If you're trying to rehaul your CX, you have to take calls yourself and actually talk to your users.” - Ruben Harris


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) Lights, Camera, CX

    * (5:12) What is Career Karma?

    * (7:54) How Career Karma helps people

    * (10:31) Putting trust at the center of CX

    * (14:24) The importance of speaking with customers



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out Career Karma

  • The cupholder is an often-overlooked feature of a vehicle. But what else will willingly hold a drink, your phone, garbage, a perfectly-sized burrito, or your wallet? That’s right, your local cupholder. Now taken for granted, it was once a novel idea that came directly from customers. When CX leaders at Sears realized the weight of their customers’ opinions mattered a bit more than the C-Suite, they changed the cupholder game forever.

    Our guest today, Dakota Semler, Co-Founder and CEO of Xos Trucks, dives deep into the importance of weighing customer feedback. He and his team have completely revolutionized the trucking industry, and it’s because they put the customer first.


    “You don't need to make engineering, product decisions, or customer experience decisions by committee, but you need a committee to listen to that feedback and incorporate it back into your processes.” - Dakota Semler


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) How cupholders changed the world

    * (5:49) What is Xos Trucks?

    * (7:38) The modern-day fleet operator experience

    * (10:54) Decarbonizing transportation

    * (12:35) Designing CX for your end user

    * (13:52) Approaching weighted feedback



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out Xos Trucks

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  • Baseball has been at the heart of American culture for almost 150 years. Giving us icons like Jackie Robinson, Babe Ruth, and most importantly, Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez. But behind the bravado of men in capris, is a marketing powerhouse. Today we’re doing a deep dive into baseball marketing. Starting with Charles Finley from the 60’s and 70’s to today’s guest, Adam Grossman, CMO of the Boston Red Sox and Fenway Sports. He shares how social media has changed sports marketing, how to be bold and change centuries-old institutions, how to experiment with your marketing, and so much more.


    “You have to push yourself to be a little bit nervous and push the envelope, because if you play it safe the whole time—you're just going to have safe results.” - Adam Grossman


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) What a donkey can teach us about CX

    * (8:20) An inside look at what the CMO of a major league baseball team does

    * (11:41) Social media’s impact on CX

    * (15:58) Tackling the green monster

    * (18:05) Experimenting with the City Connect Jersey



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out the Red Sox

  • We all love a guilty pleasure. From reality TV to Britney Spears to a 1am trip to your favorite fast food restaurant. Maybe you enjoy all three of those! There’s nothing wrong with that and here at Often Imitated we will always be team #FreeBritney.

    What all of these have in common is that they form consumers' experiences and emotions into creating lasting memories. No one understood that more than Pete Harman when he coined the phrase “Finger-Licking Good!” for KFC except maybe today’s guest. In this episode, we’re speaking with Bob Kraut and he has been the mastermind behind all of your favorite guilty pleasures. As the former CMO of Arby’s, Pizza Hut, and Captain D’s, he has revolutionized the way we as customers interact with fast food. Today, he’s the CMO of Billy Jealousy and will help us get our brands locked into the minds of our customers. So pull through that drive through, click play, and enjoy!


    “The key to excellent customer experience is to create behaviors and experiences for customers that build memories.” - Bob Kraut


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) Finger-licking good CX

    * (6:45) Background on Bob's extraordinary career

    * (8:35) Promising a great CX and how to follow through

    * (12:04) How Bob revolutionized Arby's

    * (15:00) How your brand outweighs your product



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out Billy Jealousy

  • His Airness. Mike. MJ. All names that represent the GOAT himself: Michael Jordan. When he rocked the now infamous Air Jordans in the 1985 Slam Dunk Contest, he changed the shoe game forever. His sneakers had been banned from the NBA, and subsequently became the world’s next obsession. How he turned wearing shoes into an entire empire and one of the best customer experiences of all time, is something else all together.

    Someone else who’s turned the mundane into a one-of-a-kind experience is today’s guest, Andy Pearson. He’s the Vice President of Creative at Liquid Death, and he and his team have changed how the world drinks water. From selling your soul to tattooing your face…their CX might make a customer say, in the words made famous from Micheal Jordan’s hit film Space Jam…”I believe I can fly.” Today, we’ll find out how.


    “Our customer experience is the brand. From the moment you interact with us, you’re in the ecosystem.” - Andy Pearson


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) Michael Jordan: the king of CX

    * (7:00) Liquid Death explained to those who haven’t sold their souls

    * (10:13) How hating marketing builds exceptional CX

    * (12:37) Making CX your brand



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out Liquid Death

    This podcast was produced by the team at Caspian Studios. Learn more at Caspianstudios.com

  • Few rooms offer more emotional support than the modern bathroom. Bad date? Excuse yourself to the restroom. Need to make friends with other people in your college dorm? Funny enough, bathroom. Went a little too hard at the company offsite? Better hope you’re not running into your VP in the loo.

    But the bathroom used to be far less thrilling. Hundreds of years ago, it was a pot in the corner. And before that? Idk…a bush? But one man decided that pots were gross and he was going to add some dignity back into going to the restroom. John Harington took the world of plumbing by storm and invented the flushable toilet. But why haven’t you heard of him? All that and more in today’s episode.

    Today, we’re talking with Dave Fink about how he too took on a thousand year old industry. As Co-Founder and CEO of Postie, Dave changed the way modern marketers approach direct mail. In this episode, he shares how mail can take your marketing campaigns to the next level, how to leverage modern technology on ancient mediums, how CX can improve your marketing, and much more.


    “If you take a CX approach to your entire marketing stack, then you end up building a deep understanding with your prospects and customers.” - Dave Fink


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) The troublemaker, the Queen, and their toilet

    * (8:03) What is Postie?

    * (10:55) Why CX leaders shouldn't underestimate direct mail

    * (12:28) Modernizing ancient history

    * (14:17) The Postie Customer Experience

    * (18:15) Taking a CX approach to marketing



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out Postie

  • Maybe you’ve noticed a common thread in every elevator you’ve ridden. They often seem to have a single name branded on the inside: Otis. Now, maybe you weren’t a child fixated on elevators and your caregivers didn’t ask you to stop pointing this out. But on the off chance you were, do we have the episode for you. When Elisha Otis entered the elevator industry in the mid 1800s, they were novel and dangerous. So he invented a way for them to become simple and secure: the elevator brake. From there, the world would be changed forever.

    When it comes to simple and secure, no one understands it better than Joe Burton, CEO of TeleSign. Putting in the extra work to make sure his customers are more protected than ever is the perfect recipe for a simple CX. And today, he shares those insights with us. It’s a ride you don’t want to miss.


    “If you go the extra mile, they'll stay at your website the extra minute.” - Joe Burton


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) How the elevator impacts your CX

    * (6:36) What is TeleSign

    * (8:24) How peace of mind betters CX

    * (11:18) Safety and simplicity in the gaming industry

    * (16:11) The intersection of technology and humans



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out TeleSign

  • The Space Race was a time of exciting development in science and technology. Did Neil and Buzz actually land on the moon? Who are we to say? (Kidding!) But what we do know is that the push to leave Earth’s atmosphere drove huge advancements in the technology of the time. One of the key lessons we can learn from The Apollo Missions is that with wildly important goals come impressive feats. And that extends to your customer experience philosophy.

    Today, we’re hearing from Abakar Saidov, Co-Founder and CEO of Beamery, about how huge goals can launch your organization’s CX into the stratosphere. He shares insights on how to reframe talent acquisition, having data-backed CX, addressing CX fringe cases, and much more.


    "What our business has been doing is not just building much better workflows for the organization, but actually equipping them with the AI and the skills to be able to do that." - Abakar Saidov


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) Neil’s one small step for CX

    * (5:13) Beamery’s north stars (not a space pun)

    * (7:09) Talent acquisition during the pandemic

    * (8:20) A new way to look at hiring

    * (11:35) Beamery’s stance on data-based CX

    * (14:20) Focusing on the CX outliers

    * (15:34) Transforming your company’s CX



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out Beamery

    Listen to The Talent Blueprint Podcast

  • Arrested Development. Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist. Firefly. What do these three shows have in common? Well, for starters, people apparently are pretty fed up with hearing correct opinions on how superior these shows are to everything else on TV! And secondly, they were famously canceled. Low ratings are fear of all creative projects (please leave a 5 star review below!), and the grim reaper in charge of delivering them is the all powerful Nielsen. A revolutionary during the Great Depression, Arthur Nielsen pioneered the data surrounding ratings as we know them today. He’s allowed companies to make data-based decisions regarding their work for nearly a century, and that’s just what your CX needs.

    Today’s guest, Jodie Jansen, is the Chief Customer Officer of Mediafly. She brings data to the forefront of CX and helps her team and customers make data-based decisions. And today, she’ll teach you how to do the same.


    “Don’t guess about the health of your customers, quite frankly, don’t guess about the health of your team. Don’t take for granted or don’t take at face value that a deal is going the right way or a customer is healthy because someone said it was. Rely on the data to be able to give you those insights.” - Jodie Jansen


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) Arthur Nielsen’s guide to data-driven CX

    * (6:31) What is Mediafly?

    * (7:39) Making CX the heart of your business

    * (9:13) The secret to data-driven CX

    * (13:55) How to find the right people to work with



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out Mediafly

  • When Peter Roget was faced with tragedy he did what all of us hope to do—he turned it into triumph. When life gave him lemons he didn’t just make lemonade. Instead, he invented a water filtration system to make all of London’s lemonade more hygienic. From mastering medicine to inventing a pocket chessboard Peter was one of the original “jack of all trades”. But one of his biggest accomplishments, successes, and achievements was creating the first ever thesaurus.

    When it comes to creating opportunity out of adversity, Peter did it more than anyone. A company doing the same today is Birdeye. David Lehman, the President and COO of Birdeye, joins us to talk about how your biggest struggles can become your company’s greatest successes. And how CX is the first step in that journey, expedition, and endeavor.


    “Happy customers are so much better at promoting my brand than anybody else can be. ” - David Lehman


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) History of the thesaurus, wordfinder, wordbook

    * (7:19) What is Birdeye?

    * (9:07) Utilizing bad reviews

    * (11:09) The secret to referrals



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out Birdeye

  • Left-handed people have spent their lives adapting to a right-handed world. Some were forced to switch to their right hands others were cursed with a life of uncomfortable scissors and smudged writing. But in 1970s San Francisco, a hero emerged. Pier 39 had a new store opening called Lefty’s. It would meet all the needs of this niche (niche?) customer group. But then one day…it all disappeared.

    In this episode, we’re tackling some major subjects. First, how to correctly pronounce niche. And second, how to find your target audience who’ll become obsessed with your company. Our guest, Ineta Jekabsone-Kempela, Global Customer Service Director at Printful, brings insight into finding the perfect customer, creating subtle yet effective CX, and what reality TV can teach us about customer experience.


    “Only one third of CX is actual physical experience—the other two thirds are about emotions.” - Ineta Jekabsone-Kempela


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) A left-handed utopia

    * (5:06) What is Printful?

    * (6:11) Who’s your target audience?

    * (7:45) Printful’s CX

    * (10:22) How to find your niche

    * (12:03) Creating an undetectable CX



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



    Connect with Ineta on LinkedIn

    Check out Printful

  • The phrase “return to work” sparks up a lot of emotions these days. We’ve all grown accustomed to pets on video calls, taking meetings in pajamas, and rogue child interruption. Giving that up to go back to the office can make us feel a bit conflicted. Especially if you have to return to a dreary, gray, dull, cubicle. When Robert Propst invented the Action Office back in the 1960s, he had no idea they’d devolve into corporate melancholy.

    Today’s guest, Amy Yin, Founder and CEO of OfficeTogether, is battling the sadness of cubicles everyday. She and her team work tirelessly to make offices fun and engaging again. In today’s episode, you’ll learn how the office has evolved over the years, and how it’s impacted the way we interact with customers.


    “Companies are walking a very fine line right now between too much choice and flexibility and not enough camaraderie and fun.” - Amy Yin


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) The intersection of Dilbert and CX

    * (5:30) What is OfficeTogether?

    * (7:45) The nuances of going back to the office

    * (10:10) Their Customer Experience

    * (12:44) How to keep in touch with customers

    * (14:53) What makes a great customer experience



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



    Connect with Amy on LinkedIn

    Check out OfficeTogether

  • Humans have cared for dogs for over 30,000 years. Are puppies universally the best? Is Caspian Studios staunchly positioned as “dogs are better than cats”? Yes, to both. But it wasn’t until the 1920s when the human/dog relationship exponentially changed. When Morris Frank first met Buddy, he knew his life was forever changed. As The Seeing Eye program brought guide dogs to thousands of people, CX leaders saw a lesson to be learned.

    CX leaders try to get ahead of their customer’s problems and face them head on. Today’s guest, Ty Smith, Founder and CEO of CommSafe AI, makes a living off of protecting customers before things escalate. To learn more about how he and his team can protect you too, click play.


    “You should be glued to your customer’s hip.” - Ty Smith


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) The CX Buddy system

    * (7:57) The story of Ty and CommSafe AI

    * (10:04) Why this work is important

    * (13:06) The pros of robotic reporting

    * (14:05) How to deliver great CX solutions



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out CommSafe AI

  • It’s Friday night, the work week is over, and you’re looking to unwind. Do you want to be the type of person who orders whiskey? Sure. But at the end of the day nothing will get you in the party mood like a Mai Tai. Here at Caspian Studios, we advise that you drink responsibly…we also advise that you find your closest Mai Tai and let your hair down.

    Just like the perfect mixtures of a cocktail, your customer experience is a delicate balance. Our guest today, Jake Reichert, VP of Engineering at Yotascale, has the secret ingredient to making CX perfection: engineers. In this episode, he shares how bringing engineers into your customer experience improves metrics across the board.


    "Get engineers on customer calls as much as possible. It leaves a lasting impression and makes engineers care more about their product." - Jake Reichert


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) Mai Tais are your secret CX ingredient

    * (7:17) What is Yotascale

    * (10:11) The engineering behind your CX

    * (14:35) Shifting to your customer's perspective

    * (18:28) Making engineers your secret ingredient



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out Yotascale

  • When it comes to buying a new computer, there’s a checklist we use to see if it’ll work for us. We think about all the different components that come together to build the final product and figure out if it has the right CPU, processing power, and RAM. But at the end of the day…does it really matter if you’re just using it to send emails and watch cat videos? Well, Andy Grove and Dennis Carter at Intel think so. When they launched the “Intel Inside” campaign in 1991, suddenly people started caring about microchips and what their computers ran on. And that ingredient branding campaign continues to influence buying decisions today. Can our marketing campaigns do the same?

    Today’s episode features an interview with Kimberly Shenk, Co-Founder and CEO of Novi Connect. She works to make brands more transparent with their customers and is a champion of ingredient branding. She shares all the secrets of why in order to have a successful brand you need to be more open with your customers. Click ‘play’ and find out how.


    "Telling authentic stories to your consumers isn’t a trend—it's a requirement." - Kimberly Shenk


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) How ingredient branding changed how you burn the midnight oil

    * (8:53) The story of Novi Connect

    * (10:34) The secrets to getting your customers to trust you

    * (12:41) The data behind ingredient marketing

    * (14:24) Novi Connect’s customer journey

    * (17:42) Why you need ingredient branding



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



    Connect with Kimberly on LinkedIn

    Check out Novi Connect

  • When it comes to focus groups—we’ve seen it all. From testing out yogurts to reacting to political campaigns, focus groups come in all shapes and sizes. However, they weren’t always the bastion of a free bag of chips and low quality bottled water that they are today. The first ever focus group was done to study the effectiveness of propaganda to enlist more Americans in the fight against the Nazis. And it was…rough to say the least. Luckily, it provides us with a helpful lens into what makes an effective focus group, and so does today’s guest.

    Javier Santana, Co-Founder of Launch, shares how you can best leverage research and focus groups to your advantage. He dives into what priorities you should have, how you need to evolve with your customers, and much more.


    "If you don’t listen to your customers—you have the opportunity to fail." - Javier Santana


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) The dos and don’ts of WWII propaganda

    * (7:16) What is Launch?

    * (8:27) How to evolve alongside your customers

    * (10:46) Your guide to successful research

    * (12:48) How to improve your customer relationships

    * (16:13) Identifying what your priorities should be



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



    Connect with Javier on LinkedIn

    Check out Launch

  • We’ve all had moments where we’ve been a little too obsessed with a movie, celebrity, or sports team. A moment when we take a step back and go “wait…did I really think dressing up like Hannah Montana for a week at school would make Miley Cyrus notice me?” (not based on true events!!). Obsessing over our passions has been a staple part of pop culture for centuries, and Berlin in the 1840s was no different. Franz Liszt was taking the world by storm, and people were losing their minds. But how did he capitalize on their fandom? And more importantly, how can we capture that same energy and dedication as it relates to our customers? Today we’ll find out.

    In this episode, we’re talking with Doug Neil, Chief Marketing and Branding Officer at Chronicle. He’s revolutionizing the world of NFTs and helping you put them in the hands– well, computers– of your customers. As the previous Executive Vice President of Global Digital Marketing and Media at Universal Studios, Doug has been giving fans what they crave since Jurassic World and Fast and the Furious. And today, he’s sharing all his secrets.


    "We are at the precipice of a revolution in the collecting world." - Doug Neil


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) Lisztomania: not just a hit single from 2009

    * (5:54) What actually is an NFT?

    * (7:21) Chronicle’s story

    * (9:01) What makes an NFT special?

    * (10:34) Why your brand should get into NFTs

    * (21:32) How you can enter the NFT world



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



    Connect with Doug on LinkedIn

    Check out Chronicle

  • Santa Claus stops by the studio to share his best advice for a successful CX (Christmas Experience). Have a great holiday season, and we’ll see you in the new year!



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at


  • Does your dog lose its mind when Saturday morning rolls around and you start vacuuming your home? Is your cat in an endless power struggle with your Roomba? Well, turns out you have two people to blame for that...and today we’re finding out how much their vacuum wars sucked.

    In the battle to create the first vacuum, it was actually a battle of accessorizing. Who could help you reach high places? Could this attachment reach under the couch? Are there different settings for hardwood or carpet? Accessories are everything when it comes to creating the perfect vacuum. But that’s true for products across the board. Accessories can bring your CX to the next level, and today’s guest knows exactly how to do it. Christopher Maiwald, Founder and Managing Director of Wasserstein Home and Lectron, does a deep dive into accessories and how you can give your CX the extra boost to delight your customers.


    "Rarely do people come out with a hit product the first time around, so get comfortable with failure—get comfortable with iterating many, many times over." - Christopher Maiwald


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) The vacuum wars

    * (5:50) The genius of Wasserstein Home and Lectron

    * (7:58) What makes accessories crucial to CX?

    * (8:41) The secret to understanding negative feedback

    * (9:51) Working with Google Nest

    * (11:58) Making accessories accessible



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



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    Check out Wasserstein Home

    Check out Lectron

  • Before 1959, little girls played with baby dolls to prepare them for motherhood and caregiving. But Ruth Handler knew girls needed a doll that could challenge their imaginations to dream bigger. And so Barbie was born. Whether she’s rocking an astronaut’s suit or a business power suit, the infamous Barbie is always confident and poised to take on the world. With over a billion Barbies sold, her confidence has empowered millions of children over the past 60 years to go after their dreams.

    Giving our customers confidence is one of our most important charges as CX leaders. Barbie’s makers at Mattel knew this, and so does Ron Schneidermann, CEO of AllTrails. He and his team work to empower everyone, from “indoor people” to outdoor enthusiasts, to take on the outdoors. What can we do to harness that empowering energy for our own customer experience? Let’s find out.


    "The key is using technology to find the right trail for you, then to go out and explore with confidence." - Ron Schneidermann


    Time Stamps

    * (0:00) The unmatched impact of Barbie

    * (8:13) The beauty of AllTrails

    * (12:06) Handling virtual trail upkeep

    * (14:59) A terrifying board meeting

    * (19:09) How to best connect with your users



    This podcast is presented by Oracle CX.

    Hear more executive perspectives on CX transformation at Oracle.com/cx/perspectives



    Connect with Ron on LinkedIn

    Check out AllTrails