Welcome to "What Matters Most with Matt Popovits," a daily radio broadcast of new and old sermons from St Mark Houston and MPM. Matt serves as pastor of St. Mark Houston, in Houston, Texas and is the founder of Matt Popovits Ministries. He's also the host of "Make It Simple," available wherever you get your podcasts.
You’re listening to Encounter
Encounter was launched with a mission to offer a safe space to encounter the transcendent God in the midst of the noise of our daily routines.
It is a daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day. -
Listen to Greg Boyd share his wisdom and insight 3 times per week. Recognized in 2010 as one of the 20 most influential living Christian scholars, Greg's teachings have enlightened people all over the world in their search for God. Get to know Greg and his profound theology through these short, impactful episodes.
This podcast is the perfect way to get back to that easy conversation flowing between friends over a cup of coffee; those conversations and interactions with friends that came so frequently and easily in college but the daily grind of "grown-up" life has drowned out. Let's be silly and yet purposeful as we chat about subjects such as relationships, crafting, health, and more with the intention of bringing God into everything. Whether it’s cooking, working, or decorating your living room, we believe God can be a part of it.
Hosted by sisters Lawren Fogg and Alyssa Vliet, you are invited to journey with us as we attempt to learn from Him in every part of daily life to be the women He created us to be; grounded in grace. -
Codka waayaha Cusub wuxuu qayb ka yahay hay’ad dadka barta Kitaabka Qodduuska ah, oo loo yaqaanno (Thru-the Bible) ama Dhexmarka kitaabka Qodduuska ah. Taxanahan waxaa isku dubbariday horraan Ditoor J.Vernon McGee, waxaana lagu turjumay, oo lagu jaangooyey in ka badan 100 luuqadood iyo lahjado. Waxaa loo qaabeeyey barnaamijyo ka kooban 30 daqiiqo oo isku xig-xiga, kuwaasoo dhegaystaha uu ku baranayo Baybalka oo dhan. Iminka barnaamijyadaas oo dhan, waxay kugu jiraan internetka.
Waxaanan ku faraxsan nahay in aad dooratay bal inaad wax badan ka barato Hadallada Ilaah adigoo dhegaysanaya barnaamijyadaas. Waxaa haddaba lagugu adkaynayaa inaad haatan dhegaysato ugu yaraan hal barnaamij maalintiiba, ka billaabata Isniinta ilaa iyo Jimcaha. Haddii aad sidaa yeesho toddobaad waliba, ayaa shanta sannadood ee soo socota ku baran doontaa qisooyinka kitaabka Qodduuska ah.
Waxaanan ku faraxsan nahay in aad dooratay bal inaad wax badan ka barato Hadallada Ilaah adigoo dhegaysanaya barnaamijyadaas. Waxaa haddaba lagugu adkaynayaa inaad haatan dhegaysato ugu yaraan hal barnaamij maalintiiba, ka billaabata Isniinta ilaa iyo Jimcaha. Haddii aad sidaa yeesho toddobaad waliba, ayaa shanta sannadood ee soo socota ku baran doontaa qisooyinka kitaabka Qodduuska ah. -
The Follow Me Out of Debt podcast is an easily-digestible show that's a unique peek into Tom's personal strategies that will show you what works (and what doesn't) to get out of debt and get into prosperity.
This isn't your typical get-out-of-debt show like others you may have heard before from other well-known authors and show hosts, including Dave Ramsey, Clark Howard, and others.
Instead, Tom is taking only the best and most recent and relevant information that's out there and distilling this into his own exclusive brand of successful and time-tested strategies that will help you to get out of debt and get into prosperity. -
Janoinenlammas podcast paneutuu elämän isoihin kysymyksiin rohkeasti ja ytimekkäästi. Pääset jyvälle kristinuskon perusasioista sekä Raamatun keskeisistä opetuksista. Toivomme että se sytyttää sinussa innon lukemaan tätä ainutlaatuista kirjaa, jossa voit kohdata itse elävän Jumalan!
"Kyllä minä Jeesuksen tunnen, mutta tämä hemmetin purkki ei silti aukea"
Katu-uskottavaa Jeesustelua. Elämänmakuista keskustelua kaikesta kristilliseen uskoon liittyvästä.
Äänessä Vihtori Leskelä, 15 vuotta Suomessa ja Pohjois-Amerikassa toiminut pappi.
Yhteydenotot osoitteeseen [email protected]
tai TavallinenJeesus -facebooksivun tai messengerin kautta
#kristinusko #uskonto #elämäntapa #raamattu #seurakunta #kulttuuri -
The Thinking Fellows is a 45-minute podcast about theology, philosophy, Christian history, and apologetics. It is hosted by Scott Keith, Caleb Keith, Adam Francisco, and Bruce Hilman. The Thinking Fellows bring high-level subject matters to fun and insightful lay-level conversations each week.
In the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we'll show you how the good news of the Gospel, and our Christian faith, can naturally and confidently be woven into any and every area of life. We'll help you make discipleship a lifestyle and gain greater spiritual freedom and relational peace.
Each episode is pretty fast-paced, and even though it's serious stuff, it can be funny too. We always wrap up with clear action steps for you to get started with the "Big 3" takeaways.