Привет, я Анна и я нахожусь в непрерывном процессе самотерапии, однако начало плодотворной работе над своими неврозами было положено в работе с моим терапевтом, которого я пригласила ко мне на разговор и я записала его для вас.
В каждом эпизоде вы услышите фрагмент из моих будней, который я приношу на разбор моему психологу. Его зовут Осипчик Антон и он автор зрелостного подхода в терапии неврозов.
Слово "невроз" вы услышите здесь много раз, так как он есть у каждого человека.
А так как понимая корень проблемы, есть огромный шанс изменить вектор своих действий и стать ближе к самой «вкусной» версии своей жизни, то мнение специалиста и мой личный опыт прохождения этого пути предоставлены вам в формате диалога.
Приятного прослушивания!
P.S. Нажимайте на кнопку "старт", чтобы узнать куда поставить запятую в названии подкаста.
P.P.S. Запись звука ведется в домашних условиях.
The reality is, we’re already enlightened. It’s only as we face obstacles, stress and our own messiness that we start to forget it. This is a show about how to believe in yourself again, told by a community of Buddhists doing it every day, and changing the world along the way. Hosted by Cassidy Bradford, each week you’ll hear an honest conversation about real life and how to tap into your Buddhability. From relationships and dream jobs to lessons from psychology and activism, subscribe to Buddhability on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get podcasts so you never miss an episode. For more stories, tips on practicing SGI Nichiren Buddhism, and our newsletter, visit
Thầy Minh Niệm & Cộng đồng Thiền Chữa lành Miền Tỉnh Thức thực hiện dự án vì cộng đồng, hoàn toàn phi lợi nhuận.Đây là kênh chính thống và duy nhất của Thầy Minh Niệm do đội ngũ phụng sự quản lýQuý vị có thể chia sẻ cho bạn bè và người thân, nhưng nếu với mục đích khác thì phải xin phép trước. Hoàn toàn không được sao chép.-----------------------Các kênh phát sóng chính thức:- Facebook: YouTube: Apple Podcast: Spotify: Soundcloud:
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Real people share times a heartfelt conversation changed someone’s life. You might laugh, you might cry but most importantly you’ll feel empowered because asking “are you ok? when someone’s struggling with life, could turn things around in ways you might not have imagined.
A conversation can change a life. Hosted by Barry Du Bois
For conversation tips and information on Aussie suicide prevention charity R U OK? visit -
Is my heavy flow normal? Why do I snap at my boss every time I PMS? Why are periods considered disgusting, anyways? In a culture that likes to pretend periods don’t exist, women's health coach Stefanie Kleinburd and journalist Jessica Weiss are breaking the silence. The Flow Down offers fun, insightful, deep conversations about our cycles, plus interviews with special guests. New episodes every third Wednesday.
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The skills I learnt as a police officer for over 25 years continue to serve me well to this day. Road policing, later CID and child protection, I interviewed some of the most vulnerable and traumatised human beings. I now bring that experience to conversations I have with people who have interesting and inspiring stories to tell.
Music under license from Episound.
Any disclosures made in these podcasts have been previously reported to the relevant authorities. These are my opinions based on my own experiences. They are not to be taken as fact and my views do not represent anyone else other than myself. Third party contributors express their own views, invited or otherwise. I exercise no editorial control over those third party views and as such publishing such views are not to be taken as my endorsement of them. -
Most pop culture discussion about the single life point at how to avoid it at all costs. From Disney movies to dating coaches to how-to books on finding love, we’re constantly told that couplehood is the holy grail.
But many of us have grown more, changed for the better, and learned the most about ourselves while not in a relationship.
So how can we get the most out of being single? What can we celebrate about aloneness? Why can’t singlehood be a great thing? Join Natalie Karneef and guests as they share real-life, personal stories about navigating the unattached life. -
The MMS “Health for All” podcast brings you stories of people who are fighting for gender equality, health for all and a world of justice and hope. It features strong-minded people who stand up for their beliefs and are seeking to make this world a better place, demonstrating how dedication can lead to “health for all”. The podcast is produced by Medicus Mundi Switzerland and is hosted by Carine Weiss.
Welcome to the turbulence!
Join Dara Clear, a domesticated Irishman who is trying to work out the best ways to cope with what life throws at him.
Husband, father, actor, writer, teacher, karate instructor and sea swimmer, Dara wants to take the wuss out of wellness.
Mixing storytelling, philosophy, humour, psychology, and emotional honesty as a recipe for increased wellness, positivity, and resilience.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Author of over 15 books, including the latest 'Empower your kids! - a coaching guide for parents' and 'Understanding children and teens - a practical guide for parents, teachers and coaches', Judy shares relatable and practical ideas for parents, teachers and coaches. She specifically focuses on issues such as low self-esteem, anxiety and anger. Judy is an NLP, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer who also uses Reiki, crystals, art and play therapy and ............whatever works!