Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan joins Fatiha El-Ghorri to talk about what Ramadan means to him and what it was like in the Khan household growing up. Together, they also debunk some of the popular myths around the month like can you chew gum and how do Muslims find the motivation to fast for 30 days?
Not Even Water is a fun and judgement-free podcast about Ramadan.
Food reviewer Ali Khan aka HeyMan, author and cook Zaynah Din and founder of Ramadan Lights Aisha Desai all join Mehreen to talk about one of the biggest celebrations in the Muslim calendar, Eid! After fasting for a month, Eid is a day of celebrating with food, family and friends but what really happens in Muslim households around the UK on that day?
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From begging in front of God to navigating life as a newlywed, there are lots of questions that pop up during Ramadan. That's why Mehreen has added Kally and Hodo from The Oversharers Podcast to the group chat and in this episode, they answer the sauciest and silliest dilemmas - we can’t promise it’s professional advice but it is fun!
Mehreen speaks to content creator Marcus Reynolds and motivational speaker Ashley ‘Belal’ Chin about their journey to Islam and how they found fasting for the very first time. They’re also joined by Marcus's wife and lifestyle influencer, Irsa, about her relationship with faith as someone who was born Muslim.
Grime artist and chef Big Zuu joins Mehreen to talk about Ramadan and what it means to him. They also debunk some of the popular myths around the holy month for Muslims from whether you can taste food to how to train for London Marathon. And what happens when the clocks go forward?!
Mehreen Baig is joined by Apprentice contestant Sohail Chowdhury and author of How to Make Money, Nafisa Bakkar, to talk about securing the bag… religiously of course! What is the importance of charity and are there any religious requirements when conducting business? They’ll be sharing their priceless words of wisdom in this financial guide to Ramadan.
Actor Nohail Mohammed, content creator Salwa Aziz, model/film-maker Mariah Idrissi and Mehreen Baig have formed their very own group chat and are answering faith-based dilemmas. From how to resist the vape to navigating talking stages in Ramadan, they’re the friendship group you always needed!
Where better to talk about the holy month than from a Mosque - a place buzzing with activity for 30 days straight. In this special episode recorded at Cambridge Central Mosque (Europe’s first eco-friendly mosque), Mehreen Baig speaks to podcaster and content creator, Kalo Kachar, and Akke Rahman, who is the first ever British Muslim to climb Mount Everest. They talk about what being on your ‘best behaviour’ means and what faith means to them.
In Ramadan: are the dumbbells swapped for dates; squats for spring rolls, and cardio for night prayers? Professional boxer Hamzah Sheeraz and fitness enthusiast Abdul Fattah chat to Mehreen Baig about how they’re keeping up their physical gains in Ramadan - and when the best time is to get the all-important Eid trim?
Can you have a shower whilst fasting? Brush your teeth? Go swimming? Mehreen Baig is joined by TikTok comedian Akafi Ali and content creator Farah Raja to bust all the myths you may have about Ramadan in this judgment-free episode. Some friendly faces like Greg James, Scarlett Moffatt, Jamie Laing and Vick Hope send in their Ramadan questions to the panel too.