
  • Feedback is crucial to attendee satisfaction and improving your events. In this episode, we explore how to ask for attendee advice (not feedback!), the right questions to ask, and how to implement the insights you gain to create attendee-centric events.

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • In this episode, Clare discusses the importance of giving attendees time and space at events. She highlights the problem of jam-packed agendas and the need for attendees to have time to think and absorb information. Clare emphasizes the importance of self-care and creating inclusive spaces for all attendees. She shares examples of events that have successfully incorporated time and space into their agendas. Clare also suggests strategies for adding white space and breaks into event schedules.

    Link to Adrian Segar: https://www.conferencesthatwork.com/index.php/event-design/2012/01/the-science-of-white-space-at-events/

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • In this episode, Clare Forestier discusses the importance of effective and enjoyable networking at events. She emphasizes the need to create an environment where attendees feel comfortable and empowered to make genuine connections.

    Clare suggests understanding the preferences and networking goals of the audience to tailor networking activities accordingly. She provides practical tips such as using readable name tags with conversation starters, mixing up seating arrangements, implementing icebreaker activities, and creating dedicated quiet spaces.

    Clare also highlights the role of technology in facilitating networking and the importance of structured guidance and allocated time for networking. She encourages event planners to consider targeted matchmaking, nurturing connections after the event, and training networking ambassadors.

    The episode concludes with a call to be inventive and share ideas for improving connection building at events.

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • Have you ever left an event feeling like you didn't quite belong?

    In this episode of Not the Same As Last Year I chat with Kelly McCormack, an event psychologist, about the fundamental human need to be seen and heard.

    Kelly reveals how a focus on attendee psychology can transform events from forgettable gatherings to powerful experiences.

    We discuss practical strategies for incorporating attendee needs into every stage of the event lifecycle, from pre-event to post-event, ensuring attendees feel valued and leave with a positive and memorable experience.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to design events that resonate with attendees and leave a lasting impact.

    Follow Kelly here: https://www.instagram.com/the.events.psychologist

    Link to The Psychology of Events by Pierre Benckendorff and Philip L. Pearce


    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • Struggling to get your team and stakeholders excited about attendee-centric events? You're not alone! In this episode of Not The Same As Last Year, I tackle the challenge of building a compelling case for prioritizing the attendee experience.

    We'll explore the benefits of attendee-centric events, from increased ROI and happier attendees to a positive brand perception and share practical strategies to address common concerns and get everyone on board, including:

    Framing the benefits in a way that resonates with stakeholders.Using data and success stories to showcase the power of attendee-centricity.Encouraging collaboration to brainstorm engaging event experiences.

    Ready to ditch the tired event format and create events your attendees will love? Tune in and learn how to build a case for attendee-centric events that stakeholders get!

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • In this episode, we discuss how to help event speakers become more engaging and interactive. I emphasise the importance of pre-event meetings with speakers to align goals and expectations, as well as to understand their expertise and presentation preferences.

    I highlight the need for event organisers to clearly communicate their vision and goals to speakers and provide resources and training to support their success, and how by creating a collaborative and speaker-friendly environment, events can be more dynamic and impactful.

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • This episode discusses the benefits of hybrid events and how they prioritise the attendee experience. Clare explains that hybrid events combine the best of both worlds, in-person and virtual, to create a truly inclusive and engaging experience. she emphasizes the importance of offering options to attendees, as they have more choices than ever before. Hybrid events allow for a wider audience by removing barriers to entry and can elevate the in-person experience. Clare also highlights the value of focusing on quality over quantity at in-person events and the budget-friendly nature of hybrid events.


    hybrid events, attendee experience, inclusivity, options, in-person events, virtual events, engagement, quality over quantity, budget-friendly


    Hybrid events combine the best of both worlds, in-person and virtual, to create an inclusive and engaging experience for attendees.Offering options to attendees is crucial, as they have more choices than ever before.Hybrid events can elevate the in-person experience and focus on quality over quantity.Hybrid events are budget-friendly and allow for a wider audience by removing barriers to entry.



    Introduction: The Game Changer of Hybrid Events


    Hybrid Events: More Than Just Technology


    Elevating the In-Person Experience


    Hybrid Events: Achievable and Budget-Friendly


    Choosing the Right Format and Platform


    The Variety and Benefits of Hybrid Events


    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • In this episode I look at ways to transform attendees from passive spectators to active contributors.

    Discover how letting attendees shape the agenda through session submissions, voting, and 'unconference' sessions can create a more dynamic and engaging event experience.

    I suggest various ways to empower attendees, such as gathering feedback, co-creating content, offering flexible schedules, using technology for real-time engagement, and encouraging attendee-driven discussions.


    Giving attendees control and autonomy at events leads to higher engagement and satisfaction.

    Empowering attendees through feedback, co-creation, and flexible schedules enhances their experience.

    Using technology for real-time engagement and encouraging attendee-driven discussions fosters active participation.

    Ongoing conversation and feedback after the event are essential for continuous improvement.

    Prioritising the needs and desires of attendees creates a valuable and engaging event experience.



    Introduction: Prioritizing the Attendee Experience


    Empowering Attendees Through Feedback and Surveys


    Fostering Attendee-Driven Conversations


    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • A big part of making an event successful is building a community. You can do this before, during, or after an event. Giving attendees the opportunity to be part of one can make them feel connected and valued. 

    My guest today has a background in creating engaging events. Liz Lathan is the co-founder of The Community Factory, a group that helps people build and run communities. Apart from being an engagement expert, she is also a writer, investor, speaker, and avid traveller. 

    In this episode, Liz walks us through practical strategies that we can use to build a community around our events and how to keep them engaged.

    Here are the highlights:

    (06:26) Generating an environment for connection. 

    (10:03) What is your definition of community? 

    (14:13) Don’t be afraid to create a community around your speakers.

    (18:15) Does your community have an identity? 

    (22:16) Simple ideas that can make a difference. 

    contact Liz Liz Lathan LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizlathan

    The Community Factory- https://www.thecommunityfactory.com/

    Club Ichi, community for B2B event marketers https://www.weareichi.com

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • In episode 4 we talk about the human experience at events and the need for better event design.

    We also touch on the topic of EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) in events and how it is often treated as a tick-box exercise and emphasise the importance of creating inclusive events that prioritise the human element.


    * Events should prioritise the needs and preferences of attendees

    * Consider different learning styles and accessibility needs

    * Basic comfort, such as comfortable seating and good acoustics, is important

    * EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) in events should go beyond a tick-box exercise The events industry still has work to do in addressing EDI issues

    * Inclusivity should be considered in all aspects of event planning, not just as a compliance measure

    * Inclusive events attract a wider audience and create a positive brand story

    * Considering the needs of all humans, including those who are neurodiverse or have disabilities, shows a commitment to diversity and social responsibility

    * Design a variety of session formats, including breakout spaces, quiet zones, and comfy seating areas.

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • In this episode, Clare Forestier discusses the importance of having a clear objective for successful events. She highlights how unclear objectives can lead to events falling flat and the needs of attendees not being prioritised. Clare emphasises the need for a clear objective to guide every decision made during event planning. She suggests that a clear objective benefits event planners, suppliers, and attendees by ensuring that everyone is aligned and engaged in achieving the goal. Clare provides tips on defining a clear objective and encourages listeners to take action and define their objectives to create impactful events.


    clear objective, successful events, event planning, attendee needs, decision-making, event goals, event success, measuring success, event design, engagement, event impact


    Having a clear objective is crucial for the success of events.

    Unclear objectives can lead to events falling flat and the needs of attendees not being prioritszed.

    A clear objective guides every decision made during event planning.

    A clear objective benefits event planners, suppliers, and attendees by ensuring alignment and engagement.

    Defining a clear objective involves attributing a measurable action that attendees should take after the event.

    Measuring success is important to evaluate the impact of the event.

    Event design, content, and investments should align with the clear objective.

    Creating an event that makes attendees feel heard, valued, and inspired increases the likelihood of achieving the objective.

    Taking action and defining a clear objective is essential for creating impactful events.


    The Power of a Clear Objective


    The Importance of Clear Objectives


    Benefits of Clear Objectives


    Designing an Event to Achieve the Objective

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • In this episode, Clare Forestier discusses the importance of securing wider event team buy-in for the attendee-first concept. She emphasises the need to involve suppliers, speakers, and the emcee early in the event planning process to create a truly attendee-first event. Clare shares a story about a client who had to make expensive decision, highlighting the importance of tapping into the knowledge and expertise of all event team members.


    Securing wider event team buy-in is crucial for creating an attendee-first event.Involve suppliers, speakers, and the emcee early in the event planning process to tap into their knowledge and expertise.Get all event team members in a virtual room to share plans, objectives, and expectations, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration.Collaborate with speakers to ensure interactive and attendee-centric presentations.

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • Welcome to episode one of Not The Same As Last Year! 

    I’m Clare Forestier, a professional business host, media trainer, and presentation coach. I’ve been an event host for years now, covering webinars, trade shows, conferences, engagement dinner parties, in-person association meetings, and much more. I’m here to share some of the valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way. 

    This first episode is all about ensuring that your community gets the best experience at your events. We’ll start by looking at five reasons why your attendees might not be getting the best value at your events and how you can change this.

    Here are the highlights:

    (04:03) Make them feel heard and involved. 

    (08:20) 5 reasons why your event model is falling short. 

    (10:22) Interaction and connection. 

    (12:13) What is your top priority when you organise an event?

    (13:25) Designing an event that’s going to feed your attendees desires. 

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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  • Hi, I'm Clare Forestier, your guide to shaking up business events. 

    Welcome to Not the Same as Last Year, where we ditch the predictable to focus on attendee-first experiences. 

    Every week, we challenge the norm, offering tips to create events your attendees will love, alongside insights from event rebels. 

    Ready to make your corporate events unforgettable? 

    Join the movement. Let's transform audiences together!

    Ready to dive deeper? Download your free guide, five ways to elevate your attendee experience without breaking the bank HERE

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