This has been... Obstacle Course! Thank you for listening, friends.
Andrew's song lyrics: "Every new beginning is some other new beginning's, end."
This final episode isn't a memorial, it's a celebration.
If you've listened to every episode, you've spent over 7500 hrs with us.
Check ya later folks.
Union Pacific Coffee Shop has great atmosphere and delicious coffee/home-made food.
"Ironically Wim doesn't respond well to cold calls." Gold.
"This podcast has never been one to make us money but we don't want it to cost us a lot either." haha.
The episode where John learned to be present.
Hosting Stories of Resilience.
Jesse Roper's incredible episode.
"Screw it up, just go for it, hang it out there. People will love you more for hanging it out there then trying to be something you're not." - Jesse Roper
When you're ok with who you are, you'll stop making everything about you.
Our guests were people willing to take action!!
It's not about being fearless but fearing less.
Courage is feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
The power of vulnerability is it draws people near.
Shoutout to our Decaf Bengal Spice tea that prevented our mouths from drying up while recording.
"We know this has been a success if it inspires people to make a small act of courage."
Numbers are only one story of the experience.
John learned to how to make space for other people.
Andrew learned he is best when he asks the questions.
"Never let our ambitions confuse us from who we really are." Jim Collins.
"Why not just be yourself?"
"You will never say something worth remembering if you can't say it from the depths of who you truly are."
The three principles that guided all of our guest choices and conversations.
AuthenticityVulnerabilityGood Story Telling AbilityBrene Browne!
It's impossible to tell a great story story without being authentic and vulnerable.
"So clearly, this is well rehearsed." It always was...n't ....
Obstacles are opportunities we can learn and grow from.
Obstacle Course is a mindset, a decision and a life long habit. That's why it never ends.
Often, obstacles start as a feeling.
"I will always look back and remember that we hosted a show that encouraged people to not be overtaken by the tough things in life but to allow the tough things to toughen them up so they could move forward and do what's truly meaningful and great in the world."
Thank you Judy!!! Your peanut butter cookies will never be be bested.
Thank you Andy Robertson for getting us going.
Thank you Angie and Sarah for your unending support, belief and for speaking truth.
Thank you guests for sharing your souls. You will forever be in our hearts.
Last but not least, thank you for listening. We love you. Check ya later :)
You are not alone!
We love you and keep pushing through those obstacles. Thanks folks.
For our final Obstacle Course interview, we're excited/sad to share the second part of our conversation with Josh Dueck. In this episode, Josh shares his current obstacles and dreams for the future.
For our final guest episode we let the music play us off…
There is a Part One to this conversation which you should listen before this. Because it's Part One. And that's what you do.
Everything comes to an end. Like this Podcast. And Andrew and I. What can never end is our shared journey on the Obstacle Course as every day brings new challenges and opportunities for growth.
Our final episode will air February 24, 3 years after we began.
The death of our identity can often feel fatal. What we learn is this rock bottom can be a solid place to rise up and begin again.
Discipline creates freedom!
A space to just be. Meditation in Motion.
Josh's family motto: Listen, Be kind and Have fun! (Feel free to steal this)
Terry Fox, the greatest Canadian! This is a great book as is the series (little John grew up on this series as a kid).
Grief, like exercise, is something we do every day. We never finish or arrive. We begin anew every day. It's a process.
New T-shirt Idea? “I'm 40 and I can feel. And that's fucking awesome.”
"Retiring from sport was harder than breaking my back."
“It's not going to be easy. But! It'll be ok.”
To connect with and keep track of what Josh is doing, follow him on social media.
Discipline is Freedom.
“One of our favourite expressions is the obstacle course never ends - because we don't get through all our obstacles until it's all over and then maybe by then we're the better for all the obstacles that we did end up participating in. It's what brought meaning to our lives.” Andrew
“The challenges and traumas in our life remove the grit so we can see life more clearly.” Josh
“Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.” Nelson Mandela
Saknas det avsnitt?
Josh Dueck is the quintessential obstacle course guest including a stunning story, professionally told and is now changing the world through his work. This is Part One of our conversation.
Here's the word John nearly hurt himself trying to pronounce.
Despite John's weird analogy, this episode really does have everything and is the essence of Obstacle Course.
Andrew practiced for weeks to say Chef De Mission.
For the record, Josh is a 3 time paralympic medalist, including gold! He's also won an X games gold medal and the world championships.
John's finger has healed nicely. His ego continues to be a work in process.
Josh is the first person in history to perform a backflip on a sit ski!!! Here's the iconic jump!
"We're going to go make an effort today." It turns out that's all any of us can ever do. Wake up. Do the work. Rinse and Repeat.
When we're in the middle of doing our best work and aren't distracted by ego or fear, serenity will guide the way.
The Freedom Chair is a beautifully filmed award winning documentary about Josh's iconic jump. It can be watched on Apple TV for the low low price of $3.
Josh's TED talk is raw, honest and incredibly inspiring. A must watch!
Josh was only 23 at the time of his accident. In the moment before the jump, he remembers disregarding the warnings to impress a bunch of young kids.
"What is my why in this moment?" Fear may sometimes be a red flag from the body. It's important to use wisdom and meditation to decipher normal fear from a legitimate warning from our higher self.
We love you Ellen!! Just keep filming. Just keep filming.
Here's Josh's excellent appearance on Ellen.
Josh's Three Life Mantras
1. Everything happens for a reason
2. Nothing happens we're not strong enough to deal with
3. Everything in my life has prepared me for this moment
The ambulance ride/rock bottom can feel like an eternity. But like every moment, this too shall pass.
"Things don't happen to us, they happen for us." Tony Robbins
The life affirming words from the Josh's Doctor, "Gab," were transformative and they are still close friends and neighbours to this day. At rock bottom, hope remains and becomes the light that sees us through.
Join us for Part Two of this epic conversation.
We are joined today by Jeff Sorensen, founder of the Breath Army.
We changed the intro. Deal with it. Also, Happy 2021!! :)
If you are interested in learning more about The 75HARD Challenge, listen to this informative and inspirational episode by the creator.
Andrew and Sarah's Hard mantra:
"We can do hard things. We choose to do hard things. We become better by doing hard things. We see out hard things to do."
Everybody breathes. Not everybody connects with their breath. Breathwork
Breathing is a behaviour.
We need to up our breath game.
As humans, we have a tendency to seek out what we know. This can get us into trouble.
At rock bottom, Jeff choice life over death. He mentioned a "sense of something that was left undone."
Yes, you heard correctly. Jeff worked for the Sinaloa Mexican Cartel!
From the Cartel, Jeff went to Wim Hof. Here's Tim's great conversation with The Iceman!
Go here to join Jeff's Breath Army or be notified when his book is released.
Welcome to the Podcast! Today we speak with the remarkable Kara Robinson Chamberlain. When Kara was only 15 years old, she was kidnapped in broad daylight by a serial killer who stuffed her into a rubber maid container and took her back to his apartment where she was sexually assaulted over an 18 hour period. We talk to Kara about where she found the courage and resourcefulness to not only escape her restraints but help the police track down her captor. We also talk about the importance of sharing your story and how social media platforms like Tik Tok can actually make you happy. This! Is Obstacle Course.
Choose Your Reaction Wisely
Tik Tok Can Make You Happy
How Strong We Truly Are.
Have we mentioned that Andrew is an English major?
Kara's Tik Tok. She can make you happy!
Here's the excellent episode from the wildly popular My Favourite Murder Podcast. It starts at the 32 min mark.
For more information on Kara's story and to connect with Kara, definitely go to her website.
Check out The Social Dilemma on Netflix. Incredible documentary about the power and toxicity of social media.
We also spoke about disassociation as a form of protection in our fantastic episode 42 with Suzanne Venuta.
The Body Keeps The Score is THE landmark mark on how the body reacts to traumatic stress. It's a must read.
How did Kara escape?
Strong Will to Survive. "I will escape."Plan of ActionProjected Positivty Looked for her opportunity - ResourefulnessStubbornness. "I refuse to be a victim.""When suffering post traumatic stress and anxiety, remember, you've already done the hard part. You've survived. So you can do this because it's not as hard. You get to choose your reaction."
Kara relies on her daily gratitude journal.
You can't outthink trauma response.
The Headspace App is a fantastic and convenient way to practice daily meditation. It also has dozens of helpful one minute videos that bring calm and perspective. John is on Day 85! And if he can do it, anybody can. :)
For more information on repressed trauma, check out the landmark and mind blowing book, "It Didn't Start With You."
"It's always been cathartic for me to just talk about what happened."
Kara's media appearances including her excellent interview with Elizabeth Smart.
Kara points to exercise as key in her healing and recovery. Disassociation is NOT being in your body and exercise brings you back.
You are literally stronger than you think. You already have the ability to get through whatever is coming.
Andrew has been a beast the past few months and is in the final days of the incredible online challenge 75 Hard.
"Your body is listening and is already preparing for whatever your mindset is. Both positive and negative."
"I'm very mindful of treating my kids like the adults I want them to be."
If your kids never see you struggle they might wonder, what's wrong with me?? Why do I struggle??
For episode 80, we're excited to welcome Chris Wilkinson into the studio.
Chris Wilkinson is the owner/GM for Nurse Next Door Home Care Services for Cowichan and central Vancouver Island. For more info visit www.NurseNextDoor.com or for questions or a free in-home Caring Consult call 250-748-4357, or email Chris.Wilkinson@NurseNextDoor.com
Chris is also a columnist for the Cowichan Citizen and the article he wrote about the death of his father, inspired this episode.
On Today's episode...
- Fathers and Sons
- Stiff Upper Lips
- Know Better, Do Better
We talked about our death denying culture way back in episode 19!
If you can't sleep, listen to our fantastic episode on it.
Heather's episode is a master class in vulnerability and one of the best conversations we've ever had. It's a must listen for anyone who has loved and lost.
The Pixar movie Coco explores the connection between loss, grief and death.
"I got this," may be a signal that you are repressing your thoughts and feelings.
Repression is at the heart of toxic masculinity.
Anger is almost an emotion that boys are encouraged to have.
Emotional diversity: It’s important to experience a range of emotions, not just pure happiness but pride, excitement, calm and negative ones as well.
Boys grow up in a world inhabited by a narrower range of emotions, one in which their experiences of anger are noticed, inferred, and potentially even cultivated. This leaves other emotions—particularly the more vulnerable emotions—sorely ignored or missing in their growing minds.
Harvard Medical School shows that boys are in fact more emotionally expressive than girls, but our culture actively negates the expression, or focuses on emotions like anger and aggression
The byproduct of this repression: Psychologists have found that children who deny emotional vulnerability are also more likely to become adolescents who engage in health-risk behaviors, such as substance use. Later in development, men suppress (i.e., do not openly express) their emotions more than women; and men in turn experience greater depressive symptoms and resort more often to physical violence.
Men may be at greater risk for stress-related cardiovascular problems in the long run.
5 Common Ways to regulate emotions
1. Avoid situations that may trigger certain emotions
2. Modify situation to enhance your chance of experiencing positive emotions
3. Focus attention elsewhere, rather than letting emotions control
4. Try to see situation from different perspectives
5. Suppress emotion (this is generally the worst option)
From NY Times Article “Teaching Men to be Emotionally Honest”:
“Last semester, a student in the masculinity course I teach showed a video clip she had found online of a toddler getting what appeared to be his first vaccinations. Off camera, we hear his father’s voice. “I’ll hold your hand, O.K.?” Then, as his son becomes increasingly agitated: “Don’t cry!... Aw, big boy! High five, high five! Say you’re a man: ‘I’m a man!’” The video ends with the whimpering toddler screwing up his face in anger and pounding his chest. “I’m a man!” he barks through tears and gritted teeth. rather than negative
● Studies have shown that suppressing emotions increases blood pressure and impairs memory
● Study showed that 25% of Brits believe that expressing emotion is a sign of weakness
Male to female suicide rate: 3 x 1 in Canada, 4 x1 in US, 5 x 1 in Russia, Mexico and Brazil
Is our toxic masculinity the path of least resistance? Bad habits?
The phrase, "don't be a pussy," is deeply offensive to all people. It means, "don't show emotion," - which is a sign of weakness, not strength.
Ice Guardians!
Vulnerability is not about blunt and random honesty but rather sharing our true emotions.
Don't use Facebook as therapy.
Our sons watch us more than they listen. May they see something worth imitating.
Today, we continue our trend of discussing politics! We'd like to officially welcome Dr. Valerie D'Erman, Instructor of Political Science at the University of Victoria, on the Podcast.
Mcgill University!
Why do we do the thing we say we'll never do? Pattern recognition? Habits?
Introverts rejoice! You don't have to call restaurants anymore. :)
Speaking of introverts, this important book is currently helping John understand everyone around him :)
Not to disagree with Valerie, but I assure you, she meant to say, Britain is officially and legally out of the EU! :)
Thanks for listening Giuseppe! :)
For more information on Brexit and all things news, BBC is generally a great source of reliable information!
"Obstinate Euro Scepticism." This doesn't sound good...
Populism is a common and potentially dangerous reality that pervades all sides of modern politics.
Has Trump thought it through?
Neutral Analytics is a practice we all need to learn. What a less angry and better connected world we could be. Well done Valerie!
GWYNNE DYER has worked as a freelance journalist, columnist, broadcaster and lecturer on international affairs for more than 20 years, but he was originally trained as an historian.
Trump is not the cause but the result of a deep seeded problem that already existed and exists in modern politics.
Freud: “Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness.”
Fact Check: The United States is NOT the worst country for income disparity. But, it's still not great.
For the record, we hope Alberta doesn't separate from Canada. Besides their important industries and great people, who would Andrew and I cheer for?
UBI (Universal Basic Income) might sound like a disease but it has its proponents and it's definitely not a black or white issue. Here's some articles for further reading.
CERB has been a life saver and business saver for many but people are people and there are those who have taken advantage of the benefit.
Mandatory Public Service (Conscription) is a controversial approach but could be helpful for engaging and equipping people for life skills.
"Democracy is not a birthright. It's fragile."
We all need to learn how to discuss controversial topics with kindness, humility and grace. We need to acknowledge our ignorance with a sense of humor and listen to other people's points of view. We're thankful to Valerie for showing us how.
We're thrilled to welcome Sonia Furstenau back to the Podcast. If you missed Part 1 of our conversation, we have remastered it and you can listen to it here!
Let's vote!
Maeve's not a day over.... for......t...something... You can catch our amazing episode with Maeve here! It's our first ever Obstacle Course interview!
We were FIRST!!! Suck it CNN.
When in doubt, blame Maeve. #liferules
"I'm so inspired by the platform that we have. I look at it and I feel hopeful about the future. It's platform of solutions oriented on what matters most -taking care of people."
"It goes to something that is very core and has always been part of me, which is this idea that we can be better, we can do better, we can treat each other better and we can be kinder, more compassionate and empathetic."
"I really do think we need to do politics differently. We don't have to be terrible to the people we are debating with."
You can catch our conversation with Olympian, Jason Dorland, right here!
The root of the word competition means, "to strive together."
"It's so much better when we're actually listening to each other. We should be striving together."
"Things don't happen to us. They happen for us." Tony Robbins
We aren't able to be fearful and empathetic at the same time. In fact, we aren't able to be fearful and anything at the same time.
Fear is the mind killer!
Collaboration starts in your neighbourhood.
I make the choice. Every day. Every moment.
Chocolate Pearl sells premium, delicious, hand-made chocolates in Downtown Duncan!
Sharp, frank, and fearless, that’s Buddhist sex therapist, psychologist, author, and speaker Dr. Cheryl Fraser. With a rare combination of academic credibility, humor, straight-talk, and life-changing advice, she has helped thousands of couples jumpstart their love life and create passion that lasts a lifetime. She has taught for Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield, appears on countless podcasts, and writes about love and sex for magazines.
And chocolate nipples!
John's at 45 days in a row now on Headspace.
Great sex begins in your head!
Buddha in the Bedroom is a fantastic book! The link between mindfulness and being a good lover is real.
You. Are. Normal.
Long term couples include anyone in a relationship for 12-18 months or longer.
The bio-chemistry of falling in love is the same as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Come As You Are. Another excellent book to check out.
You are not broken. You are in process.
"Reaearch indicates the greatest predictor of mental well being, longevity and life satisfaction is having a quality romantic relationship." Dr Fraser.
Marriage Inc. Are you comfortably miserable?
Libido means life force.
The average male orgasm lasts 7 seconds and the average female orgasm lasts 21 seconds. Get out the stopwatches people. Actually don't.
"Siri, please give me the route to her orgasm." haha.
Shame is a massive obstacle to healthy sexuality.
"Nipple Nipple Crotch Goodnight," can be indicative of a sexual slump or being a lazy lover.
When's the last time you licked the back of your partner's knees?
Sex isn't necessarily the place where you should be efficient.
It's time we ACTUALLY got naked.
No wet exits. Nice one Andrew.
Maybe don't eat fish chilli.
The Passion Triangle. Take the quiz here!
LOVE SKILL: Rate Your Passion Triangle: The 3 Keys to Passion.
Do you want to know where your relationship is currently strong, and where is it weak?
Rate yourself on Thrill, Intimacy, and Sensuality by taking the free Passion Quiz. You will receive scores and feedback to help you re-ignite great love, romance, and passion.
Click here to take the quiz
Andrew prefers nipples to chocolate. You heard it here first.
The brain assumes the chocolate is already in your mouth.
Chocolate Covered Nipples. Who doesn't like the sound of this??
Don't wait for a wakeup call to decide to make thrill a priority again.
Sign up for Dr. Cheryl's Masterclass right here!
Sign up for Dr. Cheryl's Passion program here!
We're super excited to welcome local rock star, Jesse Roper, to the podcast. What a great guy. And super talented! You can check out everything Jesse, here! Jesse's also very active on Instagram and Facebook!
23 years baby! Love you Ang.
I feel like my and Andrew's live music stories could have been reversed. No wonder we get along. :)
The Golden Hinde is the tallest mountain on Vancouver Island. Jesse's a beast. If you're not ready for this 3-5 day hike, start with Mount Benson or Mount Arrowsmith.
To our Saskatchewan listeners.... we feel for you... kisses.
Resilience is often an artist's most important tool.
The notion of an artist being in the "transportation," business, is a topic we also discussed in our fantastic conversation with Coco Jones.
Here's the American Idol story!!
Jesse's song, "Anytime of Night is his most personal. Here's his hair (and mind) blowing video.
"People will love you more for hanging it all out there than trying to be something you're not." Jesse
"If you can capture the best parts of yourself and give them to people over and over again, you're probably a pretty good musician."
Here's the music video for Jesse's latest song, Right Now.
The 27 Club.
Living a comfortably miserable life is all too common. We all have the ability to live better.
Here's the music video for Jesse's song, Cherry.
Anton Wilson is an up and comer in Victoria's music scene (and more importantly, he treats my daughter great!!) You can connect with him here. Anton is currently working on a new project to be release 2021.
We don't like to experience the nerves but we need the nerves!
That thing WILL kick in.
The only difference between the feelings of fear and excitement is how we label it.
People hate plastic flowers but real flowers are a lot more work!!
"I fell in love with the soul, the outside wrapper was just a bi-product." - Margarita
Amazon #1 Bestselling book: Sitting On The Fence is a 10-part journey into love - Ten life-changing chapters revealing soulful realizations, learnings, and ideas about the power of love. Love comes from within and it is all-seeing. It is not "just an emotion" or something to rely on others to fulfill for us - it is a state of being. This book will help you examine your perception of love, expand your awareness of how you show up in your life and explore your connection to love and deepen your fulfillment in your relationships
Book Page: https://leapzone.lpages.co/book/
Dare To Brand Documentary
Trailblazers Retreats
Main Retreat Page: www.LeapZoneStrategies.com/retreats
Unbridle Your Inner Rockstar 1-Day Retreat: https://leapzone.lpages.co/unbridle-your-inner-rockstar-1-day-retreat/
TEDx Talks
95% of North Americans either go to bed or wake up worrying about something. Yet, worrying is the #1 killer of creativity, performance and dreams. When revolutionary brand strategist Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte discovered “What we tolerate we worry about,” she realized a little structure brings a lot of inner flexibility and freedom. The result is her simple yet powerful model to help you instantly decrease worry and increase peace of mind.
Unlike business, there are no schools for creating successful personal relationships. After almost 30 years of living/working together, and working with couplepreneurs, Business Growth Catalyst Isabelle Mercier and Equine-Guided Strategist Margarita Romano have uncovered that there is great relationship wisdom in learning from what makes a business thrive. In this engagingly entertaining talk, learn how three simple yet pivotal business performance strategies can create happier lives when applied to relationships.
Isabelle Mercier and Margarita Romano focus on fulfilling, successful relationships and empower heart-centred entrepreneurs and couplepreneurs to build inspiring brands, businesses and lives.
LINK: https://www.LeapZoneStrategies.com/tedx-talks
Canada's #1 branding, positioning, and all things business growth online TV Show for heart-centred business Owners. https://www.LeapTV.com
Build To Rock
Build To Rock is a step-by-step online business and brand positioning program designed to help heart-centred entrepreneurs and solopreneurs charge more for their genius by activating + owning their money-making edge. Build To Rock is designed to help you turn your business & brand into a well-oiled machine AND create a waiting list of clients and prospects that enthusiastically say: “I choose to work with you; regardless of price!”
Info Page: www.BuildToRock.com
Our Websites
Main Website: www.LeapZoneStrategies.com
LeapTools: Smart Tools & Tutorials for Business Owners: www.LeapZoneStrategies.com/leaptools
..........................Free Masterclass
GET PAID WELL FOR YOUR GENIUS -3 Major Warning Signs Your Business is Setup to Fail in Today's Economy!: https://leapzone.lpages.co/get-paid-well-for-your-genius-eg/
Social Media
Twitter: @LeapZone, #BuildToRock
Facebook: LeapZone Strategies
Facebook Group: Cache's Corner
LinkedIn: Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte
Joint Bio:
Isabelle Mercier Turcotte is a 'no-nonsense' dynamo, born to catapult passionate entrepreneurs to build impactful brands, businesses and lives. As one of North America’s Top Business Influencers; best-selling author, two times TEDx speaker with more than 2.5 Million views, and TV show host, Isabelle’s sole purpose is to empower change and growth.
Margarita Romano is a certified equine-facilitated coach helping heart-centred entrepreneurs and couple-preneurs connect the dots to lead spectacular lives driven by heart and soul. She is the best-selling author of Sitting on the Fence – How to Love Without Limits and is determined to help people increase their units of happiness.
Together, Isabelle and Margarita co-founded their first business venture a few years out of their teens, which quickly escalated to become one of Canada's most awarded branding and creative firms; from prestigious international design awards to national entrepreneurs of the year. They are true pioneers in branding, and to this day still continuously re-establish the way people do business. Throughout their careers, they’ve had the opportunity to work with more than 500 companies, including some influential and iconic brands like A&W, Robeez Footwear, Earls Restaurants, IMAX Corporation, and HSBC Investments just to name a few.
With over two decades of hands-on experience in branding, marketing and business growth, as well as extensive learnings from traveling the globe, Isabelle and Margarita are determined more than ever to help entrepreneurs and thought leaders all over the world, catapult their way to massive success.
For this episode, we brought back three elite athletes to discuss the state of athletics, exercise and competition in 2020.
In this episode we have a Gold Medalist, Ironman Triathlete and a beastly Business Owner. Episodes, 4, 27, 36. :) Welcome back to the podcast, Adam Kreek, Sara Gross and Simon Young!
This episode has a lot of buzz! Sorry by the way, also, you're welcome. It's
Simon's 3 Keys to success in training and life
Show UpDo the workAsk questionsCitizen athletes. Nice. Accurate yet not offensive :)
Adam's muscle garden sounds amazing!!
Ready for a new challenge? Try the Murph!
A great cure for depression is to get out of the way of yourself.
"As a pro athlete, being self absorbed was a strategic advantage. Post sports, it's less of a strategic advantage." Adam Kreek
Missing Pro Sports? The Last Dance documentary on Netflix is INCREDIBLE.
Check out Sara's latest podcast - Unfazed!
Adam's accents are the best. haha.
Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky!!!! #4
This is Part Two of our conversation with Jon Williams. If you haven't listened to Part One, we highly recommend it.
"Look after yourself, have fun and for goodness sake smile." Want a t-shirt?
Anyone else relate to Jon's library trolley brain analogy? #onpoint
What Was That Radio is now LIVE! Check it out!!!
$7/month or $55 per year will help Jon bring you the music and artists you want!
Jon really loves his M&M's.
This podcast finds its origin and identity in Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey.
"You have to ask yourself what you've been through and you have to face that."
"You have to push yourself as an individual to eventually be one with the darkest part of your being."
"You've got to tell them who you are. You have to be yourself and you must vocalize your truth!"
"Look after yourself. Have fun. And I love you." Jon Williams
In this episode we speak with Jon Williams, former host of The Zone 91-3 and present host of Victoria's newest internet radio station, What Was That!
Welcome Williams of Jon/Jon Williams.
Britain's next great Comedian!
What makes a great interview? Authenticity, openness and vulnerability.
You must be vulnerable in order to create trust, not the other way around.
Autopilot: Where interviews go to die.
The recovered interview with George Brewster, the WWII veteran!
The identity of Jon's abusers remains unknown.
If you have experienced sexual abuse of any kind, it is important that you seek out a professional therapist whom you can trust and can help you process what happened.
Foundry offers young people ages 12-24 health and wellness resources, services and supports – online and through integrated service centres in communities across BC. Check it out!!
Not using your voice is a form of lying - to yourself and others.
If you'd like to subscribe to What Was That, Jon's online radio station, go here and here and here! :) What Was That debuts September 1.
This is the final part of our three part conversation on what happened to Ben Kilmer. In this final episode, we discuss how Tonya was able to endure this traumatic time and we also discuss prevention.
You can and should listen to Heather McLeod's excellent episode here. She shares openly her process of grief after losing her 38 yr old husband, Brock, to cancer. It's one of our top downloaded episodes of all time for a reason.
We all have a fail safe to get through life's traumas. Kelly McGonical writes and speaks extensively on stress, how to manage it and how it can be a good thing.
Spirituality tends to come up in most of our episodes. Although, Andrew and John are not religious (John was a Christian Pastor for decades and discusses his loss of faith in his episode) they are both very spiritual and find their connection through time spent in nature. Spirituality can be transformative in times of trauma and stress but can also be a crutch if leaned on permanently.
"I had to find against depression every single day." TK
"I never knew what it could feel like to suffer an emotional death. Nothing compared to the pain of this loss." TK
Exercise can be more effective than any anti-depressant. Movement is key.
The Obstacle Course never ends, we begin again every day.
"We just gotta keep pushing play."
For more information on or to experience Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, reach out to Dr. Bill Code.
Self awareness (knowing yourself) is essential in learning how to come back from trauma. Give yourself what you need and be gentle in how you speak to yourself.
The most courageous thing you can ever do is call 911 or ask for help. It takes strength to fight for your or a loved one's life. Do not hesitate to do what you need to do to save a life.
"I am certain calling 911 would have saved Ben's life."
Isolation is deadly and we must be militant in maintaining strong connections in our families and our communities.
If you wish to continue the conversation and stay connected, please join our growing community on Facebook - Obstacle Course Community. You can connect with hundreds of other listeners, past guests and John and Andrew! It's a great place to find the support and resources you need to continue to push through life's obstacles.
We'd like to thank Tonya and The Kilmers for trusting us to host these crucial conversations.
If you haven't listened to Part 1 of our conversation with Tonya, we highly recommend you push stop and listen to it first.
We realize we left you on a 2 week cliff hanger. Sorry? :)
Calling 911 is the best option if you become emotionally compromised and you can't reach a loved one or mental health professional. Do not hesitate to call. Tonya is still convinced this could have saved Ben.
The Find Ben Kilmer Facebook page was extremely helpful in supporting Tonya and the family in the search for Ben.
Anxiety is not a sign of weakness. It means you have a pulse. It takes real strength to face how you're feeling and ask for help. The days of the Cowboy are over.
Keep Sexy Alive. :)
If you're looking for additional resources on mental health or to continue the conversation, go here.
Part 3 of our conversation will be released on August 12.
If you have enjoyed these conversations, please share this episode or leave us a a kind review on iTunes!
For more information on mental health or to connect with Tonya Kilmer, please visit her website.
Our guest today is local artist Coco Jones.
While they appreciate great art, Andrew and John have no painting or drawing talent whatsoever.
Coco Jones... coolest name in history.
John seems to debut a new laugh in this episode. Similar to Cookie Monster. It's lovely?
We're everywhere folks. Even on Spotify.
Coco's daughter, Enya, was in studio for this one! Hiiiiiii Enya!!
"Art is a mad search for individualism." Gauguin
"Art is anything you can get away with." Andy Warhol
All artists long to be original in some way.
Art is a compulsion. Something you can't NOT do.
"The feeling I got from doing art was a conduit to the Divine. It took away my pain and suffering." Coco.
Perfection is often the great escape from ourself." We talked about this in our fantastic conversation with Lindsay in episode 66.
Coco's Dad wanted her to be a lawyer and not a starving artist. Her compulsion won out.
"Fulfillment comes from doing what you want rather than what's expected."
Born to Run - Storytelling at its best.
A steamy affair with a military man brought Coco to the West Coast. "I kissed him and that was it."
Parent's don't always know what's best. "If you can allow your kids to be who they are, they will always come back to you."
"I am one of those people whose inner child gets to run rampant through their existence." Coco.
Why does it take more vulnerability to hang out in joy than sorrow or pain? Life is waiting for no-one. Joy is your job.
Does art create healing or does pain create art? Both. Your pain becomes the way and in the way.
Painting is never finished. You just learn when to stop.
Nothing owes you anything. You have to show up.
If Psychedelic medicine doesn't call to you, stay away. You'll know when it's time. Plant medicine won't give you anything you don't need. The loss of control and purging aspects of Ayahuasca are difficult but the result is transformative. It helps you own and face the sickness within.
"I was shown I was still holding onto the things I had long forgiven."
Parenting Moment: Never say to kids, "it's just your imagination."
The job of plant medicine is not to remove or takeaway but help you embrace and take in.
"Our souls are so magnificent, we have NOTHING to be afraid of."
While drugs have often been used to numb or help the user escape. The purpose of plant medicine is to help you face and experience. Set and Setting is everything.
"Plant medicine has helped me see where my art comes from." Coco
To be clear, John said, "you look at an amazing pianist and they just play."
One key to a healthy relationship is a strong balance between dependance and independence. Each partner needs their space to create!
"It's difficult to be creative without a musical influence."
"The only difference between people is tints, tones and shades."
Black people don't need your guilt. And it doesn't inspire action.
"The War of Art." Fantastic book.
"The Muse isn't going to wake you up. You still have to do the work."
We still have to prime the canvas.
"I hope when people look at my art, they experience healing."
A huge thanks to Club Kwench for hosting us!
If you missed the Victoria BLM Rally, it was an incredible event.
Our guests today are none other than the great Pamphinette Buisa, Vanessa Simon and Asiyah Robinson. We stand with them.
"We will never understand but we will stand with you."
Isolation is at the heart of racism. Until we are equal, we will be separated.
We all need and deserve a place to belong.
Confidence comes from a place of belief and truth deep within.
Vulnerability is crucial in being able to share your voice.
Dave Chappelle's post George Floyd tribute is powerful. "I didn't have to speak up because the streets were crying out."
Not racist is not a thing. You're either racist or anti-racist. Part of the problem or part of the solution. Check out Ibram Kendi's amazing book on "How To Be An Anti Racist."
Being not racist is NOT enough. Be Anti-Racist.
Canada is just like everywhere else. Racism is alive and not well.
For more information on micro-aggressions
Apologizing and being polite can be an obstacle to real dialogue.
"Silence is Violence."
"Hurt People hurt people."
Deflection of Responsibility - don't wait for someone else to step up and do what is right!
We are individuals in a collective society so we must look out for others and stand up for each other.
You have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable if you hope to move forward and make a difference.
Vic Sees. Vic Hears. Fists Up.
Equality means its OURS.
If you're concerned about the COVID-19 threat at the BLM Rallies, consider this: Our Black brothers and sisters have lived with a far more deadly pandemic for centuries.
If you're curious about the origin of Black Lives Matter.
BLM exists in the hearts and minds of everyone. It can never be closed or destroyed. That is why it ultimately is a movement of Hope.
"All Lives can't matter until Black Lives Matter. We're asking for human rights. We're asking for the right to live."
"When we're divided, it's easy to conquer. When we're unified, movements can happen. We're calling you to action, to step up and stand up for someone else. We're calling you to action to invest in this community."
"We're not doing all the work for you. We're letting you know what you need to do and you need to decided how far you can take it. We're looking for educated allies."
"What can you do? Start with your skill and expertise and use your current position to make change."
Resources for Change: Once we know better, we can do better.
"We're so rain soaked in racism, we don't even know it until someone hands us an umbrella." Ibram Kendi.
Here's your Umbrella. Start Here.
Documentary: Netflix's 13th Documentary
Books: How to be An Anti Racist, White Fragility.
Why do we think the things we think and where is it coming from?
Success is the process and journey we take to achieve the outcome we desire.
Success won't happen unless the next generation continues the work and builds off us.
Progress is impossible without conversation.
Don't play it safe. Nobody got to the end of their life and said, "oh, I'm so glad I played it safe."
This is the beginning. What happens next is up to us.
A HUGE thank you to Coco Jones for donating her original painting of Nipsey Hussle who was tragically murdured in 2019. Please bid on this work of art HERE and all monies will go to the Black In BC Community Support Fund for COVID-19.
Episode 66 is another transformative conversation as we sat down with the amazing Lindsay Knazan. A student of Eastern Philosophy and teacher of every day buddhism and yoga practices, Lindsay is a wealth of wisdom! Like all gurus, her training has come via her own pain and suffering. If we can learn to embrace these difficult emotions, we discover a freedom and strength we never knew we had. We also discuss shame, anxiety, learning to love ourselves and the importance of PLAY.
Andrew at 24... hmm... I can only imagine.
The Obstacle Course NEVER stops.
John used to hoop it up. Rumour is he could even dunk. The older he gets, the better he was. Find your PLAY and get back into it! If hoops is your thing (Maeve) then message John, he'll probably say yes!
If you want to continue the conversation, connect with our guests and other listeners, join our Obstacle Course Community private group on Facebook.
Nice to meet you John. "I'm sure it is, I'm a great guy." - John Close. Humble man.
Beginning an episode with a guided meditation and some square breathing was amazing. We could get used to this.
Anxiety doesn't mean something is wrong with you.
Fighting or fleeing from Anxiety will only guarantee more anxiety. Get curious about it, embrace it and it'll flee from you.
Tough Mudder is the most fun you'll ever have being in pain.
John thinks in Clunky Analogies.
"If we don't listen to our body's whispers, we'll have to listen to its screams." Lindsay
We can't hide from our true selves. John spoke openly about this in his episode.
We shouldn't suppress that which needs to come out.
Grief waits for a crack and then it comes through.
Hanging out in joy can be harder than hanging out in pain. It takes even more vulnerability.
If we don't learn to become more resilient in loss, we'll become more brittle and ultimately end up as the crotchety old person.
Lean into the loss!
Andrew is a Blossomed version of Andy.
Your life depends on you processing your grief and trauma. It'll plague you until it wrecks you.
Gabor Mate is a world renown author and lecturer on the link between trauma and addiction. The book Lindsay referenced was When The Body Says No.
Strong Ass and Will. New Yoga Program?
Give some space to that voice within. Listen to it's message voluntarily or you'll be forced to.
Getting Curious instead of angry or anxious or following your usual over reactions, will really start to open things up for you.
Here's the official quote from Nietzche: “Be careful, lest in casting out your demon, you exorcise the best thing in you.”
"I've come to test the timber of my heart." Lindsay's Mantra.
Here's a must read book if you're interested in everyday Buddhism/ yoga practices.
Here's a free Yoga Expansion Session with Lindsay!
Lindsay's yoga biz website:
Here are a few free videos if you wish to explore yoga therapy, meditation and tai chi
Lindsay's martial arts biz website:
Here's Lindsay's private Facebook group where you can join for deeper conversations and community around Embodied Freedom, connecting to our truth, purpose and soul aligned life:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/2384736361825216/?ref=share Let Linsday know if you have any questions.
- Visa fler