Hi everyone! It’s Eira. Not Quite Dead is crowdfunding for Season Four right now over at tiny.cc/nqd4! If you want to help support vampire rights, and vampire wrongs, and get your hands on some cool rewards including finding out if you will live or die during an encounter with a vampire, a digital notebook stuffed with Alfie’s theories, and more, consider supporting the Not Quite Dead Season Four Crowdfund today, at tiny.cc/nqd4 that’s t I n y dot c c forward slash n q d and the number four. Live, Laugh, Bite!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hey folks, it's Eira, creator of Not Quite Dead. Something a little bit different today; our friends over at Re: Dracula have been percolating something spectacular in their off-season: a new adaptation of Carmilla. Carmilla is one of those classic vampire stories which made me fall in love with them as creatures. This new adaptation of the classic toxic lesbian vampire romance is being done in the same style as Re: Dracula, and you'll be able to listen to the whole thing in the Re: Dracula feed starting from today. I really hope you enjoy it. You can find it by searching 'Re: Dracula' wherever you listen to podcasts, or by following the links in the description of this episode.
A transcript for this episode of Carmilla: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tTdhBKC8hRqYLkZEZqisvNIFxdIT25uqBMzuGWnuQik/edit?tab=t.0
Find out more about Carmilla here: https://redracula.live/#carmilla
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Saknas det avsnitt?
'There is no amount you can explain that will make this ordinary.'
A brief, bizarre snippet of Neige and Alfie. Full transcript here: https://hangingslothstudios.com/toes/
Not Quite Dead Season Four will be crowdfunding on kickstarter from the 4th of March. Sign up now at tiny.cc/nqd4 for campaign updates. Live, laugh, bite.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The third and final part of the NQD S3 Q&A! I talk about voice acting and performance, sound, and answer some more personal questions about my relationship with the show. Plus, there's an announcement at the end!
Sign up to be notified when the Not Quite Dead S4 Kickstarter goes live in March!: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/eira-major/nqd4
Multitrack still haven't uploaded the recordings of the Masterclasses but when they do you'll be able to access them here: https://www.multitrack.uk/masterclasses
Support me now through Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/hangingsloths
Become a member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hangingslothstudios
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Part Two of the Season Three Q&A covers questions about research, writing, inspiration and Alfie!
Become a member and get early access, also you can buy music and artwork: https://ko-fi.com/hangingsloths
Become a member and get early access: https://www.patreon.com/c/hangingslothstudios
Join us on the Camlann fundraiser stream THIS SATURDAY, here: https://www.twitch.tv/tincanaudio
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Part One of the Season Three Q&A covers questions about vampire biology and also about everyone's favourite Not Quite French vampire, Neige!
Become a member and get early access, also you can buy music and artwork: https://ko-fi.com/hangingsloths
Become a member and get early access: https://www.patreon.com/c/hangingslothstudios
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Alfie and Neige meet in sanctuary. Tensions are high as they attempt to navigate the new topographies of their relationship and the context they exist in. The Halloween Special
Transcript: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-41/
Or: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eL1U_sAxj3z10UjYQ_0DS56H7RYXHhj2mYlFNWN0ndY/edit?tab=t.0
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hangingslothstudios
Episode Content Warnings
Please bear in mind that this show is a work of horror fiction and frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. This episode contains:
References to murderReferences to severe injuryMentions of blood and blood drinkingDiscussions of sexDepictions and discussions of grieving a loved oneEmotional manipulationImplications of sexual conductUse of sex and sexual acts as a coercive/argumentative tacticNot Quite Dead is written, created and performed by Eira Major, under a creative commons 4.0 attribution license, and this is the end of season three. I couldn’t make this show without the incredible support of my contributors over on Patreon. Without you none of this would have happened, thank you so much for helping make this possible. I make this show for you, the listeners, and it means the world that you tune in to listen to it. Thank you so much for coming with me on this journey. I look forward to bringing you Season 4 in 2025. Until then, live, laugh, bite.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hey folks! Something a bit different this week. Last year, I got quite a lot of interest in the idea of me talking about my relationship with existing vampire media, queer readings of those vampires, and how those things contributed to the creation of Not Quite Dead. Mild Spoiler Warnings for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twilight, Dracula, Interview with the Vampire and Underworld. Based Vampirification is me discussing the various pieces of vampire media that set me down the path which would eventually lead to the conception of Not Quite Dead. It involves tenuous leaps, stretched interpretations and deeply personal readings of the texts in question, all informed by many years of academic literary study and not-so-academic vampire brain rot.
Transcript available here: https://hangingslothstudios.com/based-vampirification/
Or here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AZ0aYTVZ9j_FL1OBoNQAlfWUoPsPQxAAKaYqssHe_Ns/edit
If you're intrigued to take a slightly more scholarly jaunt into this subject matter, here are some things which I think make for a great jumping off point. There's a range of things listed here, including a fun video essay, some non-academic articles and an academic paper:
‘The trail of blood : queer history through vampire literature’ https://louis.uah.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1220&context=uah-theses‘Vampires Are Us’ https://glreview.org/article/vampires-are-us/‘Closet and Coffins: The Queer-Coded History of Vampires and Representation’ https://ohiofusion.com/closet-and-coffins-the-queer-coded-history-of-vampires-and-representation/‘Vampiric Seduction and Vicissitudes of Masculine Identity in Bram Stoker’s Dracula’ https://www.jstor.org/stable/40347238 ‘Twilight’ (a video essay) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqloPw5wp48Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hi everyone! It’s Eira here, creator of the show and voice of both Alfie and Neige! I’m planning a Season 3 Q&A, and I’m really excited about it. I have some questions left over from the last Q&A which I didn’t get chance to answer last time, and I’m actively seeking out more! You can send your questions using the form you can find at https://hangingslothstudios.com/qna, that’s hangingslothstudios.com/ the letters ‘Q', 'N', 'A’.
You don’t have to put your name on the form, you can just put ‘anon’ or a nickname there if you’d prefer. Please note that it may not be possible for me to answer every question I receive, though I’ll do my best to answer as many as possible. If you have multiple questions, feel free to group them together, or send them separately. There is no upper limit on the number of questions you can ask.
And one more time, you can send your questions from hangingslothstudios.com/qna.
There’s a link in the notes for this episode, too, and it’ll be posted across all social media. Looking forward to answering you!
Live, laugh, bite.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Alfie tries his best to make a note of everything that's happened, but he's struggling to keep it together. The finale of Season Three.
Transcript: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-40/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hangingslothstudios
Episode Content Warnings
Please bear in mind that this show is a work of horror fiction and frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. This episode contains:
– characters in extreme emotional distress (including crying, hyperventilation)
– discussions of death, grief and loss
– detailed discussions and descriptions of medical abuse and torture
– descriptions of violent injury and murder
– depicition of a character in a state of deliriousness and semi-coherence
– depictions of physical distress, including struggling to breathe
– gun shots (not dreadfully loud but fairly loud)
– depiction of a character in physical pain
– loud sound effects (motorbike engines, banging sounds)
– depiction of extreme, gory violence, including screaming, gargling, and sounds of tearing flesh
Not Quite Dead is written, created and performed by Eira Major, under a creative commons 4.0 attribution license, and this is the end of season three. I couldn’t make this show without the incredible support of my contributors over on Patreon. Without you none of this would have happened, thank you so much for helping make this possible. I make this show for you, the listeners, and it means the world that you tune in to listen to it. Thank you so much for coming with me on this journey. I look forward to bringing you Season 4 in 2025. Until then, live, laugh, bite.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Alfie struggles to make sense of things in light of recent revelations, but before any new status quo can be established, something lurking in the shadows snaps any sense of security that remains.
This episode crunches. Be sure to check the content warnings, which are available below, and at the top of the transcript, which can be found here: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-39/
Or alternatively here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WEarddVRczqnHARcyJ7uFmKDl-rGIzSeW4xmhRlG83Q/edit?usp=sharing
Show-wide Content WarningsThis show is a work of horror fiction frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. In addition, listeners should be aware that this show contains the following throughout:
- profanity
- references to sex
- frequent violence
- traumatic injury
- death, including violent death
- references to medical procedures
- hospital settings
Episode Content Warnings- depiction of a character smoking a cigarette
- discussions of death, grief and loss
- references to sex and blood drinking
- depiction of violent injury, with sound effects
- sounds of a characters in emotional distress
- depictions of physical distress, including struggling to breathe
- loud sound effects (cars, sirens, slamming metal)
- discussion of violent abuse and torture
Not Quite Dead is a show about vampires which is written, produced and performed by Eira Major and is part of the Rusty Quill Network.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Alfie and Neige are at an impasse. To move forward, one of them will have to compromise, and whichever of them it is, the consequences might be enough to change the dynamic between them forever.
Transcript: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-38/
Or: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rBgtJ70jk6_GYNljgyTb5ScmSC8VGwa4kafUNjH8JJE/edit?usp=sharing
Show-wide Content WarningsThis show is a work of horror fiction frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. In addition, listeners should be aware that this show contains the following throughout:
- profanity
- references to sex
- frequent violence
- traumatic injury
- death, including violent death
- references to medical procedures
- hospital settings
Episode Content Warnings- sounds of a character in distress from the outset
- depictions of complex and potentially unhealthy grieving
- raised voices with high emotionality
- mentions of traumatic bodily injury, up to murder and dismemberment
- mishandling of bodies
- references to sex and sexual encounters
- references to unhealthy and potentially abusive relationships
- brief depiction of intense anxiety
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hello, I’m Eira, creator of Spirit Box Radio, Not Quite Dead and Clockwork Bird. This July I’m releasing a brand new show, Remnants, a gothic fantasy thriller. The show follows the new Apprentice at the First and Last Place as he sorts through objects who hold the remnants of their previous owners within them. His job is to decide which of them is re-shelved, and which is discarded, but he has no criteria to work with and no idea what the consequences of his decisions will be. As the story goes on, the Apprentice begins to wonder why he, of everyone, was chosen for this task, and why his near-omniscient boss, known only as ‘sir’, has chosen now to train an assistant.
Remnants has a new story to muse over every week, and a mystery at its core which will have you pinning red string to cork boards as you try to solve it. Think The Talented Mr Ripley meets The Good Place and The Sandman.
Remnants, an audio drama will start airing wherever you listen to podcasts from 15th July 2024.
Find out more: https://hangingslothstudios.com/remnants/
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In this episode, we see beyond Alfie's immediate plight and examine some older, deeper wounds which somehow still seem not fully healed.
Transcript: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-37/
Or: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rBgtJ70jk6_GYNljgyTb5ScmSC8VGwa4kafUNjH8JJE/edit?usp=sharing
Show-wide Content WarningsThis show is a work of horror fiction frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. In addition, listeners should be aware that this show contains the following throughout:
- profanity
- references to sex
- frequent violence
- traumatic injury
- death, including violent death
- references to medical procedures
- hospital settings
Episode Content Warnings- sounds of a character in emotional distress, ranging from quiet tearfulness to loud hysteria
- references to medical procedures both consensual and non-consensual
- descriptions of blood drinking
- mentions of traumatic bodily injury
- descriptions of violent death and the process of dying
- descriptions of corpses (one in detail, specific mentions of normal decay. Many with less specifics and references to mutilated body states)
- mentions of frostbite
- references to sex
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
lfie finally begins to get answers, some to questions he never thought to have asked, and others to those he wished he never had.
Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hangingslothstudios
Transcript here: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-36/
Or: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13NzJ6uYek-jol4Bi8v7iBTLomK3on7VjI1Ubi2nFnTQ/edit?usp=sharing
Show-wide Content WarningsThis show is a work of horror fiction frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. In addition, listeners should be aware that this show contains the following throughout:
- profanity
- references to sex
- frequent violence
- traumatic injury
- death, including violent death
- references to medical procedures
- hospital settings
Episode Content Warnings- sounds of a character in distress
- sexual innuendo and implications of sexual acts
- discussions of death and grieving, including maladaptive grieving
- discussion and description of violent and unsafe medical injuries
- descriptions of hospital procedures
- medical professionals acting coldly and with poor bedside manner regarding the illness and death of loved ones
- sounds of extreme emotional distress
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In this episode, Alfie explores the context for some of Neige's decisions, his own evolving feelings, and the situation unfolding around them.
Transcript here: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-35/
Or: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tgNRR5F0nOnd5_yCv0hDbc4f0RCq1hSb0bKCQ0bsPgI/edit?usp=sharing
Support us on Patreon for Early Access and Bonus Content! https://www.patreon.com/hangingslothstudios
Please bear in mind that this show is a work of horror fiction and frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. This episode contains:
– discussions of patients with mental illnesses and their treatment by others
– mentions of hospitalisation for psychiatric care
– discussions of blood drinking – discussions and brief descriptions of severed fingers and toes
– mention of pulling teeth out without medical protocols in place
– implications of dismembering corpses
– mentions of improper burial
– references to unhealthy relationship dynamics analogous to abusive romantic relationships
– mentions of sex and sexual innuendos
– mentions of violence, torture, and murder
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Alfie is waiting. Waiting, and waiting and waiting. The title of this episode is taken from Macbeth. The full quote is:
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
Transcript: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-34/
Or: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pRNeW2CfVxGXQm0hQ_cijsa7c76ywvEmKagL1hUHZaE/edit?usp=sharing
Created, edited and performed by Eira Major.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Alfie becomes the prodigal friend, and suffers the consequences.
Transcript: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-33/
Or: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n2zBBKwiZRk93KuOCOC4k0tjHpuWl2-kFSUY4c_BFrM/
Please bear in mind that this show is a work of horror fiction and frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. This episode contains:
– sudden, loud noises
– profanity
– descriptions of medical injuries
– mishandling bodies of deceased/potentially deceased persons
– descriptions of violence and torture
– descriptions of nonconsensual blood-drinking
– discussion of violent medical abuse and torture, including medical abuse which harmed children
– mentions of IV access points
– mentions of needles/cannula
– audio depiction of a blood draw
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Alfie reaches breaking point and has chosen to take drastic action. Before he solidifies his decision, he reflects on the factors pressing him to make it.
Transcript: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-32/
Or: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tdm6h4PlDSbwGnD_upSbIpgC4CXz8QD0zKw_E086qtg/
Please bear in mind that this show is a work of horror fiction and frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. This episode contains:
– profanity
– descriptions of medical injuries
– mishandling bodies of deceased/potentially deceased persons
– descriptions of violence and torture
– descriptions of nonconsensual blood-drinking
– discussion of violent medical abuse and torture, including medical abuse which harmed children
– mentions of IV access points
– sounds of a character in emotional distress
– implied threat to life and references to intent to end life
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tensions are mounting between Alfie and Neige as they struggle to resolve their different views of what to do with Casper. It's clear that Neige is holding things back, and though Alfie is pushing for more, Neige always seems to find a way to change the subject...
Transcript: https://hangingslothstudios.com/nqd-31/
Or: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14dFHgxXSPCvmLZdYsZvo_CEs8ax0s70ZvdJfn1Aa-XE/edit?usp=sharing
Please bear in mind that this show is a work of horror fiction and frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. This episode contains:
– profanity
– depiction and descriptions of injections – vein access, cannulas, blood draws, infusions
– references to implied sex and sexual acts
– descriptions of violence
– depictions of drinking blood
– mentions of violent medical abuse and torture, including vivisection (of vampires)
– sounds of characters in emotional distress
– implications of past physical abuse and trauma
– mentions of violent murder and killing
– scenes with sexual and violent implications
– sounds of medical equipment
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
- Visa fler