
  • Dr. Johanna Moya Fábregas visits the SnapCast. Dr. Fábregas is the Executive Director of Con Mi MADRE, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering Latina girls and their loved ones through education and emotional support. We talk about Texas State Bill-Seventeen, which is known informally as “the anti-DEI law,” shutting down diversity, equity and inclusion offices like university LGBTQ+ centers. Among the things we discuss:

    SB-17 is changing the nonprofit landscape, it's important to "SB-17 proof" your organization to continue doing the work Difficult decisions must be made when you lead a nonprofit and the important thing is looking at the big picture and moving towards the decision that will ensure sustainable growth Even during difficult times, the goal is to continue supporting all participants to the best of our ability How can an organization that's run for 20 years continue to run for the next two decades?

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Our friend Mary Hiland visits the SnapCast again to talk about Board Engagement and her research related to issues in board engagement. We unfold these issues and provide some suggestions on what it means to build connection, strengthen culture, and increase capacity. Among the things we touch on:

    Envisioning the futureKnowing reality and how to respondEngaging and inspiring others to actSelf reflection & self management

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

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  • In this episode, we chat with Lita Ugarte Pardi, who spearheads the strategy and implementation of PEAK Grantmaking’s initiatives aimed at promoting equitable practices and advancing the Principles for Peak Grantmaking. Lita also serves on the planning committee for Atlanta's Nonprofit Leadership Conference. Join us as we delve into the significance of the conference and its benefits for nonprofit executives and board members.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Mickey talks with Faigy Gilder about how all nonprofits should be applying for Google Ad Grants, and should have a distinct strategy for working with the program. Among the things we discuss:

    How the Google Ad Grant worksThe importance of understanding search intentWhat you can expect while the account ramps up Good use cases for your ads including volunteers, in-kind donations, email list building, and finding clients to fulfill grant requirements

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Today on the SnapCast, I’m thrilled to be joined by Pat Libby, a prominent expert on nonprofit advocacy and civic engagement. In our conversation, we dive deep into the vital role that nonprofits can play in encouraging voter registration and ensuring that supporters' registrations are up-to-date before the pivotal 2024 Presidential Elections. We discuss:

    Voter Registration Essentials: Pat breaks down the key steps nonprofits should take to help their supporters register to vote.Verification Matters: Learn why verifying voter registrations is crucial and how nonprofits can assist their communities in confirming their registration status.Tools and Resources: Discover useful tools and resources that can aid in the voter registration process, including online platforms and community outreach strategies.Engagement Strategies: Pat shares innovative ideas for engaging supporters in the registration process, from organizing voter registration drives to leveraging social media for outreach.

    Be sure to visit https://www.nonprofitvote.org/ for more information. Pat’s website also provides a variety of resources on the matter. Thank you for listening to the Nonprofit SnapCast! Be sure to subscribe and stay tuned for more episodes focused on empowering nonprofits to drive meaningful change. We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.

  • SnapCast listeners will know how much I don't want to hawk books on the show. I make a well-deserved exception here, speaking with Randall Hallet about his book, Vibrant Vulnerability. The book is originally geared towards Healthcare CEOs, but I believe every nonprofit executive should read Vibrant Vulnerability, especially if you're working in any health-care adjacent endeavor.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Ann Cramer is a member of the planning committee for Atlanta's Nonprofit Leadership Conference. We talk at length about the conference and its value to nonprofit executives and board members. It's for everyone. Come enjoy the community.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Sal Alaimo, friend of the SnapCast, is a Professor of Nonprofit Management with the School of Community Leadership and Development at Grand Valley State University. He visits with Mickey to talk about the myth that nonprofits are not allowed to lobby, and to make a case that ALL nonprofits should absolutely be lobbying to the limits of the law. Things we discuss:

    Fewer than 3% of all nonprofits engage in any lobbying.The vast majority of E.D.s erroneously think they are not allowed to do any lobbying.How to get nonprofits to engage.Reasons to get into lobbying now.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Ready, Aim, Reinvent: Career Change Strategies for Entering Nonprofit

    Kathy Bremer, Managing Director of Boardwalk Consulting, and Dave Paule, Principal of Our Fundraising Search, record the last of five episodes to talk about engineering a career change strategy. This episode, we reframe the listener to expecting the next gig to not be permanent, but, instead, a next great step. We discuss reasons why you might decline an offer, company culture, toxicity, authenticity, and more.

  • Ready, Aim, Reinvent: Career Change Strategies for Entering Nonprofit

    Kathy Bremer, Managing Director of Boardwalk Consulting, and Dave Paule, Principal of Our Fundraising Search, record the fourth of five episodes to talk about engineering a career change strategy. This episode, we’ll guide the listener how to stand out and win! We discuss bullseye conditions, how to interview, questions you’re always going to be asked, and how not to come in second.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Ready, Aim, Reinvent: Career Change Strategies for Entering Nonprofit

    Kathy Bremer, Managing Director of Boardwalk Consulting, and Dave Paule, Principal of Our Fundraising Search, record the third of five episodes to talk about engineering a career change strategy. This episode, we go over the steps to making the change. We’ll discuss goal setting, planning, one’s personal brand, building one’s network, and resume creation.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Dave Matthews is a Board Member and Partner of Sterling Seacrest Pritchard; AND also a Founder of Atlanta's Nonprofit Leadership Conference. We talk at length about the conference and its value to nonprofit executives and board members. There is always something to learn.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • The last of three episodes with Lisa Greer. This time we discuss key strategies of finding, engaging, and retaining new donors to sustain your nonprofit's mission. We explore innovative approaches to identify potential donors, effectively communicate your organization's impact, and cultivate long-term relationships.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Ready, Aim, Reinvent: Career Change Strategies for Entering Nonprofit

    Kathy Bremer, Managing Director of Boardwalk Consulting, and Dave Paule, Principal of Our Fundraising Search, record the second of five episodes to talk about engineering a career change strategy. This episode, we’ll get the listener grounded on the steps to prepare for their search: where to start, how to gain personal insight and self-awareness, purpose, and opportunity.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • The second of three episodes this time with Lisa Greer, this time we examine insights into the experiences and motivations of donors, shedding light on their decision-making processes. Discover strategies for nonprofits to engage with these supporters effectively, fostering stronger relationships and trust within the philanthropic community.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Ready, Aim, Reinvent: Career Change Strategies for Entering Nonprofit

    Kathy Bremer, Managing Director of Boardwalk Consulting, and Dave Paule, Principal of Our Fundraising Search, record the first of five episodes to talk about engineering a career change strategy. This episode, our goal is to get the listener to start thinking about their career in terms of joy and accomplishments, rather than profession, title and salary. We'll discuss reinvention, why someone might want to switch to the nonprofit sector, the mental shifts candidates may need to make, and barriers to success.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Lisa Greer returns to the SnapCast to explore the power of recurring gifts and donor advisement funds in sustaining nonprofit organizations. Lisa's new book, The Essential Fundraiser's Handbook, is now available everywhere you can buy books. We discuss strategies to encourage donors to establish recurring giving patterns and leverage donor advisement funds effectively for long-term impact.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Gayatri Mathur is the Founder and CEO of Soondra Foundation, helping Indians with access to healthcare and health literacy. We talk about making data useful to all nonprofits, not just the large organizations. We discuss:

    Who controls the data narrative.Logistical considerations for collecting data in the field.Establishing the framework for field data justice.Data is power. So how do we make data matter for grassroots entities?

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

  • Hello and welcome to the Nonprofit SnapCast. I'm your host, Mickey Desai. No guest today. Just a quick housekeeping episode. I've got a few briefs to share with you and one safety issue to discuss with you before this episode is over. The whole thing should take less than 10 minutes. First, as I'm always looking for cool guests to have on the show, this time I have a few special requests in addition to the excellent folks I always get to interview.

    I'm looking for people who can share success stories about their nonprofits, people who have management tips to share that have turned into some sort of programmatic or nonprofit excellence. I want to hear your success stories.The second thing is I'm looking for board members or managers who have had to shut down their nonprofits or shut down their programs. If you know of anyone who's had to make these decisions or had to supervise these decisions from a board perspective or from a management perspective, I would value their input on the SnapCast and would even be open to interviewing them anonymously.And the third thing is you're about to get a series of interviews between myself, Dave Paule of Our Fundraising Search, and Kathy Bremer of Boardwalk Consulting. We've done a series about job hunting, specifically job hunting within the nonprofit sector, and we want to do some mock interviews with listeners. So if you know somebody who's looking to make a change for their career within the nonprofit sector, or even someone who's maybe outside of the nonprofit world and wants to become part of the nonprofit world, we would like a handful of folks to do mock interviews with on the show. So please contact me through the website--that's nonprofitsnapcast.org--if you know anybody who'd be interested in playing in that regard.

    A couple of quick announcements:

    You may remember a few episodes ago, Dave Paule did an episode with us about Our Fundraising Search’s Salary and Satisfaction survey that is still going on. They're still collecting data, and I wanted to remind you to go to ourfundraisingsearch.com. In the middle of the page, you'll find a link to their survey. Please get your colleagues to put in their information. More data means a more thorough report, and we will be discussing those results later this year. So please visit ourfundraisingsearch.com, and do take a minute to participate in the Salary and Satisfaction survey amongst nonprofit sector folks.

    On October 9th of this year, I'm going to a conference here in Atlanta called the Nonprofit Leadership Conference. It is hosted by Sterling Seacrest Pritchard, Truist, and Boardwalk Consulting. Again, it's the 12th annual Nonprofit Leadership Conference. This theme for this one is Turbulence in the Talent Pool. Keynote presentations will provide thought provoking experience that help build new visions for advancing a diverse multi-generational work environment. And nonprofit executives are definitely invited to attend. I will be recording there, may even do a little bit of live streaming. But that's October 9th. You can find information about this at nonprofit conf.com. You'll find information there about the 2024 event and it'll take place at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Very cool room, very cool grounds. If you have never been, it's very nice place to check out. Come say hi to me if you happen to be there.

    Real quick, I wanted to discuss something that I think is pretty important as this country moves through times of political turbulence, even though there may be reasons on the horizon to be very excited in a positive way about the country's political future, the divisiveness, the rhetoric that I continue to see amongst peers and my own friends disturbs me. And so I wanted to take a quick minute to discuss what your nonprofit should be aware of if an active shooter event occurs.

    I know this is controversial. I know the subject matter is very dark, I apologize. I have done gun safety trainings. I have helped volunteer organizations train other volunteer organizations on gun safety issues. And the training is very simple. You basically have to remember three words: run, hide, fight. Of course, we're going to break that down.

    Run. Run means if you have an active shooter situation happening in your area, get to a point of safety. What this means, of course, is having some awareness of where your points of egress are throughout your facility, and that could be a door, that could be a window. The closest way to get out may not even be the front door. So sit down with your plan and your staff, take a look at what's where and figure out how to get out if you need to get out.

    If you can't get out, if things are too hot and you're not sure if you can get out safely, the general best practice is to Hide. So when you hide, lock your doors, prop them closed. If you can, silence your cell phones. In this case, I will tell you to turn them off, don't just make them silent, turn them off. Because a buzzing cell phone can still sometimes be heard through walls and doors, and you don't want a loved one to call you in the middle of an active shooter situation just to make sure you're okay and they betray your location to someone who's up to no good. So lock your doors, turn off the lights, silence or turn off your cell phones as well.

    Lastly, if necessary, and if the situation just really goes sideways, Fight, the word of advice from law enforcement is do not play dead. Playing dead can backfire for all sorts of horrible reasons. So fight, do not play dead. This is my spin on the whole fight piece, and I think the exercise that I'm about to suggest makes for good leadership development amongst nonprofit teams overall. And that is to take your entire team to go get some self-defense training together. Again, great leadership development, great team development. You don't have to earn the entire black belt, but you should have some awareness of how to handle yourself in situations. And a good self-defense training course will also teach you situational awareness, which is something that I think we could all use a little more of just in general, not just in your office, but on the streets, and as you ride public transportation. Situational awareness is something I think a lot of us take for granted.

    So I know it's dark material, but I hope this information is useful to you.

    As the Nonprofit SnapCast continues to move on, you can support my efforts with Patreon. Go to Patreon and search for Nonprofit SnapCast. Every little bit helps. And I'm also continuing to search for sponsors. The SnapCast is almost seven years old. Listenership is actually quite significant, and I've articulated a small sponsor proposition on the website. Go to nonprofitsnapcast.org. You'll see a link in navigation there on Becoming a Sponsor. Any help is appreciated. My plan is to take those funds and turn them immediately into marketing activities for the Nonprofit SnapCast. We've come this far, doing this for seven years, using only word of mouth, and it's really quite amazing what we've accomplished in that much time and how many people think the SnapCast is useful. I am humbled by the reception we've gotten, but I would very much like a professional to see what they can do with the SnapCast in terms of getting us to more people in the nonprofit sector overall.

    So again, thank you for taking the time to listen. Thank you for being part of the SnapCast family.

    Just a quick recap: I'm looking for guests, people who can share success stories, board members or managers who've had to shut down a nonprofit and people who can do mock interviews with us. And if you can help with the sponsorship effort, I would greatly, greatly appreciate that.

    In the meantime, I hope you're all having a lot of success in achieving your mission goals, doing the things that you do to make the world a better place. And stay safe out there, you guys. I'll see you with another episode in roughly a few days. Thank you.

  • Ricky, a co-founder at Mission Met, combines his expertise in software development and strategies to serve and support mission-driven leaders throughout the U.S., Kenya, and Australia. We discuss how nonprofit organizations can effectively transition from strategic planning to execution, focusing on engaging team members, communicating strategies to various stakeholders, and using technology to track and enhance the execution process. Among the things we cover:

    Ownership and Engagement: Discuss strategies for encouraging team members to take ownership of goals, including the use of motivational techniques and tools that promote engagement and accountability.Effective Communication: Explore methods for communicating strategic plans to both external stakeholders (like funders and community members) and internal stakeholders (including the nonprofit board, staff, and volunteers). This includes how to tailor messages to different audiences to ensure clarity and impact.Utilizing Technology: Highlight the role of technology, specifically strategic planning software like Causey, in streamlining the execution process. Focus on features that support tracking progress, measuring success, and facilitating communication.Flexibility and Adaptation: Talk about the importance of flexibility in the execution of strategic plans, how to incorporate feedback, and adjust strategies in response to changing conditions.

    We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.