
  • A Meditation for Renewal

    Four new songs

    Thoughts on the Healing Process
    Opening Your Energy Body to Deeper Healing
    Cycles of Creation
    Our Lower Chakras Follow Larger Creative Cycles
    Clearing Your Pelvis

    Releasing Tension by Clearing Other People’s Guides (Top of Neck – Inside Head – Third Eye)
    Updating Your Life Plans (and the guides / angels to help you)

    Grounding into Your Own Energies within the Earth
    Illusionary goals vs Achievable Goals
    Resetting Third Eye for Clear Psychic Vision

    Within each cycles of creation there is a period of Renewal. During this time we acknowledge all the cycles initiated in the past, and know that we carry with us all that is coming from our past. In this meditation you have the opportunity to identify and release what you do not need from the past to carry into the future.

    Nothing is stagnant; not even things or ideas that appear to us as being permanent. Our consciousness is changing rapidly, and the forms around us in the world must also adapt and change each day. We can no longer find stability in the sameness of things. We can only find stability inside of ourselves.
    -Norma Gentile, sound shaman

    for more information and music see www.HealingChants.com

  • From sound shaman Norma Gentile and her guides Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathors, an hour long meditation to assist you with chaotic energies. Singing Bowls, voice and piano interspersed with ideas to help cope with energetic currents in this time of transition.

    more at: www.HealingChants.com

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  • As I psychic, I am aware that the low chakras of our bodies are just as sensitive and empathic as our head and heart chakras. But we don’t recognize when information is coming into our bodies through these low chakras. Especially into our first, second and navel chakra.

    Because of this, we end up trying to process energies from the world. We pick up energies from places we have walked through (like a shopping mall) and people we email with, talk about, and have been around. Unlike energies that interact with our upper chakras, these energies come into our low body and lower chakras in a way that we can’t really make sense of them.

    As our brain receives neurological input from our low body and lower chakras that ‘something’ is happening, it has no context to process the information. Nothing is actually happening to you in the physical world. So the mind draws from our past. We are reminded of similar experiences we have gone through, and beliefs related to those experiences.

    The emotional and mental energies around our own experiences envelope the energies entering into our low body and low chakras. When we feel into our low body, we believe that this newly acquired energy must be our own energy (and experience) because it is encased within our own energies. In order to fully take it into ourselves, we append it to a story we have written about ourselves.

    ‘Because I was never seen as valuable’
    ‘Because I was never pretty enough’
    ‘Because I always piss people off in a certain way when I am who I am’

    In this way we take into our bodies energies that don’t belong to us, we wrap our own energies around them, and then we feel responsible to somehow heal or fix them.

    Here is a meditation to clear energies, especially from your low body and lower chakras, that you have taken on. As they leave, the issues that are truly yours to address and heal will be revealed.

  • Dear Friends,
    I am convinced that as part of our spiritual journey, our Soul offers us a certain amount of difficulty in life… but most of us create difficulty at a level that is far beyond what our Soul really wants our body to exp
    erience. Especially when we are in situations where old patterns arise, what is emerging from within us can feel less potent and powerful than what it truly is.

    Here is a healing song and short meditation to remind yourself and your body of the quality of energy that your Soul truly wants you to experience and interact with now in Life.

    As you watch this, keep in mind that a group of people moving in sync can impact the energy of a room and of a space. Not by inflicting this quality of energy upon others, but by making it more visible. A group of people moving in sync can demonstrate a means by which humanity can begin to make choices where we flow together.

    There is a wonderfully nourishing quality of energy that we forget when we are interacting with the mundane world and not taking time for ourselves. I believe this quality of energy may not only nourish our bodies, but may also provide a sort of connective energetic fabric between all beings.

    What if this thick, rich smooth energy actually reflected the shared unconscious of all those (not just humanity) in form? What if it were shared by all Beings of conscious and all things in form? How does your body want to remember that this energy is already within you?

    Watch the short video
    Tapping Into Your Wellspring of Life. or listen now to the Healing Song: Resolved to help you remember and tap into this rich energy within you.

    Please feel free to let me know what you notice happening as you watch or listen to the video or healing song. You can listen to the full audio meditation the song and video come from,
    Your Wellspring of Being.

    If you are in the Ann Arbor area, please join me for my
    Solstice Meditation Concert on Saturday, December 21. Candlelight, chanting, singing bowls, and lots of wonderful warm healing energies. Please let folks living in the area know about it!

    My blessings to each of you,

  • Enjoy an extended clearing that you can repeat on your own, followed by a nourishing healing that is both spoken and sung.

    During this meditation each person’s body is encouraged to tap into it’s own innate Wellspring of Life within each chakra, cell and atom.

    Best enjoyed with your eyes closed, resting deeply. Great to help induce a good night's sleep!

  • Bringing Wholeness to Your Body
    Meeting Adversity with Compassion

    from sound shaman Norma Gentile

    I am considering the need to meet violent adversity in our outer world not with more adversity, but rather with a sense of warm heartedness.

    Not the kind of warm heartedness that allows us to be stabbed by the violent adversity, but rather a warm heartedness that allows us to see beyond the violence, see beyond the adversity, and come to a point of compassion in understanding the pain that another might be feeling.

    I find this is really only possible when I feel whole and content within myself. The less balanced I feel, the more I am apt to meet someone else’s adversity and violent temper with a pushback energetically of my own.

    As we move into summer the longer time of daylight is reminding me of how outbound our culture tends to be. As long as there is light and sun, US culture has a sense of go-go-go-go-go throughout the day.

    And that to me is a big piece of why we are having so much violence in our society. I am speaking here as a US citizen. There is such a great amount of short temperedness because we simply have lost the ability to nourish ourselves in a way that helps us find our own center.

    Here is a meditation, with a healing song, to do just that.

  • Balance: A soothing meditation focusing on healing energies so your body can feel safe, whole and ground more easily. Archangel Michael and Thoth join me, sharing energies and insights, and of course there is a gentle spontaneous healing song that came through me as well. This meditation is offered freely. If you enjoy it, please consider supporting what I do by purchasing my music on iTunes or amazon, or enrolling in one of my online courses where I share more insights, music and meditations. All of this is at www.HealingChants.com

    And now, as we begin the meditation, find a quiet place where you can lie down or sit and meditate. Plan to be undisturbed for an hour, and give yourself another 10 minutes or so afterwards to gently return and integrate all the changes that have occurred.

  • This is one of several extended meditations within Norma's online course, Resetting Your Financial Guides, learning to hear and follow the guides working with you around finances, ease and life-issues.

    This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough)

    One of the most interesting sections looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what we allow ourselves to receive in life.

    You can watch other videos and enroll in the course at:

    Resetting Your Financial Guides
    an online course by Norma Gentile

  • 1 introduction: Communication and Resonance

    2 Invoking Sacred Space (Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael)

    3 Balance is Our Natural State of Being

    4 What is your Legally Incarnating Soul?

    5 MEDITATION: The Embrace of Soul, Body and Earth

    6 Money, Ease and Comfort - How what you own may be costing you your life-force

    7 How a Narcissist Blinds Your Own Intuition, Keeping You from Knowing Your Own Truth

    8 MEDITATIVE SONG: Creating Comfort
    What quality of ease, flow and comfort do your body and Soul want you to experience right now?

    9 Releasing and Clearing Upper Body

    10 Releasing Sacred Space (Archangel Michael and Nature)

    11 Conclusion

    Norma Gentile, sound shaman
    similar music available at HealingChants.com

  • January 1, 2018
    Norma Gentile, sound shaman

    1. Introduction

    2 Invoking Sacred Space

    3 The Process of Recognizing What We Are Ready to Release

    4 MEDITATIONS to Empower Yourself
    Releasing other people’s energies, including their guides/angels, especially from behind your navel chakra, and from your lower back. This can help tremendously to relieve chronic pain and kidney issues.

    5 SONG: Revealing Your Innate Grounding

    6 MEDITATION: Recognizing and Clearing Psychic Energies from Your Parents/Family/Spouse
    Projection isn’t just a psychological term. It is an accurate description of what happens when someone sends energy pictures, along with low-level guides to insist you believe their pictures, into your third eye, throat and low back space telling you to be who they ‘think’ you are.

    These energy pictures typically accumulate in the front side of the 5th (throat) and 6th (third eye or forehead) chakras. The low-level guides tend to create congestion in the back of the head, throat and lower back. Guides from people who are telling you what to do and how to live your life tend to push into the back side of your navel chakra, often causing sensations of heaviness or immobility, along with discomfort in the low back. This part of the meditation helps you recognize guides and energy pictures you have received from others and release both the guides and pictures, and begin to generate the quality of energies around your throat, head and low back that your soul and body desire to have now.

    When we are full of our own energies, it is very difficult for other energies to re-enter, and for other energies, that aren’t us, to find a home within us.

    7 SONG The Bearer of the Star

    8 Releasing Sacred Space

    Norma can be reached through her website

  • Break entrainment or enthrallment to the louder mundane world; especially as it relates to power, strength and authority. Here are a series of short meditations and songs to do just that.

    1 Introduction
    2 Sacred Space Invocation of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
    3 SONG: Om Namo Shivaya (Atmaram Chaitanya voice/harmonium)
    4 SONG: Invocation (Norma voice)
    5 The Quiet Within
    6 SONG: Mourning what has not come to pass (Norma voice and Tibetan bowl)
    7 A New Way of Grounding
    8 Clearing Our Newly Emerging Chakras in Heart and Solar Plexius from past beliefs, guides and intensities.
    9 SONG: Healing Breath (Norma, voice and Atmaram, tambura)
    10 Why and How to Release Beliefs and Behaviors (and old guides and angels)
    11 MEDITATION: Brain Chatter Release (clearing 6th and 7th chakras)
    12 SONG: Healing Home (Norma, voice and Tibetan bowl)
    13 SONG: For Inner Reflection (Norma, voice and Atmaram, harmonium)
    14 Release of Sacred Space
    15 Final Blessing

    Norma Gentile, sound shaman
    with musical guest Atmaran Chaitanya

  • (Includes 2 healing songs) What are you ready to see within yourself? What, that is now hidden, is ready to be revealed about our external world?

    1 Introduction

    2 Invoking Sacred Space: Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael

    3 Truth lies within Stillness
    What is it within each person, within this quiet place of stillness, that wants to be revealed now?

    4 SONG: Ubi Caritas
    Where there is charity, compassion and love, God abides.

    5 Distractions of the outer world

    6 Chatting with Cats (and listening to their stories)

    7 Psychic Energy: Is it Communication or Overwhelm?
    Narcissists know how to overwhelm our 6th chakra/3rd eye and create ‘alternate truths’ that are difficult to ignore.

    8 Psychic Energy Exchanges during Live Performances, Political Rallies, Movies and TV shows. (what is happening right now)

    9 Identifying Energy Pictures given to us as Babies

    10 Meditation: Releasing psychic pictures received as babies from parents. (your needs are wrong, you are not good enough…your hunger makes me angry)

    11 Insights and Meditation: New Ways of Grounding to avoid letting another’s psychic pictures overwhelm you.

    12 SONG: Blessing and Nourishing Your Body (solo voice)

    13 What does your soul want to share with you now? Receive an insight from your own soul or guide.

    14 Releasing Sacred Space
    15 For more information

  • Our lower chakras are underdeveloped and so not able to convey to us the psychic information that our body naturally receives. We have lost our ability to correctly interpret what our body is actually experiencing. In order to feel safe, we fall into habits that limit our expression out into our world. Fear, distrust, and not being able to make decisions are some ways that this manifests. This meditation offers you an opportunity to clear and reset your lower chakras, allowing your body to more easily connect into the nourishing energies and loving experiences that are possible in your life.

    This meditation is about letting go of our brain’s need to control, and learning to trust that what is around us supports us. Even when it feels uncomfortable to us, whatever engages with us in some way serves the journey of our body and soul. Our personality’s insistence that something is wrong (or right) and must (or must not) happen is what moves us into polarity.

    When we are functioning in this polarized state, it is very difficult to see options besides doing something, or doing its opposite.

    There is an intelligence deep within our lower body’s chakras that does not function in a polarized manner. I see it as a unique quality of psychic perception lying primarily in the navel, 2nd chakra, and enteric nervous system.

    When we are able to engage with it, information received by this psychic (or Spiritual) intelligence is able to move out of our lower body and reach our heart and mind. We oftentimes have clarity about deep seated issues when the information that has been received by our lower chakras is able to be transmitted to our heart and mind. For example, we can see options that were hidden from us when our only view was through the polarized lens of our overly busy brain. And because we perceive more options in a situation, we are able to address life issues in a very different manner.

    The song included here is AVE GENEROSA, composed in the 12th century by St. Hildegard of Bingen. It is from Norma's album of sacred chants UNFURLING LOVE"S CREATION

  • THE GIFT OF HEALING; How and Why we use Polarity in our Lives. As long as we have physical bodies here on Earth, we are creating within polarity. Our bodies are perfect examples of this polarity; organs that exist on both left and right sides, a brain with two hemispheres, and of course our upper and lower 8th chakras. We are designed to grow in our understanding of polarity while incarnate. Only by entering fully into polarity can we encounter our next step. When we resist this process, we may become disenchanted with our life, feeling sluggish and uninvolved; or we may spiral out of our bodies, feeling euphoric but disconnected from what surrounds us.

    This meditation will assist you in becoming aware of the issues that you may be avoiding, and provide you with a nurturing safe environment in which to consider them. Here your guides and angels are present. Notice insights and ideas that may occur to you. These will be how you address your life issues. This is a time for you to choose how you desire to move forward.

    This meditation includes two songs, improvised during healing events. For more of Norma's music see iTunes, Amazon.com or her website Recordings page.

  • 1 Invoking Sacred Space
    Co-creating a Nature Sphere around the room with the Nature Spirits, the Intelligence of Nature and the Pure Energy of Nature. All vibrating at their level of unconditional love. Then welcoming a magnified conscious connection to Archangel Michael.

    2 Clearing and Releasing energies from your body, chakras and larger aura.

    3 SONG: Recharing your body and energy field

    4 Releasing Sacred Space

    Excerpted from the Practitioner Training Workshop 2016.

    This meditation includes a channeled healing song. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon or Norma's website, www.HealingChants.com.

  • 1 Intro
    2 How to know when to leave a relationship
    be it a marriage, job or yoga class
    3 Straddling the Past and Future while in Present Time
    4 Meditation Quieting the Mind by connecting the brain to the body
    5 Sacred Space Invocation
    6 Our roles as co creators…Listen, then Speak
    7 Our soul’s desire resides in our High Heart Chakra
    8 Archangel Michael / Michaela – Angels are neutral in gender.
    9 Meditation to clear the 2 heart chakras and invite those guides and angels working with you now to be present.
    10 SONG: O eterne Deus (O eternal God)
    11 Completing the Healing
    12 Releasing Sacred Space

    website: HealingChants.com
    Music at iTunes and Amazon and CDBaby

    A meditation to connect you to all the aspects of who you are and bring you to that point of stillness where you can truly comprehend what your next step might be in a decision making process. The song you hear in the midst of the meditation, O eterne Deus (O eternal God) was composed by St. Hildegard of Bingen, and I sang it on my album Unfurling Love’s Creation, available on amazon, iTunes and my website.

  • Deepening Your Trust in Spirit and Revealing Your Natural Intuition.

    Relaxing and truly opening to spirit, whether it be Heavenly spirit or Earthly spirit, requires trust. This is not a quality that we have learned much about in our daily lives. Trust requires knowing ourselves first. Trust requires knowing who we are first. Trust requires knowing our bodies, the vibration of our bodies, and our emotions. When we trust in our own competence to know ourselves, it becomes easy to feel and to know that what surrounds us can either be in tune with us or not in tune with us.

    1 Introduction
    2. Invoking the Nature Sphere to feel how Nature supports you.
    An explanation of The Pure Energy of Nature.
    Connecting to the Energies within the Earth from which Your Body Came.

    3 Invoking the Angels: Welcoming Archangel Michael
    Updating your connection to your guides and angels
    Angels reflect Polarity and Unity simultaneously by containing both Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine vibrations.

    How do you allow yourself to be nourished by Spirit?
    Cultivate Trust in yourself and in Spirit
    Let Your Soul Lead You to the Next Step
    Finding Your YES!
    How does your soul direct your body and say yes, that’s it?
    5 Releasing what is no longer ours to do
    Releasing old to-do lists is vital to being able to follow our soul’s journey.
    6 Healing Tones
    7 MEDITATION: Releasing Old Guides Related to Old Life Tasks
    8 Balance, Stillness and Healing
    Balance and stillness go together. These qualities are what allow us to access our own innate knowing of Spirit.

    9 Releasing Sacred Space
    Releasing our conscious magnified connections to the Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael.

  • Inviting the energies of our shared human consciousness, along with the presence of Archangel Michael and Nature, we open a portal in this meditation for transmuting painful issues into learning experiences. The moment we recognize the gift of wisdom that an issue has brought us, we stand in a place of compassionate honoring of the people, beings and energies that helped us create the issue. This honoring, along with gratitude, allows us to truly release ourselves from continuing to recreate the same painful lessons over and over again in our life.

    I included an improvised song of mine, Transition, from my Hathor guide Atamira, who also provides a portion of spoken meditation after the song. For more information on my music, as well as what else I offer, please see the Sound Healings or Recordings pages of my website healingchants.com.

  • Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming Next.

    In responsibly releasing patterns out of our space, letting them move to wherever they need to go to now, we are also stating to all the energies interacting with us that we are ready for an update and upgrade. We are ready for something that nourishes us now—not something from ten or more years ago, but that which reflects our soul’s journey now.

    - Your Role in Stewarding Energetic Patterns Homeward
    - Your Awareness can affect Weather Patterns
    - Your Ability (and Responsibility) to Release what no longer Serves
    - Invocation of Sacred Space
    - Your Questions Heal Yourself and Your World
    - Your Brain and Healing (don’t always mix well)
    - Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming
    - The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth is Your Greatest Healer

    - Unlimiting How much Energy We Receive
    - What is Your Next Step? How will You Know It?
    - Some Results of this Meditation
    - Releasing from Sacred Space
    - Why Release Angels and Guides?

    From a telephone meditation offered on Oct 19, 2014 by Norma Gentile. For more information, including the written transcript, see www.healingchants.com

  • Find your new relationship with your body, your soul and the Earth

    1 Introduction
    2 Essay: Earthquakes, Emotional Intensity, EM Fields & Gaia
    3 Invoking the Nature Spirit Sphere
    4 Exploring the 2nd dimensional self
    5 Gaia is releasing ancient energies from deep within the core of the Earth to the Consciousness Grids surrounding the planet
    6 Step out of the way and allow the Creative process to take over
    7 Tuning into the lower dimensions of your soul
    8 Innocence - a Sound Healing from Spirit
    9 Releasing the magnified connection to your soul in the lower dimensions, as well as to the Nature Spirit Sphere
    10 Q & A: Stability and Shifting within the Earth
    11 For more Information