As we look at the Christian virtue of faith, it is all too easy to have an idealistic view of what that means. However, to live in complete trust of what Jesus says is to invite a level of difficulty and suffering into our lives. Let's jump into Mark 9 and look at different types of faith weaken and grow strong as each heart interacts with the Author of faith.
A worship service turned funeral. Joy turned to sorrow. Praise songs turned to dirges. This was the day David tried to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and was met with tragic results. Worship can often seem spontaneous and without rules, but God's holiness demands we come into His presence His way and not our way. Join us as we look into 2 Samuel 6 to work through the times when worship offends us.
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Everyone worships, but not everyone worships the One who is most worthy. It's easy to think of idolatry and false worship as something done by pagans outside of the church but Jesus has His most staunch warnings against idolatry that can happen inside religious communities. Join us today as we explore Romans 1 and Matthew 15 with some help from David Powlison.
In this episode, we will look at how to worry ourselves into an early grave! Join us today as Zach tries to provide ironic counter points to the very strong arguments Jesus uses to encourage the believer not to worry in Matthew 6.
Where does our identity and security come from? In the world we live in we are told that identity is personal while security is often seen as coming from the external. Join us today as we look at Paul's instruction to us in 1 Corinthians 1.
Abraham waited decades for the promised Isaac to be given and received the promise with great joy. But one horrifying day, he received a command to sacrifice the son of promise to the very God who gave him in the first place. Join us today as we unpack one of the key moments in the Abraham's life that foreshadows the most important moment in history.
So much of life is spent waiting. We wait in traffic, we wait for the weekend, we wait on hold, we wait to be seen and we wait to be seated. Much of life is spent waiting. Yet in the waiting, God is building our character and teaching us faith. Join in today, as we wait along with Abraham wondering, "Is God really going to keep His promise?"
I love paradoxes because they invite you to think a little bit deeper about an assumed reality. Jesus engaged many a mind by stating an apparent contradiction, that with further thought, revealed a deeper truth. Join us today as we look at Jesus' paradoxical invitation to find life through embracing death.
Life is filled with carrying loads of all different types. But sometimes events happen, tragedy strikes, or we fall into sin and suddenly, life moves from heavy but manageable to crushing and insurmountable. Join us today as we look at the question, "How do we ask for and offer help in times of difficulty?"
Cultural shifts are always happening, but one of the most sudden and extreme was the exiling of Judah to Babylon. While most of the exiled faded into history, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were able to excel in a cultural environment radically different than their own. Join us today, as we see how Jesus walked with them through their trials and how can walk with confidence through our own firewalking seasons.
In Isaiah 43, God promises to walk with us through water and fire. In today's episode we will join Israel as we see firsthand, the power of God to not only go with Israel, but to guide them through difficulties into the Promised Land.
At the top of season 2, we will begin with a three-part series looking at the teaching of Isaiah 43. Fire and water have always intrigued and terrified humanity. These raw elements are the very picture of judgment and chaos, and yet even in these places, our God has been with His people and promises to be with us. Welcome to season 2 and let's dive in!
Christmas trees look beautiful and alive...but in reality, they are dead with just the illusion of life. In like manner, hypocrites look alive but, to use Jesus' words, "are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean." Join us today as we study one of Jesus' last public sermons dealing with the all-too-common issue of hypocrisy.
Emotions are often vilified or exalted as the greatest good. As gifts from God, emotions serve many purposes and are often early warning signs to what's going on behind the scenes. Join us in this episode as we look at how the Bible brings balance to this often-unwieldy part of life.
A compass is an amazing tool that continually works using invisible forces to lead us in our journeys to our desired destinations. In a similar way, we are to trust Christ with not just our eternal souls but with our money, our relationships and our tomorrows. Join us today as we look at what it means to trust Christ as our compass as He leads us through many "dangers, toils and snares."
We are all familiar with the command to love God with all our hearts, soul and strength. Paul, immersed in Greek culture, expands on this teaching by calling us to love the church and the culture around us with our minds. Join us as we look at what it means to make Christ our foundation for our lives, souls and minds.
Join us in another drama-based sermon told through the eyes of a 1st century slave. In America, working is a mixed bag of necessary evil and core identity. What does the Bible say? Are you what you do? Is menial work valuable? Let's jump in and look Colossians 3.
At Christmas we hear, "Christ the Lord" in songs, read it on banners and hear it in church services the world round. But what does it mean to actually live with the lordship of Jesus in our day-to-day lives? Join us as we look into the lordship of Jesus.
A lack of thankfulness for grace given just feels wrong. There is a loop that has been opened and until thanks is given, that loop is left unclosed. In today's message we will encounter 10 men who were radically helped but where only 1 returned to give thanks. - Luke 17:11-19
No one gets married knowing there will betrayal. Yet almost 3,000 years ago, God called a prophet to do just that. Join a unique sermon where we hear from Hosea himself on what it means to feel as God does.
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